IPM-3-0-Test-Series-2022-Test - 32 (Breakthrough Test) - Synopsis

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TEST - 2022 -2022


1. I am not what I say; I am what I do. It is my actions that will reveal who I am.
Introduction and meaning
Here the focus is not on what one says but on the person's action example basically we perceive
ourselves to be someone. Like we think we are kind but maybe we are sometimes mean and we
don't realize it.

And then there are people who perceive us to be someone. A person may think you are arrogant
and think highly of yourself because you don't talk to them. But maybe you really are shy and
don’t have anything to say to them. So you are not what they think you are.

I am not what I say I am? Metaphysical perspective

This is a universal state for every one of us.

"I AM not what I say I AM" is the result of inner dialogue where one recognises their real and true
spiritual nature, as an ideal NOT YET EXPRESSED. The individual involved has insight into their true
nature, and does not know how to, or has not managed to develop avenues of expression for who
they really are. Thus, the character on display is not fully developed.

As I said, this is the state of the whole hu-man family.

The Science which studies and seeks to comprehend the I AM and the Laws governing its wise and
Loving expression is called: Applied Meta-Physics: The Science of Being and Knowing; often called
the Science of Making the Ideal, REAL.

This is what we are all doing each day as we think on ideas and seek to express them. EVEN the
person who seeks to deceive and hurt others, is also going through this process.

Our forefathers had a word for falling short of expressing our highest ideals / our Divine Nature;
they called it 'Sin'.

Sin means ‘falling short of the mark’, of expressing our real nature, or in other words: I am (what
you see) not (does not represent) what I say I am (the real me).

The converse of this is Moses’ words, when asked who had appointed him their leader:
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Moses said “I AM THAT I AM sent me”. Meta-Physically Moses was saying “I AM your self-
appointed leader, because I have recognised our shortcomings and overcome them, and seek to
teach you how to do the same.”

The journey every hu-man be-ing is participating in, is from:




This is the Truth that sets us free from the slavery induced by ignorance, ill health, poverty,
corruption, fear, etc…

Applied Meta-Physics is the Science of Be-ing and Knowing - If you have gained some insight from
reading this answer, upvote so others can have the same opportunity, and consider following me
to share in some more unique Meta-Physical perspectives.

It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.

The literature aspect…

I am not what I am” is a quote from Shakespeare’s “Othello”.

It is Iago speaking and saying: “But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve for daws to peck at. I am
not what I am.”, Act 1, Scene 1 . [NB: daw= a jackdaw, a kind of a crow]

In this case, it may mean that “I am not what I appear to be”.

In other words, you should not believe that I am really the person you think I am, either because
I am in disguise playing a particular role, or because you should not trust your own judgement.

It may be a two-way popular misconception between you and me, which is in contrast with actual
reality. Nevertheless, reality is, more often than not, an illusion. Whether deliberately or
intentionally, we find it hard to identify either with ourselves or with the other. I cannot easily tell
which is which, or which is worse!

There must be, however, a strong causal link between deceiving ourselves and deceiving others.

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In our everyday interaction with others and with our own conception of reality, it is rather difficult
to keep in contact with our real self, let alone to instantly discern the other’s real self!

Slavoj Zizek, the Slovenian philosopher, once said: “There is not a true story about ourselves. It is
just a story we make or think up to merely justify our actions.”

I tend to agree with Zizek, who, anyway, is my favourite ‘rock philosopher’ of today! [By the way,
you can attend a number of his recent lectures on YouTube. They are great fun!]

Furthermore, I dare add the commonplace adage: “Actions speak louder than words”. It is in our
actions that our real identity is displayed notwithstanding our individual story about who we think
we really are. We are not who we are all the time, or better we do not know who we are whenever
we take ourselves for granted.

Counter perspective… I am that I say I am but sometimes my actions differs from what i am

Your name is what it is, but it is not who you really are. It is just a bunch of letters printed or
spoken. If your person or being were to be you, you would not be just a what (meaning innanimate
And sometimes you may differ with your names real meaning example a person
whose name is happy may not be show happiness to others through his actions ..

You can use a quote from batman movie ,I not what I say I am but what i do defines me .

2. I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.
This is a famous quote by the Father of Nation - Mahatma Gandhi
Someone said the same thing in another way, "The more you know who you are, and what you
want, the less you let things upset you".

