Ijcb 23 Q 2 A 3
Ijcb 23 Q 2 A 3
Ijcb 23 Q 2 A 3
Kwangyong Park
Bank of Korea
1. Introduction
This paper is a revised version of the first chapter of my Ph.D. dissertation
at Indiana University. I thank Boragan Aruoba, the co-editor, and two anony-
mous referees for their valuable comments and suggestions that substantially
improved the article. I am also grateful to Cosmin Ilut, Jinill Kim, Boreum Kwak,
Eric Leeper, Jongho Park, Sungho Park, Bruce Preston, Todd Walker, and semi-
nar and conference participants at Indiana University, Bank of Korea, Chonnam
National University, and Spring 2017 Midwest Macro Meeting for helpful com-
ments, suggestions, and discussions. All errors are mine. The views expressed in
this paper are solely those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Bank of Korea. Author contact: Economic Research Institute, Bank of Korea,
55 Namdaemun-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea. E-mail: [email protected].
146 International Journal of Central Banking June 2023
Goodfriend and King (2015) also pointed this out: “Forecasts, and policy,
should not be based solely on forecasts from a model that assumes full credibility
in the stated policy path.” See Goodfriend and King (2015) for details.
See Goodfriend and King (2015).
Vol. 19 No. 2 Central Bank Credibility and Monetary Policy 147
2. Model
T −t cT (i)1−σ
Êti ψT β − χnT (i) , (1)
T =t
Vol. 19 No. 2 Central Bank Credibility and Monetary Policy 149
1 + it−1
ct (i) + bt (i) ≤ bt−1 (i) + wt nt (i) + Γt (i) (2)
1 + πt
Pt Ytσ
Qt,T = β T −t . (6)
150 International Journal of Central Banking June 2023
ĉt (i) = Êti β T −t (1 − β)ŵT +1 − ı̂T − π̂T +1 − β ψ̂T − ψ̂T +1
T =t
p̂t (i) = Êti (αβ)T −t [(1 − αβ)(ŵT + u∗T ) + αβ π̂T +1 ] , (8)
T =t
where the hatted variables are the log deviations from their steady
states, except p̂t (i) = ln(pt (i)/Pt ), ı̂t = ln[(1 + it )/(1 + ı̄)], and
u∗t = ln(θt /θ̄). In the remainder, the hat notations that denote the
log deviations from the steady states are dropped for simplicity, as
there is no confusion that arises from this notational simplification.
We define the output gap as xt = yt − ytn = σ −1 wt . That is,
the output gap is the difference between the actual output and the
natural output, which is the level of output in a flexible-price envi-
ronment. Aggregating and imposing market clearing conditions to
Equations (7) and (8) yields the following equations, which are coun-
terparts of the dynamic IS and Phillips curve in a canonical New
Keynesian model.3
T −t 1
xt = Êt β (1 − β)xT +1 − (iT − πT +1 − rT )n
T =t
πt = Êt (αβ)T −t [κxT + (1 − α)βπT +1 + uT ] (10)
T =t
The decision rules are comparable with the other models with bounded
rationality, for instance, Gabaix (2020), which extends a canonical New Keynesian
model by incorporating the sparsity-based limited attention suggested in Gabaix
(2014, 2016), as the current consumption gap is determined by the streams of
future consumption gaps and real interest rates in both models. However, expec-
tation formation differs as Gabaix (2020) assumes a specific term structure of
attention allocations while we explicitly specify subjective beliefs held by private
Vol. 19 No. 2 Central Bank Credibility and Monetary Policy 151
it = φπ πt + φx xt + mt (11)
The central bank reacts to inflation and the output gap. mt is the
monetary policy shock and follows AR(1) process.
Equations (9) and (10) can be reduced to the ordinary Euler equation and
dynamic Phillips curve if subjective expectations are formed rationally. This can
be proven by leading the equation and applying the law of iterated expectations.
See Preston (2005) for details.
152 International Journal of Central Banking June 2023
st = Φst−1 + εt , (13)
a denotes the estimate of ā, which is unobservable to private agents.
The real factor can be also interpreted as a shock to the higher-order belief,
or to private agent sentiments, à la Angeletos and La’O (2013). For example,
persistent positive waves of the real factor can be considered as strong optimism
for the real activities in the economy, as perceived by private agents.
