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3E NA BOE Questions Set (1-21)

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3E NA & SC

BOE Old Questions

BOE-1, (November, 2013)

1. What is meant by tone per centimeter immersion TPC? Explain why TPC varies
with different draught.
2. What is meant by ‘Hogging’ and ‘Sagging’ and how to know the ship is afloat
‘hogging’ or ‘Sagging condition’.
3. What is meant by panting and state which part of the ship is affected?
4. What is meant by trimming lever? Draw a sketch showing location of trimming
5. Write down the Denny formula to calculate the wetted surface area and explain
the formula.
6. With reference to stability at large angle of heel: What is meant by right lever?
Draw a sketch showing location of righting lever.
7. What is meant by longitudinal centre floatation (LCF)?
8. Define and illustrate Camber, Tumblehome, sheer, Rake.
9. What is slack tank? Describe the effects of slack tank.
10. With respect to bilging: What is meant by permeability? What is the permeability
of completely empty compartment?
11. Lists the Anchor handling arrangement from hawse pipe to spurling pipe.
12. Describe reserve buoyancy and explain importance of reserve buoyancy.
13. For small angle of heel, define the transverse Metacentre.
14. Explain with an aid of sketch, six degrees of ship motion.
15. Describe the purpose of bilge keel and how they are attached to the ship’s side.
16. Lists the parameters of a screw propeller and state formula to calculate ship speed
in knot.
17. What are the functions of watertight bulkhead?
18. What are the functions of the stern frame?

1. (a) What is centre of pressure?

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(b) A bulkhead 9 m deep is supported by vertical stiffeners 750 mm apart. The
bulkhead is flooded to the top edge with sea water on one side only. Calculate: (a)
shearing force at top (b) shearing force at bottom (c) position of zero shear.
2. (a) What is centre of gravity?
(b)A ship of 8500tonnes displacement is composed of mass of 2000,3000,1000,2000
and 500tonnes at positions 2, 5, 8, 10 and 14 m above the keel. Determine the
height of the centre of gravity of ship above the keel.
3. A box barge 40 m long and 7.5 m wide floats in sea water with draughts forward
and aft of 1.2 m and 2.4 m respectively. Where a mass of 90 tonne should be added
to obtain a level keel draught?
4. Sketch and describe the construction of stern frame for a single screw ship.
5. Sketch and describe the arrangement of an oil-lubricated stern tube and tail shaft.

BOE-2, (March, 2014)


1. What are the purposes of constructing cofferdam and state where they are
2. What is meant by ‘Pounding’ or ‘Slamming’ and state which part of the ship is
3. What is Freeboard of a ship? What are the lines to be used with the load line
4. What is freeing port and state purpose of it?
5. What is dead light and where it is fitted?
6. Explain function of deep tank? What tanks are called deep tanks onboard?
7. What is free surface and explain adverse effects on ship?
8. How many types of keels are used in ship construction? Explain duct keel.
9. What is sheer and state purpose of providing sheer in a ship?
10. Lists the Anchor handling arrangement from hawse pipe to spurling pipe.
11. Describe reserve buoyancy and explain importance of reserve buoyancy.
12. What is collision bulkhead?
13. What is the stringer and where they are fitted?
14. Explain with an aid of sketch, six degrees of ship motion.
15. Lists the parameters of a screw propeller and state formula to calculate ship speed
in knot.

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16. Lists the various types of rudder and explain them.
17. What are the functions of stern frame?
18. What is the floor? State how many type of floors are used in ship construction.

1. (a) State how the water plane area coefficient CW is defined.
(b)A ship 180 m long has ½ width of water plane of 1, 7.5, 12, 13.5, 14, 14, 14, 13.5,
12, 7 and 0 respectively. Calculate:
(i) Water plane area
(iii) Water plane area coefficient.
2. (a) State how the block coefficient Cb is defined.
(b) A ship 140 m long and 18 m beam floats at a draught of 9 m. The immersed
cross-sectional areas at equal interval are 5, 60, 116, 145, 152, 153, 153, 151, 142, 85
and 0 m2 respectively. Calculate:
(i) Displacement
(ii) Block coefficient
(iii) Mid-ship section area coefficient
3. A collision bulkhead is in the form of an isosceles triangle and has a depth of 7.0 m
and a width at a deck 6.0 m. The bulkhead is flooded on one side with water of
density 1.025 kg/m3 and the resultant load on the bulkhead is estimated at 195 KN.
Calculate the depth of water to which the bulkhead is flooded.
4. Sketch and describe the construction of transom stern, showing the connection to
the stern frame.
5. Sketch and describe a watertight door of sliding type. What routine maintenance
must be carried out to ensure that the door is always in working order?

