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of the University of St. Gallen,
School of Management,
Economics, Law, Social Sciences
and International Affairs to
obtain the title of
Doctor of Philosophy in Management
submitted by
The President:
“Big data”, “data analytics”, “information technologies”, or “artificial intelligence”
have become more than just buzzwords, they are an indispensable aspect of
business practice and management theory. All too often, however, the same
buzzwords are used without an accompanying in-depth analysis of their potential
for practical application or possible obstacles. In addition, the question arises as to
what extent theoretically conceivable applications are actually employed in practice.
In his outstanding dissertation, Mr. Neumann addresses all of these questions by
examining data analytics within the context of financial due diligence commonly
performed during corporate transactions. This subject area is exceptionally
compelling and is truly practice-relevant, as transaction advisors are expected to
compile a comprehensive analysis of the asset, financial, and earnings positions of a
target company within a very limited period of time. Consequently, financial due
diligence as “the time-critical analysis of massive amounts of structured and
unstructured data” is an ideal object of research. One could easily confine oneself
and limit the research work, for example, to the development of theoretical
possibilities for the use of big data and data analytics in the context of financial due
diligence. However, Mr. Neumann rightly points out that “while […] the use
dimension is essential for understanding the topic, the study of the adoption
dimension is crucial to validate its practical relevance and derive recommendations
for audit firms”. “Use” and “adoption” are therefore directly related. It is precisely
the connection between “use” and “adoption”, and in the latter case the
consideration of “organizational level” and “individual level”, that makes this
dissertation so novel and appealing.
With such a broad yet necessary research approach, it is evident that the dissertation
generates a wide variety of results that will be of enormous interest to both scientists
and practitioners. This is not least because Mr. Neumann has presented a work that
is outstanding in both content and methodology. His work is an important
contribution to the field and exemplifies the University of St. Gallen axiom – “From
insight to impact”. The stringency of the argumentation, the systematic approach of
the structure, the visualization of the results, and the familiarity with the qualitative
and quantitative methods used: all these are paradigmatic in every respect. Such an
outstanding dissertation was written because Mr. Neumann was able to combine
three things at the highest level: practical familiarity with the topic, theoretical
competence in meth-
odology, and a fluency with regard to the manifold relevant literature. This
dissertation is highly recommended to all those interested in the future of financial
due diligence and its further development.
The present work evolved during my educational leave of absence as an external
doctoral student at the University of St. Gallen (HSG). In this preface, I would like
to express my appreciation, thanks, and gratitude to the wonderful people that
significantly supported my research.
First and foremost, I would like to sincerely thank my doctoral supervisor, Prof. Dr.
Thomas Berndt. I am deeply grateful for his inspiration and his enthusiasm for the
research topic as well as for the confidence he placed in me when it came to
treading new paths by supervising a thesis in an emerging research vein. His
valuable advice in terms of content, structure, and methodology, along with the
scientific freedom granted, were of enormous relevance for the development of this
dissertation. I am equally indebted to my co-supervisor Prof. Dr. Peter Leibfried,
CPA, MBA for his constructive academic advice and his stimulating seminars
during the PhD program. Moreover, I would like to thank Prof. em. Douglas Baer,
PhD, University of Victoria, Canada, for the introduction to covariance-based
structural equation models at the Global School in Empirical Research Methods as
well as for his ensuing detailed advice.
Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................
V TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................
FIGURES ..................................................................................................... XI LIST
OF TABLES ................................................................................................... XIV
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .....................................................................................
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................
XXI ZUSAMMENFASSUNG..........................................................................................
1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................
1.1 Motivation and
background ......................................................................... 1 1.2
Research gap and
objective .......................................................................... 3 1.3
methodology .................................................................................. 6
Scope ......................................................................................................