There are many people who either get comfort from or enjoy dumping their garbage on others.
They either want to go on and on about all their problems or want to shoot down others' dreams
by telling how others can't do this or that, or shouldn't be doing this or that. In the end, it is all the
same they have drained others' positive energy and walked through others' minds with their "dirty
feet," more commonly known as negative energy. Most of us allow this to happen under the
assumption that we are just being nice, but we shouldn't allow it to happen.

What do we need to do so that people don’t walk with their dirty feet

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This means we have to take care of our mental, emotional, and spiritual self, and not let anyone
destroy our mental peace. We would not allow someone to come in and add arsenic to our family
meal; in the same way, we shouldn't let them poison our mind or spirit with their poisonous
thoughts and ideas.

We people have the right to think. In fact man tends to think. Every person is unique in himself.
So is his thinking. This thinking lets him make his set of rules for his life according to his ideologies.
So whatever supports his ideology becomes correct for him and whatever does not he discards
those ideas. But a wise person takes a look at both sides of the coin. These ideas are ideas of good
for that person towards which he starts his journey.

Individual personality can help stop people walking with dirty feet

When a child is born he is born with some features, attributes, talents etc. And with all these he
starts walking towards the path of knowledge. Some knowledge he takes rationally by asking
reasons for that and some of them by experiencing.
So a wise person like M.K. Gandhi takes a balance of these ideas and makes his ideologies; which
lead him to Idea of Good.
Idea of Good
The great philosopher Plato gave the idea of Good in which he explained that Idea of Good is the
ultimate reality. It is the highest idea. It is the substratum of universe.

Sometimes we have to let people walk with their dirty feet

People who are close to us for them we have to make sure we are able handle their anger
frustration or possessiveness ,just because they tend to have few bad qualities we can’t ignore
the relationship
Example in a marriage if the wife doesn’t have patience for something the sudden idea of divorce
won’t help ,we need to help them learn about patience ,that what relationships are for so that
they could walk with their dirty feet.

Relate back to the anecdote used helps to bring in completeness of the essay

3. When the well is dry, we know the worth of water

Introduction and meaning
The quote by Benjamin Franklin, “When the well's dry, we know the worth of water,” seems
especially apropos. Despite us knowing the benefits of a balanced life, our society has created
catalysts to unbalance our life.

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Basically you don’t know how important something or someone is until you’ve lost it/them. It
doesn’t always hold up, some people are very well aware that they will miss something or
someone if it disappears, and most sane people know that we can’t survive without water. But,
the phrase is mostly directed at people whom you perceive as on the brink of losing something
without being too bothered about it, or unaware that they can lose something, because they take
so utterly for granted (like we take water in the well for granted).

It’s also like saying: we never knew how good we had it - now it’s too late.

Why water ?

This saying simply means that when an item, product or other material objects are plentiful they
are taken for granted. That is why water is a perfect example. Even though it is one of the most
important resources. and in fact vital for Life, it is very inexpensive. That is because it is so plentiful.
When water becomes scarce, the value rises as befitting its life-sustaining properties.

Similar observations:pretext of humanism

We can’t act decisively except in reaction to a crisis that we could have avoided, and by then it is
too late to make much difference.
We take for granted that which should be taken to heart.
Don’t do tomorrow what you can keep putting off indefinitely.
Humanity has a poor track record for recognizing inconvenient truth and acting with resolve to
address it. Not there is a shortage of aware people who show the evidence of harm and argue the
case for action. But they just don’t matter. Denial rules until it fails, leaving rationality the

I think the good fight should be waged in the face of denial, but I also think there should be the
beginnings of a Millennia Movement that initiates the transformation of humanity over the long
term. It would do this by exploiting the chaos and confusion of crisis when denial collapses,
because the movement had prepared itself to convert crisis into opportunities. Humanity needs
lasting changes in culture, so that the “worth of water” becomes a fundamental value.

If a lasting, thriving, sustainable existence is in our destiny as a species, it will arise from the ashes
of the culture in which we now reside, brought down by its own failings. The seeds for change can
be planted by those who foresee that failure and prepare for it.

What can we do so that we prevent the well from drying up….

Know their importance

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Know the importance of people like water if we use them in optimum they will always stay
,overuse or ignoring their presence can lead the relationships break8ng down and water drying
Respect the resource
It’s not just Important to know some people are important to us, it's sometimes also necessary to
show that they mean a lot to us,this is by expressing our emotions to them .

