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2nd International Conference on Environmental Ecology of Food Security IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1107 (2022) 012130 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1107/1/012130

Identification of pelagic fish landed by “Lampu satu”

fishermen in Merauke Regency

M A Welliken K, Sunarni, Sajriawati and Fatima

Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas
Musamus, Merauke, Indonesia

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. This study aims to see the types of pelagic fish caught by fishermen and to see the
abundance of pelagic fish species in Lampu Satu beach, Merauke Regency. This research was
conducted in June-July 2020. The methods used in this study were observation and interview
methods. The data analysis used was relative abundance (Kr) and Diversity Index (H'). The
results of the study were 7 species of pelagic fish from 4 families. The relative abundance value
in June and July was obtained, In June the most results were the Mugil dussumieri species from
the Mugilidae family with a percentage value of 64% and the lowest were the Mugil cepalus
and Terapon species with a percentage value of 3%. Whereas in July, the most catch was
obtained from the species of Rhinomugil corsula from the Mugilidae family with a percentage
value of 30% and the lowest was the Mugil strongylura species with a percentage value of 4%.

1. Introduction
Merauke Regency is a strategic area in terms of geography, which is located in the south-eastern part of
Papua and is directly opposite the Arafura Sea which is influenced by the movement of currents leading
to Australia originating from the northern part of the Arafura Sea. In addition, Merauke Regency has a
large land area with dense forests and a well-organized mangrove ecosystem which is a good potential
as a supplier of nutrients to the waters The waters of Lampu Satu Merauke Regency are water areas
that have potential that are widely used by the surrounding community, one of which is to catch fish and
for other marine biota for consumption purposes [1].
Economically important pelagic fish resources are minimal resources, because the main food is
plankton so that these fish depend on environmental factors. Based on the size, pelagic fish are divided
into two, namely large pelagic fish, namely skipjack, tuna, tuna and others, while small pelagic fish are
scad, anchovies, mackerel and others [2].
Large pelagic fish is one of the fishery commodities that have high economic value so that the
development of large pelagic fish fisheries can improve the community's economy[3]. Meanwhile, small
pelagic fish resources are large groups of fish that form groups life and being in the wild by migrating
vertically or horizontally to the surface with a relatively small body size [4].
The main role of small pelagic fish resources is the fulfillment of nutrition and protein for the
community in an area. In addition, it can economically increase incomes and communities, especially
fishermen in coastal areas, as well as support fish processing activities [3].

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2nd International Conference on Environmental Ecology of Food Security IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1107 (2022) 012130 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1107/1/012130

There are several studies on pelagic fish such as the study of the fishing season for small pelagic fish
in the Java Sea and the results show that the catch of small pelagic fish depends on the season. The peak
of the fishing season for each pelagic fish is different, that is, it does not occur in the same month [5].
Likewise, research on the types and results of traditional fishing has been carried out on the coast of
Lampu Satu, for example Welliken and Sarijan [6], fish catches in the coastal waters of Lampu Satu,
Merauke Regency, Suprianto [7] on the effectiveness of fishing gear to catch fish kuro
(Eleuthroma tetradactylum) on the coast of Lampu Satu, Merauke Regency and Tutkey types and
composition of demersal fish catches in the waters of Lampu Satu, Merauke Regency.
In this case, research on the inventory of pelagic fish caught by fishermen at Lampu Satu beach has
never been carried out so that there is still a lack of information about what types of pelagic fish are
obtained by fishermen. Therefore, there is a need for a study on the identification of pelagic fish caught
by fishermen from Lampu Satu, Merauke Regency.

2. Methodology
2.1. Time and place
This research was conducted in June-July 2020, at Lampu Satu beach, Merauke Regency. Identification
and shooting of sample fish will be carried out at the Aquatic Resources Management Laboratory,
Faculty of Agriculture, Musamus University, Merauke.

2.2. Tools dan materials

The tools and materials used can be seen in the following table:

Table 1. Tools and materials used.

No Tools and materials Utility
1 Ruler Measuring fish length
2 Stationery To write data
3 Digital camera To take a photo
4 Laptop To enter data
5 Book to help identify fish
6 Pelagia Fish Samples to Identify
7 Alcohol preservative sample
8 Formalin preservative sample
9 Aquadest To prepare tools and samples

2.3. Sampling technique

The sampling technique in this study used the method of observation and interviews. The observation
method is observation at the research site, to see the catches of fishermen, then do documentation and
literature study to identify the types of fish that are obtained by directing fish search books.This
interview method was conducted to obtain related information about pelagic fish caught by fishermen
in Lampu Satu Beach, Merauke Regency, such as local names of fish, fishing areas, depth and distance
of fishing. The data collection technique in this study used the purposive sampling method . Where
respondents are selected accidentally for certain purposes or based on the information needed from each

2.4. Research procedure

Data collection was carried out for 2 months 8 times. Furthermore, fish caught by fishermen are carried
out visually, by observing fish morphology such as color, fish body shape, tail, fins, mouth position and

2nd International Conference on Environmental Ecology of Food Security IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1107 (2022) 012130 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1107/1/012130

so on from each type of fish caught by Lampu Satu Merauke fishermen. Identification was carried out
at the species level using the search guides for Allen[8], Allen and Robertson [9].