....... 11 1.5 Thesis
structure ........................................................................................... 13 Characteristic-based
classification ...................................... 78 Content-based
classification ............................................... 80
3.2.2 Big data
analytics ............................................................................... 81
3.3 Use in finance and accounting – A literature
review ............................... 82
3.3.1 Selection of adjacent literature
streams ............................................. 82
3.3.2 Classification of big data and data analytics
applications ................. 84
3.3.3 Use of big data
sources ...................................................................... 85 Approach for the review of adjacent
literature ................... 86 Big data-based revenue validation and
forecasting ............ 88 Big data-based identification of cost
opportunities ............ 90 Big data-based fixed asset
validation .................................. 91 Big data-based inventory
validation ................................... 92 Big data-based warranty liability
validation ....................... 93 Big data-based fraud risk
evaluation .................................. 94 Discussion of the use of big
data ........................................ 94
3.3.4 Use of data
analytics .......................................................................... 95 Data analytics in due diligence literature and
practice ....... 95 Data analytics in adjacent literature
streams ....................... 98 Discussion of the use of data
analytics ............................. 102
3.4 Summary ...............................................................................................
..... 103
XI Moderating
variables ........................................................ 203
5.1.4 Summary .....................................................................................
..... 204 Operationalization of
constructs ....................................... 250 Identification of the
model ................................................ 255 Data structure and method of
estimation .......................... 256 Descriptive
statistics ......................................................... 260 Handling of missing
data .................................................. 263 Reliability and construct
validity ...................................... 264 Assessment of the model
fit .............................................. 269
6.1.4 Structural
model ............................................................................... 272 Parameter
estimates .......................................................... 272 Multi-group analysis of interaction
effects ....................... 275
6.1.5 Robustness testing via Satorra-Bentler
correction ........................... 280
6.1.6 Summary .....................................................................................
..... 281
List of Figures
Figure 4.4: Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology ..................... 124
Figure 5.1: Number of interviews by hierarchy level and interview format ......... 144
Figure 5.2: Data usage in FDD .............................................................................. 146
Figure 5.3: Determinants of data availability and granularity ............................... 150
Figure 5.4: Analytics usage options of service providers ......................................
Figure 5.5: Determinants of analytics usage in the cost-benefit trade-off ............ 179
Figure 5.6: Big data and data analytics application in FDD ..................................
182 Figure 5.7: Determinants of adoption level differences ........................................
Figure 5.8: Organizational set-up of service providers ......................................... 190
Figure 6.1: Sampling process ................................................................................ 217
Figure 6.2: Survey participation over time ............................................................ 218
Figure 6.3: Response funnel .................................................................................. 219
Figure 6.4: Impact of data analytics on the FDD process ..................................... 226
Figure 6.5: Suitability of data analytics for FDD .................................................. 227
Figure 6.6: Stimulating trends for data analytics ...................................................
Figure 6.7: Determinants of data availability and granularity ............................... 229
Figure 6.8: Overview of data usage in FDD ..........................................................
Figure 6.9: Usage of non-financial data from the target company ........................ 231
Figure 6.10: Usage of non-financial data from external sources ...........................
Figure 6.11: Preferred data analytics tools ............................................................ 233
Figure 6.12: Data model as single version of the truth ..........................................
Figure 6.13: Time shifts in data preparation and analysis ..................................... 236
Figure 6.14: Determinants of the use of data analytics in project situations ......... 237
Figure 6.15: Use of data analytics across review areas ......................................... 238
Figure 6.16: Profitability analyses benefitting from data analytics ....................... 239
Figure 6.17: Future technological developments .................................................. 240
Figure 6.18: Impact of the use of data analytics on audit firms ............................ 242
Figure 6.19: Impact of the use of data analytics on FDD and M&A process ....... 242
Figure 6.20: Methods of SEM ............................................................................... 246