In “The Crisis”, Thomas Paine said. “. . . that which we gain too easily we esteem too lightly.” Many
things are worth fighting for but we don’t until those very vital things are threatened or gone.
Don’t ignore that which is vitally important or you many find it not there. Sam Adams personal
motto was “Principiius Obsta” or Latin for “take a stand from the start.” Sometimes this phrase is
reversed and means “adhere to first principles.

4. Before you can inspire with emotion, you must be swamped with it yourself. To convince them,
you must believe yourself, believe.
Introduction and meaning
If you want to build a ship, don’t drum to the women and men to gather wood, and give orders.
Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.” – Antione De Saint-Exupery
What I get from these words is that leadership is an art. It’s the art of inspiring and enrolling people
to undertake an adventure for the sake of a common vision.

Think about all the people who have had a significant impact in your life. Who is it that played a
role of such significance that you felt changed for the better by knowing them? What qualities did
they have? I’m confident that the ones who inspired you most had the capability to move you in
some way; not only through their words, but also through who they were…what behavior they
were modeling. I bet it was someone who believed that ordinary people can achieve extraordinary
things. I bet they thought you could achieve extraordinary things.

Magnetic leadership
People who are magnetic leaders possess the quality of attraction and they embody a powerful
force that pulls others toward their presence, their ideas and their essence. They have something
that sets them apart from the average. They show an aura of confidence. They mean what they
say and come alive when speaking about what they love. They show emotion. They ‘pull’ you
towards them. Didn’t the people you thought of as having a significant impact in your life have
something magnetic about them? Wasn’t there a sort of attraction to them?

“Magnetic Leadership is more than directing people to be more productive; it is about modeling
behavior that is thoughtful, creative, sincere, credible, competent and respectful.” – Dana May

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I’ve been re-reading a little gem of a book called “Magnetic Leadership” compiled by Doug Smart.
This book consists of brief vignettes of what consultants and trainers believe are the ‘secrets’ that
attract people to powerful leadership. the word ‘secrets’ in quotes as Is not really secrets.It is just
using the skills in the above quote. I think it is just being passionate and enrolling about ‘the ship
you want to build’.

“You don’t have to be a ‘person of influence’ to be influential. In fact, the most influential people
in my life are probably not even aware of the things they’ve taught me.” – Scott Adams

How do you be a person of influence?

The most popular way of inspiring or influencing a person is through words ..

The Six Most Important Words…“I admit I made a mistake”. This phrase makes you human and
sets the stage for others to admit they make mistakes too.

The Five Most Important Words…“You did a great job!” No one suffers from too much recognition
or praise.

The Four Most Important Words…“What is your opinion?” People will tell us the most incredible
things when we take the time to ask with genuine interest and then make time to listen with our
ears, hearts, and eyes to their answers.

The Three Most Important Words…“Let’s do it!” Not, “you do it”, or “Get out of my way”, but “Let
us do this together.”

The Two Most Important Words…“Thank you.” Practice this one wherever you go with sincerity
and notice what begins to happen when you are grateful to others.

The Most Important Word…“We”. You are not alone in this.

Believe …How do you make yourself believe you are worthy of something

“The key to your impact as a leader is your own sincerity. Before you can inspire others with
emotion, you must be swamped with it yourself. Before you can move their tears, your own must
flow. To convince them, you must yourself believe.” – Winston Churchill

Believe. And know you are always modeling for others. Imagine the impact on our family, our
place of work, our community and even the world if we all acted fully knowing that we are
modeling leadership behavior and inspiration every time we interfaced with others.

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FOUNDATION OF YOUR PERSONALITY IS SELF-BELIEF-that is your relationship with yourself, and
you will trust yourself first, or you will believe in yourself. That sounds easy, but when you lose
faith in yourself or if you never even have it, building faith in yourself can be a very hard trust, but
not impossible.

HOW TO START?-analyze your current position and situation, see what you can do to improve
your life, or at least for beginning stop damaging your life. Make a list of your weaknesses,
strengths, and the list of habits, behaviors, attitudes, emotions, and situations that reducing trust
in yourself. In the beginning, is everything hard, but you will be better, and with time and work,
you will improve yourself.

do you need to change eliminate, accept or improve, and work on it. Those are the ways how you
will prove to yourself that you are capable to improve yourself, and this is one of the ways how
you can renew your belief in yourself. That can be a hard process, you will have many tasks, and
obstacles on the road, but with any new day you will be better, stronger, and confident in your
abilities, and in yourself.

