Physics Special Book For o Level

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Prepared by SR. DIDAS DATIUS

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level and A-level.


Introduction .............................................................................................................. ………………………………………………….i
Introduction to Physics Concept of Physics .................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction to Laboratory Practice ................................................................................................................................ 3
Measurement....................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Force ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Archimedes’s Principle and Law of Flotation ........................................................................................................................... 26
Structure and Properties of Matter ............................................................................................................................................... 35
Pressure ................................................................................................................................................................................. 41
Work, Energy and Power ................................................................................................................................................. 51
Light Part I ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 57
Static Electricity .................................................................................................................................................................. 62
Current Electricity ............................................................................................................................................................. 70
Magnetism ............................................................................................................................................................................ 77
Moment of a Force .............................................................................................................................................................. 82
Simple Machines ................................................................................................................................................................. 87
Motion in a Straight Line .................................................................................................................................................. 97
Newton’s Equation of Motion....................................................................................................................................... 103
Newton’s Law of Motion ................................................................................................................................................ 106
Temperature ...................................................................................................................................................................... 113
Sustainable Energy Source............................................................................................................................................ 116
Application of Vectors .................................................................................................................................................... 120
Friction................................................................................................................................................................................. 126
Reflection of Light from Curved Mirror .................................................................................................................................... 130
Refraction of Light through Plane Media ..........................................................................................................................135
Refraction through Prism .............................................................................................................................................. 144
Optical Instruments......................................................................................................................................................... 149
Thermal Expansion ......................................................................................................................................................... 156
Introduction of Heat Transfer .......................................................................................................................................... 168
Heat Content ...................................................................................................................................................................... 172
Change of State .................................................................................................................................................................. 176
Current Electricity ........................................................................................................................................................... 184
Wave ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 198
Electromagnetism............................................................................................................................................................ 217
Radioactivity ...................................................................................................................................................................... 231
Thermionic Emission ...................................................................................................................................................... 248
Prepared by SR. DIDAS DATIUS

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level and A-level.


Electronics .......................................................................................................................................................................... 255

Elemental astronomy ..................................................................................................................................................... 273
Geophysics .......................................................................................................................................................................... 280

Prepared by SR. DIDAS DATIUS

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level and A-level.

sun, stars, comets, planets etc. it uses different
Introduction to Physics Concept of Physics instruments to study the universe which are
Defn: Physics is the study of the relationship made by physicists.For Example,
between matter and energy. The peoplewho i. Periscope and telescope are used to
study physics is called physicists observe distant objects like starsetc
ii. Material used to build the space like
Science satellite are determined by physicists
Defn: science is the scientific study of nature.
For Example, how cooling effect occurs v. Geography
Defn: geography is the study of man and his
Technology environment. It includes soil, rainfall,
Defn: technology is the application of science. mountains etc. it uses application of physics,
For Example, cooling effect uses in refrigerator to for Example,
cool different items i. Many instruments like rain gauge, wind
vane developed by physicist
Relationship between Physics and Other ii. Barometer which used to measure the
Subject atmospheric pressure made byphysicist
Physics is the fundamental subject which other iii. Formation of soil and rocks are explained
subject uses application of physics; the following by physics
is the relation with other subjects
i. Chemistry Applications of Physics in Real Life
Composition and decomposing of matter Physics influence our lives as follows aspects
involves energy. For Example,
i. Cooking stoves, fuel burn to leased heat 1. At home
energy They include
ii. Insect killers and Perfumes packed in i. All tools and machinery: such as Crowbars,
container by compressed which comes Hammers, door handles, cutlery, hinges, car
out with high pressure jack, pulleys, tillage implements etc made by
iii. Fertilizer when they syntheses the heat knowledge ofphysics
energy should involved ii. Electrical appliances: such as cooker, iron,
iv. When tea and other food cooked the heat heater, electric lamps, washing machine etc
energy should involved made by knowledge of physics

ii. Biology 2. Medical field

Since biology is the scientific subject, which They include;
involves living and non-living things, which i. Machines such laser, x-ray, incubators,
may be micro and macro organism, it uses ultrasound and infrared machines
application of physics.For Example, ii. The knowledge used in handling and even
i. Microscope which made by physicist is actual use of these machines are based on the
used to observe micro organism knowledge and skills acquired in Physics.
ii. Syringe is based on pressure 3. Source of energy
They include;
iii. Mathematics i. Batteries and generators provide
Physicist should master mathematics electrical energy
because physics problems may involve ii. bulbs they provide light energy
iii. speaker gives us sound energy
iv. Astronomy
Defn: astronomy is the scientific study ofuniverse.
Universe composed by moon,


4. Transport
All Vessels used in transportation is results of concept
of physics. For Example, cars, ships, aeroplane,
trains etc

5. Communication
All Devices used in communication systems is
results of concept of physics. For Example,
telephones, modems, television, cables etc

6. Entertainment
Physics enable people to enjoy a variety of leisure
activities as is evident in photography, digital
appliances, exercise machines and other sport

7. Industry
Physicists have been able to come up with tools
and process that have resulted in advanced
technological equipment andnew discoveries.

8. in schools
The instruments and apparatus used in school
laboratories are made through the application of
the knowledge and skillacquired in a Physics class.

Importance of Learning Physics

i. The study of physics enables us to answer
many question concerning physical properties
of matter
ii. Enable different people to acquire skills that
required in different profession. For Example, ,
engineering, teaching and architecture
iii. Enable us to designing and manufacture
different items. For Example, , dry cell,
simple machines, mobile phones etc
iv. Enable us to enjoy since we studypractically

For measuring forcein
Introduction to Laboratory Practice Spring balance
Used for measuring
Defn: laboratory is a working room for scientists
Slotted masses for the quantity of
Laboratory is the special room that have been matter.
designed and equipped for carrying out scientific For demonstrating
experiments for the purposes of study or research Magnets attraction and
Feature of Laboratory Ball and ring For demonstratingthermal
The laboratory should have the follows apparatus expansion
i. Water supply system To show forces thatcan
ii. Drainage system be exerted during
Bar breaking
iii. Electricity supply thermal expansion and
iv. Well illuminated contraction
v. Well ventilated
vi. Door open out ward For providing a
vii. Gas supply Tripod stand platform for heating
for stability
Laboratory Apparatus For providing equal
Defn: laboratory apparatus is the special tools Wire gauze distribution of heat
and instruments commonly used to carry out the while burning
experiments in the laboratory. Bunsen burner As source of heat
For holding/gripping
Laboratory Apparatus Retort stand
Items Uses Triple beam
Measuringcylinder For measuring Measuring mass
volume of liquids For holding liquids during
For measuring Flasks
Thermometer temperature of For transferring
substances Pipette specific but small
Stop watch To measure time volume of liquids
Micrometer For measuring For measuring
screw gauge diameter of a wire Burette
volume of liquid
For measuring depth, Electronicbalance For measuring mass inmore
length, internal and precise values
Vernier caliper
external diameters of Nb:
objects After experiment, apparatus should be cleaned
A ruler For measuring length and return/stored to their position
Relative density For measuring
bottle relative density Physics Laboratory
For magnifying verysmall Defn: physics laboratory is a working room for
objects physicists
Used as container for
chemicals and other Laboratory Rules
Beaker liquids. Also can be Defn: laboratory rule is the set of regulation
used to estimate the governing physicist to conduct experiment and
volume of liquids maintain the laboratory
Used in experiment aimed
Calorimeter Laboratory Rules
at determining
the quantity of

The follows include laboratory rules iii. Laboratory floors should not have
i. Do not enter laboratory without polished to avoid slippery
permission iv. First aid kit must present in the
ii. Do not do an experiment without laboratory
permission v. Cabinets and drawer must present for
iii. Do not start experiment without storing apparatus
procedure information vi. All apparatus should have checked
iv. Follow instruction careful to avoid regularly to ensure they are safe to use
damage of apparatus vii. Emergence exit should present and
v. Follow instruction careful to avoid easy to access and use
wrong result
vi. Handle apparatus with care to avoid First Aid
damage Defn: First aid is the immediate
vii. Avoid handling apparatus and assistance/care given to a sick/injured
chemical until you asked by your person before getting professional medical
teacher help
viii. Avoid running, screaming or playing in
the laboratory Importance of First Aid
ix. Avoid tasting, eating or drinking i. It helps to preserve life
anything in the laboratory ii. It prevents the victim’s condition from
x. Keep the window open for any fumes becoming worse
to flow out iii. It promotes recovery by bringing hope
xi. Do not touch any electrical and encouragement to the victim
equipment with wet hands iv. It helps to reduce pain and suffering
xii. Close gas and water taps before v. It prevents infection
leaving the laboratory
xiii. All exits should be cleared of any First Aid Kit
obstruction Defn: first aid kit is the small box contains
xiv. Arrange in orderly way material you items, which used to give help to a sick
want to use person. Usual labeled as “FIRST AID” and
xv. Report any accident and injuries to stored in a safe and easily accessible
the teacher place
xvi. Never use bare hand to handle hot
object Items Found in First Aid Kit
xvii. Do not use dirty or broken apparatus Items Uses
xviii. Solid wastes should not be disposed in washing hands,
the sinks antiseptic soap wounds and
xix. Clean the working areas before equipment
leaving the laboratory Assorted Preventing direct
xx. Wash your hands with water and soap bandage contact with
after perform an experiment cotton wool victim’s body fluids

Laboratory Safety Preventing direct

Disposable sterile
Defn: laboratory safety is the condition in contact with
victim’s body fluids
laboratory where physicist protected from
danger, risk or injury Reducing muscular
Painkillers Relieving pain
Laboratory Safety
The follows include laboratory safety Adhesive
Covering minor
i. Laboratory should well ventilated and bandage
his door should open outward (plaster)
ii. Fire extinguishers should be fitted in an Measure body
accessible position with using instruction temperature
Covering wounds to 1. Wash your hands using soap and
Sterile gauze protect them from cleaning water.
dirty and germs 2. Put on your gloves.
Safety pins, clips Securing bandages 3. Wash your wounds using salty water
and tape. or dressing. and clean cloth.
Scissors and razor Cutting dressing 4. Cover the wounds or cut with an
blades materials adhesive bandage or plaster.
Smoothening and
Petroleum jelly For a large cut or wounds:
soothing skin.
Cleaning fresh cuts 1. Let the victim lay under a shade or
Antiseptic solution allow her to sit comfortably.
and bruisers
2. Wash your hands using soap and clean
Causes of Laboratory Accident water.
1. Slippery floor, 3. Put on your gloves.
2. Incorrect use and handling of 4. Prevent further blood loss by applying
apparatus, pressure over the wound using a folded
3. Gas leakages from faulty gas taps, but clean handkerchief or cloth.
4. Fires, 5. Use another cloth to secure the first one
5. Failure to follow the right experimental in place.
procedures and laid down safety rules. 6. Take the injured person to hospital.

First Aid Procedure Fainting

When accident occur we have to help the Fainting is the situation where by victim is
victim by following the follows procedures, weak and unable to stand. It caused by
consider the follows accidents too much heat and congestion

Electric Shock Steps to Help Victim

When dealing with a victim of electric 1. Take the person to a cool place or
shock, remember to take the following under a shade
action 2. Let him lie on his back with his legs
1. Do not touch the victim who still in raised higher than the head.
contact with electric current. 3. Loosen his clothes and ensure sufficient
2. BREAK the contact by switching off the supply of air
current at the switch or meter box if 4. Dip a clean handkerchief in water and
can be reached easily press on his forehead.
3. If it is not possible to switch off the 5. Give him/her clean water to drink when
current, move the person from the he regains consciousness
current using a dry non-metallic object, 6. If not, take the victim to the nearest
for instance a piece of dry wooden hospital
plank or a bloom
4. If you suspect that the area has high Fire
voltage electricity, call for professional Defn: fire is the state/process of
help immediately combustion result light, heat, smokes and
5. If the victim is unconscious, check the flame
breathing and pulse rate. If he or she
has breathing problem, he prepared to Fire Triangle
resuscitate if necessary Defn: fire triangle is the components
6. Administer First Aid for shock, burns or needed to start a fire. This include
other injuries sustained by the victim. i. Fuel
7. Seek medical assistance ii. Oxygen
iii. heat
Cuts (Or Wounds)
For a small cut or wound: Caused of Laboratory Fire
i. Electrical faults
ii. Smoking materials Suitable Fire Extinguisher
iii. Carelessness Use any type of Fire extinguisher except
iv. Ignorance and negligence carbon dioxide. However, water is suitable

Basic Principles of Fire Prevention Why carbon dioxide not suitable

i. No light of open fires near buildings Answer: when molecules of carbon
ii. No smoking in prohibited areas dioxide reach fire gain heat and result
iii. No interference with electrical lowered its density then escape away for
installations fire and the fire continue.
iv. all electrical appliances must off after
use Class B
v. all sources of heat should not have kept The burning materials is flammable liquids
near the bench edge where they can such as petrol, paraffin, alcohol, kerosene
easily be knocked down etc
vi. all flammable substances should be
locked up in drawers or cabinets Suitable Fire Extinguisher
i. Use fire blanket or sand extinguisher if
Fire Extinguisher fire is a small
Fire extinguisher is the one in which used to ii. Use dry powder, foam or carbon
fight/stop fire to continue. dioxide extinguisher if fire is large
Nb: water extinguisher is not suitable
Types of Fire Extinguisher
The follows are types of extinguisher Why water not suitable?
include Answer: water is denser than flammable
i. water/APW extinguisher liquid so flammable liquids will float over
ii. Sand extinguisher water results the fire continues.
iii. Fire Blanket extinguisher
iv. Dry chemical extinguisher Class C
v. Carbon dioxide extinguisher The burning materials is flammable gas
vi. Halon extinguisher such as methane, butane, propane etc
vii. Foam extinguisher
viii. Wet chemical extinguisher Suitable Fire Extinguisher
ix. ABC extinguisher Use dry powder, foam or carbon dioxide
Mechanism of Fighting for Fire
Fire extinguisher stop fire by prevent one Class D
among of the fire components/fire triangle The burning combustible metals such as
magnesium, sodium, lithium etc
Class of Fire
Fire classified according to materials burnt; Suitable Fire Extinguisher
therefore, we have six class of five namely Use dry powder, foam or foam extinguisher
i. Class A
ii. Class B Class E
iii. Class C The burning electrical equipment such as
iv. Class D damaged electrical cables, switchboards
v. Class E etc
vi. Class F
Suitable Fire Extinguisher
Class A Use carbon dioxide extinguisher
The burning materials is organic/ordinary Nb: first switch off power from the mains
solid combustible materials such as paper, switch
wood, plastic, wool, clothing etc
Class F Diagram of harmful
The burning cooking appliances with oils
and fats at high temperature

Suitable Fire Extinguisher

Use wet chemical extinguishers

Warning Signs
Warning sign is the symbol established to Diagram of Irritant
ensure safety in the laboratory and in other
field like goods or commodities. This signs
should have obeyed to avoid accidents,
include the follows
i. Toxic
ii. Irritant/harmful
iii. Flammable
iv. Oxidizing agent
v. Corrosive Flammable
vi. Radio active Flammable symbol means that the
vii. Danger of electric shock substance can catch fire easily. For
viii. Fragile Example, , gasoil, kerosene, petrol, butane,
ix. Explosive methane, spirit, nail polish remover,
x. Careful turpentine etc
xi. Keep away from water Diagram:

Toxic symbol means that a substance is
dangerous and can cause death within a
short time. Toxic substances containing
poisonous ingredients, Example, of toxic
substance is jik, mercury etc

Oxidizing Agent
Oxidizing agent symbol means that the
substance can speed up the rate of
burning. For Example, , oxygen gas,
chlorine gas, fluorine gas and hydrogen
Toxic Substance Enter the Body Through
i. Ingestion (by eating and drink)
ii. Inhalation (by breathing)
iii. By injection (by syringe, bite or insect)
iv. Contact (by touching)

Harmful symbol means that a substance is
dangerous and can affect our health for
long time. Example, of harmful substance
is alcohol, paint, insecticide, tobacco,
ammonia etc, mercury etc Corrosive

Corrosive symbol means that the
substance causes gradual change if
contact with various materials. For
Example, , concentrated sulphuric acid,
concentrated hydrochloric acid,
concentrated nitric acid, concentrated
sodium hydroxide, concentrated
ammonia etc
Explosive symbol means that the
substance can erupt/explode easily.
Always sore in a special container

Radio Active
Radioactive symbol means that the
substance emits harmful radiations that
penetrate human body and cause
damage. For Example, , uranium,
plutonium etc

Never store explosive material in glass
container because when explode pieces
of glass would fly all over and injure people

Danger of Electric Shock Careful symbol that is the caution advice
Danger of electric shock symbol means you to be carefully
that the substance has high voltage which Diagram:
should not touch.

