Symbol List Directions

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Using Platts Symbol Directories

As of: July 5, 2023


Platts Symbol Directories list Platts time series symbols and related descriptive information grouped by Market Data Category. There
are two Directories (Active, and Discontinued/Inactive symbols) for each major product group - Petroleum, Natural Gas, etc. For a
complete list of Directories and the categories they contain, see the 'Directories & MDCs' tab on this spreadsheet.

Platts offers numerical time series data to subscribers via:

·        Real-time: numerical data feed delivered via most realtime information providers serving energy and financial markets
·        Platts Market Data (formerly Dispatch): numerical data updated six or more times each weekday, in either of two formats:
– Text format via internet or dial-up FTP at for subscribers who maintain their own database of Platts prices
– Comma-delimited (.csv) format for use in subscriber desktop applications such as spreadsheets either via
the Subscriber Services/'Access My Subscriptions' option at
Platts market data is also available via many information providers who receive it via Market Data FTP.
·        Special-request: custom historical data sets can be prepared for one-time projects, etc. For more information, email
[email protected]
For more information on Platts' data services and vendor partners, or to subscribe, please contact us. You can reach us by email at
[email protected], or obtain telephone numbers and addresses for our offices worldwide at
Symbol Directories are currently updated monthly on For more timely information on Platts symbols, see the New
Codes page at
You can also sign up to receive notifications via email whenever new symbol announcements are posted to the New Codes page.
For more information, see Subscriber Services/Email Alerts at
Symbol lists in both text and .csv format, updated weekly, are also available via anonymous login at . In addition to separate symbol list files for each data category, the ThisWeek_sym.csv file in the /csv-
version folder lists all symbols which have been added, changed or discontinued for the preceding week for all market data categories.
Note that you may have to adjust your browser or FTP client software configuration to access this site if your organization uses a
firewall to protect its network.

Directory key:

A. Market Data Category (MDC): 2- or 3-character category code. Rows containing '-------' in column B display the data category
description in column C. In each directory spreadsheet, rows containing column headings and data category descriptions are
highlighted in blue.

When symbols are discontinued, Platts announces the change on the 'New Codes' page and moves them to the corresponding
'discontinued' data category; they'll normally appear in the appropriate 'Discontinued' Directory in the next update after the change. In
most cases, the discontinued category is the active category with a 'Z' appended to it; eg when symbols in active category EB are
discontinued, they are moved to category EBZ and will appear in the next update to the 'Discontinued Oil Assessments' directory.
B. Symbol: Platts 7-character symbol
C. Bate(s): Numerical data type(s) for value(s) published for this symbol:

'u' bates are also used in some cases for non-integer volumes, such as powerline and natgas pipeline flow amounts. Due to system
limitations, some realtime subscribers may receive prices under 'c' bates which appear in these directories as 'u' bates. Bates o and e are
used almost exclusively for exchange futures prices from ICE, Nymex, etc; m bates are used very rarely.
D. Decimal places: Number of decimal places (digits to the right of the decimal point) for price values.
E. Frequency: Indicates how often numeric values for this symbol update. Most daily (DA or DW) symbols update only on weekdays,
but any symbols which update more than 5 days per week will be coded DA.
Code Assessment Frequency Code Assessment Frequency
BI Every other month FN Fortnightly
BM Semi-monthly HR Hourly
BW Semi-weekly ID Intraday
BY Semi-annually MA Monthly
DA Daily (7 days) QR Quarterly
DB Daily (Bidweek only) WA Weekly
DW Daily (weekdays) YR Yearly

F. Currency: Currency code for price values for this symbol. For a complete list of codes, see the 'Currencies' tab on this spreadsheet.
G. Unit of Measure: Unit of measure code for price and volume values for this symbol. For a complete list of codes, see the 'Units of
Measure' tab on this spreadsheet.
H, I, J. Conversion Factor (if applicable): To convert the unit of measure in column G to the one in column J, apply the factor in
column H; the operator in column I indicates whether to multiply (*) or divide (/). Symbol Directories include factors only for the most
commonly-used volume-to-weight conversions which depend on commodity-related characteristics such as specific gravity.
Arithmetic volume-to-volume and weight-to-weight conversion factors (eg 42 gallons/barrel) are not included.

K, L, M. Earliest, Latest price dates: These dates apply to the symbol, and don’t necessarily indicate that all its bates have values for
the entire date range. Platts does not currently database or publish prices when no data is available, so there may not be numeric values
for all dates in the specified range. A 'Y' in column M indicates that the most recent price for this symbol is within 30-45 days of the
as-of date for the Directory (see row 2 above); except for a few which update seasonally, symbols marked this way are usually still
actively updating.
