Innovation Sample
Innovation Sample
Innovation Sample
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Antique
Face to face engagement of learners and teachers within the school has been
suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic has paved the way to the
implementation of Modular Distance Learning as an urgent response to ensure continuity of
education. While on the process of adapting to the new normal form of education at present,
continuous innovations of educators and active involvement of other stakeholders are the
driving force of its success.
Modular learning is the most popular type of Distance Learning. In the Philippines,
this learning modality is currently used by all public schools because according to the survey
conducted by the Department of Education, learning through printed and digital modules
emerged as the most preferred distance learning method of parents with children who are
enrolled this academic year (Bernardo, J). This is also another option for learners in the rural
areas where internet and gadgets are not accessible for online learning.
The teacher takes the responsibility of monitoring the progress of the learners. The
learners may ask assistance from the teacher through text messages or messenger. If not
possible home visits will do to assist learners needing remediation or assessment.
With the current set up, the delivery of modular instruction had been a problem to
the 42 learners in Pandan Central School who do not have instructional support at home.
These were evident in the modules they submitted after two weeks these had been
distributed to them. Some submitted with activities unanswered and other had a very low
Pandan Central School in partnership with the Office of the Vice President Leni
Robredo have this innovation entitled “Pagkabalaka: Gugma sa Pandan Central School nga
Eskwela” This innovation will cater 42 struggling learners who were recommended as
recipients to the Community Learning Hub, a project of the Office of the Vice President Leni
Robredo. Being recipients, they were gathered in the Leocadio A. Dioso Memorial Public
Library for the instructional support to be given by the identified volunteers of the project.
With the guidance of volunteers we believe these identified learners could answer exercises
on their modules and could get higher scores. On the other hand, teachers of this identified
learners will also take part in meeting this learners and guide them in working with their
This innovation could be of big help for the realization of the DepEd’s mission
which is to provide quality basic education to the learners.
Innovation Description
The school’s banner project “Pagkabalaka: Gugma sa Pandan Central School nga
Eskwela” is giving instructional support to the 42 identified struggling leaners from Grades I
to VI of Pandan Central School in partnership with the Community Learning Hub of the
Office of the Vice-President Leni Robredo. The community learning hub is for the learners
who need help and whose parents are either at work or do not have the capacity to tutor
them at home, or struggling learners who need extra help or who cannot work independently
which are identified by the advisers and through the submitted modules being checked and
assessed by the advisers.
The Municipal SK Federation Chairperson being the operations head of the project
identified volunteers from the feeder barangays of Pandan Central School. These 14
volunteers undergo online training given by the staff of the Office of the Vice President. They
have to assist the struggling learners on answering activities provided in the modules.
Teachers of this identified learners on the other hand will visit learners at home at least twice
a week to give assistance in working with their modules until such time that they could work
independently in modular instruction.
Innovation Statement
Implementation Procedure
The grade advisers will coordinate with the school head the progress of
recipients learners as to their performance in modular instruction.
C. Timeline
E. Progress Monitoring
The School Focal Person of the OVP project will coordinate with the
operation head as to the attendance and participation of the identified struggling
learners. If problem arises she will call the attention of the parents through call or
text messages. Modules of the recipients on the other will be monitored by their
respective advisers as to their progress.
The following are the expected output / outcomes from the identified recipients.
Sustainability Plan
1. Do home visitation for those recipients who regularly missed the attendance in
the community learning hub.
2. Assign and arrange teachers’ schedule to monitor recipients in the community
learning hub.
3. Close coordination with the operation head as to the implementation of the
4. Recommend other schools to be recipients of the OVP project.
Prepared by:
Bernardo, J. (2020, July 30). Modular Learning most preferred parents: DepEd. ABS-CBN
News. https;//
Llego, MA. (n.d). DepEd Learning Delivery Modalities for School Year 2020-2021.
Conduct of Orientation to Parents
Conduct of Dry Run
Launching of the Project
Implementation of the Project
Implementation of the Project
The Covid 19 is not just a health crisis but also a learning crisis. This
pandemic exposed high risks for disadvantaged children already lagging behind on
learning and those who are in their early stage like the Kindergarten and Grade One
learners. These learners need most of the instructional support of the teachers for they
are on their foundation stage of learning. Indeed, this pandemic has brought plenty of
challenges but then the best interest of every child is still the priority of the school. It
remains committed to uphold every child’s right to education amid pandemic.
Pandan Central School is geared towards upholding the best interests of our
learners especially developing literacy skills. For school year 2020-2021 where face to
face classes is not allowed primary grade learners were affected most because they are
in their formative years of learning. Preparatory learning skills were not fully developed
because the learning facilitators at home were not capacitated and equipped with
necessary skills to teach their children. Since these primary grade learners have not
undergone face to face classes for two consecutive school year many of them do not
have necessary skills in beginning reading which resulted to the presence of non-
readers and could hardly read learners. It is in this reason that this project is initiated to
address the needs of these learners to cope up the necessary literacy skills appropriate
to their level specifically in reading. We knew that reading is essential and it serves as a
basic building block for learning regardless of the school subject, be it language arts or
even Math.
In order to lessen if not totally eradicate the non readers and could hardly read
learners in Primary Grades of Pandan Central School, the project “I CARE will make use
of balanced reading approach which include the OGSL, Marungko and DOLCH to be
conducted in different learning spaces in different barangays where the identified
recipients came from. Teachers will be capacitated to use different reading strategies
through online and face to face trainings. Different reading materials will be reproduced
and make use of supplementary reading materials available.
Parents, being the learning facilitators at home will be provided with instructional
materials like charts with CVC patterns, words and phrases.
This innovation could be of big help for the learners in order for them to be
Innovation Description
The recipients of this project are identified Grades One to Three learners who
are in the full refresher category based on the result of the Comprehensive Reading
Literacy Assessment (CRLA)
The Grades One, Two and Three teachers of Pandan Central School will
facilitate the teaching of beginning reading to the identified recipients using different
effective strategies and instructional materials reproduced by school. This will be done
during the conduct of home visitation or we can use community learning spaces in
different barangays. The instruction can be supplemented with supplementary reading
materials provided or donated by different stakeholders.
The parents will be our partners in making learning to happen at home by giving
them orientation on how they can help their children at home.
Innovation Statement
3. To decrease by 75% the total 134 full refresher of Grades One, Two and Three
in Pandan Central School.
4. To facilitate the teaching of beginning reading at different learning spaces in the
different barangays.
Implementation Procedure
The grade advisers will coordinate with the school head the progress of
recipients learners as to their performance in modular instruction.
H. Timeline
I. Resource Utilization
J. Progress Monitoring
The School Focal Person of the OVP project will coordinate with the
operation head as to the attendance and participation of the identified struggling
learners. If problem arises she will call the attention of the parents through call or
text messages. Modules of the recipients on the other will be monitored by their
respective advisers as to their progress.
The following are the expected output / outcomes from the identified recipients.
Sustainability Plan
5. Do home visitation for those recipients who regularly missed the attendance in
the community learning hub.
6. Assign and arrange teachers’ schedule to monitor recipients in the community
learning hub.
7. Close coordination with the operation head as to the implementation of the
8. Recommend other schools to be recipients of the OVP project.
Prepared by:
Bernardo, J. (2020, July 30). Modular Learning most preferred parents: DepEd. ABS-CBN
News. https;//
Llego, MA. (n.d). DepEd Learning Delivery Modalities for School Year 2020-2021.