YOU ARE WORTH AND ENOUGH-but you need somehow to find by your self that faith in yourself,
and you need to challenges yourself, get out of your comfort zone, eliminate many obstacles on
your road, and at the end you gain faith in yourself. This is an ongoing process, endless improving
yourself, and when you stop it you will lose that belief in your abilities, so look at that as a way of
living, and give your best, because you doing not for somebody else, you doing that for yourself.

The Master does nothing, yet he leaves nothing undone. The ordinary man is always doing things,
yet much more is left to be done. The kind man does something, yet something remains undone.
The just man does something and leaves many things to be done. The moral man does something,
and when no one responds he rolls up his sleeves and uses force.” ~ Lao Tzu


5. Topic -Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land.

 Introduction- Start with relevant Quotes/anecdote/ story or any recent example examples
Eg-“Wherever you are is home
And the earth is paradise
Wherever you are is holy land
You don’t live off it like a parasite
You live in it and it in you,
Or you don’t survive”

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 Thesis statement -Mention different aspects that are going to be discussed in the essay
Make your answers multidimensional- By land is meant all of the things on, over, or in the

 Body
 Discuss keywords like conservation and Harmony
 conservation is a "state of harmony between man and nature"
 land should have a "capacity for self-renewal" and conservation is "our effort to
preserve that capacity"
 Historical background of Conservation and harmony.
add examples here, Bishnoi community.
 definitely have strayed far from this
 we need a basic respect for natural resources

 are we in a state of "harmony" with nature right now?

 absolutely not we consume resources thoughtlessly
 population increase --> resource consumption depletion --> pollution

The increase in human population and our trade and extraction ;extinction of species,
depletion of our forests, pollution of our water and land.
Supportive arguments with data/ facts and figures (International and national level)
 Discuss how conservation is the state of harmony between man and land
Can talk about contrast between humans in early stage of life with present ones
Or Two examples where each one is contrast with other highlighting importance of
E.g.Delhi air pollution: disharmony Need for conservation
 Link conservation with economy, polity,social aspects, cultural, ethical, etc
Economic- Ensure sustainable and equitable growth.
Political- Reduces conflicts and wars for resources.
Socio-cultural- Preserving indigenous culture, less tribal displacement.
Ethical- Fulfils human’s need but not greed.

 Way forward
Integration of Land and Water Schemes to Tackle Land Degradation restoration of our sense
of Bioregionalism community garden.
3 policy approaches
 command and control
 incentives
 punishment and deterrence
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 Conclusion
Link it with sustainable development ,current issues like climate change and give a balanced
conclusion with ethical touch in it.

6. War is Peace, Freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.

 Introduction- Discuss the meaning of the topic given
These lines play into the theme of psychological manipulation done by political parties to
develop doublethink in it’s citizens by undermining their individuality, independence and
autonomy and by creating an environment of constant fear through propaganda.

In this way, the Party breaks down their ability to think rationally and makes citizens accept
and believe anything they tell them, even if it is entirely illogical.

By weakening the independence and strength of individuals’ minds and forcing them to live
in a constant state of propaganda-induced fear, the Party is able to force its subjects to accept
anything it decrees, even if it is entirely illogical.

War Is Peace” because having a common enemy keeps the people of Oceania united.
“Freedom Is Slavery” because, according to the Party, the man who is independent is
doomed to fail. By the same token, “Slavery Is Freedom,” because the man subjected to the
collective will is free from danger and want. “Ignorance Is Strength” because the inability of
the people to recognize these contradictions cements the power of the authoritarian regime.

 Thesis statement -Mention different aspects that are going to be discussed in the essay

 Body- Decode the keyboards give in topic.

 War is Peace Meaning
The war must be fought to maintain peace, because it unites the nation against a
common enemy. Give example of world wars
The quote from 1984, "Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the
present controls the past", cements that, by manipulating the masses into thinking that
they are constantly at war, State can unite individuals and distract them against a
common enemy, even though they may not exist.
 Freedom is Slavery Meaning
The freedom is slavery meaning is just as unapparent on the surface, but State justifies
this confusion by saying that someone who is free under the typical conception, able to
operate according to their own will, is ultimately unsuccessful. Rather, true freedom is
serving the state, which allows one to operate with more freedom than they ever would
have had if they went out into the world on their own.
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No matter what concept the government presents, the individuals who are a part of it
will have to believe it because they are slaves, and in their slavery, they find their only
freedom. An individual who operates against the constant surveillance of state places
themselves in opposition to the nation, or Party, and thus, does not receive the benefits
of someone who is a slave to the Party. In fact, they get treated much worse.
 Ignorance is Strength Meaning
The term ignorance is strength follows the same model of hypocrisy --the tool by which
the Party manipulates the masses. The government requires complete and utter trust
on the part of its citizens. The term ignorance is strength, cements this idea, instilling
Party members with the belief that their personal judgment, no matter how informed,
is not as informed or correct as the Party's. Knowing this, any reasonable party member
would be crazy to assume that their own personal judgment is valid, thus turning
ignorance and blind faith in the Party, into collective strength.