N. Symbol Description: Description for this symbol. Most descriptions are 50 characters or less, but some may be longer.
Symbol Directory MDC Code #Symbols
Agriculture BF 405
Agriculture BX 1746
Agriculture GRC 79
Agriculture GRY 94
Agriculture GRW 32
Agriculture GRX 380
Agriculture OL 116
Agriculture LR 204
Agriculture SG 56
Agriculture SY 6
Agriculture SP 71
Agriculture Dis BFZ 170
Agriculture Dis BXZ 1149
Agriculture Dis GRCZ 3
Agriculture Dis GRYZ 9
Agriculture Dis GRWZ 3
Agriculture Dis GRXZ 38
Agriculture Dis OLZ 6
Agriculture Dis LRZ 71
Agriculture Dis SGZ 40
Agriculture Dis SYZ 23
Agriculture Dis SPZ 23
Coal CRY 298
Coal CI 380
Coal MC 265
Coal CTA 57
Coal CO 1890
Coal DC 9
Coal EU 196
Coal Disc CRYZ 50
Coal Disc CIZ 367
Coal Disc MCZ 102
Coal Disc COZ 3663
Coal Disc DCZ 94
Coal Disc EUZ 140
Coal Disc EJZ 279
EnergyT Dis HYZ 31
EnergyTrans AMF 210
EnergyTrans AMO 108
EnergyTrans CMR 543
EnergyTrans CNL 13
EnergyTrans CBX 14
EnergyTrans CBN 398
EnergyTrans ACM 25
EnergyTrans MPC 250
EnergyTrans HY 584
EnergyTrans LCU 246
EnergyTrans LCA 122
EnergyTrans LCE 216
Futures XL 550
Futures TJ 290
Futures RF 506
Futures IB 104
Futures TK 262
Futures TQ 249
Futures TW 315
Futures CF 627
Futures CH 277
Futures CD 409
Futures CU 277
Futures TE 941
Futures TB 1187
Futures IF 217
Futures TH 2222
Futures TG 767
Futures IX 879
Futures IS 218
Futures IH 50
Futures ILO 504
Futures INO 144
Futures ISO 72
Futures FK 312
Futures Disc TJZ 495
Futures Disc TKZ 368
Futures Disc TWZ 197
Futures Disc CFZ 523
Futures Disc CHZ 180
Futures Disc CDZ 180
Futures Disc CUZ 240
Futures Disc QFZ 711
Futures Disc TBZ 495
Futures Disc TEZ 921
Futures Disc THZ 750
Futures Disc TFZ 72
Futures Disc TGZ 540
Futures Disc IXZ 240
Futures Disc IJZ 532
Futures Disc XPZ 20
Futures Disc XLZ 280
Futures Disc XQZ 20
Futures Disc RFZ 929
Futures Disc IBZ 116
Futures Disc ZAZ 245
Futures Disc TQZ 231
Futures Disc ICZ 313
Futures Disc IAZ 667
Futures Disc IFZ 121
Futures Disc ISZ 131
Futures Disc IHZ 180
Futures Disc FKZ 29
M2MS Natgas QDX 1976
M2MS Natgas MDC 2456
M2MS Natgas EDC 6780
M2MS Natgas PDC 8429
M2MS Natgas RDC 7938
M2MS Natgas GDC 11621
M2MS Natgas UDC 3074
M2MS Natgas QMX 2544
M2MS Natgas MMC 3535
M2MS Natgas EMC 9771
M2MS Natgas PMC 12055
M2MS Natgas RMC 11161
M2MS Natgas GMC 16020
M2MS Natgas UMC 4391
M2MS Natgas Dis GYZ 7153
M2MS Natgas Dis GPZ 2353
M2MS Natgas Dis GQZ 5575
M2MS Natgas Dis MDCZ 123
M2MS Natgas Dis EDCZ 35
M2MS Natgas Dis PDCZ 97
M2MS Natgas Dis RDCZ 31
M2MS Natgas Dis GDCZ 270
M2MS Natgas Dis UDCZ 23
M2MS Natgas Dis MMCZ 4
M2MS Natgas Dis EMCZ 44
M2MS Natgas Dis PMCZ 70
M2MS Natgas Dis RMCZ 38
M2MS Natgas Dis GMCZ 33
M2MS Natgas Dis UMCZ 26
M2MS Power ODC 5051
M2MS Power ADC 12452
M2MS Power FDC 17145
M2MS Power JDC 19411
M2MS Power SDC 4100
M2MS Power WDC 7316
M2MS Power OMC 7331
M2MS Power AMC 17946
M2MS Power FMC 18177
M2MS Power JMC 27288
M2MS Power SMC 5959
M2MS Power WMC 10672
M2MS Power ODH 3312
M2MS Power FDH 14104
M2MS Power ADH 12724
M2MS Power JDH 19248
M2MS Power SDH 3917
M2MS Power WDH 7397
M2MS Power Dis MYZ 10088
M2MS Power Dis MPZ 3825
M2MS Power Dis MQZ 5299
M2MS Power Dis ADCZ 608
M2MS Power Dis FDCZ 148
M2MS Power Dis JDCZ 899
M2MS Power Dis SDCZ 404
M2MS Power Dis WDCZ 584
M2MS Power Dis AMCZ 754
M2MS Power Dis FMCZ 153
M2MS Power Dis JMCZ 436
M2MS Power Dis SMCZ 47
M2MS Power Dis WMCZ 108
M2MS Power Dis ODHZ 192
M2MS Power Dis FDHZ 1560
M2MS Power Dis ADHZ 1008
M2MS Power Dis JDHZ 1392
M2MS Power Dis SDHZ 431
M2MS Power Dis WDHZ 719
Metals MC 265
Metals AD 6475
Metals AP 79
Metals AY 441
Metals BAT 84
Metals AC 3728
Metals MRY 223
Metals FA 95
Metals ST 95
Metals SI 166
Metals LM 104
Metals ML 1022
Metals LT 31
Metals MM 566
Metals MI 2
Metals SX 646
Metals MX 625
Metals PM 123
Metals SS 136
Metals SQ 66
Metals SR 213
Metals MF 25
Metals Disc MCZ 102
Metals Disc ACZ 64
Metals Disc MRYZ 22
Metals Disc FAZ 180
Metals Disc STZ 27
Metals Disc SIZ 96
Metals Disc LMZ 72
Metals Disc MLZ 94
Metals Disc LTZ 20
Metals Disc MMZ 351
Metals Disc MIZ 32
Metals Disc SXZ 301
Metals Disc PMZ 57
Metals Disc SSZ 51
Metals Disc SQZ 49
Metals Disc SRZ 124
Metals Disc MFZ 48
Metals Disc MXZ 292
Natgas LF 661
Natgas LNC 19
Natgas DLF 1683
Natgas MIP 95
Natgas AN 35
Natgas EG 842
Natgas EBM 26
Natgas EH 302
Natgas GF 6524
Natgas GX 178
Natgas GD 2769
Natgas GI 1800
Natgas GJ 2227
Natgas GH 10
Natgas GM 1437
Natgas GS 49
Natgas Disc LFZ 167
Natgas Disc LNCZ 1
Natgas Disc EGZ 753
Natgas Disc EHZ 143
Natgas Disc GFZ 9086
Natgas Disc GNZ 18758
Natgas Disc GIZ 74
Natgas Disc GJZ 120
Natgas Disc GDZ 344
Natgas Disc NDZ 14
Natgas Disc NGZ 24
Natgas Disc GMZ 215
Natgas Disc GSZ 24
Oil Assmts BA 432
Oil Assmts BL 58
Oil Assmts NW 150
Oil Assmts NP 380
Oil Assmts NQ 108
Oil Assmts NX 168
Oil Assmts NV 60
Oil Assmts NM 264
Oil Assmts NK 36
Oil Assmts NT 72
Oil Assmts YR 75
Oil Assmts YI 54
