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Protection iC60N

Circuit protection Contents

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Schneider Electric's range of circuit breakers Variants

consists of different products (A, B, C) to enable it
to be the most competitive range possible in each Offers Pages
country, allowing for the special characteristics of Offer A Catalogue numbers 2

each market:
- usual installation procedure Offer B Catalogue numbers 4
- price
- accreditations by local bodies. Offer C Catalogue numbers 6

Common pages 8

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CA901002E Version : 2.4 04/01/2013 1

Protection iC60N circuit breakers
Circuit protection
(curve B, C, D)

IEC/EN 60947-2



IEC/EN 60898-1
bb iC60N circuit breakers are multi-standard circuit breakers which combine the
Country approval pictograms
following functions:
vv circuit protection against short-circuit currents,
ee p vv1suitable for industrial isolation according to IEC/EN 60947-2, standard.
agevv circuit protection against overload currents,
t i o n s

fer s

vv fault tripping indication by a red mechanical indicator in circuit breaker front face.


Alternating current (AC) 50/60 Hz
Breaking capacity (Icu) according to IEC/EN 60947-2 Service
Voltage (Ue) breaking
Ph/Ph (2P, 3P, 4P) 12 to 133 V 220 to 240 V 380 to 415 V 440 V
li s
pu b
Ph/N (1P, 1P+N) 12 to 60 V 100 to 133 V 220 to 240 V -
Rating 0.5 to 4 A 50 kA 50 kA 50 kA 25 kA 100 % of Icu
This st moved
icker must be re 6 to 63 A 36 kA 20 kA 10 kA 6 kA 75 % of Icu
Breaking capacity (Icn) according to IEC/EN 60898-1
Voltage (Ue)
Ph/Ph 400 V
Ph/N 230 V
Rating (In) 0.5 to 63 A 6000 A

Direct current (DC)

Breaking capacity (Icu) according to IEC/EN 60947-2 Service
Voltage (Ue) breaking
Between +/- 12 to 60 V y 72 V y 125 V y 180 V y 250 V
Number of poles 1P 2P 3P 4P
Rating (In) 1 to 63 A 15 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 100 % of Icu

Catalogue numbers
iC60N circuit breaker
Type 1P 1P+N


1 N 1

2 N 2

Auxiliaries Remote tripping and indication, module CA907000 and Remote tripping and indication, module CA907000 and
CA907002 CA907002
Vigi iC60 Vigi iC60 add-on residual current device, module CA902005 Vigi iC60 add-on residual current device, module CA902005

Rating (In) Curve Curve

B C D(1) B C D(1)
0.5 A(1) A9F73170 A9F74170 A9F75170 A9F73670 A9F74670 A9F75670
1 A(1) A9F73101 A9F74101 A9F75101 A9F73601 A9F74601 A9F75601
2 A(1) A9F73102 A9F74102 A9F75102 A9F73602 A9F74602 A9F75602
3 A(1) A9F73103 A9F74103 A9F75103 A9F73603 A9F74603 A9F75603
4 A(1) A9F73104 A9F74104 A9F75104 A9F73604 A9F74604 A9F75604
6A A9F76106 A9F77106 A9F75106 A9F76606 A9F77606 A9F75606
10 A A9F76110 A9F77110 A9F75110 A9F76610 A9F77610 A9F75610
13 A(1) A9F73113 A9F74113 A9F75113 A9F73613 A9F74613 A9F75613
16 A A9F76116 A9F77116 A9F75116 A9F76616 A9F77616 A9F75616
20 A A9F76120 A9F77120 A9F75120 A9F76620 A9F77620 A9F75620
25 A A9F76125 A9F77125 A9F75125 A9F76625 A9F77625 A9F75625
32 A A9F76132 A9F77132 A9F75132 A9F76632 A9F77632 A9F75632
40 A A9F76140 A9F77140 A9F75140 A9F76640 A9F77640 A9F75640
50 A A9F76150 A9F77150 A9F75150 A9F76650 A9F77650 A9F75650
63 A A9F76163 A9F77163 A9F75163 A9F76663 A9F77663 A9F75663
Width in 9-mm modules 2 4
Accessories Module CA907000 and CA907001 Module CA907000 and CA907001

(1) VDE approved only.

