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Design, Development and Test of a Small Scale Mango Juice Extractor

Article  in  Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology · January 2014


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2 authors:

Adesoji Olaniyan Obafemi Obajemihi

Federal University, Oye Ekiti, Nigeria University of Ilorin


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Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B 4 (2014) 1-7
Earlier title: Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, ISSN 1939-1250

Design, Development and Test of a Small Scale Mango

Juice Extractor

Adesoji Matthew Olaniyan and Obafemi Ibitayo Obajemihi

Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Ilorin, Ilorin 240003,
Kwara State, Nigeria

Received: October 7, 2013 / Published: January 20, 2014.

Abstract: Mango fruit (Mangifera indica) is very rich in fibre and vitamin C which are the required nutrients for good health and
easy digestion of food in human body system. However, the fruit is highly perishable in its natural state after harvest due to the
chemical deterioration and environmental effects. Due to the perishable nature, abundant wastage during the production season and
relative scarcity during the off season were recorded by farmers. Processing the fruit into the form that can easily be stored, preserved,
packaged, transported or consumed is crucial to having the product all the year round. Besides, mango juice can be consumed freshly,
processed into dry powder, mixed or blended with other juice to make fruit jams, or evaporated to concentrates. These products have
a lot of potential in food and beverage industries for export and foreign exchange earnings. Therefore, a small scale machine to
process mango fruits to high quality juice is highly essential to reduce the postharvest loss and then add value to the commodity. To
achieve this purpose, an abrasion-macerating device (AMD) was designed, fabricated and tested for small scale mango juice
extraction. Design considerations focused on the techno-economic status of the micro and small scale fruit juice processors who are
the intended users of the machine. The major components of the machine included hopper, perforated drum, screw conveyor, juice
outlet, waste outlet, frame, electric motor and motor stand. Other components included screw shaft, the juice collector, top cover and
the transmission system. In operation, the screw conveyor conveys and presses the mango fruits against the perforated roughened
drum. The abrasion/tearing process of the screw on the flesh of the fruit and further pressing against the drum squeeze enough juice
out of the fruit. The juice extracted is drained through the perforated mesh of the juice channel into the juice outlet from where it is
collected while the residual waste is collected at the waste outlet. The machine was tested using freshly harvested mango fruits and
results obtained showed an average juice yield, extraction efficiency and extraction loss of 34.56%, 55.14% and 10.15%, respectively.
These values of juice yield, extraction efficiency and low level of extraction loss indicate satisfactory performance of the machine.
Powered by a 2.5 hp single-phase electric motor, the machine has a production cost of USD565 with the construction materials being
locally available at affordable costs. A cottage mango juice extraction plant based on this technology can provide employment for at
least two persons at the same time providing fresh juice at low costs and residual waste as an ingredient for livestock feed

Key words: Abrasion-maceration device, juice extraction, mango.

1. Introduction farmers, produce merchants and processors. It is

therefore highly essential to process the fruit to juice
Mango fruit (Mangifera indica) contains some
form in order to easily store, preserve, package,
important nutrients for good health such as fibre and
transport and consume the product all the year round.
vitamin C, and also aids the digestion of food in
In the same development, mango juice can be a
human body system. However, the fruit is a perishable
valuable raw material in food and beverage industries
commodity in its natural state after harvest due to its
which have a lot of potential for export.
poor postharvest stability. This leads to high loss to
Juice extractors are designed in different types
Corresponding author: Adesoji Matthew Olaniyan, Ph.D.,
including: continuous screw expellers, halving and
research fields: engineer, postharvest technology and food burring machine, roller-press, taglith-type extractor,
process engineering. E-mail: [email protected].
2 Design, Development and Test of a Small Scale Mango Juice Extractor

