Soul, L. C. & D. F. Wright. 2021. Phylogenetic Comparative Methods, A User's Guide For Paleontologists
Soul, L. C. & D. F. Wright. 2021. Phylogenetic Comparative Methods, A User's Guide For Paleontologists
Soul, L. C. & D. F. Wright. 2021. Phylogenetic Comparative Methods, A User's Guide For Paleontologists
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Elements of Paleontology
edited by
Colin D. Sumrall
University of Tennessee
Laura C. Soul
The Natural History Museum, London and National
Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution
David F. Wright
American Museum of Natural History
and National Museum of Natural History,
Smithsonian Institution
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Information on this title:
DOI: 10.1017/9781108894142
© Laura C. Soul and David F. Wright 2021
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First published 2021
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library.
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Phylogenetic Comparative Methods:
A User’s Guide for Paleontologists
Elements of Paleontology
DOI: 10.1017/9781108894142
First published online: April 2021
Laura C. Soul
The Natural History Museum, London and National Museum of Natural History,
Smithsonian Institution
David F. Wright
American Museum of Natural History and National Museum of Natural History,
Smithsonian Institution
Author for correspondence: Laura C. Soul, [email protected]
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1 Introduction 1
3 Phylogenetic Nonindependence 7
10 Conclusion 45
References 46
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Phylogenetic Comparative Methods: A User’s Guide for Paleontologists 1
1 Introduction
A fundamental prediction of biological evolution is that a species will most
commonly share many characteristics with lineages from which it has recently
diverged, and fewer characteristics with lineages from which it diverged further
in the past. This principle, which results from descent with modification, is one
of the most basic in biology (Darwin 1859). A reconstruction of the relation-
ships between species that is based on similarities and differences in character-
istics – a phylogenetic hypothesis – can be used as a powerful tool to understand
fundamental questions about the history of life (Nunn 2011; Baum and Smith
2013; Harmon 2019).
Phylogenetic comparative methods (PCMs) can be broadly defined as statis-
tical approaches that incorporate information about the shared evolutionary
history of taxa (i.e. their nonindependence) to identify macroevolutionary
patterns or test hypotheses about how those patterns relate to macroevolutionary
drivers, such as climate or biotic interactions. Until recently, there have been
largely separate analytical frameworks for phylogenetic inference (inferring
relationships between taxonomic units using morphological or molecular char-
acter data) and PCMs (testing hypotheses about evolution while treating the
relationships as known). In this Element we only discuss the latter, but other
recent literature focuses on a unified methodological framework that integrates
the two (Warnock and Wright 2020; Wright et al. 2020). Many other types of
information, such as biogeographic data (Matzke and Wright 2016; Landis
2017), can be used in this modeling framework, and as new models are devel-
oped the scope of questions that can be addressed will increase.
There are many reasons (perhaps particularly for paleobiologists) why it
might not be feasible, or of interest, to use this kind of unified framework,
where you must infer phylogenetic relationships as a means to answer other
macroevolutionary questions. Perhaps you have previously estimated
a phylogeny but now want to use it to answer new questions, perhaps you are
interested in combining several smaller phylogenies to generate a supertree, or
perhaps your specific question is not yet answerable in a Bayesian process-
based framework (e.g. Warnock and Wright 2020; Wright et al. 2020). The good
news is that trees constructed in many different ways can be used in PCMs to
make reliable inferences about trait diversification, provided that the tree is
appropriately scaled to time using the stratigraphic record as an extra source of
information (Bapst 2014a; Soul and Friedman 2015; Barido-Sottani, Tiel et al.
PCMs have been rapidly proliferating in the past five to ten years, and the
kinds of questions they can be used to rigorously answer are now very diverse.
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2 Paleontology
Here, we review and demonstrate some of the analytical approaches that can be
applied when you already have a phylogeny in hand. Many of these PCMs are
used to model trait change through time and the relationship between that trait
change and other variables. Most do not model the underlying microevolution-
ary processes occurring in populations or the external drivers that generate the
trait change. Instead, PCMs more commonly use stochastic models to investi-
gate the long-term outcome of evolutionary change. Therefore, as is outlined in
more detail later on, different underlying processes can generate similar patterns
that can be equally well explained by the same model. Careful interpretation of
the results of any analysis is imperative.
We begin by outlining some fundamental approaches that are conceptually
important, and then move on to more complex macroevolutionary models.
Multiple books have been written on this vast topic (see Nunn 2011, Garamszegi
2014, and Harmon 2019, each of which are not focused on the fossil record but
paleontologists might find them useful nonetheless), but we hope to provide you
with a clear, digestible explanation of the theory behind a variety of PCMs, along
with enough information on how to apply them to get started in answering your
own questions. A reader already well versed in these approaches will find a review
of recently published methods, and suggestions for their implementation in
a paleobiological context, in the last third of the Element. A variety of software
has been used to implement PCMs, but the majority of those likely to be of interest
to paleontologists are available in R (e.g. Bapst 2012; Lloyd 2016; Barido-Sottani
et al. 2019). We therefore provide all of our reproducible examples in R. Package
names and inline code examples are in Courier New font.
