ECOM Unit 2
ECOM Unit 2
ECOM Unit 2
What is Business Model?
B2C Process
(How B2C Works?)
Advantages of B2C:
i. Inexpensive costs
ii.Globalization (eg., can order from any corner of the world)
iii.Reduced Operational Cost (paper cost, ads, storage)
iv.Customer Convenience (user-friendly interface, shopping
carts, receipts, bills, order status, delivery status)
v. Knowledge management (how many customers saw the
product, bought, reviews, etc.)
B2B (Business to Business)
✓ Involves electronic transactions for ordering, purchasing, as
well as other administrative tasks between business houses.
✓ It includes trading goods, such as business subscriptions,
professional services, manufacturing, and wholesale dealings.
✓ Sometimes in the B2B model, business may exist between
virtual companies, neither of which may have any physical
existence. In such cases, business is conducted only through
the Internet. Eg., software companies
(i) Review catalogues,
Advantages of B2B:
(Health Insurance Board)
G2G (Government to Government)
Value Chain
1. Marketplace Exchange
2. Buy/Sell Fulfillment
3. Auction Broker
4. Transaction Broker
5. Search Agent
6. Virtual marketplace or Virtual Mall
Marketplace Exchange
E-commerce sites like offer a full range of services covering the transaction
process, from market assessment to negotiation and fulfillment.
Buy/Sell Fulfillment
Takes customer orders to buy or sell a product or service, including terms
like price and delivery. Example:
Auction Broker
Conducts auctions for sellers (individuals or merchants). Broker charges the
seller a listing fee and commission scaled with the value of the transaction.
Transaction Broker
Search Agent
A software agent or “AI" used to search-out the price and availability for a
good or service specified by the buyer. Eg: Bing AI
Virtual Marketplace/Mall
A hosting service for online merchants like Amazon that charges setup,
monthly listing, and/or transaction fees. Eg: Zshops
Aggregator Model
Electronic commerce business model where a firm (that does not
produce or warehouses any item) collects (aggregates) information on
goods and/or services from several competing sources at its website.
-Catalog merchant
-Bit vendor
-Subscription Model (should subscribe, eg., to access consumer reports)
-Virtual Merchant
Infomediary Model
Some firms function as infomediaries (information intermediaries)
assisting buyers and/or sellers understand a given market. Info-mediary
model includes:-
Business model that describes full range of activities required to create a product or service
Value Chain Model
Fig. Value Chain in Ecommerce
Advertising Model
User Registration