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technical Ethernet DSL Access

Solution description
Ethernet DSL Access 1.3
Up until now, Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) systems have important for the operator as it has a significant impact
been based on Asynchronous Transmission Mode on the OPEX.
(ATM). This has been a somewhat painful experience for
most operators in terms of lost revenue and high The mechanical design of the IP DSLAM is extremely
installation and commissioning costs, and these factors innovative. The IP DSLAM uplink interface is a standard
are today’s showstoppers for DSL growth. CAT5 RJ45 for the Ethernet part and a KRONE LSA or
EDGE -connector for the line part. This provides a
Ethernet DSL Access is Ericsson’s 3rd generation DSL virtually unlimited scalability with installations ranging
concept, which alters years of de facto DSL practice. from small 10 or 12-line solutions to large wall-mounted
Based on Ethernet technology — the most widespread frames. Cable terminations are connector-less
data technology used in mass volume products today — compared to standard DSLAMs.
Ethernet DSL Access supports triple play services and
sets a new standard for implementing DSL in a fast, Mounting EDA components
flexible and cost-efficient way. The EDA IP DSLAM uses a standard KRONE PROFILE
system as a back plain mount. To connect the IP
IP all the way DSLAM to the aggregating Ethernet switch, only a single
Ethernet DSL Access (EDA) utilizes switched Public Ethernet cable is required. The same Ethernet cable
Ethernet in the access network — as opposed to ATM. powers the IP DSLAM, as the power is carried
EDA deploys an “IP all the way” system supporting embedded in the Ethernet cable as Power over Ethernet
integrated high-speed always-on triple play services (PoE). This makes EDA a cost-effective ADSL solution
(data, video and voice) and it also supports more with low initial investments and pay-as-you-grow in
advanced services such as multicasting. EDA also small steps of 10 or 12 lines.
provides an innovative solution for base-band telephony
deployment. ADSL2
EDA 1.3 supports ADSL2 ITU G.992.3 that adds new
Innovative IP DSLAM features and functionality targeted at improving
Another unique feature supported by EDA is the performance and interoperability, and adds support for
unprecedented scalability of the highly integrated IP new applications, services, and deployment scenarios.
DSLAM allowing for a stepwise connection of 10 or 12 Among the changes are improvements in data rate and
subscribers. This ensures that the operator only needs reach performance, rate adaptation, diagnostics and
to deploy one DSL system, EDA, regardless of any local stand-by mode, to name a few.
variations in the DSL penetration rates. This is extremely

System description The IP DSLAM is an environmentally friendly product,
which is designed in accordance with the ISO14001
The Ethernet DSL Access solution deploys an access standard and produced with regards to a minimum use
network with switched Ethernet as depicted in the figure of lead and halogens in the product. The compact
on the previous page. The following sections describe in mechanical housing of the IP DSLAM is made of blue
detail the components of the EDA solution with colored plastic (ABS) with the external dimensions of:
emphasis on the cornerstone of the system - the IP • EDN110: height 185 mm, width 21 mm,
DSLAM. depth 109 mm. the weight is 320 g.
• EDN312: height 185 mm, width 33 mm,
Ethernet DSL Access
depth 145 mm. The weight is Tbd g.
The EDA system offers a number of different
• 10- and 12-line IP DSLAMs (EDN110 or EDN312)
• Ethernet switches (ESN108, ESN310 or ELN220)
• Ethernet Controller Node (ECN320)
• Ethernet Converter Nodes (EXN104, EXN401/410)
• Ethernet Power Nodes (EPN102 or EPN124)
• POTS base-band filters (EDF110p or EDF210p)
• ISDN base-band splitter filter (EDF110i)
• Management system (PEM)
• Precabled PSTN solutions (80/240/288 lines) 10-line IP DSLAM EDN110 compared to an Ericsson
• P800 multimedia smartphone.
The IP DSLAM is a system on a board — in fact a
complete DSLAM on a board. The 12-line IP DSLAM
EDN312 even has the base-band filter integrated and is
available in a POTS and an ISDN version. Another
innovative aspect of the IP DSLAM is the remote power
feeding over Ethernet.

The very compact design of the IP DSLAM requires a

minimum of space for installation. The IP DSLAM
conforms to the rigid Bellcore GR-63-core, Zone 4
earthquake standard and is mechanically compatible 12-line IP DSLAM EDN312 with built-in base-band filter.
with the KRONE PROFIL system. The 12-line IP DSLAM
can be installed directly on a KRONE LSA rail or U-
shaped back mount frame. It clicks directly onto the rails IP DSLAM with high functionality
as shown in the photo below, and the EDGE-connector The limited physical dimension of the IP DSLAM is
is plugged into the back of the IP DSLAM. EDN110 uses secured without compromising functionality. On the
a KRONE LSA profile in the back of the IP DSLAM for contrary, the IP DSLAM is fully functional and designed
mounting. using state-of-the-art components, enabling easy SW
updates for new functional support.

