1.2a Uncertainties and Errors
1.2a Uncertainties and Errors
1.2a Uncertainties and Errors
Can be as costly as
$125 million!
0 Measured Value
Random Errors
Random errors are errors of measurements in
which the measured quantities stray from the
mean value with varying magnitudes and
different signs.
The magnitudes and signs of the deviation are not
Random errors can only be minimized (but not
eliminated) through various approaches.
How to reduce some typical
Random Errors
1. Take timings for a large number of
oscillations (so that the timing exceeds 20 s) to
find the period of oscillation.
2. Measure the diameter of a wire at different
positions and calculate its average.
3. For each value of potential difference (p.d.)
established across a device, measure the
corresponding current passing through it twice
– first when p.d. is increased across the range,
and second when p.d. is decreased. Then, take
the average of the current values.
How to reduce some typical
Random Errors
4. Use aids such as a plane mirror or a set square
when reading a scale to minimize parallax error.
5. Place the pointer of instrument as close to the
scale as possible to minimize parallax error.
6. Drawing a graph of best fit from data points
collected from the experiment.
Systematic Errors
Systematic errors are errors of measurements in
which the measured quantities are displaced from
the true value by a fixed magnitude and constant
Such errors when identified can be eliminated to
obtain the true value of a measured quantity.
How to eliminate some typical
Systematic Errors
1. Adjust the instrument to remove its zero
error before measurement (e.g: electronic
mass balance).
2. Determine the zero error in the instrument
and account for it by subtracting from the
measured value (e.g. micrometer
3. Use electronic sensors such as photogates
coupled with dataloggers to capture data, so
as to overcome limitation due to human
reaction time.
How to reduce some typical
Systematic Errors
4. Consider the background count rate when
taking radioactive measurements to eliminate
zero error.
5. Plot a graph for the data points collected
from the experiment. If the graph does not
cut through the origin as expected, the value
of the y-intercept may represent the
magnitude of the systematic error.
Accuracy and Precision
Accuracy is a measure
of how close the
measured value is to
the true value.
A highly accurate
measurement has a
small systematic error. True
Precision is a
measure of how
close with which
the measurements
agree with each
A precise set of
experimental data
contains small
random error
(smaller spread of
Precision can also refer to the extent of
sensitivity of a given measuring
instrument to obtain the readings of a
physical quantity.
E.g. A ruler yields a less precise reading
as compared to a pair of vernier calipers
when measuring the diameter of the test-
tube. A ruler reads up to 1 mm while the
calipers reads up to 0.1 mm.
Four riflemen fired five rounds each at their respective target boards
and the following results were achieved. The bull‟s eye is marked at
the true origin for all four plots while “” represents each mark made
on the board. Which set of results best represents shots made with
high precision but a large systematic error?
Four students each made a series of
measurements of acceleration of free fall g.
Which student obtained a set of precise but
inaccurate results?
Student Results, g / m s-2
A 9.81 9.79 9.84 9.83
B 9.81 10.12 9.89 8.94
C 9.45 9.21 8.99 8.76
D 8.45 8.46 8.50 8.41
‘Precise but inaccurate’ readings are required
(also means small random error but large systematic
True value of g is taken as 9.81 m s-2
A 9.82 0.05
B 9.69 1.18
C 9.10 0.69
D 8.46 0.09
Hence student D obtained a set of precise but inaccurate
1. Read Physics Guide (2016)
- Practical Work and Internal Assessment
(Pg 142-147)