Smart Checkout System For Supermarket

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11 IV April 2023
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at

Smart Checkout System for Supermarket

Mrs. Gavini Venkata Leela Kumari1, Kopuri Sowjanya 2, Reddy Yamini Priya Lakshmi3, Rettu Tejaswini4, Thotakura
Siva Katyayini5, Uppalapati Ahalya6
M. Tech, Assistant professor Dept of Computer Scienceand Engineering, BWEC, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Abstract: A smart checkout system for a supermarket can be designed using a combination of hardware and software solutions
to provide an efficient and streamlined checkout experience for customers. Implementing a smart checkout system requires
careful planning, testing, and evaluation to ensure it meets the needs of both the supermarket and its customers. However, the
benefits of a smart checkout system can include improved efficiency, reduced costs, and increased customer satisfaction. Overall,
a smart checkout system can provide significant benefits to supermarkets and their customers, making the shopping experience
faster, more convenient, and more enjoyable.
Keywords: checkout system, supermarket,customer satisfaction, convenient.

Supermarket is a place where customers come to buy products for daily use and pay. This project is used to automate the invoicing
system in the supermarket and in this cash register system the invoicing is done by webcam which automatically invoicing the
product using the database. The camera will take pictures of the goods, it will find the predefined objects and compare with the
database, the software will calculate the amount of the invoice. There are two types registered and unregistered customers. If the
customer is registered, the amount on the invoice can be debited directly from his account. So, by using by webcam we can bill

A. Motivation
The research motivation for a supermarket billing system using a webcam is to explore the feasibility, accuracy, and efficiency of
using computer vision and machine learning algorithms to automate the product scanning and billing process in a supermarket. A
webcam-based system has the potential to reduce wait times, increase accuracy, and provide a more seamless and convenient
checkout experience for customers.

B. Objective
The objective of a supermarket invoicing system that uses webcams is to automate the scanning and invoicing process for
supermarket products, thereby reducing wait times, increasing accuracy, and improving the customer experience. client. The system
aims to use machine learning and computer vision algorithms to recognize and identify products in webcam images and to
automatically generate itemized invoices for customers.

C. Existing System
Many supermarkets have been using this type of billing system for a decade. Supermarkets use EPOS systems (Electronic Point of
Sale) for their billing processes, these systems consist of hardware such as barcode scanners. Existing supermarket payment systems
typically involve manually scanning each product's barcode, manually entering product information, and manually processing
payments. This process can take some time, especially during peak hours, and can result in longqueues at the counters.

D. Proposed System
The proposed work for supermarket billing using webcam involves the development of a software application that uses a webcam to
scan product barcodes and automatically generate a bill for customers. The proposed work will provide a faster, more efficient, and
convenient billing experience for customers, reducing wait times and improving overall satisfaction. It will also reduce the workload
of supermarket staff, allowing them to focus on other important tasks.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 3647
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at


A. Smart Supermarket BillingSystem Using Python
Unmanned retail stores have become increasingly popular in recent years and have had a tremendous impact on 's traditional
shopping habits. Unmanned retail containers play an important role in this; can significantly affect the shopping experience of
consumers, while traditional methods based on weight sensors cannot identify what a customer is consuming. Using the image with
the aim of determining, it is possible to realize retail without personal purchase Style. A comprehensive classification model trained
by was developed to count and detect SKUs from an image dataset under different scenarios with different types of SKUs, and the
solution proposed in this study can achieve 97.7 accuracy, if and are counted 98.7dtection accuracy in the test dataset, indicatingthe
system is working.

B. New Object Detection,Tracking, And RecognitionApproaches For Video Surveillance Over Camera Network
Object detection and tracking are two important tasks in multi-camera surveillance. This article provides a framework for
performing these tasks on a non-overlapping network of multiple cameras. A new object detection algorithm using displacement
mean (MS) segmentation has been introduced, and occluded objects are further separated by using depth information from
stereoscopic vision. The detected objects are then tracked by a new object tracking algorithm using the new Kalman-Bayes filter
with Simplified Gaussian Blend (BKF-SGM). It uses a Gaussian Mixture (GM) noise state and density representation and a new
forward density simplification algorithm to avoid the exponential increase in complexity of traditional GM Kalman (KF) filters.
Combined with the improved MS tracker, you get the new BKF-SGM with the improved MS algorithm with more reliable
tracking performance. Additionally, a non-training object detection algorithm is used to aid in object tracking in a non-overlapping
network. The experimental results show that: 1) the proposed object detection algorithm provides better segmentation results than
traditional object detection methods and 2) the proposed detection algorithm can successfully handle complex scenarios with good
performance and low arithmetic complexity. In addition, the performance of both training-based and non- training-based object
detection algorithms can be improved by using our detection and tracking results as input.