This assumption does not change the qualitative results of this paper, since
learning procedures for constants and coefficients attached to structural distur-
bances are totally separated.
Vol. 19 No. 2 Central Bank Credibility and Monetary Policy 153
Since the Kalman gain is determined by the private agents’ prior beliefs and
is time invariant, the steady-state Kalman filter can be understood as a ver-
sion of the constant-gain learning process, which is widely used in the learning
literature—for instance, Eusepi and Preston (2011).
154 International Journal of Central Banking June 2023
central bank clearly shows that the central bank’s forecasts are
well anchored, as there are no time-varying terms ā. This for-
mulation seems reasonable, as many central banks predict their
economy by using country-specific dynamic stochastic general equi-
librium (DSGE) models with rational expectations. In addition,
Mokhtarzadeh and Petersen (2021) show that central banks inter-
ested in maintaining inflation stability should communicate their
predictions solely based on rational expectations in their labora-
tory experiment. On the other side, the actual law of motion nests
that of the rational expectations under this assumption, as shown
later. This characterization sets a natural comparison of the model,
thereby facilitating interpretation of the results.
The central bank announces its own forecasts of endogenous
variables after observing the realization of disturbances
where ÊtCB denotes the forecast of the central bank based on infor-
mation up to time t.
The belief structure can be justified under the assumption that
no commitment device exists. This is a reasonable assumption, as
there is no credible commitment device. It is neither allowed nor
possible to inform the public credibly of the central bank’s internal
decisionmaking procedure, including objectives and rules. A notion
of credibility arises due to this point. Even if a central bank deliber-
ately conducts monetary policy and follows its target, private expec-
tations can diverge from the target because the central bank cannot
commit to the target and communicate its policy credibly. Private
agents continuously evaluate the central bank’s resolutions and abil-
ities to achieve the target based on the history of outcomes. The
formal definition of credibility used in this paper is presented below.
made by the central bank, other than private agents’ own forecasts,
when private agents derive ensemble forecasts and form expectations.
Specifically, private agents use the following subjective expectations:
Utk =− ω j
zt−j − k
Êt−j−1 [zt−j ] W zt−j − k
Êt−j−1 [zt−j ]
Dt = 1 − exp −δ2 CB
Êt−1 [zt ] − Êt−1
[zt ] CB
Êt−1 [zt ] − Êt−1
[zt ]
Some policymakers acknowledged this point in their speeches. For example,
Bernanke (2004) argued that “The . . .way in which clear and open communication
enhances the effectiveness of monetary policy. . . is by helping to align financial-
market participants’ expectations about the future course of monetary policy
more closely with the policy committee’s own plans and projections.”
Vol. 19 No. 2 Central Bank Credibility and Monetary Policy 157
One might raise the question as to whether central bank credibility can be
independent of the central bank’s ability of keeping inflation stable if the central
bank’s staff become very good at predicting inflation and gross domestic product
(GDP), to a point where the private sector’s expectations totally rely on the cen-
tral bank’s forecasts. In this model, central bank credibility is not independent
of the central bank’s ability to keep inflation stable in the longer-run perspec-
tive. Definitely, credibility rises if the central bank’s predictions are good enough.
However, it is necessary to understand what makes the central bank’s predictions
better. In general, a central bank’s predictions become more accurate when non-
fundamental beliefs (at ) that affect the private predictions are suppressed. These
non-fundamental beliefs emerge when inflation and the output gap diverge from
the pre-announced targets continuously beyond the private agents’ tolerance.
While temporary deviations due to large shocks are tolerated, continuing devia-
tions may trigger divergent beliefs and drops in credibility. Therefore, deliberate
policymaking for stabilizing inflation and the output gap is required to achieve
high credibility and to make private agents rely more on the central bank’s pre-
dictions. For this reason, the proposed measure is related to a central bank’s
ability to stabilize the economy in the longer-run horizon.
158 International Journal of Central Banking June 2023
3.3 Equilibrium
Combining expectations formation equations (14), (19), and (20)
with policy rule equations (9), (10), and (11), the actual laws of
motion (ALM) for this economy can be obtained.11
See Appendix A for details.
