Semester End Supplementary Examinations (Ar19), Feb - 2023

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U.G. Mechanical Engineering Degree Bachelor of Technology

Academic Year 2022-2023 Sem. 5th
Course Title
Course Code 19ME503
Metal Cutting and Machine Tools
Duration 3 Hours Maximum Marks 60 (SIXTY)
Remember % 26 Understand % 63 Apply % 11 Analyze % …

6 x 2 = 12 Marks
No. Questions (a to f) RBT Level COs
a State the factors affecting the tool life Remember 1
b Differentiate lapping and honing. Remember 5
c How the size of a drilling machine is specified? Remember 3
d State the working principle of lathe. Remember 2
Mention the advantages of helical teeth over straight teeth of a plain milling
e Remember 4
f List the classifications of grinding wheel. Remember 6

4 x 12 = 48 Marks

No. Questions (2 to 9) RBT Level COs Marks

What are various types of chips? Explain the favourable
(a) Understand 1 6M
2 conditions in formation of different kind of chips.
(b) What is tool wear? Explain tool wear mechanisms in detail. Understand 1 6M
A mild steel tubing of 50 mm outside diameter is turned with cutting
speed of 20 m/min with a tool having rake angle of 350. The tool is given a
3 feed of 0.10 mm/rev, the cutting force 250 kg and feed force 100 kg. Apply 1 12M
length of continuous chip in one revolution is 80mm. calculate the
coefficient of friction, shear plane angle and chip thickness.
Give the classification of lathe. Also give the constructional details
4 (a) Understand 2 6M
of a lathe machine.
What is a mandrel? What is the purpose of it? Explain different
(b) Understand 3 6M
types of mandrels.
(a) List and explain various drilling machine operations. Understand 2 6M
5 Sketch and explain the constructional details of radial drilling
(b) Understand 2 6M
(a) Make a comparison of a shaper with a planer. Understand 4 6M
6 Give the constructional details of a slotting machine with a neat
(b) Understand 4 6M
Give the classification of milling cutters and name different types of
(a) Understand 4 6M
7 milling cutters.
(b) Explain clamping devices with an example. Understand 6 6M
(a) Classify different types of grinding machines Understand 5 6M
With a neat sketch explain the working of centre type cylindrical
8 (b) Understand 5 6M
grinding machine.
(a) Explain about the specification of a grinding wheel. Understand 6 6M
9 What is Lapping? What is the principle of it? Explain. Also give its
(b) Understand 5 6M


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