BOE-3, (July, 2014)

1. What is meant by ‘Statical stability’?
2. Describe dead weight, light weight and displacement of a ship and state how they
are related?
3. With respect to Hull structure, list at least 10 numbers of structural components.
4. What is meant by ‘Racking’?

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5. What is ‘keel’ of a ship? Describe types of keel used in ship construction. Sketch
one type of keel.
6. How do you understand the terms ‘tender ship’ and ‘stiff ship’.
7. Define and illustrate Camber, Tumblehome, rise of floor and half siding of keel.
8. With respect to double bottom construction, what is rising tank?
9. What are the functions of wing tank?
10. How many minimum numbers of bulkheads are required for a ship?
11. What is a meant by a term ‘cross flooding’?
12. With respect to local stress, explain the “Panting”?
13. What is ‘Bulwark’? Describe briefly about its construction.
14. State with reasons, what is the main purpose of bulbous bow?
15. List the parameters of a screw propeller and state formula to calculate the ‘slip’.
16. With respect to load line, explain fresh water allowance.
17. Explain the principle of screw propulsion.
18. Explain the purpose of rudder carrier bearing.

1. A ship of 5000 tonne displacement, 96 m long, floats at particular draughts. The
GM 105 m and centre of floatation 2.4 m aft of mid-ships. Calculate:
(i)The MCT 1cm
(ii)The trimming moment when 88 tonne are added 31 m forward of mid-ships.
2. (a) What is displacement of a ship?
(b)The TPC values of a ship at 1.5 m intervals of draught, commencing at keel, are
4.0, 6.1, 7.8, 9.1, 10.3, 11.4, and 12.0 respectively. Calculate at a draught of 9 m:
(i)Displacement (ii)KB
3. (a) What is the water plane area coefficient Cw ? Write down the formula for Cw.
(b)The water plane area of a ship is 1730 m2. Calculate the TPC and increase in
draught if a mass of 270 tonne is added to the ship.
4. Sketch and describe the longitudinal and transverse system of framing on
transverse section of the ship.
5. Sketch and describe the construction of a duct keel.

BOE-4, (November, 2014)

1. What LOA & LBP?

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2. What is gross tonnage? What is net tonnage?
3. State double bottom tank?
4. Describe the margin plate and margin line.
5. What is ‘Bulwark’? Describe briefly about its construction?
6. Sketch and describe righting moment and righting lever?
7. What is sheer and state purpose of providing sheer in a ship?
8. How do you understand the terms ‘shear strake and stealer strake?
9. With respect to hull structure, list at least 10 numbers of structural components.
10. Usage of ballasting, why?
11. Sketch and describe flare.
12. Sketch and describe camber.
13. Rise of floor
14. .
15. .
16. .
17. .
18. .

1. (a)Define Centre of gravity.
(b) e.g. (32)
2. e.g. (8)
3. (a) State how the block coefficient Cb is defined.
(b) e.g. (13)
4. Sketch and describe chain locker, anchor and cable arrangements.

BOE-5, (March, 2015)

1. What is meant by the term “cross-flooding”?
2. What is meant by “Statical stability”?
3. With respect to hull structure, list at least 10 numbers of structural components.
4. Frigate failure
5. How do you understand the term ‘tender ship’ and ‘stiff ship’?
6. Angle of loll.

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7. Principle aim of ballast.
8. Describe briefly Cofferdam, rise of floor, shear, collision bulkhead.
9. What are the purposes of constructing cofferdam and state where they are
10. Define the moulded breath, moulded depth and moulded draft, half of breath.
11. The difference between density of sea water and density of fresh water can change
the trim of vessel why?
12. Describe the construction of CPP and FPP?
13. Describe dead weight, light weight, displacement of a ship and state how they are
14. What is the dead light? Where it is fitted?
15. What is meant by tonnage? Usage of tonnage.
16. Lists the Anchor handling arrangement from hawse pipe to spurling pipe.
17. Describe the margin plate and margin line.
18. Why lower roller of steel hatch cover eccentric.

