Machine Learning Basics
Machine Learning Basics
Machine Learning Basics
1 Introduction 3
3 Model 5
3.1 Split the dataset to train and test sets 5
3.2 Fit the model 5
3.3 Predict 5
3.4 Evaluate the model 5
3.5 Visualize the structure of the tree 6
3.6 Gini Index computation 7
3.6.1 Root Node: 7
3.6.2 Left of the root node 9
3.6.3 Right of the root node 9
3.7 Decision Boundaries 10
5 Decision path 13
5.1 How is the prediction made precisely? 13
6 Hyper-parameters Tuning 15
6.1 GridSearchCV 16
6.2 Fit the best estimator, Predict and Evaluate 17
6.3 Visualize the structure 17
7 Decision Boundaries 17
8 Summary 18
Decision Trees Classification In-Depth Structure Analysis
1 Introduction
I recommend you to read this article before Everything You Need To Know About Decision Trees
(1/2), in which you will learn:
● What are Decision Trees?
● How do we build a decision tree (Illustration part)?
● What is a recursive algorithm?
● Which algorithm is implemented in the Scikit-learn library?
● What is a stopping criterion?
● What are the Splitting tree criterions? also known as Attributes Selection Measures (ASM)
(like Entropy, Information Gain, Gini Index metrics for Classification)
In the current tutorial, Decision Trees - In-Depth Tree Structure Analysis (2/2), we will practice
Decision Trees for Classification using Python.
You will learn:
● How to fit the model, predict and evaluate it using the Scikit-learn library.
● How to visualize the tree structure and interpret it.
● How to compute the gini index, and the other values for each node using python.
You will also learn decision trees behind the scene: Understand deeply the tree structure using
● The decision_path: How is the prediction made precisely using python?.
● How to plot Decision Boundaries.
● How to tune Hyper-parameters using GridSearchCV
For beginners, you can read up to "Decision Boundaries", and also have a look at the
"Hyper-parameter tuning" at the end of the tutorial.
Decision Trees Classification In-Depth Structure Analysis
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
iris = load_iris()
X =
y =
print("# of observations:", X.shape[0])
print("# of features:", X.shape[1])
print("Features name:",iris.feature_names)
print("Classes to predict:",np.unique(y))
print("Target names:",iris.target_names)
# # of observations: 150
# # of features: 4
# Features name: ['sepal length (cm)', 'sepal width (cm)', 'petal length (cm)', 'petal width
# Classes to predict: [0 1 2]
# Target names: ['setosa' 'versicolor' 'virginica']
# array([[5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.2],
# [4.9, 3. , 1.4, 0.2],
# [4.7, 3.2, 1.3, 0.2],
# [4.6, 3.1, 1.5, 0.2],
# [5. , 3.6, 1.4, 0.2]])
For each class we have the same number of observations: 50 observations each.
Decision Trees Classification In-Depth Structure Analysis
np.unique(y, return_counts=True)
# (array([0, 1, 2]), array([50, 50, 50], dtype=int64))
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.2f}'.format
The goal is to predict, given the measures (length and width), in which class the iris will fall.
3 Model
3.3 Predict
Decision Trees Classification In-Depth Structure Analysis
3.4 Evaluate the model
Let’s compute the accuracy score for our model.
There are many other measures to take into account: Recall, Precision, F1 score…We will keep it
simple here, we use only the accuracy score to evaluate our model.
The accuracy score is the ratio of the correct classified samples among the total number of
# 0.9642857142857143
# 0.9642857142857143
The accuracy score 96.42% is very good. In real world datasets, it could be rare to get such a
good score. Here, we are using a toy dataset, in which the data are cleaned and there is no
In reality, the model predicts a probability for each observation, and then applies the np.argmax
to get the index of the maximum value. This index will be the predicted value.
print("Probabilities: ",clf.predict_proba(X_test[0].reshape(1,-1)))
print("Index of the max value: ",np.argmax(clf.predict_proba(X_test[0].reshape(1,-1))))
Decision Trees Classification In-Depth Structure Analysis
3.5 Visualize the structure of the tree
This is the structure of the tree built by our classifier (clf with max_leaf_node=3).