Figure 6.21: Path diagram of an SEM ................................................................... 247
Figure 6.22: Conceptual model on individual adoption including hypotheses ..... 250
List of Tables
List of Abbreviations
AI Artificial intelligence
API Application programming interface
ASC Accounting Standards Codification
AVE Average variance extracted
BI Business intelligence
BPM Business performance management
CAATs Computer-assisted audit techniques
Capex Capital expenditures
CCC Cash conversion cycle
CDD Commercial due diligence
CLTV Customer lifetime value
CMV Common method variance
CoE Center of excellence
c.p. Ceteris paribus (all other things being equal)
CR Composite reliability
C.R. Critical ratio
CRM Customer relationship management
C-TAM-TPB Combined Technology Acceptance Model and Theory of Planned
CYT Current year trading
DCF Discounted cash flow
df Degrees of freedom
DIO Days inventory outstanding
DPO Days payable outstanding
DSO Days sales outstanding
EBIT Earnings before interest and taxes
EBITDA Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization
Ed. Edition/Editor
Eds. Editors
e.g. Exemplī grātiā (for the sake of an example, for example)
EIS Executive information systems
ELT Extract, load, transform
ERP Enterprise resource planning
esp. Especially
et al. Et alia/et alii/et aliae (and others)
ETL Extract, transform, load
et seqq. Et sequentia (and the following)
EUR Euro
FCF Free cash flow
FDD Financial due diligence
FIFO First-in, first-out
FIML Full information maximum likelihood
GAAP Generally accepted accounting principles
GPS Global positioning system
GSANL Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands
HR Human resources
HTMT Heterotrait-monotrait ratio of correlations
LBO Leveraged buy-out
LIFO Last-in, first-out
LoI Letter of intent
m Million
M&A Mergers and acquisitions
Max. Maximum
Min. Minimum
MIS Management information systems
ML Maximum likelihood
MM Motivational Model
MPCU Model of Personal Computer Utilization
MTMM Monotrait-monomethod
NLP Natural language processing
NoSQL Not only structured query language
p. Page
Pot. Potentially
pp. Pages
RFID Radio-frequency identification
SCT Social Cognitive Theory
SEC Securities and Exchange Commission
SEM Structural equation model(-ing)
SKU Stock keeping unit
SLOB Slow-moving or obsolete inventory
SMEs Small and medium-sized enterprises
S&P Standard & Poor’s
SQL Structured query language
SSC Shared service center
Std. Standard(-ized)
TAM Technology Acceptance Model
TAM2 Technology Acceptance Model 2
TAM3 Technology Acceptance Model 3
TIB Theory of Interpersonal Behavior
TOE Technology-Organization-Environment Framework
TPB Theory of Planned Behavior
TRA Theory of Reasoned Action
TTF Task-Technology Fit Theory
Unstd. Unstandardized
U.S. United States (of America)
US-GAAP United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
UTAUT Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
UTAUT2 Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2
VBA Visual Basic for Applications VDD Vendor
due diligence
vs. Versus
WIP Work in progress
WLAN Wireless local area network
WPO Wirtschaftsprüferordnung
YTD Year-to-date
YTG Year-to-go
Special characters
> Greater than
< Less than
≤ Less than or equal to
|x| Modulus of x
Despite the contemporary relevance of technological advances in finance and
accounting, today’s literature is limited to four genealogies. This dissertation takes
up the call for practice-oriented research and introduces a fifth, emerging research
vein with respect to big data and data analytics: financial due diligence (FDD). In
contrast to prior, mainly conceptual research, which lacks practical insights due to
the sensitive nature of the topic, this thesis benefits from rare, first-hand data of the
leading audit firms. The mixed methods research design, which combines expert
interviews with a subsequent questionnaire, enables a comprehensive assessment of
the (i) use and (ii) adoption of data analytics. This approach allows for an initial
exploration of the use of data analytics along an FDD process framework, for
deriving hypotheses on organizational and individual adoption based on the
The 20 expert interviews and the 333 questionnaire responses reveal significant
changes in the FDD process. These process changes are due to the growing
availability of financial, but also non-financial data, which depends on the initiator
(sellside/buy-side) and characteristics of the target firm. Changes in the FDD
process are also the result of the increased reliance on data management and
descriptive analytics solutions. The time-consuming steps necessary to build a
comprehensive data model as the prerequisite for many analytics applications have
led to a cost-benefit tradeoff. Deal and target-related, project-related, and data-
related factors must be weighed to determine whether the efficiency-related benefits
of analytics justify the additional lead time required. Once applied, both non-
financial (primarily target-internal) information and analytics are predominantly
integrated into the commercially oriented profitability analyses. The long-term trend
towards the use of predictive analytics and a more value-oriented approach initially
necessitates exploiting the efficiency potential in the short term through higher
adoption. Raising the adoption level requires an increase in demand, since a
technology push by the Big Four, fueled by competitive pressure, can currently be
observed. In addition, organizational determinants (e.g., degree of centralization)
can have disparate effects in certain adoption phases. At the individual level, social
influence, performance expectancy, and facilitating conditions have a significantly
positive effect on adoption.
Trotz der hohen Relevanz des technologischen Fortschritts für den Finanzbereich
und das Rechnungswesen ist die heutige Literatur auf vier Genealogien limitiert.