1. (a) State fresh water allowance?
2. (a)Define metacentric height.
(b) A box barge of length L and breadth B floats at a level keel draught d. Calculate
the height of the transverse metacentre above the keel.
3. The centre of gravity of a ship of 5000 tonne displacement is 6 m above the keel
and 1.5 m forward of midships. Calculate the new position of the centre of gravity
if 500 tonne of cargo are placed in the tween decks 10m above the keel and 36 m
aft of midships.
4. Principle of pillar.
5. Sketch and describe briefly.
a. Bilge keel
b. Chain locker
c. Duct keel
d. Hawse pipe

BOE-6, (July, 2015)


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1. What is meant by panting and purpose of bulbous bow?
2. What is sheer and state purpose of providing sheer in a ship?
3. List the parameters of a screw propeller and state formula to calculate the ‘slip’.
4. Describe the margin plate and margin line.
5. The difference between density of sea water and density of fresh water can change
the trim of vessel why?
6. Principle aim of ballast.
7. With respect to hull structure, list at least 10 numbers of structural components.
8. Define the moulded breath, moulded depth and moulded draft, half of breath.
9. Angle of loll and fatigue failure.
10. Describe the construction of CPP and FPP?
11. How do you understand the terms ‘tender ship’ and ‘stiff ship’.
12. What is meant by tonnage? Usage of tonnage.
13. How many minimum numbers of bulkheads are required for a ship?
14. State fresh water allowance?
15. What is a meant by a term ‘cross flooding’?
16. What is ‘Bulwark’? Describe briefly about its construction?
17. Explain the principle of screw propulsion.
18. What is meant by “Statical stability”?

1. (a) Explain about Pilgrim nut used in keyless propeller?
(b)Draw a sketch each for assembly and with drawl of pilgrim nut.
2. Sketch and describe a watertight door of sliding type. What routine maintenance
must be carried out to ensure that the door is always in working order?
3. (a) What is meant the displacement?
(b) 215 tonne of oil fuel and stores are used in a ship while passing from sea water
of 1.026 𝑡⁄𝑚3 into river water of 1.002𝑡⁄𝑚3 . If the mean draught remains
unchanged, calculate the displacement in the river water.
4. The TPC values of a ship at 1.5 m intervals of draught, commencing at keel, are 4.0,
6.1, 7.8, 9.1, 10.3, 11.4, and 12.0 respectively. Calculate at a draught of 9 m:
5. (a)Define metacentric height.
(b) A box barge of length L and breadth B floats at a level keel draught d. Calculate
the height of the transverse metacentre above the keel.

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BOE-7, (November, 2015)

1. What is the tonnage and where Tonnage value is used?
2. Lists the Anchor handling arrangement from hawse pipe to spurling pipe.
3. Describe the margin plate and margin line.
4. Fatigue failure.
5. Principle aim of ballast.
6. What is the stringer and where they are fitted?
7. What are meant by deck line, load line mark and load line?
8. What are meant by Metacentre, metacentric height, what factor can make?
9. Describe at least 8 components of fore end structure.
10. Explain compensation for loss of strength at hatch openings.
11. With respect to propeller terminology, explain
12. Pitch angle
13. Pitch ratio
14. Projected area
15. Developed area
16. Watertight bulkhead and collision bulkhead
17. What is sheer and state purpose of providing sheer in a ship?
18. What are the purposes of constructing cofferdam and state where they are

1. (a)What is metacentric height?
(b)A ship displaces 12 000 tonne, its centre of gravity is 6.50 m above the keel and
its centre of buoyancy is 3.60 m above the keel. If the second moment of area of the
water plane about the centre line is 42.5 x 103 m4 find the metacentric height.
2. (a) What is meant by water plane area?
(b)The 1/2ordinates of a water plane 320 m long are 0, 9, 16, 23, 25, 25, 22, 18 and
0m respectively. Calculate: (12 marks)
a. Water plane area
b. TPC
c. Water plane area coefficient.
3. Sketch and describe a oil lubricated stern bearing.(16- marks)
4. S & D watertight door and material and routine maintenance.( 16-marks)

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5. Sketch and explain rudder;
a. carrier bearing.(12-marks)
b. Jumping clearance? (4-mark)

BOE-8, (March, 2016)

