Master Curve For Price-Impact Function: Brief Communications

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brief communications

Econophysics Figure 1 Scaling of the price- a

impact curves of 1,000 stocks
Master curve for traded on the New York Stock
Exchange. a, Price shift, Dp,
price-impact function plotted against normalized
transaction size, v, for buyer-

he price reaction to a single transaction 10–3 G
depends on transaction volume, the initiated trades for 20 groups I
identity of the stock, and possibly

of stocks, A–T, sorted by J
many other factors. Here we show that, by market capitalization in 1995. L
taking into account the differences in liq- The mean market capitaliza- N
uidity for stocks of different size classes of tion increases from group A to 10–4 O
market capitalization, we can rescale both group T. b, Price shift plotted Q
the average price shift and the transaction against transaction size for S
volume to obtain a uniform price-impact buy orders in 1995, renormal- T

curve for all size classes of firm for four ized as described in the text
10–5 –2
different years (1995–98). This single-curve to make the data collapse 10 10–1
100 101
collapse of the price-impact function roughly onto a single curve.
suggests that fluctuations from the supply- Inset, the liquidity, l, is shown
and-demand equilibrium for many finan- as a function of mean capital- 10–3
cial assets, differing in economic sectors ization, C, of each group of
of activity and market capitalization, are stocks for 1995 (black), 1996
governed by the same statistical rule. (green), 1997 (blue) and 1998
Our results complement previous (red). The black dashed line is

efforts1–9 by using huge amounts of data, by the power-law best fit for all 104
looking at the short-term response to a sin- points.
gle trade, and by measuring time in units

of transactions rather than in seconds. We 10–4 103
used the Trade and Quote database as our
data source and studied the 1,000 largest
108 109 1010 1011
firms on the New York Stock Exchange in
1995–98, by analysing roughly 113 million
transactions and 173 million quotes, and 10–2 10–1 100 101
investigating the shift in the mid-quote ω /C δ
price caused by the most recent transaction.
For each transaction of volume v made The results obtained for 1995 use all of there is a clear minimum for dögö0.3.
at time t, we observe two cases. First, when the available data (Fig. 1a). On a double- The resulting rescaled price-impact curves
the next event is a quote revision, we logarithmic scale, the slope of each curve for buys in 1995 are shown in Fig. 1b.
compare the next quote to the previous varies from roughly 0.5 for small trans- We have investigated demand-and-
quote and compute the difference in the actions in higher-capitalization stocks, to supply fluctuations in a way that is com-
logarithm of the mid-quote price; if about 0.2 for larger transactions in lower- plementary to the traditional approach in
the logarithm of the mid-quote price is capitalization stocks. When we repeat this economics. The mechanism for making
p(t), we compute the price shift as for the years 1996–98, the results are transactions has recently been theoretically
Dp(ti&1)4p(ti&1)1p(ti), where ti is the time similar, except that the slopes become modelled by assuming that order placement
of the previous quote and ti&1 is the time of slightly flatter with time, ranging from and cancellation are largely random11,
the immediately following quote. roughly 0.4 to 0.1 in 1998. which results in predictions of price impact
Second, when the next event is a new Higher-capitalization stocks tend to that are qualitatively consistent with those
transaction, we set the price shift, Dp(ti&1), have smaller price responses for the same made here. Our findings show that it is
to zero. We then investigate the average normalized transaction size. To explain this important to model financial institutions in
price shift as a function of the transaction observation, we carried out a best fit of the detail, and that it is may be more useful to
size, v, doing this separately for buying and impact curves for small values of the nor- model human behaviour as random rather
selling. The transactions are classified as malized transaction size with the functional than rational for some purposes.
being initiated by a buyer or seller by using form Dp4sign(v)äväb/l, where l is the liq- Fabrizio Lillo*, J. Doyne Farmer†,
the Lee and Ready algorithm10. In order to uidity and sign(v) is &1 or 11 for buying Rosario N. Mantegna*‡
put all stocks on roughly the same footing, and selling, respectively. For all four years, *Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia, and
we normalize the transaction size by divid- the liquidity of each group increases as ‡Dipartimento di Fisica e Tecnologie Relative,
ing by the average value for each stock in roughly C 0.4, where C is the average market Università di Palermo, 90128 Palermo, Italy
each year. capitalization of each group (Fig. 1b, inset). e-mail: [email protected]
To understand how market capitaliza- We make use of this apparent scaling †Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe,
tion affects price impact, we group the to collapse the data shown in Fig. 1a New Mexico 87501, USA
1,000 stocks of our sample into 20 groups. into a single curve. We assume that 1. Hasbrouck, J. Handbook Stat. 14, 647–692 (1996).
The groups are ordered by market capital- Dp(v,C)4C1gf(vC d), where g and d are 2. Hausman, J. A. & Lo, A. W. J. Finan. Econ. 31, 319–379 (1992).
ization, and the number of stocks in each constants, and we rescale the v and Dp axes 3. Chan, L. K. C. & Lakonishok, J. J. Finance 50,
group is selected to maintain roughly the of each group according to the transforma- 1147–1174 (1995).

