Record: Highway Research
Record: Highway Research
Record: Highway Research
Number 307
Synthetic Aggregates
Granular Materials
5 Reports
Subject Areas
31 Bituminous Materials and Mixes
32 Cement and Concrete
35 Mineral Aggregates
Price: $1.80
Available from
-W. B. Ledbetter
Ward R. Malisch, Delbert E. Day, and Bobby G. Wixson . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Discussion: K. 0. Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Closure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
L. John Minnick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
William M. Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
•SOLID WASTES generated in the United States each year total 3.5 billion tons accord-
ing to the U. S. Public Health Service. This waste includes about 30 billion glass bottles
and jars, with increasing amounts of this component expected as the use of "one-way"
bottles continues to increase at a rapid rate (1). Glass is a particularly troublesome
component of waste because it will not burn, rust, or decay . A study of the composi-
tion and characteristics of municipal inc"ine1·ator residues (2) indicates that glass con-
stituted the major fraction of incinerator residues and accounted for nearly half of the
residue by weight. Thus, even after incineration, there is still a considerable amount
of glass remaining to be disposed of.
Other means of disposal of glass include sanitary landfills and salvage and reclama-
tion operations. In some a reas, sanitary landfills are doubtful solutions to the problem
because of the lack of available land. As these landfills are moved further and further
from the urban centers, transportation costs mount and this method becomes less
Paper sponsored by Committee on Mineral Aggregates and presented at the 49th Annual Meeting.
appealing. The bulk of glass is also a problem because bottles take up an inordinate
amount of space in relation to the glass present, unless the bottles are thoroughly crushed.
An alternate method of disposing of waste glass is to reuse the material, perhaps in
a different form. Economic considerations have generally dictated whether or not sal-
vage and reclamation operations are feasible, and, in the past, processing and trans-
portation costs have usually ruled out this possibility. For instance, waste glass could
be returned to a glass manufacturer to be melted and reused, but transportation costs
and the costs of grading the glass into different categories by color, type, and so forth,
are generally prohibitive. Furthermore, particularly in large cities, public works of-
ficials are justifiably apprehensive of reliance on a disposal method that depends on
fluctuating and sometimes nonexistent markets for salvage by-products. If the markets
collapse, the city may find itself with quantities of refuse and no method of disposal ex-
cept on an emergency landfill distant from the city (3). Thus, in order to maximize
potential benefits from salvage and reclamation operations, it is necessary to minimize
processing and transportation costs while ensuring a steady market for the salvaged
By using waste glass as aggregate in bituminous concrete mixtures for maintenance
of city streets, transportation costs would be minimized because the glass would be
used in the city where it was discarded. Separate collections of glass refuse, although
increasing collection costs, would make costly hand-sorting unnecessary, and all pro-
cessing (cleaning, crushing, and screening) could be mechanized. A steady market
would be available because of the continuous street maintenance programs of cities, and
the savings from purchasing less aggregate would partially offset the increased costs
associated with separate collections. A final benefit from this utilization of glass as
an aggregate may materialize later as present sources of conventional aggregates are
depleted a_nd new sources are sought.
This paper describes work done in investigating the use of crushed waste glass as
an aggregate in bituminous mixtures. No previous investigations of this nature could
be found in the literature, and therefore the following initial objectives were defined:
1. Design a dense-graded bituminous mixture using glass aggregate that would meet
Marshall design criteria specified by The Asphalt Institute;
2. Determine the amount of degradation that occurs during laboratory mixing, com-
paction, and testing of the mixtures; and
3. Determine the water-resistance of the mixtures.
All aggregates used in this investigation were obtained by crushing waste glass con-
sisting primarily of one-way beer and soft-drink bottles. The bottles were first washed
in hot water to remove labels and any other foreign material. After drying, they were
passed through first a jaw crusher and then a roller mill for finer crushing, after which
the crushed material was dry-sieved into nine different size fractions ranging from ma-
terial passing a 1/2-in. sieve and retained on a %-in. sieve to material passing the No.
200 sieve. A washed sieve analysis was performed on samples from each of the size
fractions, the results of which were used in combining the fractions to obtain a desired
The crushed material contained a relatively large amount of flat or elongated parti-
cles or both in nearly all fractions. Samples from several of the larger size fractions
were tested for percentage of flat and elongated particles using Corps of Engineers
Methods CRD-C 119-53 and CRD-C 120-55. Each size range sample was subdivided
until approximately 100 to 300 particles were obtained, with the larger sample size be-
ing used for smaller particles. The length, width, and thickness of these particles were
measured and the particles were classified according to the ratios of length to width
and width to thickness. A flat particle had a width-to-thickness ratio of 3 or greater,
whereas an elongated particle had a length-to-width ratio of 3 or greater. Results of
these particle measurements are given in Tables 1 and 2. As was expected, nearly all
particles in the 1/2- to %-in. size range were flat, but the percentage of flat and elongated
particles decreased as the size of the sieve opening on which the particles were retained
approached the wall thickness of the bottles. In the material passing the No. 16 sieve,
the percentage of flats began to increase again , and microscopic investigation of the ma-
terial finer than the No. 30 sieve indicated the presence of a significant number of flat
and elongated particles. Photomicrographs of the finer frac tions a re shown in Figure 1.
Specific gravity and Los Angeles abrasion tests (gradation C) were conducted on the
glass, and a hydrometer analysis was conducted on the material passing the No. 200
sieve. The bulk specific gravity of the crushed glass aggregate was 2.50, the absorp-
tion was 0.01 percent, and the Los Angeles abrasion loss was 41 percent.
The asphalt used was an 8 5-100 penetration asphalt cement furnished by the Shell Oil
Company and produced from a West Texas crude. Its properties are given in Table 3.
Marshall test procedures, as specified by ASTM Method D 1559, were followed with
the following exceptions:
1. Immediately after mixing the specimen in a Hobart Model N-50 mixer for 2 min-
utes, the bituminous mixture was placed in the compaction mold and then the mold was
placed in an oven maintained at 275 F for 30 minutes. It was then removed and spaded
and compacted as specified in ASTM Method D 1559.
2. In the first trial mix series, rather than placing the specimens directly in a 140
F water bath for 30 minutes prior to testing, they were first placed in a plastic bag and
then in the water bath. This was done to prevent surface stripping, which would alter
the results of mechanical analyses of the extracted aggregate. Some leakage occurred
in most of the bags, however, and in the second trial mix series all specimens were
placed in an oven at 140 F for 2 hours prior to testing.
After the completion of stability testing, bitumen content was determined using a re-
flux extractor, and a mechanical analysis of the extracted aggregate was performed us-
ing AASHO Method T 30.
Property Value
Particle Particle
Percent Percent
Size Size Specific gravity at 60 F 1.011
Finer Finer
(microns) (microns) Penetration at 77 F 92
Viscosity, Saybolt Furol at 275 F, sec 143 . 5
74 100 20 17 Flash, Cleveland open cup, deg F 595
60 62 10 6 Solubility in CC1 4, percent 99.9
40 50 5 2 Ductility at 77 F , cm 150+
Figure 1. Photomicrographs showing particle shape of fine crushed glass fractions : (a) plus-100 mesh size
fraction ( X 27), and (b) minus-200 mesh size fraction ( X 67) .
The first trial mix used aggregat e gr adation No. 1 as given in Table 4. This (!;r ada-
tion is one s uggested by Goode and Lufsey (4) for maximum density and is calculated
from the r elations hip -
P = (~)o.45
,o, x 100
llOO 24
- ~
- ) ~
._..._ 16 ~
...,...._ /
--- 12
6 " 7
4 5
6 7
u.: 143 4
~ "'
~14 I ,...
/ ..........
" ...
~ 140
" .....
4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7
~ 16 L
~ 15
> 14
4 5 6 7
One specimen was chosen at random
from the five specimens representing each
asphalt content for both trial mix series. The bitumen was removed from each of these
by use of a reflux extractor with benzene as the solvent. Washed sieve analyses were
conducted on the recovered aggregate (AASHO Method T 30); the results are given in
Table 7.
In order to express the degradation that occurred in terms of a single number rather
than a multiplicity of percentages , a factor lmown as the Hudson A was calculated ( 5).
Hudson A is one-hwidredth of the sum of the percentages passing the ten U. S. Standard
IC:.\)\, 14
-- ........... ~
"" .....
" ,.........._
o ..... )
400 6
4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7
141 8
- ~6
/ """"":l
;' ...... '-
138 __,,. ./ ~-
137 0
4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7
4 5 6 7
Second Mix Design Series 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5
1/2in. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
'!.in . 88 95 95 94 94 93 92
No. 4 67 69 70 69 70 68 68
No. 8 48 50 50 52 51 51 50
No. 16 37 39 39 38 39 37 39
No. 30 28 28 28 28 28 27 28
No. 50 18 19 19 20 19 18 19
No. 100 11 13 12 13 13 12 12
No. 200 6.3 10.0 6.6 7 .6 7.8 6 .0 7 .8
Hudson A 5.03 5.23 5.20 5.22 5.22 5.12 5.16
sieves starting with the 11/2-in. sieve and including the No . 200 sieve . It has been found
that, with asphaltic concrete aggregates in the usual range of A from 4.00 to 6.00, a
change of 0.50 in the value of A would change the asphalt demand by about 1 percent by
volume (5).
The results from the fir st trial mix indicate that little degradation of the aggregate
occurred. There is an anomaly here in the percentages of material passing the No. 200
sieve. As can be seen in Table 7, the percentage of minus-200 mesh material actually
decreased after the specimens had been mixed, compacted, and tested for stability.
This loss of mate1·ial is thought to be caused by stripping and loss of surface material
on the specimens during the period in the water bath prior to testing for stability. How-
ever, it is quite apparent that very little new minus-200 mesh material was produced
during mixing, testing, and compaction of these specimens and that, in general, degra-
dation was very light as indicated by changes in Hudson A.
Degradation was more pronounced in the second trial mix series. The Hudson A in-
creased by as much as 0.20 and there was a greater percentage increase in the minus-
200 mesh material. The fact that more air voids were present indicates that perhaps
the asphalt filler matrix was not as effective in cushioning the compactive blows, thus
resulting in the formation of more fines.