1. With respect to various layout plans, explain main deck plan.
2. What means of rise of floor, flare, parallel middle body, entrance.
3. Explain the purpose of rudder carrier bearing.
4. Explain with an aid of sketch, six degrees of ship motion.
5. Lists the Anchor handling arrangement from hawse pipe to spurling pipe.
6. What is sheer and state purpose of providing sheer in a ship?
7. Describe the margin plate and margin line.
8. Why transverse bulkhead have vertical corrugated and longitudinal bulkhead
have horizontal corrugated?
9. With respect to propeller terminology, explain
a. Pitch angle
b. Pitch ratio
c. Projected area
d. Developed area
10. Explain Forecastle and poop.
11. What means of bulbous bow?
12. What is the purpose of shell plating?
13. With respect to local stress, explain the “Panting”?
14. Explain principle aim of ballast.
15. Explain rudder carrier bearing.
16. What is meant by fatigue failure.
17. Describe at least 8 components of fore end structure.
18. Explain why the shaft tunnel must be of watertight construction and how water is
prevent for entering the engine room if the tunnel becomes flooded.

1. (a) Define water plane area coefficient.
(b) A ship 180 m long has widths of waterplane of 1, 7.5, 12, 13.5, 14, 14, 14,
13.5, 12, 7 and 0 m respectively. Calculate:

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(a) Water plane area
(b) TPC
(c) Water plane area coefficient.
2. (a)Define metacentric height.
(b)For a ship of 4600 tonne displacement the metacentric height (GM) is 0.77 m.
A 200 tonne container is moved from the hold to the upper deck. Determine the
angle of heel developed if, during this process, the centre of mass of the
container is moved 8 m vertically and 1.1 m transversely.
3. S & D watertight door and material and routine maintenance.( 16-marks)
4. Sketch and describe collision bulkhead.
5. Sketch and describe panting arrangement.

BOE-9, (July, 2016)

1. Describe the Wall-sided ship. (MMEA, No.2)
2. What is sheer and state purpose of providing sheer in a ship?
3. Describe the margin plate and margin line.
4. With respect to various layout plans, explain main deck plan.
5. Describe at least 8 components of fore end structure.
6. What is the purpose of shell plating?
7. Explain principle aim of ballast.
8. With respect to propeller terminology, explain
a. Pitch angle
b. Pitch ratio
c. Projected area
d. Developed area
9. With respect to local stress, explain the “Panting”?
10. Explain Forecastle and poop.
11. State with reasons, what is the main purpose of bulbous bow?
12. What is the difference between chafing plate and doubling plate? (MMEA, No.32)
13. Describe shortly frames, floors, transverse frames, deck frames? (MMEA, No.40)
14. What means fatigue failure?
15. What is the tonnage of (a) gross tonnage (b) net tonnage (c) tonnage (d) Usage of
tonnage value?

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16. Explain the balanced rudder and unbalanced rudder?
17. Explain the principle of screw propulsion.
18. What are meant by deck line, load line mark and load line?

1. (a) What is meant by fresh water allowance and water plane area?
(b) The water plane area of a ship at 8.40 m draught is 1670 m2. The areas of
successive water planes at 1.40 m intervals below this are 1600, 1540, 1420, 1270,
1080 and 690 .m2 respectively. Calculate the displacement' in fresh water at 8.40 m
draught and the draught at which the ship would lie in sea water with the same
2. A floating dock 150 m long, 24 m overall width and 9 m draught consists of a
rectangular bottom compartment 3 m deep and rectangular wing compartments
2.5 m wide. A ship with a draught of 5.5 m is floated in. 4000 tonne of ballast are
pumped out of the dock to raise the ship 1.2 m. Calculate the mean TPC of the ship.
3. (a)What is displacement of a ship?
(b) The TPC values of a ship at 1.5 m intervals of draught, commencing at the keel,
are 4.0, 6.1, 7.8, 9.1, 10.3, 11.4 and 12.0 m respectively. Calculate at a draught of 9
(a) Displacement
(b) KB
4. (a) Sketch and explain rudder carrier and pintles.
(b)Jumping clearance
5. Sketch and describe bilge keel function and construction.

BOE-10, (November, 2016)

1. What is meant by tone per centimeter immersion TPC? Explain why TPC varies
with different draught.
2. What is meant by ‘Hogging’ and ‘Sagging’ and how to know the ship is afloat
‘hogging’ or ‘Sagging condition’.
3. With respect to load line, explain fresh water allowance.
4. What is collision bulkhead?
5. Define freeboard and freeboard deck?
6. State with reasons, what is the main purpose of bulbous bow?