The IP DSLAM complies with all relevant ADSL

standards, which means that it supports the ATM layer
in the ADSL protocol stack towards the CPE. However,
the ATM layer is terminated directly in the IP DSLAM, as
opposed to the traditional DSLAM systems.

Interoperability is constantly verified against the world’s ESN108 is a 1st level aggregation switch with eight
leading CPE modem and chipset vendors. electrical Fast Ethernet ports and one optical fast
Ethernet port. ESN108 is especially designed for the
EDA supports both asymmetric ADSL, ADSL2 including EDA solution for deployment of ADSL in areas with low
Annex J for support of symmetrical services and Annex subscriber penetration. ESN108 can be installed directly
L, Extended Reach. The asymmetric ADSL supports up on a KRONE LSA rail or U-shaped back mount frame.
to 1 Mbps upstream and 12 Mbps downstream. ADSL2 The photo below shows ESN108.
Annex J supports up to 2.5 Mbps upstream and
12 Mbps downstream. All the DSL line coding is
included in the same software package.

The IP DSLAM converts and aggregates all the incoming

ADSL links onto one 100Base-T Ethernet connection.

IP DSLAM with built-in OVP

ESN310 is a 1st level aggregation switch with 24
The front end of the IP DSLAM is extremely integrated in
electrical Fast Ethernet ports and two electrical uplink
the sense that it has built-in Gas Discharge Tube (GDT)
100/1000 Mbps auto sensing ports and two optional
Over Voltage Protection (OVP), which means that the IP
Gigabit Ethernet ports. ESN310 is especially designed
DSLAM can operate as the primary protection. Thus it
for the EDA solution and has build in Power over
replaces the existing primary OVP, which is typically
Ethernet. The photo below shows ESN310.
mounted in the equipment MDF.

IP DSLAM with integrated base-band filter

Another innovative feature of the 12-line IP DSLAM
EDN312 is the built-in Central Office base-band filter.
The integrated base-band filter enables a very innovative
base-band telephony solution, described later in this
ECN320 is an Ethernet Controller node that includes the
Ethernet switches and power distribution following functionalities all in one box: Traditional Layer
The EDA solution offers a complete Ericsson branded 2 Fast Ethernet switch functionality, Telecom grade HW,
suite of Ethernet switches - three 1st level aggregation Power over Ethernet, Data Aggregation Node and
Ethernet switches (ESN108, ESN310 and ECN320) with Ethernet Node Controller functionality, as well as a
integrated Power over Ethernet functionality for special EDA Management Proxy (EMP) application.
powering the IP DSLAMs, and one 2nd level optical ECN320 makes the 1st level aggregation of 24 electrical
aggregation Ethernet switch (ELN220). All switches are Fast Ethernet ports appear as one large logical node
manageable by the Public Ethernet Manager (PEM). with up to 2304 ADSL ports. It has two electrical uplink
100/1000 Mbps auto sensing and two optional Gigabit
The 1st level Ethernet switches (ESN108, ESN310 and Ethernet ports. ECN320 has the same size and look as
ECN320) use the Ethernet connection both to carry the the ESN310 shown above.
traffic to and from the IP DSLAM and to carry the
management signaling. They also use the Ethernet ELN220 is a 2nd level aggregation switch offering 24
connection to supply —48 V power to the IP DSLAMs optical or electrical Fast Ethernet ports for aggregation
and other EDA equipment as Power over Ethernet (PoE). of the ESN108 or ESN310. See ELN220 in photo below.
A Power Distribution Unit is available for switches that
do not support PoE.

Public Ethernet Manager EDA Management Proxy (EMP)
The Public Ethernet Manager (PEM) is the element EDA Management Proxy (EMP) is a series of functions
manager for the Ethernet DSL Access (EDA) and Fiber and work processes that efficiently reduces the costs
Ethernet Access (FEA) systems. It handles: and time needed in relation to installation, operation and
• Fault Management maintenance of a DSL network. EMP replaces the
• Configuration Management traditional EDA MAC identification with a physical
• Performance Management Ethernet port based identification on the Ethernet
• Security Management Controller Node ECN320.