Diese Dissertation greift den Bedarf praxisorientierter Forschung auf und führt eine
neue Forschungsrichtung im Kontext von Big Data und Data Analytics ein:
Financial Due Diligence (FDD). Während der bisherigen, weitgehend
konzeptionellen Forschung aufgrund der thematischen Sensibilität praktische
Erkenntnisse verwehrt bleiben, profitiert diese Arbeit von den raren Primärdaten der
führenden Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften. Das Mixed Methods
Forschungsdesign, welches Experteninterviews mit einem Fragebogen kombiniert,
ermöglicht eine umfassende Beurteilung der (i) Nutzung von Data Analytics anhand
eines FDD-Prozessrahmens und (ii) Adoption anhand bewährter theoretischer
Modelle. Dieser Ansatz erlaubt es, zunächst explorativ den Analytics-Einsatz zu
1 Introduction
This introductory chapter provides an overview of the purpose, approach, and
structure of this thesis. After an introduction to the contemporary relevance of
research on the use of emerging technologies in finance and accounting (Section
1.1), gaps in prior research and the objectives pursued with this thesis are outlined
(Section 1.2). Subsequently, the mixed methods research methodology is introduced
(Section 1.3). The scope is described in order to delineate the boundaries and
specify the perspective of this thesis (Section 1.4). Finally, the introductory chapter
concludes with an outline of this thesis’ structure (Section 1.5).
For the last five years, research in these domains has increasingly addressed the
impact of technological change.3 Most studies focus on the topics big data and
analytics, which, according to Griffin and Wright (2015), “permeate almost all
aspects of major companies’ decision making and business strategies” (p. 377).
According to Gepp, Linnenluecke, O’Neill, and Smith (2018), related research in
1 This term is synonymous with computer age, digital age, and new media age.
2 Besides finance, Holsapple, Lee-Post, and Pakath (2014) mention such as examples as
“marketing, human resources, business strategy, organization behavior, operations, supply chain
systems, information systems” (p. 132). However, this dissertation focuses on analytics
applications in the finance and accounting domain (see Section
3 References to the term big data emerge in finance and accounting literature around 2011
(Cockcroft and Russell, 2018). Alles and Gray (2016) observe a sharp increase in presentations
and publications on big data by accounting academics and practitioners since 2015.
Introduction 2
the finance and accounting domain concentrates on four main genealogies: auditing
and “financial distress modelling, financial fraud modelling, and stock market
prediction and quantitative modelling” (p. 102).
This dissertation expands existing research with a fifth, emerging research vein with
respect to big data and data analytics: financial due diligence (FDD) as a core part
of the mergers and acquisitions (M&A) process. 4,5 Feix (2019) and Feix and Popp
(2018) introduce the topic of digitalization across the entire deal cycle. They
thereby highlight FDD and characterize it as prime for the use of analytics. They
expect the use of corresponding technologies to solve the main challenge of due
diligences: the time-critical analysis of massive amounts of structured and
unstructured data.6 Moreover, Earley (2015) poses the question as to “whether the
core business of public accounting – that is, auditing – will benefit from an
investment in DA [data analytics] capabilities or whether DA is ultimately more in
the domain of consulting” (p. 494), to which M&A advisory also belongs. She thus
indicates that advisory is likely to benefit more strongly from the use of analytics.
Beyond voices from academia, M&A practitioners have also claimed that FDD
benefits greatly from the use of data analytics. For example, Rauner (2019), a
partner at Deloitte, describes current use cases for analytics software in the FDD
process. He thereby highlights such key advantages as greater process speed and
efficiency, increased standardization, higher data quality and transparency,
opportunities to conduct new analyses, and, finally, deeper insights. In addition to
these aspects, Beckmann et al. (2019) praise the increased flexibility of analyses
through data analytics tools in FDD that enables consultants to quickly react to ad
hoc requests from their clients. 7 Finally, a study by Merrill Corp. (2018) among
investors and M&A advisors confirms the expected acceleration of the due
diligence process through the use of data analytics technology. Based on the great
4 Although numerous academic publications exist that deal with the M&A process and its
components, the impact of digitalization has not been in focus of research thus far (see Section
5 FDD is not only a core part of the M&A process. It also is the most frequently applied
functional form of due diligence. In their empirical analysis for the German market, Marten and
Köhler (1999) find that an FDD is conducted in 94% of the investigated M&A transactions,
respectively. In a more recent investigation, Berens and Strauch (2011) even report a rate of
94.7% (see Section
6 Feix and Popp (2018) project “gains in efficiency, quality, and speed, and thereby competitive
advantages in due diligence processes” [translated from German] (p. 282).