All data used in the examples in this Element are available on GitHub (https://, along with a script to load
and format the data in the R programming environment so that they can be
analyzed immediately, as well as the full R script and annotated script and
outputs from the example analyses. Although the examples in this Element are
intended to provide a guide for implementing comparative analyses in R, we
encourage readers to also follow along directly using the scripts we provide on
GitHub. The example code in the main Element assumes a basic working
knowledge of R, including loading data, inspecting objects, reading help
pages, and object assignment. The materials online do not make this assumption
and provide a detailed step-by-step guide.
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Phylogenetic Comparative Methods: A User’s Guide for Paleontologists 3
originally implemented in the ape package (Paradis et al. 2004). In this section,
we outline features of this format, as well as some important things to remember
when preparing paleontological data for an analysis in R (see also Bapst 2014b).
The dataset we use here is for fossil crinoids (Eucladida, Echinodermata),
a morphologically diverse clade of marine invertebrates with a well-sampled
fossil record. Our use of this dataset is primarily intended to demonstrate the
different tree-based analytical tools that can be applied, rather than to glean
specific inferences about crinoid macroevolution, and we caution readers that
our results should be viewed in this light.
Key packages in R that contain implementations of PCMs that are commonly
applied to fossil data are ape (standard format and processing for phylogenies
in R – Paradis et al. 2004), nlme (fitting Gaussian models, e.g. least-squares
regression – Pinheiro et al. 2019), geiger (a versatile package that performs
and plots many PCMs – Harmon et al. 2008; Pennell et al. 2014), phytools
(additional plotting and simulation functions – Revell 2012), and OUwie
(heterogeneous macroevolutionary model fitting, e.g. Brownian motion or
Early Burst – Beaulieu and O’Meara 2020). There are many others, so it is
valuable to spend time exploring the different tools that might be best suited to
answering a particular question. Once you have gained familiarity with the
above key packages, a very extensive list of all the packages that can be used for
phylogenetic approaches in R can be found on this website:
2.1 Phylogeny
For most of the example analyses we use a single phylogeny of eucladid
crinoids that has branch lengths that represent time in millions of years
(Figure 1, called tree in our scripts). It is the maximum clade credibility
tree (MCCT), inferred using a model of morphological character evolution
combined with a process-based model of diversification that allows inference
of ancestor–descendant relationships (this method is distinct from ancestral
state reconstruction – see subsection 4.2; Wright 2017a). The MCCT is the
tree in the posterior distribution with the largest product of clade frequencies
(i.e. probabilities), which represents a point estimate of phylogeny in
a Bayesian context. Our emphasis on a single tree is for illustrative purposes
only; in reality, analyses should always be applied to a set of possible
phylogenies to assess how robust results are to variation in tree topology
and branch lengths (see Section 6). The set of possible phylogenies (often
referred to as a tree set) could be a set of the most parsimonious trees,
a random sample from a Bayesian posterior distribution, repeats of stochastic
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4 Paleontology
the same time; usually trees of all living taxa) and nonultrametric trees
(branches end at different times; usually trees that include extinct taxa).
A phylo tree in R has four components: (1) a matrix that identifies how the
branches connect, by listing their start and end node numbers, (2) a vector of tip
labels (user defined, usually taxon names), (3) a vector of branch lengths, and
(4) an integer number that is the number of internal nodes. For trees that include
only extinct taxa, the root age of the tree can be set using tree$root.time
<- X, where X is the numerical age (usually reported in units Ma for paleonto-
logical datasets). A root age is required by some analyses, and facilitates good
visualization when plotting a tree. If there is no root age assigned, most
functions will assume the youngest tip ends at the present day; without it, the
tree is in relative time, rather than absolute.
An important first step prior to analysis is to plot the tree (Revell et al. 2018).
In our eucladid example some taxa were inferred to be ancestral to others in the
tree (Figure 1; see subsection 4.2 for clarification of what this means). In R, a
phylo object displays these sampled ancestors as sister to their descendants,
but with zero-length branches (i.e. no inferred change between the node and tip
for the ancestral taxon). For many PCMs, zero-length branches are mathemat-
ically intractable (the reasons relate to division-by-zero issues). Adding a very
short length to each zero-length branch resolves this problem. If you are
concerned about the possibility of this introducing a bias in your own analysis,
you could also drop these tips from the tree and compare the results using each
tree. Note that in the Eucladida dataset there are many inferred sampled ances-
tors, so dropping these tips may represent high information loss. Whether or not
this is the case for different datasets will depend on the group under investiga-
tion. Node labels are required by some PCM packages (e.g. OUwie), so it is best
practice to assign them using a vector the same length as the number of nodes
(as long as you check that the R function you are using doesn’t use them for
anything you aren’t expecting; for example, OUwie uses them to define ances-
tral macroevolutionary regimes – see subsection 9.1). This can be done using
tree$node.label <- rep(1, Nnode(tree)), which gives all nodes
the label “1”.