2.5. Data analysis

2.5.1. Relative Abundance. The relative consideration of each fish species is carried out by calculating
the percentage of the number. The equation used is [10]:
Kr = × 100 (1)
where :
Cr : Relative abundance
Ni : Number of individuals of the i-th species
N : Total number of individuals of all species

3. Result and discussion

3.1. Region overview

The research location is located in the waters of Lampu Satu, Samkai Village, Merauke District which is
located at:
To the north : Karang Indah Village
To the south : Rimba Jaya Village
To the west : Bampel Kelurahan Village
To the east : Arafura Sea

The waters of Lampu Satu Merauke Regency are water areas that have potential that are widely used
by the surrounding community, one of which is to catch fish and for other marine biota for consumption
purposes [1].

3.2. Catch
From the results based on the results of the search for pelagic fish caught by fishermen from Lampu Satu,
Merauke Regency in June, there were 7 species of pelagic fish from 4 families. Meanwhile, in July there
were 6 species of pelagic fish from 3 families. From the catches of fishermen in the waters of Lampu
Satu that have been identified, it can be seen in table 2 as follows:

Table 2. Types of pelagic fish catches by fishermen.

Catch / Tail
Family Species
June July
Molgarda engeli 21 44
Mugil cepalus 13 51
Rhino corsula 61 81
Mugil dussumieri 318 53
Engraulidae Thyrssa hamiltonii 53 30
Terepontidae Terapon theraps 13 -
Belonidae Strongylura strongylura 20 10

In June, the most fish found were from the Mugil dussumieri species as many as 318 individuals,
while the least was the Terapon theraps species as many as 13 individuals. For the month of July, the
types of pelagic fish found by fishermen of lamp one were the species most commonly found were
Rhinomugil corsula species as many as 81 individuals and the least species was Stroylura strongylura

2nd International Conference on Environmental Ecology of Food Security IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1107 (2022) 012130 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1107/1/012130

with 10 individuals. From the results of interviews with fishermen at Lampu Satu beach, June and July
are the months where mullet is abundant, in general the fish that are often caught are Mugil dussumieri
species. Meanwhile, kerong-kerong fish or Strongylura strongylura fish are rarely found by fishermen
in the coastal waters of Lampu Satu.

3.3. The composition of gill nets ( gill nets) and drag nets based on the number of eco
For tails, looking at the catches of gill nets and drag nets based on the number per species at the time of
the study, the results are shown in the graphic image below:

Figure 1. Graph of total catch by eco.

The graph above shows that the Mugilidae family is more dominant with a total of 643 individuals,
followed by the Engraulidae family with 83 individuals, the Belonidae family with 30 individuals, and
the lowest is the Terepontidae family with 13 individuals. The most common type of pelagic fish found
was from the Mugilidae family, while the least was from the Terapontidae family. The Mugilidae family
is widespread in various water areas such as in ponds, estuary rivers and coastal waters in both tropical
and subtropical areas. Effendi [12] of the Mugilidae family is a family that has the best prospects for
cultivation compared to other fish families, because the fish of the Mugilidae family have a wide
distribution and are able to tolerate extreme conditions of salinity and temperature. The Terapontidae
family dominantly consumes crustaceans from several types of food , indicating that this family is a
group of crustacean fish, the presence of mangroves greatly affects the availability of fish food in
estuaries. In addition, it is also a determinant of catching, because the availability of food is not available
all the time [13]. Effendi [14] states that the type and amount of food consumed by a species depends
on the place and time. The customs Bay of West Java, the food variety of the Terapontidae family
changes every month. Therapistidae fish use a lot of crustacean groups as their food, especially
Penaeus sp.