Static stripping tests (ASTM Method D 1 ()64) were conducted on several combinations
of glass aggregates and asphalt. Stripping was noted in the combination of glass and
asphalt cement with no antistripping compound added. However, mixtures of glass and
either a slow-setting cationic emulsion or an asphalt cement with a proprietary anti-
stripping compound exhibited no stripping.
One set of 6 specimens utilizing gradation No. 2 and an asphalt content of 5. 5 percent
was molded to determine the percentage stability lost after immersion in water at 120
F for 4 days. However, stripping was so severe that no stability testing was possible.
Tests involving the use of asphalt cements and several antistripping compounds are in
The previous data have indicated that a mix satisfying the Marshall design criteria
suggested by The Asphalt Institute can be designed using crushed glass aggregates and
a conventional gradation. The fact that a large percentage of the particles were flat or
elongated also suggests that the stability values obtained by the Marshall testing method
may have been on the conservative side because of particle orientation effects. Puzin-
auskas (6) observed the fact that, in mixtures containing elongated or flattened aggre-
gates, the agg1•egate particles tend to become axially aligned in a direction perpendicular
to the direction of the compaction force. This effect was most pronounced in specimens
compacted by intermittent impact-type compactive forces, such as are applied by the
Marshall compactor. Specimens tested such that the compressive force was parallel
to the compactive force always exhibited higher strengths than specimens tested with
the force perpendicular to the compactive force. Thus, because the specimens were
tested in a direction perpendicular to the direction of compaction and because a large
number of flat particles were present, it is likely t hat the Marshall stabilities are con-
The data also indicate that degradation of the aggregate may be a problem in mixes
deviating from a maximum density gradation. Nijboer (7) reports that a German inves-
tigator, Herrmann, has stated that the crushing of aggregate under traffic is dependent
on the grading, with maximum density grading resulting in less crushing. This would
appear to be the case with the two trial mixes investigated in this study, as deviations
from the maximum density gradation resulted in greater increases in the minus-200
The extent to which the degradation noted in the second trial mix would impair mix
performance is open to question. Data obtained by Goode a d OWings (8) in a laboratory
and field study of degradation occurring in hot asphaltic concrete wearing course mix-
tures were used to obtain values for changes in Hudson A associated with field compac-
tion and traffic compaction. Although this parameter was not used in their paper, the
data they presented permitted calculation of it for purposes of comparison. An increase
in the Hudson A value of 0.25 resulting from field compaction and an increase of 0.39
resulting from field compaction and h'affic were both considered to be minor and insuf-
ficient to affect the service behavior of the pavement. These changes in Hudson A, how-
ever, were associated with no more than a percent, more or less, increase in the
minus-200 mesh material.
The use of impact-type compaction with the glass aggregate may also have resulted
in more degradation than would occur under field-rolling conditions. This could be
more thoroughly studied in a field installation using the glass mixture.
Based on the laboratory work completfild thus far, the following conclusions can be
1. Bituminous mixtures satisfying Marshall design criteria recommended by The
Asphalt Institute can be designed using penetration-grade asphalts and aggregates com-
posed entirely of crushed glass.
2. Some degradation of the glass aggregate does occur under laboratory mixing,
compacting, and testing conditions. The degradation appears to increase as the original
gradation deviates from a maximum density curve.
3. Severe stripping occurs when a bituminous concrete using dense-graded glass
aggregates and asphalt cement with no additives is exposed to water at 120 F. Stripping
is also exhibited in mixtures of asphalt cement and glass tested in the ASTM static
stripping test (ASTM Method D 1664).
4. Mixtures of glass aggregates and asphalt cement treated with an antistripping
compound did not strip when subjected to the static stripping test (ASTM Method D 1664).
Mixtures of glass aggregates and a slow-setting cationic emulsion were also resistant
to stripping in the static test.
This investigation was supported by the Bureau of Solid Waste Management of the
U. S. Public Health Service. The laboratory work was carried out by Charles Foster,
graduate research assistant in civil engineering, at the University of Missouri-Rolla.
1. Solid Wastes Pile Up While Laws Crack Down and Engineers Gear Up. Engineering
News-Record, Vol. 182, No. 24, June 12, 1969.
2. Kenahan, C. B., Sullivan, P. M., Ruppert, J. A., and Spano, E. F. Composition
and Characteristics of Municipal Incinerator Residues. Bureau of Mines, U. S.
Dept. of the Interior, Rept. of Investigations 7204, Dec. 1968.
3. Municipal Refuse Disposal. American Public Works Assn., 1966.
4. Goode, J. F., and Lufsey, L.A. A New Graphical Chart for Evaluating Aggregate
Gradations. Proc. AAPT, Vol. 31, 1962, pp. 176-207.
5. Effects of Different Methods of Stockpiling and Handling Aggregates. NCHRP Rept.
46, 1967.
6. Puzinauskas, V. P. Influence of Mineral Aggregate Structure on Properties of As-
phalt Paving Mixtures. Highway Research Record 51, 1964, pp. 1-18.
7. Nijboer, L. W. Plasticity as a Factor in the Design of Dense Bituminous Road Car-
pets. Elsevier Publishing Co., New York, 1948.
8. Goode, J. F., and Owings, E. P. A Laboratory-Field Study of Hot Asphaltic Con-
crete Wearing Course Mixtures. Papers on Road and Paving Materials, ASTM
STP 309, 1962.
K. O. ANDERSON, The University of Alberta-The concern expressed by the authors
regarding the disposal of increasing amounts of waste glass and development of new
methods for disposal of this waste component is shared by many investigators. It so
happens that a similar study, in which I had a small part, has just been completed at
our University (9). Although the investigation dealt with several possibilities of con-
version of city refuse to useful products, including the possible recovery of metallics
and heat as well as the nonmetallics, the potential use of this latter fraction of inciner-
ated refuse as an aggregate for asphalt concrete was investigated.
In support of the authors' statement, no previous investigations of this nature were
found by the discussant in the literature. As a result, a similar, although not as thor-
ough, investigation was undertaken to evaluate the potential of this aggregate as a con-
stituent of a hot-mix asphalt paving mixture. Standard mix design procedures, following
ASTM Method D 1559 but modified slightly to include a measure of loss in stability re-
sulting from the action of water, were also used.
The nonmetallic fraction of the incinerated refuse accounting for approximately 65
percent of the total was crushed and separated into seven fractions and recombined to
meet requirements for Type IVb Asphalt Institute gradation. A 200-300 penetration
grade of asphalt cement was used without any additives. A mechanical compactor was
used to impart 50 blows per face at the recommended compacting temperature based
on viscosity. Initial stability and flow values were obtained on specimens brought to
9. Lilge, E . 0. Preliminary Report
on the Conversion of City Refuse t o Dsefui Products, Dept . of Mining and Metallurgy,
Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, Dec. 1969.
•VOLCANIC CINDERS occur in many areas of the world and are particularly common
in central Oregon, which is the location of this study. The Forest Service of the U. S.
Department of Agriculture builds many miles of untreated aggregate-surfaced roads in
the states of Oregon and Washington. In the central Oregon area, the use of volcanic
cinders to surface those roads is very common. The performance of cinder-surfaced
roads has varied, with both good and poor results. The general trend among many
highway agencies is to avoid their use. However, the steady depletion of good, high-
type aggregate sources has brought about renewed interest in other aggregate types,
including volcanic cinders. Present use of volcanic cinders is primarily for low-class
roads, either untreated or with a light asphaltic surface treatment.
The purpose of the study was to determine the parameters that influence the per-
formance of volcanic cinders when used as a wearing surface and base course for forest
development roads. The approach to this problem suggested an evaluation of the
Paper sponsored by Committee on Mineral Aggregates and presented at the 49th Annual Meeting.
performance of existing untreated cinder roads to determine which were "good roads"
and which were "poor roads" based on a numerical rating scale. This, in turn, was
related to the physical properties of the cinders in the roadway and from the borrow pit.
Included in the study was a survey to determine current practice and associated prob-
lems involved in the use of cinders as road aggregates. These relationships, together
with other field observations, were used to recommend specifications for selection of
borrow material and for techniques of construction quality control.
This paper is concerned with the relationship between cinder properties and road-
surfacing performance. The details of the entire study, giving the background of the
road-rating system and the results of the survey to determine current use, are pre-
sented in a U. S. Forest Service report (!).
Cinders, as referred to in this report, are a pyroclastic material associated with
volcanic activity (2, 3). Fragmented material of this type is generally classified ac-
cording to size. Pieces larger than approximately 10 in. (256 mm) in diameter are
called blocks or breccia if angular and ejected in a solid state and are called bombs if
ejected in a plastic state, which produces a roundish or ellipsoidal shape with twisted
ends. Pieces between 10 in. and 'ilia in. (4 mm) in diameter are called lapilli or cinders.
Particles finer than approximately '!ia in. in diameter are called ash or dust (4).
A cinder, unlike most rocks, does not have a set mineral or chemical composition
because it is mainly a textural classification of rock. It may be either acidic (light-
colored matter consisting principally of quartz and feldspars) or basic (dark-colored
matter consisting principally of ferromagnesian minerals with no quartz). Color re-
flects the conditions prevalent during formation (i.e .• temperature or oxygen available)
and weathering. Oxygen-deficient cinders are darker incolor, whereasredorbrownish
cinders generally indicate weathering and are located in the upper zone of a deposit.
Minor accessory minerals, such as iron, may also contribute to the coloring of the cinder.
Scoria is a term used to describe any volcanic ejecta that is rough, sharp, and ve-
sicular, either pyroclastic material or the upper surface of some lava flows. It is
commonly black or reddish and principally basic in composition. The term is often
used to include cinders.
Cinders are located throughout the world. The main areas in the United States are
central Oregon east of the Cascades, northern and eastern California, Arizona, New
Mexico, and Hawaii. Notable deposits are found in New Zealand, Japan, Turkey, Mexico,
Central America, and the Caribbean. In other countries the terms scoria, scoriae,
volcanic agglomerate, or grits are used more often than cinders, especially by British
Road Research Laboratory reports (~, ~' J_).