plunger-type press and rotary juice extractor [1, 2]. industries could spring up based on such technology.
Hongvaleerat et al. [3] evaluated the process of This would ensure food and nutrition security while
osmotic evaporation to concentrate pineapple juice. also creating employment opportunities and
Braddock and Marcy [4] used a commercial juice eradicating poverty. Therefore, the objective of this
extractor to extract juice from fresh pineapple fruits study was to design, develop and test a combined
and the juice extracted was further processed by freeze abrasion-macerating device (AMD) for small scale
concentration. Ishiwu and Oluka [5] developed and mango juice extraction. This would make possible the
carried out performance evaluation of a juice extractor extraction of juice from mango fruits more efficiently
as a function of its extraction efficiency. The result of in a continuous manner.
performance test revealed a juice yield, extraction
2. Machine Description and Working
efficiency and extraction loss of 76%, 83% and 3%,
Oyeleke and Olaniyan [6] evaluated the As shown in Fig. 1, the AMD consists of the
performance of a multipurpose juice extractor for following major components: hopper, extraction
tropical fruit juice extraction. Results showed juice chamber, juice outlet, waste outlet, frame, prime
yields of 76.0%, 83.3%, 82.75%, 96.0% and 71.4%, mover (electric motor) and motor stand. The
for orange, grape, tangerine, water melon and extraction chamber consists of a perforated cylindrical
pineapple, respectively. A small scale orange juice drum which houses a uniform diameter and
extractor was designed and fabricated by Olaniyan [7]. decreasing-pitch screw conveyor. The perforated drum
Test results showed that the average juice yield and is essentially a cylindrical drum on which series of
extraction efficiency were 41.6% and 57.4%, perforated holes were drilled in an orderly manner.
respectively. Olaniyan and Babatunde [8] developed a The perforations were roughened in the internal
small scale sugarcane juice extractor using a screw surface of the drum to form an abrasive surface for
pressing system and the result of a preliminary test tearing and macerating the fruit mesocarp and enhance
showed a low juice yield of 2.5% with a grating the flow of juice. The screw conveyor is a
efficiency of 87.8%. While these results serve as decreasing-pitch type of screw blade arrangement and
useful reference background and guide for the present it enhances the juice extraction. In operation, the
work, the extractors referred to cannot be used for screw conveyor presses the mango fruits against the
mango juice extraction being a large-seeded fruit roughened/abrasive drum surface in such a way that
(drupe). the mango mesocarp is macerated. The extraction is
Mango fruit is widely produced in the most parts of actually achieved by the action of the screw conveyor
Africa but the fruit is highly perishable in its natural in pressing the macerated mesocarp against the
state after harvest. This causes deterioration, wastage, roughened/abrasive internal surface of the perforated
quality reduction and other forms of postharvest losses. cylindrical drum along the line of travel. The juice
Small scale mango juice extractors are highly essential extracted is drained through the juice channel into the
in the processing of mango fruit to the form that can juice outlet from where it is collected while the
easily be preserved for longer period. Small scale residual waste is collected at the waste outlet.
extractors can easily be afforded, operated and Powered by a 2.5 hp single-phase electric motor, the
maintained by low income and small scale machine has a production cost of USD565 with the
entrepreneurs. If such machines are scaled-up for construction materials being locally available at
industrial application, cottage juice processing affordable costs.
Design, Development and Test of a Small Scale Mango Juice Extractor 3

Fig. 1 Exploded view of the mango juice extractor.

3. Design of Machine Elements 3.2 Design Computations

3.1 Design Considerations 3.2.1 Design of Screw Conveyor

The screw conveyor is the main component and most
While designing the machine, considerations
functional unit of the extraction chamber. The screw
included high juice yield, high extraction efficiency,
was designed to have six pitch steps in a decreasing
low extraction loss, high quality of juice and
order with the last pitch less than 50 mm but greater
availability, quality and cost of construction materials.
than 15 mm. The screw pitch was designed using the
Other considerations included the desire to make the
expression in the equation below:
extraction chamber and juice outlet with stainless steel 4VDL
Ps = π (1)
to ensure the quality and safety of juice, and to design 4
D2 – d2 N

the extraction chamber to accommodate the required where, Ps is the screw pitch, V is the inlet velocity of
quantity of mango fruit. Designing the screw raw material, D is the outside diameter of screw, d is
conveyor to ensure maximum conveyance, abrasion the inside diameter of screw, L is the length of the
and maceration of the mango fruit mesocarp is also screw shaft, and N is the shaft speed. With Ps = 0.187 m,
considered. Consideration was also given for a strong D = 0.238 m, d = 0.036 m, L = 0.550 m and N = 304
main frame to ensure structural stability and strong rpm, hence, V = 4.72 m/s. In order to design screw
support for the machine. configuration, iteration method was used to determine
4 Design, Development and Test of a Small Scale Mango Juice Extractor

