Forms of Literature
Forms of Literature
Forms of Literature
A poem can be further divided into stanzas, which are the basic
building blocks of a poem. A stanza is a grouping of lines, similar to
a paragraph in prose. A stanza can be subdivided further into
smaller units based on the number of lines it contains. For example,
a couplet is a stanza with two lines, a quatrain contains 4 lines, etc.
Folk tales- Folk stories or tales are about a person like a saint or a
king or an event. It belongs to a particular geographical region and is
native of it. It can be viewed as a part of oral tradition of storytelling.
It may involve supernatural & larger than life characters.
Parable- It is the same as fable with the only difference that while
fable has non-human characters, Parable has human characters. It is
didactic in nature as well. Its first examples can be seen in The Bible
in the Parables of Jesus. It can be in both forms- Prose or Verse. It is
short in length and often passes on through both oral & written