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Minimally invasive XRF-CPT for in situ mineralogical and geotechnical
investigations of tailings
E. Martac, C. Laskov, B.T. Karykowski, U. Alisch, M. Wibbeling & S. Cable
Fugro Germany Land GmbH, Berlin, Germany

ABSTRACT: Throughout the world, tailings have accumulated as processing residues from the mining indus-
try that still contain significant amounts of base, rare earth and precious metals. Rising demands from high-
tech industries bring tailings into the focus as a source of raw materials. Fugro has developed a new tool for
fast, minimally-invasive and in situ screening of tailings. A standard cone penetration test (CPT) combined
with a built-in, highly sensitive X-ray fluorescence (XRF) detector measures element-specific X-ray fluores-
cence radiation in the screened soils. The system simultaneously detects metal content and distribution, and
geotechnical parameters, such as lithology and density, within tailings bodies — in real-time and with high
resolution. In this contribution, we present insights from copper tailings exploration in Chile comprising field
investigations and 3D modelling of the element distribution for the studied tailings bodies. The XRF-CPT can
investigate tailings to a depth of several tens of meters, making it a faster and more cost-effective tool to as-
sess and quantity metals contents compared to conventional approaches based on drilling, sampling and as-
saying. Our studies demonstrate the relevance and capability of XRF-CPT investigations as a promising tool
for commercial environmental assessments and feasibility studies for the re-mining of tailings.

1 INTRODUCTION charge from historic tailings pose a considerable

source of pollution (Oyarzún et al., 2012).
Mine tailings, the accumulation of processing resi- Assessing the feasibility for future exploitation of
dues from the mining industry, are widely distribut- tailings requires a thorough understanding of the
ed across the world. In China, about 10 billion tons mineral composition, the spatial distribution and the
(bt) of tailings existed in 2009, and 1 bt of tailings quantity of metals in tailings. Typically, complex
material being added each year (Xiong et al., 2009). conditions are closely linked to the tailings´ history,
Tailings in regions with a long mining history can controlled by factors, such the variability in the
contain considerable amounts of metals and unex- chemical composition of the extracted ore, changes
tracted by-products. Especially in older (and deeper) in the processing technology, or physical factors,
tailings, metal contents tend to increase due to the such as gravitational separation during tailings dis-
lower metal recovery in the past (e.g. Pan et al. charge (Pan et al. 2014). Traditional approaches for
2014). geochemical surveys on tailings combine drilling,
On the one hand, recent interest in historic mine sampling and laboratory coupled with 3-D model-
waste is linked to the increasing demands in rare ling.
metals for the high-tech industry and the associated The Chinese Geological Survey evaluated 26
rise in metal prices. It makes tailings a potentially large tailings dams based on 291 drill holes, ar-
valuable source for re-mining (Ussath et al. 2017). ranged in 50- to 100-m-spaced transects and com-
The Pan-European Reserves & Resources Reporting bined with the analyses of almost 10,000 samples
Committee (PERC) Standard now also considers with 1 m depth resolution (Pan et al., 2014). The de-
mineralized tailings for reporting mineral resources velopment of faster and more cost-effective tools to
and reserves (PERC, 2017). On the other hand, re- investigate tailings for secondary mining remains
investigation of tailings is necessary for the assess- challenging. Recently, X-ray fluorescence (XRF)-
ment of environmental and eco-toxicological risks based measurements successfully identified zones of
(Oyarzún et al., 2012; Ussath et al., 2017). metal enrichment in tailings by XRF-scanning of
A study from Chile, where Cu, Ag, Au have been drill cores (Kuhn et al. 2016) or hand-held XRF
mined since the 1830s, shows that erosion and dis- measurements on tailings surfaces combined with
traditional chemical assaying (Bodénan et al., 2015;
Ussath et al., 2017). These applications, however,
still require costly drilling and sampling procedures.
The lack of efficient in-situ screening tools
providing quick and reliable data of both the geo-
chemical and geotechnical parameters on tailings led
to the development of an advanced direct sensing
probe using state-of-the-art technology for in-situ
geotechnical site investigation, known as cone pene-
tration testing (CPT). CPT determines the lithology,
physical and mechanical properties of the soil and
the hydrogeological regime of the subsurface
(Lunne, Robertson & Powell, 1992). Fugro, a
worldwide specialist in CPT tests, has developed an
innovative system, which combines a CPT cone with
an X-Ray Fluorescence Tool (XRF-CPT) (e.g. see
Schwank et al., 2016; Martac et al., 2018).
The current standard Fugro XRF-CPT cone de-
tects metals, such as Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Mo,
Hg and Pb with element-specific lower detection
limits ranging from 100 to 1000 ppm. The detection
limit and the resolution depend on the measurement
time, the soil matrix and the occurrence of interfer-
ences with other elements. The appropriate analyti-
cal protocol can be refined depending on target ele- Figure 1. Schematic illustration of the application of the Fugro
ments and the project-specific tasks and XRF-CPT multiparameter probe.
2.2 Field deployment
2 METHODS The study combined a geotechnical and geochemical
site investigation across a tailing body at 38 different
2.1 The XRF-CPT Probe
locations to assess the amount and distribution of
Like standard CPT, the XRF-CPT cone is statically target elements for potential secondary mining. In
pushed into the ground at a rate of about 2 cm/s de- this case, continuous XRF-measurements were inte-
ployed by a 20-ton-CPT crawler. CPT measurements grated at 0.3 m depth intervals.
digitally record the cone resistance, sleeve friction, The screening data on target parameters related to
and pore pressure every second. Automated soil lithology and geotechnics, with respect to heavy
classification is carried out according to the simpli- metal concentration were visualized in vertical pro-
fied chart method after Robertson et al. (1986). files using Fugro´s GeODin software (Fig. 2). Sub-
Moreover, the heavy metal concentrations are simul- sequently, 2-D cross sections of elemental concen-
taneously detected by the XRF system, which is en- trations were generated and used to simulate the 3-D
closed in a sub behind the standard CPT cone. Metal metal distribution (Fig. 3) based on several cut-offs.
detection is based on the emission of characteristic
“secondary” (or fluorescent) X-rays from a material
that has been excited by high-energy X-rays. The 3 RESULTS
built-in X-ray tube generates a bundled X-ray beam,
directed into the host lithology through a window in The in-situ XRF-CPT investigations of the tailings
the cone housing. The system can measure in the un- body revealed distinct vertical variations in metal
saturated as well as saturated zone (Fig. 1). concentration at all tested sites (Fig. 2). While the
In this study, the XRF system was equipped with metal concentrations in the upper portion of the tail-
a W-anode 40 kV X-ray tube and silicon drift detec- ings body remained generally low, all profiles dis-
tor. The device was calibrated with characterized played an increase in metal contents towards the bot-
tailing material typical for the region before and af- tom, particularly below 20 m depth (Fig. 2 and 3).
ter the in-situ data acquisition. The heavy metals Below 10 m depth, enrichment layers of Cu, Zn
were identified and quantified based on comparing and Pb concentrations as illustrated in Fig. 2 at ~12
measured energy spectra with reference spectra us- m and 22-23 m below ground level were observed in
ing specialized software. Data validation was based several profiles. The qualitative screening of meas-
on the comparison between metal concentrations de- ured XRF spectra data showed that no significant
termined by the XRF-CPT system and traditional lab concentrations of other precious metals were pre-
analyses of site-specific samples (n = 19). sent.
Figure 2. XRF-CPT log of geotechnical & geochemical parameters.