Vol. 19 No. 2 Central Bank Credibility and Monetary Policy 159
is fixed at the maximum level in any of the cases. That is, when
the central bank credibility measure ξt is exogenously imposed to
be one, the ALM become identical to those in the rational expec-
tations model. Hence, the ordinary rational expectations model can
be considered as a special case, in which the central bank is fully
credible under any circumstances. The ALM, however, diverge away
from that of the rational expectations model, and the effect of the
subjective beliefs magnifies as the credibility measure moves away
from one.
The choice of values of ω, δ1 , and δ2 are discussed in Section 5. In the esti-
mation, it is shown that considering only inflation forecast errors results in the
similar outcomes compared with the case that takes all three variables—output
gap, inflation, and interest rate—into account.
There are multiple numbers of Greenbook forecasts in a given quarter. In this
procedure, we choose the first Greenbook forecast in the quarter to comply with
the assumption that forecasts are announced at the beginning of the period in
the model. Lastly, the median forecast from the SPF is used for private forecasts.
160 International Journal of Central Banking June 2023
5. Estimation
5.1 Data
We include six observables to estimate the model. For inflation and
short-term interest rate measures, the GDP deflator and the federal
funds rate (FFR) are used. For the output gap measure, the output
gap published by the Congressional Budget Office is used. We also
include a private forecasts series on the level of GDP, GDP deflator,
and FFR from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia’s Survey
See Herbst and Schorfheide (2015) for theoretical discussion on this method.
Vol. 19 No. 2 Central Bank Credibility and Monetary Policy 163
5.3 Method
We estimate the model by constructing a Metropolis-Hastings par-
ticle filter (MHPF). The proposal parameters are drawn from a
Markov chain repeatedly for 60,000 iterations. We discard the first
10,000 draws to remove any influence from the initial condition.
Extending the sample period beyond 2007 using the shadow rate proposed
by Wu and Xia (2016) does not change the estimates substantially.
As long as δ1 and δ2 are sufficiently large, the predictor selection problem
mimics the classical choice behavior. That is, the agents always choose the pre-
dictor that is more accurate, and the weight put on the other predictor becomes
negligible. Hence, the quantitative results do not change considerably even if
these parameters are changed. See Appendix D.
The case where private agents only consider prediction errors on inflation
results in similar outcomes. Specifically, the estimated credibility and private
beliefs are almost identical to the one from the baseline case. See Appendix D.
164 International Journal of Central Banking June 2023
Parameters Distribution Prior Mean S.D. Mode [0.05, 0.95]
Next, we collect one draw in every five draws to thin out the chain
to reduce the autocorrelation of the chain. Then we construct mar-
ginal posterior densities from the remaining 10,000 draws. The scal-
ing parameter is set to vary along the iteration so that it guarantees
achieving the acceptance rate in between 0.2 and 0.4. The resulting
total acceptance rate is around 0.28. Lastly, the number of particles
is set to 10,000.18
See Appendix B for details regarding the measurement and transition equa-
tions and iteration process.
Vol. 19 No. 2 Central Bank Credibility and Monetary Policy 165
6. Quantitative Results
The rational expectations model is evaluated at the same parameter values
with the exception of the belief structure.
Vol. 19 No. 2 Central Bank Credibility and Monetary Policy 167
RE Baseline RE
The median is around 0.63.
Since there is no change in credibility in the rational expectations (RE)
model, we report σ(xh ), σ(πh ), σ(xh ), and σ(πh ) of the RE model based on
the credibility level of the baseline model calculated from the same shocks.
168 International Journal of Central Banking June 2023
It is well known that introducing a learning procedure instead of rational
expectations assumption produces an additional layer of interaction between
economic outcomes and monetary policy and results in more volatile macroeco-
nomic dynamics compared with rational expectations models as shown above. For
instance, Orphanides and Williams (2004) find that policies that fail to maintain
control over inflation are vulnerable to episodes in which the public’s expecta-
tions become decoupled from the policy objectives under imperfect knowledge
environment using a perpetual learning model.
Vol. 19 No. 2 Central Bank Credibility and Monetary Policy 169
shown that credibility decreases when the central bank makes larger
prediction errors in these experiments. The experimental results can
explain the theoretical results provided in this paper reasonably well.