C. Image Processing System For Automatic Segmentation And Yield Prediction Of Fruits Using Opencv
Automatic yield counting becomes a big problem in fruit picking systems. Image processing techniques minimize the manual labor
of fruit identification and counting. The document proposes an image processing system for automaticsegmentation and prediction of
fruit yield based on color and shape traits. First, pre-processing is performed on the input images of the fruit tree. It isthen converted
from the RGB color space to the HSV color space in order to recognize the region of the fruit from it background. The color
threshold is used to hide the desired colors. Gaussian filter is used to remove noise. The image is outlined. These images are then
processed by an image processingalgorithm. The output shows the number of fruits based on color and shape.


A. Data Explanation
The webcam captures images of purchased items that contain visual information about the product such as shape, color, size, and
packaging. After the capturing system uses image processing algorithms to extract relevant features from images, such as Barcode,
product name and price. This data is then used to identify the product and retrieve its price from the database. Then the system
keeps a database of all products sold in the supermarket, containing data such as product name, barcode, price and any discounts or
promotions. After each item is scanned and priced, the system creates a record of the transaction including product name, price,
quantity, and discounts applied. This data is used to generate the final invoice and to keep records for inventory and accounting
purposes and the system may also store customer information such as name, address, and payment information to facilitate future
purchases and to track customer preferences and behavior. By using this information, the system can generatesales reports based on
transaction data such as daily, weekly or monthly sales, top selling productsand revenue by category or department.

B. Modules
1) Add Product Details: The Add Product Details module is a feature that allows users to add product images and product details
to an e-commerce website or any platform that sells products. This module is crucial for online businesses as it provides
customers with visual representation of the products andinformation about them. Users can upload product images to showcase
their products in the best possible way. Multiple images can be added to showcase different angles and perspectives of the
product and product details such as product name, description, price, size, weight, color, and other relevant details to help

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 3648
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at

customers make informed decisions about the product. The uploaded images can be edited by resizing, cropping, or rotating
them to ensure they are displayed properly. The module can optimize the images to ensure fast loading times, improving the
overall user experience of the website or platform which makeseasy for customers to find the products.
2) Train Model: Images captured from the webcam, with each image labelled according to the object or action it represents. There
are several popular deep learning frameworks, such as TensorFlow, Kera’s, and Pytorch and define the structure of your neural
network, including the number of layers, the type of activation functions, and the number of neuronsin each layer and feed your
prepared data into your model and run it for a number of epochs. Once your model is trained, you would need to evaluate its
performance on a validation set of images that ithas not seen before.
3) Add/Remove Product: Identify the product when the user clicks on the product image, the application needs to identify the
product. This can be done by assigning a unique identifier to each product, such as a product code, SKU number, or product
name. Once the product is identified, the application should display the product information in the text area. This can include
the product name, price, and quantity. If the user clicks on the product image again, the application should remove the product
from the text area. This can be done by deleting the productinformation from the text area. The application should keep track of
the products that have been added to the basket, so that it can display the total cost and allow the user to check out.

C. Algorithms And TechniquesCnn Algorithm

Convolutional Neural Network is a type ofartificial neural network commonly used in image and video recognition tasks.
The CNNs are designed to learn spatial featurehierarchies automatically and adaptively from input images by convolving the
input image with a series of trainable filters, followed by nonlinear activation functions, and blending transactions. The layers of a
typical CNN architecture include.
1) Convolution Layer: This layer applies a convolution operation to the input image with a set of learnable filters to extract
2) Activation Layer: This layer applies a nonlinear activation function to the output of the convolution layer to introduce
nonlinearity and improve model representation performance.
3) Pool Level: This level down samples the activation level output to reduce the spatial size of feature maps and improve
computational performance.
4) Fully Connected Layer: This layer connects all neurons from the previous layer to the current layer and produces the final
output for classification or regression.