Figure 1. Sycan Road, North of Bly, Oregon: Note contrast between washboard surface
using purple cinders (foreground) and smooth surface using red cinders (background).
With increasing traffic, new road construction and pavement thickness upgrading,
and the lack and depletion of good mineral aggregate sources, the use of cinders is being
investigated in more detail. Many agencies feel that cinders can be used effectively
with proper gradation and other quality controls. Asphalt treatment will probably give
the best road surface and the most economical maintenance over an extended period.
Figure 2. Kirk Road, Northeast of Chiloquin, Oregon: Rough surface contains black, uni·
formly graded cinders (Pl: 2.1).
Figure 3. Twincheria Road, East of Butte Falls, Oregon: Cinders cemented with iron oxide
produce a hard, compact riding surface (Pl : 3.1 ).
low performance, or more specifically the correlation between performance and phys-
ical property. All roads were constructed of pit-run material.
The testing program consisted of two parts, field sampling and testing, and labo-
ratory testing. The field sampling and testing portion involved first selecting a straight
sectio!l of the rated road and obtaining approximately 150 lb of material (2 sample
sacks). This was obtained from a trench dug at least halfway across the road and
through the majority of the sul'face course (approximately 4 to 6 in. deep). In addition,
the following field tests were performed: (a) in-place density using the Washington
densometer; (b) in-place moisture content using the Speedy moisture tester; (c) color
identification; and (d) penetration test of surface and base material (later discontinued
because there appeared to be no correlation).
The pit site was located next and a 75-lb sample (1 sample sack) was obtained from
the approximate area in the pit where the road sample was obtained during construc-
tion. Obtaining a related sample was sometimes difficult because of the mixing of pit
material and subsequent use of the pit for other construction projects.
The samples were sent to the Forest Service Regional Office in Portland, and in
turn sent to the Federal Highway Administration laboratory in Vancouver, Washington,
or to the Oregon State Highway Department (OSHD) laboratory in Salem (Table 1 ).
TABLE 1 Splitting of the work was necessary be-
TESTS PERFORMED ON ROAD SAMPLES cause of the volume of testing involved and
Tests Performed on the tim e required. Some additional test-
Test Method
ing was also performed at the Forest Ser-
Description Road Pit vice Engineering Materials Laboratory in
Samples Samples
Portland, Oregon.
Los Angeles In addition to the testing, the following
abrasion AASHO T96 x x
calculations were performed: (a) coeffi-
Specific !(ra vity
of fines California 208B X cient of uniformity (Cu) for both road and
Unit weight,
pit gradation; (b) coefficient of curvature
dry-rodded (Cc) for both road and pit gr adation· and
Unit weight, (c ) relative compaction of road sample (as
loose compared to maximum density). Several
x points shouid be made m regard to the test
Liquid limit AASHO T89 x x results:
Sand equivalent AASHO T 176 x
1. Los Angeles abrasion test-The ac-
Oregon air
degradation OSHD x tual values for the Los Angeles abrasion
Moisture -density appear to be very good (low values) and
relations hip AASHO T 99 D x this is due in part to the volume of ma -
Gradation (dry terial used in running the test. The stan-
sieve ana lysis) AASHO T2 7 x x <lard charge is 5 ,000 grams of material.
aThese dete rm inations were made only on samples sent to the Oregon State With the low bulk specific gravity of cin-
Highway Depa rtment (OSHD) ,
ders, a greater volume of material is used
than would be normally utilized (9). Be-
cause this study considers only cinder ag-
gregate , relative values between va rious cinder samples should be acc eptable for use
in the analysis.
2. Specific gravity test-Unfortunately this test was run in a Le Chatelier flask,
(Calif. 208B); thus, only material passing the No. 4 sieve was used and the apparent
specific gravity was determined. As a result, the values were very uniform, whereas
values for the coarse portion would probably have been more meaningful.
3. Plasticity index and liquid limit-In most cases the cinders had very few plastic
fines, thus giving no plastic limit. However, the liquid limit could be determined for
most samples (often only by one point and extrapolation) and was thus reported because
it appeared to give good correlation.
PI performance index;
p plasticity index;
RC relative compaction;
OA-H Oregon air degradation, sediment height;
OA-20 Oregon air degradation, percent passing No. 20 sieve;
PPl.5 percent passing 1%-in. sieve from pit;
PP4 percent passing No. 4 sieve from pit ;
Color cinder color (red = 2, black = 1);
PP10 percent passing No. 10 sieve from pit;
PUW loose unit weight of material from pit; and
cc coefficient of curvature from road.
This equation has a multiple correlation coefficient of 0. 854. Individual equations were
alsu determined for each of the 9 most significant variables. The equations and the in-
dividual correlation co fficients indicate the relationship between the physical test prop-
erty and the performru1ce index (rating). Unfortunately, 24 of the 3 2 roads had a per-
formance index within the relatively narrow range of 2.1 to 3. 5, with only 2 roads rated
below this range. Thus, the regression analysis gave the greatest weight to this range,
with the result that most of the regression lines have very steep slopes.
Several important trends were noted when comparing the test results with the per-
formance index. They are summarized in the following:
1. Compaction-In the tests of road samples, the relative compaction is very im-
portant, whereas the maximum density is not.
2. Gradation-In the tests of road samples, the coefficient of curvature varies di-
rediy with the performance index (i.e., gradations with a concave-shaped curve on a
semilog graph are associated with the higher performance index). This relationship
is also reinforced by the trend showing less material passing the No. 4, No. 10, and
No. 40 sieves with a higher performance index; the value !or the other sieves appears
not to be significant. In the tests of pit samples, the increased percentages passing
the 1~-in. and 3/,.-in. sieves is desirable (i.e., less large-size material).
3. Plasticity-In the road sample tests, the significant characteristics of the fine
material appear to be increased plasticity index, liquid limit, and sediment height in
the Oregon air degradation test, and decreased sand equivalent with increasing per-
formru1ce index (i.e., cohesive binder is desirable).
4. Abrasion-In the road sample tests, the Los Angeles abrasion value varies in-
versely with the performance index (i.e., harder material with less abrasion is desir-
able). In the pit sample tests the decreased Los Angeles abrasion value is desirablP..
It is realized that in-place road gradations are often difficult to estimate on the basis
of pit-sampling. The best technique for sampling cinder pits is to obtain as representa-
tive a sample as possible (i.e., for the portion of the pit to be used, or a blended sample).
Based on results from this study, the f.,it gradation should have approximately 5 percent
less passing a given sieve (below the ~-in. size) than is desired for the finishedproduct
on the road . This a llows for degradation in transporting and compacting the cinders.
This value should be approximately 10 percent for the softer red and brown cinders.
The recommended gradation requirements could be met by selected blending and
scalping at the pit source. However, in some cases it may be necessary to run the ma-
terial through a primary crusher with some selective screening.
Control of gradation is felt to be extremely important because too much large ma-
terial (above 1-in. size) causes a rough riding surface, and too much fine material will
cause excessive and early washboarding and rutting.
Atterberg Limits-The material passing the No. 40 sieve should have the following
characteristics: The liquid limit should be 35 at the maximum, and the plasticity index
should range from 2 to 10.
Based on the trends illustrated, sand equivalent test results ranging from 50 to 30
would give an indication of the required plasticity. This value should not, however, be
used as a specification requirement because it measures somewhat different properties
of the fine material.
This requirement of plasticity is felt necessary to replace evaporated surface mois-
ture through capillarity. In most cases, cinders do not produce this plasticity, and thus
the addition of plastic binder is necessary. This binder may be available as a cap of
weathered cinders over the cone, or can be generated in some cases by watering, mix-
ing, and compacting the softer brown and red cinders. A pulvemixer attached to a small
tractor would perform an effective job of blending the cinders and plastic borrow ma-
terial. In some pits, the presence of an iron oxide binder will give a satisfact ory bind-
ing action in the road. If this is the case, the plasticity requirements could be waived.
If immediate paving of the cinder surface with an impervious mat is anticipated, then
the plastic matel"ial should be avoided. If paving is contemplated at a later date, then
lime, asphalt, cement, or other additives should be considered to reduce or eliminate
the plastic characteristics at this time.
Resistance to Abrasion-Maximum pit Los Angeles a brasion of 50 should be used to
prevent excessi ve degradation of the material in the road surface, because excessive
fines will cause early washboarding and rutting. With pit-run material, this degrada-
tion was necessary to generate sufficient fines for binder. However, with the recom-
mended limits on gradation, this will no longer be necessary or desirable.
In most cases, the harder cinders (purple-, gray-, and black-colored ones) should
have less degradation and provide a better riding surface over a longer period of time.
However, this type of cinder usually lacks the necessary fines, and thus some crushing
is required to meet the 1·ecommended gradation limits. The softer cinders (red- and
brown-colored ones) sometimes have excessive degradation; thus, care must be ex-
ercised in selecting the necessary gradation. The Los Angeles abrasion requirement
will eliminate the use of most of the softer types. In some pits, where several cinder
colors are available, blending of the harder and softer types may produce the necessary
gradation and plasticity to provide an adequate riding surface.
The foregoing analysis shows that cinders behave much as any other granular ma-
terial when used as an untreated road surface. The study revealed that several modi-
fications were desirable to standard specifications to better fit the properties of cinder
aggregates. The test data indicate that a Los Angeles abrasion value of 50 would be
more appropriate than the usual limit of 40. The mean of all Los Angeles abrasion
values is a 46. 7 percent loss, with a standard deviation of 10. 6 when sampled from the
pit. Therefore, a maximum allowable limit of 40 is too restrictive. The test data show
that both the plasticity index and the gradation are very important for good performance.
The graualiun should ideally be somewhat on the coarse side of the gradation band to
allow for subsequent degradation under traffic. Relative compaction was also found to
be very important, which further emphasizes that cinders behave much as any other
granular material used as a road aggregate.
