Cyclic Voltammetric CV Evaluation of Electro Chemical Behaviors of k3 Fe cn6 and Uric Acid

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Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences

Research Article

Cyclic Voltammetric (CV) Evaluation of Electro chemical Behaviors of K3 [Fe

(CN)6] and Uric Acid
Siyum Shewakena Beshahwored*
Department of Forensic Science, University of Ethiopian Police College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Cyclic Voltammetry has a multipurpose electroanalytical technique for the study of electroactive species, the method
displays redox behaviour of chemical species inside a wide range potential. The current at the working electrode is
observed as a three-cornered excitation potential is applied to the electrode. The purpose of this paper was to
determine the diffusion coefficient (D) of the K3[Fe(CN)6] and uric acid; electrochemical nature of K3[Fe(CN)6] and
uric acid, effects of varying the concentrations analytes on peak currents and peak splitting and scan rate CV on peak
currents and peak splitting. All the reagents used for this experiment were analytical grade. K3[Fe(CN)6] and uric acid
solutions were prepared. The experiment has been implemented with the principles of cyclic voltammetry. The
relationship between the scan rate and the peak current were investigated and the result shows that there is a direct
relationship between scan rate and peak current that is Ipα V1/2. As articulated on the above voltammograms, the
peak current increases with the augmentation of the concentrations of K3[Fe(CN)6], So that, the researcher conclude
the manifestation of direct relationship between peak current and concentration of analytes. The experiment of this
research shows that the increasing of diffusion coefficient (D) with increasing of concentrations /and scan rate.The
peak currents and peak splitting fluctuate with variation of scan rate of CV. Similarly, the peak currents and peak
splitting vacillate with variation of concentration of the analytes.CV therefore can be used as an indication of major
analytical tool for the determination of the trace elements which are electro active in nature. The electrochemical
nature of K3[Fe(CN)6] and uric acid were determined; reversible and irreversible respectively.
Keywords: Cyclic Voltammetry; Ferricyanide; Uric Acid; Electrochemical Behaviour

INTRODUCTION and convenient evaluation of the effect of media upon the redox
process. A cyclic voltammogram is obtained by applying a linear
Cyclic voltammetry is a method used for investigating of the potential sweep (that is, a potential that increases or decreases
electrochemical behaviour of a system It was first described in linearly with time) to the working electrode. As the potential is
1938 and pronounced theoretically . Cyclic voltammetry is the swept back and forth past the formal potential, E°, of an analyte,
most broadly used technique for obtaining qualitative current flows through the electrode that either oxidizes or
information about electro chemical reactions. The power of reduces the analyte. The magnitude of this current is
cyclic voltammetry results from its ability to rapidly provide proportional to the concentration of the analyte in solution,
considerable information on the thermo dynamics of redox which allows cyclic voltammetry to be used in an analytical
processes, on the kinetics of heterogeneous electron-transfer determination of concentration [1].
reactions and on coupled chemical reactions or adsorption
processes. Cyclic voltammetry is frequently the first experimental CV has become a very popular technique for electrochemical
approach performed in an electro analytical study, since it offers studies of new systems, and has proved as a sensitive tool for
rapid location of redox potentials of the electro active species obtaining information about fairly complicated electrode
reactions. CV methods have found to have extensive

Correspondence to: Siyum Shewakena Beshahwored, Department of Forensic Science, University of Ethiopian Police College, Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia,Tel: 251 910370045; E-mail: [email protected]
Received date: April 05, 2021; Accepted date: April 19, 2021; Published date: April 26, 2021
Citation: Beshahwored SS (2021) Cyclic Voltammetric (CV) Evaluation of Electro chemical Behaviors of K3 [Fe (CN) 6] and Uric Acid. J Nutr Food
Sci. Vol.11 Iss.6 No:806.
Copyright: © 2021 Beshahwored SS. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