A. Enter Product SpecificationsAnd Train Model
Product specification entry refers to the process of providing details about product, such as: B. Size, weight, color, materials and
other relevant characteristics. This information is usually entered into a database or other system where it is stored and used for a
variety of purposes such as product cataloging, inventory management, marketing, to understand what they are buying and to
facilitate efficient business operations. This may involvegathering information from various sources such asmanufacturers or product
suppliers and arranging itin a standardized format that is easily searchable and retrievable.

After adding the product details, we train the modelbased on the product information and we can also add or remove product from the
cart and then we can also capture the images of the person after thatthe products are captured to give the total amount

B. Total Amount
The webcam would capture an image of each product as it is scanned, and the computer vision system would analyze the image to
identify the product based on its appearance and packaging. Once the product is identified, the computer system could look up the
price of the product in a databaseand add it to the total bill.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 3649
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at

The system could also keep track of the quantity ofeach item being purchased and calculate the subtotal, taxes, and any discounts or
promotions applicable to the purchase. When the customer is finished shopping, the system could display the total bill on a screen or
print out a paper receipt.

Therefore, we intend to implement a system using Python to automate the checkout process in supermarkets. This system will
support digital India. With this system, customers and management have a better shopping experience. We will use the Python
Open CV Libraryprogramming language, the system database. These systems will be helpful and save you time. Future work will
focus on improving the algorithm performance and detection rate while reducing the false positive rate. Configure a larger image
dataset for multiple SKUs. Since there is no need for workers, i.e., workers, human labour power is reduced and unemployment
increases accordingly. But since this system saves time, a lot of work will be done very quickly. The test results show that thesystem
can achieve high counting accuracy and high detection accuracy. In future work we will focus on improving the performance of
the algorithm.
One potential future direction is to continue to refine the accuracy of webcam-based billing systems. This could involve using
more advanced computer vision algorithms to better detect and classify items, as well as incorporating machine learning
techniques to improve recognition of different products and we can also use lstm and vgg
19 algorithms of deep neural network. Another potential area of focus is real-time processing, which would enable customers to
see their bill as they shop Another potential area of focus is leveraging webcam-based billing systems to example, the system
could track customers' purchases over time and provide recommendations on how to reduce waste by buying more efficiently, or by
suggesting alternative products with lower environmental impact. Overall, there are many potential future directions for webcam-
based supermarket billing systems, and the technology islikely to continue to evolve and improve in the coming years.

[1] Mrudul Padole, Apurva Gupta, Ayush Kumar,Vitthal Gadekar, Prof. S.R. Patil, “Smart supermarket billing system using python”, April 2021. Also available at
[2] Shuai Zhang, Chong Wang, Shing-Chow Chan, Xiguang Wei, Check-Hei Ho,” New ObjectDetection, Tracking, and Recognition Approachesfor Video
Surveillance Over Camera Network”, 18 December 2014. Also available at
[3] T. Gayathri Devi, P. Neelamegam S. Sudha,” Image Processing System for Automatic Segmentation and Yield Prediction of Fruits using Open CV”, 08-09
September 2017. Also available at https:/0/

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 3650
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at


Mrs.Gavini Venkata Leela

Kumari, M. Tech, Assistant
professor Dept of Computer
Science and Engineering,
BEC, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Kopuri Sowjanya [B. Tech],

Student, Dept of Computer
Science and Engineering,
BWEC, Andhra Pradesh,

Reddy Yamini Priya

Lakshmi[B. Tech], Student,
Dept of Computer Science
and Engineering, BWEC,
Andhra Pradesh, India.

Rettu Tejaswini [B. Tech],

Student, Dept of Computer
Science and Engineering,
BWEC, Andhra Pradesh,

Thotakura Siva Katyayini [B.

Tech], Student, Dept of
Computer Science and
Engineering, BWEC, Andhra
Pradesh, India.

Uppalapati Ahalya [ B.Tech],

Student, Dept of Computer
Science and Engineering,
BWEC, Andhra Pradesh,

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 3651

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