V3 Revised Manuscript
V3 Revised Manuscript
V3 Revised Manuscript
Muhammad Wasif Zafara,b, Syed Anees Haider Zaidic , Sadia Mansoord, Avik Sinhae, Quande Qina,*
Department of Management Science, COMSATS University of Islamabad, Vehari Campus, Pakistan.
Department of Management Science, COMSATS University of Islamabad, Sahiwal Campus, Pakistan.
Department of Economics, Institute of Business Management, Karachi, Pakistan
Centre for Excellence in Sustainable Development, Goa Institute of Management, India
Abstract: Rising environmental concerns due to extensive energy consumption and carbon
emission in the process of developing information communication and technology (ICT) cannot
be overshadowed by its significant contribution in economic growth. This study is an attempt to
explore long run influences of ICT and education on environmental quality. By incorporating the
role of financial development, energy consumption and income into the function of carbon
emissions, the results obtained by the continuously updated and fully modified (Cup-FM) test
indicate that economic growth, education and energy consumption stimulates carbon emissions
intensity in Asian countries (1990-2018). The second-generation unit root tests and Lagrange
Multiplier (LM) bootstrap cointegration method investigate stationary properties and
cointegration. Our findings suggest that investment in technology and financial markets require
policymakers' attention as we have empirically established long-run inverse impacts of financial
development and ICT on carbon emissions. Furthermore, the study suggests a focus on clean
energy policy as the rising pollution levels due to fossil fuel hampers long-run productivity. This
paper contributes to the existing literature by proposing that ICT-led economic policies may help
solve environmental quality and economic growth issues.
1. Introduction
The advent of information and communication technologies (ICT) has influenced the global
economy through various channels. It has introduced user-friendly e-commerce networks, turned
remote areas into new market places, removed entry barriers in the markets, eased social and
economic transmission in the education, health and trade sectors and made the production
processes more efficient. The gains from ICT suggest its potential role in determining and driving
sustainable development and long-term economic prosperity. However, meeting the desired
objective of sustainable development goals is subject to green ICT. It has been argued that green
ICT can reduce the growth-environment tradeoff and economization of resources (Asongu et al.,
2018). By definition, green ICT refers to minimum negative impacts of information technology
on the environment and climate changes. The negative impacts of ICTs are related to their cost of
energy consumption and carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions. The empirical literature finds that ICT
increases electricity consumption and has nearly a 3% share in greenhouse gas emissions such as
CO2 (Røpke and Christensen, 2012). Avoiding the negative impacts requires upscaling the
existing ICT structure to provide a low carbon-emitting process for smart agricultural, financial
because green ICT reduces energy consumption and CO 2 emissions by transforming the physical
resource involvement into information resources that can be equally efficient in productivity
(Sadorsky, 2012; Salahuddin and Alam, 2015). Furthermore, green ICT reduces the transaction
and travel costs of those corporations and households that use fossil fuels, which in turn cause
CO2 emissions (Asongu, 2018a). Besides, switching to green ICT systems in countries where the
current levels of ICT penetration are low (and where reliance on fossil energy resources is higher)
might reduce CO2 emissions at a higher percentage than in economies that already have higher
ICT penetration (Asongu, 2018b). Moreover, yearly global CO2 emission reductions of 20% can
be achieved by 2030 by systematically planning investment in and expanding the ICT sector 1.
Empirical literature supports two contradictory views on the effect of ICT penetration on the
environment. On the one hand, there is extensive literature on the positive effects of ICT
penetration on the environment. This literature group emphasizes the direct substitution effects of
ICT penetration, suggesting that ICT penetration replaces the electricity input-based machines
with less energy-intensive hybrid machines (Cai et al., 2013). For instance, (Choi et al., 2010)
used a logistic growth model for the Japanese economy and found that energy and electricity
consumption declined in the manufacturing sector due to ICT penetration. ICT simultaneously
caused an upsurge in electricity consumption and CO 2 emissions in five other sectors (like
On the other hand, another strand of literature stresses the direct but negative effects of ICT
the increase in energy and electricity consumption in improving the information technology
system. These concerns cannot be overlooked, especially when there is an increase in the
that products like air conditioners, automatic and hybrid machines were contributing 59% of all
global CO2 emissions (2009). The IEA came up with startling estimates regarding electronic
products while evaluating the track of CO 2 emissions caused by increased electronic products.
However, research-based innovations can play a significant role in increasing the positive
spillovers of ICT penetration. For example, by introducing efficient transmission systems in the
machine manufacturing sectors of Japan, Korea and China, the contribution to CO 2 emission has
Considering the indirect but positive association of ICT penetration and carbon emissions,
appealing work by (Cho et al., 2007) has highlighted the compensation effects that ICT diffusion
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Changes reported (2015)
exerts. For example, the South Korean economy has substituted labor with information
technology to reduce production costs in the first stage. The country later experienced positive
causality between electricity usage and CO 2 emissions. Similarly, financial development (FD),
trade openness, and the income effect attract foreign investors to emerging economies, where
initial industrialization provides a platform for low-cost startups. On the other hand, easy access
to funds nourishes exportable production results in energy consumption and CO 2 emissions and
exposes the economy to the residual effect (Birdsall and Wheeler, 1993; Frankel and Romer,
Furthermore, a low-interest rate regime helps those establishing new businesses in terms of
profitability. Also, new production plants increase energy resource utilization. However, the
absence of a proper waste management policy gives these enterprises leverage that allows them to
save their profits, which should be put toward the cost of reducing their CO 2 emissions (Dogan
According to Omri, Daly, Rault, & Chaibi (2015), FD encourages people to move to urban
areas for better financial returns and opportunities. As such, this resource consumption increment
comes at a cost mainly identified through three leading factors. First, FD fosters increased urban
populations and an increased waste burden that intensifies environmental problems. Secondly,
financial openness boosts employment creation, making luxury items (like private vehicles, air
conditioners and other CO2 emission-creating products) far more affordable. These products add
to carbon emissions in the long run. Thirdly, FD attracts foreign investors looking for production
facilities with the fewest managerial issues concerning waste management. These foreign firms
have been known to pay bribes to obtain a location to dump their production waste without
incremental tax increases. This results in the recipient countries experiencing more complicated
CO2 emissions problems (Kasman and Kasman, 2015). However, these dynamics have ignored
the role of education, awareness and trade terms, which have been repeatedly mentioned as
A recent debate over the complex relationship between negative externality, economic
growth and ICT systems has encouraged researchers to explore their theoretical relationship
through education and awareness patterns empirically. Consider that ICT refers to a convergence
of multiple wires and optics systems to a single and efficient track that can reduce technology
expansion's economic and social cost. As such, updated technology through education can play a
vital role in this process. Countries like Korea and Japan are investing and expanding their ICT
sectors to accelerate economic growth with minimal environmental damage. Several Korean and
Japanese companies are coupling ICT with investment in research and development that explores
the modern techniques used to reduce carbon emissions. The expansion of the ICT sector and
efficient resource mobilization policies can help raise productivity while reducing energy and
electricity consumption with the advent of the transitional effect. This has been caused by
updated education and research that will help control CO 2 emissions in the long run (Coroama et
According to the World Bank (2019), growing industrialization in major Asian economies
has exposed the world to its highest-ever levels of per capita carbon emissions. China and India
have excelled in all economic sectors by increasing ICT penetration and high-tech
industrialization, but they jointly contribute nearly 35% of the world's total CO 2 emissions.