A very useful basic function to inspect and manipulate phylogenies in R is
vcv. When applied to a timescaled tree this function outputs the phylogenetic
variance-covariance (VCV) matrix of that tree. The VCV matrix is an intuitive
numeric representation of the tree, and is used in the inner workings of many
R functions implementing PCMs. Models of continuous trait change (like
Brownian motion; see Section 4 onwards) differ from one another with respect
to how the variance and covariance of the trait are expected to change through
time, and the VCV matrix is the basis for the statistical expectation under
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6 Paleontology
different models. Elements on the diagonal of the matrix give the variance.
When a tree has branch lengths scaled to time (as paleontological trees usually
do), these values give the root-to-tip distance for each taxon on the tree (i.e.
duration). The functions max(diag(vcv(tree))) will output the max-
imum root-to-tip distance (i.e. the duration of the whole tree). The off-diagonal
elements give the covariance, which is the amount of shared variance between
pairs of taxa (i.e. the length of their shared evolutionary history). Figure 2 shows
a small example tree and its associated VCV matrix.
Density (filtration fan density; the natural log of the approximate number of
proximal feeding appendages an individual of the species has). We also briefly
demonstrate analysis of a discrete trait Complexity (calyx complexity; the
number of plates interrupting the posterior interray). We store all the traits in an
object called alltraits for ease of use in R. Some analyses implemented in
R require that the tree and data have exactly the same taxa; for these we use
a tree (called prunedTree in code examples) in which taxa not present in the
trait data have been removed from the tree. We use an estimated standard error
of 0.03 for Shape and 0.12 for Density, based on an average across species
for which there is more than one specimen.
3 Phylogenetic Nonindependence
Felsenstein (1985) was the first to outline the problem of the nonindependence of
species trait data, and an algorithm to account for that problem, which he called
phylogenetic independent contrasts (PIC). The most common evolutionary ques-
tion that this problem (and proposed solution) is applied to involves the relation-
ship between two traits. The extreme case of the problem of nonindependence of
species data is shown in the original paper (Felsenstein 1985, figure 1), and
a related example is provided in Figure 3 based on Nunn and Barton (2001).
An early divergence within a clade leads to two groups of taxa that have quite
different values for morphological traits between those two groups, and more
similar trait values within each group, for both of the traits under investigation.
When a linear regression model or correlation test is used, this will result in
a strong relationship being inferred, but effectively a line is being fit to two
points – the two groups within the clade, and no such strong relationship in fact
exists. The early split means that species in the two parts of the tree have been
evolving separately from one another for a long time, and so have had a long time
to accumulate differences between them; species in the same part of the tree are
more similar to each other because of their recent common ancestor and long
shared evolutionary history. Regression analysis assumes that individual data
points are statistically independent from one another; this assumption is violated
by species data because of the shared evolutionary history.
PIC analysis is an intuitive approach to this problem. It takes the average trait
value of sister clades and weights this by the amount of time since their most
recent common ancestor (i.e. the amount of time they have been evolving
separately). Most researchers now use phylogenetic generalized least squares
(PGLS) instead of PIC because it is a more flexible likelihood-based model
framework (PIC can be shown to be a special case of PGLS; see Garland and
Ives 2000; Blomberg et al. 2012). After a nonphylogenetic ordinary least-
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8 Paleontology
Figure 3 How species nonindependence may influence trait correlations and how
phylogenetic independent contrasts address the issue. (a) Raw values for two
traits (X and Y) plotted alongside the underlying phylogenetic relationships
among species. Two subclades are identified and labeled by open and filled
circles, corresponding to species with smaller (open) vs. larger (filled) trait values.
The dashed line represents a best-fit linear model using ordinary least-squares
(OLS) regression. (b) Phylogenetic independent contrasts estimated as the
standardized difference between species trait values for each internal node in the
tree. Note that the y-intercept goes through the origin, and the difference in slope.
The contrast with the largest absolute value (gray circle) represents the
evolutionary shift in trait values between the two subclades. Adapted from Nunn
and Barton (2001).
Run this line of code and you should get the following output, which
indicates shape and fan density are negatively correlated with p=0.02.
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Phylogenetic Comparative Methods: A User’s Guide for Paleontologists 11
Value Std.Error t-value p-value
(Intercept) 3.561713 0.2087974 17.058224 0.0000
Shape −0.683057 0.2745674 −2.487756 0.0155
[1] 175.9948
[1] 212.8831
OLS has a lower AIC score, and we can therefore interpret our results as
suggesting that OLS is a better model for the data. This in turn indicates
that the phylogeny (assuming a Brownian motion model of evolution; see
next section) does not explain much of the structure of the residuals of the
regression. For further explanation, see the end of Section 3. It is useful to
report both the OLS and PGLS regressions and AIC scores in
a publication to allow readers to see the relative model fit.
It is possible to execute PGLS assuming a different model of evolution
on the phylogeny, rather than Brownian motion. Such alternative models
are discussed in the next section.
