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Article history: This paper presents a direct measurement method for optical properties of different materials at cryo-
Received 9 March 2007 genic temperatures from 20 K to 200 K. It has been developed within the framework of the design of
Received in revised form 20 June 2008 Planck program. Planck is a satellite of the European Space Agency (ESA) that will be launched in
Accepted 16 July 2008
2008. The scientific goal of the Planck mission is to make observations of the temperature anisotropy
and polarisation of the Cosmic Microwave Background. The equivalent temperature of the observed radi-
ation is about 3 K and the telescope baffle temperature should not exceed 60 K in order to work properly.
The large Planck telescope is passively cooled by radiating to the Deep Space, so that a good knowledge of
C. Heat transfer
C. Radiant properties
the thermo-optical properties of its coating is of utmost importance for thermal modelling. However, up
D. Infrared detectors to now, few measurements have been done at such low temperatures. We derived a direct measurement
F. Space cryogenics method for the total directional emissivity of various coatings of interest for satellites applications. The
effective spectral range chosen the measurements covers 6–800 lm. We will describe the design of the
measurement apparatus and present results for several coatings.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +33 1 47097013/1645. With a calorimetric measurement, one obtains total hemispher-
E-mail addresses: pherve@u-paris10.fr (P. Herve), asadou@univ-ubs.fr (A. Sadou). ical emissivity. It is a relatively simple method to implement and
0011-2275/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
464 P. Herve et al. / Cryogenics 48 (2008) 463–468
widely used at ambient temperature but, in previous measurement As we could check (see Section 4) that temperature of optical
campaigns and for temperatures lower than 100 K, we got heat components does not change during the time of measurement
leakages that induced parasitic phenomena of the same order of the term eO rT 4O is the in all the equation. We have four equations
magnitude as those of interest. for nine unknown parameters. To solve this system, several meth-
Indirect measurements could be a good alternative to obtain ods can be used, with their benefits and drawbacks conditioned by
emissivity but, as the coatings to be experimented are thin layers the assumptions we have to make. Combining Eq. (1) to Eq. (4), we
of dielectric materials deposited on metallic substrate, they be- then obtain the following formula.
come semi-transparent in the far infrared. Such phenomenon ðMs Ms Þ
induces multiple reflections at the interfaces air-coating and eT B ¼ eT A ðT A =T B Þ4 þ 1 ðT A =T B Þ4
ðMbB MbA Þ
metal-coating, resulting in a non-validity of the relationship
ðqT B qT A Þew ðT w =T B Þ4 ð5Þ
e = 1 q. We then concluded that, in this very situation, direct
emissivity measurement was the right choice. For evaluation of emissivity eT B the first and the last terms must
The main flaw lies in that the emitted radiation of the sample at be known or negligible. Results of measurements that had been
such low temperatures is very faint compared to the background previously conducted on the same Planck samples at the LEMTA
radiation received by the detector. In order to minimize the back- laboratory (Laboratoire d’Énergétique et de Mécanique Théorique
ground radiation, we use a vacuum chamber cooled by liquid nitro- et Appliquée; ENSEM; Nancy, France) showed that qk presents lit-
gen (77 K). In addition, we use a lock-in amplifier with a chopper tle variation with T in the range 40–300 K [6]. Such a result implies
that modulates the component of the signal coming from the inner that qT ew rT 4w ¼ p 0 qk ðTÞew L0k;T w dk remains nearly constant with
part of the vacuum chamber and eliminates the outside back- T, i.e. qT A ew T 4w qT B ew T 4w , where L0k;T w stands for the luminance of
ground radiation. When the detector sees the sample between a blackbody at the temperature of the vacuum chamber Tw. The
two rotating blades of the chopper, the signal is the sum of the influence of this weak temperature dependence on the measure-
thermal radiation emitted by the sample itself, added to the radia- ment results is discussed further in Section 4.
tion coming from all the parts of the vacuum chamber (with emis- Note: Whatever the sample temperature, the reflective part of
sivity ew 1 and a radiant equivalent temperature Tw = 80 K) that the signal is due to the chamber wall at 80 K. At this temperature,
is reflected by the sample plus the thermal radiation emitted by the wavelength of the maximum of radiated energy is 37 lm and
the optics (with emissivity eo, reflectivity qo and temperature To). about 97% of energy is contained in the spectral band 20–
When a chopper blade (with emissivity ec and temperature Tc) 220 lm. So will be the spectral band of the reflected signal and
hides the sample, the detector receives the sum of the thermal if, as assumed, qðk; TÞ does not vary with T, the variation of the to-
radiation emitted and reflected by the blade, which value can be tal emissivity of samples with temperature is only due to the shift
higher than the useful signal. The lock-in amplifier calculates the in the spectral distribution of the measured radiation energy.