2 Version : 2.4 04/01/2013 CA901002E

Protection iC60N circuit breakers
Circuit protection
(curve B, C, D) (cont.)

bb Insulated terminals IP20

Visi-trip window
bb Fault tripping is indicated by a red
mechanical indicator on the front face

bb Large circuit
labelling area
Positive contact indication
bb Suitable for industrial isolation according to
IEC/EN 60947-2 standard.
bb The presence of the green strip guarantees
physical opening of the contacts and allows
operations to be performed on the downstream
circuit in complete safety

bb Double clip for

dismounting with comb
bb Increased product service life thanks to:
busbar in place
vv overvoltage resistance by high level of industrial performances conception
(pollution degree, rated impulse withstand voltage and insulation voltage),
vv high performance limitation (see limitation curves),
vv fast closing independent of the speed of actuation of the toggle.
bb Remote indication, open/closed/tripped, by optional auxiliary contacts.
bb Top or bottom electrical feeding.

2P 3P 4P



1 3 1 3 5 1 3 5 7

2 4 2 4 6 2 4 6 8

Remote tripping and indication, Remote tripping and indication, Remote tripping and indication,
module CA907000 and CA907002 module CA907000 and CA907002 module CA907000 and CA907002
Vigi iC60 add-on residual current device, Vigi iC60 add-on residual current device, Vigi iC60 add-on residual current device,
module CA902005 module CA902005 module CA902005
Curve Curve Curve
B C D(1) B C D(1) B C D(1)
A9F73270 A9F74270 A9F75270 A9F73370 A9F74370 A9F75370 A9F73470 A9F74470 A9F75470
A9F73201 A9F74201 A9F75201 A9F73301 A9F74301 A9F75301 A9F73401 A9F74401 A9F75401
A9F73202 A9F74202 A9F75202 A9F73302 A9F74302 A9F75302 A9F73402 A9F74402 A9F75402
A9F73203 A9F74203 A9F75203 A9F73303 A9F74303 A9F75303 A9F73403 A9F74403 A9F75403
A9F73204 A9F74204 A9F75204 A9F73304 A9F74304 A9F75304 A9F73404 A9F74404 A9F75404
A9F76206 A9F77206 A9F75206 A9F76306 A9F77306 A9F75306 A9F76406 A9F77406 A9F75406
A9F76210 A9F77210 A9F75210 A9F76310 A9F77310 A9F75310 A9F76410 A9F77410 A9F75410
A9F73213 A9F74213 A9F75213 A9F73313 A9F74313 A9F75313 A9F73413 A9F74413 A9F75413
A9F76216 A9F77216 A9F75216 A9F76316 A9F77316 A9F75316 A9F76416 A9F77416 A9F75416
A9F76220 A9F77220 A9F75220 A9F76320 A9F77320 A9F75320 A9F76420 A9F77420 A9F75420
A9F76225 A9F77225 A9F75225 A9F76325 A9F77325 A9F75325 A9F76425 A9F77425 A9F75425
A9F76232 A9F77232 A9F75232 A9F76332 A9F77332 A9F75332 A9F76432 A9F77432 A9F75432
A9F76240 A9F77240 A9F75240 A9F76340 A9F77340 A9F75340 A9F76440 A9F77440 A9F75440
A9F76250 A9F77250 A9F75250 A9F76350 A9F77350 A9F75350 A9F76450 A9F77450 A9F75450
A9F76263 A9F77263 A9F75263 A9F76363 A9F77363 A9F75363 A9F76463 A9F77463 A9F75463
4 6 8
Module CA907000 and CA907001 Module CA907000 and CA907001 Module CA907000 and CA907001

CA901002E Version : 2.4 04/01/2013 3

Protection iC60N circuit breakers
Circuit protection
(curve B, C, D)

IEC/EN 60947-2




IEC/EN 60898-1
bb iC60N circuit breakers are multi-standard circuit breakers which combine the
Country approval pictograms
following functions:
vv circuit protection against short-circuit currents,

i o n see pag vvvv1circuit

e protection against overload currents,

suitable for industrial isolation according to IEC/EN 60947-2, standard.

er se

vv fault tripping indication by a red mechanical indicator in circuit breaker front face.
Of f