Using Python, we will compute each output for this node:
● Samples = 112
df_train=pd.DataFrame(data=X_train, columns=iris.feature_names)
df_train.groupby(['target'])[['sepal length (cm)']].count()
● gini=0.665
The following method computes the proportion of each class in the training sets. In other terms, it
computes the probability of each class (also the p2):
def compute_proprtion_class(df):
return df_proba
gini_index= 1-df_proba['proba^2'].sum()
● It’s a leaf
● There are only observations (37) from class 0
● This subset is pure, so the Gini Index is 0
With Python:
● Samples = 37
# 37
● value=[37, 0, 0]
# array([0])
● gini=0
As there is only one class (0), the probability to get this class is 1, so the gini index = 0.
Decision Trees Classification In-Depth Structure Analysis
3.6.3 Right of the root node
With Python:
● Samples = 75
# 75
● gini=0.496
gini_index= 1-df_proba['proba^2'].sum()
Here is a simple visualization of the decision trees boundaries by using only two variables of our
A lot of indicators that we can find by deeply analyzing this object: clf.tree_.
Decision Trees Classification In-Depth Structure Analysis
It starts with the root node, with index=0. The second node is the orange one, with index=1. It
ends with the purple node, index=4.
# array([ 1, -1, 3, -1, -1], dtype=int64)
For example:
➢ The first value in the array concerns the root node. As you can see in the tree, It
did have a 1 left descendante leaf. Thus, the first value of the array indicates the
index of the left leaf: 1. Which is the orange leaf.
➢ The second value concerns the second node in the tree, which is the orange leaf.
So the leaf has no left leaf, thus the value is -1.
➢ The third value concerns the third node (the one with X[2]<=4.95). This node has a
left leaf, which has index 3. Thus this is the value you have on the array.
➢ etc, etc
# array([ 2, -1, 4, -1, -1], dtype=int64)
➢ For the root node, it did have a right leaf, with the index =2. This is the first value in the
➢ For the second leaf (orange), there is not right leaf, so the value is -1
➢ For the third node (first purple), there is a right leaf, which is the purple value with
From these two arrays, we know that the 2nd, 4th and 5th nodes are terminal leaves.
# array([ 3, -2, 2, -2, -2], dtype=int64)
➢ For the first node, the feature with index equal to 3 (4th feature) is the one chosen as a
➢ For the second node, the value is -2, meaning there is no feature. It’s a terminal leaf.
➢ For the third node, the feature is the 3th one (idx=2)
● What are the thresholds chosen for each node (and for the chosen feature)?
# array([ 0.80000001, -2. , 4.95000005, -2. , -2.])
➢ The first value 0.8 is the threshold applied to the feature in the index 3.
➢ When it’s -2, meaning the node is actually a final leaf.
# array([112, 37, 75, 36, 39], dtype=int64)
# array([0.66470026, 0. , 0.49564444, 0.15277778, 0.04996713])
5 Decision path
Each observation in the test samples will go through the tree structure.
Given the sample features values, each node will decide if the sample goes left or right until it
meets a final leaf. The majority class in the terminal leaf to which the sample belongs will be the
predicted value.