 Counter argument
In today’s complex world, it can sometimes feel as if having others take responsibility
for making decisions for us would be freeing. We wouldn’t have to struggle with
different options or accept the consequences of bad decisions and situations we can’t

For different people, different degrees of autonomy, responsibility, and consequences

contribute to the way freedom is defined. Some may feel free when they have more
control over their life, even if it means they have more responsibility. For others, the
stress of responsibility hampers their sense of freedom.

More choices may be construed as freedom, while numerous options may paralyze.
Thus, freedom may be perceived in different ways by different people.

 Conclusion
In today’s world we all too often fail to notice that we are allowing ourselves to be enslaved
as well. Sometimes this is due to propaganda and the lack of alternative information that is
easy to obtain. Other times it may be do to shear laziness and the failure to seek the truth or
to let ourselves realize that we are contributing to our own slavery such as when we turn
over personal information online without thinking twice.
We register brief outrage when learning of the government’s intrusion into our private lives
such as with hidden wires that allow them to access our mobile conversations and data. But
we just as quickly let it go without demanding redress, with the excuse that we can’t do
anything about it or that that the company in question must deal with it. We let government
officials change reality with false facts and fake news and again give lip service to our anger
and disbelief but allow them to remain in office saying that is what politicians do and we
have to accept the bad with the good.
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7. Topic -A creative economy is the fuel of magnificence.
 Introduction- Start with Definitions/relevant anecdote/ story or any recent example
Governments, creative sectors and communities across the world are increasingly
recognizing the creative economy as an important generator of jobs, prosperity and cultural
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) defines the creative
economy as “an emerging concept dealing with the interface between creativity, culture,
economics and technology in a contemporary world dominated by images, sounds, texts and
As drivers of growth, creativity and culture are recognised mainly for the economic value
they generate in terms of job creation. However, the driving forces of this economy are
creativity and knowledge, which stimulate the emergence of new ideas, technologies and
support innovation.

COVID-19 has led to a sharp increase in the consumption of creative products and services
on one hand, but also exposed the sector’s vulnerability on the other.
 Thesis statement -Mention different aspects that are going to be discussed in the essay
 Body - cover dimensions like
 Major drivers of the creative economy worldwide
 Technology
 Demand
 Tourism
 The multiple dimensions of the creative economy
 Economic aspects
Social aspects
Cultural aspects
Sustainable development
India and creative economy
 India has fared extensively well in the trade of these goods. The country stood at the
8th largest exporter of creative goods globally and third largest among developing
countries. Indian creative exports grew from US$ 4,384 million in 2003 to US$ 26,904
million in 2012. In 2014, the country registered an export value US$ 20.2 billion.
 However, the digital divide and the poor access to stable internet connectivity and skills
to utilize digital interventions in the country have been flagged as the major reason for
the unprecedented downfall of certain entrepreneurs and enterprises in the creative
Issues with Creative Economy

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 The lack of a clear framework for understanding and ana- lyzing the overall interactions
of the creative economy as a basis for tailored and forward-looking policymaking;
 The absence of data about the performance of different creative industries as a basis
to shape concrete initiatives such as support for small and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs), clustering, financing, etc.;
 Way forward
Improving demographics, better access to ICTs and dynamic shifts to new lifestyles
associated with creative products and services, promise a progressive future for creative
 Need for institutional mechanisms
 The creative economy in the developed world
 The development dimension
 Policy implications: The Millennium Development Goals
 The creative economy: Linkages and development implications
 Multifaceted aspects of the creative economy
 Cultural and technological linkages
 Social interactions
 Traditional knowledge, culture and the creative economy
 The creative economy in the developing world and transition economies
Australia’s creative industries contribute more than $90 billion to our
economy annually in turnover, added more than $45 billion to GDP and
generated annual exports of $3.2 billion.