PEM is based upon the HP OpenView Network Node The Ethernet Controller Node ECN320 is a compilation
Manager and supports both in-band and out-band of an ESN310 switch with PoE and the required PEM
communication with the EDA system. Domain Server with IP DSLAM support functions. The
ECN320 and all embedded EDA equipment will appear
PEM supports the standardized northbound interfaces as one Ethernet Access Node that can be seen as one
CORBA and SNMP. This enables PEM to interface into large logical DSLAM. Up to 2304 ADSL ports can be
the operator’s existing Operation & Maintenance reached via aggregation of 24 8-port switches (ESN108)
systems as shown in the following figure. and 192 12-line IP DSLAMS (EDN312).

The advanced user profiling of PEM supports rapid In this way there is only one management interface and
provisioning and reconfiguration of the EDA network. one static IP address. For ADSL provisioning, the EMP is
PEM supports the entering of end-user information; one managed via standard ADSL SNMP MIB (RFC2662), and
example is associating a subscriber’s telephone number for system maintenance via EDA SNMP MIBs. All SW
and address with a port on the IP DSLAM. images and configurations are stored in local non-
volatile memory to secure full operation, even if access
EDA is a plug-and-play system fully supported by PEM, to the management system is unavailable. EMP secures
so if for example an IP DSLAM is replaced, the system a fast and safe installation process and low recovery
configuration data is automatically downloaded onto the time in case of a total power outage, returning the
new IP DSLAM. This information along with hardware network into operation within a few seconds. Inventory
identity, software download etc. is available across the of the EMP is visible in the PEM system and data are
northbound interface as inventory data as well as in the managed from PEM or another SNMP-based system
PEM graphical user interface and topology map. and only a copy of data will be saved locally.

Application SW and line configuration are stored in Local Craft Tool (LCT)
FLASH memory directly in the IP DSLAM. The IP DSLAM
A Local Craft Tool (LCT) is available in order to verify the
is able to bring ADSL lines into service independent of
EDA installation on site before access to the PEM is
access to the PEM Access Domain Server, if it contains
obtained. The LCT enables the EDA site to load
a valid local application and configuration.
application SW and test configuration of the IP DSLAMs.

Network examples Connected to the IP DSLAM, the combined ISDN splitter
+ low—pass filter complies with ETSI recommendations.
EDA supports both base-band and in-band telephony In the network, the combined ISDN splitter + low-pass
cost-effectively. The operator can choose to implement filter is placed the same way as a traditional ADSL
the EDA solution in an in-band Telephony over IP splitter — on the end-user side of the IP DSLAM -
scenario or update existing traditional telephony connecting directly to the ADSL line, the IP DSLAM and
subscriber lines with broadband access as base-band the local exchange, as shown below.

Base-band telephony
EDA innovatively supports base-band telephony
deployment as the IP DSLAM has integrated splitter
functionality for base-band POTS. Base-band ISDN BRA
is offered with external splitter. EDA offers the 12-line IP
DSLAM EDN312 with built-in base-band filter as well as
a variety of mechanical POTS low-pass filters and one
combined ISDN splitter + low-pass filter solution to be
used with the 10-line IP DSLAM EDN110. In-band telephony
Deployed with a Voice Gateway and an Integrated
Connected to the IP DSLAM, the POTS low-pass filter
Access Device (IAD) at the end-user’s premises, the
complies with ETSI recommendations. In the network,
EDA system offers in-band Telephony as depicted in the
the POTS filter is placed on the network side of the IP
following figure.
DSLAM between the IP DSLAM and the exchange, as
shown in the figure below.

The IAD offers high-speed Ethernet data connections

and traditional POTS connections to the end-user. In
order to ensure a high Quality of Service (QoS) for the
supported services, up to eight Permanent Virtual
Connections (PVCs) can be established over the ADSL
link between the IAD and the IP DSLAM, separating and
prioritizing the services with, as an example, one PVC
for voice services and one PVC for the high-speed data
services. Quality of Service (QoS) is done with
differentiation of the ATM service class on the ADSL
side; Uncommitted Bit Rate (UBR) is used for data and
Variable Bit Rate real-time (VBR-rt) is used for voice.

Multi-service support System functionality
Between the CPE modem and the IP DSLAM, up to
eight PVCs can be established over the ADSL link. In a EDA reduces Time To Customer (TTC) of broadband
base-band telephony deployment scenario, all eight access services significantly for the operator by enabling
PVCs may be used for any service like VoIP, Internet, instant ADSL services with a single command from the
video broadcast and VPN access, as illustrated in the Public Ethernet Manager.
following figure.
Another EDA functionality that improves the TTC of
Each of the eight PVCs supports four ATM service broadband access services for the operator is the built-
classes UBR, CBR, VBR-rt and VBR-nrt, and is mapped in Line Qualification (LQ) tool as Single Ended Line Test
into a separate VLAN that connects to the required (SELT). Using advanced frequency and time domain
service in the Ethernet backbone. analysis, this tool estimates both the length of the local
loop and possible ADSL service as well as the maximum
possible bandwidth that can be carried through the local
loop. The system stores the 10 most recent LQ results.
Using this result the operator can build a database for
direct marketing towards the end-users, selling higher