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14 Paleontology
trait along with other mechanisms (e.g. drift, mutation, migration, etc.; see
Hansen and Martins 1996). Importantly, the strength or direction of selec-
tion on a lineage might fluctuate over time as a result of different causes, for
example adaptation to a stochastically varying environment, resulting in
trait values sometimes increasing and sometimes decreasing, and therefore
producing a statistically random pattern. Many underlying microevolution-
ary mechanisms are consistent with the macroevolutionary model for
Brownian motion.
Despite the many-to-one mapping between microevolutionary processes
and macroevolutionary outcomes, Brownian motion is almost always used
in macroevolutionary model fitting because it can be thought of as a neutral
model for trait evolution over long timescales. Moreover, because the
equations underlying more complex models of trait evolution (e.g. Early
Burst, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck; see subsection 4.2) often reduce to Brownian
motion when their additional parameters approach zero, it is used as a kind
of null model. It is often a useful starting point to compare the actual pattern
of trait evolution to the simple Brownian motion expectation. If the best-fit
model is Brownian motion, then no additional events or mechanisms (like
a change in the rate of evolution or long-term constraints on trait change) are
required to explain the pattern of macroevolution over time across the whole
phylogeny. For other helpful explanations of Brownian motion on phyloge-
nies see Nunn (2011) or Harmon (2019). See also the figures and equations
in Butler and King (2004) for a clear, in-depth explanation of this and other
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Phylogenetic Comparative Methods: A User’s Guide for Paleontologists 15
assumed is not in fact a very good model for the data, then the ancestral state
estimates will also not be accurate. For discrete traits the situation is a little
better because possible states are constrained (see Section 8 for more detail). It
is especially problematic to perform ancestral state reconstruction using
a phylogeny of living taxa, without fossils; directional trait change through
time or heterogeneity in tempo and mode across lineages will be missed. This
will lead to inaccurate estimates of ancestral values (Finarelli and Flynn 2006).
In other parts of this Element, we refer to estimating “sampled ancestors”;
this is unrelated to ancestral state reconstruction. Sampled ancestors are actual
fossil specimens from which we can take measurements, and through probabil-
istic methods it is possible to estimate which of these is likely to be from
a lineage whose descendants are also represented by at least one other actual
fossil specimen in the dataset (Bapst 2013b, 2013a; Bapst and Hopkins 2017;
Gavryushkina et al. 2017; Wright and Toom 2017). This is important because it
is likely that many paleontological datasets contain at least one ancestor–
descendant pair (Foote 1996), and ignoring this can distort the phylogenetic
topology, branch lengths, and outcome of downstream analyses (Bapst 2014a;
Soul and Friedman 2017). Sampled ancestors provide an actual trait value at
a particular point in time along a lineage. In contrast, reconstructed ancestral
states provide an imprecise estimate of a trait value for a hypothetical
unsampled population from which two sister lineages descended.
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16 Paleontology
Traitgram of Density
phenogram(prunedTree, Density, ftype = “off”)
The argument ftype controls how the taxon names are displayed.
Traitgram of Shape
phenogram(tree, Shape, ftype = “off”)
We can then look at the outputs densityBM and shapeBM, which show all
the estimated parameter values like the step rate (the output “sigsq”) and
the phylogenetic mean (the output “z0”).
model summary:
log-likelihood = −66.448830
AIC = 136.897659
AICc = 137.091208
free parameters = 2
model summary:
log-likelihood = −33.232143
AIC = 70.464285
AICc = 70.616184
free parameters = 2
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18 Paleontology
probability of a change one way than the other. It is not possible to detect
evolutionary patterns consistent with directional Brownian motion with a tree
of only living taxa; this model can only be applied to a tree that contains fossil
data (Slater et al. 2012).
Figure 5 A single simulation of the changing values of one trait along the
lineages of a phylogeny.
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22 Paleontology
Other packages can also be used to simulate continuous trait change. The
functions below simulate tip values for Brownian motion and Ornstein-
Uhlenbeck using the ape package. Try changing the model parameters
sigma and alpha (the step rate and constraint parameters). Try making
the optimum value theta different from the starting trait value at the root.
Use phenogram to visualize what effect these changes have, and to become
more familiar with the kinds of patterns that will be best fit by the various
different models.
BM <- rTraitCont(phy = simtree,
model = “BM”,
sigma = 0.1)
phenogram(tree = simtree,
ftype = “off”)
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Phylogenetic Comparative Methods: A User’s Guide for Paleontologists 23
Below are scripts that can be used to fit models to real data and understand
the output. The argument SE is used to input an estimate of the standard
error (see Section 5 for further explanation).