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7. Explain the principle of screw propulsion.
8. Explain the purpose of rudder carrier bearing.
9. How many types of keel are used in ship construction and write down them.
10. Explain the centre of gravity.
11. How to get corrosion onboard.
12. Explain the sea-chest.
13. What is tank top? What purpose of it?
14. Lists the Anchor handling arrangement from hawse pipe to spurling pipe.
15. What is the purpose of clench pin?
16. What is the gross tonnage?
17. What is meant by “Statical stability”?
18. What is meant by cofferdam?

1. The immersed cross section areas through a ship 180 m long, at equal intervals,
are 5, 118, 233, 291, 303, 304, 304, 302, 283, 171 and 0 m2respectively. Calculate the
displacement of the ship in sea water of 1.025 ton/ m3.
2. (a) What is meant by the longitudinal centre of floatation?
(b) A mass of 6 tonne moved transverse through a distance of 14 m on a ship of
4300 tonne displacement, when the deflection of an 11 m pendulum is found to be
120 mm. The transverse metacenter is 7.25 m above the keel. Determine the height
of the centre of gravity above the keel.
3. (a) What is meant by centre of gravity?
(b)A ballast tank is 15 m long, 12 m wide, 1.4 m deep and is filled with fresh water.
Calculate the load of the top and short side of (a) the tank is just completely full (b)
there is a head of 7 m of water above the tank top.
4. Sketch and describe the construction of duct keel.
5. (a) Describe about shell plating.
(b)Describe about deck plating.

BOE-11, (March, 2017)

1. What is the difference between water plane area coefficient Cw and mid-ship
section area coefficient Cm?
2. What is dead light and where it is fitted?

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3. Lists the items of anchor handling arrangement?
4. Explain with and aid of the sketch, six degree of ship motion.
5. What are the purposes of construction cofferdam and state where they are
6. What is collision bulkhead?
7. Explain where the deck line is marked? What is freeboard deck?
8. What are the functions of wing tank?
9. Describe the dead weight, light weight and displacement?
10. Lists the various type of rudder?
11. What is the stringer and where they are fitted?
12. List at least 8 numbers of hull structure.
13. Explain the fresh water allowance?
14. Describe and sketch a bilge strum box.
15. Explain specific gravity.
16. Describe the rudder trunk?

1. (a) What is meant by centre of gravity?
(b) A ship of 15000 tonne displacement has a water plane area of 1950 m2. It is
loaded in river water of 1.005 ton/ m3 and proceeds to sea water where the density
is 1.022 ton/m3. Calculate the change in mean draft.
2. (a) What is meant by longitudinal centre of floatation (LCF)?
(b) A ship of 8500 tonne displacement is composed of mass of 2000, 3000, 1000,
2000, 500 tonne at positions 2, 5, 8, 10 and 14 m above the keel. Determine the
height of the centre of gravity of the ship above the keel.
3. (a)What is the dynamical stability?
(b). A floating dock 150 m long, 24 m overall width and 9 m draught consists of a
rectangular bottom compartment 3 m deep and rectangular wing compartments
2.5 m wide. A ship with a draught of 5.5 m is floated in. 4000 tonne of ballast are
pumped out of thedock to raise the ship 1.2 m. Calculate the mean TPC of the ship.
4. Sketch and describe the one type of rudder?
5. Sketch and describe a water tight door of sliding type what routine maintenance
must be carried out to ensure that the door is always in working order?

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BOE-12, (July, 2017)

1. What are the functions of wing tank?
2. What is meant by tone per centimeter immersion TPC? Explain why TPC varies
with different draught.
3. What is freeing port and state purpose of it?
4. What are the functions of watertight bulkhead?
5. What is meant by ‘Statical stability’?
6. What are the purposes of constructing cofferdam and state where they are
7. How to get corrosion onboard.
8. With respect to local stress, explain the panting.
9. Describe dead weight, light weight and displacement of a ship and state how they
are related?
10. Define and illustrate Camber, Tumblehome, rise of floor and Rake.
11. What are the functions of watertight bulkhead?
12. What is meant by seaworthy.
13. What are meant by deck line, load line mark and load line?
14. What is the difference between list and heel?
15. What is the floor? State how many type of floors are used in ship construction.
16. What is free surface and explain adverse effects on ship?
17. What are meant by, forward perpendicular (FP), after perpendicular (AP)
18. What is meant by water plane area and write down the formula?