Oil Assmts YS 84
Oil Assmts YN 30
Oil Assmts YH 132
Oil Assmts YU 18
Oil Assmts YL 36
Oil Assmts RC 91
Oil Assmts RW 116
Oil Assmts CL 103
Oil Assmts MPP 62
Oil Assmts RA 59
Oil Assmts RU 252
Oil Assmts RI 604
Oil Assmts RP 288
Oil Assmts ULF 84
Oil Assmts ULO 108
Oil Assmts ULE 96
Oil Assmts ULL 199
Oil Assmts ULM 283
Oil Assmts ULD 192
Oil Assmts USF 84
Oil Assmts USO 108
Oil Assmts USE 96
Oil Assmts USL 199
Oil Assmts USM 283
Oil Assmts USD 208
Oil Assmts AHF 88
Oil Assmts AHO 64
Oil Assmts AHE 38
Oil Assmts AHL 37
Oil Assmts AHM 76
Oil Assmts AHD 64
Oil Assmts ALF 88
Oil Assmts ALO 64
Oil Assmts ALE 38
Oil Assmts ALL 56
Oil Assmts ALM 76
Oil Assmts ALD 64
Oil Assmts RHF 301
Oil Assmts RHO 510
Oil Assmts RHE 153
Oil Assmts RHL 51
Oil Assmts RHM 561
Oil Assmts RHD 816
Oil Assmts RSF 289
Oil Assmts RSO 510
Oil Assmts RSE 153
Oil Assmts RSL 51
Oil Assmts RSM 561
Oil Assmts RSD 816
Oil Assmts DI 81
Oil Assmts DU 1488
Oil Assmts DA 1035
Oil Assmts DR 2780
Oil Assmts LI 166
Oil Assmts LG 87
Oil Assmts LCU 246
Oil Assmts LCA 122
Oil Assmts LCE 216
Oil Assmts MQN 900
Oil Assmts QDU 1881
Oil Assmts FDU 1275
Oil Assmts QDA 894
Oil Assmts FDA 144
Oil Assmts QDR 1924
Oil Assmts FDE 136
Oil Assmts QDG 3576
Oil Assmts AG 134
Oil Assmts PU 14
Oil Assmts CC 2
Oil Assmts WC 47
Oil Assmts EB 313
Oil Assmts FS 115
Oil Assmts FUJ 9
Oil Assmts JPR 51
Oil Assmts PL 416
Oil Assmts LU 9
Oil Assmts PN 147
Oil Assmts PZ 19
Oil Assmts CJ 38
Oil Assmts RN 284
Oil Assmts CS 106
Oil Assmts CX 27
Oil Assmts PS 9
Oil Assmts PG 18
Oil Assmts UG 338
Oil Assmts UZ 19
Oil Assmts UW 114
Oil Assmts FK 312
Oil Assmts IN 25
Oil Assmts ID 36
Oil Assmts MA 217
Oil Assmts Disc BAZ 709
Oil Assmts Disc BLZ 67
Oil Assmts Disc NJZ 274
Oil Assmts Disc NWZ 313
Oil Assmts Disc NQZ 233
Oil Assmts Disc NXZ 337
Oil Assmts Disc NVZ 219
Oil Assmts Disc NMZ 387
Oil Assmts Disc NKZ 223
Oil Assmts Disc NTZ 205
Oil Assmts Disc YCZ 241
Oil Assmts Disc YRZ 278
Oil Assmts Disc YIZ 209
Oil Assmts Disc YSZ 239
Oil Assmts Disc YNZ 191
Oil Assmts Disc YHZ 339
Oil Assmts Disc YUZ 201
Oil Assmts Disc YLZ 177
Oil Assmts Disc RCZ 48
Oil Assmts Disc RWZ 46
Oil Assmts Disc CLZ 57
Oil Assmts Disc RAZ 85
Oil Assmts Disc RUZ 68
Oil Assmts Disc RIZ 245
Oil Assmts Disc RPZ 172
Oil Assmts Disc ULMZ 46
Oil Assmts Disc USDZ 32
Oil Assmts Disc USMZ 46
Oil Assmts Disc ULDZ 48
Oil Assmts Disc DUZ 755
Oil Assmts Disc DAZ 502
Oil Assmts Disc DRZ 3831
Oil Assmts Disc ILOZ 924
Oil Assmts Disc INOZ 264
Oil Assmts Disc ISOZ 132
Oil Assmts Disc LIZ 148
Oil Assmts Disc LGZ 12
Oil Assmts Disc LCUZ 16
Oil Assmts Disc LCAZ 6
Oil Assmts Disc LCEZ 4
Oil Assmts Disc MAZ 400
Oil Assmts Disc AGZ 19
Oil Assmts Disc PUZ 14
Oil Assmts Disc CCZ 11
Oil Assmts Disc WCZ 37
Oil Assmts Disc EBZ 240
Oil Assmts Disc FSZ 70
Oil Assmts Disc PGZ 15
Oil Assmts Disc JPRZ 20
Oil Assmts Disc JPOZ 61
Oil Assmts Disc JFZ 33
Oil Assmts Disc PLZ 19
Oil Assmts Disc LUZ 134
Oil Assmts Disc PNZ 411
Oil Assmts Disc PZZ 52
Oil Assmts Disc CJZ 76
Oil Assmts Disc RMZ 30
Oil Assmts Disc RNZ 17
Oil Assmts Disc PQZ 137
Oil Assmts Disc CSZ 65
Oil Assmts Disc CXZ 27
Oil Assmts Disc PSZ 11
Oil Assmts Disc UGZ 342
Oil Assmts Disc UZZ 8
Oil Assmts Disc UWZ 93
Oil Assmts Disc INZ 143
Oil Assmts Disc IDZ 66
Oil Assmts Disc UYZ 27
Oil Assmts Disc YTZ 67
Oil Other OS 380
Oil Other PC 190
Oil Other FX 121
Oil Other HD 27
Oil Other PP 5
Oil Other GA 4
Oil Other OX 513
Oil Other PR 1483
Oil Other AM 1506
Oil Other NE 496
Oil Other NY 1262
Oil Other SA 1839
Oil Other MW 907
Oil Other WO 778
Oil Other NA 1721
Oil Other SM 967
Oil Other NI 742
Oil Other AA 1196
Oil Other GC 1024
Oil Other NR 624
Oil Other NB 584
Oil Other SB 1319
Oil Other IG 688
Oil Other CM 3282
Oil Other AO 272
Oil Other AT 171
Oil Other AH 111
Oil Other AF 100
Oil Other AI 146
Oil Other AS 189
Oil Other IO 22003
Oil Other JI 142
Oil Other Disc PAZ 78
Oil Other Disc CAZ 1
Oil Other Disc OSZ 146
Oil Other Disc PCZ 468
Oil Other Disc FXZ 164
Oil Other Disc OXZ 427
Oil Other Disc GAZ 136
Oil Other Disc PPZ 79
Oil Other Disc EPZ 269
Oil Other Disc PRZ 1369
Oil Other Disc POZ 4082
Oil Other Disc PTZ 1132
Oil Other Disc PHZ 1574
Oil Other Disc PIZ 2880
Oil Other Disc PFZ 570
Oil Other Disc AMZ 754
Oil Other Disc NEZ 296
Oil Other Disc NYZ 751
Oil Other Disc SAZ 681
Oil Other Disc MWZ 220
Oil Other Disc WOZ 438
Oil Other Disc NAZ 627
Oil Other Disc SMZ 534
Oil Other Disc NIZ 383
Oil Other Disc AAZ 473
Oil Other Disc GCZ 611
Oil Other Disc NRZ 144
Oil Other Disc NBZ 149
Oil Other Disc SBZ 419
Oil Other Disc CMZ 437
Oil Other Disc AOZ 322
Oil Other Disc ATZ 198
Oil Other Disc AHZ 224
Oil Other Disc AFZ 104
Oil Other Disc AIZ 173
Oil Other Disc ASZ 175
Oil Other Disc IOZ 6856
Oil Other Disc JIZ 14
Petchems HF 310
Petchems AE 139
Petchems AL 6
Petchems AU 105
Petchems IM 174
Petchems TA 148
Petchems MPA 21
Petchems MPR 32
Petchems MPU 21
Petchems PX 551