Alternating current (AC) 50/60 Hz
Breaking capacity (Icu) according to IEC/EN 60947-2 Service
Voltage (Ue) breaking
Ph/Ph (2P, 3P, 4P)
shi ng 12 to 133 V 220 to 240 V 380 to 415 V 440 V
Ph/N (1P, 1P+N) 12 to 60 V 100 to 133 V 220 to 240 V -
p 0.5 to 4 A 50 kA
This st d be f
Rating 50 kA 50 kA 25 kA 100 % of Icu

icker must be remove 6 to 63 A 36 kA 20 kA 10 kA 6 kA 75 % of Icu

Breaking capacity (Icn) according to IEC/EN 60898-1
Voltage (Ue)
Ph/Ph 400 V
Ph/N 230 V
Rating (In) 0.5 to 63 A 6000 A

Direct current (DC)

Breaking capacity (Icu) according to IEC/EN 60947-2 Service
Voltage (Ue) breaking
Between +/- 12 to 60 V y 72 V y 125 V y 180 V y 250 V
Number of poles 1P 2P 3P 4P
Rating (In) 1 to 63 A 15 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 100 % of Icu

Catalogue numbers
iC60N circuit breaker
Type 1P 1P+N
1 N 1


2 N 2

Auxiliaries Remote tripping and indication, module CA907000 and Remote tripping and indication, module CA907000 and
CA907002 CA907002
Vigi iC60 Vigi iC60 add-on residual current device, module CA902005 Vigi iC60 add-on residual current device, module CA902005

Rating (In) Curve Curve

B C D(1) B C D(1)
0.5 A (1)
A9F73170 A9F74170 A9F75170 A9F73670 A9F74670 A9F75670
1 A(1) A9F73101 A9F74101 A9F75101 A9F73601 A9F74601 A9F75601
2 A(1) A9F73102 A9F74102 A9F75102 A9F73602 A9F74602 A9F75602
3 A(1) A9F73103 A9F74103 A9F75103 A9F73603 A9F74603 A9F75603
4 A(1) A9F73104 A9F74104 A9F75104 A9F73604 A9F74604 A9F75604
6A A9F78106 A9F79106 A9F75106 A9F78606 A9F79606 A9F75606
10 A A9F78110 A9F79110 A9F75110 A9F78610 A9F79610 A9F75610
13 A(1) A9F73113 A9F74113 A9F75113 A9F73613 A9F74613 A9F75613
16 A A9F78116 A9F79116 A9F75116 A9F78616 A9F79616 A9F75616
20 A A9F78120 A9F79120 A9F75120 A9F78620 A9F79620 A9F75620
25 A A9F78125 A9F79125 A9F75125 A9F78625 A9F79625 A9F75625
32 A A9F78132 A9F79132 A9F75132 A9F78632 A9F79632 A9F75632
40 A A9F78140 A9F79140 A9F75140 A9F78640 A9F79640 A9F75640
50 A A9F78150 A9F79150 A9F75150 A9F78650 A9F79650 A9F75650
63 A A9F78163 A9F79163 A9F75163 A9F78663 A9F79663 A9F75663
Width in 9-mm modules 2 4
Accessories Module CA907000 and CA907001 Module CA907000 and CA907001

(1) VDE approved only.

4 Version : 2.4 04/01/2013 CA901002E

Protection iC60N circuit breakers
Circuit protection
(curve B, C, D) (cont.)

bb Insulated terminals IP20

Visi-trip window
bb Fault tripping is indicated by a red
mechanical indicator on the front face

bb Large circuit
labelling area
Positive contact indication
bb Suitable for industrial isolation according to
IEC/EN 60947-2 standard.
bb The presence of the green strip guarantees
physical opening of the contacts and allows
operations to be performed on the downstream
circuit in complete safety

bb Double clip for

dismounting with comb
bb Increased product service life thanks to:
busbar in place
vv overvoltage resistance by high level of industrial performances conception
(pollution degree, rated impulse withstand voltage and insulation voltage),
vv high performance limitation (see limitation curves),
vv fast closing independent of the speed of actuation of the toggle.
bb Remote indication, open/closed/tripped, by optional auxiliary contacts.
bb Top or bottom electrical feeding.

