Grammar & Punctuation

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What Are
Quotation Marks?
Quotation marks are used to show when a character in a sentence
is making a statement, or when a narrator is quoting someone directly.
EXAMPLE: She stared at me and asked, “Have we met? You look familiar.”

Quotation marks are not used when a sentence uses an indirect quote.
EXAMPLE: The waiter said they were out of tomato soup.

Part I. Insert the missing quotation marks into these sentences. Some of these sentences
may not need quotation marks. Don’t forget to add commas where necessary!

1. This card is to say thank you for all your hard work.

2. Stop! cried Julia as the bus pulled away from the station.

3. I thought I might need glasses, but the optometrist said my eyesight was fine.

4. As soon as the ball flew under the bat, the umpire shouted Strike three! You’re out.

5. Can I help you find something? asked the salesperson.

6. Say hello to my new puppy, Fido.

7. Are you ready to go? my mom asked.

8. Dad told me that we are going to get bunk beds when the new baby comes.

Part II. Choose one sentence from Part 1 that did not use quotation marks.
Rewrite the sentence so that it needs quotation marks.

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Writing Dialogue in The Secret Garden

Punctuation counts when you’re writing dialogue. It helps you understand who is
speaking and what they are saying. In The Secret Garden, by Frances Hodgson
Burnett, the author uses dialogue to show how the characters relate to each other. Try
your hand at adding quotation marks to the conversations below. In the first passage,
Mary, an orphan, and Martha, a young servant girl, are just getting to know each other.
In the second, Mary and her cousin Colin meet for the first time.

Passage 1
I don’t want it, she said.
You don’t want your porridge! Martha exclaimed incredulously.
You don’t know how good it is. Put a bit of treacle on it or a bit of sugar.
I don’t want it, repeated Mary.
Eh! said Martha. I can’t abide to see good food go to waste. If our
children were at this table they’d clean it bare in five minutes.
Why? said Mary coldly.
Why! echoed Martha. Because they’ve hardly ever had their stomachs full in their
lives. They’re as hungry as young hawks and foxes.
I don’t know what it is to be hungry, said Mary with the indifference of ignorance.
Martha looked indignant.
Well it would do you good to try it. I can see that plain enough, she said

Passage 2
How old are you? he asked.
I am ten, answered Mary, forgetting herself for the moment, and so are you.
How do you know that? he demanded in a surprised voice.
Because when you were born the garden door was locked and the key was
buried. And it has been locked for ten years.

*Some language has been changed from the original text for clarity.

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Using Punctuation in Dialogue

Sylvia has written dialogue that is missing punctuation.
Help her out by adding in the missing punctuation.

REMEMBER: Quotation marks only go around the talking part

(the words that are coming out of a person’s mouth).
Use a comma to separate the talking part from the non-talking part.

1. The mother said It's time to go play

2. What room can I play in asked the child

3. You can go in the living room or in the backyard replied the mother

4. Ill go outside said the excited child

5. Thank you! That will keep the house nice and clean for now called
out the mother as the child ran to the backyard

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Use the following rules when using quotation marks. Use these rules
to properly place quotation marks in the sentences below.


1. Use quotation marks when you are quoting what someone else said or wrote. Use a comma
before the quotation mark. At the end of the quoted sentence, keep the punctuation mark inside
the end quotation mark.The first letter of the quoted text must be capitalized.
EXAMPLE: My mom said, “Have a wonderful day!”

2. Use quotation marks for titles such as poems, songs, and news articles.
EXAMPLE: My favorite song is “Over the Rainbow.”

3. Use a single quotation mark for quotes within quotes.

EXAMPLE: “The weatherman on the news just said, ‘Look out, folks, there’s a 75%
chance of rain on Saturday.’ Maybe we can go to the beach another day.”

1 . Don’t run acro ss the stre e t! m y m o m w a r n e d u s .

2 . De b b ie aske d D o y o u w ant to g o t o t h e m o v i e s t o m o r r o w ?
3. The doct or sai d T ak e thi s m e d i ci n e t w i ce a d a y .
4 . Th is mont h w e w i l l re ad O f Mi c e a n d M e n m y t e a ch e r a n n o u n ce d .
5 . H ave you he ard he r n e w so ng Ru n A w a y o n t h e r a d i o ? R y a n a s k e d .
6 . I t old my si ste r G rand m a to l d u s n o t t o d o t h a t w h e n s h e ' s n o t h e r e .
He r e xact wo rd s w e re D o n' t g o i n t o t h a t r o o m !
7 . On Hallowe e n , the c hi l d re n at ou r d o o r s cr e a m e d Tr i ck o r Tr e a t !
8. W h e n we f e l t the b ui l d i ng shak e , s o m e o n e y e l l e d E a r t h q u a k e ! D u ck a n d c ov er !
9 . During t h e e x am , the p ro c to r i n s t r u ct e d P l e a s e p l a ce a l l b e l o n g i n g s u n d er y ou r c h air .
1 0 . Ple ase f as te n y o ur se at b e l t th e fli g h t a t t e n d a n t p o l i t e l y a s k e d .
1 1 . The wait e r ask e d Can I g e t y o u s o m e t h i n g t o d r i n k ?
1 2 . Re ad t h e p o e m o n p ag e 7 2 e n ti t l e d Fu r y f o r M o n d a y ’ s d i s cu s s i o n ,
the prof e sso r sai d to the c l ass.
1 3. M om t old m e to te l l y o u Mak e y o u r b e d a n d cl e a n y o u r r o o m m y s i s t e r s aid to me.
1 4 . M y boss sa i d Be the re at 1 2 p m s h a r p .

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