1. (a) What is the similar figures?
(b) An oil tanker of 17 000 tonne displacement has its centre of gravity 1 m aft of
midships and has 250 tonne of oil fuel in its forward deep tank 75 m from
midships. This fuel is transferred to the after oil fuel bunker whose centre is 50 m
from midships. 200 tonne of fuel from the after bunker is now burned. . Calculate
the new position of the centre of gravity: (i) after the oil has been transferred,
(ii) after the oil has been used.
2. (a) What is meant by longitudinal centre of floatation (LCF)?

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(b) A ship of 15000 tonne displacement has a waterplane area of 1950 m2. It is
loaded in river water of 1.005 t/m3 and proceed to sea where the density is 1.022
t/m3. Calculate the change in mean draught.
3. (a) What is centre of pressure
(b) A peak bulkhead is in the form of a triangle, apex down, 6 m wide at the top
and 9 m deep. The tank is filled with sea water. Calculate the load on the bulkhead
and the position of the centre of pressure relative to the top of the bulkhead if the
water is;
(i) at the top of the bulkhead,
(ii) 4 m up the sounding pipe.
4. (a) Sketch & Describes the construction of chain lockers.
(b) Sketch and describe the Clench cable assembly for anchor chain.
5. Sketch and describe bilge keel function and construction.

BOE-13, (November, 2017)

1. What is bilge keel and bilge radius?
2. Describe shortly frames, floors, transverse frames, deck frames? (MMEA, No.40)
3. What is the purpose of clench pin?
4. What is main deck and tween deck?
5. With respect to load line, explain fresh water allowance.
6. What is meant the rudder trunk?
7. What is meant by ‘Statical stability’?
8. What is dead light and where it is fitted?
9. What means of rise of floor, flare, parallel middle body, entrance.
10. What is sheer and state purpose of providing sheer in a ship?
11. What is collision bulkhead?
12. Describe dead weight, light weight and displacement of a ship and state how they
are related?
13. What are the functions of wing tank?
14. Explain the purpose of rudder carrier bearing.
15. Define hatch coaming, hatch cover, hatch beam and cleating arrangement.
16. Describes and sketches a bilge strum box.
17. Define freeboard and freeboard deck?
18. Describes the construction and use of an anchor cable stopper.

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1. Sketch and describes about the balanced rudder.
2. (a) Sketch and describes the lines to be used with the load line mark.
(b) What is freeing port and state purpose of it?
3. (a) What is centre of pressure
(b) A peak bulkhead is in the form of a triangle, apex down, 6 m wide at the top
and 9 m deep. The tank is filled with sea water. Calculate the load on the bulkhead
and the position of the centre of pressure relative to the top of the bulkhead if the
water is;
(i) at the top of the bulkhead, (ii) 4 m up the sounding pipe.(Ch.1 Example 5)
4. The immersed cross section areas through a ship 180 m long, at equal intervals,
are 5, 118, 233, 291, 303, 304, 304, 302, 283, 171 and 0 m2respectively. Calculate the
displacement of the ship in sea water of 1.025 ton/ m3.
5. Ship 120 m long, float 5.5 m fwd draught,5.8 m aft, MCT 1cm, 80 tonne meter, tpc
13, LCF 2.5 fwd of midship, calculate new draught of mass 110 tonne added 24m
aft of midship.

BOE-14, (March, 2018)

1. What are meant by, forward perpendicular (FP), after perpendicular (AP)
2. What is meant by ‘Hogging’ and ‘Sagging’ and how to know the ship is afloat
‘hogging’ or ‘Sagging condition’.
3. Describe dead weight, light weight, displacement of a ship and state how they are
4. Sketch and describe righting moment and righting lever?
5. What is tank top? What is purpose of it?
6. What are the functions of the stern frame?
7. Describes and sketches a bilge strum box.
8. What is meant the rudder trunk?
9. With respect to hull structure, list at least 8 numbers of structural components.
10. What is air vent pipe? What is purpose of it?
11. What is Pillars and purposes of it?
12. What is the stringer and where they are fitted?
13. What is bilge keel and bilge radius?
14. What is collision bulkhead?

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15. With respect to load line, explain fresh water allowance.
16. .
17. .
18. .

1. Ch 1 eg. 7
2. Ch 3 eg. 3
3. (a) Sketch and describe the construction of Bulwark.(12)
(b) How to overcome the crack due to stress at sheer strake to fit the bulwark?(4)
4. Sketch and describe chain locker, anchor and cable arrangements.
5. .