During the last two decades, Asian economies like India, China, Japan, Thailand and Malaysia
have expanded industrial startups to enhance their economic growth. Moreover, FD and
liberalization have made these countries more attractive to large manufacturing sector foreign
investors. Asian countries like China, India, Singapore, Japan, Thailand and Taiwan have
experienced the environmental cost of economic growth, which coincided with the advent of
financial openness, trade expansion and foreign direct investment during the past three decades.
However, these economies have heavily invested in ICT penetration, to have positive ICT
externality for their emissions management streams in the long run. The yearly increments of
energy demand (2.4%), natural gas consumption (5.3%) and other fossil fuel consumption (8.9%)
of high-tech industrialized Asian economies show that they are moving towards experiencing a
nearly 60% higher energy demand in 2030 (as compared to 2000), along with the highest-ever
As per the recent SDG progress report, the Asian economies are failing to control the
climatic shift issues. Therefore, they are gradually drifting away from attaining SDG 13
(UNESCAP, 2021). This situation can be attributed to the continual usage of fossil fuel-based
energy solutions, and this energy usage pattern is exerting a negative environmental externality
for the Asian economies. Moreover, following the Limits to Growth discourse, this dependence
on fossil fuel solutions creates a deterrence on achieving energy security in these nations
(Meadows et al., 1972). The latest energy security assessment report by United Nations
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP, 2021) has also
mentioned this issue as a deterrent in attaining SDG 7. To combat these issues, the policymakers
need to build a resilient environmental awareness mechanism, for which a policy realignment
might be necessary.
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO, 2018) has mentioned that embedding ICT and
education in the pro-ecological policy regime might help the Asian countries attain the Agenda
2030. However, this policy realignment calls for effective mobilization of SDG financing, and
this issue was discussed in the 2019 Asia-Pacific Conference on Financing for Inclusive and
Asian economies, a realigned policy framework is necessary, and there lies the need for the
present study.
The literature has limited evidence on proposing an SDG-oriented policy framework for the
Asian countries, and in the wake of Industry 4.0, this policy framework might prove crucial.
During the Industry 4.0 era, ICT might emerge as a major enabler for economic growth;
Understanding the growing challenges related to carbon emissions management, this article has
attempted to assess the role of ICT and education in determining the quality of the environment in
Asian economies. Based on the study outcomes, this study proposes a policy framework
considering ICT and education as primary policy instruments for reducing carbon emissions and
sustaining economic growth patterns. The rapid economic growth of Asian countries has exposed
them to many environmental challenges that are effectively the offshoots of financial
empirically explores this relationship for Asian economies by controlling the share of economic
growth and energy consumption. This study recommends a realigned policy framework, which
might help Asian countries achieve sustainable development. The novelty of this study lies in the
generalizability of the policy framework, which can serve as a benchmark for the other emerging
industrialized economies facing the issues of carbon emission-led climatic shift. By far, this ICT
and education-oriented developmental policy realignment approach have not been considered in
the literature, and there lies the policy-level contribution of this study. Hence, this study aims at
to find the answer of research question “what is the role of financial development, ICT and
education in environmental quality of Asian countries”? the sub-questions are states as:
The remaining sections are structured as follows: Section 2 presents the discussion on
relevant literature. Section 3 elaborates on model development and data. Section 4 reports the
study outcomes and a discussion of the results, and Section 5 concludes the study by discussing
2. Literature review
Researchers have been raising concerns regarding the impact of ICT penetration on
energy resources, which go on to cause carbon emissions. This article examines the
effects of ICT, FD, and education on environmental quality by examining the trend of
exposes the economy to uncertain external shocks (like oil price shocks or demand-
supply discrepancy concerns) and negatively impacts trade and financial sector growth
(Suzuki et al., 1995; Toffel and Horvath, 2004; Almulali and Sab, 2012). Moreover,
inefficient energy consumption in the ICT setup process has a direct life cycle effect on
gas wastes during the production process. Later, ICT has an indirect life cycle effect
caused by the utilization of manufactured electric machines that emit CO2 (Suzuki and
Oka, 1998). Furthermore, Saidi et al. (2015) and Tunali (2016) have maintained that
developing economies have an inverted U-shape relationship between ICT expansion and
CO2 emissions. This implies that when an economy starts replacing its existing inefficient
energy inputs with efficient technology systems, the economy will initially experience an
increase in energy consumption and carbon emission; later on, the hybrid technology
enhances the energy conservation process and reduces the level of CO2 emissions. To
understand the dynamics of these variables, we have classified the literature review into
2.1 ICT-Environmental Quality Nexus
financial and economic decisions. However, this transformation has also raised concerns
related to environmental quality in regions of the world with extensive ICT penetration.
In this pursuit, one strand of literature has investigated the relationship between ICT and
using regional data for China, Zhang & Liu (2015) investigate the link between ICT and
and Technology) model from 2000 to 2010. The dynamic panel method results show that
ICT has helped reduce emissions in all regions of China. However, an inverted U-shaped
relationship between carbon emission and ICT has been reported by Añón, Gholami, &
Shirazi (2017). The study uses data from developing and developed countries to check
Tracing back the extensive investment in ICT, most countries started investing
during the latter half of the 1990s. Using data from 2000 to 2012, Asongu et al. (2018)
query the link between ICT and carbon emissions. The study finds an insignificant impact
of mobile and Internet on emissions in the linear form, while in the nonlinear form,
mobile and Internet reduce emissions. The results provide suggestions for 44 sub-Saharan
Asongu (2018b), using the same length data set, observed the relationship between ICT
and CO2 emissions. The estimated results indicate that ICT reduces emissions when ICT
interacts with trade and FD in the long run. Finally, Danish, Khan, Baloch, Saud, &
Fatima (2018) assessed the link between ICT and emissions for N-11 countries from
1990 to 2015. This study used second-generation econometric methods to overcome the
issue of heterogeneity in the panel data. The augmented mean group results propose that
ICT reduces emissions by increasing income levels, while ICT increases emissions by
increasing FD in the studied region. Ozcan & Apergis (2018) examined the impact of
internet use on environmental quality for emerging countries. They reported that a
negative relationship exists between internet use and pollution. The study arrived at these
In a recent investigation of the Tunisian economy from 1975 to 2014, Amri, Zaied,
& Lahouel (2019) employed the autoregressive distributed lag method. The study finds a
statistically insignificant relationship between ICT and carbon emissions. Using panel
data from Iran, Dehghan & Shahnazi (2019) examined the impact of ICT on carbon
emissions for the agriculture, services, industry, and transportation sectors. Dynamic OLS
(ordinary least squares) results suggest a negative link between ICT and emissions for the
transport and services sector but a positive and significant link with the industry sector.