difference between the two above signals. Hereafter we shall write qT A ¼ qT B in Eq. (5). We then obtain the
The method proposed operates by subtracting the signals ob- following formula.
tained for two different sample temperatures TA and TB. Measuring
ðMsB MsA Þ
the radiation of the sample and of a blackbody for the same two eT B ¼ ðT A =T B Þ4 eT A þ ð1 ðT A =T B Þ4 Þ ð6Þ
temperatures, we get the following relationships: ðMbB MbA Þ
We shall then present two methods for solving this equation:
(1) Intensity measurement of the sample at temperature T1.
A ‘‘differential method at the lowest temperature”:
MsA ¼ Cte ðeT A qO rT 4A ec rT 4c þ qT A qO ew rT 4w qc ew rT 4w þ eO rT 4O Þ
ð1Þ To eliminate the influence of the first term with unknown emis-
sivity eT A , we can keep for TA the lowest temperature for which we
(2) Intensity measurement of the sample at temperature T2.
4 result (Tmin = 10 K). As we raise the sam-
have got a measurement
MsB ¼ Cte ðeT B qO rT 4B ec rT 4c þ qT B qO ew rT 4w qc ew rT 4w þ eO rT 4O Þ ple temperature, TTmin B
1 and the Eq. (6) quickly reduces to:
In Eq. (6), let’s take for TA the temperature of the sample at the imize the effects of internal reflections. With a ray tracing code, we
immediately preceding measurement step; i.e. TA = TB DT. As the found that the emissivity of the blackbody exceeds 0.996 when the
difference between TB and TA remains lower than in the variant 1, emissivity of the inner coating exceeds 0.3. We used Velvet paint-
the hypothesis regarding qðk; TÞ should be more easily verified. In ing whose emissivity is clearly better than 0.3 for the lowest tem-
return, as there are relatively low differences between the results perature of interest. So the corresponding error can be neglected in
of two successive measurements steps, the method should be more regard of the other sources of error.
sensitive to noise. A very good thermal conduction is needed to reach such a low
Let then write eT A eT B . Eq. (5) reduces then to temperature as 10 K and an aluminium alloy AA1050 has been cho-
sen for the cylinder and the rod. A 25 W heating resistance stuck on
ðMsT B MsT B DT Þ the back of the sample holder is connected to a PID regulator. The
eT B ¼ ð8Þ
ðMbT B MbT B DT Þ very weak calorific capacity at low temperatures of this alloy
makes easier the temperature regulation. Moreover, all thermal
Writing eT A eT B is a rough approximation and the result will be
contacts have been optimised by application of a vacuum grease
refined by iterations through equations system Eq. (9).
(Apiezon N).
If TA = TB DT, Tmin is the lowest temperature for which we
The sample temperature is controlled by a silicon diode (tem-
got measurement results and if we define ‘‘j” as index of iteration,
perature range 4–500 K with a 0.01 K sensitivity) inserted at the
calculation of emissivity is done following equations system Eq.
back of the sample holder and the temperature gradient between
the blackbody and the samples is checked by a second silicon diode
9 stuck on the back of the former. We found that, whatever the tem-
if j ¼ 1 : >
> perature, the measured gradient does not exceed 0.1 K.
ðMs Ms
Þ >
= The global measurement apparatus is mainly composed of a
ð9Þ vacuum chamber enclosing the optical parts (Fig. 2) and of the
else if 2 6 j 6 T B T
: >
ðMsT MsT DT Þ >
detection setup.
eðT B Þj ¼ ðT BTBDT Þ4 eðT B DTÞj1 þ ð1 ðT BTBDT Þ4 Þ B
ðMbT MbT
B ;
Þ With a turbo-molecular pump vacuum chamber we get in the
chamber a secondary vacuum about 107 mbar. So we avoid con-
The last step gives the best evaluation of emissivities. This var- vective heat transfers and selective absorption of radiations by
iant should normally give better results than variant 1, but the re- atmospheric water.
verse can be true with noisy measurement results. To minimize the level of ambient radiation, the sample holder is
For example to determine emissivity at 50 K for DT = 10 and placed into a double wall enclosure poured with liquid nitrogen. In
Tmin = 10 K : addition and to minimize reflections, the inner wall has been
ðMs50 Ms40 Þ painted with Velvet black coating. So parasitic radiations in the
e501 ¼ for j ¼ 1 and e50j chamber depend only on the wall temperature.