Petchems HO 249
Petchems PFA 108
Petchems PFR 57
Petchems PFU 31
Petchems HP 984
Petchems HL 36
Petchems HS 139
Petchems IP 2800
Petchems Disc HFZ 124
Petchems Disc AEZ 112
Petchems Disc ALZ 2
Petchems Disc AUZ 54
Petchems Disc IMZ 53
Petchems Disc TAZ 35
Petchems Disc HOZ 73
Petchems Disc PFAZ 5
Petchems Disc PFRZ 4
Petchems Disc PFUZ 1
Petchems Disc HPZ 325
Petchems Disc HSZ 79
Petchems Disc IPZ 1000
Power EE 496
Power ET 1748
Power PE 1540
Power IK 1084
Power IL 948
Power RE 17
Power ES 1507
Power UO 15
Power RPP 8
Power EM 542
Power EK 246
Power Disc EEZ 1013
Power Disc ETZ 1453
Power Disc PEZ 6521
Power Disc LXZ 3
Power Disc DPZ 16084
Power Disc ESZ 3139
Power Disc EXZ 5
Power Disc EMZ 70
Power Disc EKZ 339
Power Disc SKZ 252
SVC Disc SVZ 12
Shipping BWD 1926
Shipping CTR 186
Shipping TC 534
Shipping TD 3468
Shipping Disc BWDZ 14527
Shipping Disc NPZ 109
Shipping Disc CTRZ 44
Shipping Disc TCZ 366
Shipping Disc TDZ 404
Market Data Category Description
Agriculture: Biofuels
Agriculture: Biofuels Non-Platts Data
Agriculture: Grains Corn
Agriculture: Grains Dry Bulk
Agriculture: Grains Wheat
Agriculture: Grains and Oilseeds Non-Platts Data
Agriculture: Oilseeds
Agriculture: Rice
Agriculture: Sugar
Agriculture: Sugar Freight
Agriculture: Sugar Non-Platts Data
Disc: Agriculture Biofuels
Disc: Agriculture Biofuels Non-Platts Data
Disc: Agriculture Grains Corn
Disc: Agriculture Grains Dry Bulk
Disc: Agriculture Grains Wheat
Disc: Agriculture Grains and Oilseeds Non-Platts Da
Disc: Agriculture Oilseeds
Disc: Agriculture Rice
Disc: Agriculture Sugar
Disc: Agriculture Sugar Freight
Disc: Agriculture Sugar Non-Platts Data
Coal: Dry Bulk Freight
Coal: International + US Export Prices
Coal: Metallurgical Coal
Coal: Thermal Coal Fundamental Data
Coal: US Daily Assmts + Weekly Indexes
Derivatives: Coal
Emissions: Non-Platts Data - European Exch/Other
Disc: Coal Dry Bulk Freight
Disc: Coal Internatl + US Export Prices
Disc: Coal Metallurgical Coal
Disc: Coal US Daily Assmts + Wkly Idxs
Disc: Derivatives Coal
Disc: Emissions Global Carbon
Disc: Emissions Global SO2/NOx
Disc: Hydrogen Global Assessments
Ammonia: Derivatives
Ammonia: Global Assessments
Carbon Markets Risk
Carbon Neutral LNG: Global Assessments
Carbon: Global AI Indices
Carbon: Global Assessments
Compliance Markets
Environmental Markets and Certificates
Hydrogen: Global Assessments
Low Carbon Crude: Americas
Low Carbon Crude: Asia
Low Carbon Crude: Europe
Futures/Nearbys: DME Oman Crude Oil
Futures/Nearbys: ICE Brent Crude Oil
Futures/Nearbys: ICE Coal
Futures/Nearbys: ICE Emissions
Futures/Nearbys: ICE Gas Oil
Futures/Nearbys: ICE Natural Gas
Futures/Nearbys: ICE WTI Crude Oil
Futures/Nearbys: NYMEX Brent/Sour Crude
Futures/Nearbys: NYMEX CME Heating Oil
Futures/Nearbys: NYMEX CME Lt Swt Crude
Futures/Nearbys: NYMEX CME RBOB Gasoline
Futures/Nearbys: NYMEX Heating Oil/ULSD
Futures/Nearbys: NYMEX Lt Swt Crude
Futures/Nearbys: NYMEX Metals
Futures/Nearbys: NYMEX Natural Gas
Futures/Nearbys: NYMEX RBOB Gasoline
Futures/Nearbys: NYMEX Swap Contracts
Futures/Nearbys: NYMEX Uranium
Futures/Nearbys: Singapore Exch Fuel Oil
Futures: ICE Intraday Oil Risk Curves - London 16:30
Futures: ICE Intraday Oil Risk Curves - New York 14:30
Futures: ICE Intraday Oil Risk Curves - Singapore 16:30
Oil: Platts Futures at MOC Assessments
Disc: Futures ICE Crude Light
Disc: Futures ICE Gas Oil
Disc: Futures ICE WTI Crude Oil
Disc: Futures NYMEX Brent/Sour Crude
Disc: Futures NYMEX CME Heating Oil
Disc: Futures NYMEX CME Lt Swt Crude
Disc: Futures NYMEX CME/Access RBOB/Unl
Disc: Futures NYMEX Coal
Disc: Futures NYMEX Crude Light
Disc: Futures NYMEX Heating Oil/ULSD
Disc: Futures NYMEX Natural gas
Disc: Futures NYMEX Propane
Disc: Futures NYMEX RBOB/Unl Gasoline
Disc: Futures NYMEX Swap Contracts
Disc: Futures/Nearbys Chi Climate Exch
Disc: Futures/Nearbys DME Brent Fin
Disc: Futures/Nearbys DME Oman Crude
Disc: Futures/Nearbys DME WTI Oman Fin
Disc: Futures/Nearbys ICE Coal
Disc: Futures/Nearbys ICE Emissions
Disc: Futures/Nearbys ICE MidE SourCrude
Disc: Futures/Nearbys ICE Natural Gas
Disc: Futures/Nearbys NYMEX Electricity
Disc: Futures/Nearbys NYMEX Emissions
Disc: Futures/Nearbys NYMEX Metals
Disc: Futures/Nearbys NYMEX Uranium
Disc: Futures/Nearbys Singapore Exch FO
Disc: Oil Platts Futures at MOC Assessments
M2MS: 120-Month Gas forward curves Mexico
M2MS: 120-month Gas forward curves MidContinent
M2MS: 120-month Gas forward curves North East
M2MS: 120-month Gas forward curves PFC Hubs Only
M2MS: 120-month Gas forward curves Rockies and West
M2MS: 120-month Gas forward curves US Gulf Coast
M2MS: 120-month Gas forward curves Upper Midwest
M2MS: 240-Month Gas forward curves Mexico
M2MS: 240-month Gas forward curves Mid Continent
M2MS: 240-month Gas forward curves North East
M2MS: 240-month Gas forward curves PFC Hubs Only