7 The article section related to data analytics in FDD is written by Mickerts and Ganzen of the
Next Ten firm Warth & Klein Grant Thornton.
Introduction 3
potential of using analytics and the choice of an appropriate scope that allows for
sufficient depth, this work focuses on FDD, a key component of the M&A process.
The observation that little prior research in data analytics has been done can be
extended, albeit to a lesser extent, to finance and accounting in general. For
instance, Payne (2014) notes that “surprisingly few accounting academics [are]
Introduction 4
researching big data and analytics” (p. 495). Arnaboldi, Busco, and Cuganesan
(2017) concur and note that despite the topic’s practical relevance as seen through
“anecdotal evidence and case studies” (p. 763), empirical investigation in this field
is still in its infancy. Moreover, most technology-related research in the accounting
field exhibits a conceptual or normative character (e.g., Brown-Liburd, Issa, and
Lombardi, 2015; Cao, Chychyla, and Stewart, 2015) with “little being known about
how developments affect the actual practice” (Salijeni, Samsonova-Taddei, and
Turley, 2019, p. 2).8
These observations concerning the orientation of previous research also hold true
for the few studies that deal with the use of technology in due diligence. 9 For
example, Feix (2019) and Feix and Popp (2018) provide a summary of digitalization
as it pertains to financial, legal, and compliance due diligence, but without offering
practical insights – although the authors do admit that the Big Four firms 10 run
numerous projects related to the digital transformation of their due diligence
services. Analogous to other researchers, they remain on the conceptual level and do
not provide evidence for the actual use and adoption of data analytics in practice.
Consequently, Appelbaum, Kogan, and Vasarhelyi (2017) point out that “[r]esearch
is needed on modern analytics methods to establish their applicability in different
instances” (p. 10). Earley (2015) mentions that “[s]ervice organizations, such as
public accounting firms, are in the race to provide better and more comprehensive
DA [data analytics] services to their clients, but the question still remains as to how
they will actually accomplish this” (p. 494). She thereby underscores the need for
research that considers the actual use and adoption of analytics. Despite calls for
investigations on the use of big data for accounting purposes (Vasarhelyi, Kogan,
and Tuttle, 2015), as well as different use cases of different data analytics
techniques (for the auditing domain see e.g., Appelbaum et al., 2017; Appelbaum et
8 A significant portion of these normative studies cannot be absolved from remaining vague in
their assertions and not sufficiently defining technology-related terms. Earley (2015) states that
“many of these [articles] are thought pieces” (p. 494).
9 Besides aspects that hold true for all finance and accounting domains, the scant previous
literature in the due diligence field may well be attributable to the late integration of due
diligence research into business research in Europe (Grote, 2007).
10 The Big Four are the four biggest professional services networks in the world: Deloitte, EY,
KPMG, and PwC. They offer services in the areas of audit, assurance, taxation, consulting,
advisory, actuarial valuation, corporate finance, and legal advice.
Introduction 5
al., 2018; Salijeni et al., 2019) and their critical 11 adoption (Dagiliene and Kloviene,
2019; Janvrin et al., 2008; Kokina and Davenport, 2017), research in these areas is
Evidence from research on the use and adoption of big data and data analytics could
be particularly valuable for multiple reasons. First, it helps the research community
to understand how large professional service firms use certain technologies in the as
yet underexamined due diligence process. Thereby, analytics is regarded in
conjunction with the data processed and analyzed (e.g., internal and external as well
as financial and non-financial data) to account for interdependencies between data
sets used and data analytics techniques employed. Second, it enables comparing
both the technology adoption behavior itself and the impact of underlying causes on
that adoption behavior for the other service offerings of large accounting firms. 12
Kokina and Davenport (2017) assert that the most crucial evidence for a
technology’s relevance to accounting is its adoption by practicing accountants and
auditors. Third, knowledge gained can be transferred back to related research veins
and create new research questions in these domains. Fourth, the results can serve as
a benchmark for practitioners to evaluate their companies’ adoption of data
analytics and associated usage efforts (Janvrin, Bierstaker, and Lowe, 2008).
Moreover, practitioners can gather and subsequently incorporate innovative ideas
about analytics in their companies (Appelbaum, Kogan, and Vasarhelyi, 2018).
Finally, the findings related to the critical adoption factors can be employed as
guidelines by practitioners to promote the use of data analytics in their organizations
(Janvrin et al., 2008; Lowe, Bierstaker, Janvrin, and Jenkins, 2017).