ðMb50 Mb40 Þ
4 4 ! The global background flux is equivalent to the radiation of a
40 40 ðMs50 Ms40 Þ blackbody at 80 K and we checked that it remains very stable
¼ e40j1 þ 1 for j ¼ 2 to 4:
50 50 ðMb50 Mb40 Þ and homogeneous when the temperature of the sample varies.
The optical part of the system is composed of:
Details of such iterations are reproduced further in Table 1, Sec-
tion 4.
(1) a parabolic mirror disposed in front of the samples, which
collects the sample signal into a parallel beam;
3. Experimental apparatus (2) a flat mirror that reflects the parallel beam out of the main
chamber through the modulator rotating chopper;
To cool the samples, we use a two-stage helium refrigerator. (3) a second parabolic mirror that focalises the beam onto the
The lowest sample temperature that can be obtained with this bolometer detector through a diamond window that has a
refrigerator is 8 K. very flat transmission curve from 6 lm to 800 lm.
The sample holder (Fig. 1) is a cylinder directly linked through a
rod to the second stage of the helium refrigerator. For each mea- All the optical components and their supporting devices are
surement, five different samples can be disposed on the holder. A thermally insulated and they are passively cooled down to 80 K.
blackbody, specially designed for the application [7], with its aper-
ture disposed on the optical path of the measurement setup, is
positioned at the top of the sample holder. The whole system can
Black Body
be rotated and translated along its axis to allow measuring of the
emission of each sample at multiple angles. 4 mm
Global accuracy of our results depends on the precision of the
estimation of the reference emissivity value. The geometry of the sensor
cavity of the blackbody has been carefully studied in order to min-
Table 1 8 mm
Example of error estimation in ‘‘iterative differential method”
Liquid N2 2.5% 1
Chopper Bolometer
2.0% 0.8
Sample holder
Error (%)
& Black body 1.5% 0.6
Vacuum “Iterative differential method”
Chamber 0.5
“Differential method at the lowest
20 K 1.0% temperature” 0.4
Emissivity total
10 K Coating Samples
0.5% 0.2
77 K 0.1
Refrigerator Thermal shield
Helium 0.0% 0
20 40 60 80 100 120
Axis of rotation
& translation Temperature (Kelvin)
B=1.10 -5
Error (%)
Error (%)
40 45 50 55 60 65
0 -4
40 50 60 70 80
Temperature (Kelvin)
Temperature (Kelvin)
Fig. 5. Estimation of global error.
Fig. 3. Systematic error due to a supposed reflectivity variation qT;S¼80 K .
The detector is a bolometer with an effective bandwidth 2– eT and the total reflectivity qT;S¼80 K of the coating at T reflecting
1000 lm. The detector is cooled at 4.2 K by liquid helium and its a signal emitted by a source at 80 K. Thus, we modelize the energy
associated amplifier NEP is 1.17E13 W Hz1/2. radiated by the sample and by the blackbody for each temperature
To measure the total emissivity, the energy must be collected T:
over the whole optical bandwidth. With gold mirrors, the bolome-
MsT ¼ eT L T þ qT;S¼80 K L Tw
ter and diamond window, we get a very good achromaticity all ð10Þ
MbT ¼ L T
over the spectral range of interest.
The signal (from the preamplifier of the bolometer) is sent to and we can study the influence of the various assumptions stated to
the lock-in amplifier with a 0.02 Hz equivalent Noise Bandwidth. determine total emissivity from our measurements.
The difference between the flux received at 40 K and at 20 K is To evaluate the error made by the assumption qT A ¼ qT B , we
about 108 W and, as the global noise of our detection system is introduce the model values of MST and eT A in Eq. (5) to determine
about 1.6 1014 W, the signal/noise ratio in the calculation meth- eT B and we compare with the modelized emissivity at TB. The
od described above is about 105. resulting errors are shown for B = 105 (Fig. 3).
The system is cooled for 12 h before beginning the measure- We estimate the error due to the other assumptions made for
ments to make sure that all the components are well stabilized the two methods when qT A ¼ qT B (Fig. 4). The error is always ‘‘in
at 80 K. excess”. The ‘‘iterative differential method” looks better than the
‘‘differential method at the lowest temperature”, but the reverse
4. Error analysis is true if we introduce noise levels that are of the same order of
magnitude as the radiant energy to be measured. The resulting er-
There are two main categories of errors that can be considered ror is less than 0.5% for temperatures above 40 K and remains neg-
separately in the global error budget: the systematic one, that re- ligible for temperatures higher than 80 K. An example of results for
sults from the assumptions in the calculation method and the ‘‘iterative differential method” is reproduced in Table 1 below.
experimental one, part of which being random. We shall then consider the different sources of experimental er-
To get an evaluation of the systematic error, we use already rors. The main causes of experimental errors are:
mentioned (unpublished) results from LEMTA. We use the results
ek;300 on the spectral band 1–600 lm and we suppose that the var- (1) a variation of the background (temperature stability of the
iation of the spectral emissivity obeys a law ek;T ¼ ek;300 ‘‘vacuum chamber” and the Au optics).
