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2003 - Determination of Rayleigh Wave Dispersion Curves For Near Surface Applications in Unconsolidated Sediments - Dal Moro Et Al.

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Determination of Rayleigh wave dispersion curves for near surface

applications in unconsolidated sediments

Article · January 2003


55 210

4 authors, including:

Giancarlo Dal Moro Michele Pipan

The Czech Academy of Sciences University of Trieste


Emanuele Forte
University of Trieste


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Proceedings SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysicists),
73st Annual Int. Mtg. (Dallas, Texas, October 2003)

Determination of Rayleigh wave dispersion curves for near surface applications in

unconsolidated sediments
G. Dal Moro*, M. Pipan, E. Forte, and I. Finetti, Department of Geological Environmental and Marine
Sciences, University of Trieste, Italy

Summary in terms of Vs distribution, shear-wave seismic sources

and receivers can also be adopted but severe problems
Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) is a and limitations can arise thus leading to time-consuming
suitable technique for vertical shear-wave velocity procedures and ambiguous results (e.g. Xia et al., 2002).
profile determination whose efficiency and effectiveness
depends on data acquisition parameters and processing In order to optimise acquisition and processing costs
procedures. In the present paper we compare the with respect to the information content of the results we
performances of three different methods to determine investigated the effects of few basic processing
Rayleigh wave dispersion curves. Such curves are techniques and the role of the survey geometry.
successively exploited for the inversion process, which Acquisition and processing procedures can be optimally
eventually provides subsurface information of use in designed in order to minimize costs while keeping all the
geological or geotechnical applications. We investigate actually necessary information content. In fact, data
the role of some processing procedures, with a special redundancy can lead to time-consuming procedures
emphasis on the number of traces able to optimise the without actual advantages in terms of information
ratio between information content and acquisition and content.
processing costs. We show that phase shift method is
able to produce the best results in terms of accuracy and Data collection was performed in a waste disposal site
computation efficiency for the unconsolidated sediments characterized by 18m-thick unconsolidated sediments
considered in our work. Phase shift shows extremely laying on limestone bedrock in NE Italy.
stable results also when a reduced number of traces is
considered and other methods fail due to spatial aliasing Methods
or severe noise content that prevents from unambiguous
interpretation. The efficiency of algorithms for phase velocity
determination can be evaluated in terms of resolution,
Introduction noise content and computation times. We tested three
algorithms based on the F-K and Tau-p transforms and
Fast, robust and cost-effective non-invasive techniques phase shift, respectively, in order to analyse their
represent a highly desirable instrument in many performances in Multi-channel Analysis of Surface
geotechnical applications. Environmental and Waves (MASW). F-K transform is a well-known tool
geotechnical studies often require the definition of often employed in 2D data processing (e.g. Yilmaz,
volumes and lateral continuity that cannot be achieved 1987). Conversion of x-t data into the F-K domain
through borehole sampling due to the high costs and the allows trivial phase velocity identification through the
localized nature of the collected information. relation v=f/k, with v phase velocity associated to the
frequency f and wavenumber k.
Potential methods (as for instance magnetic
gradiometry), resistivity as well as GPR (Ground- Velocity spectrum determination can be performed via
Penetrating Radar) and seismic surveys are commonly Tau-p transform (e.g. McMechan & Yedlin, 1981). Data
and proficiently used in a wide range of environmental are first converted into the Tau-p domain and a Fourier
issues. transform is then computed along the fast dimension
(time) thus leading to the velocity spectrum
In seismic surveys, two third of the energy involved in representation. Phase shift represents the third method
the acoustic-wave propagation is actually associated we tested. As reported by Park et al. (1998), a phase shift
with surface wave generation. During their propagation is applied to data according to an adopted velocity and a
surface waves suffer from an amplitude decrease much sum is then performed for each considered frequency.
smaller than that of body waves and strongly affect the The authors took into consideration the results of this
multi-channel seismograms recorded by the vertical- method in terms of resolution then assessing its
component geophones. They are usually considered as a performances with respect to the velocity spectra
primary coherent-noise factor and referred to as “ground calculated via Tau-p transform. Their test site was
roll”. They indeed hold a great amount of information characterized by a vertical shear-wave velocity
that can be usefully extracted to infer the vertical shear- distribution typical of coherent rocky materials for which
wave velocity profile connected to the stiffness higher mode identification and discrimination is possible
properties of the investigated soils (e.g. Park et al., 1999; also with relatively short offsets. This cannot be easily
Xia et al., 1999). In order to describe subsurface features achieved when the survey is performed on
Determination of Rayleigh wave dispersion

unconsolidated sediments, for which wider arrays should interpretable even if seriously affected by noise, while
be designed (e.g. Gabriels et al., 1987; McMechan and the phase shift procedure still provides definitely
Yedlin, 1981). satisfying and noise free results (compare Figs.2d and
Application of band-pass filtering and amplitude
correction was considered with the goal of identifying A further reduction in number of traces showed a
the effects on the dispersion curve determination. Zero dramatic quality decrease also for the Tau-p and phase-
padding was operated in order to increase horizontal shift algorithms.
resolution in the F-K domain. Special attention was paid
to the analysis of the number of traces actually needed
for the determination of sufficiently accurate velocity

Data analysis

We applied a 0-2-20-30Hz bandpass filter on our

original 24-trace common-shot gather and calculated the
F-K transform, velocity spectra via Tau-p domain and
phase shift (Fig. 1). We then compare such results with
those obtained from amplitude corrected data and wider
bandpass filtering that maintains higher frequency

Fig.2 shows the application of amplitude correction

through single-trace normalisation and effects on the a)
three computational schemes. F-K amplitude distribution
appears better focused with respect to non-corrected data
then allowing a more precise signal identification and
phase velocity estimation. No major effect is identifiable
in the velocity spectrum determined by phase shift (Fig.