Keep Away from Water

Keep away from water symbol that is the
Fragile caution advice you to keep item away
Fragile symbol means that the substance from the water. For Example, computer,
should handle with care to prevents them mobile phones, radio etc
from breaking. For Example, glass etc. Diagram:

Types of Variable
There are three types include
i. Dependent variable
ii. Independ variable
iii. Controlled variable

Dependent Variable
Defn: Dependent variable is the condition
to measure or observed to obtain the
Scientific Investigation results. For Example, time
Defn: scientific method is a set of
techniques used by scientists to investigate Independ Variable
a problem/answer question. Also called Defn: Independ variable is the conditions
scientific procedure or scientific manipulate to obtain the results. For
investigation or scientific methods Example, wind

Steps of a Scientific Method Controlled Variable

The following is the steps followed when Defn: Controlled variable is the condition
carrying out a scientific investigation may change (kept constant) to obtain the
i. Problem identification results. For Example, temperature
ii. Asking questions
iii. Formulation a testable hypothesis Data Collection and Analysis
iv. Performing an experiment It Concern recording what you have
v. Data collection and analysis observed during experiment. Always kept
vi. Data interpretation in the table for Example,
vii. Data presentation Temperature (℃) Wind (m/s)
viii. Draw a conclusion 10 200
20 400
Problem Identification 30 600
In this step the physicist makes a puzzling 40 800
observation. For Example, change in
temperature cause wind Data Interpretation
In this step we look trend or patterns and
Asking Questions explain why they occur that way. For
In this step, the physicist asks a specific Example, from the table above when
question based on what he/she observed temperature increase also winds speed
and wants to learn. For Example, how increase therefore temperature is direct
change in temperatures cause wind? proportional to wind speed

Formulation a Testable Hypothesis Data Presentation

A hypothesis is an intelligent guess that tries In this step it involves the uses of
to explain an observation. The change in mathematics concept to represent the
temperature causes wind data or results collected. Pie charts, graphs
and formulae may use. For Example,
Performing an Experiment
Defn: An experiment is the test under Draw a Conclusion
controlled conditions. The aim of In this step, it concerning about summary
experiment is to test whether hypothesis is of the experiment. It includes a statement
true or false. It based on variable to test that either proves or disproves the
hypothesis hypothesis. For Example, in our experiment
Defn: variable is the condition in which change in temperature cause wind
changes to obtain set of values
Application of Scientific Procedure
i. When carrying out experiment: test is
done in order to study what happens
and gain new knowledge
ii. When carrying out project work: project
is a planned piece of work that involves
careful study of a subject/problem over
a period of time, so as to find
information on subject/problem
iii. When carry out field study: a field study
involves doing practical work in order
to find answer to problems and to test
hypothesis. A field study also called
field work

Significance of the Scientific Procedure

i. It helps us to solve scientific problems
ii. It helps us to gain new knowledge
iii. It helps us to conduct project work
iv. It helps us to carry out field study
v. It helps us to solve problems or answerscientific

Measurement Fundamental Quantity and Si Unity
Defn: measurement is the process of Quantities SI unit Unit symbol
assigning number to event or Length Metre m
measurement is the process of assigning Mass Kilogram kg
number to observation Time Second S
Electric Ampere A
NB: current
i. Every measurement has two parts Temperature Kelvin K
include Amount of Mole mol
a/ Number part substance
b/ Unit part Luminous Candela Cd
Number Part
This gives the results or magnitude of Length
the comparison or event or observation Defn: Length is the distance between two
points. Where by distance is the path
Unit Part taken by a particle in space between two
This identifies the particular unit used to points or object. The distance around an
make the measurement. object is called perimeter. SI unit of length
is metre (m). It is measured by metre rule,
Example, tape measure, Vernier calliper and
30cm micrometer screw gauge
130 ≡ Number part
Cm ≡ unit part Metre Rule
Defn: Metre rule is the mainly wooden
ii. Each part of measurement is equally graduated in 100 centimeters or 1metere.
important and must be included if the The reading should be perpendicular to
measurement is to be meaningful and the mark otherwise the parallax error
useful occurs
iii. The complete measurement (100km,
1kg or 5s) is called a physical quantity Parallax Error
iv. The international system of unit usually Defn: parallax error is the apparent motion
abbreviated as SI Unit and we shall use of one object related to another when the
throughout physics course position of the eye is varied

Basic Fundamental Quantities Vernier Calliper

It categories into two include Defn: Vernier calliper is an instrument used
i. Fundamental quantities to measure length to the nearest
ii. Delivered quantities accuracy of 0.01cm
Fundamental Quantities
Defn: A fundamental quantity is the
quantities in which does not obtained from
other physical quantity. Fundamental
quantities of include
i. Length
ii. Mass
iii. Time
v. Amount of substance (mole) i. The inside jaws used to measure internal
vi.Electric current diameter
vii. Luminous intensity ii. The external jaws used to measure
external diameter

Scale of Vernier Calliper

It contains two scale namely
i. Fixed/main scale
ii. Vernier scale Solution:
i. Main scale, m.s = 9.9cm
Fixed Scale ii. Vernier scale, v.s = 2 x 0.01 = O.02cm
Fixed scale gives reading in centimeter iii.m.s + v.s = (9.9 + 0.02) cm = 9.92cm
(cm) or millimeter (mm). iv.the required unit is cm
The diameter is 9.92cm
How to read fixed scale (M.S)
It like metre rule scale so we read as we Micrometer Screw Gauge
read main scale of metre rule, the reading Defn: Micrometer screw gauge is an
should take in the parallel mark between instrument used to measure length to the
fixed scale and 0 Vernier scale mark nearest accuracy of 0.001cm or 0.01mm
Vernier Scale
Vernier scale gives reading in hundredth of
a centimeter (0.01cm) or thousands of
millimeter (0.001mm). Vernier scale has 10
divisions which cover 9division of main
scale, when this divided into 10 equal
intervals the results is the difference
between the main scale divisions which
called least count
M.s division = 1cm/10 = 0.1cm Scale of Micrometer Screw Gauge
V.s division = 9cm/0.1 = 0.09cm It contains two scale namely
Least count = 0.1 – 0.09 = 0.01cm i. main scale in mm
ii. thimble scale
How to read Vernier scale (V.S)?
The reading should take in the parallel Fixed Scale
mark between fixed scale and Vernier Fixed scale gives reading in centimeter
scale then convert it to cm or mm (cm) or millimeter (mm).

Steps to Read a Vernier Calliper How to read main scale (M.S)

i. Read main scale (M.S) It like metre rule scale so we read as we
ii. Read Vernier scale (V.S) read mail scale of metre rule
iii. Sum up the main scale (M.S) and
Vernier scale (V.S) Thimble Scale
iv. Convert into required unit of length Thimble scale gives reading in thousandth
of a centimeter (0.001cm).
i. Before use Vernier calipers close its jaws How to read thimble scale (t.S)?
to determining if it contain zero error The reading should take in the horizontal or
ii. zero error is error arises when scale is not straight line in mark or main scale
starting from zero mark
iii. Zero error should be added or Steps to Read Micrometer Screw Gauge
subtracted from all subsequent reading i. Read main scale (M.S)
ii. Read Vernier scale (V.S)
Example, iii. Sum up the main scale (M.S) and
From below diagram, determine the Vernier scale (V.S)
diameter of object. iv. Convert into required unit of length

Nb: Types of Beam Balance
i. before use micrometer screw gauge It categorized into three include
close its jaws to determining if it contain i. Lever arm balance
zero error ii. Triple beam balance
ii. zero error is error arises when scale is not iii. Digital balance
starting from zero mark
iii. Zero error should be added or Lever Arm Balance
subtracted from all subsequent reading Lever arm balance uses principle of
moment to measure the mass of unknown
Example, objects
From below diagram, determine the
diameter of object. Triple Beam Balance
Triple beam balance uses principle of
moment to measure the mass of unknown
objects in gram.

i. Main scale, m.s = 9.5mm = 0.95cm
ii. thimble scale, v.s = 31 x 0.001 =
iii.m.s + v.s = (0.95 + 0.031) cm =
The diameter is 0.95315cm
It contains three (triple) beam with specific
Note standard mass marking namely
Some distance is large and other is small to Diagram:
cope with this great difference, there
other unity obtains from the metre, namely
Kilometre (km)
Centimetre (cm)
Millimetre (mm)
Micrometre (km) i. 100-gram beam
Nanometre (nm) ii. 10-gram beam
iii.1-gram beam
Their equivalent is as follows
1km = 1000m How to Use Triple Balance?
1m = 100cm Move all three beam left when pan empty
1cm = 10mm until reads zero mark
1mm = 1000µm i. Place object to the pan
1µm = 100nm ii. Move the 100-gram weight to the right
until the indicator just drops below the
Mass fixed mark. Move again to the left mark
Defn: Mass is the quantity of matter in an and record the value
object. SI unit of mass is kilogram (kg). It is iii. Move the 10-gram weight to the right
measured by device or instrument known until the indicator just drops below the
as beam balance. fixed mark. Move again to the left mark
and record the value
Beam Balance iv. Move the 1-gram weight to the right
Defn: beam balance is the device used to until the indicator just drops below the
measure mass of an object fixed mark. Move again to the left mark
and record the value
Example, W = weight
The diagram below shows the M = mass
measurement of piece of iron. Determine g = gravitation force
the mass of the object
Different Between Mass and Weight
Mass weight
Is the quantity of
Force of gravity on
matter in an
an object
Solution: Is constant Varies with position
100- gram beam reading is 0g Fundamental
Delivered quantity
10-gram beam reading is 20g quantity
1-gram beam reading is 5g Si unit is kilogram Si unit is Newton
Mass of object is 0g + 20g + 5g = 25g (kg) (N)
The mass of object is = 25g Measured by Measured by
beam balance spring balance
Digital Balance
Digital balance is very sensitive weighting Time
balance. It can measure masses to an Defn: Time is the rate at which an event
accuracy of the thousandth (0.001g) of a happens. It is measured by using clock or
gram. The object placed on the pan on wristwatch or stopwatch
top of the balance and the mass read
from the digital display Stopwatch
Diagram: Defn: stopwatch is a device that is hold in
the hand to show time elapsed

i. Mass should not be confused with
ii. The other unit of mass based on the Types of Stopwatch
kilogram are tone (t), gram (g) and There are two types of stopwatch include
milligram (mg) i. Mechanical stopwatch
Their equivalent ii. Digital stopwatch
1t = 1000kg
1kg = 1000g Mechanical Stopwatch
1g = 1000mg Defn: Mechanical stopwatch is powered
by spring
Defn: weight is the force of gravity acting Digital Stopwatch
on an object? SI unit of weight is Newton Defn: Digital stopwatch is powered by
(N). It is measured by spring balance. It is spring. Digital stopwatch is more accurate
varying with position than mechanical stopwatch. They include
Mathematically: date and time
W = mg

Nb: Volume of object is obtained by
The time taken for one complete multiplication of area (A) of regular object
oscillation can be obtained by period and height (h) of regular object
𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑛 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑜𝑠𝑐𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 V=Axh
Period =
number of oscillation
T= 𝑡 Where:
n A = area of regular object
h = height of regular object
Delivered Quantities
Defn: Delivered quantity is the quantity Volume of Cube Object
which obtained from physical quantity. It Diagram:
i. Volume
ii. Density
iii. Speed
iv. Velocity
v. Force
vi. Pressure Formula: v = A x h
vii. Weight But: A = l x b
Then: v = l x b x h
Delivered Quantity and Their Si Unit Where:
Quantity Si unit Symbol V = volume
Area Square metre m2 l = length of cube
Volume Cubic metre h = height of cube
Wight Newton N b = breath of cube
Work Joules J But: for cube l = h = b
Velocity Metre per second m/s
Volume of Rectangular Object
Formula: v = A x h
But: A = l x b
Defn: volume is the quantity of space that
Then: v = l x b x h
an object occupies. Si unit of volume is
cubic metre (m3)
V = volume
l = length of rectangular object
h = height of rectangular object
Other unity obtains from the cubic metre,
b = breath of rectangular object
i. Kilometer (km)
Volume of Cylinder Object
ii. Cubic Centimeter (cm3)
iii. Cubic decimeter (dm3)
iv.Milliliter (ml)
v. Litre (l)

Their equivalent is as follows

i. 1l = 1000 cm3 Formula: v = A x h
ii. 1l = 1000 mL But 2

iii.1L = 1dm3 Then 2x h

Volume of Solid Regular Object V = volume
Defn: regular object is the object with r = radius of object
known shape. For Example, cylinder, h = height of object
rectangular, cube etc. The volume of
regular object is obtained by formula Volume of Sphere Object (h = r)
Formula of Volume
Formula: v = A x h During measurement eye should be line
But 2 with the meniscus of the liquid
Then: v = 4𝜋𝑟 Diagram:
V = volume
r = radius of object

Calculate the volume of rectangular block
of sides 15cm, 8cm and 7cm
Data given:
Length of block, l = 15cm
Breath of block, b = 8cm
Volume of Gas
Height of block, h = 7 cm
In order to get volume of gas you have to
Volume of block, v =?
fills in any container then
i. Measure the volume of gas (Example,
From: v = A x h
by using syringe)
But: A = l x b
ii. Measure the volume of that container
Then: v = l x b x h
(Example, balloon)
v = 15 x 5 x 7
v = 840 cm3
Volume of Solid Irregular Object
Defn: regular object is the object with
unknown shape. For Example, stone,
Calculate the volume of figure below
human body etc. The volume of irregular
given that π = 3.14
object is obtained by displacement
method or immersion method

Displacement Method
Volume of irregular object is based on the
Data given: principle that when an object is
Length of cylinder, l = 14cm completely submerged in water it’s
Radius of cylinder, r = 5cm displacing a volume of water equal to its
own volume. This done by
Height of block, h = 7 cm i. Graduated cylinder
Volume of block, v = ? ii. Eureka can or overflow can
From 2x l
Graduated Cylinder
2 x l = 3.14 x 5 x 5 x 14
Suppose you want to measure the volume
v = 3.14 x 5 x 5 x 14 = 1099cm3 of a small stone. The following steps are
v = 1099 cm3 necessary
i. Fill graduated cylinder to known mark
Volume of Liquid (let be 30ml)
Litre is the standard unit used for Diagram:
measuring the volume of liquids. The
instrument or apparatus used to measure
volume of liquids include
i. Burette
ii. Pipette
iii. Volumetric flask
iv.Measuring cylinder
ii. Record the water volume i.e. 30ml as v1
iii. Gently drop the stone into the water

iv. Transfer the displaced water into a

graduated cylinder
v. Measure the volume of the water,
iv. Record the new volume of water as v2
which is the volume of irregular object
v. Calculate the different in volume which
is the volume of stone, v
v = v2 - v1
Defn: Density is the mass per unit volume of
a substance. SI unit of kg/m3 or g/cm3
When an irregular solid was immersed in
ρ = m/v
65cm3 of water the water level rises to
81cm3. What was the volume of the solid? Their equivalent is as follows
Data given 1000 kg/m3 = 1g/cm3
Initial volume, v1 = 65cm 3
Final volume, v2 = 81cm 3 Density of Solid Regular Object
Volume used, v = ?
The density of regular object can be found
easily. For Example, to measure the density
From: v = v2 - v1
of rectangular block
v = 81 – 65 = 16 cm3 Diagram:
v = 16 cm3

Eureka Can
If the object is large to fit into graduated
cylinder, eureka can common known as
an overflow can used. The following steps
should be followed Procedure:
i. Fill the overflow can with water up to i. Measure the mass, m
the level of the spout ii. Measure the volume, v = l x h x b
Diagram: iii. calculate density, ρ
ρ = m/(h x l x b)

Density of Solid Irregular Object

The density of irregular object can be
found difficult. For Example, to measure
the density of stone
ii. Tie the irregular object with a string;
gently drop the irregular object into
water using string
iii. The irregular object will displace some
water which will be collected in the Procedure:
beaker i. Measure the mass, m
Diagram: ii. Measure the volume, v
iii. calculate density, ρ
ρ = m/v v. Calculate density of liquid, ρ
ρ = m/v
Table of Density of Different Substance
Substance Density (g/cm3) Example,
Aluminium 2.7 In an experiment to determine the density
Copper 8.3 of liquid, y, Sophia a form IC student
Gold 19.3 obtained the following Mass of beaker is
Iron 7.8 500g, Mass of beaker and liquid is 600g
Lead 11.3 and Volume of liquid, v = 25 cm3. Find the
Glass 2.5 density
Brass 8.5 Data given
Mercury 13.6 Mass of beaker, m1 = 500g
Silver 10.5 Mass of beaker and liquid, m2 = 600g
Steel 7.9 Mass of liquid, M = (m2 – m1) = 600–500 =
Cork 0.2 100g
Ice 0.92 Volume of liquid, v = 25 cm3
Alcohol 0.8 Density of liquid, ρ = ?
Milk 1.03
From: ρ = m/v
Kerosene 1.0
Then: ρ = m/v = 100/25 = 4g/cm 3
Water (pure) 1.0
ρ = 4 g/cm3
Water sea (sea) 1.03
Sand 2.5
Density of Granules
Granules are difficult to determine the
Example, density of very small and fine particles
The mass of a solid object with an irregular such as sand or lead shots. Density bottle is
shape is 40g. The solid object is totally used to determine the density of granules.
immersed in water of volume 50cm3 Density bottle is used to determine the
containing in a measuring cylinder rise to density of granules.
70cm3 Diagram:
Data given
Mass of object, m = 40g
Initial volume, v1 = 50cm 3
Final volume, v2 = 70cm3
Volume used, v = ?
From: ρ = m/v
But: v = v2 - v1= 70 – 50 = 20 cm3
Then: ρ = m/v = 40/20 = 2g/cm3
ρ = 2 g/cm3
Procedure to Determine Granules Density
Density of Liquids i. Measure mass of empty density bottle,
It can be determined by using burette or m1
density bottle by following step Diagram:
i. Measure the mass of empty burette or
density bottle, m1
ii. Fill the liquid in the burette or density
bottle and measure its mass, m2
iii. Calculate the mass of liquid by, m = m2
iv. Either by graduated cylinder or
overflow can Measure volume of liquid ii. Add a small amount of sand in the
of liquid, v density bottle and measure its mass, m2
Diagram: 𝑚2 – 𝑚1
(m4 – m1) − (m3 – m2)

Given that
Mass of empty density bottle, m1 = 4g
Mass of density with sand, m2 = 94g
Mass of density bottle with sand and
water, m3 = 110g
Mass of density bottle full of water, m4 =
iii. Add water into the density bottle 70g
containing granules until it is fully and Find the density of sand from above
record the new mass, m3 reading
Diagram: Data given:
Mass of empty density bottle, m1 = 4g
Mass of density bottle and sand, m2 = 94g
Mass of bottle, sand and water, m3 = 110g
Mass of bottle and full water, m4 = 70g
Density of sand, ρ = ?
From: ρ = 𝑚2 – 𝑚1
(m4 – m1) − (m3 – m2)
94 – 4
iv. Remove granules and water from ρ=
(70 – 4) − (110 – 94)
density. Then fill the density bottle with
water, measure their mass, m4 66 − 16
Diagram: ρ= 90 = 1.8
ρ = 1.8 g/cm3