First, when credibility is higher, volatility is almost identical to that
which arises in the rational expectations model. Second, when cred-
ibility is lower, the standard deviations (or similarly, mean square
deviations from the targets) of the output and inflation increase.
Specially, volatility of the output increases by quantitatively small
amounts whereas that of inflation increases substantially. These
results are surprisingly in line with the theoretical predictions pro-
vided in this model.
Combining the above results with the estimated credibility of
the Fed, we can postulate that shifts in the Fed’s credibility is
one possible explanation for the Great Moderation, referring to the
period of low macroeconomic variability between the mid-1980s and
the global financial crisis. Since the Fed’s credibility during the
Great Moderation was higher than during other periods (Table 3),
additional volatility injected because of the lower credibility had
170 International Journal of Central Banking June 2023
Alternatively, we may derive generalized impulse responses as in much of the
empirical literature. However, we do not follow this strategy because our method
helps to understand better the transmission mechanisms of the model.
Vol. 19 No. 2 Central Bank Credibility and Monetary Policy 171
Note: The blue solid line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 1, aπ−1 = 0.01
and the red dashed line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 0.4, aπ−1 = 0.9.
target (aπ−1 > 0) and the exact values differ across initial credi-
bility. To be exact, aπ−1 is assumed to be 0.01 and 0.9 for the initial
credibility level 1 (high credibility), and 0.4 (low credibility) cases.24
When ξ−1 = 1, subjective factors ax and aπ do not affect the
output gap and inflation, even if these factors have non-zero val-
ues. Therefore, their effects on endogenous variables are limited in
subsequent periods. For this reason, impulse responses are similar
to those of the rational expectations model when initial credibility
is equal to one: the output gap, inflation, and interest rate increase
and return to the steady state monotonically.
We choose these values for realistic model simulations based on the estimated
nominal factor for each credibility level for the U.S. economy.
172 International Journal of Central Banking June 2023
φπ 1.12 (–1) 1.62 (–0.5) (Benchmark) 2.62 (+0.5) 3.12 (+1)
φx 0.07 (–0.1) (Benchmark) 0.27 (+0.1) 0.37 (+0.2)
Note: The average credibility in the benchmark model is normalized to 100. Therefore,
the average credibility under different specifications can be interpreted as the percentage
changes compared to the benchmark case.
this reason, we only focus on the role of the central bank’s sys-
tematic reactions to economic developments in shaping credibility.
To this end, we analyze how the average credibility changes as we
vary the parameters governing the monetary policy rule specified in
Equation (11).
Table 4 presents how the average credibility changes as the mon-
etary policy reaction function varies. The upper panel shows the
changes in credibility when the central bank’s response to inflation
changes, while the lower panel presents the changes in credibility as
the reaction to the output gap changes. Compared with the bench-
mark case that represents the current policy practice, stronger reac-
tions to both inflation and the output gap result in a higher mean
credibility, though the increments are quite small. This is reason-
able since stronger responses to inflation and the output gap make
them easier to forecast by pushing them closer to their respective
However, it is uncertain whether stronger responses to inflation and the out-
put gap are welfare improving, since a stronger reaction to inflation results in
a more volatile output gap, while a stronger response to the output gap leads
to more volatile inflation. This suggests that the optimal monetary policy may
depend on central bank credibility. Although we do not analyze the optimal mon-
etary policy under the credibility restriction since that is out of the scope of this
paper, we believe that it might be an interesting future research topic.
174 International Journal of Central Banking June 2023
7. Conclusion
a21 =
κ ((1 − ρr )σ + φx ) − ρr + φπ
1 − βρr
a11 = a21
a31 = φπ a21 + φx a11
In their experiment paper, Ahrens, Lustenhouwer, and Tettamanzi (2017)
emphasize the importance of credibility in shaping the effectiveness of forward
176 International Journal of Central Banking June 2023
1 − ρu + φσx
a22 =
φπ −ρu
κ σ + 1−βρ
1 − ρu + φx
(1 − βρu ) 1
a12 = a22 −
κ κ
a32 = φπ a22 + φx a12
a23 =
κ (σ(1 − ρm ) + φπ ) + φπ − ρm
1 − βρm
a13 = a23
a33 = φπ a23 + φx a13 + 1.