BOE-15, (July, 2018)

1. Fire main line arrangement
2. Explain the principle of screw propulsion.
3. Two methods of cathodic protection system
4. What is main deck and tween deck?
5. How do you understand the terms angle of loll?
6. Explain with and aid of sketch, six degrees of ship motion.
7. Lists the various types of rudder and explain them.
8. What are meant by deck line, load line mark and load line?
9. What is the floor? State how many type of floors are used in ship construction.
10. What is meant by seaworthy.
11. Define hatch coaming, hatch cover, hatch beam and cleating arrangement.
12. What is meant by longitudinal centre floatation (LCF)?
13. With respect to load line, explain fresh water allowance.
14. How do you understand the term ‘tender ship’ and ‘stiff ship’?
15. What is meant by panting and state which part of the ship is affected?
16. Describe reserve buoyancy and explain importance of reserve buoyancy.
17. What is dead light and where it is fitted?
18. Describe dead weight, light weight and displacement of a ship and state how they
are related?

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1. WW Bank 1 CH 6
2. WW Bank 18 CH 1
3. WW Bank 4 CH 3
4. (a) Sketch & Describes the construction of chain lockers. (8)
(b) Sketch and describe the Clench cable assembly for anchor chain. (8)
5. (a) Sketch and describe the construction of Bulwark. (12)
(b) How to overcome the crack due to stress at sheer strake to fit the bulwark?(4)

BOE-16, (November, 2018)

1. What is meant by ‘Statical stability’?
2. What is meant by water plane area?
3. Define freeboard and freeboard deck?
4. What is free surface and explain adverse effects on ship?
5. Describe the construction of Bulwark.
6. What means of rise of floor, flare?
7. What means of parallel middle body, entrance?
8. What is meant by tone per centimeter immersion TPC? Explain why TPC varies
with different draught.
9. Define the moulded breath, moulded depth and moulded draft, half of breath.
10. Explain the sea-chest.
11. What is meant by ‘Pounding’ or ‘Slamming’ and state which part of the ship is
12. Describe the purpose of bilge keel and how they are attached to the ship’s side.
13. Lists the items of anchor handling arrangement?
14. Describe the rudder trunk?
15. What is sheer and state purpose of providing sheer in a ship?
16. What is meant by trimming lever? Draw a sketch showing location of trimming
17. Explains compensation for loss of strength at hatch openings.

1. WWQB 3

3E BOE Old Questions (NA & SC) PARAMI Sep. 2018 Page 18 of 23
2. WWQB 5
4. Sketch and describe a watertight door of sliding type. What routine maintenance
must be carried out to ensure that the door is always in working order?
5. (a) Describe about shell plating.
(b)Describe about deck plating.

BOE-17, (March, 2019)

1. What is meant by panting and state which part of the ship is affected?
2. What are the purposes of a stern tube?
3. What are the functions of the stern frame?
4. How many types of keels are used in ship construction? Explain duct keel.
5. What are meant by deck line, load line mark and load line?
6. How many minimum numbers of bulkheads are required for a ship? (4)
7. State with reasons, what is the main purpose of bulbous bow?
8. What is tank top? What purpose of it?
9. What are at least three advantages of C.P.P?
10. What is Pillars and purposes of it?
11. Describes the construction and use of an anchor cable stopper.
12. What is MCT1 cm and write down the formula for MCT 1 cm.
13. Define and illustrate Camber, Tumblehome, rise of floor and Rake.
14. Describe the margin plate and margin line.
15. What are LOA and LBP ? (4)
16. Describe and sketch a bilge strum box.
17. Explain pressure and what is centre of pressure?

1. WWQB 7
2. (a) How do you understand the terms ‘tender ship’ and ‘stiff ship’.
(b)WWQB 41
3. (a) State how the water plane area coefficient CW is defined.
(b) WWQB 9

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4. Sketch and describe the longitudinal and transverse system of framing on
transverse section of the ship.
5. Sketch and describe briefly
(a) chain locker (8)
(b) hawse pipe (8)

BOE-18, (July, 2019)

1. Write down the Denny formula to calculate the wetted surface area and explain
the formula.
2. What is meant by ‘Hogging’ and ‘Sagging’ and how to know the ship is afloat
‘hogging’ or ‘Sagging condition’.
3. Describe the rudder trunk?
4. What is the purpose of clench pin?
5. What are the functions of wing tank?
6. What is dead light and where it is fitted?
7. What are the functions of watertight bulkhead?
8. What are the differences between Centre of gravity and centroid?
9. What is gross tonnage? What is net tonnage?
10. Describe the purpose of bilge keel and how they are attached to the ship’s side.
11. Describes how to get the corrosion onboard.
12. What are the purposes of constructing cofferdam and state where they are
13. What is a meant by a term ‘cross flooding’?
14. Describe reserve buoyancy and explain importance of reserve buoyancy.
15. .
16. .
17. .
18. .