M2MS: 240-month Gas forward curves Rockies and West
M2MS: 240-month Gas forward curves US Gulf Coast
M2MS: 240-month Gas forward curves Upper Midwest
Disc: M2M Natgas 240-mo Forwards
Disc: M2M Natgas 36-mo (Ed+Model)
Disc: M2M Natgas 36-mo (Model only)
Disc: M2MS 120-month Gas forward curves MidContinent
Disc: M2MS 120-month Gas forward curves North East
Disc: M2MS 120-month Gas forward curves PFC Hubs Only
Disc: M2MS 120-month Gas forward curves Rockies and West
Disc: M2MS 120-month Gas forward curves US Gulf Coast
Disc: M2MS 120-month Gas forward curves Upper Midwest
Disc: M2MS 240-month Gas forward curves Mid Continent
Disc: M2MS 240-month Gas forward curves North East
Disc: M2MS 240-month Gas forward curves PFC Hubs Only
Disc: M2MS 240-month Gas forward curves Rockies and West
Disc: M2MS 240-month Gas forward curves US Gulf Coast
Disc: M2MS 240-month Gas forward curves Upper Midwest
M2MS: 120-month Power forward curves ERCOT
M2MS: 120-month Power forward curves North East
M2MS: 120-month Power forward curves PFC Power Hubs Only
M2MS: 120-month Power forward curves PJM/MISO
M2MS: 120-month Power forward curves South East
M2MS: 120-month Power forward curves West
M2MS: 240-month Power forward curves ERCOT
M2MS: 240-month Power forward curves North East
M2MS: 240-month Power forward curves PFC Power Hubs Only
M2MS: 240-month Power forward curves PJM/MISO
M2MS: 240-month Power forward curves South East
M2MS: 240-month Power forward curves West
M2MS: 36-month heat rate curves ERCOT
M2MS: 36-month heat rate curves National Package
M2MS: 36-month heat rate curves North East
M2MS: 36-month heat rate curves PJM/MISO
M2MS: 36-month heat rate curves South East
M2MS: 36-month heat rate curves West
Disc: M2M Power 240-mo Forwards
Disc: M2M Power 36-mo (Ed+Model)
Disc: M2M Power 36-mo (Model only)
Disc: M2MS 120-month Power forward curves North East
Disc: M2MS 120-month Power forward curves PFC Power Hubs Onl
Disc: M2MS 120-month Power forward curves PJM/MISO
Disc: M2MS 120-month Power forward curves South East
Disc: M2MS 120-month Power forward curves West
Disc: M2MS 240-month Power forward curves North East
Disc: M2MS 240-month Power forward curves PFC Power Hubs Onl
Disc: M2MS 240-month Power forward curves PJM/MISO
Disc: M2MS 240-month Power forward curves South East
Disc: M2MS 240-month Power forward curves West
Disc: M2MS 36-month heat rate curves ERCOT
Disc: M2MS 36-month heat rate curves National Package
Disc: M2MS 36-month heat rate curves North East
Disc: M2MS 36-month heat rate curves PJM/MISO
Disc: M2MS 36-month heat rate curves South East
Disc: M2MS 36-month heat rate curves West
Coal: Metallurgical Coal
Metals: AISI Steel Demand Data
Metals: AISI Steel Production Data
Metals: AISI Steel Supply Data
Metals: Battery Metals
Metals: China Steel Analytics
Metals: Dry Bulk Freight
Metals: Ferroalloys
Metals: Ferrous Scrap
Metals: Iron Ore
Metals: LME Ferrous
Metals: LME Non-ferrous
Metals: Light
Metals: Major
Metals: Minor
Metals: Misc Non-Platts Data - Ferrous
Metals: Misc Non-Platts Data - Non-Ferrous
Metals: Precious
Metals: Steel Americas
Metals: Steel Asia
Metals: Steel EMEA
Metals: Steel Mill Economics/Metals Spreads
Disc: Coal Metallurgical Coal
Disc: Metals China Steel Analytics
Disc: Metals Dry Bulk Freight
Disc: Metals Ferroalloys
Disc: Metals Ferrous Scrap
Disc: Metals Iron Ore
Disc: Metals LME Ferrous
Disc: Metals LME Non-ferrous
Disc: Metals Light
Disc: Metals Major
Disc: Metals Minor
Disc: Metals Misc Non-Platts Data - Ferrous
Disc: Metals Precious
Disc: Metals Steel Americas
Disc: Metals Steel Asia
Disc: Metals Steel EMEA
Disc: Metals Steel Mill Economics/Metals Spreads
Disc: Misc Non-Platts Data - Non-Ferrous
LNG: Assessments & Fundamentals
LNG: Competitive Fuels
LNG: Forward Curves
Methane Intensity Premium
Natural Gas: Americas Non-Platts data
Natural Gas: European Assessments
Natural Gas: European Biomethane
Natural Gas: European Exch/Other
Natural Gas: European Fwd Assessments
Natural Gas: Gas Daily Mexico
Natural Gas: N American Daily Assmts
Natural Gas: North American Preliminary Daily Prices
Natural Gas: North American Preliminary Monthly Prices
Natural Gas: Platts ICE Gas Indices Americas (GIA)
Natural Gas: US Monthly Assessments
Statistics: N Amer Natgas Storage
Disc: LNG Assessments & Fundamentals
Disc: LNG Competitive Fuels
Disc: Natural Gas European Assessments
Disc: Natural Gas European Exch/Other
Disc: Natural Gas Futures Europe
Disc: Natural Gas N Amer Forward Assess
Disc: Natural Gas North American Preliminary Daily Prices
Disc: Natural Gas North American Preliminary Monthly Prices
Disc: Natural Gas US Daily/Wkly Assmts
Disc: Natural Gas US Dlvd to Pipeline
Disc: Natural Gas US Inside FERC
Disc: Natural Gas US Monthly Assmts
Disc: Statistics N Amer Natgas Storage
Bunkers: Latin America
Crude Netbacks: Europe ARA
Crude Netbacks: Freight Rates