Relative Density of a Substance

Defn: relative density of a substance is the
ratio of the substance density to the water
density. It has no SI unit. This shows the
times of denser of substance to the water
v. Calculate the density of granules R.D = ρs/ρw
ρ = ms/vs Where:
Where: R.D = relative density
ms = mass of granules ρs = density of substance
vs = volume of granules ρw = density of water
mw = Mass of water Since:
vw = Volume of water ρs = ms/vs ----------------------- (1)
But: ρw = mw/vw -------------------- (2)
Mass of water, mw = (m4 – m1) - (m3 – m2) Divide eqn (1) to eqn (2)
Volume of water, vw = (m4 – m1) - (m3 – ρs/ρw = (ms/vs)/( mw/vw)
m2) ρs/ρw = (ms x vw)/( mw x vs)
Volume of water, vw = (m4 – m1) - (m3 – When: vw = vs , ρs/ρw = R.D
m2) Then: R.D = ms /mw
Mass of granules, ms = (m2 – m1) Where:
Finally: ms = mass of substance
ρ = ms/vs = (m2 – m1)/( (m4 – m1) - (m3 – ρs = density of substance
m2)) ρw = density of water
vs = volume of substance
mw = mass of water Mass of relative density bottle + water, m3
vw = volume of water = 40g
(vw = vs) = its volume is equal to the Volume of bottle, v = 25cm3
volume of a substance Volume of water, v = 25cm3
R.D = ms /mw
Example, (a) Density of water in kg/m3
An empty density bottle weighs 20g. When From: ρw = mw/vw
full of water it weighs 70g and when full of But: mw = m3 - m1= 40 – 15 = 25 g
liquid it weighs 60g. Calculate Then: ρw = mw/vw = 25/25 = 1g/cm3
(a) The relative density of the liquid But: 1g/cm3 = 1000kg/m3
(b) Its density ρw = 1000 kg/m3
(a) Data given (b) Density of liquid x in kg/m3
Mass of liquid, ms = (60-20) = 40g From: ρx = mx/vx
Mass of water, mw = (70-20) = 50g But: mx = m2 - m1= 35 – 15 = 20 g
Relative density, R.D =? Then: ρx = mx/vx = 20/25 = 0.8g/cm3
Solution But: 0.8g/cm3 = 800kg/m3
From: R.D = ms /mw ρw = 800 kg/m3
R.D = 40 /50 = 0.8
R.D = 0.8 (c) Relative density of liquid x
From: R.D = ρs/ρw
(b) Data given R.D = ρs/ρw = 800/1000 = 0.8
R.D = 0.8 R.D = 0.8
Density of water, ρw = 1 g/cm3
Density of liquid, ρs = ? Density of Mixture
Solution Defn: Mixture is compound consist two or
From: R.D = ρs/ρw – make ρs subject more substances which combine
ρs = R.D x ρw physically. Example, water and oil, maize
ρs = R.D x ρw = 0.8 x 1 and rice, maize and alcohol etc
ρs = 0.8 x 1 = 0.8 NB:
ρs = 0.8 g/cm3 ρt ≠ ρ1 + ρ2
vt = v1 + v2
Example, mt = m1 + m2
In an experiment to determine the relative
density of liquid x, form IB physics students Where:
obtained the following results after various ρt = density of mixture
measurements ρ1 = density of first substance
Mass of relative density bottle, m1 = 15g ρ2 = density of second substance
Mass of relative bottle and liquid x, m2 = vt = volume of mixture
35g v1 = volume of first substance
Mass of relative density bottle and water, v2 = volume of second substance
m3 = 40g mt = mass of mixture
Volume of bottle, v = 25cm3 m1 = mass of first substance
Calculate m2 = mass of second substance
(a) Density of water in kg/m3
(b) Density of liquid x in kg/m3 Example,
(c) Relative of liquid x A crown made of gold and silver has a
Data given volume of 60ml and a mass of 1.05kg. Find
Mass of relative density bottle, m1 = 15g the mass of gold contained in the crown.
Mass of relative bottle and liquid x, m2 = (Density of gold 19.3g/ml, density of silver is
35g 10.5g/ml) Just make conclusion
Data given
Density of Crown, ρt = ? But: vw = mw/ρw
Mass of Crown (total), mt = 1.05kg = 1050g Vs = ms/ρs
Volume of Crown (total), vt = 60ml = 60cm3 Vt = mt/ρt
Density of gold, ρg = 19.3g/ml ms = vs x ρs = 1000 x 0.8 = 800g
Mass of gold, mg =? mw = vw x ρw = 250 x 1 = 250
Volume of gold, vg = ? Then: mt = mw + ms = 800 + 250 = 1050g
Density of silver, ρs = 10.5g/ml mt = 1050g
Mass of silver, ms =?
Volume of silver, vs = ? Application of Density and Relative Density
Solution in Our Daily Life
The crown is mixture i. It is used to design of various structure
Vt = vg + vs --------------- (1) like ship, planes etc
mt = mg + ms ---------------- (2) ii. Used to determine density of unknown
ρt ≠ ρg + ρs substance using known density of
But: another
vg = mg/ρg iii. Used to select building materials
Vs = ms/ρs = (vt - vg) iv.Use to design equipment used in
Vt = mt/ρt swimming and diving
ms = (vt – vg)ρs ----------------------(3)
mt = mg + ms --------------- (4) Important of Measurement
mg = vg x ρg ------------------- (5) 1. Used in architecture and engineering in
Substitute eq (3), (4) and (5) into eq (2) designing bridge and other structures
mt = mg + ms 2. Used in school to determine number of
mt = vg x ρg + (vt – vg)ρs student
mt = vgρg + vtρs – vgρs – make vg subject 3. To identify the space occupied by
vg = (mt – vtρs)/(ρs – ρs) substance
vg = (1050 – 60 x 10.5)/(19.3 – 10.5) 4. To know the quantity of matter
vg = 47.73 cm3 5. To know when it was in a given position
Since: vg = mg/ρg - make mg subject 6. To know the rate of working
mg = vg x ρg = 47.73 x 19.3 = 921.14g 7. To identify the size of substance
mg = 921.14g = 0.92114 kg 8. It helps in decision making
9. It helps to tell how it will last
250ml of water are mixed with one litre of
methylated spirit. Calculate mass of
mixture, assuming that there is no change
of volume of mixing (relative density of
methylated spirit is 0.80)
Data given
Mass of mixture, mt = ?
Mass of water, mw = ?
Mass of spirit, ms = ?
Volume of water, vw = 250ml = 250cm3
Volume of spirit, vs = 1l = 1000cm3
Volume of mixture, vt = 1250cm 3
Relative density of spirit, R.D = 0.8
Density of water, ρw = 1g/ml
Density of spirit, ρw = 0.8g/ml
From: Vt = vw + vs-----------------(1)
mt = mw + ms ---------------- (2)
ρt ≠ ρw + ρs

Defn: force is an influence that changes or Properties of Force of Gravity
tends to change the state of rest or i. It is always attractive
uniform motion ii. Weakest force among others force
Or iii. It is central force (it act on object along
Defn: force is a push or pulls experience the line joining the centre of object and
by an object. It measured by planet)
device/instrument spring balance. The SI iv. It operates over very long distance
Unit of force is Newton (N)
Nb: Rocket moves from the earth to a planet x.
Branch of science deals the effect of force if it weighs 10, 000N and 30N on the earth
on matter is called Mechanics and on plane t x respectively determine
the gravitation force on planet x
Types of Force Data given
There are types of forces include Earth Weigh, we = 10, 000N
i. Fundamental forces Planet x Weigh, wx = 30N
ii. Non fundamental forces Earth force of gravity, ge = 10N/kg
Mass of the rocket, m = ?
Fundamental Forces Planet x force of gravity, gx = ?
Defn: Fundamental force is the forces in Solution:
which the two interacting object are not in From: w = mg
physical contact with each other. Then: we = mge – find value of m
Fundamental force is the basic forces in M = we/ge = 10000/10 = 1000kg
nature that cannot be explained by the M = 1000kg
action of another force. Also is called Now: wx = mgx – find value of gx
interactive force or non-contact forces or gx = we/m = 30/1000 = 0.03N/kg
action-at-a-distance force or field force. gx = 0.03N/kg
For Example,
i. Gravitational force Electromagnetic Force
ii. Electric force Defn: Electromagnetic force is the force
iii. Magnetic force associated with production field due to
movement of electrons. Include both
Types of Fundamental Force electric and magnetic forces. For Example,
There are four (4) types include formation of water molecule, Atoms
i. Force of gravity (weight) attract each other due to
ii. Electromagnetic force electromagnetic force
iii. Strong nuclear force Diagram of formation of oxygen gas
iv.Weak nuclear force

Force of Gravity
Defn: Gravitation force is the force pulls In two charge placed near each other
objects toward the Planet. For Example, all may attract (unlike charge) or repel (like
object falls down if thrown up due to force charge) due to electromagnetic force
of gravity is pulling the objects toward the Diagram of attraction of charge
earth surface. It represented by letter g, it
has constant value of 10 N/kg or 9.8N/kg.
It also called weight
W = mg

m = mass of object
g = gravitational force
Fundamental force is the basic forces in
Properties of Electromagnetic Force nature that can be explained by the
i. it may be attractive or repulsion in action of another force. Also is called non-
nature interactive force or contact forces. For
ii. It is a central force Example,
iii. It is stronger than gravitational force i. Kicking a ball
iv. It is a long-range (operates over a very ii. Compressing a spring
long distance) iii. Pulling a door
Strong Nuclear Force v. Tension
Strong nuclear force is the force which vi.Resistance
holds the constituents of the atomic vii. Elastic forces etc
nucleus. It acts within the nucleus of the
atom. For Example, nuclear energy plant Effects of Forces
force obtained from the splitting (fission) or Forces have several effects on object but
fusion of the nucleus of the atom the follows include the effects in daily life
Diagram of fusion i. Stretching or tensile
ii. Compression or restoring
iii. Attraction
iv. Repulsion
v. Torsion
Diagram of fission vi. Friction
vii. Viscosity
viii. Air resistance

Stretching Force
Properties of Strong Nuclear Force
Defn: Stretching force is the force produce
i. It is basically an attractive force
elongation of object if pulled. For Example,
ii. It is a short-range (operates only up to
when spring is pulled the stretching force
distance of the order of 10-14m)
elongate the spring
iii. It is a non-central force (it does not act
at the centre)
iv. It is stronger than gravitation force

Weak Nuclear Force

Weak nuclear force is the force which
involve in certain nuclear. For Example, in
formation of water from reaction between Compression Force
oxygen gas and hydrogen gas weak Defn: Compression force is the force
nuclear force is used to bond the water produce squeeze of object to original
molecules shape and size. For Example, if stretching
force removed elongated spring squeeze
Properties of Weak Nuclear Force to its original size and shape
i. Stronger than gravitation force Diagram:
ii. Weaker than electromagnetic force
iii. Weaker than strong nuclear force
iv.Operates on small ranges of up to 10-

Non - Fundamental Forces

Defn: Non fundamental forces is the forces
Attraction Force
in which the two interacting object are in
Defn: Attraction force is the force that pull
physical contact with each other.
object toward each other. For Example,
Magnetic always attract other object like v. Balk bearing
Diagram: Viscosity Force
Defn: Viscosity force is the friction force of
a fluid (liquid + gas) to flow. It involves the
resistance to flow. Water flow easy,
cooking oil flow with resistance than water
Repulsion Force and honey flow with more resistance than
Defn: Repulsion is the force that push cooking oil. Water has low viscosity,
object against each other. For Example, cooking oil has high viscosity than water
when the same poles of magnetic are and honey has most viscosity than cooking
closer it pushes each other oil.
Air Resistance
Defn: Air resistance is the force resists the
movement of an object through the air. It
is the Example, of viscosity
Torsion Force
Defn: Torsion force is a force produced Factor Affect Air Resistance
when a solid matter twisted The follows the effect of air resistance
i. Size and shape of the body
Friction Force ii. The speed of fluid
Defn: Friction force is the force that iii. The density of the fluid
prevents a body from sliding or rest. For
Example, an exercise book cannot slid on Normal Force
top of table due to friction between Defn: normal force is the force support
exercise book and table force exerted up an object in contact with
another stable object or normal force is
Importance of Friction Force the force equal and opposite direction to
i. Friction between feet and the ground weight of a body
enable man to walk Diagram:
ii. Friction between object on the surface
enable it to rest
iii. Friction between match and match
stick produce heat
iv. Friction enable stopper to close the
bottle of wine, juice etc

Disadvantage of Friction
i. Cause Heat and lead to heat energy
which cause the efficiency of machine
to be less than 100%
ii. Cause wear and tear of various bodies
Mg = w = weight of body
Example, shoes etc
N = normal force
iii. Cause accident due to wearing of our
skin when we slide in rough surface
Applied Force
NB: Defn: Applied force is the external force
The fraction can be reduced by that cause the system or body to change
i. Using lubricant e.g. oil, grease etc position
ii. Rollers
iii. Polishing
iv.Watering A conical flask with a base of diameter
7cm is filled to a depth of 10cm with a
liquid of density 840kg/m3. Find the total
force due to the liquid on the base in
Data given
Base diameter, d = 7cm= 0.07m
Base radius, r = 3.5cm= 0.035m
Liquid density, ρ = 840kg/m3
Liquid depth, h = 10cm = 0.1m
Gravitational force, g = 9.8N/kg
Force due to liquid, F = ?
From: F = mg
But: m = ρv
Also: v = Ah
Then: A = 𝜋r2
Where: v = volume of water
A = area of base
Then: F = ρ 𝜋r2hg
F = 840 x 3.14 x0.035 x 0.035 x 0.1 x
F = 3.1664388 ≈ 3.17N
F = 3.17N

Archimedes’s Principle and Law of Mathematically
Flotation U = R- A
Archimedes’s Principle
Consider the diagram below
U = Upthrust or Apparent weight loss
A = Apparent weight
R = Real weight

i. fluid normally exerts an Upthrust
ii. Upthrust tends to reduce weight of
When piece of wood immersed in fluid iii. 1g of water = 0.01N of water
then floats due to the buoyant force or iv. 1g of water = 1cm3 = 1ml of water
upthrust. Where by upthrust force is the
upward force enable the object to float or Example,
at least seem higher Given Weight of body in air is 10.10N
weight of body when immersed in water is
Archimedes Principle 9.2N. Find the upthrust.
Archimedes principle also called the law of Data given
buoyancy which state that Real weight, R =10.10N
“When a body is partially or totally Apparent weight, A = 9.2N
immersed in a fluid it experiences an Upthrust, U = ?
upthrust which is equal to the weight of the Solution
fluid displaced” From: U = R - A
W = 10.10 – 9.2
W =0.9N

The weight of a body when totally
immersed in a liquid is 4.2N if the weight of
the liquid displaced is 2.5N. Find the weight
of the body in air.
Data given
Apparent weight, A = 4.2N
Upthrust, U = 2.5N
Real weight, R =?
Relationship between Real Weight and
From: U = R - A - make W1 subject
Apparent Weight
R = U+ A
Consider diagram of the mass (weight) of
R = 2.5 + 4.2
the object below
R =6.7N

When an object is totally immersed in
water, its weight is recorded as 3.1N if its
weight in air is 4.9N. Find upthrust.
Data given
Real weight, R =4.9N
Apparent weight, A = 3.1N
Upthrust, U = ?
Real Weight is the weight of object in air
and apparent weight is the weight of
From: U = R - A = 4.9 - 3.1
object in fluid
U = 1.8N R.D = 2.4

Example, (b) Density of glass, d = ?

A body immersed in water displaced 1.1N From: R.D = ρg/ρw = make ρg subject
of the liquid if its weight white in the water ρg = R.D x dw = 2.4 x 1000
is 3.3N. Find they weight in air. ρg = 2400
Data given ρg = 2400 kg/m3
Apparent weight, A = 1.1N
Upthrust, U = 3.3N Relative Density of other liquid from water
Real weight, R =? by solid substance in Archimedes Principle
Solution When solid immersed in liquid and water
From: U = R - A - make W1 subject the relative density is given by liquid
R = U+ A displaced over water displaced
R = 3.3 + 1.1 Mathematically
weight of liquid displaced
R = 4.4N R.D =
Weight of water displaced

Relative Density by Using Archimedes weight of object in air − weight of object in liquid
Principle R.D =weight of object in air− weight of object in water
Consider the formula below
R.D = ms
R.D =
upthrust on liquid
mw (Vw=Vs) upthrust on water 𝑈𝑤
Ms x g
R.D =
mw x g
𝑅− 𝐴𝑙
R.D =
𝑅− 𝐴𝑤
i. mw x g = upthrust = U
ii. Ms x g = real weight = R Where:
iii. R.D = relative density 𝑈𝑙= upthrust on liquid = mass of substance 𝑈𝑤 =upthrust on water
v. mw (vw = vw) = Mass of an equal 𝐴𝑙= Apparent weight on liquid
volume of water or mass of water 𝐴𝑤 = Apparent weight on water
R.D = 𝑅 In an experiment to determine the relative
density of a liquid, a solid Q weighted as
But: U = R – A follows:
Weight Q in air, R = 8.6N
R.D = 𝑹
R−A Weight Q in water, AW = 6.0N
Weight Q in liquid, AL = 5.4N
Example, Data given
A piece of glass weight in air 1.2N and Weight of body Q in air, R = 8.6 N
0.7N when completely immersed in water Weight of body Q in water, AW = 6.0N
calculate it’s. Weight of body Q in liquid, AL = 5.4N
(a) Relative density Solution
(b) Density of glass From:
𝑅− 𝐴
Data given R.D = 𝑅− 𝐴𝑤𝑙
Weight of body in air, R = 1.2N R.D =
8.6 − 5.4
8.6 – 6.0
= 3.2/2.6 = 1.2
Weight of body in water, A = 0.7N
Density of water, ρw = 10000kg/m3 R.D = 1.2
Relative density of glass, R.D = ?
Density of glass, ρg = ? Example,
Solution Using the data shown below and
(a)Relative density of glass, R.D = ? determine the relative density of the liquid
From: R.D = R/(R - A) = 1.2/ (1.2 - 0.7) = 2.4

Condition for Sinking

i. Upthrust exerted by fluid is less than
weight of object
ii. Object denser than fluid means object
has great density than fluid
Data given
Weight of body in air, R = 15 N Floating
Weight of body in water, Aw = 11N Defn: Floating is the tendency of an object
Weight of body in liquid, Al = 9N to be suspended in (remain) on the
Relative density, R.D = ? surface of a fluid due to the upthrust
From:𝑅− 𝐴 Nb:
The ability of an object to float is called
R.D = 𝑅− 𝐴 𝑙 Buoyancy
15 − 9
R.D = = 6/7 = 1.5
18 – 11
R.D = 1.5 Condition for Floating
i. Upthrust exerted by fluid must be equal
Example, or greater to the real weight of the
A body weights 0.52N in air. Total object
immersed in water it weighs only 0.32N Nb: apparent weight approximately
while its weight when immersed in another equal to zero
liquid is 0.36N. The density of water is 1000
kg/m3. What is the density of the other ii. The density of body must lees than that
liquid? of fluid
Data given iii. Volume of submerged object must be
Weight of body in air, R = 0.52 N large enough to displace a lot of fluid
Weight of body in water, Aw = 0.32N
Weight of body in liquid, Al = 0.36N Law of Flotation
The law states that
Density of water ρw = 1000 kg/m3
Relative density, R.D = ? “A floating body displaces its own weight
of the fluid in which if floats”
Density of liquid, ρl = ?
From:𝑅− 𝐴 Nb:
The real weight of the body can be
R.D = 𝑅− 𝐴 𝑙 expressed in terms of its density
R.D = 0.52−0.36 = 0.16/0.2 = 0.8 Diagram
R.D = 0.8
But: R.D = ρl/ ρw – make ρl subject
ρl = R.D x ρw = 0.8 x 1000 = 800
ρl = 800 kg/m3

Defn: Sinking is the tendency of an object
to fall or drop to lower levels in a fluid
For substance to float, R = U
But: R =mS x g
Since: mS = ρS x vS
Therefore: R = ρS x vS x g

Also: U =mf x g
Since: mf = ρf x vf has low density that than displaced air so
Therefore: U = ρf x vf x g the balloon drifted up by a force
But: vf = %S x vs
Hot - Air Balloon
Then: %S = (vt/vs) x 100 Diagram

But: R = U
Then: ρs x vs x g = ρf x vf x g
Ρs x vs x g = ρf x %S x vf x g
Ρs = ρf x %S
R = real weight of substance
U = W = weight of fluid displaced
Ms = mass of substance
Ρs = density of substance
Vs = volume of substance
Mf = mass of fluid displaced
Ρf = density of fluid displaced
Vf = volume of fluid displaced
%S= percentage of substance submerged Mechanism
Vt = volume submerged When air heated in the envelope is
increased and gas inside expand so its
Application of Flotation volume increase and mass of gas inside
Law of flotation is applicant in various envelope remains Constant so its density
substance include lowered as if you compare to the external
i. Filling Balloons gas (cold air). This different in density drift
ii. Filling Hot air balloon the balloon and it’s passengers into the air
iii. Submarines Consider the diagram below
iv.Ships Diagram
v. Hydrometer

Consider the diagram below

For substance to float, R = U

But: U = Mt x g
U = (MB + Mc + mh) x g
But: mh = vh x ρh
Then: U = (Mt + vh x ρh) x g --------- 1

Where: Also: R = mc x g
But: mc = vc x ρc x g
F = force drift up below
Then: R = vc x ρc x g -------- 2
U = upthrust
R = weight of balloon But: vc = vh = v

Mechanism Then: equation 1 = equation 2 (U = R)

Balloons is filled with a light gas e.g. Helium (Mt + vh x ρh) x g = vc x ρc x g
which displace volume of air equal to its (Mt + vh x ρh) = vc x ρc
volume. Since filled gas has the light or Mt + v x ρh = v x ρc
Mt + v x ρh = v x ρc – make v subject Ml = (v x Δρ) – mb)
v = Mt/(ρc - ρh) Ml = (20 x (1.29 – 0.089)) – 2.5
v = (ml + mb)/Δρ Ml = (20 x 1.201) – 2.5
Ml = 24.02 – 2.5
Where Ml = 21.52kg
Total mass = mt = (MB + Mc + mh)
Volume of hot air = vh Sub Marine
Volume cold air = vc Consider the diagram below
Mass of hot air = mh Diagram:
Mass cold air = mc
Mass of balloon = mb
Density hot air = ρh
Density cold air = ρc