Shobande (2021) found a positive link between ICT and emissions level in Africa using
fixed-effect method. For developing countries, (Mathieu et al., 2021) used the PMG-
ARDL method and reported an insignificant link between ICT and environment for
relatively high income developing countries but significant and negative for low income
developing countries. Finally, Anser et al. (2021) examined the impact of ICT on carbon
emissions with panel quantile regression method and found positive link between both
variables. Chatti (2021) reported similar results for 42 different countries. However, Ben
Lahouel et al. (2021) documented positive impact of ICT on carbon emissions for
2.2 Financial Development- Environmental Quality Nexus
quality, but the empirical results obtained mixed results on the relationship between FD
and CO2 emissions. For example, Jalil & Feridun (2011) have examined the role of
due to FD. Adding to previous literature, Shahbaz, Solarin, Mahmood, & Arouri (2013)
assessed the linkages of FD and emissions in the Malaysian economy. The study reported
a negative relationship between these two variables. Moreover, Shahbaz, Kumar, & Nasir
(2013) arrived at similar results for the South African economy. Shahbaz, Hye, Tiwari, &
Leitão (2013) maintained a negative relationship between financial openness and carbon
(2014a) suggests that a positive link exists between FD and environmental quality in
India. Contrary, Omri et al. (2015) have found an insignificant and weak association
(MENA) countries. Shahbaz, Jawad, Shahzad, Ahmad, & Alam (2016) have suggested an
asymmetric impact of FD on emissions by using quartile data from Pakistan. The study's
results show that environmental quality decreases in line with increases in FD in the long
run. Katircioğlu & Taşpinar (2017) investigated the Turkish economy's long-run data
Huang & Zhao (2018) used province-level data from China to check the link between FD
and emissions. The results indicate that FD reduces CO2 emissions significantly. The
results of a study by Salahuddin, Alam, Ozturk, & Sohag (2018) claim that an
insignificant relationship exists between FD and emissions in the long run in Kuwait. For
central and eastern European countries, studies have assessed the causal relationship
between FD and carbon emissions. Saud, Chen, Haseeb, Khan, & Imran (2019)
method to estimate the long-run connection between variables. A recent study on the
Russian economy conducted by Bass, Burakov, & Freidin (2019) suggests a positive link
between financial openness and carbon emissions. However, Zhao and Yang (2020)
reported negative link between financial development and carbon emissions for China.
Shen et al., (2021) also reported positive link between FD and emissions by using
province level data of China. However, Zafar et al. (2021) found negative link between
FD and carbon emissions for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation countries. The similar
results reported by Khan and Ozturk (2021) for 88 developing countries by using panel
methods. Xu et al. (2021) also reported similar results for 42 countries during 1990–
researchers and econometricians have shifted their focus away from other factors and
education to check the impact of education on carbon emissions. For example, literature
has identified that education can be one of the important determinants of emissions.
education and emissions for 51 countries. They used different proxies to measure
environmental quality. The panel methodology results concluded that education has an
insignificant relationship with most of the environmental proxies. Managi & Jena (2008)
probed the validity of EKC for India by including an educational index as an independent
variable. The reported results show a positive relationship between emissions and the
educational index. For Latin American countries, Sapkota & Bastola (2017) examined
how foreign direct investment (FDI) and increasing human capital affect environmental
quality. The study uses panel methodology and separately estimated the impacts for
developing and emerging economies. The results show that human capital increases
income countries.
Using a long run ARDL cointegration method, Balaguer & Cantavella (2018)
investigated the Australian economy (1950-2014) to explore the linear and nonlinear
relationship between the dynamics of education expansion and carbon emissions. Bano,
Zhao, Ahmad, Wang, & Liu (2018) used a similar estimation method to assess the link
between human capital and emissions in the Pakistan economy (1971-2014). The study
used four different proxies to measure human capital. The results suggest that human
capital reduces emissions from the environment in the long run. Similar findings have
been reported by Zafar, et al. (2019) and Zafar et al. (2020), who assessed the USA and
OECD economies and concluded that education reduces the ecological footprint. Another
study conducted by Zafar et al. (2021) for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation countries
and suggested that education helps to reduce emissions levels. Similarly, Zafar et al.
(2021) and Zaman et al. (2021) found negative relationship between education and
on the literature review, this study aims to contribute to existing literature by addressing
the following gaps: Considering that financial development plays a vital role in ensuring
investment flows to innovation and technology, this study has added financial
explanatory variable to establish the impact of ICT penetration on the existing carbon
emission level that has not been widely debated in previous literature.
Since the 1960s, literature has engaged in an unsettling debate regarding the impact
of ICT on economic growth. One theoretical link between ICT and economic growth
states that data show how ICT accelerates economic growth by reducing financial costs.
For example, improved and energy-efficient machines save energy resources, and
resources more efficiently. Ample literature has found a positive contribution of ICT in
researchers have introduced the environmental effects of ICT into the ICT-growth nexus
during the past two decades because rapid ICT development has changed both growth
patterns and environmental regulations. Some studies reported the positive results (and
others the negative effects) of ICT on environmental quality. Different researchers have
used various indicators of ICT. For example, Schaefer, Weber, & Voss (2003) considered
handsets (mobile phones) as an ICT indicator. The study emphasizes the positive effects
The dynamics between financial openness, development and carbon emissions are
composite. They affect each other differently, through consumption and production
patterns, in terms of both intensity and rigor. For instance, when FD refers to the ease of
doing business, it affects investors' behavior and profitability. In response, investors can
expand production by hiring labor and investing capital. Considering that investors create
increased labor demand, the income made due to that labor will eventually be used to
purchase consumer products included in the ICT setup. This will ultimately trigger
emissions growth and energy demands. On the other hand, an increase in capital demand
could potentially directly boost energy demand. In that case, carbon emissions could rise
Consumers can maximize their financial utility by leasing cars, homes and many other
high-end products. The consumption of machinery (like cars, mobile phones, laptops,
automotive and automatic products) has a positive relationship with energy demand and
productivity traps. However, higher production leads to additional energy demands and
increased negative effects on the environmental quality of countries that have waste
management and pollution issues (Dasgupta et al., 2002). In another link, literature
reports that a low education rate can negatively affect openness and emissions due to a
lack of awareness regarding the efficient utilization of machines and nonrenewable
reinvestigate the dynamic relationship between ICT, FD, education and carbon emissions
This study has constructed the following models for the empirical estimation of the
environmental quality.
