LaShelle Melton
Dr Dunn
Describe the Gap issue and why it is a concern from a patient or clinician or organizational
The writer of this paper is a provider in several correctional facilities. Before becoming a
provider, she was a nurse in correctional facilities in eleven different states for over fifteen years.
The issue noted as a gap in service is the healthcare team in an environment with recurring
traumatic events and experiencing verbal, emotional, and sometimes even physical abuse from
the population serviced. Correctional health nurses are not exempt from vicarious traumatization.
Still, this concept has yet to be explored—correctional health nurses practice in environments
that come with significant risk for traumatic exposure from inmates and coworkers. The
Professional Quality of Life Scale was used as a proxy to measure vicarious trauma (Munger et
al., 2015).
between secondary traumatic stress (ST), job burnout (BO) and several psychological variables
such as world assumptions and locus of control in correctional psychologists. Information was
correctional setting. Participants reported working a mean of 6.23±3.5 years (ranging from 3
months to 15 years) in a correctional setting. Subjects were assessed with Maslach Burnout
World Assumption Scale (WAS) and Locus of Control (LC) Scale. This study reveals that
burnout and secondary traumatic stress in correctional psychologists are significantly positively
related and thus may be exacerbated by each other. BO is significantly negatively associated
with WAS benevolence scale, and the WAS self-worth scale and STS is significantly negatively
associated with WAS benevolence scale, and the WAS meaningfulness scale. However, LC and
its components are negatively associated with BO but not with STS. The main future direction of
our research is to construct a nonlinear model of burnout with STS, WA and LC components as
predictors, identify its parameters and make its validation (Malkina-Pykh, 2017).
International estimates suggest that up to one in three public safety personnel experience
one or more mental disorders, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Canadian data
have been sparse until recently, and correctional officers and forensic psychiatric staff have
rarely been included. Working in corrections is associated with adverse health outcomes and
increased work-related stress, with several variables affecting reported stress levels. Healthcare
staff also report higher rates of PTSD, especially those who are exposed to aggression in their
workplace. In this study, we compare the current symptoms of diverse staff working in
correctional occupations. Correctional officers and wellness services team were compared for the
wellness services employees. Correctional officers also self-reported higher rates of symptoms of
mental disorders, including PTSD, social anxiety, panic disorder, and depression. There were no
correctional institutions. Trauma-related disorders and other mental health problems threaten the
well-being of correctional and forensic staff. Mental health likely impacts the ability of
correctional and forensic staff to develop a therapeutic or working alliance with persons in
custody. Staff well-being must be recognized and addressed to ensure that prisoners and staff
receive optimal treatment in prison. Our results add to the limited knowledge about the well-
being of staff, particularly wellness staff in prisons, who provide daily treatment and care for
prisoners with severe mental disorders. This work is a step toward identifying avenues for
The literature shows a need for programs to increase staff well-being which will
ultimately impact patient outcomes. To assess the impacts of burnout and job satisfaction on the
rationing of care in the professional group of nurses. The shortage of nursing staff is currently
one of the most significant health care problems. It is not clear how burnout and job satisfaction
affects the rationing of nursing care. Occupational burnout can decrease job satisfaction in
nursing staff and result in adverse outcomes of rationing care. Nursing managers should pay
more attention to individual differences in nursing-care workers linked with nursing burnout, job
satisfaction, and care rationing. Interventions aimed at counteracting burnout are the key to
The writer of this paper will use staff scheduling to help decrease burnout that impacts
patient outcomes. She will also utilize tracking information to monitor the nurses that participate
in the support session. She will also use a patient satisfaction survey to monitor whether the
support for nurses is positively impacting patient satisfaction in the correctional setting. There
are many factors which affect nurse satisfaction level. This study identified the impact of nurse
scheduling management on job satisfaction in Army hospital. This study used a cross-sectional
approach with a total sample of 102 nurses. The sample was selected through a stratified random
sampling method with inclusion criteria of inpatient nurse with minimum pre-clinic level and at
(ANOVA), and double linear regression were employed to analyze data. The results indicated a
significant correlation between the implementation of nurse scheduling management with all
management functions on nurse job satisfaction level. Organizing and controlling nurse schedule
were the dominant factors affecting nurse job satisfaction level. It was concluded that the
management of nurse scheduling statistically correlated with nurse job satisfaction level. Nurse
Managers should have the capability to improve nurse satisfaction by optimizing the
management of nurse scheduling, especially on organizing and controlling aspect (Rizany et al.
