X CY BORG Corp Index

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AI, weapontech, bio/medtech, insurance

Alliansen Inc.
Real estate, security,
and health services, vehicles
entertainment, behavioral
but also security, food production, Nano research
analytics, voting, research
Decentralized offices all around but also sports, financial
Central and the Industries services, staffing, AI,
A. Gustafsson, member of the board communication, cybertech
The Hermit, first-ever “true” AI

Controls most of the
Their AI Chariot controls most of
Borghold prison complex
the automated vehicles in Cy
Mrs. Lia, President of
the Board
Jaci F. Ah, Head of
Security Operations
At war with UCS

Leasing infrastructure
to half of Cy’s SecOps

Fish/algae products, restaurants, lobbying, water shares
but also education, childcare, submarine construction, cloning
Gigantic processing plant and aquaculture farms
in south Mosscroft
Lakshmi Viswan, product manager for submarine housing
Project lead for Undersjön
Rising competition with Cynergy Water & Power Co

Cynergy Water & Power Co

Facilities, infrastructure,
transportation, real estate, sports
but also food, entertainment,
HQ in The Floating Hive,
North Central
Dana Azar, COO
Zane #13, star forward
of the CyBorgs
Megacorp posing as public
infrastructure, a parasite
among predators

Fideistic Transformation
Religion, cerebral interfaces, egotech,
medtech, drugs
but also education, feeds, staffing, hotels
Megatemple in the Neon Pillar,
North Central
Hiero-Confessor Selva Ergene
Protomartyr Warad-Ishtar
Members make up an inappropriate
number of Cy-rage victims

Law, risk management, security, credit, real estate

but also marketing, financial services, nightclubs and
restaurants, luxury wares

HQ in the Golden Spire, South Central

Three members from each founding family
make up the board, with younger members
in all top-layer executive positions.

01:19:34 04:36:01

“No paying client of ours ever go to Borghold.”

Heirs of Kergoz
Nano worship, death

Large parts of Barnyard Fields pay tribute to the Heirs
The horde of the corrupted, masked and nameless

At war with the Virid Vipers

Harbingers of the end; saviours of the Nano-infested

Kaytell Makers
Materials, production, construction, bio/cybertech
but also retail, entertainment, fashion
Several large factories on Mosscroft,
large farms outside of Cy
Mr. Kaytell, Founder and CEO
Rumors say that Mr. Kaytell has been
running the corp for 150 years and
that the true HQ of Kaytell has been
moved into orbit.

Spectral FT Banks & Holdings

Financial services, real estate, infrastructure Logistics, storage, retail,
but also entertainment, retail infrastructure, travel

HQ in the Neon Pillar, North Central but also vehicles, sports
Dr. Thaba Samson, CFO 
HQ and warehouses in the
Ms. L.H. Ergene, archangel investor Ports, large presence in

Gathering resources and lobbyists all three actual ports
focused on medtech Sri Alraune, CEO
NordShip, the first
shackled “true” AI,
currently runs all
logistics operations.

R&D in bio/Nano/med/gene/space/other tech

but also sports, health services
Orbital research stations
Ports showroom/experience center
Dr. Daevy, lead researcher
+ Rumored to have several G0 blacksites

+ +
+ + +

+ + +

Feeds, lifestyle products,
drugs, famous for being famous
but also fashion, entertainment,
restaurants, weapontech, staffing

Penthouse in South
Central, clubs in Ports
Tomi “Toad” Dian,
lawyer/fixer from United Citadel Security
Gravf/Mellberg/Tosk Security, weapontech, combat enhancers
Angel investors for but also cerebral interfaces, AI, spacetech
all the latest social
platforms HQ in Citadel Tower, South Central
Mr. O.B.P. Gunner, CEO
The Gail couple, lead designers,
+ automated weapon platforms dept.
At war with Alliansen Inc.
Outfitting most of Cy’s SecOps

Virid Vipers
Drugs, security, combat enhancers
but also courier services, entertainment

Presence all over south Cy, minor
branches in nearly every other district

Led by the Council of the 10 Fangs

At war with the Heirs of Kergoz

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