A hot air balloon including the envelope,
gondola, burner and fuel and one
passenger has a total mass of 450kg. Air
outside balloon is at 20℃ and has a density Mechanism
of 1.29kg/m3 the air inside at temperature Submarine made with empty space filled
120℃ has density of 0.90kg/m3. To what with air called ballast in order to increase
volume must the envelope expand to just its volume in order to devise density of
lift the balloon into the air? submarine and vice versa
Data given Diagram:
Total mass, mt = 450kg
Density at 120℃ , ρ2 = 0.90 kg/m3
Density at 20℃ , ρ1 = 1.29 kg/m3
Volume of air displaced, v1 = ?
From: v = (ml + mb)/Δρ
v = 450kg /(1.29-0.9)
v = 450kg /(1.29-0.9)
v = 450/0.39 = 1.15
v = 1.15m3
When water filled in the ballast the
submarine submerged and when balloon
admitted to special tank its due and when
A balloon has a capacity of 20m3 and it is
ballast is filled with air the sub marine floats
filled with hydrogen. The balloon fabric
like other ship
and the container have a mass of 2.5kg.
What mass of instruments can be lifted by Nb:
the balloon? (Density of hydrogen = When water quantity increased/ filled in
0.089kg/m3 and density of air is 1.29kg/m 3) the blast is tend to reduce volume hence
Data given
increase the density of submarine.
Total mass = mt = ml + mb
Volume capacity, v = 20m3 Ship
Volume cold air, v1 =20m3
Ship is made of steel and is expected to
Mass of balloon, mb = 2.5kg sink due to its weight. it contains hollow
Density at v2, ρ2 = 0.089kg/m3
which increase the volume of ship which
Density at v1, ρ1 = 1.29kg/m 3
help on making less dense that the water
Mass of instrument), ml = ?
From: v = (ml + mb)/Δρ – make ml subject

ii. Air bulb: it increases volume of
But when load put on ship it tends to displaced liquid and overcomes the
increase the density and mass of ship weight of the sinker
when overloaded the ship sink completely. iii. Stem: stem is thin so that small changes
To check on over wading ships are marked in density (height) give large
with line or mark called Plimsoll marks. differences in reading
iv. Scale: inside stem graduated in
Plimsoll line densities
Plimsoll line on a ship used to show v. Made up of glass to prevent soaking of
minimum heights (maximum density) the liquid
above different of water types in different
sea as shown in the diagram below Nb:
Diagram The greater the density of the liquid the
shorter the stem of hydrometer immersed

Relative Density of Liquid by Hydrometer

i. When hydrometer floats over water the
weight of hydrometer (wg) must equal
to the weight of water displaced (ww)
wg = ww
F = for fresh water ii. When hydrometer floats over liquid the
S = for sea in summer time weight of hydrometer (wg) must equal
W = for sea in water time to the weight of liquid displaced (wl)
TF = tropical fresh water wg = wl
WNA = winter in Atlantic
T = Tropical iii. since relative density of liquid is given
by ratio of density of liquid (ρl) to the
Hydrometer density of water (ρw)
Defn: hydrometer is an instrument used for R.D = ρl/ρw = wl/vl ÷ ww/vw
measuring the densities of liquids or Where:
hydrometer is an instrument used for vl = volume of liquid displaced
determine the relative density of liquids. vw = volume of water displaced
Diagram: wl = ww
Then: R.D = vw/vl

iv. since cross-section area of the

hydrometer is uniform, the volume of
water and of liquid displaced are
proportional to the lengths immersed in
R.D = lw/ll
Lw = length of hydrometer immersed in
Ll = length of hydrometer immersed in
Structure of Hydrometer
i. Heavy sinker (bulb): containing mercury Consider the Diagram Below
or lead shots that keep the hydrometer
upright when it floats

Data given
Cross section area of stem, A = 0.5cm2
Height of steam, h = 16 cm
The volume of steam, v1 = Ah = 8 cm3
Total volume, vt = (8 + v2) cm3
Minimum density, ρmn = 0.8 g/cm3
Maximum density, ρmx = 1.0 g/cm3
The volume of bulb, v2 = ?
The volume of bulb, v2 = ?
From: v2 = (Ah x ρmn)/(ρmx - ρmn)
Where: v2 = (8 x 0.8)/(1 – 0.8)
Steam volume, v1 = Ah v2 = 6.4/0.2
Bulb volume, v2 = v v2 = 32 cm3
Total volume, vt = v1 + v = Ah + v2
But: R = U Example, : NECTA form IV 2012 QN: 4
(a) What does a solid body weight more in
Where: air than when immersed in a liquid?
U = upthrust in liquid (b) An ordinary hydrometer of mass 27g
ρmn = minimum density floats with 4cm of its stem out of water.
ρmx = maximum density If cross section area of stem is 0.75cm2
R = weight of hydrometer calculate
U = vt x ρmn x g i. The total volume of stem just under
R = v x ρmx x g the surface of the liquid
But: R = U ii. The relative density of the liquid
Then: vt x ρmn x g = v x ρmx x g Data given (b):
(Ah + v) x ρmn x g = v x ρmx x g Mass of hydrometer, mh = 27g
(Ah + v) x ρmn = v x ρmx Mass of water displaced, mw = 27g
Ah x ρmn + v x ρmn = v x ρmx – make v2 Area of stem, A = 0.75cm2
subject Height of stem, h = 4cm
v x ρmx - v x ρmn = Ah x ρmn Density of water, ρw = 1g/cm3
v x (ρmx - ρmn) = Ah x ρmn Density of liquid, ρl = ?
v = (Ah x ρmn)/(ρmx – ρmn Solution
v = (Ah x ρmn)/(ρmx - ρmn) i. Total volume, vt = v1 + v
Volume of stem, v1 = Ah = 3 cm3
Example, Volume of bulb, v = mw x ρw = 27 cm3
Consider the diagram below used to vt = v1 + v
measure density of liquid between 1g/cm3 vt = Ah + mw x ρw
to 0.81g/cm3 (The area of cross section vt = (3 + 27) cm3
area of stem is 0.5cm2). Find the volume of vt = 30 cm3
hydrometer below 1.0 g/cm3 graduated
ii. Relative density, R.D = ?
From: R.D = ρl/ρw
But: ρl = ml/vt = 27/30 = 0.9 g/cm3
Then: R.D = ρl/ρw 0.9/1 = 0.9
R.D = 0.9

A balloon of volume 2000m3 is filled with
hydrogen of density 0.09 kg/m 3. If the mass
of fabric is 100kg and that of the pilot is

i. What will be the greatest mass of Density of water, ρw = 1 g/cm3
equipment that can be carried when Cork Fraction immersed, x = ?
operation in air is 1.25kg/m3? Volume of water displaced, vw = ?
ii. How would this figure change if helium, Volume of cork immersed, vc = ?
which has twice the density of Solution
hydrogen under the same condition, From: principle of flotation (vw = vc)
were to be used? Mc = mass 0f water, mw
Solution 20 = vw x 1
i. For hydrogen Vw = vc = 20 cm3
Data given But: x = vc/vt
Mt total mass = mt = (ml + mb) Where: Volume of cork, vt = ?
Volume of hydrogen, v2 = 2000m3 From: ρc = mc/vt
Volume surrounding, v1 =20000m3 Vt = mc/ ρc = 20/0.25 = 80 cm3
Mass of balloon, mb = (75+100) = 175kg Vt = 80 cm3
Density at v2, ρ2 = 0.09kg/m3 X = 20/80 = 1/4
Density at v1, ρ1 = 1.25kg/m3 X = 1/4
Density change, Δρ = (ρ2-ρ1) = (1.25 -
0.09) = 1.16kg/m3 Example,
Solution The mass of a piece of cork (0.25 g/cm3) is
Mass of instrument), ml = ? 20g. What fraction of the cork is immersed
From: v = (ml + mb)/Δρ – make ml when it floats in alcohol?(density of
subject alcohol is 0.8 g/cm3)
Ml = (v x Δρ) - mb Data given
Ml = (2000 x 1.16) – 175 Mass of cork, mc = 20g
Ml = 2320 – 175 Density of cork, ρc = 0.25 g/cm 3
Ml = 2145kg Density of alcohol, ρa = 0.8 g/cm3
Cork Fraction immersed, x = ?
ii. For helium Volume of alcohol displaced, va = ?
Data given Volume of cork immersed, vc = ?
Mt total mass = mt = (ml + mb) Solution
Volume of helium, v2 = 2000m 3 From: principle of flotation (va = vc)
Volume surrounding, v1 =20000m3 Mc = mass 0f water, mw
Mass of balloon, mb = (75+100) = 175kg 20 = vw x 0.8
Density at v2, ρ2 = 0.18kg/m3 Vw = va = 25 cm3
Density at v1, ρ1 = 1.25kg/m3 But: x = vc/vt
Density change, Δρ = (ρ2-ρ1) = (1.25 - Where: Volume of cork, vt = ?
0.18) = 1.07kg/m3 From: ρc = mc/vt
Solution Vt = mc/ ρc = 20/0.25 = 80 cm3
Mass of instrument), ml = ? Vt = 80 cm3
From: X = 25/80 = 5/16
v = (ml + mb)/Δρ – make ml subject X = 5/16
Ml = (v x Δρ) - mb
Ml = (2000 x 1.07) – 175 Example,
Ml = 2140 – 175 A uniform pencil floats upright in water
Ml = 1965kg with 8cm of its length immersed. What
length is immersed when its floats in
Example, glycerol (density of glycerol is 1.3 g/cm3)?
The mass of a piece of cork (0.25 g/cm3) is Data given
20g. What fraction of the cork is immersed Length of pencil immersed in water,lw =
when it floats in water? 8cm
Data given Density of glycerol, ρg = 1.3 g/cm3
Mass of cork, mc = 20g Density of water, ρw = 1 g/cm3
Density of cork, ρc = 0.25 g/cm3
Length of pencil immersed in glycerol, lg = Total volume, vt = (9 + v2) cm3
? Minimum density, ρmn = 0.8 g/cm3
Solution Maximum density, ρmx = 1.0 g/cm3
But: R.D of glycerol = lw/lg The volume of bulb, v2 = ?
Then: lg = lw/R.D = 8/1.3 = 6.2cm Solution
lg = 6.2cm (a) The volume of bulb, v2 = ?
From: v2 = (Ah x ρmn)/(ρmx - ρmn)
Example, v2 = (9 x 0.8)/(1 – 0.8)
A balloon and the gas in it have a mass of v2 = 7.2/0.2
450g and its volume is 500 litres. What is the v2 = 36 cm3
maximum load it can lift in air of density 1.3
g/cm3? (b) What height, h2 of hydrometer when
Data given shifted to measure 0.9 g/cm3
Total mass, mt = (ml + mb) But: weight of hydrometer never change
Mass of balloon, mb = 450g V3 x 0.9 x 0.01N = 0.36N
Density of gas, ρg = 1.3 g/cm3 V3 = 40 3
Density change, Δρ = 1.3 g/cm3 V3 = Ah2
Volume of balloon, vb = 500 litres h2 = 8cm
Maximum load, ml = ?
Maximum load, ml = ?
From: v = (ml + mb)/Δρ – make ml subject
Ml = (v x Δρ) - mb
Ml = (500 x 1.3) – 450
Ml = 650 – 450
Ml = 200g

Example, : NECTA 2012

The diagram below shows on form of man
hydrometer used to me to measure the
densities of liquid over the range of 0.8 to
1.00 g/cm3. If the area of cross section of
the stem is 0.5 cm2 and the distance
between the 0.80 and 100 division is 18cm

(a) The volume of hydrometer below 1.00

(b) The position of the 0.90 graduation
Data given
Cross section area of stem, A = 0.5cm2
Height of steam, h = 18 cm
The volume of steam, v1 = Ah = 9 cm3
Structure and Properties of Matter v. Has high density due to small volume
Matter vi.Particle move very slow
Defn: matter is anything that has mass and
occupies space. Matter can be change Liquid State
state with vary in temperature Liquid substance has fixed volume but
variable in shapes. Particles in liquid are
State Of Matter slightly father apart. For Example, water,
Matter exist in three physical states include kerosene, milk etc
i. Solid state Diagram
ii. Liquid state
iii. Gas (vapour) state

Structure of matter
Matter is made up of tiny particles. The
particles are either atom or molecules

Atom Properties of Liquid Matter

Defn: atom is the smallest part of an i. Particles are slight father apart
element, which can take part in chemical ii. Have definite volume
reaction. For Example, Sodium atom (Na), iii. Have not definite shape
hydrogen atom (H) etc iv. Has medium density due to medium
Molecules v. Has medium motion
Defn: a molecule is a group of atoms. For vi.Inter-particle force is weak
Example, water molecule (H2O), hydrogen
molecules (H2) Gas State
Gas has not definite shape or size. Particles
Solid State are moving so fast and are so far apart
Solid substance has definite shape and that they do not interact with each other
definite volume. Particle in solid substance at all. For Example, oxygen gas, hydrogen
are closely packed together. For Example, gas, nitrogen gas etc
of solid substance is Ice, Wood, Stone, Diagram:
Books, Shoes, and Plastic

Properties of Gas Matter

i. Has not definite shape
NB: ii. Has not definite volume
i. The particles vibrate in fixed position iii. Has largest inter particle distance
ii. The particle are not free to move iv.Has low density due to largest volume
because they held by strong inter v. Has weakest inter particle force
particle force vi.Particle move at high speed

Properties of Solid Matter The Particulate Nature of Matter

i. Particles are closely packed together Scientist called Robert brown used a
ii. Has definite shape and volume microscope and observed that pollen
iii. Has strongest inter-particle force grains suspended in water moved short
iv.Particle are not free to move distance in an irregular zigzag manner.
After that observation Robert brown
concluded by the law called Brownian

Brownian motion
Brownian motion state that
“Matter is made up of tiny particle that are
in a state of continuous random motion”

Kinetic Theory of Matter

It describes the physical properties of
matter in terms of the behaviour of its
component atom or molecules. It state
i. Between point O and A
“All matter is made up of very small
particles that are in constant motion” Tension is direct proportional to
extension. This was discovered by
NB: Hooke and final he comes with law
i. Motion of solid particles are in vibration which called Hooke’s law
ii. Motion of liquid and gas particles are in

Defn: elasticity is the property/ability of a
body to return to its original shape and size
when deforming force removed

i. A body/substance with ability to
undergo elasticity is called elastic
ii. Material are elastic to some degree
until elastic limit is reached
iii. The materials which do not undergo
elastic deformation are called brittle
substance. For Example, glass, block
iv. When material deformed beyond
elastic limit it become plastic, means it
will not regain its original shape even
though it doe s not break. This type of
deformation is called plastic
v. Material which undergoes plastic
deformation is called inelastic or plastic

Graph of Tension against Extension

Hooke’s Law i. Rubber tyres, hoses, belt and shock
It state that absorbing spring for car and trucks
“Within the elastic limit extension is ii. Aeroplane wings
directly proportional to the force iii. Supporting cable for bridges
Or C. Industry application
“Provided that the elastic limit of a body i. Conveyor belts
not exceeded the extension is directly ii. Measuring weight
proportional to the force applied” iii. Steel beams in construction
Mathematically: iv.Insulation of vibration and sound
F α e - remove proportionality constant
F = ke – make K subject Surface Tension
k = F/e Defn: surface tension is the ability of a
liquid surface to act like stretched elastic
Where: skin. Surface tension occurs due to the
k = elastic force constant force of attraction between molecules of
= spring constant liquid
F = force applied Diagram
e = extension
SI unit of K is N/m

ii. At point A
At point A is called limit proportionality
or elastic limit

iii. Between point A and B

Between Point A and B is called the
region of elastic. In this region a small How Surface Tensions Occur?
force produces a large extension which Particles at the surface have no neighbor
is not directly proportional to the molecules which tend to possess strongest
extension attraction force up on their nearest
neighbouring on the surface, this result
iv. Between point B and C elastic nature of the liquids surface. If an
Between Point B and C is called the object placed on surface of liquid its
region of plastic deformation. At this weight pushes downward cause a
region material will not return to its deformation, which tends to increase the
original shape and size when applied surface area of the liquid. The surface
force/tension/load removed tension resists that increase in area by
pushing upward on the object
v. Beyond point C Diagram:
Beyond point C the material breaks

Application of Elasticity In Real Life

A. Domestic application
i. Rubber gaskets that seal the
refrigerator door
ii. Clothing
iii. Springs in furniture
iv. Rubber bands that hold things together Physical Phenomenon Show Presence of
v. Toys like balloons and ball Surface Tension
i. Walking on water: Small insects such as
B. Transport application the water strider can walk on water

because their weight is not enough to formation of bubbles with water. The
penetrate the surface. Pond skater tendency to minimize that wall tension
(water strider) floats in pond due to pulls the bubbles into spherical shapes.
surface tension xii. Surface Tension and Droplets: Surface
ii. Floating a needle: A carefully placed tension is responsible for the shape of
small needle can be made to float on liquid droplets. Although easily
the surface of water even though it is deformed, droplets of water tend to
several times as dense as water. If the be pulled into a spherical shape by the
surface is agitated to break up the cohesive forces of the surface layer
surface tension, then needle will xiii. Glass house leaks water inside during
quickly sink. Pin floats over water due the starting of the rain season, when
to surface tension glass roof partial wetted have
iii. razor floats over water due to surface poor/not surface tension of glass roof
tension in which water leaks inside but when
iv. formation of soap bubbles due to glass roof total wetted experience
surface tension surface tension which prevent leaks of
v. formation of drops of water on leaves water inside the glass house
of a plant due to surface tension
vi. Don't touch the wet tent: Common tent Factor Affect Surface Tension
materials are somewhat rainproof in i. Nature of the liquid
that the surface tension of water will Different liquid have different surface
bridge the pores in the finely woven tension, for Example, mercury has
material. But if you touch the tent higher surface tension than water
material with your finger, you break the
surface tension and the rain will drip ii. Contamination/impurities
through. Impurities in liquid lower the surface
vii. Clinical test for jaundice: Normal urine tension. The substance which lowers
has a surface tension of about 66 surface tension is called surfactants
dynes/centimeter but if bile is present (acronym for surface active agent).
(a test for jaundice), it drops to about Example, of surface tension lower is
55. In the Hay test, powdered sulfur is detergents
sprinkled on the urine surface. It will
float on normal urine, but will sink if the iii. Temperature
surface tension is lowered by the bile. Surface tension of a liquid decreases
viii. Surface tension disinfectants: with increase in temperature
Disinfectants are usually solutions of
low surface tension. This allows them to Application of Surface Tension
spread out on the cell walls of bacteria i. Cleaning action of soap, e.g.
and disrupt them. detergent lower surface tension
ix. Soaps and detergents: These help the between particles of closes and dirty
cleaning of clothes by lowering the ii. Mosquitoes normally lay their eggs in
surface tension of the water so that it water. When small amount of oil is
more readily soaks into pores and poured on the water, it lower the
soiled areas. surface tension which results sinking of
x. Washing with cold water: The major eggs
reason for using hot water for washing iii. Surfactants are also used to make
is that its surface tension is lower and it emulsion of two liquids like oil and water
is a better wetting agent. But if the iv.It used in extraction of impurities in
detergent lowers the surface tension, laboratory
the heating may be unnecessary. v. Hot soup has lower surface tension as a
xi. Why bubbles are round: The surface result soup spread over a large area of
tension of water provides the the tongue, hence hot soup is tastier
necessary wall tension for the that cold one

Adhesion and Cohesion

As we learnt that particle are bonded by
force of attraction called intermolecular
force Application of Adhesive and Cohesive
i. Adhesive Used to stick two different
Intermolecular Force objects. For Example, using glue or
Defn: intermolecular force is force of tape
attraction or repulsion between particles ii. Plant use the cohesive of tissue to repair
of matter (atom or molecules) damage
iii. Ink stick on paper
Types of Intermolecular Force iv. Transport of water in plant and animal
There are two include due to adhesive force
i. Cohesive force v. Adhesive is the source of friction
ii. Adhesive force
Cohesion Defn: capillarity is the rise or fall of liquid in
Defn: cohesion force is the force of nallow tube. A tube with a very hole (bore)
attraction between the molecules of the is called capillary tube
same kind. For Example, water and water Diagram:

Defn: adhesion is the force of attraction
between the molecules of the different
substance. For Example, water and glass

Effect of Adhesion and Cohesion

i. Mercury form convex (downward)
meniscus because it possess strong Nb:
cohesive force than adhesive force i. When you dip a capillary tube in water
ii. water form concave (upward) , the water rise due to greater adhesive
meniscus because it possess strong force
adhesive force than cohesive force ii. When you dip a capillary tube in
Diagram mercury, the mercury fall due to
greater cohesive force

iii. Drop of water on the surface of some

leaves is perfect sphere due to strong
cohesive force than adhesive force
iv. Drop of mercury on the surface of
different material is perfect sphere due iii. The greater adhesive and cohesive the
to strong cohesive force than adhesive greater the capillarity action
v. water spread over glass because it Application of Capillarity
possess strong adhesive force than i. The raising of oil in the wicks of lamps in
cohesive force the cotton threads
Diagram ii. The absorption of water by a towel
iii. Water rises in the soil because the soil is
composed of fine particles
iv. It facilitates the transport of water and
nutrients from the roots
v. Ink rises into the blotting paper through
those fine pores

Defn: osmosis is the movement of a solvent
from a region of low concentration to one
of high concentration through a semi-
permeable membrane. Consider the
experiment below
i. Peal a potato
ii. Keep over salts
iii. The potato shrink due to movement of
water from potato (low concentration)
to salt (high concentration)

Application of Osmosis
i. Absorption of water molecules from soil
to plant
ii. Aquatic life is controlled by osmosis
iii. Filtration process

Defn: diffusion is the movement of particles
from a region of high concentration to one
of low concentration. For Example,

Application of Osmosis
i. Detecting harmful substance in the
ii. In the use of refreshers and other sprays
iii. Respiration process, oxygen diffuses
into blood stream
iv. Balance concentration of water and
nutrients in and out of the cells of living

Pressure Note: To get maximum pressure the area
Defn: pressure is the force per unit area must minimum
Mathematically: Then: Pmax = F/Amin
P = F/A Pmax = 250/0.025 = 10000 N/m2
Where: Pmax = 10000 N/m2
P = pressure Minimum pressure, Pmin = ?
F = force Note: To get minimum pressure the area
A = surface area must maximum
Then: Pmin = F/Amax
Si Unit of Pressure Pmin = 250/0.085 = 2941N/m2
From: P = F/A Pmin = 2941 N/m2
P = F/A = N/m2
The SI unit is Newton per cubic metre Example,
(N/m2) A woman weighting 500N wear a pair of
shoes with heels of area 250m2, what is the
Note pressure exerted on the floor by a heel of
Some pressure is higher and lower is small her shoes?
to cope with this great difference, there Data given
other unity obtains from the N/m2, namely Area, A = 250m2
i. Pascal (Pa) Weight of woman, F = 500N
ii. Atmosphere (atm) Pressure exerted, P = ?
iii. Millimetre of mercury (mmHg) Solution
iv.Torre bar (bar) From: P = F/A
Pressure exerted, P = ?
Their equivalent is Then: P = F/A
i. 1Pa = 1N/m2 P = 500/250 = 2 N/m2
ii. 1atm = 760mmHg P = 2 N/m2
iii.1atm = 100000N/m2
iv.1atm = 1bar Example, s We Experience Solid Pressure
We can prove the pressure due to solid as
Pressure due to Solid the following reasons
Pressure on solid depends on force i. We experience pain discomfort when
applied and the surface area. we lift a bucket of water made by thin
Mathematically: (small area) handle
P = F/A ii. Sharp edges (small area) of knife or
razor cut easily than blunt knife or razor
Example, iii. Sharps pointer (small area) of nail,
A rectangular block weighting 250N has screw, push pin, spear and an arrow
dimension 34cm, 25cm by 10cm. what is has high penetrating power
the greater pressure and the least iv. Wide wooden or concrete (large area)
(minimum) pressure it can be exerts on the sleepers are placed below the railway
ground track to prevent railway track to
Data given penetrate on ground.
Maximum area, Amax = 0.25 x 0.34 = v. Building are constructed with wide
0.058m2 (large area) foundation to increase to
Minimum area, Amin = 0.25 x 0.1 = 0.025m2 increase surface are to prevent wall
Weight of block, F = 250N from penetrate on ground
Maximum pressure, Pmax = ? vi. It pain full to walk bare foot on road
Minimum pressure, Pmin = ? covered with small stone (small area)
Solution vii. Feet of elephant cannot sink into soft
From: P = F/A soil even is very heavy due to large
Maximum pressure, Pmax = ? surface area over elephant feet

viii. A tractor works on soft ground
cannot sink due to large surface area
(wide tyres)
ix. Duck cannot sink on soft mud due to
large surface area on his webbed feet
x. Potter put some soft material on his/her
head for heavy load to increase
surface area
xi. The sharp fins inflict pain on an intruder
xii.It is painful to walk barefoot on a
At hole C water pushed in high speed due
road that is covered by pebbles
to high pressure causes by long depth
than hole A and hole B, due different in
height (depth)
The tip of the needle with cross section
area of 0.000001m2, if a doctor applied a
Example, s We Experience Liquid Pressure
force of 20N to syringe that is connected
We can prove the pressure due to liquid as
to the needle. Find pressure exerted at the
the following reasons
tip of the needle
i. The water bubbles increase its volume if
Data given
moves from bottom of the pond to the
Area, A = 0.000001m2
top of the pond (depth decrease)
Force applied, F = 20N
ii. Water tanks have their outlets fixed at
Pressure exerted, P = ?
the bottom (large depth)
iii.A person at great height suffers from
From: P = F/A
nose bleeding
Pressure exerted, P = ?
iv.A hole at the bottom of a ship is more
Then: P = F/A
dangerous than one near the surface
P = 20/0.000001 = 2 N/m2
v. A dam is thicker at the bottom than at
P = 20000000 N/m2
the top
Pressure due to Liquid
Communication Vessel
It difficult to obtain the area and force
Communication vessel find its own level
applies on that liquid, in order to solve that
even though each part has different
problem, we to derive new formula
shape, the liquid will be at the same level
From: P = F/A
in all part
But: F = mg, m = ρv, v = hA
Then: P = ρhAg/A = ρhg
P = ρhg

i. Since the gravitation force (g) is
constant Pressure on liquid depends on
a/ Depth (height liquid rises)
b/ Density of liquid

ii. Pressure on solid depends on Spirit Level

a/ Force applied (F) Defn: spirit level is an instrument used to
b/ Surface area (A) test whether a surface is horizontal or
vertical. It consist of a slightly curved glass
Consider the diagram below tube which is not completely filled with a
liquid (yellow in colour) leaving a bubble in
the tube

A spirit level works on the fact that a liquid
in a vessel will always find its own level.

Spirit level used by a) Different pressure between top and

i. Mason bottom of the cube, Δρ = ?
ii. Carpenters Data given
iii. Surveyors etc Water density, ρ = 1000kg/ m3 = 1g/cm3
Gravitation force, g = 10N/kg
Example, Height at top, h1 = 8cm = 0.08m
What will the pressure due to column of Pressure exerted at top, P1 = ?
water of height 4m? Height at top, h1 = 8cm = 0.1m
Data given Pressure exerted at bottom, P2 = ?
Height, h = 4m Solution
Density of water, ρ = 1000kg/ m3 = 1g/cm3 Δρ = P2 – P1
Gravitation force, g = 10N/kg But: P1 = ρxh1xg and P2 = ρxh2xg
Pressure exerted, P = ? Then: Δρ = P2 – P1 = (ρxh2xg - ρxh1xg)
Solution Δρ = ρg(h2 - h1) = 1000 x 10 x (0.1 –
From: P = ρhg 0.08)
P = 1000 x 4 x 10 = 40000 Δρ = 1000 x 10 x 0.02 = 200
P = 40000 N/m2 ΔP = 200 N/m2

Example, b) Different force between top and

The pressure at a bottom of a well is bottom of the cube, Δf = ?
98000N/m2. How deep is the well? From: Δf = ΔP x ΔA
Data given Where: ΔA = area between top and
Density of water, ρ = 1000kg/ m3 = 1g/cm3 bottom
Gravitation force, g = 10N/kg But: A = 2cm x 2cm = 4cm2 = 0.000m2
Pressure exerted, P = 98000N/m 2 Then: Δf = ΔP x ΔA = 200 x 0.0004 = 0.08
Height, h = ? Δf = 0.08N
From: P = ρhg - make h subject c) Weight of water displaced, w = ?
h = P/(ρg) = 98000/(1000 x 10) But: due to Archimedes principle
h = 98000/10000 = 98 volume of water displace is equal to
h = 98m volume of cube while due to flotation
law weight of water displace is equal to
Example, weight of cube
A cube of sides 2cm is completely Then: volume of water (cube) = 8cm3
submerged in water so that the bottom of But: 1g = 1cm3 = 0.01N/g
the cube is at depth of 10cm. find Then: 1cm3 = 0.01N/g
a) different pressure between top and 8cm3 = w?
bottom of the cube w = 8 x 0.01 = 0.08N
b) different force between top and w = 0.08N
bottom of the cube
c) weight of water displaced by the cube Example,
Consider the diagram below

Calculate the pressure exerted on a diver Then: P2 = P2
at a depth of 20m below the surface of But: P1 = f/a
water in a sea P1 = F/A
Data given Then: F/A = f/a
Height, h = 20m F/A = f/a
Density of water, ρ = 1000kg/ m3 = 1g/cm3
Gravitation force, g = 10N/kg But: A = πR2
Pressure exerted, P = ? a = πr2
Solution F/ πR2 = f/πr2
From: P = ρhg F/R2 = f/r2
P = 1000 x 20 x 10 = 200000
P = 200000 Pa But: R2 = (D/2)2= D2/4
r2 = ( d/2)2= d2/4
Pascal’s Principle F/R2 = f/r2
Consider the diagram below F/(D2/4) = f/(d2/4)
Diagram: F/D2 = f/d2

From: principle of moment

Anticlockwise moment = clockwise
Since: f = p2 x a
F = p1 x A
But: p1 = p2 = p
When the container with holes contain p x A x D = p x a x d - divide by p
water compressed, water will come out Therefore: AD = ad
with equal force in all directions due to AD = ad
equal force of water come out, it
concluded by the Pascal which say that Example,
“Any external pressure to the surface of an In a hydraulic press the area of the piston
enclosed liquid will be transmitted equally to which the effort is applied is 5cm2. If the
throughout the liquid” press can raise a weight of 2KN when an
effort of 400N is applied, what is the area
Hydraulic Press of the piston under the load?
Hydraulic press uses a principle of Pascal Data given
to multiply an applied effort using the Small Piston Force, f =200N
pressure of a liquid or gas. This allows the Large Piston Force, F = 2KN = 2000N
lifting of a heavy load by applying little Small piston area, a = 5cm2
effort Large piston area, A = ?
From: F/A = f/a – make A subject
A = (F x a)/f
A = (2000 x 5)/400 = 10000/400 = 25cm2
A = 25cm2

Hydraulic press has a large circular piston
of diameter 0.7m and circular piston to
which the effort is applied of diameter
0.21m. A force of 300N is exerted on small
According to the Pascal principle pressure piston. Find the force required to lift a
will transmitted equally through the fluid heavy load
(oil) Data given
Small piston diameter, d = 0.21m d = (A x D)/a
Large piston diameter, D = 0.7m d = (0.1 x 0.3)/0.02 = 0.003/0.02 = 0.15
Small Piston Force, f =300N d = 0.15m
Large Piston Force, F = ?
Solution: Example,
From: F/D2 = f/d2 – make F subject A car of mass 8000kg, one of its tyres
F = (D2 x f)/d2 having an area of 50cm2 in contact with
F = (0.7 x 0.7 x 300)/(0.21 x 0.21) = ground. Find the pressure of the four wheel
147/0.0441 car exerted on ground by the car
F = 147/0.0441 = 3333.33 Data given
F = 3333.33N Area of one tire, A = 50cm2
Area of four tires, at = 4xA = 200cm2=
Example, 0.02m2
Piston of hydraulic press has their areas Mass of car, m = 8000kg
given as 0.0003m2 and 0.02m2 respectively. Gravitation force, g = 10N/kg
The 120N is required to push down the Weight of car, F = mg = 80000N
small piston, find the force required to push Pressure exerted, P = ?
large piston Solution
Small Piston Force, f =120N From: P = F/A
Small piston area, a = 0.0003m2 Pressure exerted, P = ?
Large piston area, A = 0.02m2 Then: P = F/At
Large Piston Force, F = ? P = 80000/0.02 = 4000000 N/m2
Solution: P = 4000000 N/m2
From: F/A = f/a – make F subject
F = (f x A)/a Uses of Hydraulic Press in Daily Life
F = (120 x 0.02)/0.0003 = 2.4/0.0003 = 8000 i. It lifts heavy loads
F = 8000N ii. In ginneries to compress a lump of
cotton into small bales
Example, iii. In industries to form car bodies into the
A hydraulic lift has piston with areas of required shapes
0.02m2 and 0.1m2. A car with a weight of iv. It used to make hydraulic brakes
5000N sits on platform mounted on the v. It used to make hydraulic jack
large piston vi. Extraction of oil from the oil seed
a) How much force applied on small
piston Manometer
b) How for must small piston fall when Defn: manometer is device for measuring
large piston raise the car at 0.3m? fluid pressure
Data given Diagram:
Small piston area, a = 0.02m 2
Large piston area, A = 0.1m2
Large Piston Force, F = 5000N
Large Piston distance moved, d =0.3m
Small Piston distance moved, d =?
Small Piston Force, f =?
a) Small Piston Force, f =?
From: F/A = f/a – make f subject
f = (F x a)/A It is u shaped glass tube, open at both
f = (5000 x 0.1)/0.02 = 500/0.02 = 10000 ends and holding liquid (water/mercury)
f = 10000N
Mechanism of Manometer
b) Small Piston distance moved, d =?
From: AD = ad – make d subject
One limb is connected to the fluid supply
and the other limb is opened to the
atmosphere. The pressure exerts on fluid
causes level of water or mercury on
manometer to rise at a certain height as
shown in the diagram above. The height
rise by water or mercury is called liquid
head. The pressure is calculate from
P = ρhg

P = pressure of fluid iii. When air pumped out of the
ρ = density of water/mercury Magdeburg hemispheres a vacuum is
g = acceleration due to gravity created inside the hemispheres and the
pressure of the atmosphere exert a
Atmospheric Pressure greater force on the surface of the
Defn: Atmospheric pressure is the air sphere. Hence it will be found
pressure due to the force (gravity) per unit impossible to pull the hemispheres
area of the air molecules apart. If air is allowed to enter into the
hemisphere it becomes easily to pull
How Gas Exerts Pressure? the hemisphere apart
Gas exerts pressure on wall of its container Diagram:
by the movement of its particles due to
kinetic energy hence momentum
increased which produce high
force/pressure, which they have
frequencies striking the wall, creates
pressure on the wall of its container

Experiment Demonstrate Atmospheric

i. If there is no air between the card and
water in the glass tumbler full filled with
water when be upside down the card
Defn: Barometer is an instrument used to
holds on the tumbler due to the
measure atmospheric pressure
existence of atmosphere
ii. When the bottle poured by hot water
Simple Barometer
and cork the bottle tightly and allowed
Simple Barometer is the most fundamental
to cool , the bottle crushed due to
of the other types of barometer. The
atmospheric pressure
barometer liquid used is mercury
In vacuum (no air) there is no pressure.
When bottle has hot water and vapour
water particle are apart and when
condensed by cooled it leaving partial
vacuum inside the bottle which tend to
cause bottle to crush

The atmospheric pressure is given by:
P = ρhg
P = atmospheric pressure
h = height raised by mercury
ρ = density of mercury

Fortin Barometer
Fortin Barometer is the modified simple
barometer. It is a very accurate type of Mechanism
mercury barometer for measuring air When the atmospheric pressure increase,
pressure. It perform function like simple the centre of the partially evacuated box
barometer moves inwards and this small movement is
Diagram: magnified by a system of levers. The chain
attached to the end lever moved the
pointer. The large spring prevents the box
from collapsing

Disadvantage of using forting barometer

i. Mercury is expensive
ii. Aneroid barometer is portable
iii. Forting barometer must be mounted in
a vertical position

Aneroid barometer which used in aircraft
to show the height at which the plane is
flying is called Altimeter

Application of Atmospheric Pressure

There are a variety of common and even
i. Vertical tube (mercury column) contain simple device that make use of the
mercury with a vacuum above it atmospheric pressure to work. There
ii. Reservoir bag at the base as a reservoir include
of mercury i. Siphon
iii. ivory pointer with a sharp point at the ii. Lift pump
bottom which correspond to the zero iii. Force pump
error iv.Syringe
iv. Metal and movable Vernier scale for v. Bicycle pump
reading the height of the mercury level
accurately Siphon
Defn: Siphon is a tube or pipe used to
Question: transfer liquid from one to another
i. Why barometer uses mercury instead of container by using atmospheric pressure to
water? make liquid flow

Aneroid Barometer Mechanism

Aneroid Barometer does not use any Consider the diagram below
liquid. It consists of an evacuated metal
box connecting a system of levers and a
pointer. It is compact and portable


Where: Water flows slowly from the tap into the
Pa = pressure on container a tank, raises above the top of the siphon
P = atmospheric pressure tube to complete the height, h. The siphon
Pb = pressure on container b flushes water until it reaches the bottom of
D = density of liquid the shorten limb at A. this action is
h = height raised by container a repeated after every few minutes. This kind
H = height raised by container b of appliance is used in places which have
to be kept clean continually. E.g. urinating
At point A the pressure (PA) due to height, places
h is small as if you compare to pressure(PB)
due to height, H, at point B, due to the Chain and Ball Flushing Tank
different pressure the fluid (water) drifted It consist ball associated with incomplete
from point A to point B of height of water which tend to create
pressure which flushes water
Nb: Diagram:
Siphon can lift water about 10m below the

Application of Siphon
Siphon is applied in many areas and
devices that we use every day include
i. Chain and ball flushing tank
ii. automatic flushing tank
iii.A siphon cup is a reservoir attached to
a gun
iv.It is used in some drainage system to Mechanism
drain water to another point As water increase, the ball float (moves
up) until it reaches at the top which close
Automatic Flushing Tank the valve tap to prevent completes of the
It is used in special rain gauge called height. The siphon action is start when the
siphon rain gauge which are able to chain is pulled to complete the height, the
automatically drain out excess water chain pulls the plunger pushes water into
Diagram: the bend of the siphon which complete
the height which flashes water

Lift Pump
Lift pump is used to raise water from
underground water sources. Lift pump is a
pump that used to lift the liquid rather than
force liquid up

The lift pump starts with the piston at the
bottom of the empty cylinder and both
valves closed

When a piston is raised (upstroke) valve A
closed and valve B opens, which create
partial vacuum between valve A and the
piston and the atmospheric pressure
pushes water up the pipe into the bowel.
Diagram: Limitation of Lift Pump
i. It can lift water up to height of 10m
ii. Few strokes are required

Force Pump
Force pump is a modified of lift pump


When the piston is lowered (down stroke)

valve A open and valve B closed due to
the weight of water, the valve A allow
water to rise over barrel. Repetition of
stokes the water can collected on spout