J Nutr Food Sci, Vol. 11 Iss. 6 No: 808 1

Beshahwored SS

applications for the evaluation of thermodynamic and kinetic levels of uric acid are symptoms of several physiological
parameters such as number of electrons change (n), disorders . High levels of uric acid cause hyperuricemia, excess
heterogeneous rate constant (ko), entropy (S), Gibb's free energy serum accumulation of uric acid in the blood can lead to
(G) and diffusion coefficient (Do) etc., of a number of redox arthritis (gout) . The low concentration of uric acid leads to
reactions and associated chemical reactions These methods are hyperuricemia and other diseases such as Lesch-Nyhan
especially useful in both oxidation and reduction process and to syndrome and heavy hepatitis . Uric acid is also a marker for the
study the multiple electron transfer in an electrochemical renal failure . Its quantitative determination in body fluids is
reaction [2]. necessary for the treatment of diseases [6] .
Potassium ferricyanide is a bright red salt with a chemical The purpose of this paper is to determine the diffusion
formula K3Fe (CN)6. The salt contains that the octahedral and coefficient (D) of K3Fe (CN)6 and uric acid; electrochemical
coordinated [Fe (CN) 6]3- ion. It is soluble in acetonitrile-water nature of K3Fe (CN)6 and uric acid; the effects of fluctuating
media (1:1) and its solution shows some green yellow concentrations of K3Fe (CN)6 and uric acid on peak currents
fluorescence. Like the other metal cyanides, solid potassium and peak splitting and the effects of shifting scan rate of the CV
ferricyanide has a complicated polymeric structure. The polymer on peak currents and peak splitting [7].
consists of octahedral [Fe (CN) 6]3- centres cross linked with K+
ions that are bound to the CN ligands. The K +---NCFe linkages MATERIALS AND METHODS
break when the solid is dissolved in water-acetonitrile media .
The Fe(CN)63- / Fe (CN)64- redox couple is used as an example Reagents
of an electrochemically reversible redox system used to study All the reagents used for this experiment were analytical grade, a
some basic concepts of Cyclic Voltammetry [Fe (CN)6]3− consists 100 ml stock solution of 10 mM K 3Fe (CN)6 in 0.1 M KNO3 was
of a Fe3+ centre bound in octahedral geometry to six cyanide prepared. Successive dilutions of this solution were done. 0.1 M
ligands). The complex has Ohsymmetry The iron is low spin and HClO4 was made for cleaning the working electrode during
easily reduced to the related ferrocyanide ion [Fe(CN)6]4−, which analysis of K3Fe (CN)6 , 1 mM EtOH was made for cleaning the
is a ferrous (Fe2+) derivative. This redox couple is reversible and working electrode during analysis of uric acid , 5 mM uric acid
entails no making or breaking of Fe-C bonds: [Fe(CN)6]3−+ e− and deionized water were used [8].
→ [Fe(CN)6]4 [3].
For the reasons above, potassium ferricyanide redox is a
standard in electrochemistry . This redox couple is also used in: In the experiment underneath, cyclic voltammeter, Arrangement
preparation of Prussian Blue (the deep blue pigment in blue of a three electrode glass cell was used together, glassy carbon
printing), as a chemical reducer in photographic processing to working electrode (Diameter of glassy carbon= 0.3 cm, radius
remove silver from negatives and positives (dot etching), in wine =0.15 cm) was used, the Ag/AgCl reference electrode, and the
production potassium ferricyanide has been used to precipitate platinum wire as a counter electrode [9].
out copper if copper has been used as a fungicide on the Analytical procedure
grapes.In histology, it is used to detect ferrous iron in biological
tissue [4] . The glassy carbon working electrode was refined using a solution
of 0.1 M HClO4 and cleaned with distilled water beforehand
The main objective of this experiment was to illustrate the basics experimentation to have renewed working surface and to ensure
of cyclic voltammetry by studying the one-electron reversible good electron transfer. The solutions that prepared above was
redox system. The properties of the reaction: Fe3+(CN)63- Fe2+ added to the cell and carefully eliminated with Oxygen-free
(CN)64- were investigated. The parameters of greatest interest for Nitrogen 15 minutes before running a CV. In addition, the
a reversible CV are the peak cathodic Potential (Epc), the peak solution was stirred between experiments in order to restore
anodic potential (Epa), the peak cathodic current (ipc) and the initial conditions, but it was not stirred during the experiment.
peak anodic current (ipa) The peak currents of a reversible 0.1 M KNO3 supporting electrolyte was to control electrode
process are given by the Randless Sevick equation: ip = (2.69 x potentials, eradicate the transport of electroactive species from
105)n3/2AD1/2 V1/2 , Where A is the electrode surface area travelling in the electric field gradients, preserve persistent ionic
(cm2) obtained using geometrical measurements, D is the strength and keep constant pH, this guaranteed a diffusion
diffusion coefficient (cm2/s), C is the concentration of the controlled electrode process. The glassy carbon working
electroactive species in the bulk solution (mol/cm3) and V is the electrode was rinsed very well between experiments. The CV was
scan rate (v) Therefore, ip is proportional to C and proportional run from -0.2 to 0.8 V, the CV was completed at different scan
to V1/2. If A is kno wn, then D can be calculat ed fr om the rates. In addition, the CV was run from -0.2V to 0.8 V by
slopes of the linear [5] . varying the concentration of K3Fe (CN)6.
Uric Acid (UA) (2, 6, 8-trihydroxypurine) is electroactive To realize electrochemical nature of uric acid, a cyclic
biomolecule, a white crystalline powder, soluble in water and is voltammetry was run for 0.005 M uric acid with different scan
one of the important final end products of purine metabolism rate, from -0.2 to 1.4 V. The glassy carbon working electrode was
in the human body In healthy persons the concentration of uric rinsed very well between experiments and immersed in 0.001 M
acid in urine is around 2 mM and in the blood it is in the range EtOH for 30 minutes. The electrode was removed from that the
of 120 mM to 450 mM. Normally, the healthy human beings are solution and rinses it thoroughly; the experiments were
excrete about 400 to 700 mg through urine per day. Abnormal conducted at the room temperature (25 º C). Finally, and that