2P 3P 4P
1 3 1 3 5 1 3 5 7



2 4 2 4 6 2 4 6 8

Remote tripping and indication, Remote tripping and indication, Remote tripping and indication,
module CA907000 and CA907002 module CA907000 and CA907002 module CA907000 and CA907002
Vigi iC60 add-on residual current device, Vigi iC60 add-on residual current device, Vigi iC60 add-on residual current device,
module CA902005 module CA902005 module CA902005
Curve Curve Curve
B C D(1) B C D(1) B C D(1)
A9F73270 A9F74270 A9F75270 A9F73370 A9F74370 A9F75370 A9F73470 A9F74470 A9F75470
A9F73201 A9F74201 A9F75201 A9F73301 A9F74301 A9F75301 A9F73401 A9F74401 A9F75401
A9F73202 A9F74202 A9F75202 A9F73302 A9F74302 A9F75302 A9F73402 A9F74402 A9F75402
A9F73203 A9F74203 A9F75203 A9F73303 A9F74303 A9F75303 A9F73403 A9F74403 A9F75403
A9F73204 A9F74204 A9F75204 A9F73304 A9F74304 A9F75304 A9F73404 A9F74404 A9F75404
A9F78206 A9F79206 A9F75206 A9F78306 A9F79306 A9F75306 A9F78406 A9F79406 A9F75406
A9F78210 A9F79210 A9F75210 A9F78310 A9F79310 A9F75310 A9F78410 A9F79410 A9F75410
A9F73213 A9F74213 A9F75213 A9F73313 A9F74313 A9F75313 A9F73413 A9F74413 A9F75413
A9F78216 A9F79216 A9F75216 A9F78316 A9F79316 A9F75316 A9F78416 A9F79416 A9F75416
A9F78220 A9F79220 A9F75220 A9F78320 A9F79320 A9F75320 A9F78420 A9F79420 A9F75420
A9F78225 A9F79225 A9F75225 A9F78325 A9F79325 A9F75325 A9F78425 A9F79425 A9F75425
A9F78232 A9F79232 A9F75232 A9F78332 A9F79332 A9F75332 A9F78432 A9F79432 A9F75432
A9F78240 A9F79240 A9F75240 A9F78340 A9F79340 A9F75340 A9F78440 A9F79440 A9F75440
A9F78250 A9F79250 A9F75250 A9F78350 A9F79350 A9F75350 A9F78450 A9F79450 A9F75450
A9F78263 A9F79263 A9F75263 A9F78363 A9F79363 A9F75363 A9F78463 A9F79463 A9F75463
4 6 8
Module CA907000 and CA907001 Module CA907000 and CA907001 Module CA907000 and CA907001

CA901002E Version : 2.4 04/01/2013 5

Protection iC60N circuit breakers
Circuit protection
(curve B, C, D)

IEC/EN 60947-2

IEC/EN 60898-1
bb iC60N circuit breakers are multi-standard circuit breakers which combine the
Country approval pictograms
following functions:
vv circuit protection against short-circuit currents,

i o n see pag vvvv1circuit

e protection against overload currents,

suitable for industrial isolation according to IEC/EN 60947-2, standard.

er se

vv fault tripping indication by a red mechanical indicator in circuit breaker front face.
Of f


Alternating current (AC) 50/60 Hz
Breaking capacity (Icu) according to IEC/EN 60947-2 Service
Voltage (Ue) breaking
Ph/Ph (2P, 3P, 4P)
shi ng 12 to 133 V 220 to 240 V 380 to 415 V 440 V
Ph/N (1P, 1P+N) 12 to 60 V 100 to 133 V 220 to 240 V -
p 0.5 to 4 A 50 kA
This st d be f
Rating 50 kA 50 kA 25 kA 100 % of Icu

icker must be remove 6 to 63 A 36 kA 20 kA 10 kA 6 kA 75 % of Icu

Breaking capacity (Icn) according to IEC/EN 60898-1
Voltage (Ue)
Ph/Ph 400 V
Ph/N 230 V
Rating (In) 0.5 to 63 A 6000 A

Direct current (DC)

Breaking capacity (Icu) according to IEC/EN 60947-2 Service
Voltage (Ue) breaking
Between +/- 12 to 60 V y 72 V y 125 V y 180 V y 250 V
Number of poles 1P 2P 3P 4P
Rating (In) 1 to 63 A 15 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 100 % of Icu

Catalogue numbers
iC60N circuit breaker
Type 1P 1P+N


1 N 1

2 N 2

Auxiliaries Remote tripping and indication, module CA907000 and Remote tripping and indication, module CA907000 and
CA907002 CA907002
Vigi iC60 Vigi iC60 add-on residual current device, module CA902005 Vigi iC60 add-on residual current device, module CA902005