During up stoke of piston, a partial vacuum

(low pressure) is formed between valve A
and the piston. This cause valve A to close
and pressure forces water into the barrel
through valve B. during down stroke water through the nozzle up into the barrel.
is compressed, valve B closes and valve A Water will be forced out when the plunger
opens. As a result water is forced by piston is pushed down again
along the spout
Uses of the Syringe
Mechanism i. Used for medical purpose e.g. Injecting
Diagram vaccines
ii. They are used to measure liquids and
gases in the laboratory
iii. Used to apply certain compound such
as glue or lubricant

Bicycle Pump

During upstroke of piston the valve C Mechanism

closes and the valve D open, this force the When the piston is pushes forward, air in
water in the cylinder out of the pump. the space p is compressed; the pressure
During down stroke the valve C open and pushes back the leather washer on the
valve D closes due to the low pressure wall of barrel, taking an air tight seal, the
created between piston and the valve C, tyres valve opens and air is forced into
this tend to draw water from the external tyres. When the piston is pulled back, the
source into the pump cylinder tyres valve closes and a low pressure is
created in the space, P. Air at atmospheric
Syringe pressure forced its way past the leather
Diagram: washer and fill space p with air. In this way
the tube

P = atmospheric pressure

When the plunger is withdrawn a partial
vacuum is formed in the barrel,
atmospheric pressure pushes water
Work, Energy and Power Example,
WORK A sack of maize which weights 800N is
Defn: Work is the forces acts on a body lifted to height of 2m. What work done
and the moves in the direction of force against gravity
Or Data given
Defn: Work is the product between force Wight, w = 800N
applied and the distance in the same Distance, d = 2m
direction Work done, w.d = ?
Mathematically: Solution
w.d = F x d From: w.d = F x d
w.d = 800 x 2
SI unit of work w.d = 1600J
SI unit of work is Joule abbreviated as J
Where: How much work is done to lift a 7kg object
w.d = work done a distance of 2m and hen hold it at that
F = force applied height for 10s
d = distance in the same direction Data given
Mass, m = 7kg
Joule Force of gravity, g = 10N/kg
Defn: one joule of work done is a force of Wight, w = (7 x 10)N = 70N
1N moves an object through a distance of Distance, d = 2m
1m in the same direction Work done, w.d = ?
Equivalent Unit of Work From: w.d = F x d
1Nm = 1Joule = Kgm2S-2 = 0.001KJ w.d = 70 x 2
w.d = 140J
Nb: therefore work done used to lift 7kg about
i. If there not force no work done, F = 0N 2m in the same direction is 140J and the
w.d = F x d = 0 x d = 0J work done used to hold (d = 0m) for 10s is
ii. If there not force no distance in the 0J
same direction, d = 0m
w.d = F x d = F x 0 = 0J Example,
iii. When the body moves in the opposite A force of 80N pulls a box along a smooth
direction with the force applied there and level ground a distance of 5m.
are work is done by the object Calculate the work done by force.
iv. When the body moves in the same Data given
direction with the force applied there Wight, w = 80N
are work is done by the force applied Distance, d = 5m
Work done, w.d = ?
Example, s of Phenomenal Solution
i. When the person push a wall, d = 0m. From: w.d = F x d
there no work done w.d = 80 x 5
ii. When you carry a load on your head or w.d = 400J
arm, d = 0m. there no work done
iii. When a farmer carrying a hole, d = 0m. Energy
there no work done Defn: energy is an ability of doing work. SI
iv. Holding load, d = 0m. there no work unit of energy is Joule like work.
v. Lift jerry can, d > 0m. work is done Forms of Energy
vi.Lift a pen, d > 0m. work is done Energy can be exists in various forms,
vii. Lift a cup, d > 0m. work is done include
i. Chemical energy
ii. Heat energy
iii. Electromagnetic energy Renewable/Sustainable Energy
iv.Sound energy Defn: renewable is the energy that can be
v. Electric energy replaced within a short period of time. For
vi.Nuclear energy Example, wind energy, thermal energy
Chemical Energy
It is the energy stored in the food and Non Renewable Energy
other fuels. Human get energy from the Defn: renewable is the energy that cannot
food that they eat be replaced within a short period of time.
For Example, natural gases, biomass etc
Thermal/Heat Energy
It can obtained at fire places Types of Energy
Energy they can be in motion or in
Electromagnetic Energy position. Example, electric energy is in
It is associated with movement moving and chemical energy is not in
(acceleration) of electric charge. Include; moving (on position). So we have about
i. Infrared radiation two main types
ii. Light energy i. Kinetic energy
iii. Ultraviolet radiation ii. Potential energy
iv.Solar energy etc
Kinetic Energy
Nb: Defn: kinetic energy is the energy due to
Radiant light is the most common form of motion possessed by a body. For Example,
electromagnetic energy of kinetic energy is
i. Wind energy
Sound Energy ii. Water moving
It is the energy transfers in form of waves. iii. Ocean Waves
Microphone converts sound energy to iv.Ocean Tides
electrical energy. Loud speaker convert v. Moving machines
electrical energy to sound energy vi.Falling bodies

Electric Energy Mathematically:

It is due to the movement of charge in a k.e = 𝟏mv2
current and also it can produce field
whether attract or repulsion when two wire Example,
are near or far apart each other. An object has a mass of 5kg. What is its
kinetic energy if its speed is (a) 5m/s (b)
Nuclear Energy 10m/s
Nuclear energy is the energy from the Data given
weak and strong nuclear force. It can Mass, 5kg
produce by Speed, va = 5m/s
i. Nuclear fission (splitting) Speed, vb = 10m/s
ii. Nuclear fusion (joining) Solution
iii. Radioactive decay (a) Kinetic energy, k.e = ?
From: k.e = 1mv2
Nb: 2
i. Solar energy obtained from the sun by k.e = 1 x 5 x 52
use of solar cells, also is known as k.e = 1 x 5 x 25
radiant energy
k.e = 22.5J
ii. sources of energy can be divided into
non-renewable energy and renewable
(b) Kinetic energy, k.e = ?
From: k.e = 1mv2 From: p.e = mgh
p.e = mgh = 2 x 25 x 10
k.e = 12 x 5 x 102 p.e = 2 x 25 x 10
k.e = 1 x 5 x 100 p.e = 500J
k.e = 250J
Example, A 2kg object is at rest on a table 1.2m
What is the kinetic energy of a 12g bullet above the floor. The ceiling in the room is
travelling at 320m/s? 2.8m above the floor
Data given
Mass, 12g = 0.12kg
Speed, v = 320m/s
Kinetic energy, k.e = ?
From: k.e = 1mv2
k.e = 1 x 0.12 x 3202
k.e = 6144J
What is the potential energy of the object
Example, relative to?
{a} Top of the table
Anna has a mass of 80kg. If she runs at a
speed of 10m/s. calculate her kinetic {b} The floor
energy {c} The ceiling
Data given Data given
Mass, m = 80kg Mass, m = 2kg
Speed, v = 10m/s Height of object relative to ceiling, h1 = -
Kinetic energy, k.e = ? 1.6m
Solution Height of object relative to top of table, h2
From: k.e = 1mv2 = 0m
2 Height of object relative to table, h3 =
k.e = x 80 x 102 1.2 m
k.e = 4000J Gravitational force, g = 9.8N/kg
Potential energy of object relative to top
Potential Energy of table, p.e1 = ?
Defn: potential energy is the energy due to Potential energy of object relative to
position possessed by a body. For ceiling, p.e2 = ?
Example, of potential energy Potential energy of object relative to
i. Energy stored in food table, p.e3 = ?
ii. Gravitational potential energy etc Solution
From: p.e = mgh
Mathematically: {a} p.e1 = ?
p.e = mgh p.e1 = mgh = 2 x 0 x 9.8
p.e1 = 0J
A stone of 2kg falls from a height of 25m {b} p.e2 = ?
above the ground. Calculate potential p.e2 = mgh = 2 x -1.6 x 9.8
possessed by the stone p.e2 = -31.36J
Data given NB: negative means p.e is below the
Mass, m = 2kg ceiling
Height, h = 25m
Gravitational force, g = 10N/kg {c} p.e3 = ?
Potential energy, p.e = ? p.e = mgh = 2 x 1.2 x 9.8
Solution p.e = 23.52J

Velocity, v = maximum. K.emax = 𝟏mv2
Transformation of Energy Height, h =0. P.e = 0mgh
Energy can be changes from one form to Since: energy cannot destroyed
another by the device known as E = k.e + p.e
transducer E = 𝟏mv2 + 0
Transducer E = 𝟏mv2
Defn: transducer is a device used to Where:
transform energy from one to another E = total energy
form. For Example, k.e = kinetic energy
i. Battery convert chemical energy to p.e = potential energy
electrical energy
ii. Generator convert mechanical energy NB:
to electrical energy At any point the total energy (mechanical
iii.A motor convert electrical energy to energy) is equal to the sum of kinetic
mechanical energy energy and potential energy
iv.A microphone convert electrical E = p.e + k.e
energy to sound energy
v. Solar panel convert solar energy to Example,
electrical energy A stone of mass 2kg is released from a
vi.Heater convert electrical energy to height of 2m above the ground. Find
heat energy {a} Total energy
{b} Potential energy at heat of 0.5m
Principle of Conservation of Energy {c} Kinetic energy at height of 0.5m
The law of conversation of energy states {d} Velocity acquired at 0.5m
that Diagram:
“Energy can neither be created nor
destroyed but can be transferred from one
form to another”
Consider the diagram below

{a} Total energy, E = ?

Maximum height, h = 2m
Mass of object, m = 2kg
Gravitation force, g = 10N/kg
Minimum velocity, v = 0m/s
At point A and C From: E = p.e + k.e
Velocity, v = o. K.e = 0J E = mgh + 𝟎
Height, h = maximum. P.emax = mgh E = mgh = 2 x 10 x 2
Since: energy cannot destroyed E = 40J
E = k.e + p.e
E = 0 + mgh {b} Potential energy, p.e = ?
E = mgh Height, h = 0.5m
Where: Mass of object, m = 2kg
E = total energy Gravitation force, g = 10N/kg
k.e = kinetic energy From: p.e = mgh
p.e = potential energy p.e = mgh = = 2 x 10 x 0.5
p.e = 10J
At point B
{c} Kinetic energy, k.e = ?
From: E = p.e + k.e – make k.e subject
k.e = E - p.e
k.e = 40 - 10
k.e = 30J

{d} Velocity acquired at 0.5m

Velocity acquired at 0.5m, v1 = ?
From: k.e = 1mv2 – make v subject
v=√ = √2 𝑥 30 = √30
𝑚 2
v = 5.48 m/s
Example, {a} Velocity swings at lowest point, v = ?
A ball of mass 0.2kg is dropped from a {b} Total energy, E = ?
height of 20m. On impact with the ground Maximum height, h = 1.2m
it loses 30J of energy. Calculate the height Mass of object, m = 0.8kg
which it reaches on the rebound Gravitation force, g = 10N/kg
Minimum velocity, v = 0m/s
From: E = p.e + k.e
E = mgh + 𝟎
E = mgh = 0.8 x 10 x 1.2
E = 9.41J
Energy at highest = energy at lowest
K.e = p.e = 9.41J
From: k.e = 1mv2 – make v subject
2 𝑥 9.41
Total energy, E = ? v= √2𝐸 = √ 0.8
Maximum height, h = 20m v =4.85 m/s
Mass of object, m = 0.2kg
Gravitation force, g = 10N/kg {c} Velocity at 0.9m, v1 = ?
Minimum velocity, v = 0m/s From: E = p.e + k.e
Energy loss at height (h), k.e= 30J E = mgh + 1mv12 – make v1 subject
From: E = p.e + k.e 2
E = mgh + 𝟎 V1 = √
= √
𝑚 0.8
E = mgh = 0.2 x 10 x 20
V1 = 2.4 m/s
E = 40J
Height, h = ?
From: E = p.e + k.e {d} Height at 2m/s, h1 = ?
E = mgh + k.e – make h subject From: E = p.e
+ k.e
h = (E - k.e)/mg E = mgh + 2mv2
h = (40 - 30)/(0.2 x 10) = 10/2 = 5m E = m(gh + 1mv2 )
h = 5m
9.41 = 0.8(10xh1 + 12x2x2)
Example, 9.41/0.8 = 10h1 + 2
A its highest point A 1.2m a pendulum of 10h1 = 11.7625 – 2 = 9.7625
mass 0.8kg is reached what. h1 = 9.7625/10
{a} Velocity swings at lowest point h1 = 0.9.7625 = 1m
{b} Velocity at 0.9m h1 = 1m
{c} Height at 2m/s

Power Example,
Defn: power is the rate of doing work or A 50kg girl runs up a staircase of 50 steps
power is the rate at which energy is each step is 15cm in height in 5s. Find
consumed. Its SI unit is Watt (w) i. Work done against gravity by the girl
Mathematically: ii. Power she use to run
P = w.d/t Data given
P = E/t Mass, m = 50kg
Steps, n = 50
Unit Equivalent Height of each step, h = 15cm = 0.015m
1W = 1J/s Total Height, d = n x s = 50 x 0.015m
1h.p = 750W or 746W Total Height, d = 0.75m
1KW = 1000W Time taken, t = 10s
1MW = 1000000W Gravitation force, g = 10N/kg
Work done, w.d = ?
Where: Power, p = ?
h.p = horse power used by engineering Solution
KW = kilowatt i. Work done, w.d = ?
MW = megawatt From: w.d = F x d = 0.75 x 50
w.d = 0.75 x 50 = 37.5
Example, w.d = 37.5J
A pump raises 100kg of water through a
height of 30m in 10s. What is the power ii. Power, p = ?
developed by the pump Then: P = w.d/t
Data given P = (37.5)/5
Mass, m = 100kg P = 7.5W
Height, h = 30m
Time taken, t = 10s
Gravitation force, g = 10N/kg
Power, p = ?
From: P = w.d/t
But: W.d = Fxd and F = mg
Then: P = mgd/t
P = (100x10x30)/10 = 30000/10 = 3000W
P = 3000W

How much power is required to
accelerate a 1000kg car from rest to
26.7m/s in 8s?
Data given
Mass, m = 1000kg
Initial velocity, u = 0m/s
Final velocity, v = 26.7m/s
Time taken, t = 8s
Power, p = ?
From: P = E/t = k.e/t = 1mv2/t
P = (1 x1000 x 26.72)/8
P = (1 x1000 x 26.72)/8
P = 44500W

Light Part I line with an arrow to show the direction of
LIGHT light.
Defn: light is an invisible form of energy Diagram:
that causes the sensation of vision in us
through eyes

Sources of Light Beam

Sources of light is the original or initial of Defn: Beam is the collection of rays
light in which the light are comes from Diagram:
whether natural or artificial

Types of Sources of Light

i. Natural sources of light. Example, sun,
star and lighting
ii. Artificial sources of light. For Example, Types of Ray
torch, candle, kerosene lamp etc The beam of light is transfer in straight line
which can be
Properties of Light i. Parallel rays
i. Light radiates (spread out) from its ii. Converging rays
source iii. Diverging rays
ii. Light travels in straight lines
iii. Light transfers energy. Object gain Parallel Rays
energy when they absorb light. For Defn: Parallel ray is the collection of rays
Example, solar cells(panel) which are perpendicular to each other
iv. Light travels in vacuum and can never cross each other
v. Light travels at the fasters speed, about Diagram

i. All objects which give out its own light is
called luminous object. e.g. star, sun, Converging Rays
torch, candle, electric bulb etc Defn: Converging ray is the collection of
ii. All objects that do not emit their own rays to one point
light instead became visible when they Diagram
reflect light from another source is
called non luminous objects. E.g. moon
iii. All objects that emit light as a result of
being heated are called incandescent
object. e.g. light bulb, fire flame,
candle flame etc
iv. The spreading of light from its source to
the environment in straight lines is
referred as rectilinear propagation of
Diverging Rays
Propagation of Light Defn: Diverging rays is the spread out of
Since a light travels in a straight line, the rays from one point
path travel and by a light is called Ray. Diagram
More than one rays is called beam

Defn: Ray is the path travel by a light. Ray
is represented in a diagram by full straight
Types of Shadow
We have about two types of shadow
i. Umbra shadow
ii. Penumbra shadow

Umbra Shadow
Defn: Umbra shadow is the total shadow
formed behind the opaque bodies. It
receives no light at all from the source.

Transmission of Light Penumbra Shadow

Light travel in the different material, for Defn: Penumbra shadow is the partial
Example, it can travel from air to vacuum. shadow formed behind the opaque
But sometimes it can undergo obstacles bodies. It receives some light from the
when they travel from one object to source
another. This object are grouped as Diagram
i. Opaque object/material/substance
ii. Translucent object/material/substance
iii. Transparent object/material/substance

Opaque Object
Defn: Opaque object is the object which
do not allow light to pass through them.
For Example, stone, wood, concrete walls,
books etc NB:
When source of light are small than
Translucent Object opaque only umbra are formed
Defn: Translucent object is the object
which allow small amount of light to pass Eclipse
through them. For Example, oiled paper, Defn: eclipse is the shading or shading of
tinted glass, some plastic materials etc one heavenly in the shadow of another.

Transparent Object Types of Eclipse

Defn: Transparent object is the object i. Solar eclipse
which allows all light to pass through them. ii. Lunar eclipse
For Example, glass, pure water, air etc
Solar Eclipse
Shadow Defn: Solar eclipse is the kind of eclipse in
Defn: shadow is the dark area behind the which the moon is between sun and earth.
opaque body when light pass through the Always occurs during the day.
opaque bodies. Diagram:

Lunar Eclipse
Defn: Lunar eclipse is the kind of eclipse in
which the earth is between sun and moon.

Diffuse Reflection
Defn: Diffuse reflection is the reflection
where by all reflected ray reflected
random or in different direction. Occurs at
rough surface

From The Diagram Above

i. At point A and C: the moon is less
bright but not eclipse
ii. At point B: lunar eclipse occur the
moon did not light during the night

Reflection of Light
Defn: reflection of light is the throwing
back of rays of light when they encounter
an obstacle in their path or reflection of
light is the is the bounce back of light NB:
i. We see our image clear in plane mirror
Terms Used as a result of regular reflection.
i. Reflected ray are those that are not ii. If light falls in polished surface at right
transmitted or absorbed but bounced angle reflect back into the air on the
back when they encounter an obstacle same pass
ii. Incident ray is the ray of light which Diagram:
strikes the shiny surface

iii. Diffuse reflection also called scattering/

irregular reflection
iv. When sun rays inters the earth’s
atmosphere, it begins to be scattered
by molecules of nitrogen and oxygen
Types of Reflection
There are two types of reflection include
Laws of Reflection
i. Regular reflection
Consider the figure below
ii. Diffuse reflection
Regular Reflection
Defn: Regular reflection is the reflection
where by all reflected ray reflected in one
direction. The ray is in parallel to each
other. Occurs at smooth surface

i = angle of incident
r = angle of reflected
N = normal line

From above diagram, the laws of

reflection states that
1st. “the incident ray, the reflected ray and
the normal all lie in the same plane”

2nd.”The angle of incidence equals to the

angle of reflection”

Image Formed In a Plane Mirror

When object kept front of plane mirror the Where:
image is formed due to the reflection of θ = angle in which mirror rotates
light 2θ = angle former between reflected rays
Diagram: 2 = angular magnification
N1 = normal along P1 (plane mirror, θ =00)
N2 = normal along P2 (plane mirror, θ = θ0)
i = incident ray
r1 = reflected ray at P1 (plane mirror, θ =00)
r2 = reflected ray at P2 (plane mirror, θ = θ0)

Multiple Mirrors
There are systems which consist of two or
more mirrors and produce several image
of the same object. One such system is
called a right angle mirror (two mirrors
joined at 900)
M = magnification
Id = image distance
Od = object distance
IH = image height
OH = object height

Characteristics of Image Formed In Plane

i. The image is virtual (not real)
ii. The image is upright
iii. Image and object has the same size
iv.Distance of image and object from the
plane mirror are the same
v. Image has a left-right reversal Image in parallel mirror (two mirrors joined
at 00). The image is infinite in each mirror
Magnification because there is repetition of images
Magnification is given by the formula
M = Id/Od = IH/OH Nb:
i. The number of image increase as if the
Rotating a Mirror angle between mirror decreases
If the mirror was rotated through certain ii. Parallel mirrors are used commonly
angle (θ), then the angle between used in salons and barber shops
reflected rays after mirror rotated would iii. The number of image can gives as
be twice of certain angle (2θ) n = (360℃) -1
Diagram: θ℃

Application of Reflection of Light

Reflection of light finds applications in a

Defn: periscope is the device for used to
see over an obstacle from a concealed
position. It consist of two mirrors fixed
facing each other at an angle 450. Light is
reflected by two mirrors so that an object
can be seen by the observer.