Model 1
where CO2 is the carbon emissions per capita, i represents the cross-sections (1….16), t
is the time period (1990 to 2018), α 0 represents constant term of the model and ε is the
Model 2
In the second model, we add the interaction term between education and ICT (
Model 3
In the third model, we add the interaction term between FD and ICT ( lnFDi , t∗lnICT i , t ¿.
Following the recent policy discourse on the growth-environment nexus (e.g., Shahbaz et
al., 2020, Zhao et al., 2021), the present study has adopted the target and explanatory
model parameters at level, not at growth. Moreover, the SDG 13 talks about the carbon
emissions in its absolute form, and hence, considering the model parameters in growth
form might not comply with the specifications provided by the United Nations. It might
appear that the said specification might lead to estimation issues. In the beginning of
Section 4, this issue has been addressed using the multicollinearity statistics.
The list of Asian countries includes Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia,
Iran, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka,
Thailand, and Vietnam. As of 2018, these countries account for nearly 52% of the total
GDP and 72% of the total CO2 emissions in Asia (World Bank, 2021). Hence, results
obtained from this sample can be representative of the Asian economies. This study
excludes other Asian countries due to the unavailability of data. The empirical analysis
includes carbon emissions (in metric tons), economic growth (constant 2010 US dollar)
(domestic credit provided to the private sector (% of GDP)). As the current series of GDP
is influenced by price inflation, we use the constant series (2010 US dollar) of GDP to
measure the true growth of our data series, i.e., adjusting for the effects of price inflation.
Furthermore, we converted all the variables into a natural logarithmic form. Log-
linear conversion of data produces more efficient and consistent results compared to
The interpretations of estimated coefficients are explained through point elasticities.
Studies have used different proxies to measure ICT penetration. For instance, mobile
phones, internet banking, and e-commerce are a few variables. Due to differences in the
proxies used, the results and recommendations vary. A majority of the proxies were used
people), fixed broadband subscriptions (per 100 people), and fixed telephone
subscriptions (per 100 people). Unlike existing studies, this paper uses a weighted ICT
index by using the above-mentioned three proxies to measure ICT indicators. The authors
constructed this ICT index with the help of a principal component analysis (PCA) for
Ordinary correlations:
3.3. Econometric methods
To carry out the empirical exercise, the methodological schema must be elucidated,
outlining the methods applied in the study. Given the increasing economic complexity in
the global scenario, it can be concluded that the countries under consideration are aligned
with each other within a geopolitically collaborative space. Therefore, we analyzed the
cross-sectional dependence between the model parameters. This analysis indicates the
applicability of unit root tests of the first or second generation. In this study, we applied
the unit root tests of the second generation; the cross-sectional dependence test confirmed
the results. The root unit tests give us the order of integration among the variables while
also disclosing their stationary properties. When their integration properties are observed,
the long-term coefficients of the variables are evaluated using cointegration. This can be
achieved in two steps: First, establish the long-term association between variables in the
coefficients. Considering that we are interested in evaluating the correct policy measures
to address the research issue, it is necessary to address the bi-directionality of the policy
measures and use heterogeneous causality testing in this pursuit. That is the study's broad
Studies have suggested that the consistency and soundness of the empirical results
derived from panel data rely on the test applications used to explore data properties.
Therefore, it is important to assess the panel data for unit root properties and the state of
dependence in cross-sectional sets of observations. To explore the reliable association
data exhibit a state of correlation, due to the impact of regional and international
dependence would be biased and inconsistent for use in further policy formulations, this
study has employed a cross sectional test proposed by Pesaran (Phillips and Sul, 2003).
This is followed by a Lagrange multiplier (LM) test, which explores panel cointegration
status. Breusch and Pagan (1980) proposed that the LM test has strong significance for
panel estimation, as the test handles the resampling issues of parametric as well as non-
parametric data sets. Theoretically, the Pesaran test intuitively overcomes the problem of
panel data when the number of observations (N) and time series (T) share magnitudes of
the same orders. However, we have estimated the following equation for the empirical
√ (∑ ∑ )
N −1 N
CD= ρij
N ( N−1) i=1 j=i+1
Here, the cross-sectional errors estimated from the correlation level of countries i and j
are represented by ρij . However, the following equation of the Lagrange multiplier test
has been employed to assess the cross-sectional dependence regarding period t and
y ¿ =α i+ β i x ¿ +ε ¿
This equation has been used to derive null and alternative hypotheses. A null hypothesis
3.3.2. Panel unit root test
This study preferred to apply second-generation unit root tests to explore the
stationary properties of panel data. This is because second generation tests are
unswerving when used to assess cross sectional dependence. Particularly, we have used
cross-sectional augmented IPS (CIPS) and cross-sectional augmented ADF (CADF). This
is because they are relatively reliable tests, compared to first-generation unit root tests
results. This is because first-generation unit root tests tend to be ineffective when cross-
sectional dependence exists (Dogan and Seker, 2016). The IPS cross-section augmented
The null hypothesis derived from this equation exerts that each used time series is non-
stationary. This equation has been proposed by Pesaran (2007), who used ∆ to estimate
the equation by setting it as the difference operator. However, the series of analyzed
variables ( x ¿ ¿ has been used both at difference, as well as at level. Moreover, the
intercept term has been represented by α, and T represents the time trend in the data; ε ¿
denotes the error term. However, the Schwarz information criterion (SIC) method has
This study has used the Lagrange Multiplier (LM) bootstrap cointegration method
The αi and βi are alpha and beta that are estimated with the help of fully modified
form of alpha and beta. The LM bootstrap test's null hypothesis is that panel data exhibits
cointegration between variables. This test performs well with a small sample size and is
generally adequate, as it allows for both cases (between and within) of cross-sectional
unit dependence. Additionally, the LM bootstrap test aids in accounting for variability
econometric techniques that can be used to find elasticities. However, considering their
benefits, we preferred to apply the continuously updated and fully modified (CUP-FM)
Bai et al. (2009). They have suggested following model to estimate the long run
Modified Least Squares (FM-OLS) on the residuals from the preceding step until
complete convergence occurs. The initial estimators are assigned according to F and will
remain assigned until final convergence occurs. The first estimator is called continuously
updated-bias corrected (CUP-BC), and both of these estimators are updated constantly
regressors, these estimators offer unbiased and accurate findings. Additionally, these
estimators are resilient when dealing with mixed components of I (1)/I (0). Even in the
absence of endogeneity, because these tests employ FM-OLS estimators, they can
These methods are more effective in panel estimations, as they control the cross-
and endogeneity problems, this study organized the CUP-BC estimator. Similarly, the
CUP-FM estimator keeps the model parameters intact by limiting their distribution.
