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No. HE-NCNE-COL-0001-20t9 &S&O nf.E, Dated tq ,or . &0AA

Saswat Mishra, IAS
Principal Secretary to Govemment

The Principals
(Atl Government Degree Colleges)
(AII Government Teachers Education Institutions)
(All Aided Non-Government Colleges)

Sub: A s Prin pals to file I li ON ADD lication

Ref: This Department Letter No. FIE-FE-VI-PLAN-0036 /2016-2877g/rfi

dated 06.12.20t9


With reference to the subject cited above, and in partial modification of the
letter of this Department referred above, Principals of Govemment Degree
Colleges, Government Teachers Education Institutions and Aided Non-
Govemment Colleges are hereby authorized to file land lease/alienation
application and requisition before local Tahasildar for lease/alienation/settlement
of govemment land under possession of their respective College/Institution.

You are, therefore, directed to pursue the matter with the local Tahsildar for
lease/alienation/settlement of government land under possession
College/Institution as per Revenue & Disaster Management Department
Resolution No.3549 I Dated 25.1 I.2O2l.

Yours faithfully,

Principal Secretary to Go vemmen tL

Memo No. ASAI Dated:
,0r , A0Ag
Copy forwarded to all Regional Directors of Education for information and
necessary action

Principal Secretary to uovernment
Memo No. ASAA Dated: 19 , ol ' A0AA
Copy forwarded to Collector and District Magistrate of all districts for
information and necessary action.

Principal Govemment.
Memo No. aSAD Dated: 11, or " AoAa
Copy forwarded to the Addl. Chief Secretary, Revenue &. Disaster
Management Department for kind information and necessary action.

Principal S Government
Memo No asaq Dated: lt , ol ,&oAA
Copy forwarded tb the P.S. to Hon'ble Minister, Higher Education
Department for kind information of Hon'ble Minister.

Principal S Government
Memo No. QSaS Dated: 19 . 0t .AOAa
Copy forwarded to GCNE Section and all Branch Officers of Higher
Education Department for information.

Principal Secretary to (iovefflment.

It-.. t'f/
g-w .-t ''8.9

1ri r.nJ
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No }s-fql 1 R&DM , Bhubaneswar, dated rhe I 5 f{BV ?$?l
RDfVI.LRG EA-POLiCY -0012-2018

Sub: Policy for regularization of unauthorized

occupation of government land py
Government &. [egree _Cullegei and-Higher $esondary Bchools as wet!
as Government {i{eu
& Aided High schoois in the stlte.

The State Government, in the year 1977, had taken policy decision to provide
Government land measuring up to Ac.10,00 in urban areas and
up to Ac.18.00 in
rural areas, free of premium for estabtishment of colleges. Similarly, it was
decided that lands will be provided free of premium for M.E. Schoots up
to Ac.!.00
and Ac.3-00 and for Secondary schools up to Ac.3"0-0 and Ac.S.00 in urban aress and
rural a,r+as respectively. This policy decision for secondary schools and +Z colleges,
was reiterated further in the year 19gB. Over the years, sinqe 1977, many
Government and Aided Educational lnstitutions have been established under
occupation of Govemment Land and it has taken ysars together to settle the land in
their favour. Sometirnes, it is due to delay in processing as per th'e provisions of the
OGLS Act and Rules and in most of times it is due to inability of such institutions to
pay the government dues like premium, incidental charges, ailnual ground rent, cess,
encroachment fees with penalty and interest thereon etc.

2. However, in ttre year 2010, Government took another policy decision, which
was communicated vide letter No.48395 dated 26.11,2010 that "rn fhe cases wh,ere
land has been occupied with'auf prior appraval of the competent auttwfiy, it should
be trea.ted as encroach'tnent and wilt'be tiabte far eviction. Hawever, in exceptional
c€s€s, where the Govemment due to certain gaod and sufficienf reasons, consider fo
settle the land with the occupier, the occupier will be required to pay, prvmiurn at the
rate af market value, annual ground renf, cesg arrear dues, inferesf theraan and
encroachment charEes etc. Further ttte henefffs of coacessionaf rates of premium, if
any, available under any poticy of Government witl not be appticable ta sucfi cases,

where the land has &een accupied unautharizedty without formal sane#on of /ease ot,
grant of advance possessfon by any authority competen{ fo sancffon fhe Jease".