For these reasons, this thesis investigates both the use of big data and analytics and
the adoption of data analytics. While the study of the use dimension is essential for
understanding the topic, the study of the adoption dimension is crucial to validate its
practical relevance and derive recommendations for audit firms. This thesis strives
11 Harder (2018) points out adoption’s criticality for the subsequent technology use stating that
“data analytics can fail due to a lack of user acceptance” (p. 1482).
12 For instance, Alles and Gray (2016) suggest combining external audit research with research
outside this domain and particularly mention public accounting firm activities. Salijeni et al.
(2019) explain that “given the scale of the investment required in the process of developing and
maintaining BDA [big data analytics] algorithms, software and tools […] the auditor will, as a
result, end up using analytical tools which have been created to serve the needs of the firms’
other service lines.” (p. 114)
Introduction 6
The first two research questions concerning the use of big data and data analytics in
FDD are considered from a process-oriented view as the conceptual framework. The
latter two research questions are regarded from a technology adoption theory view
as the theoretical framework (see Figure 1.1).
empirical analysis and helps transfer knowledge from other finance and accounting
disciplines to FDD. Inspired by Kokina and Davenport’s (2017) procedure in the
auditing field, the FDD process will be broken out into its different stages
(preparation, analysis, reporting). The core phase – the analysis – is split according
to its review foci (profitability analysis, balance sheet analysis, cash flow analysis,
business plan validation). This process-oriented view structures the subsequent
empirical research. Similarly, established technology adoption models support the
examination of adoption in the technological (analytics) and contextual (FDD)
environment under investigation. Significantly, in contrast to prior studies, this
study applies technology acceptance theories to both the individual and the
organizational levels. In doing so, this thesis resolves the shortcoming of previous
studies that did not take into account both the firms’ decisions to offer certain
technologies (organizational level) and the subsequent adoption of those
technologies by their employees (individual level) (see Section 4.1.1).
In this thesis, this approach benefits from three common purposes of mixed
methods: triangulation, expansion, and development. Triangulation is the
13 Alles and Gray (2016) explain that “[b]ecause of the newness of these activities at the
accounting firms there is likely to be a lack of quantitative data in the immediate future” (p. 57).
Nonetheless, the mixed methods approach has already been field-tested at the intersection of
accounting and technology. For example, Omoteso, Patel, and Scott (2010) have applied a
combination of oneon-one interviews and questionnaires.
Introduction 8
In a second empirical part, the insights into big data and analytics usage in FDD are
substantiated and the previously developed hypotheses are validated with the help
of a quantitative research method: the questionnaire as survey instrument, which has
already been applied to related topics (e.g., Lowe et al., 2017). In a deductive way,
the questionnaire supports the validation and generalization of previously gained
knowledge on a large number of cases (Bortz and Döring, 2006; Hussy et al., 2010).
Moreover, testing technology adoption theories commonly requires a sufficient
number of data points that cannot be met with interviews alone. However, it should
be noted that the required sample size in this study can be achieved on an individual
14 Analogously, Al-Htaybat and von Alberti-Alhtaybat (2017) who were the first to investigate the
links between big data and corporate reporting use a qualitative analysis with an interpretative
view of 32 interviews.
15 Salijeni et al. (2019), for instance, selected a comparable approach in the auditing domain.
Introduction 9
Qualitative Quantitative
Adjacent analysis analysis
literature (expert (questionnaire)
adoption (TOE)
Considered/validated in this dissertation Not considered/validated in this dissertation
Due to the continuing evolution of the use of data analytics, the present study
employs a cross-sectional research design (Bryman, 2006). Carrying out the data
collection process in a consistent environment is essential for appropriately
measuring the variability of technology use and adoption across organizations and
Following the “call for more research and a greater alignment to practice” (Gepp et
al., 2018, p. 102) (see also Janvrin and Wood, 2016; Kokina and Davenport, 2017),
the approach in this thesis greatly benefits from the strong use of practitioners’
expert knowledge in both the qualitative and the quantitative components. First and
foremost, such first-hand data from the largest accounting firms is very rare since
these firms and their employees commonly tend not to disclose sensitive
information (see Section 1.2). This first-hand data makes it possible to provide
practical examples of the data analyzed and the methods and technologies utilized in
Introduction 10
each stage of the FDD process. Second, in practice, sellers and buyers only rely on
internal teams to carry out due diligence for low complexity transactions (Kappler,
2005). Instead, they involve external parties such as – for FDD – audit firms for the
majority of transactions (Grote, 2007). Consequently, the transaction advisors’
experience and knowledge particularly qualify them to provide insights as part of
this dissertation. Moreover, the interviewed and surveyed reference group – in its
role as external service provider – is forced to balance the (technology-related)
feasibility side and the necessity side (Issa, Sun, and Vasarhelyi, 2016).