Crude Netbacks: Italy
Crude Netbacks: Singapore
Crude Netbacks: US East Coast
Crude Netbacks: US Gulf Coast
Crude Netbacks: US Midwest
Crude Netbacks: US West Coast
Crude Yields: Europe ARA
Crude Yields: Italy
Crude Yields: Singapore
Crude Yields: US East Coast
Crude Yields: US Gulf Coast
Crude Yields: US Mid-Continent
Crude Yields: US West Coast
Crudes: Canadian
Crudes: Feeders - Weekly
Crudes: Latin America
Crudes: Market Parity Prices
Crudes: Russian Domestic Market
Crudes: at 13:30 Houston
Crudes: at 16:30 London
Crudes: at 16:30 Singapore
Derivatives: FtS Americas London Fuel Oil
Derivatives: FtS Americas London Fuel Oil Cracks
Derivatives: FtS Americas London Light End Cracks
Derivatives: FtS Americas London Light Ends
Derivatives: FtS Americas London Middle Distillates
Derivatives: FtS Americas London Middle Distillates Cracks
Derivatives: FtS Americas Singapore Fuel Oil
Derivatives: FtS Americas Singapore Fuel Oil Cracks
Derivatives: FtS Americas Singapore Light End Cracks
Derivatives: FtS Americas Singapore Light Ends
Derivatives: FtS Americas Singapore Middle Distillates
Derivatives: FtS Americas Singapore Middle Distillates Crack
Derivatives: FtS Asia Houston Fuel Oil
Derivatives: FtS Asia Houston Fuel Oil Cracks
Derivatives: FtS Asia Houston Light End Cracks
Derivatives: FtS Asia Houston Light Ends
Derivatives: FtS Asia Houston Middle Distillates
Derivatives: FtS Asia Houston Middle Distillates Cracks
Derivatives: FtS Asia London Fuel Oil
Derivatives: FtS Asia London Fuel Oil Cracks
Derivatives: FtS Asia London Light End Cracks
Derivatives: FtS Asia London Light Ends
Derivatives: FtS Asia London Middle Distillates
Derivatives: FtS Asia London Middle Distillates Cracks
Derivatives: FtS European Houston Fuel Oil
Derivatives: FtS European Houston Fuel Oil Cracks
Derivatives: FtS European Houston Light End Cracks
Derivatives: FtS European Houston Light Ends
Derivatives: FtS European Houston Middle Distillates
Derivatives: FtS European Houston Middle Distillates Cracks
Derivatives: FtS European Singapore Fuel Oil
Derivatives: FtS European Singapore Fuel Oil Cracks
Derivatives: FtS European Singapore Light End Cracks
Derivatives: FtS European Singapore Light Ends
Derivatives: FtS European Singapore Middle Distillates
Derivatives: FtS European Singapore Middle Distillates Crack
Derivatives: Intraday Indicators
Derivatives: Petroleum Americas
Derivatives: Petroleum Asia
Derivatives: Petroleum EMEA
LPG: International
Low Carbon Crude: Americas
Low Carbon Crude: Asia
Low Carbon Crude: Europe
M2M: North America Natural Gas Liquid Forward Curves
M2M: Oil Forward Curves Americas up to 36 months
M2M: Oil Forward Curves Americas up to 84 months
M2M: Oil Forward Curves Asia up to 36 months
M2M: Oil Forward Curves Asia up to 84 months
M2M: Oil Forward Curves EMEA up to 36 months
M2M: Oil Forward Curves EMEA up to 84 months
M2M: Oil Forward Curves Global up to 240 months
Oil Products: Arab Gulf FOB
Oil Products: Asphalt
Oil Products: Caribbean Cargoes
Oil Products: Chicago Pipeline
Oil Products: European Bulk
Oil Products: Feedstocks
Oil Products: Fujairah Storage Inventory Data
Oil Products: Japan Domestic Oil Products Racks
Oil Products: Latin America
Oil Products: Lubricants
Oil Products: NY Harbor
Oil Products: NY Harbor Fuel Oil
Oil Products: North Asia
Oil Products: Russian Netbacks
Oil Products: Singapore
Oil Products: Singapore Fuel Oil
Oil Products: South China
Oil Products: US Group 3
Oil Products: US Gulf Coast
Oil Products: US Gulf Coast Fuel Oil
Oil Products: US West Coast
Oil: Platts Futures at MOC Assessments
Platts Indexes
Platts Intraday Indications
Platts Monthly Averages
Disc: Bunkers
Disc: Bunkers Latin America
Disc: Crude Netbacks Caribbean
Disc: Crude Netbacks Europe ARA
Disc: Crude Netbacks Italy
Disc: Crude Netbacks Singapore
Disc: Crude Netbacks US East Coast
Disc: Crude Netbacks US Gulf Coast
Disc: Crude Netbacks US Mid-Continent
Disc: Crude Netbacks US West Coast
Disc: Crude Yields Caribbean
Disc: Crude Yields Europe ARA
Disc: Crude Yields Italy
Disc: Crude Yields Singapore
Disc: Crude Yields US East Coast
Disc: Crude Yields US Gulf Coast
Disc: Crude Yields US Mid-Continent
Disc: Crude Yields US West Coast
Disc: Crudes Canadian
Disc: Crudes Feeders - Weekly
Disc: Crudes Latin America
Disc: Crudes Russian Domestic Market
Disc: Crudes at 14:15 Houston
Disc: Crudes at 16:30 London
Disc: Crudes at 16:30 Singapore
Disc: Derivatives FtS Americas London Middle Distillates
Disc: Derivatives FtS Americas Spore Middle Distillate Crack
Disc: Derivatives FtS Americas Spore Middle Distillates
Disc: Derivatives FtS US London Middle Distillates Crack
Disc: Derivatives Petroleum Americas
Disc: Derivatives Petroleum Asia
Disc: Derivatives Petroleum EMEA
Disc: Futures ICE Intraday Oil Risk Curves - London 16:30
Disc: Futures ICE Intraday Oil Risk Curves - New York 14:30