3.4. Fishing gear used by the fishermen in Lampu Satu beach

Fishing gear is all the tools needed in fishing business. Based on the results of field interviews with
Lampu Satu fishermen, the types of fishing gear often used by Lampu Satu fishermen generally use gill
nets and pull nets. This is similar to the statement by Welliken and Sarijan (2012) that the types of
fishing gear used by fishermen consist of beach trawls, gill nets and tramell nets. From the results of
interviews, each fisherman, the nets that are often used are nets 1.5 and 2 with varying numbers of nets,
some carry 9 nets for fishermen who use Semarang while those who do not use 5 or 6 nets. According
to Matrutty et al., [6] nets Drifting gills are a type of fishing gear that is quite productive for catching
fish both in the waters and offshore. The operation of drift gill nets is usually carried out in coastal
waters or offshore to catch small pelagic fish and large pelagic fish. In addition, the fishing gear that is
often used by fishermen to catch fish around the coast is a beach trawl or drag net. In a study conducted
by Welliken and Sarijan [6] pelagic fish caught using drag nets were mullet fish species, namely

2nd International Conference on Environmental Ecology of Food Security IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1107 (2022) 012130 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1107/1/012130

Mugil Cephalus, Eleutheronema tetradactylum, Kurtus gulliveri , Sardinella fimbriata and others. The
following are the types of fishing gear and the number of fishing gear used by Lampu one can be seen
in Table 3.

Table 3. Number of fishing gear used at Lampu Satu beach.

Fishing gear Number of fishing
used gear (Unit)
1. drift net 53
2. pull net 3

3.5. Relative abundance

Based on data collection on fishermen's catches in June , the highest catch data was Mugil dussumieri
species with a percentage value of 64%, while the lowest percentage value in June was Terapon theraps
species with a percentage of 3%. In a study conducted by Mote [15] in the coastal waters of Payum
Beach to the coast of Bandiamo Beach, pelagic fish such as mullet species Mugil dussumieri, Mugil
cepalus and julung-julung fish species Strongylura strongylura were found . The highest relative was
from the Mugilidae family, while the lowest was from the Mugilidae family, the species Mugil cepalus.
Mugil dussumieri is the dominant fish species in several waters in Indonesia and its larvae are found
in coastal waters close to river mouths. This is due to the good adaptability of fish [16]. According to
Nuringtyas, et al., [17] mullet has a wide tolerance to temperature and salinity, besides that mullet can
also adapt to various habitats in search of food. The abundance of food in nature is not always abundant
at all times, the season can also be a determinant of the amount of food for predators [14]. Effendi [14]
also states that the amount and type of food consumed by fish species depends on age, place and time.
This occurs due to the turbidity of the waters so that the activity of the shrimp decreases. The activity of
crustaceans can decrease due to turbidity in the waters so that they become prey for predators. For more
details can be seen in Figure 4.

Moolgarda engeli
3% 4% 4% 3%
11% 12% mugil cepalus

Rhinomugil corsula

64% Mugil dussumieri

Thyrssa hamiltonii

terapon theraps

Strongylura strongylura

Figure 2. Fishermen's catch in June

Based on the data collection on the catches of fishermen in July, it was found that the largest catch
was the species Rhinomugil corsula from the Mugilidae family with a percentage value of 30%, while
the lowest percentage value was the strongylura strongylura species with a percentage value of 4%.
Factors affecting Rhinomugil corsula fish the area of their capture. In July, more data were taken from
fishermen who use cork, their fishing areas are around the mouth of the Maro River. In a study conducted
by Maturbongs, et al.,[18] in the waters of the Maro River, the Mugilidae family fish caught only 1

2nd International Conference on Environmental Ecology of Food Security IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1107 (2022) 012130 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1107/1/012130

species, namely Rhinomugil corsula . Rahman [19] that the Rhinomugil corsula species is a pelagic fish
that lives in rivers and estuaries, so this fish is often found in areas close to estuarine areas such as in
the waters of Lampu Satu.
The highest abundance of fish in June was mullet from the Mugil dussumieri species from the
Mugilidae family with a percentage value of 64% while the lowest percentage value was the species
Mugil cepalus and Terapon theraps with a value of 3%. Meanwhile, in July the highest number was
mullet , Rhinomugil corsula species from the Mugilidae family with a percentage of 30%, while the
lowest percentage value was Mugil species. Strongylura strongylura with a value of 4%.

4. Conclusion
Based on the research, the types of fish caught were Mullet moolgarda species, Mugil cepalus,
Rhinomugil corsula and Mugil dussumieri, anchovy fish Thyrissa hamiltoni species, Terapon theraps
species of kerong-kerong fish and julung-julung fish species Strongylura strongylura. The highest
abundance of fish in June was mullet from the Mugil dussumieri species from the Mugilidae family with
a percentage value of 64% while the lowest percentage value was the species Mugil cepalus and Terapon
theraps with a value of 3%. Meanwhile, in July the highest number was mullet , Rhinomugil corsula
species from the Mugilidae family with a percentage of 30%, while the lowest percentage value was
Mugil species. Strongylura strongylura with a value of 4%.

The author would like thank a lot to Rector of Universitas Musamus for facilitating the writing up to the
publication of this journal.

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