Letter Regarding Minutes of Meeting
Letter Regarding Minutes of Meeting
Letter Regarding Minutes of Meeting
With reference to the above letter, you are hereby directed to accomplish your tasks as per the details given below:
Description Responsibility Comments
Civil work progress in CE Coordinate with the focal
1 Engr. Jaweria Arshad
TSG-North Office person as advised accordingly.
To assured with available
(updated library status) books
Up-dation of TSG training and all allied training material
2 Engr. Hajra Arshad / Mrs. Fazillah Haider
portal and E-library and for its expenditure (if any)
separate budget estimate be
provided to proceed further.
Update the library at TSG
Update the library at TSG Training Center NKLP Lahore
Training Center NKLP (Hard form & Electronically)
4 Engr. Hajra Arshad / Mrs. Fazillah Haider
Lahore.(Hard form & and for its expenditure (if any)
Electronically) separate budget estimate be
provided to proceed further.
Efforts made regarding Prepare requirement to be sent
allocation of used/old grid Engr.Sher Ali Asim, Mr. Zahid Yaseen, to AM for allocation of used /
station/transmission line Mr. Munir Hussain Shah old grid station / transmission
equipment/parts line equipment / parts.
Submission of To submit the combine
consolidated inventory Mr. Zahid Yaseen, Mr. Munir Hussain consolidated inventory data
data (Testing sets/testing Shah (Testing sets / testing
equipment) equipment)
TSG Training Centre New Kot Lakhpat, Ferozepur Road , Lahore. Tel: +92 (42) 35821418
Fax: +92 (42) 35821498, Email Address: [email protected], [email protected]