print("First sample features in the test set", X_test[sample_id].reshape(1,-1))
Decision Trees Classification In-Depth Structure Analysis
print("The predict class for the sample=",sample_id," :",predict_class)
print("The final leaf on which the observation falls", leaf_id)
# First sample features in the test set [[5.8 2.8 5.1 2.4]]
# The predict class for the sample= 0 : 2
# The final leaf on which the observation falls [4]
Let’s use deicion_path methods to determine the nodes through which the sample passed :
if clf.tree_.feature[node_id]==-2:
is_leaf="It's a leaf"
if node_id in clf.tree_.children_left:
sens_leave='Left Node'
elif node_id in clf.tree_.children_right:
sens_leave='Right Node'
sens_leave='Root Node'
to_print= majority_class
if majority_class==None:
" We are in the",sens_leave,\
", Best feature idx=",idx_feature,\
", # of samples per class",clf.tree_.value[node_id],\
" We are in the",sens_leave,\
", # of samples per class",clf.tree_.value[node_id],\
", majority class= predicted value", np.argmax(clf.tree_.value[node_id])\
# Step= 0
# We are in the Root Node ,node_id= 0 , It's not a leaf , Best feature idx= 3 , # of
samples per class [[37. 34. 41.]]
# Step= 1
# We are in the Right Node ,node_id= 2 , It's not a leaf , Best feature idx= 2 , # of
samples per class [[ 0. 34. 41.]]
Decision Trees Classification In-Depth Structure Analysis
# Step= 2
# We are in the Right Node ,node_id= 4 , It's a leaf , # of samples per class [[ 0. 1.
38.]] , majority class= predicted value 2
● At the beginning, the sample goes naturally through the root node, node_id=0.
● As the value of the fourth feature is 2.4, more than 0.8, the sample falls in the node at the
right side, node_id=2.
● Then the value of the third feature is 5.1 which is more than the threshold at this node
4.95, so the feature goes to the right side again. It falls on the purple final leaf, node_id=4,
on which class=2 has the majority vote. Thus the predicted value of the this observation is
6 Hyper-parameters Tuning
Hyper-parameters are not learnt by the model, they are input to the model (like 'max_depth',
'max_leaf_nodes' for Decision Trees).
We don’t know which value will give the best estimator. Thus, we need to test several values as
inputs to the model and keep the one giving the best performance.
6.1 GridSearchCV
GridSearchCV helps perform this search, while cross-validating the data (using 5-fold by
Decision Trees Classification In-Depth Structure Analysis
We input a grid of parameters to GridSearchCV. It fits the model, with all the possible
combinations of parameter values, to our dataset. It evaluates each combination and keeps the
best one in memory.
Let’s practice:
X =
y =
parameters = {'max_depth':[2,3,4,5,6],
dt = DecisionTreeClassifier()
clf = GridSearchCV(dt, parameters),y_train)
We can then retrieve the best parameters and the best score:
# {'max_depth': 3, 'max_leaf_nodes': 4, 'min_samples_leaf': 1}
# 0.9644268774703558
# DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=3, max_leaf_nodes=4)
We will fit our training by this best estimator, test and evaluate the model :
Decision Trees Classification In-Depth Structure Analysis
clf_best = clf.best_estimator_,y_train)
# 0.9821428571428571
The training accuracy is 98.2%. It is much higher than the first model 96.4% with
max_leaf_nodes=3, and without any tuning.
# 0.9736842105263158
# 0.9736842105263158
Also, the test accuracy is way better than the first model: 97.37% vs 89.5%
7 Decision Boundaries
plot_decision_regions(X, y, clf_plot)
8 Summary
In this tutorial, you leaned, within Python, how to use a decision tree classifier:
● How to fit, predict evaluate the model;
● How to visualize the tree structure and compute each element using python, including the
gini impurity metric
● How to plot a decision boundaries
● How to hack more deeply the tree structure
● How to use decision_path to understand the way in the tree the observations are following
to get the prediction
● How to tune the hyper-parameters using Grid Search and find the best model
If you want to understand the concepts behind the decision trees and the metrics used to split the
trees, you can have a look at the following articles:
● Gini Index
● Entropy
● Information Gain
● Everything You Need To Know About Decision Trees (1/2)
I hope you enjoyed reading this tutorial. I would appreciate it if you could leave a comment, in
one of my articles, telling me if it meets your expectations.