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Jolly Stories

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Reading Jolly Stories with your child
An important part of
learning to read and write is
being able to hear the
sounds in words. 1 Read the story
As there are only 26 There are seven stories, and each
letters in the alphabet and one introduces six new sounds.
42 main sounds in English, The stories should be read in
some sounds are made up order, and can be read a bit at a
using more than one letter. time.
The sounds with two letters
are called digraphs:

ai...........aim, play, late 9 Look again 1

ar..........art, arm, start There are lots of things in the
ch..........chop, chick, much main scene that begin with
ee..........eel, dream, eve the sound or have the sound
in them. This is a good way
er..........her, bird, turn to increase your child’s
ie...........pie, night, sky, line vocabulary. See how many
ng..........flung, bang, string you can find!
oa..........oak, snow, stone
oi...........oil, ointment, boy
oo..........look, hood, foot
oo.........moon, spoon, shoot
8 Read the words
or..........order, corn, storm Your child can now have a go at
ou..........out, cloud, brown reading some simple words. The
qu..........queen, quick, quiz words selected use only the sounds
introduced in the stories so far. The
sh..........ship, shop, wish
first six sounds – s, a, t, i, p, n – are
th..........this, then, with introduced first because lots of
th..........thin, thick, mouth simple words can be made out of
ue..........cue, few, cube them.

Some digraphs have more

than one way of being
written. For example, the 7 Listen for the words
sound ‘ai’, as in rain, can be
Say the sounds in each word and see if your
written as ‘ai’, ‘ay’ (as in day) child can hear the word. Now find a picture
or a_e (as in cake). Jolly of it in the main scene.
Phonics initially teaches one
way of writing the sounds;
These sounds are the ones
introduced in Jolly Stories.
1. Looking for Sounds
It was a sunny day, and Snake had found a quiet spot
to curl up in. He was enjoying the feel of the sun on
his scales and was nearly asleep, when CLICK! Someone
took a picture. Snake sat up.
“A perfect S shape,” said a voice – and CLICK – took
another picture. Snake saw a mouse, scuttling quickly
away. “Who was that?” Snake asked.

Action: Weave your hand in an ‘s’ shape, like a snake, and say sssssss.
Find the
pictures. Say the

s n á k

s p â d é

s n á l

“That was Inky,” said Bee. “She thinks you

might eat her for your supper.” n e s t
“Why did she want a picture of me?”
Say the sounds.
asked Snake. Listen for the words.

“She wanted a picture of something that

makes a ssss sound,” buzzed Bee. “It’s for a book
she’s making about learning to read.”
“Sssss,” hissed Snake. “I think I’d like to meet
this Inky Mouse,” and he slithered off after her. s-p-o-t
"Sorry I'm late," buzzed Bee, rush.ing in. "We h.ad
to clean out th.e h.oneycombs. Th.ey were in a bit of a
mess, wax everywh.ere. Wh.ere are we going, today?"
sh.e asked, looking at th.e picnic basket.
"Th.e Vowel Forest," said Ph.onic. "I need some
more pictures."
"ai?" said Bee, frowning and putting h.er h.and
beh.ind h.er ear. "l th.ink I must h.ave some wax in my
ear from th.e h.oneycombs. I'll h.ave to go and see
Dr West later, if it doesn't get better."
& "'He-

Action: Cup your hand over your ear, asif you

are hard of hearing, and say al, a/, al?

m Find the pictures.

Say the sounds.


"What is a vowel?" asked Snake. their names, as

''Well," Phonic started, "the letters a, e, i, o, well as their
and u are the five vowel letters. Vowels can use sounds, in
Usually, they only use their names if there are
Say the sounds.
Listen for the words.

of them together, and then they only sa!J the first
one. So an a and an i together sa!J a.i.

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