Combining multi-service with the maximum capacity of

the loop, the service provider has the option of selling
EDA supports the increasing demand for streaming and Bandwidth on Demand (BoD), where one or more of the
broadcast video services in high quality by offering services can be opened for configuration via a web
multicast for video streams in both the IP DSLAM (IGMP interface to the end-user. This allows the end-user to
Snooping) and the aggregation layer. With Internet increase the bandwidth of, for example, his video
Group Management Protocol (IGMP) multicast, parallel service in a timed interval for a fee set by the service
transmission of the same video stream is avoided. provider. All this can be done “show time” without
Snooping the streaming requests from one user and retraining of the ADSL line.
connecting them to an already active stream towards
Operating and Maintenance surveillance of end-to-end
another user saves Ethernet bandwidth.
services is possible by proving the service paths from
CPE to ISP via standardized ATM AAL0 F4-F5 cells and
PPPoE sessions. The Ethernet part will be extended to
support other access methods in subsequent releases
of the system. Furthermore, the system provides other
useful information such as last estimated line length,
attainable bit rate on the ADSL physical link, and CPE
information such as Chipset ID and “dying gasp”.

Access methods
The EDA system allows each individual PVC to be
configured to use one of the listed access methods:
• Static IP address
• Transparent LAN
• IPoA

Business access IP DSLAM and the CPE. This architecture is also known
For business access, EDA provides a Symmetrical ADSL as Bridged Ethernet. This applies to voice, video and
service for up to 2.8 Mbps upstream data with better data services.
reach than SHDSL and less disturbance of the ADSL
lines. This service is based on ADSL2 standard, ITU The protocol stacks for Bridged Ethernet combined with
G992.3 Annex J, where the PSD mask for upstream and the Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) are
downstream tones is a mix of POTS (lower limit shown in the following figure.
upstream) and ISDN (upper limit upstream) giving a
larger number of tones for upstream traffic, as shown in CPE IP DSLAM Edge Node

ADSL Modem Modem pool Ethernet IP Router

IP “MAC filter” MAC filter IP
802.2 802.2 802.2 802.2
P 802.2 802.2
ATM ATM 802.2
G.992.3 Annex A O
ADSL over POTS T 802.3 802.3 ADSL 802.3
ADSL 802.3 802.3
S f
(kHz) 100BaseT
25 138 1104


Each ADSL connection from the IP DSLAM to the CPE is
80 138 276 1104
created as an AAL5 (ATM Adaptation Layer 5) PVC. The
G.992.3 Annex J
“MAC filter” (Media Access Control) maps between the
S f MAC address and the corresponding PVC. In the
25 276 1104
IP DSLAM, the MAC filter switches the Ethernet frames
from the aggregate side to the corresponding AAL5
the figure below. connection (end-user side).

Provisioning EDA supports DHCP option 82 according to RFC 3046

EDA combined with PEM enables a number of profiles on a PVC basis. A configurable identifier is attached to
and templates for creating subscribers in an easy way. the DHCP request from the end-user for authentication
By predefining Service and Line Configuration profiles by the service provider.
the subscribers are easily created by choosing the
desired end-user template. For applications such as home office or connection of
multiple offices, EDA provides a transparent LAN-to-
EDA is able to do bulk configuration, if subscriber data is LAN application. This application makes it possible to
available in the operator’s existing database, by making connect several users to a dedicated VLAN and to open
XML files with the desired configurations. A GUI is up for all kinds of traffic.
provided to manage the execution and present a log of
the result. The GUI will be extended to include an XML
file generator in a subsequent release of PEM.

Operational mode
EDA is very versatile as it can be deployed in almost any
network configuration. The EDA system offers Ethernet
connectivity to the end-user for any kind of service.
Basically, the EDA system acts as an extension cord
from the backbone network to the end-user, using DSL
as the drop technology.