the screw threading at a decreasing pitch. Therefore = 0.03 m3/s. Therefore, the machine would be able to
screw pitch 0.187, 0.130, 0.082, 0.054 and 0.040 m extract 30 L of mango juice in 1 s.
(making a screw length 0.493 m) is on a shaft of length 3.2.4 Design of the Power Required for Driving the
0.550 m. Therefore, left at both ends of the screw shaft Juice Extractor
for the fittings of the bearing at both ends was The machine was designed to be driven by an
determined thus: electric motor through the belt and pulley power
C= L – PL) (2) transmission system. The power required to drive the
where, C is the clearance at both ends and PL is the machine during extraction operation was determined
pitch length. With L = 0.550 m and PL = 0.493 m, from the equation given below:
hence, C = 0.025 m. Therefore, a clearance of 25 mm is D2 – d2 ρgNPa FL
Pr = (5)
left at both ends of the screw shaft for the fitting of the 8000

bearing. where, Pr is the power required to drive the machine, ρ

3.2.2 Design of Screw Shaft is the density of mango juice, g is the acceleration due
In operation, the screw shaft conveys, macerates, to gravity, F is the material factor, while other
presses and squeezes the scrapped mango mesocarps parameters in the equation are as defined earlier. Given
for juice extraction. Therefore, in order to safeguard that D = 0.238 m, d = 0.036 m, ρ = 978 kg/m3, g = 9.81
against bending, the diameter of the shaft was m/s2, N = 304 rpm, Pa = 0.099 m, F = 0.5 and L = 0.550
determined from the equation given by Khurmi and m; hence, Pr = 2.461 hp. Therefore, a single-phase
Gupta [9]: electric motor of 2.5 hp was selected to drive the
16 1 machine.
d3s = Kb Mb 2 + Kt Mt 2 2 (3)
4. Materials Selection and Fabrication
where, ds is diameter of the screw shaft, Ss is maximum
shear stress, Kb is combined shock and fatigue factor
for bending, Kt is combined shock and fatigue factor Fig. 2 shows the front view of the mango juice
for torsion, Mb is bending moment of the shaft and Mt is extractor respectively while the specification of
torsional moment of the shaft. Given that Ss = 40  106 construction materials is shown in Table 1. Using
N/m2, Kb = 1.5, Kt = 1.0, Mb = 21.10 Nm, Mt = 69.18 treadle-operated guillotine, two pieces of stainless
Nm and π = 3.142; hence, ds = 0.021 m. Therefore, a steel with dimension 350 mm  250 mm and two
stainless steel rod of diameter 25 mm was used for the pieces of that with dimension 350 mm  100 mm were
screw shaft. cut from a 2 mm thick standard size stainless steel
3.2.3 Design of the Capacity of the Juice Extractor sheet. The components were joined together by arc
The processing capacity of the mango juice extractor welding and the edges were smoothened by grounding
was taken as the capacity of the screw conveyor which to form the hopper of the extractor. A rectangular
is the main functional unit of the extraction chamber of shape of dimension 551 mm  471 mm was cut from
the extractor. It was determined from the equation the mild steel sheet and folded to a hemispherical
given below: shape to form the base collector of juice. An opening
Cs = D2 – d2  Pa  N (4) of dimension 100 mm  80 mm was cut out on the
where, Cs is the processing capacity and Pa is the base collector and a channel was welded to it for the
average screw pitch while other parameters of the outlet flow of juice after extraction. The screw blade
equation are as defined earlier. Given that D = 0.238 m, was fabricated from a gauge 2 mm stainless steel sheet
d = 0.036 m, Pa = 0.099 m and N = 304 rpm; hence, Cs which was made into an helix of five circular discs of
Design, Development and Test of a Small Scale Mango Juice Extractor 5

an external diameter 238 mm and internal diameters of rectangular sheet of dimension 740 mm  570 mm
50, 46, 42, 38 and 36 mm. Then the discs were welded was cut from the stainless steel sheet and series of
together to form the screw blade in a helical form. The holes were drilled on it after marking with a centre
top cover was fabricated from the gauge 2 mm punch. It was then folded and welded into a
stainless steel sheet of which a rectangular shape of cylindrical drum with the perforations made in such a
dimension 551 mm  471 mm was cut and rolled into way that the inside has abrasive surface. The main
a semicircular shape. It was then folded at the edges to frame and motor stand was made from an angle iron
stand on the machine. For the perforated drum, a of dimension 40 mm  40 mm  4 mm. Four pieces of

Fig. 2 Front view of the mango juice extractor.