on soil types and the stability of the tailing material.

Field-proven grid optimization capabilities allowed
for the fast 3-D field delineation of metal-enriched
With a daily productivity of 80 to 100 m, depend-
ing on site conditions, the XRF-CPT tool proved to
be a rapid screening instrument for the spatial distri-
bution of target metals and lithology with depth.
The 0.3 m vertical resolution chosen for the XRF
screening in this tailing investigation was proven to
be sufficient to identify metal-enriched horizons
within a reasonable time and cost frame. By optimiz-
ing the penetration rate and the measurement time,
the vertical resolution could be further optimized. At
Figure 3. Modelled 3-D copper distribution, darker green sites where the tailings are covered by shallow water
shows higher concentration. (like ponds), the probe can be advanced from small
jack-up platforms or pontoons.
The innovative XRF-CPT screening has a low
4 DISCUSSION environmental impact and is a flexible and versatile
method to deliver a continuous log of elemental
Tailings are often characterized by a fine-grained concentration and lithology with depth. The 3-D
and soft texture (Fig. 2), which can be easily pene- modelled copper distribution shown in Fig. 3 high-
trated by Fugro’s CPT technique. The XRF-CPT lights an economically interesting copper layer at the
probe allows for a fast screening of element concen- base of the tailings body and allowing to assess the
trations in tailing bodies, at high resolution and in potential mass vs. volume relationship necessary to
real time. The CPT delivers additional in-situ data guide decision-makers in the re-mining process. It
demonstrates a clear advantage compared to conven- bution to the study design and former supervision of
tional approaches for tailings characterization in- the research group.
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2016, Ussath et al., 2017) that require rigid prede-
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6 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS PERC. 2017. Pan-European Standard for Reporting of Explora-
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for granting access to the test site. In addition, we June 2017: 979-986. Lappeenranta: IMWA.
gratefully thank Dr Axel Oppermann for his contri-

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