3. As many educational institutions have occupied the land wtthout prior approval
of the compe,tent Authority, they are required to pay the Government dues as
stipulated in the aforesaid guidelines. Eince these educational institutions are general
schools and colteges having no sCIurce of incorne, those are not in a position to pay
the Government duss sxfl get the land recorded in the name of the institution. On the
other hand, due to not having the RoR of the land, the colleges get deprived sf
Scvernrnent of lnd,ia funding under RUSA and other schemes. Besides, in NAAC
assessment, the colleges are not considered for ranking due to the land
problem.,Even under 5T transformational initiatives, many schools are facing
irnplernentational issues due to non-recording of land in favour of the schools,

4- Keeping the ahove in view, the State Government, after eareful consideration
and with approval of the State Csbinet in their SSth Meeting held on 23.11.2021, have
heen pleased to decide the fotlowing principles to regulartze the unauthorized
occupation of Government {and by the Government and Aided eduestional
institutions, in relaxation of the restrictions imposed' in the guidelines issued vide
letter No 48395 dated ?6.11 ,2010.

1- All land, irrespective of extent cf area, under oocupation of standalqne

Govern:ment Degree Colleges (including autonomous and non* autonomous
Government Colleges) and standa[one Government Higher Secondary
Schoals (i.e., erstwhile + 2l Jr. Colleges) will be recorded in the name of
Higher Education Department and School & Mass Educatron Department
respectively with marfat of the con:cerned Degree College-s/ Higher Secondary
School. But in case of composite colleges {i.e, where a Degree College co-
exists with a Higher Secondary School), the land, irrespective of extent of
area, ehall be recorded separate{y; i.e. in the name of Higher Education
Departnrent (Marfat of the Degree Collegei for the area under occupation of
the Degree College wing and in the narne of School & [4ass Education
Department (Marfat of the Higher Secondary Schools) for the area under
occupatisn of the Higher Secondary School wing" I-lowever, where such
splitting of land is not possible due to practical problems and inconvenlences,

the enfire land shali
be recorded in the Rame
of Higher Education Deparkrrent
(klar,fat of the
Degree College).
II ln case of Aided Degree
co*eges having autonomous
autonornous status and non_
Aided Degree coreges
and Aided Higher seeondary
land up to t'he extent $choors,
of area specified in Revenue
38870/R da{ed Z3.AS.1DTT Departrnent G.o No.
andNo. 62p80/R dated
ZB.1L 1gg8 (i.e. 1o acres in
urban areas and 15
acres in rurar areas) shat
be recorded in the nan.rc of
Higher Education Departrnent
and schoor & Mass Education
respec{ively with Department
marfat of the concerned
educationar institution. wherever
Degree cailege co- s
exists with a Higher secondary
$choor, [he tand shourd be
settled separately in
the name of theHigher Education
Depar:tment and Sctool
& fulass Edrrcation Department
respectively with rnarfat of the
educationar institution.
However, where such spritting of
rend is not possibre
due to the practical problems
and inconvenience. E, the rand
$hflil he reoordad
in the n*ime of the Higher
Education Department with marfet
of the eoncerned
educational institutio n

{11 All land, irrespecfivE of

exlent of area, under scgupation of Government
High schosls will be recorded
in thename of the gehool & Mess Education
Department with marfat
of the concerned School.
IV, The land under occupation
of Aided High Echoo,ls up to the extent
provided in the G.o. No. ggg70
dated 23 0s.1gw i.e. for rands up to Ac-.3.00
and Ac.5.00 for secondary schools
in urhafi arda$ and rurar atu,s
respectively' will be recorded
in the name of the $chool & Mass Education
Depa;rtrnent with martat
of the concerned Aided High schoor.
v, The land to be settled with
the educational institutions as mentioned in para
(i), (ii), (iiil e (iv) above shourd
be reasabre, non- forest, not in DLC [ist, un_
objectionable catego
ry, free from encroachment by anyone other than the said
educational inmtitutions, free from
any encurnhrances and should tnot v' having
tv' be
any mineral reserve.