Table 1 Materials used for the construction of the mango juice extractor and their specifications.
Materials Specifications Quantity
Stainless steel sheet 1 mm thickness, standard size 1
Stainless steel plate 2 mm thickness, standard size 1
Stainless steel rod Φ 35 mm, 1 2 standard length 1
Stainless steel rod Φ 25 mm, 1 4 standard length 1
Stainless steel rod Φ 20 mm, 1 4 standard length 1
Stainless steel mesh 1.0 mm thickness, 1 4 standard size 1
Mild steel angle iron 40 mm  40 mm  4 mm, standard length 1 12
Pillow bearing Φ 25 mm 1 pair
Cast iron pulley Φ 310 mm 1
Cast iron pulley Φ 65 mm 2
V-belt B 65 1
Bolts and nuts M 19, M 13, M 10 10, 14, 8
Welding electrode Gauges 12 stainless steel 4 dozens
Welding electrode Gauge 10 stainless steel 2 dozens
Welding electrode Gauge 12 mild steel 8 dozens
Cutting disc Φ 200 mm 1
Grinding disc Φ 200 mm 1
6 Design, Development and Test of a Small Scale Mango Juice Extractor

length 1,050, 700, 380 and 210 mm were cut using a method used in this study for calculating juice yield,
power hacksaw and welded together to form the extraction efficiency and extraction loss had been used
machine frame and electric motor stand. earlier by Ishiwu and Oluka [5] and Oyeleke and
Olaniyan [6] for pineapple juice and orange juice
5. Materials and Methods Used for Testing
extraction, respectively. The results of the test showed
Testing procedure was carried out in the Processing that the machine performed satisfactorily but there is
Laboratory of the Department of Agricultural and still room for improvement. An improvement in the
Biosystems Engineering, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, design of the screw conveyor of the extraction
Nigeria. Freshly harvested and ripe mango fruits were chamber is expected to improve the efficiency of
obtained from a fruit merchant in Ilorin environment. extraction process in terms of juice yield and juice
The fruits were washed, weighed and prepared ready recovery efficiency; hence, this is recommended for
for juice extraction. The machine was set into further study. Such improvement would involve
operation and known weights of the fruits were fed optimizing the decreasing-pitch design while the
into the machine through the hopper. In the extraction perforated cylindrical drum of decreasing-diameter
unit, the screw conveyor conveyed the mango fruit, and tapers towards the discharge end.
tore/scrapped and macerated the mesocarp, pressed
7. Conclusions
and squeezed the mesocarp against the perforated
cylindrical drum in order to extract the juice. The juice A small scale machine for extracting mango juice
extracted was drained through the stainless screen into from mango fruit was designed, fabricated and tested.
the base collector, discharged through the juice The extractor was portable enough for local
channel and weighed while the residual wastes were production, operation, repair and maintenance while
collected and weighed separately. From the values all the construction materials were available locally
obtained, juice yield, extraction efficiency and and at affordable costs. Powered by a 2.5 hp
extraction loss were calculated [7, 10, 11]: single-phase electric motor, the machine has average
100WJE juice yield, extraction efficiency and extraction loss of
JY = % (6)
WJE + WRW 34.56%, 55.14% and 10.15%, respectively, with a
100WJE production cost of about USD565. The machine can
JE = % (7)
xWFS be used for small scale mango juice extraction in the
WF S – WJE + WRW rural and urban communities and can be scaled-up for
EL = % (8)
WFS industrial application. An improvement in the design
where, JY, JE and EL are juice yield, extraction of the screw conveyor of the extraction chamber is
efficiency and extraction loss respectively in percent; expected to improve the efficiency of extraction
WJE, WRW and WFS are weights of juice extracted, process in terms of juice yield and juice recovery
residual waste and feed sample respectively in g and x efficiency; hence, this is recommended for further
is the juice content of pineapple in decimal. Each test research.
was carried out in triplicates.
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Design, Development and Test of a Small Scale Mango Juice Extractor 7

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