The IP DSLAM creates a “virtual” common LAN

architecture between the Ethernet access network and
the CPE Ethernet. This is done by encapsulating the
Ethernet frame over the ADSL connection between the

Security VLANs
The EDA system bases security on four basic principles: The Ethernet access domain traffic is separated by use
• Filtering of Ethernet frames in the IP DSLAM of VLANs. The following figure shows a basic use of
• Layer-2 separation of Ethernet traffic/services in VLAN in an EDA system for separation of traffic types in
virtual sub-network or tunnels, using Virtual LAN order to enhance the security and offer service selection.
(VLAN) IEEE 802.1Q
• Forced Forwarding The following VLANs are depicted in the figure below:
• Virtual MAC address to prevent MAC spoofing • Voice VLAN for voice ToIP service
• Video VLAN for video broadcast
Filtering • Data VLAN for Internet access service
The filtering in the IP DSLAM is able to control the traffic • Management VLAN used for all O&M
to and from the EDA end-user, thereby restricting the
types of frames/packets forwarded by the IP DSLAM. Quality of Service
The filtering policy can be based on a wide set of In order to provide the required Quality of Service (QoS)
possible rules and can be updated on the fly if a security for the various triple play service classes (data, video
risk is discovered. It can also be configured individually and voice), the IP DSLAM supports prioritization of
per PVC. The filtering covers broadcast, Source MAC/IP, Ethernet frames in accordance with the IEEE 802.1Q
Destination MAC/IP, Ethernet frame type and Ethernet specification. In the IP DSLAM, each PVC is mapped to
ports type. the corresponding VLAN. Upstream Ethernet traffic is
tagged with the corresponding priority and the
Forced Forwarding downstream traffic is de-tagged and mapped to the PVC
Forced forwarding is an EDA-specific technique in which that corresponds to the priority value.
the end-user is forced to use the router as default
gateway for all upstream traffic. The layer-2 separation is EDA also supports PPPoE or PPPoA users, where a PPP
done by an ARP proxy function in the IP DSLAM. An session is created between the host and the BRAS
end-user that is trying to communicate with another Aggregation Router, during which the parameters for the
end-user in the same VLAN will issue an ARP request to connection are negotiated. The IP DSLAM converts
get the destination MAC address. However, the ARP PPPoA users to PPPoE users, if this access method is
proxy will respond to the ARP request with the MAC chosen. The actual user authentication and accounting
address of the default gateway instead of the other end- is performed via a RADIUS server connected to the
users MAC address. In this way the requesting end-user BRAS.
will now forward its traffic via the default gateway,
believing that it is in fact the other end-user. The PPPoE session is carried transparently from the
end-user host to the BRAS Aggregation Router and the
Virtual MAC address connected hosts retrieve their IP addresses from the
To prevent MAC spoofing and to be able to uniquely termination point of the PPP session during the
identifying an end-user in the EDA access system the initialization phase.
EDA solution offers the use of the function called
Virtually MAC address.

Migration and re-use scenarios EXN410 is a Gigabit Ethernet to Ethernet-over-ATM-
STM-1 switch providing one electrical Gigabit interface
Most operators will want to use their existing network and four optical STM-1 interfaces. It can be configured
infrastructure for transporting their Ethernet traffic. The for Automatic Protection Switching (APS) between the
EDA Ethernet Aggregation and Transport products STM-1 interfaces.
enable cost-efficient re-use of existing legacy networks,
while preserving the key benefits of Ethernet Management
aggregation and all-IP end-to-end solutions. The PEM can be used for fault and performance
monitoring of the Ethernet gateways using HP OpenView
Ethernet over ATM mechanisms and the built-in SNMP interface of the
Many operators have a core network built upon ATM gateways. Configuration can be done either at
transport between IP routers. Although most operators installation as for a self-learning Ethernet bridge with a
foresee a shift towards Ethernet technology as the basis fixed range of ATM values, or on a per-user basis as for
for their future core network, many still have ATM based traditional DSLAMs by creating a provisioning interface
provisioning and ATM capacity that they would prefer to mediation device adopted for the operator’s existing
utilize first to its full capacity. provisioning system.

The Ethernet gateways EXN401 and EXN410 provide full The Ethernet traffic from the IP DSLAM is carried on a
duplex wire-speed gateways between Fast/Gigabit VLAN with a certain priority bit set. Inside the Ethernet
Ethernet and Ethernet-over-ATM-STM-1. From a core gateway, the VLAN and its priority are mapped to an
network view, the traffic coming from the IP DSLAMs ATM PVC with a correlated QoS. For example, a VLAN
connected via the Ethernet gateway looks the same as with priority 6 could be mapped onto a PVC with CBR.
the traffic coming from old traditional ATM DSLAMs as The operator can set up a default mapping table to be
they use the same encapsulation method, RFC2684 used in automatic mode. The VLAN from the IP DSLAM
bridged mode. So an Ethernet gateway mimics an ATM may either be a per-user-and-service VLAN or a per-
DSLAM from a core network perspective. service VLAN (which is the recommended method due
to the superior scalability of the total solution).
Although interfacing old equipment, the Ethernet
gateways include brand new Ethernet technology such Ethernet over Sonet/SDH
as high-capacity network processors, enabling smooth An operator with an Ethernet-based core network might
introduction of new features and functions depending on still have an existing Sonet/SDH-based infrastructure,
the operator’s needs. The Ethernet gateways can even for example to small and rural sites where the
be used to convert ATM DSLAM traffic to an Ethernet penetration of bandwidth demanding services is not yet
core network once the core network is to be upgraded so high. This operator may want to re-use spare
to Ethernet. capacity in the Sonet/SDH infrastructure to carry
Ethernet frames. An example of such a product is the
EXN401 is a Fast Ethernet to Ethernet-over-ATM-STM-1 Fast Ethernet to E1 converter EXN104, described in the
switch providing one electrical FE interface and one following chapter. Other products covering the range of
optical STM-1 interface. different Sonet/SDH interfaces E3 and STM-1 are also
available from Ericsson.