First we will fit Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models to each trait using
a function from the package geiger:
densityOU <- fitContinuous(phy = prunedTree, dat =
Density, model = “ OU”, SE = 0.12)
shapeOU <- fitContinuous(phy = tree, dat = Shape,
model = “OU”, SE = 0.03)
Then we will fit an Early Burst model:
densityEB <- fitContinuous(phy = prunedTree, dat =
Density, model = “EB”, SE = 0.12)
shapeEB <- fitContinuous(phy = tree, dat = Shape,
model = “EB”, SE = 0.03)
Look at the parameter values for each model fit. Are they biologically
reasonable? Checking parameter estimates is an important step, particularly
because for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models the different parameter estimates
can interact with each other (Hunt 2012). Check that z0, the starting trait
value, is within the range of tip values, and when investigating small changes
on million-year timescales both alpha and sigsq should be small, on the
order of 0.01 or less.
When you fit an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model using geiger it should
output a warning about using the VCV method. For our purposes, this
warning can be safely ignored but deserves further comment. In the original
version of this function, to fit Ornstein-Uhlenbeck quickly, the algorithm
rescaled the branch lengths rather than operating on the VCV matrix directly
(Slater 2013, 2014). This was problematic for nonultrametric trees because
this particular kind of rescaling changed the covariance between tips in a way
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24 Paleontology
that assumed the input tree was ultrametric. The current version of this and
other functions modify the VCV matrix directly to avoid the issue. Almost all
PCMs (especially commonly used ones) can be applied to nonultrametric
trees using R implementations, but this is a good reminder that it is important
to check that none of the mechanics of the implementation are problematic
when applied to paleontological trees, particularly with newly released
method implementations.
Once the parameter estimates for the various models have been checked
to make sure they are reasonable, the next step is to look at the AICcs
(Akaike information criterion for small sample sizes) to find out which
model is the best fit for the data and tree. The AICc is part of the output of
the fitContinuous function that we used earlier, so it can be accessed
using densityBM$opt$aicc.
These results indicate that Brownian motion is the best-fit model for
Density but has a marginal AICc difference. Ornstein-Uhlenbeck is the
best-fit model for Shape, with a larger AICc difference. Although most
of the parameter estimates are biologically reasonable and broadly similar
across different models, the exponential decline parameter in both Early
Burst model fits is extremely small. In fact, it is at the lower boundary
limits set by geiger. The maximum-likelihood estimate for this param-
eter is effectively zero for both traits and therefore the Early Burst model
reduces to simple Brownian motion. However, note that the cost of this
additional, unnecessary parameter leads to a decrease in model support.
that a single phylogeny (e.g. the maximum a posteriori tree from a Bayesian
analysis, or a single most parsimonious tree) perfectly represents evolution-
ary “truth.” Thus, it is important to get some measure of the robustness of
results to variation in topology and branch lengths. We strongly recommend
accounting for variation across phylogenetic hypothesis regardless of the
methodological approach used to infer the tree topology and branch lengths;
using a point estimate of the tree is never recommended. A simple way to
understand how sensitive a particular result is to variation across trees is to
run the analysis over a set of different trees. In Example Analysis 4 we
randomly select 100 trees from the posterior distribution output by a joint
estimation analysis. Other commonly used sizes for tree sets are 500 and
1,000, but really it is arbitrary and at the researcher’s discretion as to how
large a set of trees they need to include in order to fully characterize the
variation in results.
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Phylogenetic Comparative Methods: A User’s Guide for Paleontologists 25
The approximate age of the youngest taxon in the dataset is 268.8 Ma:
last.time <- 268.8
Adjust the root time; because all taxa are extinct, the for loop means that the
root time for every individual tree in the tree set gets adjusted in the same way:
for (i in 1:length(treeset)){
treeset[[i]]$root.time <- max(diag(vcv(treeset
[[i]]))) + last.time
Any of the previous analyses can be run over the entire tree set. For example,
here we fit a Brownian motion model to all 100 trees using a for loop, to
characterize variation in results.
Run the model-fitting analysis on all 100 trees and store the evolutionary rate
for each tree in the vector:
for(i in 1:100) {
currentTree <- treeset[[i]]
fitBM <- fitContinuous(phy = currentTree,
dat = Shape,
model = “BM”,
SE = 0.03)
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26 Paleontology
If the phylogeny was not generated with a Bayesian inference approach that
produces a posterior distribution of trees, other methods are available to account
for uncertainties in tree topology or node ages. For example, if phylogenetic
relationships were inferred using parsimony methods, one could select
a random subset of the most parsimonious trees generated by the analysis
(Lloyd et al. 2012). Similarly, you could choose to investigate the sensitivity
of your results across a set of timescaled trees from the output of a stochastic
timescaling algorithm (e.g. Bapst 2013a) to understand the effect of branch-
length variation on your analysis.