Reference to Table 2 shows a minor correlat ion (low value ) between Los Ang eles
abrasion and p erformance index (PI) and a positive, strong correlation be tween the
Oregon air degradati on sediment height (H) valne and Pl. However, it is recommended
that the Los Angeles abrasion test be used as a control t es t r ather than the Or egon air
degr ada tion tes t. Thi s is because high -qua lity aggrega te gives l ow Oregon air H values.
B eca use this s tudy s howed a positive correlation belween H and PI, the s tatistics in-
dicate that l'1e poorer quality material yields higher PI value s . This must, however,
be considered in light of the fact that ; for ~ 11 the r n;:i_d.s stl!d.ied, the surfacing was pfa.ccd
with almost no gradation control and the surfacing was almost always lacking in fines.
Therefore, when the material had a high H value, the cinders tended to break down
under watering and traffic to produce the needed fines. Thus, there was a strong cor-
relation between H value and PI. The recommendations in this report are to control
the gradation before placing the material; consequently, the desirability of having a high
H value is no longer valid. There was a negative correlation between the Los Angeles
abrasion and PI; therefore, a specification for Los Angeles abrasion is recommended.
If a similar study were performed on roads where cinders were applied under a con-
trolled gradation specification, it is felt by the authors that the Los Angeles abrasion
test would show a much stronger negative correlation. For this reason, and because
of the obvious need to specify a material that will tend to hold its gradation, the Los
Angeles abrasion test is recommended. The maximum allowable limit was based on
t.'1e mean and the standard deviation of the test results.
It is believed that the specifications recommended are reasonable, based on test re-
sults of typical cinders in central Oregon and the proven, accepted practice for aggre-
gate surfacing control. The typical specifications when inserted into the regression
equation yield a performance index over 5. 0, which is an indication that the criteria are
consistent with the test results.
1. Lund, J. W., and Hendrickson, L. G. Road Performance and Construction Specifica-
tions Using Volcanic Cinders. U. S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region,
Portland, Oregon.
2. Bullard, F. M. Volcanoes in History, in Theory, in Eruption. Univ. of Texas Press,
3. Emmons, W. H., Theil, G. A., Stauffer, C. R., and Allison, I. S. Geology Principles
and Processes. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1!:160.
4. Twenhofel, W. H. Principles of Sedimentation. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1950.
5. Laing, P. L., and Major, N. G. Civil Engineering Raw Material in New Zealand. The
Institute of Civil Engineers, Paper No. 8, London, 1964.
6. Carroll, D. M., and Beaven, P. J. Roadmaking Material in the Caribbean-V: The
Volcanic Antilles. Road Research Laboratory Note No. LN/744/DMC, PJB.,
London, Jan. 1965.
7. Study on Slags (Volcanic Scoria) Proposed for Base Cours e on P r oject CIA-31. U.S.
Bureau of Public Roads, Region 19, Guatemala, Ma rch 15, 1963.
8. Lund, J. W., and Hencfrickson, L. G. The Use of Volcanic Cinders for Low Class
Roads. Proc. Seventh Annual Engineering Geology and Soils Engine ering Sym-
posium, Idaho Dept. of Highways, April 1969.
9. Harra, W. G. Volcanic Cinders in Highway Cons truction. Proc. Weste1·n Associa -
tion of State Highway Officials, 40th Annual Conf., Las Vegas, Nevada, April 1961.
Lightweight Concrete Aggregate From
Sintered Fly Ash
L. JOHN MINNICK, G. and W. H. Corson, Inc., Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania
Paper sponsored by Committee on Mineral Aggregates and presented at the 49th Annual Meeting.
Illinois 2 41 19 19 s 4
Kentucky 2 42 20 25 4 <l 2
Ohio 10 41 23 21 1 1 <l
West Virginia 6 41 24 21 4 <l <l
Source 1 10 47 26 11 2 1 <1
Source 2 5 38 24 26 4 I 1
Source 3 6 40 24 20 6 l 2
Source 4 20 40 23 12 <l <1
England 2 48 26 10 4 2
TI~l~- ...l
~ UV 26 12 l
West Germany 44 27 12 3 <l
Minnesota 23 12 14 32 10 3
Montana <l 28 10 11 30 17 1
North Dakota <1 31 13 11 24 11 4
North Dakota 4 23 16 8 36 9 4
Canada 1 39 21 7 19 5 2
Czechoslovakia 3 58 11 11 15 2 2
France <l 58 9 22 6 2 2
Greece 2 38 18 9 28 2 3
East Germany <l 39 7 21 21 2 10
Poland 2 34 6 38 4 9
The types of fly ash available cover a broad spectrum of chemical and physical
properties . Table 1 gives some typical analyses of fly ashes from various parts of
the world. There are several factors that affect the quality of ash as used in the manu-
facture of aggregate. Of prime importance is the type of coal used; thus, ash produced
from bituminous coal is usually quite low in calcium and magnesium oxides, whereas
ash produce d from lignite coal is usually high in these lwo constituents . The presence
of excessive amounts of free calcium oxide in a fi r ed aggr ega te can h ave deleterious
effects; among these is hydration of the oxide, resulting in the formation of "pits" or
"pops" in the hardened concrete.
A second factor affecting the quality of the fly ash is the ash content of the coal. The
majority of coals used in the United States is relatively low in ash, usually approxi-
mately 10 percent. The coals in Europe are frequently quite high in ash content (up to
about 45 percent). European practice, therefore, requires that the coal be burned more
thoroughly to recover as much fuel as possible . The resulting fly ash is low in residual
carbon-in many instances less than 1 percent. Carbon contents in the United States
are rarely this low and it is not uncommon for the carbon content of the ash to be in ex-
cess of 10 percent. It is essential that fly ash contain not less than about 4 percent and
prefer ably not more than 8 per cent carb on to be an acceptable material for aggregate
production .
A third factor affecting the fly ash quality is the type of ash collection systems in
use. This can directly influence the fineness of the ash. Fineness varies not only
between different coal-burning operations but also within a given operation. For ex-
ample, in a typical collection system used in this country there may be as many as 20
hoppers removing ash from the furnace. The location of these hoppers in relation to
the gas flow results in substantial differences in the particle size of the ash.
The variation of properties of the ash influences to a consi der able degree the quality
control of the sinter strand operations. Thus, if a fly ash chang·e s in its fuel content
(resi dual carbon) from a low to a high value as it is being fe d into th.e firing process,
serious difficulties can be experienced in controlling the operation. Variation in iron
oxide content is of considerable importance because this ingredient serves as a primary
Figure 3. Unfired and fired fly ash aggregate made by Figure 4. Unfired and fired fly ash aggregate made by
pelletizing process. extrusion process.
are used; either the material is made in different sizes and then blended, or, as in the
case of extruded products, the distribution of the size may be established in the green
bodies prior to the firing cycle. To produce finer aggregate, it is customary to crush
the material, screen it, and proportion it so that it meets the requirements of the ap-
plicable specification for size gradation. For this reason, the fly ash aggregate plants
usually incorporate crushing, screening, and blending operations in the manufacturing
Normal Range for Fly
Test Specification
Ash Aggregate
c 330
Unit weight, lb/ft' (kg/m')
At F. M . = 6. 5
(nnminol 3/, in. to No. 4) 37 to 48 (593 to 769) 55 maximum
At F. M. = 5.8
(nominal 'le in. to No. 8) 41 to 51 (657 to 817 ) 55 maximum
At F. M. = 3.5
(nominal 'le in, to O) 53 to 61 (849 to 977) 65 maximum
At F. M . = 3.0
(nominal No. 4 to 0) 56 to 63 (897 to 1,009) 70 maximum
24 -hour absorotion, percent 14 to 24
Staining · None to very light
Loss on ignition, percent 0 to 3.4 5.0maximum
NOTE: F.M ~ means Ummosi modulus.
multicellular structure of a more completely melted product. In both cases the voids
in the aggregate are caused by evaporation of the mixing water and elimination of car-
bon during the sintering process.
Table 2 gives the normal ranges of properties on a number of fly ash aggregates.
It is ta be noted that the values for absorption are quite high. The rate of absorption
is also hi gh and the effect that this has on compositions such as concrete is believed to
be more beneficial than delete1·ious. It has been reported (!) that the water absorbed
by this aggregate when preparing a batch of concre te is continuously available during
the curi ng process. The aggregate can thereby provide curing water r ather than ab-
sorbing water out of the cement matrix of the concrete mix. This may explain in part
why these materials ofteo provide somewhat superior performance when used in con-
crete. F ield experience has indicated that plastic shrinkage 0f the concrete i s also
substantially reduced (presumably as a result of the highly saturated condition of the
aggregate). The relative absorption of the different portions of the fly ash aggregate,
as well as the uncr ushed and crus hed aggr egate mate r ials, is shown in Figure 6. This
graph is representative of materials produced commel'cially at the Corson Plant at
Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania.
------ ----t--
- -t - -
~ ;-:~---·-
~ c
v - - -!-- - - - - -- - - -----l
0 5 to
::·~::·I~~-- _-_-~----
15 Minutes 5 Hours 24 Hours
Time as indicated
Figure 6. Moisture absorption of different fly ash aggregate products made from a
single source of fly ash.
kg I cm2
250 300 350 400 250 300 350 400
1000 600 600
c'"'.:. '"'e
~ ~ 60 0
u ,s '~ ~
~- 201) ~ 20
200 200 15
i :!' 200 "' ..."
JOO 20
150 Moist
200 100
120 120
€U) "''g ~0
'el 'o N " "-
0 -
iii Ii
'O ..."a. '....
2 1.5 "' c
~ 60 Dry Aggregate 60
Air Enlrained
::E 1.0
1.0 40 40
3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6
28 Doy Compressive Slrenglh, ksi
~Sand · Fly Ash Lighlwelghl ~ Sand · Lighlweighl - - --Rtferenco Concrelo
Concrelo ' Cone role
Another important difference between aggregates produced from fly ash is in the
shape of the individual granule. Uncrushed materials, such as those produced by the
Corson process (which makes an extruded shape), have been demonstrated to have some
advantage over the round pellets in improved workability and pumpability of the con-
crete. Crushed materials have been blended with sand and have been found to be effec-
tive in packaged concrete. The overall balance of properties, i.e., density, strength,
and workability, in these latter mixtures is quite good.
kg I cm 2
250 300 350 400
Normal Cure
c ~
c0" ..., g. N
a: 0 E
u..., E u
~400 0
;; '
3: ' "'
~ "'
2 ~
0 300
~ 150 Moist
200 100
L U 120 Vl BOO
Cl Q.
