Prova 1 Ano 1 Bimestre

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Inglês 1º ano

1) Read the text and complete the blanks with the appropriate verbs.

Dear John,
How are you? Here I am in Mayflower in an English class with my cousin. Here in
Mayflower the students ___ to school in the morning, but in Brazil  ___ the option
to study during the morning or after lunch. I think this option ___ because of the
weather: in Brazil the sun is up early so people start the day earlier.
I miss you and I hope to see you soon.
a) goes / there are / happened
b) go / there is / happens
c) goes / have / happens
d) go / got / happen

2) Leia o texto abaixo

In 1985, Frejat, then guitarist for Barão Vermelho, hit the stage wearing green and
yellow clothes. It was January 15th, the day in which Tancredo Neves was named
president of Brazil. Cazuza sang “Pro Dia Nascer Feliz” with lots of enthusiasm.
Frejat returns to the festival this year for a solo performance on October 1st.

Change the following sentence to the simple present tense: Cazuza sang “Pro Dia
Nascer Feliz”.
a) Cazuza sings “Pro Dia Nascer Feliz”.
b) Cazuza will sing “Pro Dia Nascer Feliz”.
c) Cazuza has sung “Pro Dia Nascer Feliz”.
d) Cazuza is singing “Pro Dia Nascer Feliz”.
e) Cazuza would sing “Pro Dia Nascer Feliz”.

3) Nas orações abaixo, o ‘ (apóstrofe) significa:

I’m a student.
There’s a spider on the wall;
I don’t study Spanish.
I’ll love you forever.

a) A adição de uma letra.

b) A omissão de uma letra somente.
c) A adição de uma letra e a omissão de outra.
d) A adição de duas letras.
e) A omissão de uma ou mais letras.


Leia a tira para responder à(s) questão(ões) a seguir.
No trecho do primeiro quadrinho – she’s sick and tired of smelling beer –, ’s pode ser
reescrito como
a) is.
b) was.
c) goes.
d) does.
e) has.

5) The more we looked at your bedroom, _________ we liked it.

a) better
b) the less
c) most
d) the best
6) (FMU) That table is __________ than this one.
a) long
b) more long
c) longest
d) longer
e) most long
7) The companies are expanding their business and they __________ all the help they
can get. So they __________ several people.

a) need – are employing

b) are needing – are employing
c) needed – are employing
d) are to need – employed
e) needing – employ
8) (Unesp/2000) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente cada lacuna da frase

I __________ to the radio every day, but I __________ listening to it now.

a) listen – am not
b) listened – had
c) listening – was not
d) was listening – not
e) not listen – was

Na tira da série For better or for worse, a comunicação entre as personagens fica

comprometida em um determinado momento porque

a) as duas amigas divergem de opinião sobre futebol.

b) uma das amigas desconsidera as preferências da outra.
c) uma das amigas ignora que o outono é temporada de futebol.
d) uma das amigas desconhece a razão pela qual a outra a maltrata.
e) as duas amigas atribuem sentidos diferentes à palavra season.
10) The population of the world is ____________.

a) going
b) covering
c) finding
d) growing
e) beginning
11) The whole word ____________ against drugs now.

a) is fighting
b) fought
c) had been fighting
d) has fought
e) fight
12) Em inglês, “Você está esperando alguma carta?” seria:

a) Have you been waiting for a chart?

b) Are you expecting a letter?
c) Are you attending any lecture?
d) Are you staying for the lecture?
e) Have you been hoping for a lecture?

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