Small site installations The Ethernet Power Node (EPN102) is the one-line
version of the larger 24-line Power over Ethernet node
Small sites with Ethernet access are rare, but EDA (EPN124). One EPN102 can feed power to one IP
provides a cost-effective solution for transporting the DSLAM and one FE to E1 at the same time. The internal
Ethernet traffic via vacant E1 lines. The stand-alone data connection of the two Ethernet interfaces is
design of the IP DSLAM removes the need for a back crossed and hardwired and the PoE circuit is intelligent,
plane and subrack and sets new standards for feeling the load to protect non-PoE equipment.
scalability and costs.
Precabled solutions
This is made possible by using the small, managed Fast The EDA solution is delivered in three precabled
Ethernet to 4xE1 converter (FE to E1 converter or solutions:
EXN104). Furthermore, a small Power over Ethernet • Small-size covers up to 80/96 ADSL subscribers
node (EPN102) is available for feeding the IP DSLAM • Medium-size covers up to 240/288 ADSL subscribers
and the FE to E1 converter with PoE. Both products • Large-size cabinet solution.
have inherited the unique design of the IP DSLAM and
provide a small scale ADSL solution for remote sites Common for these solutions is that they are delivered
down to 10 lines. with one-to-one precabled KRONE LSA-PROFILE
connectors that pairs sets of EDA 10-line IP DSLAMs
The FE to E1 converter (EXN104) is typically used in a and filters (EDF110p) or the KRONE PROFILE system to
back-to-back solution as shown in the illustration below. be used by the EDN312 and the Ethernet cables are
But also aggregation of a number of EXN104 E1s into a mounted and ready for installation.
single STM-1 is possible using the implemented Cisco
Framing variant. The next page shows subracks and cabinets with
IP DSLAMs, POTS filters, PoE and Ethernet.
The FE to E1 converter is powered over the Ethernet
port (PoE) and supports four 120 Ohm E1 ports (2048
kbps), which conform to ITU-T G.703 on the LSA
interface. The FE to E1 is fully manageable via SNMP
from e.g. the Public Ethernet Manager (PEM).

Small precabled subrack Medium precabled subrack
The subrack is precabled with internal LAN cabling and 14HU/11HU subrack with 240/288 EDA lines realized by
is delivered with the ESN108 Ethernet aggregation IP DSLAMs, filters and the 24-port switch (ESN310) This
switch supporting Power over Ethernet (PoE). All that solution consists of a 19” subrack with internal cabling
remains to be done is to plug-in the IP DSLAMs and, if and a set of 24 Ethernet cables.
needed, the Central Office Ethernet DSL filters. The
subrack conforms to ETSI 19” cabinet standards and
can be mounted into existing cabinets with a free space
of minimum 6 HU. The unique scalability by modularity
of 10 or 12 subscribers means that this subrack covers a
range of a minimum of 10 to a maximum of 96
subscribers, ensuring an unmatched solution as starting
point for small-sized sites.

Medium subrack for 240 subscribers with three rows

each with eight filters (EDF110/210), eight 10-line IP
Small subrack for 80 subscribers with eight POTS filters DSLAMs (EDN110) and one 24-port switch (ESN310).
(EDF110/210) and eight 10-line IP DSLAMs (EDN110)
and one 8-port switch (ESN108)

Small subrack for 96 subscribers with eight 12-line

IP DSLAMs (EDN312) and one 8-port switch (ESN108).