' L
< ~
BO 400
3.0 ~
2.0 60
Air Entrained
1.0 40 ~--~~--~----"40
3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6
28 Doy Compressive Strength, ksi
o:s::s::s::sl All lighlweight Concrete All Fly Ash Aggregofe - - --Reference Concrete
~-- -----
',a 120
., 100
.3 <E-Fly Ash lightweighl Aggregale Concrete
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Thermal Conduclivily (K Factor)
Fly ash aggregate is being successfully used in structural concrete. Because of the
light weight of the aggregate, it finds application for structural concrete in the range
of 95 to 116 pcf (1,520 to 1,860 kg/ cm 2 ) and may also be used for insulating conc1·ete
at lower densities. With proper quality fly ash, commercial sintering processes
produce various shapes of aggregate similar in properties to other stn1ctural light-
weight aggregates . However, the high rate of absorption and residual pozzolanic prop-
erties provide some advantage over other materials. Tests of concrete using fly ash
aggregate give results falling well within the range of values typical of lightweight con-
crete in general use.
1. Short, A., and Kinneburgh, W. Lightweight Concrete. John Wiley and Sons, New
York, 1963.
•THIS PROGRESS REPORT is the second part of a study entitled "Synthetic Aggregate
Research" being conducted by the Texas Transportation Instit ute, sponsored by the
Texas Highway Department and the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. This phase deals
specifically with synthetic aggregates for use in flexible bases, and its primary objec-
tive is to develop acceptance criteria for such aggregates. It was initiated in 1966 after
nonbloated, fired-clay aggregates had been used experimentally in flexible bases on
several Texas highways. To the author's knowledge, fired-clay aggregates are, at
present, the only synthetic aggregates economically feasible for use in flexible bases.
Therefore, all research efforts so far have been directed toward evaluating this type of
The first study done under this phase of the reseaz·ch was an investigation into the
chemical and physical stability of laboratory-produced aggregates. The results were
reported in a paper by Moore et al. (1), which included the following tentative
conclusions: -
1. The clay minerals, montmorillonite, ii lite, and kaolinite, will not rehydrate under atmo-
spheric conditions once they have been completely dehydrated (dehydroxylated); therefore,
once they have been completely dehydrated, they become chemically stabilized for use as high-
way construction materials. Complete dehydration is accomplished by heating the clay and
holding it at the elevated temperature for sufficient time to allow the dehydration to occur. A
period of 15 minutes at 1400°F. was sufficient to completely dehydrate the clay present in the
small, oven dry laboratory specimens made from the Texas soils investigated.
2. Incomplete dehydration of aggregates made by dehydrating clay-type soils can be detected
by a relatively simple laboratory test.
3. Most (if not all) clay-type soils having a relatively high strength when air dried can be fired
to produce hard, durable aggregates suitable for use in flexible base and asphaltic concrete.
The conclusions listed above were based almost entirely on an evaluation of cylin-
drical particles ( h in. in diameter by 11h in. long) that had been fixed in a laboratory
muffle furnace (Figs. 1 and 2). Therefore, t he next investigation initiated under this
phase of the research was an evaluation of aggregates produced in a rotary kiln, and
the development of acceptance criteria for such aggregates. The investigation included
the production of aggregates in the Texas Transportation Institute rotary kiln, their
Paper sponsored by Committee on Mineral Aggregates and presented at the 49th Annual Meeting.
evaluation, and a study of several synthetic aggregate flexible bases that had been in
service in the vicinity of Houston, Texas, for several years.
All research results to date are favorable to the use of fired-ciay aggregates in
flexible bases. The results indicate that these aggregates have great potential for use
in highway construction in the many areas of the world where high -quality aggregates
no longer exist, but where the clays required for the production of synthetic aggregates
are plentiful.
As a step in the development of a preliminary recommended criterion for the accep-
tance of flexible base aggregates, the Texas Transportation Institute' s research rotaTy
kiln (Fig. 3) was used to produce several samples of graded aggregates. T11e develop -
ment of th research kiln and its capabilities are des-c.ribed lsewh re (2, 3).
Aggregate samples were produced from three plastic soils obtained from different
sources in B1·azos County, Texas. The Atterberg limits and gradations of the soils
used are given in Table 1. Standard Texas Highway Department test procedures were
tollowed in these determinations. Aggregates were made by firing each of the three
soils at 8 different temperatures; thus, 24 aggregate samples were available for testing.
Each sample consisted of about 2 50 lb of graded material, approximately 9 5 percent of
which was sized between the 1-in. sieve and the No. 10 sieve.
In addition to aggregates made by the Texas Transportation Institute, 4 aggregate
samples that haci bP.P.n produced in commercial rotary kilns for use in flexible bases
were obtained. Two of the 4 aggregates have been successfully used in flexible bases
by the Texas Highway Department. These are referred to as the Hopkins aggregate used
by the Paris district and the Wharton aggregate used by the Houston distl'ict. Two other
samples, designated as the Madison 1 and Madison 2 agg1·egates, were obtained. These
aggregates had been investigated by the Bryan district for possible future use in flexible
bases. The results of laboratory tests conducted by the Bryan district, which were
Raw Liquid Plastic Plasticity
Material Limit Limit Index Percent P e rcent Percent
Sand Silt Clay
Red clay 74 28 46 4 24 72
Gray clay 67 23 44 -{;· 41 54
Black clay 53 19 34 13 34 53
Determined by hydrometer analysis (MIT classification: sancl, 2 to 0 06 mm; silt, 60 to 2 microns; and clay,
smaller than 2 microns) .
reported by Long (4), indicated that either of the two aggregates would be suitable for
use in flexible bases.
None of the above aggregates can be classified as lightweight synthetic aggregates.
However, 5 samples of lightweight aggregate-i.e., having a wut weight of less t han 55
pow1ds per cubic foot (pcf )-produced commercially in Texas primarily fo1· use in struc-
tural concrete were obtained. These aggregates are currently under investigation for
porlland cement concrete application in the first pa.rt of this study.
In summary, 33 aggregate samples were investigated; 24 of them were produced in
the TTI research kiln, 2 have been used successfully in flexible bases on Texas high-
ways, 2 have been investigated for possible similar future use, and the r emaining 5 are
lightweight aggregates that are available commercially in Texas.
The simple testing procedure developed during the initial laboratory studies is shown
in Figures 4 and 5. Basically it consists of the cooking of specimens under water in a
common kitchen-type pressure cooker, and then observing the effect of such treatment
on the particles. This procedure works quite well for laboratory-produced cylindrical
specimens because deterioration caused by the treatment is readily apparent on the
smooth surface of the particles. It was initially thought that the same procedure would
yield significant changes in the gradation of kiln-produced aggregates if they were not
sufficiently dehydroxylated; however, this was found not to be the case. Only minor
changes in gradation wer e observed aitm· the cooking treatment for many aggregates
obviously unsuitable for use in flexible bases. Arter the cooking treatment, these ag-
gregate samples could b e easily crumbled with the finger s .
Several variations of the initial test were tried. A procedure found to be adequate
is given in Appendix A. It is called the pressure-slaking test to distinguish it from the
s laking test (now considered obsolete) described elsewhere (1) and from the slaking
procedures often used in the preparation of soil samples for Tabo1·atory testing. Basi-
cally the pressure-slaking test consists of the same underwater pressure-cooking (Fig.
6 ), but an additional Li:eatment of severe
agitation in water is inserted between the
cooking and the gradation-change measure-
ment. The agitation is accomplished using
Figure 10. Pressure-slaking loss versus maximum kiln EVALUATION OF FIELD SAMPLES
temperature for research aggregates made from threeDuring 1963 and 1964, the Houston dis-
clays. trict of the Texas Highway Department
constructed several projects totaling about
15 miles in length utilizing synthetic ag-
gregate flexible base. The base material
consisted of a mixture of appro~imately 70 percent aggregate produced from clay in a
rotary kiln and 30 percent field sand. The Wharton aggregate (given in Table 2 for
comparison with the research aggregates) was used in at least one of these projects.
The field sand, taken from several sources, was required to have a liquid limit of less
than 35 and a plasticity index of less than 10. In one of the projects, the base material
was stabilized with lime. According to local engineers, all of the projects are still in
good shape. One short section has been reworked -(necessitated by a bridge grade
change) and the synthetic aggregate flexible base in this section was salvaged andreused.
In the summer of 1968, at 6 different locations several miles apart, sections of these
synthetic aggregate flexible bases were sampled and field-tested (Fig. 11). Samples
from 5 of these locations were prepared for laboratory testing in accordance with stan-
dard Texas Highway Department testing procedures.
As may be seen from the gradations given in Table 3, the amount of soil binder (frac-
tion finer than No. 40 sieve) in the 5 samples prepared for laboratory testing varied
from 22 to 34 percent and averaged 28 per-
cent. When one considers that the kiln-
produced aggregates had from 2 to 5 per-
cent soil binder, and that the construction
specif:i,_cations required that they be mixed
with 30 percent of a field sand with 99 per-
cent soil binder, it appears that there has
been no significant disintegration of syn-
thetic aggregates during the 5 to 6 years
they have been in service.
The pressure-slaking tests (Table 3)
were made on aggregate samples separated
from the base samples by washing over
the No. lOsieve. The loss values obtained
varied from 8.3 to 15.5 percent and aver-
aged 11.0 percent, as compared to a range
of 6.9 to9.7 percent and an average of 8.2 Figure 11. Synthetic flexible bases sampled for
percent for the 4 commercial flexible base laboratory testing after several years of service in the
aggregates sampled from stockpiles Houston area.