Uses of Periscope
The periscope is used in many aspects of
everyday life, include.
i. When submarine are submerged at a
shallow depth, periscope are used to
look for targets or threats in the
surrounding sea and air
ii. Solder use periscopes to observe any
potential danger while they hide in
iii. Periscope form part of telescope

Defn: telescope is the instrument
containing lenses that are used to
make far away object to appear larger
and near. Often are used to observing

Static Electricity Defn: Negative charge is a charge acquire
Defn: static electricity is the study of when an object gain electron from its
charge at rest. Static electricity also called atomic structure
Charge i. Electrons are revolve around the
Defn: charge is the particles carry either nuclear
positive particle or negative particle ii. Electrons are moved from one atom to
Origin of Charges iii. Protons never move from one to another
When body rubbed cause the atoms to atom
loose or gain electron which are revolve
around atomic structure result causing the Charge acquired after rubbed
body to become charged. Due to that Charge
Materials Rubbed with
reason it tends to cause; acquired
(a) plastic materials are rubbed on a Ebonite Fur/cloth Negative
cloth/hair attract dust and small pieces Glass Silk Positive
of paper Polythene Cloth/fur Negative
(b) Particles of wheat are attracted to Polystyrene Cloth/fur Negative
amber. Perspex Woolen cloth Positive
(c) The moving parts of machinery, car cellulose Woolen cloth Positive
tyres, and vehicle bodies they attract
light particles Fundamental law of electrostatics
(d) Ebonite rubbed with fur/cloth attract The fundamental law of electrostatics
dust and small pieces of paper which states that
(e) Glass rubbed with silk attract dust and “Like charges repel, unlike charges attract
small pieces of paper each other”
(f) polythene rubbed with fur/cloth attract Also is called fundamental law of static
dust and small pieces of paper charges or first law of electrostatics
(g) polystyrene rubbed with fur/cloth
attract dust and small pieces of paper Charging
(h) Perspex rubbed with woolen cloth Defn: charging is the process whereby
attract dust and small pieces of paper material loose or gain electrons
(i) cellulose rubbed with woolen cloth
attract dust and small pieces of paper Methods of Charging
(j) some clothes cling to the body There are three methods as
(k) comb rubbed with sleeve attract piece i. Rubbing or friction method
of paper ii. Conduction or contact method
(l) crackling noise while remove nylon iii. induction method
Friction Method
Types of Electric Charges When you rub two objects the one which
There are two types of charge include his outer most shell weak bound will lose
i. Positive charge (+) and the one have sparsely electron gain
ii. Negative charge (-) the electron. Due to that electrons shift
from one object to another and tend to
Positive charge gin one to become negative charged
Defn: Positive charge is a charge acquire and lose one become positive charged
when an object loose electron from its
atomic structure Contact Method
When charge and uncharged body
Negative charge contact the charge always move from
charged body to another because like
charge repel and unlike charge attract. Touch y to allow movement of electrons to
Consider the two charge body (y) and ground. The movement/flow of electrons
uncharged body (x) to ground is called Earthing

Now uncharged (y) became positive

Contact two bodies
An electrophorus consists of a metal disc
made of brass fitted with an insulating
handle (usually an ebonite rod) resting on
polythene base. It can produce numerous
positive charges from a single negative
Since like charge repel each other positive
charge will shift/migrate from y to x

Separate them immediately

Charging an Electrophorus
Now uncharged (x) became positive Electrophorus is charged by induction. The
charged polythene is given a negative charge by
rubbing it with fur causing positive charge
Induction Method to be induced on the upper part of the
When two body charge and uncharged brass plate, and a negative charge on the
body keep near, charged body causes lower part of the brass plate will leave the
the other body to gain opposite charges polythene plate charged negatively. The
to the one of the charging body. Consider electrophorus is left with an excess positive
the two charge body (x) and uncharged charge
body (y) Diagram:

Place x near y

Since like charge repel, unlike attract each Gold Leaf Electroscope
other negative charge will pull positive Gold leaf electroscope is an instrument for
and push negative charge. detecting/identify the presence of an
electrical charge on an object. The gold
leaf electroscope consists of gold leaf and
a brass rod of metal held by insulating

The brass cap, brass rod and the gold leaf Test for the sign of charge on a body
form the conducting part of the i. It used to test whether charge is positive
electroscope. or negative. In order to identify the
Diagram: charge of a body we should use a
charged electroscope. Let us say the
electroscope is negatively charged.

Now bring the unknown charged body

'X' near the cap of the electroscope.

Charging an Electroscope
It charged by contact and Induction

Charged By Contact
When charge and uncharged body
contact the charge always move from
charged body to another because like
charge repel and unlike charge attract.
ii. If the leaves diverge more the charge
Therefore the charged one when brought
in 'X' must be negative. Suppose that
to contact with metal cap result to charge
the leaves close a little when 'X' is
metal cap and became charged
brought near 'C', then 'X' may have a
positive charge or it may not have any
Charged By Induction
A negatively charged rod is brought near
the brass cap of the gold leaf
iii. In order to confirm the positive charge
electroscope. Induced charges are
you must bring the rod 'X' near the cap
formed with brass rod acting as
of a positively charged electroscope.

If the leaves diverge more, then 'X' has

positive charge and vice versa.
Uses of Gold Leaf Electroscope
A gold leaf electroscope has a number of Nb:
functions the follows are some of them i The leave diverge/increase due to high
i. Test for the sign of charge on a body concentration of charge
ii. Identify the insulating properties of ii The leave converge/decrease due to
material low concentration of charge
iii. Detect the presence of charge on a
body Table of summary of charges and their

Charge on Charge Effect on Nb: Insulators and conductors are
electroscope brought near leaf sometimes applied together in electric
cap divergence power usage.
+ + Increase
- - Increase Capacitors
+ - Decrease Defn: capacitor is device used to store
- + Decrease electric charges.
+ or - Uncharged Decrease
body Nb:
i The ability to store electric charges is
Identify the insulating properties of known as capacitance.
material ii SI unit of Capacitance is Farad
An electroscope that is positively charged iii Capacitor are found in all electronic
can used to test for the insulating circuits, e.g. in radios, television, alarm
properties of material systems, etc.
If the material that as placed near the cap
of an electroscope is a conductor, then The potential difference (Voltage
the metal leaf will converge and a produced by cell/battery), V across the
divergence will show that the material is two capacitor plates of the capacitor is
an insulator directly proportional to the charge, Q
accumulating on its plates
Detect the presence of charge on a body V Q
To detect a charge on a rod 'A' or 'B' bring Remove proportionality constant
the rod near to the metallic disc or cap of Q = kV
the electroscope. In either case the leaf But: k = C = capacitance
diverges as shown in the diagram. Q = CV

Charging a Capacitor
A capacitor consists of two metal plates
(say plate A and plate B) arranged in
parallel with a dielectric material between
them. The two plates accumulate charges
when a potential difference is applied
across them

Defn: conductor is substances which allow
electricity to flow through them. Example, s
of conductors are metals like iron, copper
In conductors electrons are free to move
which are conduct charge from one to

Defn: insulator is a material that does not Defn: potential difference is the work done
allow electricity to flow through them. needed to move a charged particle from
Example, s of insulators are plastic, wood, a point to point. Its SI unity is voltage. Also
rubber, mica, ebonite and glass. In called potential
insulators there are no free electrons for
conduction. Discharging a Capacitor
When the two plates of a capacitor are
joined, the electrons from the negatively

charged plate will flow around the circuit
and neutralize the positive charges on the
positively charged plate. This movement of
electrons will cause a current to flow for a
short time and if you are using a wire to
connect the two plates you can draw a
spark. When the current stop flowing, the
capacitor is said to be discharged From the diagram above
Vt = V1 + V2
Types of Capacitors But: Q = CV – make v subject
There are different types of capacitors V = C/Q
depending on the dielectric material used Therefore:
and the application. Vt = Qt/Ct
i. Paper/plastic filled capacitor V1 = Q1/C1
ii. Oil filled capacitor V2 = Q2/C2
iii. Electrolytic capacitor But: charge store is equal but each of
iv. Mica capacitor capacitor
v. Variable/ air filled capacitor Qt = Q1 = Q2 = Q
Paper Capacitor Vt = Q/Ct
It this paper/plastic/polyester material is V1 = Q/C1
used as dielectric material. It has metal foil V2 = Q/C2
strip as their conductor.
Oil Capacitor First capacitance = C1
It this oil material is used as dielectric Second capacitance = C2
material. Effective capacitance = Ct
Charge from capacitance, C1 = Q1
Electrolytic Capacitor Charge from capacitance, C2 = Q2
Its contain paper material soaked in a Total capacitance, Ct = Qt
chemical as conduct and a thin Voltage across capacitance, C1 = V1
aluminium oxide is formed on the positive Voltage across capacitance, C2 = V2
plane. The thinner the layer higher the Total voltage across capacitance, Ct = Vt
From: Vt = v1 + v2 - Substitute each
Mica Capacitor Q/Ct = Q/C1 + Q/C2
In mica a sheets of metal foil are Q/Ct = Q(1/C1 + 1/C2) – divide by Q both
separated by strips of mica. Mica is sides
preferred because it is a natural mineral 1/Ct = 1/C1 + 1/C2
and splits easily into thin sheets Therefore for capacitor in series their total
capacitance is obtained by formula;
Variable Capacitor 1/Ct = 1/C1 + 1/C2
Conduct are semicircular plates are
separated by air ad dielectric material. Capacitors in Parallel
One set of plate is fixed and other is rotate
by means of the knobs. The rotation
changes the area of the plate

Arrangement of Capacitors
Capacitors can be arranged in series or in
parallel to get the desired effect:

Capacitors in Series
From the diagram above Second capacitance, C2 = 10 µF
Qt = Q1 + Q2 Effective capacitance, Ct = ?
But: Q = CV Solution
Therefore: (i) Series
Qt = CtVt From: 1/Ct = 1/C1 + 1/C2
Q1 = C1V1 1/Ct = 1/10 + 1/10
Q2 = C2V2 1/Ct = (1 + 1)/10
But: voltage across each capacitor is 1/Ct = 2/10
equal Ct/1 = 10/2
Modify: Ct = 5 µF
Qt = CtV
Q1 = C1V (ii) Parallel
Q2 = C2V From: Ct = C1 + C2
Ct = 10 + 10
From: Q t = Q 1 + Q 2 - Substitute each Ct = 20 µF
CtV = Q(C1V + C2V)
CtV = V(C1 + C2) – divide by V both sides Example,
Ct = C1 + C2 It is required to obtain effective
Therefore for capacitor in series their total capacitance of 3 µF, there are two
capacitance is obtained by formula; capacitors; the first is 12 µF, what will be
Ct = C1 + C2 the value of the other capacitor. State the
way it will be connected to the first.
Example, Data given
Two capacitors of 20 µF and 25 µF are First capacitance, C1 = 20 µF
connected in (i) series, and (ii) parallel. Second capacitance, C2 = ?
What is the effective capacitance for (i) Effective capacitance, Ct = 2 µF
and (ii)? Solution
Data given (i) Series
First capacitance, C1 = 20 µF From: 1/Ct = 1/C1 + 1/C2
Second capacitance, C2 = 25 µF 1/3 = 1/12 + 1/C2
1/C2= 1/3 - 1/12
Effective capacitance, Ct = ?
Solution 1/C2= (4 - 1)/12
1/C2 = 3/12
(i) Series
From: 1/Ct = 1/C1 + 1/C2 1/C2 = 3/12
1/Ct = 1/20 + 1/25 C2/1 = 12/3 = 4
1/Ct = (5 + 4)/100 Ct = 4 µF
1/Ct = 9/100 It will be connected in series to the first one
Ct/1 = 100/9 and its value will be 4 µF
Ct = 11.11 µF
Factor Affecting Capacitance
(ii) Parallel Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor
From: Ct = C1 + C2 is affected by three factors, namely
Ct = 20 + 25 i. The area of plates
Ct = 45 µF ii. The dielectric material
iii. The distance between plates
Determine the effective capacitance Area of Plates
obtained when two capacitors each of 10 An increase in the area of the plate
µF are connected first in parallel and then causes a decrease in potential difference
in series. between the plates, hence an increase in
Data given capacitance.
First capacitance, C1 = 10 µF C 1/V

Dielectric Material
Dielectric material will cause the
capacitance to increase or decrease
depending on the material. Example,
capacitance increases if we use dielectric
material such as glass or book or
polythene between the plates rather than

Distance between Plates

A decrease in the distance between
plates causes a decrease in potential
When wind passes across clouds, a few
difference between the plates, hence an
electrons move across the air toward
increase in capacitance.
positive clouds but in zigzag path called
C 1/d
Charge Distribution
Scientists and engineers have developed
several experiments to prove the
distribution of charge as;
i. Hollow object only have charge on
their outer surface
ii. Charge is normally concentrated on
the sharp points of conductor

Air around the radar undergoes rapid
expansion and contraction due to
Lightning overheating causing high speed of air
Lightning is a giant electric spark that molecules. This produces an audible sound
arises due to discharge of atmospheric called thunder
Or Lightning Conductor
Lighting is sparking on a very large scale
Lightning conductor is a long pointed
conductor at the top reaching high above
How Lightning Happens
the highest point of a building connected
Occurs when water molecules (clouds) in to earth by a thick cable to earth rod
the sky rubbed each other resulting the Or
lower portion of clouds become Lightning conductor is a metal rod with tip
negatively, the upper portion of clouds
has sharp spikes attached to a build and
become positively while ground become connected to a thick copper strip that
positively after induced by lower portion leads into the ground
Diagram Diagram


Function of Lightning Conductor

To protect buildings from being struck by
a lightning

Mode of Action
With a thunder cloud forming or passing
close to the house as depicted, the sharp
point of the lightning conductor becomes
inductively charged opposite to the
thunder cloud. The resulting high electric
field ionizes the air in the vicinity such that
the charged air molecules move upwards
earth rod to the ground. This action
discharges the thunder cloud, thereby
preventing a lightning flash occurrence.

Current Electricity when steady current of 1A is
Defn: Current electricity is the study of flowing in circuit
electric charge in motion or dynamic The device used to measure electric
electric charge current is called Ammeter

To maintain motion of electric charge two Uses of Current Electrics

things are required i. Cooking
i. Source of electric charges ii. Lighting
ii. Closed path around the charges move iii. Communication
and returning to the source iv. Heating
This closed path is called electric circuit
Source of Current Electricity
Nb: All sources of I work by converting some
The size of the electric current (I) in kind of energy into electrical energy
material depends on the number of
charge carries taking part and the speed There are two basic sources are:
at which they are moving, In a simple i. Batteries
electric circuit the charge carries are the ii. Generators
Defn: Electric current is amount of charge It converts chemical energy into electrical
per time taken for the passage if the energy
charge in a circuit
Mathematically It converts mechanical energy into
I = Q/t electrical energy.
Where: E.g.; Wind energy, HEP (Hydroelectric
I = electric current power), solar energy, Ocean waves,
Q = quantity of charge Thermal energy etc
t = time taken by charge to rotate circuit
Make subject Q Simple Electric Circuits
I = Q/t – multiply by t both sides As we see precious circuit contain;
Q = It a) Source of charge, it may be battery or
Also electric current can be defined as the b) Closed path (connecting wires made
rate of flow of charge of a conducting material)
c) Electrical device such as; Bulb,
From the definition the SI unit of I is Switches, Resistors, Ammeter,
I =Q/t Voltmeters etc
I = Coulombs/Second = c/s = ampere = A Always the electric circuit used symbols for
The common SI unit of I is ampere (A) all component, consider the symbols in the
table below,
The other units are Mill Amperes (mA), Kilo
amperes (kA), and microamperes (µA)
Table Shows Electric Symbols
Their equivalence to the ampere is as
1A =10 3 mA
1A = 10 6 µA
1kA =1000A

Defn: coulomb is the quantity of electric

which passes a given point in 1second
Alternating Current
(AC) Supply
Rheostat (Variable


i. In electric circuit the electron are
moving where the protons are stationary
where the electric current opposes the
direction of electron.
e I

ii. The potential different between the

positive and the negative terminals of a
battery cause current to flow along any
conducting path that links them.
iii. Potential different/voltage is a measure
of electrical energy

An electric current of 0.12A passes a point
B along a conducting wire. How much
electric charge is flowing past this point in
Data given:
Electric current, I = 0.12A
Time taken, t =1min = 60 sec
Circuit Device Purpose Symbol
Electric charge, Q = ?
Connecting Wire
Wire Joined From: Q = It
Wire Crossing(Not Q = It
Connected) Q = 0.12I x 60
Cell Q = 7.2 C
Battery (4 Cells)
Battery (Multiple Voltage
Every cell has voltage commonly referred Kilohm (kΩ)
to as potential difference (P.d) across its Megaohm (MΩ)
terminals. Milliohms (mΩ)
P.d causes the electrons (charges) in a Microhms (µΩ)
circuit to flow.
Voltage is measured by using device
known as Voltmeter
SI unit of voltage is the Volt.
It is always connected parallel to the
device whereby you want to measure its
voltage drop across it

The overall effect on the current is almost

Since “energy cannot be created or
P.d across Sum of P.d around a
the battery conducting path

I. Wrong connection of ammeter can
damage it so the red terminal of the
ammeter should connect to the
positive terminal.
II. Ammeter is always connected in series
in a circuitry

Defn: resistance is the phenomena, in
which the electric current flow opposed.
It is discovered by George Ohm. Its SI unit is
Ohm (Ω)
The device which measure the resistance
is known as Resistor

Defn: Resistor is a device which offers

resistance to the flow of an electric

Types of Resistance
Resistor includes;
(a) Fixed resistor
(b) Rheostat

Other units of resistance are;

Ohm’s Law RαL
It’s States that; Where;
“At constant temperature and other R=Resistance
physical factors, a current in conductor is L=Length of the conductor
directly proportional to the potential
different across its end” 2. Temperature
The higher the temperature the higher
Mathematically the resistance and vice versa, this is
VαI important in resistance thermometer
Where: Other metals different from other metals
K= constant R= resistance a. Constant wire. (Copper allow)
Now; Changes to a very small extended thus
V=IR why used in a standard resistance.
V/I = IR/I b. Connecting wire used in a circuit has a
V/I = R very low resistance to prevent energy
R = V/I wasted in form of heat to maximum.
Where; TαR
R= Resistance
V= Voltage 3. Types of material
I= Electric current. Nichrome wire has more resistance
than a copper wire of a same
Graphically: dimension. That why
I. Nichrome wire is used in heating
element of electric fires
II. Copper wire is mostly used for
connecting wires

4. Cross-section area
A thin wire has more resistance than a
thick conductor.
R α 1/A
But; A =πr2
Where : A = area of wire

From the graph above Example,

Slope = ΔV/ΔI = m A battery is 5V has a resistance wire of 20Ω
Where: connected across it. Calculate the current
ΔV= (V2 - V1) = V in the circuit.
ΔI= (I2 - I1) = I Data given:
Now: Voltage, V = 5V
m = V2 - V1)/ I Resistance, R = 20Ω
m = (I2 - I1) / I Current, I = ?
Since; Solution
m = V/I = R From ohm’s law
Therefore: V= IR
Slope = Resistance Make I subject
I =V/R
Factor Affect Resistance I = 5V/20Ω
1. Length of the conductor I = 0.25A
The longer the wire the higher the
resistance and vice versa Example,
An Ohmic conductor has a voltage drop
of 9V measured across it. The current
flowing in the conductor is 3 mA what is its
Data given;
Voltage drop, V = 9V
Current, I = 3 mA =3×10-3A
Resistance, R = ?
From ohm’s law; From:
V= IR P.d across Sum of P.d around a
Make R subject the battery conducting path
R = V/I
R = 9/3×10-3 Therefore:
R = 9×103/3 Vt = V1 + V2
R = 9000/3
R = 3000 Ω = 3 kΩ But: The current is the same at all points
round circuit.
Calculate the reading of the voltmeter, P From ohm’s law
and the ammeter, Q in the electric circuit R = V/I
Rt = Vt/I

Substitute Vt = V1+V2 into equation Rt = Vt/I

Rt = (V1+V2)/I
Rt = (V1/I)+(V2/I)
Rt = (V1/I)+(V2/I)
From: But:
P.d across Sum of P.d around a R1 = V1/I
= R2 = V2/I
the battery conducting path
Now: Substute into the equation Rt = (V1/I)+(V2/I)
13v = 3V+P Rt = R 1 + R2
-P = 3V-13v Rt = R1 + R2
P = 13V-3v
P =10V Therefore:
Total resistance (RT) for resistor in series is
Combination of Resistors equal to the sum of individual resistance.
There are two main methods of RT = R1+R2 +……. + Rn
connecting circuits component include:
i. Series connection Where:
ii. Parallel connection Rn = the last resistor

Series Connection Parallel Connection

In this series arrangement the resistors are Resistors are connected across two
connected end to end. common points in a parallel arrangement.