same number of transactions in each group. tions v➝v/C d and Dp➝DpC g. We then 4. Dufour, A. & Engle, R. F. J. Finance 55, 2467–2498 (2000).
5. Farmer, J. D. Slippage 1996 (Predictions Co. Tech. Rep.,
We then bin each transaction on the basis search for the values of d and g that place all Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1996);
of size, and plot the average price impact of the points most accurately on a single
against the transaction size for each group. curve. In all the years that we investigated, 6. Torre, N. BARRA Market Impact Model Handbook (BARRA,

NATURE | VOL 421 | 9 JANUARY 2003 | © 2003 Nature Publishing Group 129
brief communications
Berkeley, California, 1997). probable value of demand is roughly zero; We interpret these two market phases as
7. Kempf, A. & Korn, O. J. Finan. Mark. 2, 29–48 (1999).
8. Chordia, T., Roll, R. & Subrahmanyam, A. J. Finan. Econ. 65,
we interpret this as an equilibrium phase in corresponding to the following two distinct
111–130 (2002). which neither buying nor selling predomi- conditions of the financial market.
9. Plerou, V., Gopikrishnan, P., Gabaix, X. & Stanley, H. E. Phys. nates. For S¤Sc, two most probable values First is the ‘S*Sc’ market phase, in
Rev. E 66, 027104 (2002). emerge that are symmetrical around zero which the distribution of demand, V, is
10. Lee, C. M. C. & Ready, M. J. J. Finance 46, 733–746 (1991).
11. Daniels, M., Farmer, J. D., Iori, G. & Smith, D. E. Preprint
demand, corresponding to excess demand single-peaked, with the most probable value (2001). and excess supply1; we interpret this as an being zero; we interpret this to be the
Competing financial interests: declared none. out-of-equilibrium phase in which the mar- market equilibrium phase, because the price
ket behaviour is mainly buying for half of the of the stock is such that the probability of a
time, and mainly selling for the other half. transaction being buyer-initiated is equal to
We use the Trade and Quote database to the probability of a transaction being seller-
Econophysics analyse each and every transaction of the initiated4. In the equilibrium phase, there
116 most actively traded stocks in the two- is statistically no net demand, and prices
Two-phase behaviour year period 1994–95. We quantify demand fluctuate around their ‘equilibrium’ values,
of financial markets by computing the volume imbalance, V(t), suggesting that most of the trading is due to
defined as the difference between the num- ‘noise’ traders who trade from misperceived
information or for idiosyncratic reasons5–7.

uying and selling in financial markets is ber of shares, QB, traded in buyer-initiated
driven by demand, which can be quan- transactions and the number, QS, traded in Second is the ‘S¤Sc’ market phase, in
tified by the imbalance in the number seller-initiated transactions in a short time which the distribution of demand is
of shares transacted by buyers and sellers interval, Dt (refs 2, 3). bimodal. We interpret this to be the out-of-
over a given time interval. Here we analyse N
equilibrium phase, because the price of the
the probability distribution of demand, V(t)¬QB1QS4S qiai stock is such that there is an excess of either
conditioned on its local noise intensity S, i41
buyers or sellers and there is a non-zero net
and discover the surprising existence of a demand for stock. Thus, in the out-of-equi-
critical threshold, Sc. For S*Sc, the most where i41,…,N labels each of the N trans- librium phase, the prevalent ‘equilibrium’
actions in the time interval Dt, qi denotes price has changed, so the stock price is now
a 5.0 the number of shares traded in transaction being driven to the market’s new evaluation
i, and ai451 denotes buyer-initiated and of a fair value, which is consistent with the
Conditional density (P(Ω |Σ ))

seller-initiated trades, respectively2. possibility that most of the trading arises