'!'i,;8'!' tti,;8UL'l'8 UH'l'ALNi,;lJ ON 8ALVlf'Li,;S Ffi.OLVl HIGHWAYS NEAR HOUSTON
Mois tur e
Dr y Percent Retained by Sieve s Pressure-
Secti on
De ns ity Slaking
No . (percent)
·1~ in.
(pc() No . 4 No . 10 No . 40 Test
2 13 . 5 111. 2 0 29 50 66 12.6
7 15.8 105.9 1 32 60 78 10 .0
8 15.9 90 .6 0 28 54 71 8.7
9 15.8 90 .8 2 34 58 73 15.5
14 15.7 11 1.4 24 49 72 8 .3
15a 16.4 107 .0
a Base material was stabilized with lim e and co uld not be tested
(Table 2). Thus, the material samples from the roadway had a somewhat greater range
and a higher average loss than was the case for the materials sampled from stockpiles .
According to the general trend shown in Figure 10, it appears that the synthetic aggre-
gates taken from the roadway probably were produced at temperatures slightly lower
than those taken from stockpiles.
In summary it can be said that all of the synthetic aggregate bases appear to have
performed satisfactorily to date. The laboratory tests made on the samples that had
been in service for several years indicate that these aggregates had not undergone any
significant disintegration. Thus, it can be concluded-at least for the Houston environ-
ment-that synthetic aggregates suitable for use in flexible base can be produced by fir-
ing highly plastic clays. Such aggregates may or may not be suitable for use in more
severe environments.
In the opinion of the author, 10 percent loss determined by the pressure-slaking test
(Appendix A) is a safe and reasonable upper limit for an acceptance cr iterion for flexible
base synthetic aggregates in Texas to ensure that the aggregates have been fired suf-
ficiently to remain stable in their intended use.
In order to utilize existing equipment in Texas Highway Department district labora-
tories, a modification of the pressure-slaking procedure described in Appendix A was
undertaken. The modified procedure is called the "Pressure-Slaking Test (Mod. 1)" and
is described in Appendix B. Basically it consists of the same procedure used in the
pressure-slaking test except that it uses a Tyler sieve shaker (Figs. 12 and 13) for ac-
complishing the agitation in water instead of the heavy-duty shaker (Fig. 7). Comparative
aAnalysis of variance: within sampl e standard deviation, 3.1 ; within sample CV, 16.0 percent.
b Analysi s of variance : within sample standard deviation , 1.8; within sample CV, 14 .5 percent.
VI 50
VI 30
VI 20
10 "'
20 30 40 50 60
test results obtained using the two different procedures on the 24 aggregate samples
produced by TTI are given iu Table 4. It can be seen from these data that results ob-
tained using the modified test are always lower than those obtained using the original
Comparative analyses of variance for the data obtained from the two test procedures
indicate that the repeatability of the two is about the same . A plot of comparative val-
ues is shown in Figure 14. From this it is clear that there is a strong correlation
between the tests; thus, the two are essentially measuring the same property. Specif-
ically, it can be said that the recommended acceptance criterion of 10 percent loss
based on the pressure-slaking test is equivalent to a loss of 4 percent based on the modi-
fied test.
This research was done by the Texas Transportation Institute, Texas A&M Univer-
sity, in cooperation with the Texas Highway Department, and sponsored jointly by the
Texas Highway Department and the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. The author wishes to
thank all members of the Institute who assisted in this research. He would like to ex-
press special appreciation to Frank H. Scrivner for his advice and assistance. His
help throughout the study was particularly valuable. Special gratitude is also expressed
to C. H. Michalak and Rudell Poehl for their assistance in data reduction and report
preparation and to Gene Schlieker for his assistance during the testing phases.
The author wishes to acknowledge the guidance and assistance given by the advisory
committee for this study. The committee members include Texas Highway Department
per sonnel Kenneth D. Hankins, Study Contact Repr es entative and Res earch Area Rep-
resentative; H. A. Sandberg, Jr., Materials and Tests Division Representative; and
Louis White, Bridge Division Representative; and Bureau of Public Roads personnel
Edward V. Kristaponis, Division Representative; and W. J. Lindsay, Regional Repre-
The opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in this paper are those of the
author and not necessarily those of the Bureau of Public Roads.
1. Moore, W. M., Van Pelt, R., Scrivner, F. H., and Kunze, G. W. Suitability of
Synthetic Aggregates Made From Clay-Type Soils for Use in Flexible Base.
Research Rept . 81- 5, Texas Transportation Institute, Texas A&M Univ., Feb.
Appendix A
The test method described here is intended to be used to evaluate the amount of de-
hydration that has occurred in the production of synthetic aggregates fired in a rotary kiln.
This procedure is a modification of the procedure previously reported elsewhere (!)·
The apparatus shall consist of the following: (a) pressure cooker (common kitchen-
type with 6-quart capacity and 15-psi pressure regulator); (b) centrifuge bottles, 500
ml Pyrex; (c) balance with 3,000 gram capacity having a sensitivity of 0.1 gram; (d)
heavy-duty i·eciprocating laboratory shaker (Precision Scientific Cat. No. 5855 01· equiv-
alent); (e) sieves (3/4-in., No. 10, and No. 40 sieves that meet the requirements of ASTM
Specification E 11); and {£) drying oven capable of heating to 105 C (220 F).
An unwashed representative sample of sufficient volume to half fill the centrifuge
bottle should be chosen. The sample material is that which passes a %-in . sieve and
is caught on a No. 10 sieve. Any material retained on the %-in. sieve s.hould be crushed
to pass this sieve using a minimum amount of crushing. Because synthetic aggregates
vary widely as to specific gravity, a volumetric measure of the sample is used rather
than weight.
1. Place the sample into the centrifuge bottle, and add 200 ml of distilled water. It
is not necessary to determine the initial weight of the sample. (Repeat for any number
of samples up to as many as can be conveniently placed in the pressure cooker.)
2. Place the centrifuge bottles containing the aggregates in the pressure cooker, add
approximately /2 in. of distilled water to the pressure cooker, and seal the lid tightly.
3. Heat the pressure cooker with a large Bunsen burner until full pressure is indi-
cated by the pressure regulator.
4. Adjust flame to allow only a slight escape of steam and maintain pressure for 15
minutes. Remove the Bunsen burner, release the pressure, and remove the centrifuge
5. After cooling to approximately 100 F, place corks in the centrifuge bottles and
place the bottles in the laboratory shaker. Shake the aggregates for 15 minutes.
6. After removing the bottles from the shaker, wash the sample over a No. 40sieve,
taking care not to lose any of either -40 or +40 material.
7. Dry both -40 and +40 materi:ll to a constant weight at 105 C (220 F). Because of
rehydration, the final total weight of the sample may be greater than the initial weight.
The pressure-slaking loss is expressed as the percent passing the No. 40 sieve and
is calculated by the following equation:
Appendix B
This procedure is a modificati on of the pressure-slaking test p1·ocedure given in
Appendix A. The modification was made to better utilize existing equipment in the
Texas Highway Department district laboratories.
The apparatus shall consist of the following: (a) pressure cooker (common kitchen-
type With 6-quart capacity and 15-psi pressure r egulator); (b) centrifuge bottles, 500
ml Pyrex; (c) Tyler sieve shaker (Soiltest Model No. C1-305A or equivalent, cpm =
285 ± 10, throw = 13/.i ± 1/., in.); (d) balance with 3,000 gram capacity having a sensitivity
of 0 .1 gram; (e) stainless steel bucket (fits Tyler sieve shaker) consisting of Bain Marie
pot with cover and beake1· without a pouring lip (8% quart, 8-in . body diameter, 93/.i-in.
depth, 8%-in. over bead diameter, available from Texas Hi~lnvay Department D- 4 stock;
(f) spacer (7%-in. diameter by 2in. thick), rubber cushion (7%-in. diameter by /e in.
thick), and miscellaneous rubber sheeting or rags; (g) sieves (%-in ., No. 10, and No. 40
sieves that meet the requirements of ASTM Specification E 11); and (h) drying oven
capable of heating to 105 C (220 F).
An unwashed representative sample of sufficient volume to half fill the centrifuge
bottle should be chosen. The sample material is that which passes a 3/..-in. sieve and
is caught on a No. 10 sieve. Any material retained on the %-in. sieve should be crushed
to pass this sieve using a miuimum amount of crushing. Because synthetic aggregates
vary widely as to specific gravity, a volumetric measure of the sample is used rather
than weight.
1. Place the sample into the centrifuge bottle, and acid 200 ml of distilled water. It
is not necessary to determine the initial weight of the sample. (Repeat for any number
of samples up to as many as can be conveniently placed in the pressure cooker.)
2. Place the centrifuge bottles containing the aggregates into the pressure cooker,
add approximately 1/2 in. of distilled water to the pressure cooker, and seal the lid tightly.
3. Heat the pressure cooker with a large Bunsen burner until full pressure is indi-
cated by the pressure regulator.
4. Adjust flame to allow only a slight escape of steam and maintain pressure for 15
minutes. Remove the Bunsen burner, release the pressure, and remove the centrifuge
5. After cooling to approximately 100 F, place corks in the centrifuge bottles and
place the bottles vertically in the stainless steel bucket. (The rubber cushion should be
placed beneath the bottles and the rubber sheeting or rags inserted between the bottles
to press them firmly against the side of the bucket.)
6. Place the spacer over the rubber corks in the bottles and fasten the cover to
press the bottles against the bottom of the bucket.
7. Lock the stainless steel bucket in the Tyler sieve shaker and shake the aggre-
gates for 15 minutes.
8. After removing the bottles from the s haker, wash the sample over a No. 40sieve,
taking care not to lose any of either -40 or +40 material.
9. Dry both -40 and +40 material to a constant weight at 105 C (220 F). Because of
rehydration, the final total weight of the sample may be greater than the initial weight.