Rating (In) Curve Curve

0.5 A A9F73170 A9F74170 A9F75170 A9F73670 A9F74670 A9F75670
1A A9F73101 A9F74101 A9F75101 A9F73601 A9F74601 A9F75601
2A A9F73102 A9F74102 A9F75102 A9F73602 A9F74602 A9F75602
3A A9F73103 A9F74103 A9F75103 A9F73603 A9F74603 A9F75603
4A A9F73104 A9F74104 A9F75104 A9F73604 A9F74604 A9F75604
6A A9F73106 A9F74106 A9F75106 A9F73606 A9F74606 A9F75606
10 A A9F73110 A9F74110 A9F75110 A9F73610 A9F74610 A9F75610
13 A A9F73113 A9F74113 A9F75113 A9F73613 A9F74613 A9F75613
16 A A9F73116 A9F74116 A9F75116 A9F73616 A9F74616 A9F75616
20 A A9F73120 A9F74120 A9F75120 A9F73620 A9F74620 A9F75620
25 A A9F73125 A9F74125 A9F75125 A9F73625 A9F74625 A9F75625
32 A A9F73132 A9F74132 A9F75132 A9F73632 A9F74632 A9F75632
40 A A9F73140 A9F74140 A9F75140 A9F73640 A9F74640 A9F75640
50 A A9F73150 A9F74150 A9F75150 A9F73650 A9F74650 A9F75650
63 A A9F73163 A9F74163 A9F75163 A9F73663 A9F74663 A9F75663
Width in 9-mm modules 2 4
Accessories Module CA907000 and CA907001 Module CA907000 and CA907001

6 Version : 2.4 04/01/2013 CA901002E

Protection iC60N circuit breakers
Circuit protection
(curve B, C, D) (cont.)

bb Insulated terminals IP20

Visi-trip window
bb Fault tripping is indicated by a red
mechanical indicator on the front face

bb Large circuit
labelling area
Positive contact indication
bb Suitable for industrial isolation according to
IEC/EN 60947-2 standard.
bb The presence of the green strip guarantees
physical opening of the contacts and allows
operations to be performed on the downstream
circuit in complete safety

bb Double clip for

dismounting with comb
bb Increased product service life thanks to:
busbar in place
vv overvoltage resistance by high level of industrial performances conception
(pollution degree, rated impulse withstand voltage and insulation voltage),
vv high performance limitation (see limitation curves),
vv fast closing independent of the speed of actuation of the toggle.
bb Remote indication, open/closed/tripped, by optional auxiliary contacts.
bb Top or bottom electrical feeding.

2P 3P 4P



1 3 1 3 5 1 3 5 7

2 4 2 4 6 2 4 6 8

Remote tripping and indication, Remote tripping and indication, Remote tripping and indication,
module CA907000 and CA907002 module CA907000 and CA907002 module CA907000 and CA907002
Vigi iC60 add-on residual current device, Vigi iC60 add-on residual current device, Vigi iC60 add-on residual current device,
module CA902005 module CA902005 module CA902005
Curve Curve Curve
A9F73270 A9F74270 A9F75270 A9F73370 A9F74370 A9F75370 A9F73470 A9F74470 A9F75470
A9F73201 A9F74201 A9F75201 A9F73301 A9F74301 A9F75301 A9F73401 A9F74401 A9F75401
A9F73202 A9F74202 A9F75202 A9F73302 A9F74302 A9F75302 A9F73402 A9F74402 A9F75402
A9F73203 A9F74203 A9F75203 A9F73303 A9F74303 A9F75303 A9F73403 A9F74403 A9F75403
A9F73204 A9F74204 A9F75204 A9F73304 A9F74304 A9F75304 A9F73404 A9F74404 A9F75404
A9F73206 A9F74206 A9F75206 A9F73306 A9F74306 A9F75306 A9F73406 A9F74406 A9F75406
A9F73210 A9F74210 A9F75210 A9F73310 A9F74310 A9F75310 A9F73410 A9F74410 A9F75410
A9F73213 A9F74213 A9F75213 A9F73313 A9F74313 A9F75313 A9F73413 A9F74413 A9F75413
A9F73216 A9F74216 A9F75216 A9F73316 A9F74316 A9F75316 A9F73416 A9F74416 A9F75416
A9F73220 A9F74220 A9F75220 A9F73320 A9F74320 A9F75320 A9F73420 A9F74420 A9F75420
A9F73225 A9F74225 A9F75225 A9F73325 A9F74325 A9F75325 A9F73425 A9F74425 A9F75425
A9F73232 A9F74232 A9F75232 A9F73332 A9F74332 A9F75332 A9F73432 A9F74432 A9F75432
A9F73240 A9F74240 A9F75240 A9F73340 A9F74340 A9F75340 A9F73440 A9F74440 A9F75440
A9F73250 A9F74250 A9F75250 A9F73350 A9F74350 A9F75350 A9F73450 A9F74450 A9F75450
A9F73263 A9F74263 A9F75263 A9F73363 A9F74363 A9F75363 A9F73463 A9F74463 A9F75463
4 6 8
Module CA907000 and CA907001 Module CA907000 and CA907001 Module CA907000 and CA907001