Bð300 TÞ with B comprised between 106 and 5 105 depend- (2) an error on the blackbody (reference) emissivity value:
ing of the coating. From ek;T , we can integrate the total emissivity 60.4%.
P. Herve et al. / Cryogenics 48 (2008) 463–468 467
1 0.96
0.95 0.94
Velvet PUK A 0.9
Velvet PUK B
Z306 PUK A
Z306 PUK B 0.88
0.75 PUK B COND (390 ; 128µm)
0.84 Z306
PUK B REF (062 ; 116µm)
0.7 0.82
40 60 80 100 120 140 20 30 40 50 60
Temperature (Kelvin) Angle (°)
(3) the relative average deviation of the measured electrical sig- 1.15
nal due to the electronic noise of the measuring equipment: Transition
±0.05% of the measured signal at 40 K and practically negli- 1.05
gible above 60 K.
(4) differences in temperature between the samples disposed on 0.95 MH21
the holder and the blackbody. We found that these differ- Signal (mV)
ences were less than 0.1 K. 0.85
Z306 A and B. The dispersion of results is coherent with the estima- 0.7
tion of global errors. Moreover, looking at the curve aspect gave us Mh21
0.6 Honeycomb
a good confidence concerning the repeatability of the process. BA
5. Measurements and results
In order to avoid multiple reflections between the sample and
the detection optics, we measured the signals at a minimum angle 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
of 20° with the normal to the sample surface. For complete results,
Temperature (Kelvin)
we measured the emissivities for several angles between 20° and
60° (Fig. 7). Fig. 9. Emissivities at 20° of different coatings obtained by the differential method
For a 20° angle and a sample temperature stabilized at 20 K, (KT: Kayser-Threde; BA: Black Anodisation).
typical results are shown in Fig. 8. Even for such a low temperature
we observe significant differences between all samples, which
means that the sensitivity of our measuring equipment is good. tained with about +/4% error at 40 K. For temperatures higher
On Fig. 8, for the lowest temperature, we mainly detect the re- than 60 K, the accuracy is much better and the cumulated error
flected signal from the samples. So a higher signal value means a does not exceed 3%. We then classify the coatings following their
lower emissivity value. We can verify that our blackbody is effec- emissivity. We made some repetitivity measurements that confirm
tively less reflective than the coatings. our error calculations (Fig. 5).
The results obtained for the total emissivity of the different As we can dispose five samples at the same time on the holder,
coatings are reproduced. As discussed above, the results are ob- we wanted to check that the results are not influenced by the
468 P. Herve et al. / Cryogenics 48 (2008) 463–468
position of the samples. So, we repeated the experiment after A new improvement could result from cooling the double wall
changing the order of the samples. The results have a lower disper- with liquid helium instead of liquid nitrogen. The color tempera-
sion than that due to repetitivity. We then concluded that the ture of the background could then get down and stabilise around
position of the sample does not influence measurements. 30 K instead of 80 K. We could also dispose the chopper motor
It clearly appears in Fig. 9 that emissivity decreases with temper- and the bolometer inside the chamber.
ature for all coatings and the lowest temperatures part of the curves We are often questioned about direct spectral emissivity mea-
is very similar for all coatings. Obviously, the lower the temperature surements at cryogenic temperatures. We already conducted such
the higher the measurement error, but the smooth appearance of the experiments at as low temperatures as 200 K. With the identified
curves suggests that the measurement error is small enough not to improvements to the experimental setup, we can foresee to study
hide the underlying physical phenomenon. The coatings studied the spectral emissivity of dielectric materials at the same levels of
are thin dielectric films disposed on copper or aluminium substrate. temperatures as those considered here. Such measurements could
At low temperatures, the global radiated power is located in the far then be done using the bolometer in association with a Fourier
infrared where the coatings become transparent. The energy mea- Transform Spectrometer.
sured corresponds then to the radiation of the metallic substrate
through a more and more transparent layer.
6. Conclusions and future prospects
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