the patient, nurse and organization-related outcomes. Studies were retained and classified into
explanatory and descriptive studies. The articles reported on a range of outcomes: patient- and
nurse-reported quality of care, job satisfaction, satisfaction with scheduling, work/life balance,
planning involvement, interaction with colleagues, health and well-being, psychosocial factors,
turnover, temporary employment agency use and absenteeism, recruitment and retention
Several studies confirmed the positive impact of self-scheduling on the nurse and the
organization. However, other studies found negative outcomes or no change. These outcomes
should be interpreted in the light of contextual factors and the implementation process, which
was often not without difficulties. Future research should use a multimethod longitudinal design,
bear in mind the possibilities of quantitative analysis and employ a theoretical framework. This
review informs about the inconsistent evidence on the association between self-scheduling and
patient, nurse and organization-related outcomes and includes enablers and barriers to a
successful implementation. These outcomes are influenced by the implementation process and
the sustainability of the self-scheduling system, which is still significant challenges for
Professional nurses are regarded as the backbone of the health care system, and quality
patient care is linked to patient safety. The purpose of this study was to describe and explore the
perceptions of professional nurses on the impact of the shortage of resources for quality patient
care. The resources include health professionals, equipment and drugs. The qualitative
descriptive exploratory design was used, which provided the researcher with in-depth
information regarding the phenomena under study. An unstructured face-to-face interview was
conducted using field notes and audiotape. Data were analyzed following Creswell (2014) Tesch
method. Five themes and eighteen subthemes emerged from the data. The findings revealed that
the shortage of health professionals and inadequate resources harms the provision of quality
patient care (Mokoena, 2017). The desired state is that the jails implement a standard assessment
test for all healthcare care staff pre-employment and upon the completion of the 90 day
probationary period staff have access to support session offer at three different intervals.
Monthly in staff meetings traumatic events, concerns and impact for that monthly will be
discussed and tracked. Quarterly support sessions at the state level with administrators and one
staff liaison to discuss and network with other facilities about concerns from monthly found in
monthly staff meetings. Annually there will be educational sessions led by Licensed Social
Workers LSW and Psyche Mental Health Nurse Practitioners PMHNP to teach ways to identify
alterations in mental status, ways to deal with traumatic experience, grief support for loss in the
Gap Analysis
Project topic Impact of The current Desired state of Actions needed The technology Implications to
Topic on state of practice practice to address gap required to patient
Patient address gap outcomes,
Outcome organization,
community, etc.
Munger, T., Savage, T., & Panosky, D. M. (2015). When caring for perpetrators becomes a
Research, 1, 18-34.
Fusco, N., Ricciardelli, R., Barnim, N., Hilton, Z., Carleton, R. N., & Groll, D. L. (2020).
When Our Work Hits Home: Trauma and Mental Disorders in Correctional and
Uchmanowicz, I., Karniej, P., Lisiak, M., Chudiak, A., Lomper, K., Wiśnicka, A., ... &
Rosińczuk, J. (2020). The relationship between burnout, job satisfaction and the
28(8), 2185-2195.
Rizany, I., Hariyati, R. T. S., Afifah, E., & Rusdiyansyah. (2019). The impact of nurse
Wynendaele, H., Gemmel, P., Pattyn, E., Myny, D., & Trybou, J. (2021). Systematic review:
What is the impact of self‐scheduling on the patient, nurse and organization?. Journal
resources for quality patient care in a public hospital: Limpopo Province (Doctoral