Once analyses have been run over an entire distribution of trees, the results
should be summarized appropriately. Unfortunately, no universally agreed-upon
way to do this has been developed. Nevertheless, many reasonable approaches are
possible for visualizing and summarizing the results. For example, displaying
median values with the variation around them (as long as it is made clear that this
variation is separate from the error or confidence intervals of the results them-
selves), showing model support across trees in a bar plot (figure 6 or figure 2 in
Halliday and Goswami 2016), or showing a representative result and discussing
how robust it is have all been used in the literature and are improvements over
reporting a point estimate alone (for more examples see Hopkins and Smith 2015;
Clarke et al. 2016; Soul and Friedman 2017). Where appropriate for the analysis,
we suggest reporting the distribution of p-values across a sample of trees in the
form of its frequency distribution and summary statistics. For example, some
authors have summarized results of phylogenetic statistical tests in terms of either
the mean p-value estimated across the distribution of trees and/or the proportion
of samples where the test statistic exceeds some a priori threshold of statistical
significance (Soul and Benson 2017; Cole et al. 2019). A subset of PCM
implementations do have built-in ways of summarizing across sets of trees (see
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Phylogenetic Comparative Methods: A User’s Guide for Paleontologists 27
for example rjmcmc in geiger), but this is rare. The most important thing is to
choose an approach that makes the variation in results clear, as reporting only the
average is misleading unless there is truly no variation across trees. Note that if
there is a large amount of variation in relationships across topologies (i.e. the
phylogeny is poorly constrained), then in model-fitting exercises there is likely to
be a bias toward support for models with a low phylogenetic signal, for the
reasons discussed in section 4.3. The combination of variation across topologies
and support for a low-signal model should lead to skepticism about whether there
is enough information in the data to reliably distinguish between models.
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28 Paleontology
often help (Revell et al. 2018). There are no well-established model adequacy
testing approaches for PCMs on nonultrametric (i.e. fossil) trees. Even for
analyses on trees of living taxa, model adequacy testing is still relatively
uncommon, despite growing recognition of its importance within the PCM
Throughout this Element we mention the possibility of the dataset not
containing enough information to make reliable inferences based on model-
fitting outcomes. Simulation is one approach that can be used to test whether or
not this is the case. For example, posterior predictive simulation can be used to
compare the relative adequacy of two candidate models and allow greater power
to be able to distinguish between them (see Slater and Pennell 2014). A more
general simulation framework can be used to investigate the power to reliably
identify a particular model. We suggest the following steps as a straightforward
addition to model-fit comparisons, which are made possible by the wide range
of simulation tools now available in R:
(1) Find the best-fit model (or models if they have similar goodness of fit).
(2) Identify the fitted model parameters.
(3) Use these parameters to repeatedly simulate trait change under the best-fit
model(s) on the original phylogeny.
(4) Perform model fitting and parameter estimation on each of the simulated
(5) Record how frequently the model that was used for simulation is correctly
If the model that was used for simulation is not often identified as the best-fit
model, or the fitted parameter values vary widely across simulation runs, then
this suggests there is not enough information in the dataset to reliably inform
inference, and the original outcome should be interpreted cautiously.
For a subset of phylogenetic comparative approaches it is possible to use
standardized phylogenetic contrasts to investigate model adequacy and identify
types of model misspecification (Pennell et al. 2015). One statistical condition
of the phylogenetic contrasts of observations of a continuous trait on
a phylogeny, under some models, is that they are independent and identically
distributed (IID). This is true for nonultrametric trees when a Brownian motion
model of evolution is assumed, as well as for many related Gaussian models,
even where the mode or rate of evolution changes across the tree, but it is not
true for any kind of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model on a nonultrametric tree
(although it is possible to perform a scalar transformation of the branch lengths
that results in IID contrasts; see Ho and Ané 2014a). If the contrasts are IID,
then various test statistics on the contrasts can be used. The procedure (outlined
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Phylogenetic Comparative Methods: A User’s Guide for Paleontologists 29
in detail in Pennell et al. 2015; see table 1 of that paper in particular for details of
the types of model misspecification that can be identified with different test
statistics) is similar to that used earlier, except that the test statistic of interest is
applied to the contrasts of the real data and the contrasts of each of the simulated
datasets. If the test statistic value for real data falls outside of the distribution of
the test statistic across the simulated datasets, then there is some degree of
misspecification, or inadequacy, of the model. For example, if the mean of the
squared contrasts is not within the simulated distribution, this indicates that the
overall rate of evolution is over- or underestimated.
Models with the best fit according to AICc scores (Akaike information criterion for small
sample sizes) are indicated in bold. BM = Brownian motion; OU = Ornstein-Uhlenbeck;
EB = Early Burst.
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30 Paleontology
Prepare the data so that they are in the format that can be read by OUwie
(see the OUwie help file for further details).
shapeData <- data.frame(species = names(Shape),
regime = 1,
shape = Shape)
form.simtrait = list()
for(i in 1:100) {form.simtrait[[i]] <- simtrait[,i]
names(form.simtrait[[i]]) <- names
Fit the single-peak Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model, which was the best-fit model
for our data before out of the models we tested (warning: if you do this over
100 iterations, it will take a long time).