vi I-and shatl be sefi{ed with

the concerned Department with rnaffat of thE
concerned educationalinstitution
on free of allcharges.

v11 The process for sett[ernent of aforesaid land shall be initiated by the
Tahasildar and settlement ehall be done with the approval
oJ the concerned

viii' Whsrc land is to be recorded separately in the name of Degree

College and
Higher secondar-y $choo[, local rahasildar shall congult
with the prinsipais of
Degree college and Higher secondary schoo'f and then
demarcate the land
between the Degree college and the Higher Secondary Schooi
snd reesrd thg
land separately. However, as stated earlier, where the two principals
mutually agree for splitting of the land, then the land shall
be recorded in the
name sf the Higher Education Department with marfat of the
educational institution.

ix. On settlerri,€flt of such [and, all previous encroachment cases hoo]qed

rrevenue authot'ities in respect of the aforesaid lgnd sha{l
be dropped and a
token arnount of Re.1/- per acre per yefir towsrs$ assggsffiEnt
and Fdnalty @
Rs.t0/- per acre per year may be charged. lnterest on arrear amount if any
may aisCI be wa,ived out.

x' The cut- off date for consideration of occupation of governrnent lend by an
in'stitution shall be 01.&1.2fi2$, ln other words, the govt. land under occupation
af m institution as on 1st January , zaza shalt be considered fpr $eftlement,
Any enrroachrment m*de after the cut-off date shall not be taken into account.

xi. In the event of the college or the Higher Seconda4r $chool is permanenfly
olosed, merged or shifted, the land so sefiled atong with the infrastructure if
any thereon, shall automailcatly revert back to Government in Revenue and
DM Department urithout any compensation or cost thereof.

xii- This policy wilf not be applicable to private/ un- aided edueational institutions.

ORPER- CIrdered that the Resolution be published in an extraordinary issue of the'

Odisha Gazefte afid eopies ther,eof fo,warded to ell Departments of Governmentl all
H,efids of Depa,rtfnent sf Governmenty' Board of Revenue, Odisha, Cuttackl all RDCs/
atl Cclleotors for information.

By order of the Governor

/*trL *f"i-
Principal Sdcretary to Gsvemment
nf " lt" 1'n2U
ftlemo. No
3fiqe /R&Dh4, Dated
? 5 $ilY ?$21
copy fonruarded to Odisha Secretariat
Tra neport ( Commerce) Depaftment
Gazette Cell, C/o Commerce and
for information and action, They are
requested to publish the Resolution
in an extraordi nary the Q$isha Gazette
and supply 5o(fifty) copies to thie Department
for office use,
il} bl
Memo ttlo
35 q# iR&DM, Dared
I S f{$y 2t#l
Copy fonruarded to principal Secretary
to Higher Educatfon
Department I
principaf Secreta-r:V to
Govern & .Mass Education
Department fsr information and n".*rrrry
1l 1
to Government
Nnemo. No 35 qql Dated
/R&DM, I 5 ffifiV 2fi?i
Copy foruvarded to principal Secreta to Ghief Minister,
Minister, Revenue & DM for kiad'information ry Odisha / P-S to
of Ho le hief M'inioter and Hon'ble
Minister, Revenue & DM respectively.
1( l ?l
to Government
Memo. No ?S\qS /R&DM,Dated
SS lltlU
Copy foruvarded to O.S"D to Chief Secreta / P.$ to Development
Com mrssrcner-cum-Addl. Chief Secreta to Government
ry information of Chief
s e*retary and Devefopment Commissioner res
lf 3t
to Governrnent
Memo. No 3{\qly ffi&DM, Dared I I hi[JV I

- Copy orwarded to parliamentary Affairs for information with

reference to their Memo No.720B dated 23.11.2021

1r lrr
Additional to Government
Memo, No. SEUq+ /R&DM, Dated
?. 3 l{fiV 20?1
Capy fonruarded to ail seats of LR & GE (A) / (B) Branoh of Reyenue &
DM Departrnent for information and necesseryciion.
to Government
Memo. hro. )sung IR&DM, Dated
,# 5 ru,UV
Capy forwarded to all Departments of GoW ll Heads af Department of
Governmenfl Board of Revenue, Odisha, all Collectors for
information and necessary action.
ir \']4
Sove rnment

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