Medium subrack for 288 subscribers with two rows each

with twelve 12-line IP DSLAMs (EDN312) and one 24-
port switch (ESN310) or Ethernet Controller Node

Large size cabinet solution

46HU (2200 mm) cabinet with 720/576 EDA lines. This
solution consists of an Ericsson BYB501 cabinet with
dimensions: HxWxD: 2200 x 600 x 400 mm, equipped
with 8x19” KRONE rails, each rail equipped with 18

LSA-PROFIL connectors, cabled one to one, and 72 • Max. power consumption: 18W 10 lines at 8192/1024
Ethernet cables. kbps (downstream/upstream)
• Typical power consumption: 12W 10 lines at
Outdoor Cabinet solition 2048/512 kbps (downstream/upstream)
The Outdoor Cabinet has the dimensioning of only • MTBF: 58 years at 25°C ambient
HxWxD: 800 x 650 x 425 mm and scales from 12 to 96
ADSL subscribers. The Outdoor Cabinet is equipped by 12-LINE IP DSLAM (EDN312)

EDN312 with embedded filters and ESN108 aggregation • Mechanically compatible with KRONE PROFILE
switch with build in Power over Ethernet. system
Backhaul connectivity is provided by an 100Base-FX • Build-in POTS or ISDN filter
uplink which is considered as an ideal backhaul • Housing material: Blue colored plastic (ABS)
connection do to no Electro Magnetic problem and • External connector: RJ45 100BaseT Ethernet
capacity. The solution can also be equipped with the • External dimensions: (HxWxD) 185 x 35 x 160 mm
EXN104 Fast Ethernet to E1 converter providing TDM • Weight: N/A
connectivity. Alternatively 1 HU is reserved for 3 party • Power consumption: 13-19 W power consumption at
transmission type equipment in the cabinet. —48 V DC over the Ethernet cable
• MTBF: 54 years at 25°C ambient
Technical data
VALID FOR THE FOLLOWING RELEASES • 8 x 10/100 Mbps ports electrical
• EDA 1.3 • One 100 Mbps uplink port (SFP Fiber Port)
• PoE for up to 8 IP DSLAMs or EXN104s
The EDA system fully supports open interfaces and • Installed directly on a KRONE LSA rail
complies with all the relevant ADSL standards. This • xManaged by the Public Ethernet Manager (PEM)
ensures that the EDA solution is interoperable with any
standardized ADSL CPE modem, both Ericsson and ETHERNET SWITCH ESN310

non-Ericsson. The EDA system supports both high • 24 x 10/100 Mbps ports electrical
quality in-band Telephony over IP (ToIP) and more • PoE for up to 24 IP DSLAMs or EXN104s
traditional base-band voice. • Open slot for Fast or Gigabit SFP fiber ports
• Input voltage: —48 V DC
EDGE AGGREGATION ROUTER • Managed by the Public Ethernet Manager (PEM)
The Edge Aggregation Router bridges between the
access network and the core network and can be any ETHERNET CONTROLLER NODE ECN320

standard router supporting the following features. • 24 x 10/100 Mbps ports electrical
• PoE for up to 24 IP DSLAMs or EXN104s
• 100 Mbps or Gbps Ethernet interface • Open slot for Fast or Gigabit SFP fiber ports
• IEEE 802.1Q (VLAN and Priority) • Input voltage: —48 V DC
• Broadband Remote Access Server (BRAS) for PPPoE • Managed by the Public Ethernet Manager (PEM)
termination, PPP tunneling, and AAA functionality
• 24 x 10/100 Mbps optical ports
• Mechanically compatible with KRONE LSA 10 pair • Open slot for Fast or Gigabit fiber ports
connector system • Input voltage: —48 V DC
• Housing material: Blue colored plastic (ABS) • Managed by the Public Ethernet Manager (PEM)
• External connector: RJ45 100BaseT Ethernet
• External dimensions: (HxWxD) 185 x 21 x 109 mm POWER DISTRIBUTION UNIT (EPN124)
• Weight: 320 g • PoE for up to 24 IP DSLAMs or EXN104s

• Input voltage: 2 terminals for —48 V (-40.5 V DC to • Narrowband CO filters/splitters
-60 V DC) The EDA solution provides a number of Central Office
• Output power 25 W per port splitter/filter solutions that are mechanically compatible
• External port connectors: 48 x RJ45 with the IP DSLAM. They all comply with ETSI TS 300-
• Support 24 LAN data ports and mixes this into 24 952-1-1/3 v.1.1.1 (2002-05) with few deviations
Power over LAN output ports
POWER DISTRIBUTION UNIT (EPN102) 10-line POTS low-pass filter for KRONE LSA connectors
• PoE for one EXN104 and one IP DSLAM
• Housing material: Blue colored plastic (ABS) EDF110I

• External dimensions: (HxWxD) 185 x 21 x 109 mm 10-line ISDN splitter and low-pass filter for KRONE LSA
• Weight: 180 g connectors
• Input voltage: 2 terminals for —48 V (-40.5 V DC to
-60 V DC) EDF210P