We also calculate, for the same sequence from informed traders who possess superior
of intervals, the local noise intensity, information5–7.
2.5 S(t)¬Ðäqiai1Ðqiai$ä$, where Ð...$ denotes the Our findings suggest that there is a link
local expectation value, computed from all between the dynamics of a human system
transactions of that stock during the time with many interacting participants (the
interval Dt. financial market) and the ubiquitous phe-
We find (Fig. 1a) that for small S, the nomenon of phase transitions that occur
0 conditional distribution, P(VäS), is single- in physical systems with many interacting
–5 –3 0 3 5 peaked, displaying a maximum at zero units. Physical observables associated with
Volume imbalance (Ω )
b 4 demand, V40. For S larger than a critical phase transitions undergo large fluctua-
Equilibrium Out-of-equilibrium threshold, Sc, the behaviour of P(VäS) tions that display power-law behaviour, so
phase phase undergoes a qualitative change, becoming our results raise the possibility that volatile
Order parameter (Ψ (Σ ))

2 double-peaked with a pair of new maxima market movements and their empirically
appearing at non-zero values of demand, identified power-law behaviour are related
V4V&, and V4V1, which are symmetri- to general aspects of phase transitions.
cal around V40. Vasiliki Plerou, Parameswaran
Our findings for the financial-market Gopikrishnan*, H. Eugene Stanley
–2 Σc problem are identical to what is known to Center for Polymer Studies and Department of
occur in all phase-transition phenomena, Physics, Boston University, Boston,
wherein the behaviour of a system undergoes Massachusetts 02215, USA
–1 0 1 2 a qualitative change at a critical threshold, Kc, e-mail: [email protected]
Local deviation (Σ ) of some control parameter K. The change *Present address: Goldman Sachs, 10 Hanover
in behaviour at Kc can be quantified by Square, New York, New York 1005, USA
Figure 1 Empirical evidence supporting the existence of two distinct an order parameter C(K), where C(K)40 1. Takayasu, H. & Takayasu, M. Physica A 269, 24–29 (1999).
phases in a complex financial market. a, Conditional density, for K*Kc, and C(K)Þ0 for K¤Kc. 2. Lee, C. M. & Ready, M. J. J. Finance 46, 733–746 (1991).
P (VäS ), for varying S computed using data for all stocks. For each For the financial-market problem, we 3. Plerou, V., Gopikrishnan, P., Gabaix, X. & Stanley, H. E. Phys.
stock, V and S are normalized to zero mean and unit first centred find that the order parameter C4C(S) is Rev. E 66, 027104[1]–027104[4] (2002).
4. O’Hara, M. Market Microstructure Theory (Blackwell,
moment. The distribution has a single peak for S*Sc (solid line). given by the values of the maxima of V5 of Cambridge, 1995).
For S<Sc (dotted line), the distribution flattens near to the origin, P(V). Figure 1b shows that the change in 5. Black, F. J. Finance 41, 529–538(1986).
and for S*Sc, P (VäS ) displays two peaks (dashed line). b, Order C(S) as a function of S is described by 6. Shleifer, A. Inefficient Markets: An Introduction to Behavioral
Finance (Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 2001).
parameter C (positions of the maxima of the distribution P (VäS ))
as a function of S. For small S, P (VäS ) displays a single maximum,
whereas for large S, two maxima are present. To locate the
C(S)4 {S0 1S c [S¤¤Sc]
7. Lux, T. & Marchesi, M. Nature 397, 498–500 (1999).
8. Holy, T. E. Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 3545–3548 (1997).
Competing financial interests: declared none.
extremes as accurately as possible, we compute all probability den-
sities using the density estimator of ref. 8. Also shown (by shading) brief communications is intended to provide a forum for both brief, topical reports of general scientific interest and
is a phase diagram representing the two distinct market phases. technical discussion of recently published material of particular interest to non-specialist readers. Priority will be given
Here, Dt415 min; our results hold for Dt ranging from 15 min up to contributions that have fewer than 500 words, 10 references and only one figure. Detailed guidelines are available
to about half a day, beyond which our statistics are insufficient. on Nature’s website ( or on request from [email protected].

130 © 2003 Nature Publishing Group NATURE | VOL 421 | 9 JANUARY 2003 |

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