Soal2 Semesteran 1
Soal2 Semesteran 1
Soal2 Semesteran 1
I Don’t know
b. I am Busy
Soal Suggestion Advice 1 c. I am Thinking of going to the Beach
Situation: Linda is working on her homework, but d. The beach is not clean
she finds some difficult questions. e. The holiday wilbe boring
What will you suggest her?
A. I think you should stop studying. Soal Asking Giving Opinion 2
B. Maybe you can sleep now. Indah : Look at the Views. what do you think about
C. What if you drink to refresh yourself? the river?
D. What about going to your friend’s house to study Andil : I Think ………..
together? a. It is amazing
E. Let’s forget it! b. I can Do Nothing
c. Yes. good
Soal Suggestion Advice 2 d. I can swim
Mary failed again in the test. She ………………….. e. We go fishing
A. Had better study Soal Asking Giving Opinion 3
B. Can study Wina : I’ve Problem with my mobile Phone. what’s
C. Better study your Idea?
D. Study Sina : ……………
E. Studied. Wina : that’s good Idea.
a. I Think you should buy the new one
Soal Suggestion Advice 3 b. How A pity you are.
I miss my grandparents. What …………………… I do c. That’s not my Business
now ? d. Making a call is easy
A. Better e. I don’t know nothing
B. Had better
C. Should Soal Asking Giving Opinion 4
D. Did Kano : How do you feel the temperature here?
E. Do Andi : …………..
Bina : I think so. We need to open all windows
Soal Suggestion Advice 4 a. So hot here.
Advice if your friend failed the exam? b. Good Job.
A. It doesn’t matter c. Yes I Believe
B. I advise you to learn harder and smarter. I can d. nice weather
help you with that. e. good weather
C. I advise you to just forget about it.
D. What exam? Soal Asking Giving Opinion 5
E. Just forget it! Sista: ……… about the math test?
Marda: It’s too hard to do. I couldn’t answer number
Soal Suggestion Advice 5 3.
You should …………… to past the test. a. In your opinion
A. Study hard b. Would you agree that ………….
B. Studying c. What do you think
C. Studying hard d.I believe
D. Studied e. When do you attend
E. Studied hard
A. Please change these following sentences into
Soal Asking Giving Opinion 1 indirect speech!
Ada : we will have a long holiday in the next 1. Siti Fatimah said: “I have not finished my
semester, what are you going to do? research proposal yet.”
Ida : ……………. 2. Aminah says to Aisyah, “Syah, I will go to your
Ada : I do hope you have a nice trip. house after I finish my work.”
3. Jatmiko said,”Where is my tie? I put it here Warmly invites you in a monthly regular meeting
yesterday.” Tuesday, June 2, 2015
4. Sintawati said to Mother: “I want to buy new 7.30 – 9.30 p.m.
dress so that my friends look me beautifully on Room 909, second floor
my birthday party.” Let us know if someone wants to lead the group in a
5. Peter said to Father: “Can you help me to study discussion of a specific topic of their choice.
this lesson? I will do the test tomorrow .” Bring your news. Bring your solutions.
B. Please change these following sentences into 3. When will the meeting take place?
direct speech! A. June 2, 2015 >>>
1. Alit Fernando said that I hadn’t to forget what B. In the morning
he had told me. C. 7.30 – 9.30 p.m
2. Andrean asked me where I had gone four days D. In the second week
before. E. The the third month
3. Anton Arisandi asked me whether I could come
along. 4. From the text above, we know that the meeting is
4. Ardian said to the children that they had to do held ….
that theirselves. A. Every month
5. Rahmawati said that the question would be B. Every Tuesday
answered by her. C. In the second week
D. On the second of the month
SMA. Negri 137
JL Mawar 15/26 Soal Invitation Text 3:
Telp (0261) 4255612 To celebrate the Indonesian Independence Day, All
Dear Samanta students are invited to join a writing competition.
We invite you to attend our meeting that will be Express your love to our country through writing.
held: Contact each class captain for further information.
On Saturday, August 8,2018 OSIS
At 01.30 p.m. – 02.30 p.m.
In the school hall 5. The event was made by ….
Agenda= final preparation for the 2018 PENSI A. The school >>>>>>>
competition on next Tuesday, please com on time, B. The government
see your there. C. The authority
Fathur, D. The student organization
Chair Person E. Personal
2. Why is Fahim worried that he may fail the national 2. What can interfere the navigatioanl system
A. Table.
B. The life jacket.
a. There are extra lessons at Fahim’s school C. Mobile phones
b. He appreciated Igon’s help D. The attached light.
c. He will have the national examination soon E. Tapes around the waist.
d. His friends are all well prepared
e. He is confused in solving mathematic problem Procedure Text 2
A quick and easy cheese cake recipe
3. “I’m still confused in solving mathematic Yield : 6 servings
problems.” The word “confused” means …… Prep. Time :5 minutes
Cook Time : 40 minutes
a. Unable to think clearly (Jawaban Benar)
Total Time : 45 minutes
b. unable to perform well
c. unable to behave politely 16 ounces cream cheese, 2 packages, softened
d. Unable to speak fluently ½ cup sugar
e. unable to read quickly ½ teaspoon vanilla
2 large eggs
4. “I’m just worried that I fail the national 4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips
examination.” The antonym of word “fail” is …… 1 prepared Graham cracker crust
a. escape Directions:
b. predict Beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla at medium speed
until well-blended. Blend in 2 eggs. Stir in chocolate chips
c. success
then pour batter into Graham cracker chust. (you may
d. reach
sprinkle ¼ cup mini semi sweet chocolate chips on top if
e. Underestimate you desire).
Bake at 35calcius for 40 minutes, or until certer is almost
5. who is the writter of the letter? set. Cool.
a. Igon For best results refrigerate for 3 hours.
b. Fahim
c. Buddy 3. How many persons is the cake for?
d. His friend A. 2
e. Her friend B. 5
C. 6
D. 35
Procedure Text 1
E. 2
Ladies and Gentlemen, in case of emergency, take the life
jacket which is located under your seat.
4. The goal of the text is to tell about . . . . .
Put the life jacket over your head and then fasten the
A. how to beat cream cheese
jacket tapes around you’re your waist.
B. how to blend sugar and vanilla
Do not inflate the jacket until you left the aircraft. The
C. how to bake chocolate cheese and cake
jacket will be automatically inflated by pulling a cord, but
D. how make chocolate cheese cake
if not, you can blow into the chip to inflate it.
E. how to make mini sweet chocolate chips
A light is attached to the jacket for attracting attention.
The life jacket should be removed only in case of
5. The text is called a/an . . . . .
A. explanation
The use of TV set, AM and FM radios and radio cassettes
B. description
recorders, walkman, and any mobile phones are
C. procedure
prohibited on board as they interfere the communication
D. report
and navigational system.
E. spoof
We wish you an enjoyable flight.