Furthermore, the model parameters are continuously updated (CUP) with the help of
provide information about the association among variables, but these do not give any
insight into the directional relationship. Literature has employed the Dumitrescu and
Hurlin (DH) causality test, introduced by Dumitrescu and Hurlin (2012), to explore the
causality direction between variables. This study follows the same test for three potential
Secondly, the test uses a vector autoregressive (VAR) structure on stationary data. Third,
the DH causality test can effectively explore the causal relationship between cross-
4 Results
possibility of association between them. This association might lead to the problem of the
starting the empirical analysis, it is essential to check for the multicollinearity in the data.
The variance inflation factor (VIF) test outcomes reported in Table 2 suggests that the
data to be free from the possible multicollinearity issues. This warrants the concurrent
presence of the independent variables in the empirical model. Based on the results of this
dependence in the data. The estimated results by CD tests are presented in Table 3. The
significance level of all study variables implies that cross-sectional dependence exists
lnEDU 2201.745*** 134.3760*** 44.89157***
lnICT 3259.963*** 202.6837*** 57.06349***
lnFD 1440.787*** 85.25645*** 16.05407***
Note: ¿∗¿ p <0.01; ¿∗p<0.05 ; ¿ p<0.1.
Cross-sectional dependence enables us to choose such unit root tests, which also
cater to cross-sectional dependence. Thus, we used CIPS and CADF tests to measure the
stationary properties. The estimated results of the unit root test (see Table 4) show that all
series of subject panel data sets are stationary at first difference and contain unit root at
Variables Level First-Difference Level First-Difference
lnCO2 -1.532 -4.518*** -1.601 -3.448***
lnGDP -1.815 -3.941*** -1.861 -3.941***
lnENG -1.967 -4.651*** -1.848 -3.492***
lnEDU -1.873 -3.644*** -2.110 -3.489***
lnICT -2.076 -3.419*** -2.537 -3.787***
lnFD -2.124 -4.630*** -2.313 -3.847***
Note: ¿∗¿ p <0.01; ¿∗p<0.05 ; ¿ p<0.1.
After knowing the study variables' unit root properties, the next step is to find
cointegration among the variables. This study used the LM bootstrap Cointegration test to
accomplish this objective. The results presented in Table 5 reveal cointegration among
education, carbon emissions, energy demand, ICT and FD in the presence of economic
growth as a control variable. The results reject the null hypothesis, which states that there
is no-long run cointegration. Insignificant statistics of the LM test indicate the presence
After finding the cointegration among variables, the next step is to find long-run
elasticity. This study used Cup-BC and Cup-FM to find the long-run elasticities. The
results have been explained through three different models, as depicted in Table 6 and the
model diagnostics are reported in Appendix 2. The results show that a one percent
increase in economic growth fosters an extra 0.2776% of carbon emissions in the long
run. During the previous twenty years, Asian economies have witnessed a drastic surge in
economic activities. However, they have only been able to attain sustainable economic
growth by rapidly expanding their fossil fuels consumption. The rise in the use of fossil
fuels was evidenced by the rise in activities and economic growth of these Asian
countries. However, at the same time, fossil fuels increased the level of pollution in these
countries. As these economies are fossil fuel-based, the increase in pollution is also
pollution in the world. Many authors have reported similar results (between these two
variables) in different countries. For example, Zaidi et al. (2019) reported for OECD
countries. Zafar et al. (2019) reported for G7 and N11 countries. However, Lee (2013)
and Ahmed, Rehman, & Ozturk (2017) reported a negative relationship between
lnEDU*lnICT -0.005*** -0.006***
(5.2715) (4.9266)
lnFD*lnICT 0.029*** 0.039***
(7.7645) (6.6204)
Note: ¿∗¿ p <0.01; ¿∗p<0.05 ; ¿ p<0.1. t-statistics are presented in the parenthesis.
The estimated results indicate that even a one percent incremental rise in energy
consumption will foster nearly 0.6442% more carbon emissions. This result also supports
earlier findings that Asian countries are the largest energy consumers and carbon emitters
globally. The positive coefficient of energy consumption is significantly higher than other
variables. This implies that energy consumption is the main reason for increasing
emissions in the Asian region. As the major energy sources of Asian countries are fossil
fuels, these nations by definition will consume conventional fuels to cater for their energy
needs. Increases in oil, coal and gas consumption reflect the rising economic activities
and economic growth of Asian countries. On the dark side, however, such consumption
also increases the level of pollution in these countries. The primary reason for the
increasing gas rate is the industrial utilization of oil, coal and gases. Asian countries also
face the same economic challenges as those being faced by other developing countries.
The biggest challenge is achieving economic growth with minimum damage to the
environment. Rising emissions not only increase environmental pollution but also
negatively affect human health. Rural people in Asian countries need to be educated
about environmental degradation. They should be provided green loans for improving
their energy demand green equipment requirements. Similarly, the role of urban
sources to employing clean energy sources. Similar results are reported by Ali, Abdullah,
& Azam (2017) for Malaysia, and Zaman & Moemen (2017) for countries with different
income levels.
In line with existing literature, this study has found a significantly positive
deterioration due to education. As the education level increases by one percent, the Asian
that, when education improves, the level of economic activities also increases. With the
energy sources of Asian countries are nonrenewable fossil fuels, any increase in energy
consumption negatively affects the environmental quality (Hill and Magnani, 2002).
Our findings imply that ICT decreases the carbon emissions in the Asian region,
with the results confirming that a 1% increase in ICT rentals results in a -0.0268%
decrease in carbon emissions. Though small (but significant) effects have been estimated
for ICT in terms of the impact on environmental pollution, it has been found that Asian
economies experience improved air quality due to increases in ICT penetration. However,
different indicators of ICT have been considered as general ICT penetration effects. In
this study, Internet has been used as a separate measure of ICT and found a significantly
bad impact of Internet on environmental quality. During the previous two decades, ICT
has changed the working of different sectors in Asia. For example, the online shopping
trend has boomed, the use of smartphones has accelerated, and shoppers' traveling costs
have lowered significantly. When most of the population buys via the Internet, they do
not need to go to markets. Therefore, they can save the traveling costs and reduce the
traffic on the roads. This reduction of vehicle traffic means a corresponding reduction in
products that curtail emission levels. ICT is not only helpful for the energy sector but also
FD in the country. Although the ICT cost (e.g., electricity cost) can be considered an
incremental burden on governments, its benefits are far greater than its cost. For example,
rural populations can easily access finance without visiting banks or financial institutions.