 The cross-cutting nature of creative industries

 Need for concerted inter-ministerial policies
 Need for dialogue with multiple stakeholders

 Conclusion
The creative economy relies on ideas, knowledge, skills and ability to seize new
opportunities. The spread of the digital revolution, especially in mobile phones, combined
with the growing impact of social networks, is unlocking marketing and distribution channels
for music, digital animation, films, news, advertising, etc., thereby expanding the economic
benefits of the creative economy. The new lifestyle of contemporary society is increasingly
associated with status, style, brands and differentiation, which are rooted in the creative
economy. The Report also stresses that the creative economy and the green econo- my are
mutually supportive. Sensitive areas, including the controversial debates about the
protection or the sharing of knowledge and information, are also examined; the Report urges
governments to revisit the current intellectual property rights regimes.
In summary, the Creative Economy Report 2010 underscores 10 key messages calling for a
new development path to reorient policies towards more equitable, sustainable and
inclusive growth strategies. There is no one-size-fits-all prescription; each country should
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formulate a strategy to foster its creative economy, based on its own strengths, weaknesses
and realities. The Report provides evidence that the creative economy is a feasible
development option. The time for action is now.

8. Topic- No race can prosper till it learns there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a
 Introduction- Start with relevant data /facts/anecdote or story
Mahatma Gandhi : “Nothing will demoralize the nation so much as that we should learn to
despise labour.”

All types of jobs are respected equally, and no occupation is considered superior and none
of the jobs should be discriminated on any basis. Regardless of whether one's occupation
involves physical work or mental labour, it is held that the job deserves respect.

 Thesis statement -Mention different aspects that are going to be discussed in the essay
(Don’t limit your essay to agriculture or farmers. )
 Body
 A prosperous race.
 Aims to advance concrete policy solutions to build a more equitable society for all
, with a particular focus on poor, low-income and all Strata of Society

 Tilling a field and writing a poem - Interpret it in broader sense.

It includes all kinds of works including farming, Manual labourers,etc
Writing a poem
 Basis of discrimination in the employment market:White collar and Blue collar jobs
 One involving mental exertion whereas blue collar job is the one involving physical
exertion. Professionals such as lawyers, doctors, teachers etc. or top notch corporate
sector employees are considered to be doing white collar jobs. Jobs of factory workers,
domestic help etc. are considered blue collar. The general social perception is
associating a white collar job with decision making and significant contribution to the
returns earned. Such jobs are considered respectable and dignified in the society as
against blue collared ones which are associated with groundwork and are not

Why no race can prosperous with this attitude

 impact on economy-Distortion of Labor supply dynamics
 discuss about inequality and discrimination, add data to support your arguments.
 Indian’s approach towards employment is ‘elitist’ which is ‘Brahmanian’(uppermost
caste) hence portraying a bias towards ‘white collar’ jobs involving intellectual work
rather than taking up a job of a skilled professional which might prove to be more
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lucrative. This attitude of the youth is not favorable to a country’s economy which is
labour abundant.
 Gandhi had high respect for the dignity of labour and firmly believed that labouring
with one’s body i.e. with hands and bodies is the law of one’s being and there was no
reason why one should hesitate and feel dissatisfied with one’s labour. A nation may
do without millionaires and without its capitalists, but it can never do without its

 Way forward
There is no doubt that if labour laws granting protection to workers are liberalised,
employment would increase. However, one must ask, what type of employment?
Employment propagated by any civilised government must fit into the criterion of “decent
work” put forth by the International Labour Organization. The four pillars of decent work
are: rights at work, adequately paid employment, social protection and social dialogue. Work
should be a source of dignity.

Most people want permanent jobs because it guarantees security of employment, decent
living conditions, health and sanitation benefits, education of children and retirement
benefits. If the state can provide these forms of social protection then labour can be flexible.
The focus should be on social protection for all rather than on labour reforms alone. This will
lead to a healthier and skilled workforce that would be highly productive.

 Conclusion
The issue of dignity of labour is predominantly a consequence of a lack of economic
rationality. This irrationality is the result of a hierarchy orientation and a high context nature
of the society makes it vulnerable to a need for social conformity and approval.

This is deep rooted issue. Labour welfare policies would be effective in improving people’s
perception but it would not bring about substantial changes in the social mindset. This
transformation in the mindset would be brought about by education. Hence it is the non-
economic aspects which have been the dominant in causing this issue.

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