OUfits <- lapply(X = form.simtrait,
FUN = fitContinuous,
phy = tree,
model = “OU”)
Fit a single-rate Brownian motion model to the same sets of simulated trait
BMfits <- lapply(X = form.simtrait,
FUN = fitContinuous,
phy = tree,
model = “BM”)
If you run this analysis using the eucladid tree, you should get several
warning messages during the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model fitting to simulated
data, a first indication that the resulting model fit is unlikely to be reliable. If
you inspect the output model-fit AICcs and estimated parameters, you should
find that Ornstein-Uhlenbeck is the preferred model over Brownian motion,
but that the estimated parameters for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck are not similar to
the parameters used for simulation, and are quite high. This suggests that the
best-fit Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model is unlikely to be adequately capturing
variation in the trait data. A next step might be to investigate whether a single-
peak Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model is missing heterogeneity in rate or mode of
evolution (see Section 9).
which a researcher can use that bias to their advantage may be useful for some
types of questions (i.e. “this character changed at least X times across the
phylogeny”). Moreover, sometimes it may be of interest to compare the min-
imum number of changes required between different phylogenetic hypotheses
(regardless of how the trees were inferred). Similarly, parsimony methods (and
related approaches) for discrete character evolution can also be used to study
rate variation and patterns of character evolution (Wagner 2012), and inform
rate distributions in model-based phylogenetic methods (Harrison and Larsson
2015; Wright 2017a).
Unlike reconstructing ancestral states for continuous traits (see subsection
4.2), methods to reconstruct ancestral states for discrete characters are
remarkably robust and provide far more accurate estimates than their con-
tinuous trait counterparts. For example, a simulation study by Gascuel and
Steel (2014) shows both parsimony and model-based methods of discrete
ancestral state reconstruction perform well, have nearly the same accuracy,
and are robust to sampling bias and model misspecification. As discussed for
continuous traits, the fidelity of methods to reconstruct ancestral state values
for discrete characters improves when fossil data are incorporated into the
tree. Puttick (2016) used simulations to examine the impact of including
fossil taxa in analyses of discrete trait evolution in extant lineages, and
showed that including both fossil and extant taxa consistently outperformed
analyses with extant taxa alone. In practice, there could be errors in coding
derived from incomplete or fragmentary fossil material, or perhaps incorrect
assignment of a habitat based on incorrect paleoenvironmental reconstruc-
tions (e.g. freshwater vs. marine). Puttick (2016) therefore also investigated
the impact of including a proportion of fossil taxa having incorrect discrete
trait values and found that analyses of fossil and extant taxa still outper-
formed extant-only analyses at estimating ancestral states, even when up to
75 percent of fossil taxa were incorrectly coded. These results highlight the
important role of fossil taxa for estimating ancestral states for discrete
characters, and encourage the inclusion of as many fossil taxa as possible,
even when there is uncertainty in their underlying traits.
Another popular model-based method for post-hoc modeling of discrete
character evolution is a Bayesian approach called stochastic character map-
ping (Nielsen 2002; Revell 2013). In this method, discrete trait evolution is
simulated an arbitrarily large number of times across a tree, and the resulting
character histories are sampled proportional to their posterior probability,
using Markov-chain Monte Carlo, to generate the posterior distribution.
Although the output can be difficult to visualize for traits with more than
two states (Revell 2013), a benefit of stochastic character mapping is that the
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34 Paleontology
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Phylogenetic Comparative Methods: A User’s Guide for Paleontologists 35
Ladderize the tree for better visualization and then plot in the usual
plot(ladderize(tree), show.tip.label = FALSE)
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Phylogenetic Comparative Methods: A User’s Guide for Paleontologists 37
data it is applied to, to identify possible biases or features of the data that could
lead to misleading results (e.g. sampling rate; Soul and Friedman 2017); (2)
taking important steps such as checking that output parameter estimates are
biologically reasonable – if in doubt, simulation can be a practical way to try and
characterize the behavior of a particular method when applied to data similar to
your own (Barido-Sottani, Saupe et al. 2020); and (3) not overinterpreting
results. Finally, we note that many potential issues with PCM-based studies
are alleviated or otherwise improved when fossil taxa are included (Slater et al.
2012; Ho and Ané 2014b; Hunt and Slater 2016).
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38 Paleontology
questions with these methods. If you are not an expert on the group you want to
investigate, we encourage you to consider reaching out to collaborate with one.
A variety of other packages can also be used to investigate multi-regime models
(including multivariate multi-regime models) of trait evolution, including
mvMorph, mvSLOUCH, OUCH, geiger, and ape.
Multi-regime Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models can be very complex and are
therefore often computationally difficult to fit. It is especially important to
check for convergence when estimating parameters (Gearty and Payne
2020) and that the parameter values are sensible. For example, for
OUwie, ensure that the results show estimated values for θ (theta_0,
the value at the root of the tree) that are within or close to the known range
of trait values, and that the step rate is not unreasonably high. If it is not
clear what could be considered a reasonable rate, it should usually be
possible to find rate estimates in the literature for the same taxon, or for
similarly preserved taxa.
By default, the algorithm does not estimate theta_0, the trait value, at
the root as part of the model. Instead, the optimum at the root is dropped,
which can stabilize estimates of the adaptive optimum trait value. If there is
reason to include estimating theta_0, be aware that sometimes estimates
of theta_0 and alpha can interact (Ho and Ané 2014b), so it is
important to check for sensible parameter estimates after the model fit.