CA901002E Version : 2.4 04/01/2013 7

Protection iC60N circuit breakers
Circuit protection
(curve B, C, D) (cont.)

Connection Without accessory With accessories

Rating Tightening Copper cables 50 mm² Screw-on Multi-cables terminal

torque Rigid Flexible Al connection Rigid Flexible

14 mm
6.5 mm or ferrule terminal for ring cables cables





0.5 to 25 A 2 N.m 1 to 25 mm2 1 to 16 mm2 - Ø 5 mm - -
32 to 63 A 3.5 N.m 1 to 35 mm2 1 to 25 mm2 50 mm2 3 x 16 mm2 3 x 10 mm2

Technical data
Main characteristics

According to IEC/EN 60947-2

Insulation voltage (Ui) 500 V AC
Pollution degree 3
Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) 6 kV
Thermal tripping Reference temperature 50 °C
Clip on DIN rail 35 mm. Temperature derating See module CA908007
Magnetic tripping B curve 4 In ± 20 %
C curve 8 In ± 20 %

D curve 12 In ± 20 %
Utilization category A
According to IEC/EN 60898-1
Limitation class 3
Rated making and breaking capacity of an Icn1 = Icn
individual pole (Icn1)
Additional characteristics
Indifferent position of installation.
Breaking capacity 40 A 4 kA
under 1 pole with IT 50/63 A 3 kA
380-415 V isolated
IP20 IP40 neutral system

(case of double fault)

Degree of protection Device only IP20
(IEC 60529) Device in modular IP40
enclosure Insulation classe II
Endurance (O-C) Electrical 10,000 cycles
Mechanical 20,000 cycles
Overvoltage category (IEC 60364) IV
Operating temperature -35°C to +70°C
Storage temperature -40°C to +85°C
Tropicalization (IEC 60068-1) Treatment 2 (relative humidity 95 % to 55°C)

Weight (g) Dimensions (mm)

Circuit-breaker 4P 72

3P 54
Type iC60N 1P+N / 2P 36
1P 125 1P 18

2P 250
3P 375
4P 500 94 85 45


8 Version : 2.4 04/01/2013 CA901002E

Protection iC60N circuit breakers
Circuit protection
(curve B, C, D) (cont.)

l u t i o n s


his ore
d bef

must be remove

2.4 7/01/2013 Add KEMA KEUR pictogram for offer B Sedoc

2.3 19/09/2012 Changed DC 12 to 48 V by 12 to 60 V Sedoc
2.2 10/07/2012 Changed DC breaking capacity Sedoc
2.1 27/10/2011 Add CS and IRAM pictograms on offer A Sedoc
2.0 19/05/2011 InDesign CS5 Sedoc
1.5 12/05/2011 Change characteristics in "DC-Breaking capacity" Sedoc
1.4 7/04/2011 Add IT Breaking capacity in Additional characteristic table Sedoc
1.3 20/10/2010 Add Chile, Argentine and Egypt in A offer Sedoc
1.2 1/10/2010 Change rating 0.5 to 1 A, in direct current breaking capacity table Sedoc
1.1 20/04/2010 Add offers pages Sedoc
1.0 21/09/2010 Creation Sedoc
Indice Date Modification Name

CA901002E Version : 2.4 04/01/2013 9

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