1. WWQB 14
2. WWQB 22
3. WWQB 44

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4. Sketch and describe collision bulkhead.
5. (a)Sketch and describe the line to be used with Load Line marks?(12)
(b) Explain the purpose of freeing port. (4)

BOE-19, (November, 2019)

1. State with reasons, what is the main purpose of bulbous bow?
2. What is meant by panting and state which part of the ship is affected?
3. What is main deck and tween deck?
4. What is the stringer and where they are fitted?
5. What are the functions of the stern frame?
6. What is collision bulkhead?
7. State how the block coefficient Cb is defined.
8. What is air vent pipe? What is purpose of it?
9. Describes the construction and use of an anchor cable stopper.
10. Define freeboard and freeboard deck?
11. What is the purpose of clench pin?
12. What is gross tonnage? What is net tonnage?
13. Describe Effect of free surface and Angle of Loll.
14. Describe the rudder trunk?
15. Lists the various types of rudder and explain them.
16. How do you understand the terms ‘tender ship’ and ‘stiff ship’.
17. Sketch and describe righting moment and righting lever?
18. What are the purposes of constructing cofferdam and state where they are

1. WWQB15
2. WWQB 30
3. WWQB 43
4. (a) Sketch and describes the lines to be used with the load line mark.
(b) What is freeing port and state purpose of it?
5. Sketch and describes about the balanced rudder.

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BOE-20, (March, 2020)

1. What is meant by tone per centimeter immersion TPC? Explain why TPC varies
with different draught.
2. Describes the fitting of air vent pipes to ballast tanks or fuel oil tanks.
3. What is meant by ‘Racking’?
4. Lists the items of anchor handling arrangement?
5. Explains how to secure anchor.
6. What is collision bulkhead?
7. Explains compensation for loss of strength at hatch openings.
8. State how the block coefficient Cb is defined.
9. Explain pressure and what is centre of pressure?
10. Define freeboard and freeboard deck?
11. Describe shortly frames, floors, transverse frames, deck frames? (MMEA, No.40)
12. What is slack tank? Describe the effects of slack tank.
13. Explain the purpose of rudder carrier bearing.
14. What are meant by, forward perpendicular (FP), after perpendicular (AP)
15. Describes a ship’s propeller and defines Boss, Rake of propeller.
16. How many types of cranes for ship are available and where are they used?
17. .
18. .

1. WWQB10
2. WWQB 30
3. WWQB 33
4. Sketch & Describe the construction of the Bulkhead. How many types of bulkhead
to be found onboard?
5. With a aid of sketch, Explain function o deep tank? What tanks are called deep
tanks onboard?

BOE-21, (July, 2020)

1. Explain the six degrees of ship motion.

3E BOE Old Questions (NA & SC) PARAMI Sep. 2018 Page 22 of 23
2. What is meant by ‘Hogging’ and ‘Sagging’ and how to know the ship is afloat
‘hogging’ or ‘Sagging condition’.
3. How many types of bulkhead to be found on board?
4. Describes how to get the corrosion onboard.
5. How many fire pumps are fitted on ships? Where is location of emergency fire
pump and how to drive it?
6. Describe the margin plate and margin line.
7. Describe reserve buoyancy and explain importance of reserve buoyancy.
8. Describe the rudder trunk?
9. Explains why the shaft tunnel must be of watertight construction and how water is
prevented from entering the engine room if the tunnel becomes flooded.
10. What are the purposes of a stern tube?
11. Explain function of deep tank? What tanks are called deep tanks onboard?
12. What is meant by trimming lever? Draw a sketch showing location of trimming
13. (a) What is centre of gravity?
14. What is MCT1 cm and write down the formula for MCT 1 cm.
15. With respect to load line, explain fresh water allowance.
17. .
18. .


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