First, fit single-regime Brownian motion and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck to
the Density trait to provide a null against which more complex models
can be compared.
densityBM <- OUwie(phy = prunedTree, data = densityData,
model = “BM1”,
quiet = TRUE,
root.age = tree$root.time)
densityOU <- OUwie(phy = prunedTree, data = densityData,
starting.vals = c(0.01,0.01),
quiet = TRUE,
model = “OU1”,
root.age = tree$root.time)
Now we can specify the node labels on the tree according to the hypothe-
sized regimes. There are two subclades within the Eucladida tree that seem
to show many modifications associated with building a dense filtration fan
(e.g. many branches per arm or many pinnules on branches). OUwie can be
used to test whether this high fan density was associated with a different
trait mean or rate of evolution. In this example we will define the tip and
node regimes ourselves beforehand because it involves more than one
clade. If we hypothesize a rate shift in only one clade, it is easiest to use
the “clade” argument within the OUwie function rather than defining
the regimes beforehand.
Find the node defining the first clade of interest:
mrca1 <- getMRCA(prunedTree, c(”Blothrocrinus”,
Make a vector of all nodes and tips that descend from it:
first <- c(mrca1, getDescendants(prunedTree, mrca1))
Separate out node and tip vectors and label the nodes of the phylogeny
with regimes accordingly:
tips <- prunedTree$tip.label[desc[desc<=Ntip
nodes <- desc[desc>Ntip(prunedTree)]-Ntip
treeD <- prunedTree
treeD$node.label <- rep(1, Nnode(treeD))
treeD$node.label[nodes] <- rep(2, length(nodes))
Modify the trait dataframe to specify the correct regime labels for tips:
regimetableD <- densityData
regimetableD[tips,2] <- 2
Now that the data and phylogeny are prepared, we can fit a variety of
multi-regime models to the data. Any combination of model parameters
can be fixed or allowed to change between regimes, using the “model”
argument (refer to the documentation for OUwie for a full explanation of
all the options for this argument and what they mean). Here we did not
include estimating theta_0. Depending on the number of taxa in the
dataset and the variation in trait values, very complex models such as one
where all parameter values change (“OUMVA”) may not be well fit to the
data or generate reliable parameter estimates. In that situation, variation
across different possible topologies will be useful to assess how reliable
the result is. Below is code to fit a single-regime Brownian motion model,
and an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model with two regimes that have different
trait means. The other models can be fit by modifying the model argument.
See the full script online for the code to do this. The results of fitting all of
the available models are shown in Table 2.
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Phylogenetic Comparative Methods: A User’s Guide for Paleontologists 43
across a set of trees; we show the median and variance of Akaike weights
for each model when it has been fit to data combined with 100 trees drawn
randomly from the posterior distribution.
Table 2 Model-fitting results for multi-regime Ornstein-Uhlenbeck
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Phylogenetic Comparative Methods: A User’s Guide for Paleontologists 45
10 Conclusion
As models for the “Tree of Life,” phylogenetic trees are science’s best attempt to
represent a very complex process – the diversification of life through time – in
a tractable way. Phylogenies and comparative methods allow us to answer
questions about how evolution works that could not otherwise be answered,
but they are obviously a simplification of real evolutionary processes. There is
a large suite of PCMs available for paleontologists to apply in order to under-
stand their group of interest, and most of these are now easily implemented
using R and other software. These methods are very powerful tools for infer-
ence, but are not always intuitive. For this reason, they can seem intimidating,
and misunderstandings are common. We hope that we have provided a practical
entry point for those looking to begin using PCMs in their own work, while
emphasizing the importance of careful interpretation of results and a good
understanding of the relationship between the quality of the data you put in
and the reliability of the information you get out. Phylogenies are themselves
hypotheses, and uncertainty in the ages of fossils and relationships between the
taxa they represent, combined with uncertainties in model fit, should always be
considered when interpreting results and should always be clearly represented
in published work. Caveats aside, this is an exciting time to be a paleontologist,
as recent advances in computational and mathematical tools are allowing us to
address some of evolutionary biology’s biggest questions in a rigorous, quanti-
tative way.
Supporting Materials
Supplemental data, full scripts for analyses, and trees are available at: github
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This Element stems from materials originally developed for a 2019
Paleontological Society sponsored workshop titled “Quantitative Methods in
Phylogenetic Paleobiology.” We thank Vera Korasidis and Melanie J. Hopkins
for providing feedback on an early version of this Element, as well as Will Gearty
and David Bapst for thorough reviews that improved the manuscript’s quality and
clarity. LCS acknowledges support from the Smithsonian National Museum of
Natural History Deep Time Initiative. DFW acknowledges support from the
Gerstner Scholars Fellowship and the Gerstner Family Foundation, the Lerner-
Gray Fund for Marine Research, and the Richard Gilder Graduate School,
American Museum of Natural History, as well as a Norman Newell Early
Career Grant from the Paleontological Society.
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Elements of Paleontology
Colin D. Sumrall
University of Tennessee
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