Figure 1.3 illustrates the different elements of the research approach and their
Introduction 11
Introduction 12
1.4 Scope
In the following section, the scope of this thesis is defined to ensure a transparent
delineation and an adequate treatment of the research questions.
Research that combines aspects of digitalization and the M&A process can be
classified as following either the content view or the processual view (Feix, 2018).
The content view focuses on the impact of digital business models in high-tech and
traditional industries on the M&A process. In contrast, this thesis covers the
processual view. The process and tool-related perspective analyzes how digital
instruments can be used to implement M&A processes faster, more efficiently, and
with higher quality (Feix, 2018).
Within the M&A process, the functional focus lies on FDD for three reasons. First,
FDD has notable similarities with areas for which the use of data analytics has
already been partly examined (e.g., auditing, financial fraud modeling). Thus,
previous research findings may be tested as part of the expert interviews within this
thesis. Second, due to its structural, analysis-driven nature, FDD is prime for the use
of analytics (Feix, 2019; Feix and Popp, 2018). Third and finally, anecdotal
evidence suggests that FDD – together with valuation – is the leading field for the
use of analytics in transaction advisory. It therefore represents a highly practice-
relevant research field.
The technological focus lies on data analytics. The vast majority of technology-
related studies dealing with finance and accounting processes focus on the use of
data analytics, which underlines its importance in these fields. The application of
analytics technologies cannot be examined without an understanding of the data that
is analyzed within such processes (Alles and Gray, 2016; Ruhnke, 2019). Therefore,
this thesis also aims to capture the complexity of the data used. Concretely, it
examines how the analysis of traditional finance and accounting data 16 has evolved
and to what extent non-financial information from both target-internal and target-
external sources (especially big data) is already integrated into FDD.
Lastly, this thesis examines the use of data analytics from the perspective of audit
firms, which commonly carry out FDD projects (Grote, 2007; Pomp, 2015). In their
position as service providers, they are forced to take into account not only their own
interests but must also consider their clients’ (target, potential acquirers, and
potential lenders) needs. In summary, this focus still allows for a balanced view of
the supply and demand of analytics-based services.
In line with prior research, this dissertation mainly focuses on large accounting
firms, especially the Big Four (Janvrin et al., 2008; Omoteso et al., 2010). For
instance, Janvrin et al. (2008) write that “[t]he limited amount of research related to
auditors’ use of IT has primarily focused on the impact of IT in large audit firms”
(p. 4). It follows that a different focus could limit the transferability of previous
results. Besides their dominance (and thus, representativeness for a substantial share
of the market) (see Section, this prior focus may be best explained with the
greater openness towards the use and adoption of larger audit firms in general, and
the Big Four in particular (Omoteso et al., 2010), which has been empirically
proven in various studies (Janvrin et al., 2008; Lowe et al., 2017; Rosli, Yeow, and
Siew, 2013). Overall, focusing on larger audit firms enables gaining more insights
into the possible use of analytics in FDD.
The different elements that characterize the scope of this thesis are illustrated in the
morphological box in Figure 1.4.
Figure 1.4: Scope of this thesis
Introduction 14
Part I: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Motivation and 1.2 Research gap and objective 1.3
background Researc
1.4 Scope
1.5 Thesis structure
3.4 Summary
6.4 Data quality 6.5 Data sample 6.6 Use of data analytics
17 For an overview and discussion of further definitions of M&A, see Horzella (2009).
Introduction 19
transfer of all or certain parts of a company’s assets and liabilities (asset deal) or through
a combination of both. Accordingly, acquisitions restrict or completely abandon
economic independence, while legal independence can be maintained (Lucks and Meckl,
2015). As with Lucks and Meckl (2015), however, the separation of the terms mergers
and acquisitions will not be dealt with in detail in the following. In addition, the complete
takeover of the target company is assumed and minority interests will not be dealt with