They can save ample time through online banking and shopping etc. and thus, pressure of
urbanization can also be avoided. ICT has brought about a revolution in the field of
between ICT and emissions in Tunisia. A negative relationship between ICT and
emissions in China was reported by Zhang & Liu (2015), Ozcan & Apergis (2018) for
emerging countries, Sinha (2018) for India, and Chien et al. (2021) for BRICS countries.
emissions per one percent of FD. These Asian countries allocate sufficient funds to
support the organizations that help achieve emissions reductions. Furthermore, these
countries are willing to increase their investment in renewable energy sources that can
reduce fossil fuels in Asian countries. As suggested by Tamazian et al. (2009), financial
openness and liberalization may induce more foreign direct investment and R&D
Likewise, Blanford (2009) concluded that investment in R&D could improve energy-
efficient technologies that can lower emissions. Negative results have been reported
between FD and Omri et al. (2015) for MENA countries and Kuwait. However, a positive
relationship is suggested by Boutabba (2014b) for India and by Shahzad, Kumar, Zakaria,
The interaction term between education and ICT has a negative relationship with
carbon emissions. This relationship states that when education increases, the level of ICT
also increases. Therefore, education provides leverage to the ICT sector in terms of
controlling carbon emissions. Due to improvements in education and ICT sectors, more
are being arranged to improve environmental quality. Education, blended with ICT
knowledge, increases the R&D level in a country, which can then be utilized to minimize
carbon emissions. Asian countries possess a good percentage of education and ICT
sectors that can be used as the backbone to the transformation of economies following
The interaction term between FD and ICT has a positive relationship with carbon
emissions. This relationship states that when FD is increased through large-scale ICT
equipment, the levels of energy consumption and carbon emissions also accelerate.
Increasing investment in ICT infrastructure boosts the energy sector significantly but can
also deteriorate the environment. From a policy perspective, investment should be kept
high, but the proportion of nonrenewable energy used should be minimized. The
availability of financial resources to ICT sectors will help control carbon emissions in
Asian countries.
The next step is to find the panel causality to know the direction of long-run
relationships. This study used Pairwise Dumitrescu and Hurlina, (2012) panel causality
test to attain this objective. The test results are shown in Table 7.
Table 7. Pairwise Dumitrescu and Hurlin (2012) panel causality test results
This study finds that carbon emissions and economic growth have a bidirectional
association by applying the DH causality test. Balsalobre-Lorente and Leitã (2020) found
unidirectional relationship between income and emissions level. A feedback link exerts a
significant association (at a 1% significance level) between energy use and carbon
emissions. Zafar et al. (2019b) found similar results for OECD countries. However, a
Granger casual association exists between education levels and carbon emissions and
these results are not consistent with Zafar et al. (2020). A study has found a bidirectional
link between ICT and CO2 emissions. Ulucak et al. (2020) reported a unidirectional
Similarly, bidirectional and significant links have been found between FD and
significance level. Similar results stated by Zaidi et al. (2019) for Asia Pacific Economic
Cooperation countries. However, the growth hypothesis stands firm for GDP and energy
use for our panel data. Nevertheless, this study's results support the literature that states a
et al. (2021) also stated a bidirectional-positive relationship between both variables. This
study finds that ICT and economic growth have positive Granger causality in Asian
economies and our results are matched with Ozcan and Apergis (2018). Likewise, FD
and economic growth have maintained a positive bidirectional relationship. Ozcan and
Apergis (2018) stated similar results for emerging countries. This study adds to the
experience ICT expansion and access to financial resources. Considering that the cost of
line with increases in ICT expansion to attain economic growth. In summary, awareness
and the experiential learning process accelerated by the education rate increment directly
affect economic activities like FD and ICT penetration. In addition, residual effects occur
Lastly, as the empirical model does not control for country- and time-fixed effects,
the fixed effects regressions are carried out for Model 1, 2, and 3. This estimation
exercise might act as a viable robustness check of the long run coefficient estimation. The
test results reported in Table 8 demonstrates that the outcomes of the three empirical
models using country- and time-fixed effects are robust, as the magnitudes and signs of
the coefficients are not varying. Moreover, the F-statistics of the models denote the
Model-1 Model-2 Model-3
lnGDP 0.253** 0.347* 0.249** 0.279*** 0.267** 0.282*
(6.32) (4.03) (3.22) (5.11) (-2.54) (-2.11)
lnENG 0.793*** 0.795*** 0.795*** 0.787*** 0.744*** 0.690***
(11.39) (11.60) (11.29) (11.30) (9.48) (8.71)
lnEDU 0.267* 0.286* 0.174** 0.157*** 0.165** 0.134***
(1.82) (1.79) (2.19) (9.24) (2.75) (7.95)
lnICT -0.152*** -0.146*** -0.193** -0.119*** -0.159*** -0.101***
(-8.24) (-10.59) (-2.16) (-2.67) (-2.79) (-4.56)
lnFD -0.167*** -0.131*** -0.166*** -0.133*** -0.173*** -0.138***
(-8.05) (-6.20) (-7.78) (-6.22) (8.16) (-6.50)
lnEDU*lnICT -0.048* -0.071***
(-2.19) (5.32)
lnFD*lnICT 0.021*** 0.041***
(8.34) (2.57)
Constant -2.096*** -2.214*** -2.115*** -2.168*** -1.907*** -1.903***
(-12.14) (-11.48) (-10.47) (-10.50) (-8.57) (-8.40)
Note: ¿∗¿ p <0.01; ¿∗p<0.05 ; ¿ p<0.1. t-statistics are presented in the parenthesis.