• Output power 25 W per port 10-line POTS low-pass filter for KRONE LSA
• External port connectors: 2 x RJ45 connectors, high-end ETSI compliant filter
• Supports one LAN data string (signal path internally
crossed) and feeds both ports with PoE with an Management system
intelligent on/off function to protect non-PoE equip.
Public Ethernet Manager (PEM) is based on Hewlett
ETHERNET GATEWAY EXN401 Packard OpenView Network Node Manager for Intel
• 1 Fast Ethernet 10/100 Mbps ports electrical platform.
• 1 ATM STM-1 155 Mbps ports optical, SC connector
• Input voltage: —48 V DC Software
• Windows 2000 Server
ETHERNET GATEWAY EXN410 • HP OpenView Network Node Manager
• 1 Gigabit Ethernet 1000 Mbps ports electrical • Sybase SQL Server Enterprise
• 4 ATM STM-1 155 Mbps ports optical, SC connector • Java 1.3
• Input voltage: —48 V DC
FE-E1 CONVERTER (EXN104) • Intel Pentium III, 933 MHz
• Mechanically compatible with KRONE LSA 10 pair • 1 GB memory
connector system • 2 x 18 GB hard drives
• Housing material: Blue colored plastic (ABS) • 10/100 Mbit Ethernet
• 4 x G.703/G.704 120 Ohm balanced E1 interfaces at
the LSA connector Northbound Interface
• 100Base-T port conforming to IEEE 802 on RJ45 UTP • CORBA
port • SNMPv1/SNMPv2C
• External dimensions: (HxWxD) 185 x 21 x 109 mm
• Weight: 276 g
• Max. power consumption: 10 W

Supported standards IP DSLAM - AGGREGATE SIDE

IP DSLAM - TRIBUTARY SIDE • IEEE 802.3 — 10/100 Mbps Ethernet RJ45 connector
ADSL standards: • IEEE 802.2 Ethernet V2
• ITU-T G992.1 — Asymmetric digital subscriber line • IEEE 802.1Q — VLAN and Frame prioritization over
(ADSL) transceivers. (G.DMT), Annex A and B Ethernet (802.1p)
• ITU-T G992.2 — Splitterless Asymmetric digital • RFC1531 - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
subscriber line (ADSL) transceivers. (G.LITE) (DHCP)
• ITU-T G992.3 - Asymmetric digital subscriber line • RFC2516 - PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)
transceivers - 2 (ADSL2) Annex A, and B
• ITU-T G992.3 Annex J — Symmetrical 2.8 Mbps ADSL Management:
• ITU-T G992.3 Annex L — Reach Extended • FTP, TFTP
• ANSI T1.413-1998 — Network and Customer • SNMP v2c
installation interfaces — Asymmetric Digital Subscriber • CORBA
Line (ADSL) Metallic Interface • RFC2233 — The Interfaces Group MIB using SMIv2
• ITU-T G994.1 — Handshake Procedures for digital • RFC2662 — definitions of Managed Objects for the
subscriber line (DSL) transceivers ADSL Lines + ADSL MIBs extension
• ITU-T G997.1 — Physical Layer Management for • RFC1213 — Management Information Base for
Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Transceivers Network Management of TCP/IP-based Internets:
• ETSI ETR-328 — Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line MIB-II
(ADSL); Requirements and Performance
• ETSI TS 101-952-1-1 v.1.1.1 (2002-05) POTS ENVIRONMENTAL

• ETSI TS 101-952-1-3 v.1.1.1 (2002-05) ISDN • EN 300 386:2001 Class A

• ILMI, DSL-Forum’s TR-037 auto configuration • Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum
Matters (ERM);
Ethernet: • Telecommunication network equipment;
• IEEE 802.3 — Medium access • Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements
• IEEE 802.2 - Ethernet V2 • ETS 300 019-2-1 class 1.2 Storage conditions
ATM Attributes: • ETS 300 019-2-2 class 2.3 Transport conditions
• ATM Cell over ADSL AAL5 • ETS 300 019 —2-3 class 3.2 Stationary use weather
• RFC2516 — PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) protected
• RFC2364 — PPP over ATM (PPPoA) • ITU-T K.20, ITU-T K.21Resistibility of
• ATM Service Classes: UBR, CBR, VBR-NRT and telecommunication equipment installed in a
VBR-RT telecommunications center or premises to over-
• RFC2684 - Multi-protocol Encapsulation over ATM voltages and over-currents
Adaptation Layer 5 •
• RFC2684 — Routed Encapsulation

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www.ericsson.com 16 Ericsson AB, October 2003

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