Êt xT = (1 − ξt−1 )f1T −t axt−1 + a11 ρTr −t rtn + a12 ρTu −t ut + a13 ρTm−t mt
Êt πT = (1 − ξt−1 )f2T −t aπt−1 + a21 ρTr −t rtn + a22 ρTu −t ut + a23 ρTm−t mt
Êt iT = (1 − ξt−1 )(λ1 f1T −t axt−1 + λ2 f2T −t aπt−1 ) + a31 ρTr −t rtn
+ a32 ρTu −t ut + a33 ρTm−t mt .
(iii) For t = 1 : T ,
– Propagate state variables xt given particles zt and initial
states xt−1 .
1:T |V)p(V)
(v) With probability α(V | θi−1 ) = min 1, p̂(yp̂(y
1:T |θ
i−1 )p(θ i−1 ) ,
set θi = V otherwise, θi = θi−1 where p(θ) is the prior
zt = M1 (at−1 , ξt−1 , st )
at = M2 (at−1 , zt , st−1 )
ξt = M3 (qt , at−2 , ξt−1 )
qt = M4 (at−2 , st−1 , zt ) (C.5)
at−1 = I(at−1 )
st+1 = M5 (st )
st = I(st )
Note: The blue solid line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 1, aπ−1 =
−0.01 and the red dashed line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 0.4,
aπ−1 = −0.9. The green dotted line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 0.6,
aπ−1 = −0.3.
184 International Journal of Central Banking June 2023
Note: The blue solid line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 1, ax−1 =
−0.01 and the red dashed line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 0.4,
ax−1 = −0.9. The green dotted line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 0.6,
ax−1 = −0.3.
Vol. 19 No. 2 Central Bank Credibility and Monetary Policy 185
Note: The blue solid line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 1, ax−1 = 0.01
and the red dashed line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 0.4, ax−1 = 0.9.
The green dotted line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 0.6, ax−1 = 0.3.
186 International Journal of Central Banking June 2023
Note: The blue solid line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 1, aπ−1 = 0.01
and the red dashed line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 0.4, aπ−1 = 0.9.
The green dotted line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 0.6, aπ−1 = 0.3.
Vol. 19 No. 2 Central Bank Credibility and Monetary Policy 187
Note: The blue solid line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 1, aπ−1 =
−0.01 and the red dashed line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 0.4,
aπ−1 = −0.9. The green dotted line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 0.6,
aπ−1 = −0.3.
188 International Journal of Central Banking June 2023
Note: The blue solid line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 1, ax−1 =
−0.01 and the red dashed line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 0.4,
ax−1 = −0.9. The green dotted line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 0.6,
ax−1 = −0.3.
Vol. 19 No. 2 Central Bank Credibility and Monetary Policy 189
Note: The blue solid line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 1, ax−1 = 0.01
and the red dashed line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 0.4, ax−1 = 0.9.
The green dotted line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 0.6, ax−1 = 0.3.
190 International Journal of Central Banking June 2023
Note: The blue solid line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 1, aπ−1 = 0.01
and the red dashed line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 0.4, aπ−1 = 0.9.
The green dotted line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 0.6, aπ−1 = 0.3.
Vol. 19 No. 2 Central Bank Credibility and Monetary Policy 191
Note: The blue solid line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 1, aπ−1 =
−0.01 and the red dashed line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 0.4,
aπ−1 = −0.9. The green dotted line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 0.6,
aπ−1 = −0.3.
192 International Journal of Central Banking June 2023
Note: The blue solid line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 1, ax−1 =
−0.01 and the red dashed line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 0.4,
ax−1 = −0.9. The green dotted line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 0.6,
ax−1 = −0.3.
Vol. 19 No. 2 Central Bank Credibility and Monetary Policy 193
Note: The blue solid line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 1, ax−1 = 0.01
and the red dashed line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 0.4, ax−1 = 0.9.
The green dotted line represents impulse responses from ξ−1 = 0.6, ax−1 = 0.3.
asserted. However, the output gap does not show any distinctive pat-
tern across the different levels of credibility. This is in line with the
above result that the volatility of the output gap is not significantly
affected by credibility.