5 Discussion of results
By far, the study outcomes are reported and individual components of the outcomes
discuss all the segments of the study outcomes together. This study outcome reveals the
unsustainability of the countries' economic growth patterns while revealing the possible
externality, and this externality is being caused by the major driver of this growth, i.e.,
energy consumption pattern. Given the fact that these countries are majorly dependent on
the fossil fuel-based energy solutions, consumption of energy generated from these
sources will eventually deteriorate the environmental quality by increasing the level of
CO2 emissions in the ambient atmosphere. This very energy consumption pattern also
reveals that priority of the policymakers in these nations is to attain economic growth,
even at the cost of environmental quality, and hence, this policy objective will be
reflected in the other drivers of economic growth, as well. As the nations are treading
along the rising economic growth trajectory, it can be assumed that the growth prospects
of the nations might create job opportunities at various levels, and this job prospect will
encourage the educational attainment. Now, this education is likely to be more growth-
towards the economic growth of these nations. Driven by the myopic pro-growth policy
agenda, the prospective labor force will be creating an unintentional tradeoff between
growth and development, and their unintended and policy-probed lack of environmental
awareness might add to the ambient air pollution problem. This argument is reflected by
While saying this, it also needs remembering that the world has ushered in the era of
fourth Industrial Revolution, and so as these countries. Therefore, the economic growth
trajectory being attained by these nations will be more dependent on the technological
innovations, which are dominated largely by the ICT solutions. As these solutions are
more capital-intensive and less labor-intensive, hence these solutions will eb able to
trajectory itself. Moreover, usage of automation technologies has enabled these nations to
achieve energy efficiency, which has reduced the consumption of fossil fuel-based energy
solutions, and therefore, the consequential CO2 emissions have been reduced. Now, in
order to implement these solutions, proper channelization of funds is necessary, and the
policymakers need to make use of the financial institutions and instruments for this
purpose. The finances mobilized for catalyzing the research and development activities,
as well as the renewable energy exploration projects, so that these nations can achieve the
energy security, which is a predominant problem in these nations. Hence, the economic
Saying this, it is also essential to mention that the financial development channels
utilized in these nations are also aligned with the pro-growth policy agenda, and only
driven by the global pressure of attaining the SDG objectives, the focus of financial
still driven towards making the technological solutions more labor-intensive and less
energy efficient. Moreover, the renewable energy generation in the Asian countries is still
at a nascent stage, and the application of ICT is largely seen as a service enabler of
development can yet to have a positive impact on the environmental quality, whereas the
the environmental quality, and this is occurring majorly because of the existing
financialization channels towards supporting the service-enabling role of ICT for the
manufacturing services. At the same time, the rising environmental concern among the
citizens is getting reflected in the newly formed ICT service providers, which are aimed
at improving the energy efficiency of the existing production processes, and thereby,
internalizing the negative environmental externalities. Owing to this reason, the
environmental externality.
While saying this, it needs to be mentioned that the discussion of the results is based
on the prevailing economic growth trajectory of the Asian countries, and hence, the
the empirical model. Alongside discussing the results, an extension of the model
outcomes can be discussed in view of the policy instruments with the potential of
consideration of the economic welfare could have provided additional insights for
controlling the emissions level. In this regard, the Index of Sustainable Economic
Welfare and Genuine Progress Indicator could have been the suitable policy instruments,
which could have given a clear roadmap about internalizing the negative environmental
development and ICT on environmental degradation could have been more prominent, as
these instruments can cover the broad aspects of sustainability, i.e., social, economic, and
research objective of the present study, these dimensions are kept outside the scope of the
study. Saying this, given the multifaceted dimensions of these policy instruments, the
tangential policy implications can be drawn based on the expected impact of these
This study has explored the determinants of carbon emission in Asian economies.
Using several relevant control variables, this study has suggested significantly positive
generation option might further reduce the cost of electricity by reducing the transmission
losses, and at the same time, the overall environmental impact of the energy generation
and distribution might be reduced. In this way, the ICT development process might
energy being the operational cost of ICT development, it needs to be borne by the end-
users. Therefore, bringing energy efficiency in production processes and drifting towards
capital-intensive solutions might reduce the burden of electricity cost on the end-users.
facilitate quality input mix that results in low carbon emission and higher productivity.
Financial development breaks the vicious circle of low investment -low productivity.
Furthermore, access to funds facilitates research, education and foreign capital inflow. It
has been observed that access to financial resources fosters industrialization and
innovation, Asian economies can benefit through following financial openness and
production of clean energy that would help reducing cost of production and depreciation
The findings reveal a positive relationship between education and carbon emissions.
This study suggests that education leads to an expansion of ICT innovation, however,
interpretation for the role of education in climate focuses on innovation, research and
carbon emitting forms of available energy resources, fossil fuels and other energy mix
would increase the marginal returns of industrial capital in Asian economies. Asian
countries have risen education rates and the fastest increasing ICT infrastructure in the
world. These countries can effectively utilize their manpower to further boost growth
rates and improve the environmental quality. Asian countries should increase awareness
The limitation of this study lies in data and time constraints. Asia majorly consists of
developing countries where data of all the variables is not available/reported. Therefore,
selected Asian countries have been taken. We recommend to study some other panels on
the same lines with considering financial inclusion and renewable energy consumption in
the model.
This paper is partly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.
71871146), Guangdong Special Support Program for Young Top-notch Talent in Science
and Technology Innovation (No. 2019TQ05L989), Natural Science Foundation of
Guangdong Province (No. 2021A1515011777), Research Platforms and Project in
Ordinary Universities of Education Department of Guangdong Province(No.
2020WTSCX079), the Planning Project of Philosophy and Social Science in Shenzhen
(No. SZ2020D017) and the MOE (Ministry of Education in China) Project of Humanities
and Social Science (No. 18YJA630090).
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Appendix 1: Summary of reviewed literature
phone subscriptions per 100 people,
Internet penetration per 100 people
20 emerging
Ozcan and Apergis CO2 emissions per capita, Internet
economies (1990- Mean Group estimators ICT negatively affects CO2 emissions
(2018) penetration per 100 people
Tunisia (1975- CO2 emissions per capita, Autoregressive-Distributed ICT has insignificant impact on CO2
Amri et al. (2019)
2014) Investments in ICT Lag emissions
Agriculture: ICT has insignificant
impact on CO2 emissions
Dehghan and CO2 emissions per capita, real ICT Dynamic Ordinary Least Industry: ICT positively affects CO2
Iran (2002-2013)
Shahnazi (2019) capital stock per capita Squares Transportation: ICT negatively
affects CO2
Services: ICT negatively affects CO2
32 African
CO2 emissions per capita, Internet
Shobande (2021) countries (2000- Fixed effect model, FGLS ICT positively affects CO2 emissions
penetration (per 100 people)
ICT goods exports (denoted by ICT)
26 measured in % of exports good,
Anser et al. (2021) European countries carbon dioxide emission intensity Panel quantile regression ICT positively affects CO2 emissions
(2000-2017) (denoted by CO2) measured in kg/oil
equivalent energy use.