In Fig.3, we present the results of the analyses performed

on a 0-3-50-70Hz bandpass-filtered and amplitude
corrected dataset. No fundamental-mode related signal is
easily identifiable at higher frequencies (> 20 Hz) and
high frequency content basically amplifies the noise that
affects the F-K domain and the velocity spectrum
determined via Tau-p transform. On the other hand we
notice that the velocity spectrum calculated via phase b)
shift is still well defined and noise free.

Special emphasis was dedicated to the analysis of the

minimum number of traces actually needed to preserve
the information content. Optimum values of such
parameter minimize acquisition and processing costs.
Analyses were performed progressively reducing the
number of traces considered. We re-sampled the original
dataset into subsets of regularly spaced traces in order to
preserve the low-frequency content critical in surface
wave analysis.

Results presented in Fig.4 refer to a 4-trace gather. Due

to the low velocities typical of unconsolidated
sediments, the loss in the high-frequency/small-
wavelength region does not result in a serious
information decline. F-K spectrum is definitely
Fig. 1. Original 24 traces bandpass filtered (0-2-20-30)
corrupted due to the dramatic spatial aliasing occurred as
(see text). a) F-K transform; b) velocity spectrum via
consequence of the increased geophone spacing (Fig.
Tau-p; c) velocity spectrum via phase shift.
4a). In spite of the extremely reduced number of traces
velocity spectrum determined via Tau-p is still
Determination of Rayleigh wave dispersion

a) a)



c) Fig.3. 24-trace gather, bandpass filtered (0-3-50-70 Hz)

and amplitude corrected; a) F-K domain; b) velocity
spectrum via Tau-p transform; c) velocity spectrum via
phase shift.


We evaluated the effectiveness of three computational

schemes for phase velocity computation based on F-K
spectrum, Tau-p transform and phase shift.

Results evidence that the phase shift approach is poorly

sensitive to data processing and maintains very good
d) performances even when a limited number of traces is
considered. Computation times and noise content result
Fig.2. a) 24-trace common receiver shot bandpass very small in comparison with the other two methods.
filtered (0-2-20-30 Hz) and amplitude corrected; b) F- Velocity spectra calculated via Tau-p transform exhibit
K domain; c) velocity spectrum via Tau-p transform; d) quality decrease mainly due to number-of-trace
velocity spectrum via phase shift. reduction, which is also responsible for severe aliasing in
Determination of Rayleigh wave dispersion

the F-K domain. In conclusion, when fundamental mode

detection is the primary concern and high frequency
overtones can be neglected, phase shift method is a
robust and cost-effective solution capable of providing
accurate phase velocities even with a reduced number of
traces, thus optimising acquisition and processing costs.


Gabriels, P., Snieder, R., and Nolet, G., 1987, In situ

measurements of shear-wave velocity in sediments with
higher-mode Rayleigh waves: Geophys. Prospect., 35,
187-196. a)

McMechan, G.A., and Yedlin, M.J., 1981, Analysis of

dispersive waves by wave field transformation:
Geophysics, 46, 869-874.

Park, C. B., Xia, J., and Miller, R. D., 1998, Imaging

dispersion curves of surface waves on multichannel
record: 68th Ann. Internat. Mtg., Soc. Explor. Geophys.,
Expanded Abstracts, 1377-1380.

Park, C. B., Miller, R. D., and Xia, J., 1999, Multi-

channel analysis of surface waves: Geophysics, v. 64, p.
800-808. b)

Xia, J., Miller, R. D., and Park, C. B., 1999, Estimation

of near-surface shear-wave velocity by inversion of
Rayleigh wave: Geophysics, 64, 691-700.

Xia, J., Miller, R. D., and Park, C. B., Wightman E.,

Nigbor R., 2002, A pitfall in shallow shear-wave
refraction surveying, Journal of Applied Geophysics, v.
51, 1-9.

Yilmaz, O., 1987, Seismic data processing: Soc. of Expl.

Geoph., Tulsa.

This research was supported by CNR (Italy), National
Group for defence against chemical, industrial and
ecologic hazards, grant n. 00.00623.PF37 and by the
European contract EVK4-CT-2001-00046, HYGEIA.
Giancarlo Dal Moro presently benefits from a fellowship
granted by CNR (Italy).


Fig. 4. a) 4-trace common-receiver shot (amplitude

corrected); b) F-K domain; c) velocity spectrum via
Tau-p transform; d) velocity spectrum via phase shift.

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