The pressure-slaking (Mod. 1) loss is expressed as the percent passing the No. 40
sieve and is calculated by the following equation:
•BULK SPECIFIC GRAVITY is the ratio of the weight in air of a given volume of a per-
meable material (including both permeable and impermeable voids normal to the mate -
rial) at a stated temperature to the weight in air of an equal volume of distilled water
at a stated temperature. The bulk specific gravity of an aggregate, as defined by the
ASTM, equals the oven-dry weight of the aggregate (A) divided by the sum of the aggre-
gate volume (Vs), the volume of the permeable voids (Vp), and the volume of the im-
permeable voids (Vi) times the unit weight of water (yw):
bulk specific gravity = (Vs + v: + Vi) "YVi
B - C
where B is the saturated surface-dry weight (in grams) of the material in air and C is
the weight (in grams) of saturated material in water. Those voids that cannot be filled
with water after a 24-hour soaking are referred to as impermeable voids. Voids that
can be filled with water after a 24-hour soaking period are referred to as permeable.
Percent voids is widely used as one of the criteria for the design of bituminous pav-
ing mixtures. The exact determination of bulk specific gravity of the various constitu-
ents of the paving mixture is necessary to calculate the voids properties accurately.
Paper sponsored by Committee on Mineral Aggregates and presented at the 49th Annual Meeting.
Bulk specific gravity is also used in design calculations of concrete mixtures. The
specific gravity of aggregates must be known to enable the designer to compute the
amounts of the various ingredients in the mixture. Because almost all batching is now
done on a weight basis, the importance of correctness of its value is readily apparent.
Experience has shown that, for some materials, tJrn results of bulk specific gravity
are ve1·y difficult to l'eproduce. This is mainly caused by the persc:mal element involved
in judging the point at which the aggregate has dried out sufficiently to reach the
"saturated surface-dry condition," which is theoretically the point at which all the sur-
face moisture has gone from the particles but with the permeable pores remaining com-
pletely filled.
ASTM Standard Methods C 127 and C 128 outline means for determining absorption
and bulk specific gravity of aggregates. These standards call for immersion of mate-
rial in water for 24 hours, followed by drying until the surface-dry state is attained.
Coarse aggregates are rolled in an absorbent cloth until all visible films of water are
Fine aggregates are spread on a pan and exposed to a gentle current of warm air
until a free-flowing condition is reached. The aggregate is then lightly tamped into a
conical mold. If the cone stands when the mold is removed, the fine aggregate is as-
sumed to carry moisture on its surface, and it is dried further. When the cone just be-
gins to slump after removal of the cone, it is assumed to be in a saturated surface-dry
state. In addition to variation caused by individual judgment, the fact that large particles
tend to dry more quickly than small particles may lead to overdrying of the larger par-
ticles, unless the precaution is taken of recognizing and handling these particles sepa-
rately. These variations become significant in the case of aggregates having a rough
and porous surface.
For natural, well-graded fine aggregates, the saturated surface-dry condition is
usually reproducible. The end point is more erratic for crushed fine aggregates be-
cause the angularity of the particles does not permit a definite slump condition as do
the rounded surfaces of natural sands. Besides this, the higher percentage of material
passing the No. 100 sieve also poses a problem in achieving slump condition.
Various attempts have been made in the past to pinpoint the saturated surface-dry
condition of the aggregates to improve the reproducibility of the bulk specific gravity
test results. These include Howard's glass jar method (1, 2), Martin's wet and dry
bulb temperature method (3)' Saxer's absorption time curve procedure (4) I and Hughes
and BaJ1ramian' s saturated-air-drying method ( 5). However, the various modifications
either offer little improvement or are too elaborate to be of practical value in the field
or average laboratory.
Bulk specific gravity has also been determined by simple mensuration; for example,
by use of a micrometer or a dial gage to determine the volume 0f regular shape samples.
When the sample is irregular or particulate it has been determined by mercury dis-
placement under a given pressure, provided the mercury does not wet the surfaces of
the sample. Both methods have been included in this study to assess the comparative
values of bulk specific gravity as obtained from ASTM standard methods. Rock cores
from the same block samples have been used for both these methods to eliminate errors
caused by sample variation.
A new chemical indicator method has been tried in this study. Its adoption is sug-
gested for determining the saturated surface-dry condition of both coarse and fine ag-
gregates. This seems very practical and eliminates most of the personal judgment in-
volved in standard ASTM tests.
The purposes of this investigation are (a) to evaluate the reasonableness and repeat-
ability of the standard ASTM methods for bulk specific gravity, as compared with other
alternative methods; (b) to develop new, simple methods to determine the bulk specific
gravity or the saturated surface-dry condition for granular materials more reliably;
and (c) to evaluate these new methods as compared to the ASTM methods.
Crushed .L\.ggregates
Six limestone aggregates that were obtained from various areas in Iowa and that range
from most absorptive to least absorptive in character have been included in the study
for both coarse and fine aggregates. Mercury-intrusion porosity (21-0.05 µ.pore radius
range) varied from 0.90 percent in Linwood limestone to 17.44 percent in Cook limestone,
with va1·ying pore characteristics and surface texture. Besides these, one trap- rock
aggregate and one blast-furnace slag were included to provide variation in water absorp-
tion, pore characteristics, and specific gravity. Subsequently, at a later stage, Synopal
(a synthetic aggregate manufactured in Denmark) was also included because it is sup-
posed to have uniform structure and other characteristics and it could be used in the
comparative study on bulk s pecific gravity. The details of limestone aggregates studied
are given in Table 1. For coarse aggregates, the fraction passing the %-in. sieve and
retained on the No. 4 sieve was used so as to have uniformity in results. For fine ag-
gregates, the fraction passing the No. 4 sieve and retained on the No. 100 sieve was used
(Table 2).
Rock Cores
Rock cores % in. in diameter were drilled from blocks obtained from the respective
limestone quarries to be used for determination of bulk specific gravity. They do not
necessarily represent the beds fro m which the aggregates were procu r ed but have been
used to ensure material homogeneity and to assess the relative values of ASTM bulk
specific gravity in comparison with that obtained from other methods. For uniformity,
the rock cores were drilled at right angles to the natural bedding planes. For geomet-
rical measurements, the ends of the rock cores were trimmed so as to have a true cyl-
inder for accurate measurement of volume.
Percent Passing
Sieve No.
Menlo Pints Alden Linwood Cook Keota
Chemical Indicators
For the new methods to determine satur ated surface-dry condition , four chemic al
indicators were t ried: (a) cobalt chloride, (b) fluorescein disodium salt, (c) cupric
chloride, and (d) copper sulfate. Of these, only the first two gave encouraging results
and have been included in this study.
Rock Cores
ASTM Method-ASTM Standard Method C 127 was adopted for 1/2-in. diameter rock
cores to determine bulk specific gravity. The rock cores could be rolled uniformly on
absorbent cloth to achieve a saturated surface-dry condition as defined by ASTM.
Geometrical Mensuration Method-In the geometrical mensuration method each rock
core was weighed to 0.0001 gram and its dimensions were measured with a caliper up
to 0.01 cm. Average diameter and length were calculated after measuring at three or
four places. Duplicate determinations were made for each rock type. Bulk specific
gravity was calculated as weight divided by measured volume.
Mercury Displacement Method-A mercury porosimeter , as used in determination
of mercury-intrusion porosity and pore-size distribution of aggregates, was used to
determine the bulk volume of the rock core at 5 psi. The theory and operation of the ap-
paratus are described elsewhere ( 6, 7). The authors have devised a simpler apparatus,
using a modified 250-ml burette coiuiected to a sample chamber at one end and a mer-
cury reservoir at the other end, to measure bulk specific gravity of aggregates by the
mercury displacement method, but it will not be discussed here.
Crushed Aggregates
ASTM Methods-ASTM Standard Methods C 127 and C 128 were followed for deter-
mination of bulk specific gravity of coarse and fine aggregates respectively, except that
Chapman flasks were used for fine aggregates. The bulk specific gravity (Gb) was cal-
culated as follows:
Gb = V - 200
Y = -0.0735 + l.0625X
where X = bulk specific gravity by the ASTM method, and
Y = bulk specific gravity by geometrical mensuration.
Bulk specific gravity by geometrical mensuration is greater than that by the ASTM
method. Differences range from 0.07 for light aggregate to 0.09 for heavy aggregate.
A possible reason for this almost constant difference is the moist surface of the rock
cores even after being rolled in absorbent cloth. Because of this, the saturated surface-
dry weight observed is high, resulting in reduced bulk specific gravity. However, bulk
specific gravity by geometrical measurements may give slightly higher results because
of a slight undulation irregularity that is neglected in the measurement of dimensions.
However, it seems that the moist surface plays a predominant role in causing this sig-
nificant difference.
8 2.800 0
2. BOOr-- - -- - -- - -- --..- --,
w ...
~ ~
2.700 z 2.700
w 0
~~ 2.600
g 2 .600
~ 2.SOO :i 2 .500 r=0 . 9969
0w y = -0 .0735 + 1.0625 x
~ C>
~ 2,400 r = 0.9915 g 2.400
"'<-' e;
~ 2 . 200~-~--~-~--.....__ _,__ __, ~ 2,200..___~_ _ .....__ _,__ _.....__ _,__ __,
5 2.200 2.300 2.400 2.500 2,600 2.700 2.800 ~ 2.200 2.300 2.400 2,500 2.600 2,700 2.800
Figure 1. Bulk specific gravity of cores, ASTM Figure 2. Bulk specific gravity of cores, ASTM
method versus geometric mensuration method. method versus mercury displacement method.
The correlation coefficient for values obtained by the ASTM standard method and
those by the mercury displacement method is 0.9915 (Fig. 2), which is significant at the
1 percent level. The equation for the regression line is
Y = -0.1154 + 1.0661X
where X = bulk specific gravity by the ASTM method, and
Y = bulk specific gravity by the mercury displacement method.
Specific gravity obtained by the mercury displacement method is higher than that of
the ASTM standard method. The difference ranges from 0.04 for light aggregate to 0.06
for heavy aggregate. Again, a possible reason is the moistness over the surface in the
ASTM standard test.