CO2 emissions per capita, Mobile
43 countries (2002- 2-step System Generalized
Chatti (2021) phone subscriptions per 100 people, ICT positively affects CO2 emissions
2014) Method of Moments
Internet penetration per 100 people
CO2 emissions per capita, Mobile
Tunisia (1970- Logistic smooth transition ICT negatively affects CO2
Managi et al. (2021) phone subscriptions per 100 people,
2018) regression emissions
Internet penetration per 100 people
Financial Development-Environmental Quality Nexus
CO2 emissions per capita, ratio of
Jalil and Feridun liquid liabilities to GDP, ratio of the Autoregressive-Distributed Financial development negatively
China (1953-2006)
(2011) private sector loans to the nominal Lag affects CO2 emissions
CO2 emissions per capita, domestic
Indonesia Autoregressive-Distributed Financial development negatively
Shahbaz et al. (2013a) credit to the private sector as share of
(1975Q1-2011Q4) Lag affects CO2 emissions
CO2 emissions per capita, domestic
South Africa Autoregressive-Distributed Financial development negatively
Shahbaz et al. (2013b) credit to the private sector as share of
(1965-2008) Lag affects CO2 emissions
CO2 emissions per capita, domestic
Malaysia (1971- Autoregressive-Distributed Financial development negatively
Shahbaz et al. (2013c) credit to the private sector as share of
2011) Lag affects CO2 emissions
CO2 emissions per capita, domestic
Autoregressive-Distributed Financial development positively
Boutabba (2014a) India (1971-2008) credit to the private sector as share of
Lag affects CO2 emissions
12 MENA CO2 emissions per capita, domestic
Generalized Method of Financial development negatively
Omri et al. (2015) countries (1990- credit to the private sector as share of
Moments affects CO2 emissions
2011) GDP
CO2 emissions per capita, money and
quasi-money, liquid liabilities as a
share of GDP, domestic credit to the
Pakistan (1985Q1- Nonlinear Autoregressive- Financial development positively
Shahbaz et al. (2016) private sector as a percentage of
2014Q4) Distributed Lag affects CO2 emissions
GDP, stock market capitalization,
stock market traded value, stock
market turnover
CO2 emissions per capita, domestic
credits by the banking sector as share
of GDP, domestic credits to the
private sector as share of GDP, broad
Katircioğlu and Turkey (1960- Dynamic Ordinary Least Financial development has mixed
money supply as share of GDP, ratio
Taşpinar (2017) 2010) Squares impacts on CO2 emissions
of commercial bank assets to central
bank assets plus commercial bank
assets, liquid liabilities as share of
30 Chinese
Huang and Zhao CO2 emissions per capita, non-state Financial development has mixed
provinces (2000- Input-Output analysis
(2018) credit to nominal GDP impacts on CO2 emissions
CO2 emissions per capita, domestic
Salahuddin et al. Kuwait (1980- Autoregressive-Distributed Financial development has no
credit to the private sector as share of
(2018) 2013) Lag significant impact on CO2 emissions
CO2 emissions per capita, share of Autoregressive-Distributed Financial development positively
Bass et al. (2019) Russia (1990-2016)
loans provided to the energy sector Lag affects CO2 emissions
18 Central and Dynamic Seemingly
Eastern European CO2 emissions per capita, financial Unrelated Regression Financial development positively
Saud et al. (2019)
countries (1980- development index Fully Modified Ordinary affects CO2 emissions
2016) Least Squares
Province level data
Financial development index and FMOLS and Financial development negatively
Zhao and Yang (2020) for China (2001–
carbon emissions DOLS affects CO2 emissions
Carbon emissions (CO2) is estimated
based on seven different fossil fuel Cross-sectionally
burning such as natural gas, coke, augmented
30 provinces of Financial development positively
Shen et al. (2021) coal, kerosene, fuel oil, diesel and autoregressive
China (1995-2017) affects CO2 emissions
gasoline and cement production, distributed lags (CS-
domestic credit provided to the ARDL)
private sector.
CO2 emissions per capita , (i)
Financial system deposits to GDP;
88 developing (ii) Domestic credit provided by
Khan and Ozturk countries (2000– financial sector (% of GDP); (iii) Financial development negatively
System GMM method
(2021) Domestic credit to private sector (% affects CO2 emissions
of GDP); (iv) Total Bank deposits to
GDP (%); (v) Liquid liabilities (M3)
as % of GDP
CO2 emissions per capita, domestic
Panel quantile Financial development negatively
Zafar et al. (2021) APEC (1990-2018) credit to the private sector as share of
regression test affects CO2 emissions
CO2 emissions per capita , domestic
42 countries (1990- Panel regression (Fixed Financial development negatively
Xu et al. (2021) credit to private sector by banks (%
2018) and random effect) affects CO2 emissions
of GDP)
Education- Environmental Quality Nexus
Gangadharan and CO2 emissions, secondary school Education positively affects CO2
51 countries (1998) Cross-sectional Regression
Valenzuela (2001) enrolment ratio emissions
Managi and Jena 16 Indian states SO2 emissions, NO2 emissions, SPM Ordinary Least Square Education negatively affects SO2
(2008) (1991-2003) emissions, persons who have passed Fixed Effect Regression emissions
at least matriculation Dynamic Generalized Education positively affects NO2
Method of Moments emissions
Education positively affects SPM
14 Latin American Fixed Effect Regression
Sapkota & Bastola CO2 emissions per capita, Average Education positively affects CO2
countries (1980- Random Effect
(2017) years of total schooling of age 15 + emissions
2010) Regression
CO2 emissions per capita, total
Balaguer & Australia (1950- Autoregressive-Distributed Education-CO2 emissions association
number of students at graduate and
Cantavella (2018) 2014) Lag follows inverted U-shaped form
postgraduate levels
CO2 emissions per capita, secondary
school enrolment for general
education, secondary school
Pakistan (1971- Autoregressive-Distributed Education negatively affects CO2
Bano et al. (2018) enrolment for vocational education,
2014) Lag emissions
human capital index based on
average year of education and
estimated outcomes
United State of
Autoregressive-Distributed Education negatively affects ecological
Zafar et al. (2019) America (1970- Ecological footprint, human capital
Lag footprint
Continuously updated fully
CO2 emissions per capita, secondary modified (Cup-FM)" and
Education negatively affects CO2
Zafar et al. (2020) OECD (1990-2015) education enrolment gross as a proxy "continuously updated bias
for education corrected (Cup-BC)"
estimation methods
CO2 emissions per capita, secondary
Panel quantile regression Education negatively affects CO2
Zafar et al. (2021) APEC (1990-2018) education enrolment gross as a proxy
test emissions
for education
Continuously updated fully
Top remittance CO2 emissions per capita, secondary modified (Cup-FM)" and
Education positively affects CO2
Zafar et al. (2021) receiving countries education enrolment gross as a proxy "continuously updated bias
(1986-2017) for education corrected (Cup-BC)"
estimation methods
Education expenditure as a proxy for Education negatively affects CO2
Zaman et al. (2021) China (1991-2015) ARDL method
education, carbon emissions emissions
Diagnostic tests Eq. (1) Eq. (2) Eq. (3)
Heteroskedasticity 0.24 0.68 0.59
(Breusch and Pagan, 1979) (0.6244) (0.4090) (0.4441)
Normality 0.72 0.43 0.32
(Jarque and Bera, 1987) (0.2553) (0.2497) (0.2643)
Serial Correlation 0.76 0.91 0.56
(Wooldridge, 2002) (0.4680) (0.9534) (0.4951)
Omitted Variable Bias 1.23 1.66 1.15
(Ramsey, 1969) (0.2986) (0.1742) (0.3302)
Endogeneity Bias 0.27 0.16 0.24
(Durbin, 1954; Wu, 1973; Hausman, 1978) (0.9981) (0.9867) (0.9997)
p-values are within parentheses
Graphical Abstract