J Nutr Food Sci, Vol. 11 Iss. 6 No: 808

Beshahwored SS

voltammograms of the analytes (K3Fe (CN)6 and uric acid) were Table2: Voltammetry results of K3 [Fe (CN) 6] at scan rate100
fashioned and interpreted [10]. mVs-1 and different concentration.

RESULTS Conc.(mM) Ipa Ipc Epa Epc

2 42.46 -43.9 0.257 0.164

a. Effects of scan Rate
3 53.7 -53.7 0.263 0.161

5 63.4 -64.3 0.265 0.169

C. Uric Acid at different scan rate

Figure1: Voltammograms of 5 mM K3Fe (CN)6 at different scan


Table1: Voltammetry results of 5 mM K 3[Fe(CN)6] at the different

scan rate.

Scan Rate Ia(A) Ic(A) Ea(V) Ec(v)

Figure.3: Voltammograms of 5mM Uric Acid at different scan
100 63.4 -63.36 0.265 0.169 rate.

150 76.31 -77.1 0.268 0.164 Table3: Voltammetry results of 5 mM Uric Acid at different scan
175 81.64 -82.31 0.271 0.162
Scan rate in Current(A) E(v)
200 87.1 -87.2 0.273 0.161 mVS-1

A 100 13.5 0.363

b. Effects of concentration
B 125 20.2 0.367

C 150 29.1 0.387

Electrode area (A) = πr 2= 3.14 x (0.15 cm) 2 = 0.07065 cm2; ∆
Epeak=59 mV/n, n=59 mv/ (0.265-0.169) =0.89=1; I p = I c -Ia=
(63.4-63.36) A=126.76A
Determination of diffusion coefficient (D) (cm2/sec)
For K3Fe (CN) at 5 mMK3Fe (CN)6 and 100 mv/sscan rate: Ip =
(2.69 x 105) n3/2 v1/2 D1/2 A C [1], D1/2=Ip/
((2.69 x 10 5)n3/2v1/2AC),D1/2 =126.76/ 2.69 x 105 (1)3/2 x
(100 x 10-3)1/2
x 0.07065x5,D1/2 =126.76/0.300493 x 10 5=421.9707 x 1011,D=178
0 59.2716 x 1010 cm 2/se=1.78 x 10 -5 cm 2/sec.
Figure.2: Voltammograms at scan rate100 mVs-1 and different
concentrations of K3Fe (CN)6 .

J Nutr Food Sci, Vol. 11 Iss. 6 No: 808 3

Beshahwored SS

For Uric Acid at different 5 mM, Ip=2.99x105n (αnα)1/2 ACD1/2 of major analytical tool for the determination of the trace
V1/2 [1], D1/2 =Ip/2.99 x105n (αnα)1/2ACV1/2, D= elements which are electro active in nature. The electrochemical
(13.5/2.99 x 10 5 (αnα)1/2 (1) x (1003/2 x 10 -3)1/2 nature of K3[Fe(CN)6] and uric acid were determined; reversible
x 0.07065 x 5)2=1.595/αnα x 10 -7 cm2/se. and irreversible respectively.

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J Nutr Food Sci, Vol. 11 Iss. 6 No: 808 4

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