Disc: Futures ICE Intraday Oil Risk Curves - Singapore 16:30
Disc: LPG International
Disc: LPG US
Disc: Low Carbon Crude Americas
Disc: Low Carbon Crude Asia
Disc: Low Carbon Crude Europe
Disc: Monthly Averages
Disc: Oil Products Arab Gulf FOB
Disc: Oil Products Asphalt
Disc: Oil Products Caribbean Cargoes
Disc: Oil Products Chicago Pipeline
Disc: Oil Products European Bulk
Disc: Oil Products Feedstocks
Disc: Oil Products Group 3
Disc: Oil Products Japan Domestic Oil Products Racks
Disc: Oil Products Japan Domestic Oil Products Waterborne
Disc: Oil Products Jet Fuel
Disc: Oil Products Latin America
Disc: Oil Products Lubricants
Disc: Oil Products NY Harbor
Disc: Oil Products NY Harbor Fuel Oil
Disc: Oil Products North Asia
Disc: Oil Products Russian Domestic Mkt
Disc: Oil Products Russian Netbacks
Disc: Oil Products S China Fuel Oil
Disc: Oil Products Singapore
Disc: Oil Products Singapore FO
Disc: Oil Products South China
Disc: Oil Products US Gulf Coast
Disc: Oil Products US Gulf Coast FO
Disc: Oil Products US West Coast
Disc: Platts Indexes
Disc: Platts Intraday Indicators
Disc: US West Coast Fuel Oil
Disc: Yields Tokyo
Crude Postings: Official Selling Prices
Crude Postings: US
Foreign Exchange: 3rd Party Rates & Platts MOC Assessments
Holiday Schedule
Oil Product Postings: Caribbean
Oil Product Postings: USAC/USGC Resids
Oil: Misc Non-Platts Data
Racks: Canadian
Racks: PADD 1 - Mid-Atlantic Area
Racks: PADD 1 - New England
Racks: PADD 1 - New York Area
Racks: PADD 1 - South Atlantic
Racks: PADD 2 - Lower East Midwest
Racks: PADD 2 - Michigan/Ohio Area
Racks: PADD 2 - Northwest Midwest
Racks: PADD 2 - Southwest Midwest
Racks: PADD 2 - Wisc/N Ill/N Ind
Racks: PADD 3 - Inland
Racks: PADD 3 - US Gulf Coast
Racks: PADD 4 - Rockies
Racks: PADD 5 - Northern
Racks: PADD 5 - Southern
Statistics: Baker Hughes Rig Counts
Statistics: CFTC/ICE Bank Pos & COT Reports
Statistics: EIA PADD 1
Statistics: EIA PADD 2
Statistics: EIA PADD 3
Statistics: EIA PADD 4
Statistics: EIA PADD 5
Statistics: EIA US/Reg Totals
Statistics: IE Singapore Petroleum
Statistics: Japanese Govt LPG/Oil
Disc: Crude Postings Canadian
Disc: Crude Postings Latin America
Disc: Crude Postings Official Sell Pr
Disc: Crude Postings US
Disc: Foreign Exchange 3rdParty Rates&Platts MOC Assess
Disc: Oil Misc Non-Platts Data
Disc: Oil Product Post USAC/GC Resids
Disc: Oil Product Postings Carib
Disc: Oil Product Postings E Hemisphere
Disc: Racks Canadian
Disc: Racks US PADD 1
Disc: Racks US PADD 2
Disc: Racks US PADD 3
Disc: Racks US PADD 5
Disc: Racks US PADD4
Disc: Racks/PSTR PADD 1 Mid-Atlantic
Disc: Racks/PSTR PADD 1 New England
Disc: Racks/PSTR PADD 1 New York Area
Disc: Racks/PSTR PADD 1 South Atlantic
Disc: Racks/PSTR PADD 2 Lower E MidW
Disc: Racks/PSTR PADD 2 Michigan/Ohio
Disc: Racks/PSTR PADD 2 NW Midwest
Disc: Racks/PSTR PADD 2 SW Midwest
Disc: Racks/PSTR PADD 2 WI/N IL/N IN
Disc: Racks/PSTR PADD 3 Inland
Disc: Racks/PSTR PADD 3 US Gulf Coast
Disc: Racks/PSTR PADD 4 Rockies
Disc: Racks/PSTR PADD 5 Northern
Disc: Racks/PSTR PADD 5 Southern
Disc: Statistics CFTC/ICE Bank Pos & COT Reports
Disc: Statistics EIA/API PADD 1
Disc: Statistics EIA/API PADD 2
Disc: Statistics EIA/API PADD 3
Disc: Statistics EIA/API PADD 4
Disc: Statistics EIA/API PADD 5
Disc: Statistics EIA/API US/Reg Totals
Disc: Statistics IE Singapore Petroleum
Disc: Statistics Japanese Govt LPG/Oil
Petchems: Aromatics East Asia
Petchems: Aromatics Europe
Petchems: Aromatics Latin America
Petchems: Aromatics US
Petchems: Intermediates
Petchems: Liquid Chemical Tanker Rates
Petchems: M2M Asia
Petchems: M2M Europe
Petchems: M2M North America
Petchems: Misc Non-Platts Data
Petchems: Olefins
Petchems: PFC-Petrochemicals Asia
Petchems: PFC-Petrochemicals Europe
Petchems: PFC-Petrochemicals North America
Petchems: Polymers
Petchems: Polymers Latin America
Petchems: Solvents
Statistics: IE Singapore Petchems
Disc: Petchems Aromatics East Asia
Disc: Petchems Aromatics Europe
Disc: Petchems Aromatics Latin America
Disc: Petchems Aromatics US
Disc: Petchems Intermediates
Disc: Petchems Liquid Chem Tanker Rates
Disc: Petchems Olefins
Disc: Petchems PFC-Petrochemicals Asia
Disc: Petchems PFC-Petrochemicals Europe
Disc: Petchems PFC-Petrochemicals North America
Disc: Petchems Polymers
Disc: Petchems Solvents
Disc: Statistics IE Singapore Petchems
Electricity: European Assessments
Electricity: European Exch/Other
Electricity: European Fwd Assessments
Electricity: North American ISO Prices
Electricity: North American ISO Spark Spreads
Electricity: Renewable Energy Certs
Electricity: US Assessments + Indexes
Nuclear: Platts Uranium price assessments
Renewable Power Purchase Agreement Indices
Spark Spreads: Europe
Spark Spreads: N America
Disc: Electricity European Assessments
Disc: Electricity European Exch/Other
Disc: Electricity European Fwd Assmts
