Performance Task: DEMO
Performance Task: DEMO
Performance Task: DEMO
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if it is wrong. Write your answer on the space provided
before each number.
_________1. Before leaving the house for a trek through the wilderness, make sure you’ve packed a first aid
kit to treat future hiking injuries.
_________2. Treating burns and scalds can be done by putting layers of clothing on the injured area.
_________3. First aid steps one can take after a snake bite occurs include sucking and cutting the wound
_________4. No need to call for emergency if the patient’s blood spurts out of wound.
_________5. If still on fire, stop burning immediately through the “stop, drop, and roll” method. Then remove
the flamed material from the person. However, if the clothing sticks to the skin, do not pull it out but cut or
tear around it.
_________6. It is a common sense to give food and drink to an unconscious person.
_________7. Emergency personnel must be called immediately if severe bleeding or bleeding does not stop
despite pressure.
_________8. To treat minor cuts, clean it with soap and water then apply antibiotic cream then cover with
sterile bandage and secure using medical tape.
_________9. Strains and sprains Grade 1 & 2 may be treated with RICE (rest, ice pack, compression, and
elevation) method.
_________10. It is a must to always carry a first aid kit whenever you do any sort of outdoor recreation.