From the results of these three methods, it thus appears that ASTM standard tests
C 127 and C 128 may underestimate the bulk specific gravity as they take into account ab-
sorption as well as adsorption of the particles. This is indicated by the moistness that
can be seen visually. This discrepancy had been pointed out by Shergold {8) 1 who r ec -
ommended that the aggregate should be exposed to the atmosphere for at least 10 min-
utes before being weighed after the aggregate has been wiped dry with absorbent cloth.
However, this 10-minute time period cannot be adopted in all circumstances because
of the varying air temperature and humidity conditions, but it does indicate the required
improvement of the test.
Hughes and Bahramian (5) also obtained results showing that water absorption values
obtained from the ASTM method were significantly higher than those obtained by their
saturated air method. This further supports the underestimation of bulk specific gravity
by standard test.
BULK SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF COARSE AGGREGATES Bulk specific gravity of coarse aggre-
BY VARIOUS METHODS gates was determined by four methods:
CoCl 2 FSS
Mercury ASTM Standard Method C 127, chemical
Method Method Method
Displacement indicator method using cobalt chloride,
chemical indicator method using fluores-
Cook cein sodium salt, and mercury displace-
1-S-B 2.567 2.601 2.615 2.560 ment method. Average results based on
1-L-A 2.613 2.556
1-L-B 2.603 2. 526 duplicate determinations are given in
Table 4.
2-A 2.348 2.321 Bulk specific gravity values determined
2-B 2. 333 2.356 2.337 2.364 by the ASTM method have been plotted in
Alden Figure 3 against those obtained by the mer-
3-S-B 2.4 75 2.537 2.487 2.496
3-L-A 2.5 17 2. 546 cury displacement method for 15 coarse
3-L-B 2.508 2. 555 aggregates. Correlation is very good-
Linwood value of the correlation coefficient is
4-A 2.6 13 2.644 0.9924, which is significant at the 1 per-
4-B 2.582 2.620 2.631 2.658
cent level. The equation of the regression
Cook line is
5-S-B- 2.397 2.445 2.437 2.480
5-L-A 2.426 2.447
5-L-B 2.408 2.481 Y = 0.1738 + 0.9358X
Keota where X = bulk specific gravity by the
6-A 2 .3 26 2.322
6-B 2.263 2.270 2.250 2.257
ASTM method, and
Y bulk specific gravity by the
A 2 .668 mercury displacement method.
B 2.656 2.639 2.654
As in cores, bulk specific gravity val-
A 2.8 22 ues obtained by mercury displacement are
B 2.857 2.900 2.903 higher than those obtained by the ASTM
Syn opal method.
B 2.149 2.180 Values of bulk specific gravity obtained
a A = passing l in. sieve and retained on 3/e in . sieve. 8 = passing 3/8 in. sieve by using cobalt chloride (Table 3) as the
and retained on No, 4 sieve. indicator of saturated surface-dry condition
0 2 .9(1(1
i= 2 .700 ~---------------..
:E.... 0 "'
0 2,800 _,....coCl2 METHOD
z ....
:I: r ~ 0,9913
~ 2.600 ~
..... 2.700 - <:>of SS METHO D
~ r = 0 . 9224 0
l5 rR0 , 9946
~ 0
~ 2 .500 ~ 2.600
::> I
-::. 2,500
:EI 2.400
y = 0.1738 + 0. 9358 x !:l
< ,,;. 2.400
!:l a..
~ 2.300 ;'.: 2.300
e; "' 2. 200 =--=-*""-----='""""'~=-::-+.=-.,,..-.!:""'""...,,....,"="~
~ 2.200 '----'----~--~--~-~ 2.200 2 . 300 2 .400 2 ,500 2. 600 2.700 2 .800 2 .900
"' 2.200 2.300 2.400 2.500 2.600 2.700 BULK SP, GR. (C. A.) -ASTM METHOD
are higher than those obtained by the ASTM method. The difference is about 0.03 for
the entire range of aggregates . Linear correlation is excellent (Fig. 4)-the correlation
coefficient is 0.9913, which is significant at the 1 percent level.
The striking constancy of difference in the entire range of light to heavy aggregates,
except slag, seems to point out that the chemical method takes care of the adsorbed
water on the surface of the aggregates, because only anhydrous C0Cl2 can have a blue
color while CoCb · 6H20 is red. Because of the disappearance of adsorbed water, the
weight of saturated surface-dry aggregate in air is less, which gives an increased value
of bulk specific gravity. It seems that the chemical method gives realistic bulk specific
gravity values. It is further supported when these values obtained from the C0Cl2
method are compared with those obtained
bythe mercury·displacement method(Fig.
5). Correlation is excellent-the value of 2 . 700 ~-------------~
Fine Aggregates
Results of bulk specific gravity tests
on fine aggregates (average value based on duplicate determinations) are given in Table
5. Figure 6 shows the linear correlations of ASTM bulk specific gravity with values ob-
tained by using the two chemical methods.
With cobalt chloride, the correlation coefficient is 0. 98 62, which is significant at the
1 percent level, and the equation for the regression line is
Y = 0.1831 + 0.9237X
where X bulk specific gravity by the ASTM method, and
y bulk specific gravity by the CoClz method.
As in the case of coarse aggregates, values obtained by the CoClz method are higher
than those obtained by the ASTM method. The difference is about 0.01 for the entire
range of aggregates and is smaller than the 0.03 observed in the case of coarse
With fluorescein sodium salt, the correlation coefficient is 0.9897, which is signifi-
cant at the 1 percent level. The equation for the regression line is
Y = 0.1801 + 0.9250X
where X = bulk specific gravity by the ASTM method, and
Y = bulk specific gravity by the FSS method.
The relationship is similar to that observed in the case of cobalt chloride.
Aggregate Operator L Operator D Operator K Variation
2.615 2.608 2.605
CoCI, 2.600 > 2.608 2. 599 > 2.604 2. 598 > 2.602 0.006
2. 576 2. 598 2.590
ASTM 2. 577 > 2.577 2.588 > 2. 589 2.592 > 2. 590 0.013
2.404 2.402 2.401
CoC! 2 2.417 > 2 .4 11 2.415 > 2.409 2.414 > 2 .4° 8 0.003
2.318 2.334 2.335
ASTM 2.317 > 2.318 2.339 > 2.337 2 . 3~1 > 2.333 0.019
CoC! 2 2. 529 2.530 2. 518
2. 522 > 2.526 2.524 > 2. 527 2.523 > 2. 521 0 .006
Fine Aggregate
ASTM Me thod CoC1 2 Method FSS Method
Aggregate Ope rator L Opera tor D Operator K Variation
1- S-C
2.574 2.637 2.552
CoC1 2 2. 573 > 2. 574 2.634 > 2.636 2 .551 > 2.552 0.084
2.571 2.569 2.560
ASTM 2. 561 > 2. 566 2. 568 > 2. 569 2. 557 > 2. 559 0.010
2.466 2.522 2. 510
CoC1 2 2.464 > 2 .4 55 2.519 > 2. 521 2 .507 > 2. 50 9 0.056
2.481 2. 553 2.491
ASTM 2.486 > 2 .4 84 2.542 > 2. 548 2 .486 > 2.489 0 .064
may give duplicate determinations checking within 0.01. Because CoCb is very inex-
pensi ve in comparison with fluorescein s odium salt, the former is preferred .
Between operators, the maximum difference obser ved in value of bulk specific grav-
ity by the CoC1 2 method is 0 .084, wher eas for the ASTM method it is 0.064 (Table 9).
It seems that over drying occur r ed in some of the tests, resulting in higher bulk specific
4. Chemical methods achieve the elimination of the moistness over the aggregates
and thus tend to give realistic values of bulk specific gravity. Allainuuml of satu1·ated
surface-dry condition in the case of fine aggregates by the chemical method is not af-
fected by the interlocking of the particles.
5. Results of chemical methods agree well with those obtained from the mercury
displacement method.
6. The cobalt chloride method in general appears to be the preferable of the two
chemical methods investigated, considering the data in this study and the relative cost.
However, fluorescein sodium salt is better suited when dealing with dark-colored ag-
7. Data in this limited study seem to indicate that most duplicate determinations
check within 0.01 in the case of the chemical method compared with the 0.02 specified
in the ASTM standard test, although extensive tests should be made in various labora-
tories to establish the reproducibility and limitations of this method.
This report is the partial result of a study at the Engineering Research Institute,
Iowa State University, under the sponsorship of the Iowa Highway Research Board and
the Iowa State Highway Commission.
1. Howa1·d, E. L. Discussion, Proc. Am. Concrete Inst., Vol. 54, 1958, p. 1215.
2. Peai-son, J. C. A Simple Titration Method for Determining the Absorption of Fine
Aggregate. Rock Products, Vol. 32, 1929, p. 64.
3. Martin, J. R. Two Years of Highway Researcl1 at Oklahoma A. and M. Proc. AAPT,
Vol. 19, 1950, pp. 41-54.
4. Saxer, E. L. A Direct Method of Determining Absorption and Specific Gravity of
Aggregates. Rock Products, Vol. 87, 1956, pp. 77-79.
5. Hughes, B. P., and Bahramian, B. An Accurate Laboratory Test for Determining
the Absorption of Aggregates. Materials Research and Standards, 1967 1 pp.
6. Lee, D. Y. The Relationships Between Physical and Chemical Properties of Aggre-
gates and Their Asphalt Absorption. Proc. AAPT, Vol. 38, pp. 242-275, 1969.
. "
7. Hiltrop, C. L., and Lemish, J. Relationship of Pore_-Size Distribution and Other
Rock Properties to the Serviceability of Some Carbonate Aggregates. HRB Bull.
239, 1960, pp. 1-23.
8. Shergold, F. A. Test for the Apparent Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse
Aggregates. Jour . Appl. Chem., Vol. 3, Pt. 3, 1953, pp. 110- 117.
Cobalt Chloride Method
The procedure is the same as for the ASTM Standard Methods C 127 and C 128 ex-
cept for the following points:
1. The sample is immersed in a 5 percent solution of cobalt chloride instead of plain
water for 24 hours.
2. The sample is removed from the solution and put on a table, which should have
a white top, or it can be put in a wide, white enameled tray. The aggregate may not
appear to be colored, but the visible water films on the aggregate will be pinkish in