Disc: Electricity Latin Amer Exch/Other
Disc: Electricity N Amer Fwd Assmts
Disc: Electricity US Assmts + Indexes
Disc: Foreign Exchange European Power
Disc: Spark Spreads Europe
Disc: Spark Spreads N America
Disc: Spark Spreads N American Fwd
Disc: Shale Value Chain
Shipping: Containers
Tankers: Clean
Tankers: Dirty
Disc: BunkerWorld
Disc: Crude Netbacks Freight Rates
Disc: Shipping Containers
Disc: Tankers Clean
Disc: Tankers Dirty
Curr code Currency description
AED UAE Dirham
ALL Albanian Lek
ANG Netherlands Ant. Guilder
ARA Argentinian Austral
ARS Argentinian Peso
ATG Austrian Groschen
ATS Austrian Schilling
AUC Australian Cents
AUD Australian Dollar
BBD Barbados Dollar
BDT Bangladesh Taka
BEC Belgian Franc
BGN Bulgarian Lev
BHD Bahraini Dinar
BMD Bermudan Dollar
BND Brunei Dollar
BOL Bolivian Boliviano
BRL Brazilian Real
BSD Bahamian Dollar
BWP Pula
CAC Canadian Cents
CAD Canadian Dollar
CHF Swiss Franc
CLP Chilean Peso
CNY Chinese Yuan
COP Columbian Peso
CRC Costa Rican Colon
CYP Cyprus Pound (prior to 2008)
CZK Czechoslovakia Koruna
DEM German Mark
DJF Djibouti Franc
DKK Danish Krone
DOP Dominican Peso
DZD Algerian Dinar
ECU European Currency Unit
EEK Estonian Kroon
EGP Egyptian Pound
ERC Euro Cents
ESP Spanish Peseta
ETB Ethiopian Birr
FIM Finnish Markka
FRF French Franc
GBC British Pence
GBP Great Britain Pound
GHS Ghanaian Cedi
GIP Gibraltar Pound
GMD Dalasi
GPF German Pfennig
GRD Greek Drachma
GTQ Guatemalan Quetzal
HKD Hong Kong Dollar
HNL Honduran Lempira
HRK Croatian Kuna
HTG Haitian Gourde
HUF Hungarian Fornit
IDR Indonesia Rupiah
IEP Irish Punt
ILS Israeli Shekel
INR Indian Rupee
IQD Iraqi Dinar
ISK Iceland Krona
ITL Italian Lira
JMD Jamaican Dollar
JOD Jordanian Dinar
JPY Japanese Yen
KES Kenyan Schilling
KMF Comoro Franc
KRW Korean Won
KWD Kuwaiti Dinar
KZT Kazakhstan Tenge
LKR Sri Lankan Rupee
LSL Lesotho Lati
LTL Lithuanian Litas
LUF Luxembourg Franc
LVL Latvian Lats
MAD Moroccan Dirham
MTL Maltese Lira
MUR Mauritius Rupee
MWK Malawi Kwacha
MXN Mexican Peso
MYR Malaysian Ringgit
N/A Not Applicable
NGN Nigerian Naira
NIO Nicaraguan Cordoba Oro
NLG Dutch Guilder
NOK Norwegian Krone
NZD New Zealand Dollar
OMR Omani Rial
PEN Peru Inti
PGK Papau New Guinea Kina
PHP Phillippine Peso
PKR Pakastani Rupee
PLN Polish Zloty
PTE Portuguese Escudo
QAR Qatari Rial
RMB Chinese Renminbi
ROL Romanian Leu (prior to July05)
RON Romanian Lei
RUB Russian Ruble
SAR Saudi Rial
SCR Seychelles Rupee
SEK Swedish Krone
SGD Singapore Dollar
SHP St. Helena Pound
SIT Slovenian Tolar
SKK Slovak Koruna
SZL Swaziland Lilangeni
THB Thai Baht
TND Tunisian Dinar
TRL Turkish Lira (prior to 2005)
TRY Turkish Lira
TTD Trinidad and Tobago Dollar
TWD New Taiwan Dollar
UAH Ukraine Hryvnia
UKS UK Sterling
UNS Unspecified
USC United States Cents
USD United States Dollar
USM US Dollar (Millions)
USP US Points
UST US Dollar (Thousands)
VEB Venezuelan Bolivar (former)
VEF Venezuelan Bolívar
VND Viet Nam Dong
XOF CFA Franc Bceao
ZAR South African Rand
ZWD Zimbabwean Dollar
UOM code Unit of Measure description
ALW Allowance (Emissions)
BBD Barrels/Day
BBL Barrel
BCF Cubic Feet (Billions)
BKH BTU/Kilowatt Hour
BOE Barrel of oil equivalent
BSL Bushel
CBG kg CO2 equivalent/gal
CBL Kg CO2 equivalent/bbl
CBM Cubic Meter
CBT kg CO2 equivalent/mt
CEL Celsius
CM Centimeter
CMT Cubic Meters (Thousand)
CON Contracts (Number Of)
CPB Kg CO2 equivalent/boe
CWT Hundredweight
DAG Decagram
DLT Dry Long Ton Unit
DMT Dry Metric Ton
DMU Dry Metric Ton Unit
FAR Fahrenheit
FEU Forty-foot Equivalent Unit
FL Flask
FT Foot
GAL Gallon
GCM GJ/cu m (GJ per cubic meter)
GIG Gigajoules
GKG Gallon per kilogram
GM Gram
GRT Gross Tons
GWH Gigawatt Hours
IBP Indx VS BS PD=100
INC Inches
KG Kilogram
KGD Kilogram per day
KHK Kilowatt hours per kilogram
KL Kiloliter
KNT Knots
KPB Kilowatts/BTU
KT Kiloton
KW Kilowatts
KWH Kilowatt Hours
LB Pound
LGT Long Ton
LSM Lumpsum
LTR Liters
LTU Light Tonne Unit
MBB Barrels (Millions)
MBD Barrels/Day (Millions)
MCD 1000 Cubic Feet per Day(MCF/D)
MCF 1000 Cubic Feet
MCM Cubic Meters (Millions)
MCO mtCO2e/MMBtu
MEG Megawatt
MGW Megawatt Hours
MIL Millimeter
MMB BTU (Millions)
MMD Millions of Cubic Feet per Day
MMT Metric Tons (Millions)
MPC Methane Performance Cert
MT Metric Ton
MTC Metric tons of CO2 equivalent
MTU Third unknown
MTZ Troy OZ (Millions)
N/A Not Applicable
NOD Days (Number Of)
NOV Vessels (Number Of)
NT Net Ton
PCT Percentage
ROC Renewable Obligation Cert
RPK Revenue Passenger Kilometer
ST Short Ton
STU Short Ton Unit
SWU Separative Work Unit
TAF Thousand Of Acre Feet
TBB Barrels (Thousands)
TBD Barrels/Day (Thousands)
TEU Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit
THR Therm
THT Tons (Thousands)
TJL Terajoules
TMT Metric Ton (Thousands)
TOZ Troy Ounce
TWH Terrawatt Hours
WMT Wet Metric Ton
WSC Worldscale (Percent Of)

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