Make I subject
I =V/R
R = 4Ω + 6Ω = 10Ω
I = 24V/10Ω
NB: I = 2.4A
 It = I1+I2
 P.d is the same for all the branches. a) Voltage across 4 Ω, V1 = ?
From ohm’s law, V= IR
From ohm’s law V1= IR1
V1= 2.4 x 4
R= V/I
Therefore: V1= 9.6 V
It= V/RT ......................................... (i)
It= V/R1 .........................................(ii) b) Voltage across 6 Ω, V2 = ?
It= V/R2 ............................................ (iii) From ohm’s law, V= IR
Substitute into equation It = I1+I2 V2= IR2
V/RT = V/R1 + V/R2 V2= 2.4 x 6
V2= 14.4 V
Divide by V both sides we get
1/RT = 1/R1 + 1/R2 Example,
Calculate the combination resistance in
Total resistance (RT) for resistor in series is
equal to the sum of individual resistance.
1/RT = 1/R1 + 1/R2+…. + 1/Rn

Rn = the last resistor
a) Resistance between 5 Ω and 13 Ω, in
series R = ?
Data given:
Consider the figure below
First Resistance, R1 = 5Ω
Second Resistance, R2 = 13Ω
From: R = R1+ R2
R = 5 + 13
R = 18 Ω

Calculate P.d across: b) Resistance between 5 Ω and 13 Ω, in

a) 4 Ω parallel R = ?
b) 6Ω Data given:
Data given: First Resistance, R1 = 5Ω
Voltage, V = 24V Second Resistance, R2 = 13Ω
First Resistance, R1 = 4Ω Solution
Second Resistance, R2 = 6Ω From: 1/R = 1/R1+ 1/R2
Current across the circuit, I = ? 1/R = 1/5 + 1/13
Voltage across 4Ω, V1 = ? 1/R = (13 + 5)/65
Voltage across 6Ω, V2 = ? 1/R = 18/65
Solution (1/R)-1 = (18/65)-1
First find the current across the circuit R = 65/18
From ohm’s law R = 3.61 Ω

c) Resistance between 13 Ω and 13 Ω in

parallel connected series with 5 Ω,R = ?
Data given:
First Resistance, R1 = 5Ω
Second Resistance, R2 = 15Ω
Third Resistance, R3 = 6Ω
First calculate resistance between 13 Ω
and 13 Ω connected in parallel, RP = ?
From: 1/ RP = 1/R2+ 1/R3
1/RP = 1/15 + 1/6
1/RP = (6 + 15)/ 90
1/RP = 21/90
(1/RP)-1 = (21/90)-1
RP = 90/21
R = 4.2 Ω

Second calculate the resistance

between 13 Ω connected series with RP,
From: R = RP+ R1
R = 4.2 + 5
R = 9.2 Ω

Defn: is the tendency in which piece of
iron attracted by other mineral iron ore.
iii. Like poles repel each other and unlike
The natural mineral iron ore is called
poles attract
magnetite or tri-iron tetra-oxide. Any
material that has properties similar to those
of the iron ore is called a magnet.

Why Magnet Attract?

Magnet is caused due to motion of
electrons in two dimension/types include:
i. Motion of electrons around the
nucleus of an atom iv. Moving magnet North Pole points south
and South Pole point north of the
earth’s magnet

ii. Motion in electrons spin around their

own axis, which is similar to the
rotation of the earth about its own
axis. Where:
Ne- earth magnet North Pole
These motions independently impart a Se- earth magnet North Pole
magnetic effect on each electron, N- Magnet North Pole
causing each to behave like a tiny S- Magnet North Pole
v. The magnetic force is an action at a
Magnetic and Non-Magnetic Materials distance force
Defn: Magnetic materials are all materials
that can be magnetized or attracted by Types of Magnets
magnet. E.g. iron, steel, nickel and cobalt Magnets comes in different shapes include
i. Bar magnet
Defn: Non-magnetic materials are all
materials that cannot be magnetized or ii. Horse-shoe magnet
attracted by magnet. E.g. brass, copper,
tin, zinc, aluminium, wood, plastic, clothes
iii. Disc magnet
i. Materials that can be magnetized
strongly (hence attracted to a magnet)
are called ferromagnetic materials
ii. When a magnet brought near iron, it
attract it due to the force that is not Magnet also vary in size include
natural are said to possess induced i. Tiny discs used in speaker
magnetism ii. Giant magnets used in power
generating plant
Properties of Magnets iii. Largest magnets is perhaps the
i. Magnets attract magnetic materials earth itself
ii. The magnetic force is strongest near
the poles of a magnet Now: there three major types of magnetic
i. Temporary magnets Defn: Magnetization is the process of
ii. Permanent magnets making magnet
iii. Electromagnetic
How Magnetized?
Temporary magnets The atoms of most materials act like tiny
Occur when magnetic material magnets called magnetic dipoles but
magnetized in an external magnetic field because of their random alignment, the
but lose their magnetism when the field is object itself is not a magnet.

Permanent magnets When individual domains (magnets)

It made from alloy of aluminium, nickel became aligned in one direction, the
and cobalt that magnetized in external object will behave like a magnet
magnetic field and retain/remain some of
the magnetism even after the external
field is withdrawn or removed.
NB: materials which it is possible to cause
this alignment or can be magnetized are
Are temporary magnets comes from
either ferromagnetic or paramagnetic
electric current. It has disadvantage
because they require a continuous supply
Defn: Ferromagnetic material is the
of energy (electric current)
material which can from permanent
magnet. E.g. steel, nickel and cobalt
Defn: Paramagnetic material which
magnetized temporary. E.g. aluminium
and chromium
Application of Magnets
i. Magnetic recording media: VHS tapes, Methods Used To Magnetized Materials
audio cassettes, floppy and hard disc The alignment of domains in these
recording data on a thin magnetic materials can be achieved through
coating several ways include
ii. Credit, Debit and ATM cards: it use i. By heating or vibration method
magnetic ink to store information to ii. By stroking method
contact and individual’s financial iii. By electric (solenoid) method
institution and connect with their
account Heating or Vibration Method
iii. Speaker and microphones: it use When magnetic material heated in
permanent magnets and current- presence of external magnetic field, the
carrying coils to convert electric energy dipole of magnetic material aligns,
into sound energy whereby in the presence of external
iv. Electric generator: It use permanent magnetic field the atoms of magnetic
magnets convert mechanical energy materials start to move and eventually
to electrical energy become aligned. Many natural magnetic
material starts out as part of lava.
Defn: Magnetization is the process of Stroking Method
aligning the domains of atoms in material When magnetic material stroked by
in one direction so as to produce a net magnetic it become magnet
effect of attraction or repulsion
iv. Store away from strong electric and
magnetic field
v. Store away from strong vibration or
mechanical impacts which may brittle

Magnetic Field of a Magnet

Defn: A magnetic field of a magnet is the
Electric (Solenoid) Method region around a magnet in which
When soft iron core is wound with turns of magnetic materials are attracted by the
wire and current passed through it, it magnet. A magnetic field is represented
produces a magnetic field. This is an by lines of action of magnet force called
industrial way of making a magnet. This field lines. Field lines show the direction of
magnet acts like bar magnet is called the magnetic force, hence are illustrated
solenoid using an arrows

Defn: Demagnetization is the process of
disturb the domain of an atom in
magnetized material Magnetic Force Lines (Field Lines)
The lines of force point away from the
Methods Used To Demagnetized Magnet North Pole of a magnet and towards the
The process of disturb aligned of domains South Pole, consider the diagram above.
in magnet achieved through several ways
include: Properties of Magnetic Lines
i. Heating or vibrate in absence of an i. It always form closed loops
external field ii. Start at North Pole and end at the
ii. Randomly stroking one magnet with South Pole
another iii. It is stronger where lines are close
iii. Wrapping a wire coil around magnet together and weaker where they are
and connect coil to the source of far apart
iv. Never cross each other
iv. Repeat hammering/ dropping down of v. Parallel magnetic line of force travelling
magnet in the same direction repel each other
vi. It passes through all materials both
Storage of Magnets magnetic and non-magnetic
In order to maintain the magnetism in vii. It enters or leaves a material at right
magnets for a long period of time, the angle (900) to the surface
following practices have to be observed NB: point where the net magnetic field is
i. Store away from ferrous materials zero are called neutral point
ii. Store magnets in pairs and using
magnetic keeper to store them

iii. Store away from heat

Magnetic Shielding
Defn: Magnetic shielding is the process of ME = Magnetic Equator
limiting the flow of magnetic fields Ɵ = Angle of declination
between two locations by separating SMP = south magnetic pole
them with a barrier made of conductive NMP = north magnetic pole
material. NGP = north geographic pole
SGP = south geographic pole
α = Angle of dip or angle of inclination

Geographic Equator
Defn: Geographic Equator is the imaginary
Earth's Magnetism line which cut the earth half horizontally.
Defn: Earth's Magnetism is the behavior of This line separate SGP and NGP
the earth to act as magnet
Magnetic Equator
Cause of Earth's Magnetism Defn: Magnetic Equator is the imaginary
It is now believed that the Earth's line which cut the earth’s magnetic
magnetism is due to the magnetic effect horizontally half. This line separate SMP and
of current which is flowing in the liquid core NMP
at the center of the Earth. Thus, the Earth is
a huge electromagnet. Magnetic Meridian
Defn: Magnetic Meridian is the imaginary
Earth’s Magnetic Field line joining the earth magnetic North Pole
Earth behaves as if it has a short bar and South Pole
magnet inside it. It is inclined at a small
angle to its axis of rotation, with its South Geographic Meridian
Pole point to the northern hemisphere. This Defn: Geographic Meridian is the
is inferred from the fact that the compass imaginary line joining the earth North Pole
points towards the true north only at and South Pole
certain places
South magnetic pole (SMP)
Defn: South magnetic pole is the pole near
the geographic south pole of magnet

North magnetic pole (NMP)

Defn: North magnetic pole is the pole near
Where: the geographic north pole of magnet
Ne = North hemisphere
Se = South hemisphere Angle of declination (Ɵ)
Defn: Angle of declination is the angle
Consider the diagram below formed between the magnetic meridian
and geographic meridian. It vary in the
word from one to another place

Angle of dip or angle of inclination

Defn: Angle of dip or angle of inclination is
the between the direction of the earth’s
magnetic flux and the horizontal or Angle
of dip or angle of inclination is the angle
between the earth surface and the earth’s
magnetic field. The angle of dip varies
from place to place
GE = Geographic Equator
i. The angle of inclination is measured by
using Dip needle, where consists
magnetize on its dip of needle which is
used to rotate the dip needle with
horizontal component of the magnetic
field and dip needle rotate vertically to
align with the total field
ii. The angle of dip at the magnetic poles
of Earth is 90o
iii. The angle of dip at the magnetic
equator of the Earth will be 0o

Application of the Earth’s Magnetic Field

i. Used by map readers for finding
locations of different places
ii. Give useful information in the search for
iii. Satellites transmit information through
earth’s magnetic field to the earth
iv. Magnetic compass can locate the
direction of the magnetic north using
the compass

Moment of a Force iii. Knob on a door is placed as far as
Defn: moment of a force is the product of possible from the hinges due to the
the force applied and the perpendicular addition perpendicular distance arise
distance from a fixed point or pivot from the hinges to the knob
Defn: moment of a force is the turning Example,
effect of the force about a point A line of action of a force of 90 N acts at a
Mathematically: perpendicular distance of 2.5 m, from a
M=f×d point. Find the moment of the force
Data given
Where: Force applied, f = 90 N
M = moment of a force its SI unit is Nm Perpendicular distance, D = 2.5 m
f = force applied its SI unit is N Moment, M = ?
d = perpendicular distance its SI unit is m Solution
Diagrammatically: M=f×d
M = 90 N×2.5 m
M = 225 Nm

The Principle of Moment

Consider the ruler below

i. The point where the object rotate after The principle of moments states that
turning force is called pivot or fulcrum “When a system is in equilibrium the total
ii. turning effect is called moment of a sum of the anti-clockwise moments is
force equal to the total sum of the clockwise
iii. Moment of force is applied in different moments”
activities such as opening bottle caps, Mathematically:
door opening and tightening nuts etc m 1 = m2
iv. The moment of a force depend on the Where:
following m1 = Anticlockwise moment
a. Size of a force m2 = Clockwise moment
b. Perpendicular distance Therefore:
m1 = m2
Example, s We Experience On Turning Since: m = f × d
Effect Now:
We can prove the turning effect as the f1× d1 = f2× d2
following reasons
i. It is easier to open nut with a long Example,
spanner opener than with short spanner A 100 g weight is suspended 45 cm from
fingers due to the high moment as a the pivot, f of a light rod. If a weight w
result of perpendicular distance arise suspended 20 cm from the pivot balance
from the long spanner the 100 g weight. Find weight w.
ii. It is easier to open the cap of the bottle Data given
with a bottle opener than with your m1 = 100 g
fingers due to the addition m2 = w g
perpendicular distance arise from the d1 = 45 cm
opener d2 = 20 cm
g = 10
Solution A uniform rod with a mass 120 g and a
Diagram: length of 130 cm is suspended by a wire
from a point 80 cm from the rod’s left end.
What mass must be hang from the right
end of the rod for it to be in equilibrium?
From What will be the tension of the wire?
m1 = m2 Solution
Since: m = f × d Diagram:
But: f = m × g
m 1 × g 1 × d1 = m 2 × g2 × d 2
100 × 10 × 45 = w × 10 × 20
100 × 10 × 45 = w
10 × 20
5 × 45 = w
w = 225 Nm Where:
X = mass hang for rod to be in equilibrium
Example, W = weight of rod = 0.12 kg × 10m/s2
A uniform metre ruler is pivoted at its W = 1.2N
centre. A 20 g mass is placed at the 10 cm T = tension of the wire
mark and a 50 g mass at the 40 cm mark. From:
At what mark must a second 50 g mass be Total anticlockwise moment = total
placed for the system to be in rotational clockwise moment
balance? Now:
Solution 1.2 × 15 = X × 50
Diagram: X = 1.2 × 15
X = 0.36 N
Upward force = downward force
T = 0.36 N + 1.2 N
From: T = 1.56 N
Total anticlockwise moment = total
clockwise moment Example,
Now: David and his father are sitting at the end
20 × 40 + 50 × 10 = y × 50 of a seesaw 2 m from the pivot while
20 × 40 + 50 × 10 = y David's mother is sitting at a distance d
50 from the pivot. The seesaw balances as
800 + 500 = y shown in the figure below. Determine d.
1300 = y
y = 26 cm

x = 50 + y = 50 + 26 = 76 cm
Therefore Second 50 g should place at 26 Solution
cm to the right from the pivot or placed at From:
76 cm mark Total anticlockwise moment = total
clockwise moment
Example, Now:
2 × 400 + 600 × d = 2 × 700
600 × d = 2 × 700 - 2 × 400
600d = 1400 - 800 Types of Equilibrium
600d = 600 There are three, include
d = 600/600 = 1m i. Stable equilibrium
Therefore, David's mother is sitting 1m from ii. Unstable equilibrium
the pivot iii. Neutral equilibrium

Center Of Gravity Stable Equilibrium

Defn: center of gravity is the point at which Stable equilibrium occurs when a body
the weight of the body concentrated/ slight displaced the body returns to its
acts. original position after displacement
Diagram: Diagram:

Unstable Equilibrium
Unstable equilibrium occurs when a body
Where: slight displaced the body it does not
W = weight of the body returns to its original position after
G = center of gravity displacement
Application of Principle of Moment
i. Used to unscrew a stopper on the
ii. Used to unscrew a nut on bolt
iii. Used to open a metal cap from a
bottle of wine, beer etc
iv. When the door is opened, the force on
the handle exerts a turning effect
about the hinges Neutral Equilibrium
v. turning a steering wheel of a car Neutral equilibrium occurs when a body
slight displaced the body it does not alter
Equilibrium the position of the center of gravity
Defn: Equilibrium is the state of balance of Diagram:
a body

Conditions for Equilibrium

When force are in equilibrium means there
is no net force to cause any movement.
The following include the condition
i. Center of gravity: center of gravity
must at lower position
ii. Force: Sum of upward force should be
equal to the sum of downward force Application of Equilibrium
iii. Moment: Sum of clockwise moment i. In designing of structure like bridges,
should be equal to the sum of aeroplane, furniture, machines, car
anticlockwise moment boats, ships etc

ii. Our bodies muscles are always kind of Y = 3000 × 1.5 + 500 × 2
equilibrium that is why we can walk, 4
seat, eat, run, squat, jump etc Y = 5500
iii. Tall structure such as building and 4
pylon, they are wide base and low Y = 1375N
centre of gravity so ensure stability
iv. Bus/car with seated passengers and Since:
loading the lower compartments is Total upward force = total downward
more stable than one with standing force
passengers and loaded at the top Y + X = 500N + 3000N
v. Ships have long and wide projecting Y + X = 3500N
plates extending from their bases into X = 3500N - Y
the water to increase stability X = 3500N - 1375N
X = 2125N

The diagram below shows a 150g rod
balanced at its centre of gravity. A 20g
mass is placed 120cm from the pivoted
vi. Beam balance - used for measuring i. Find the value of x
masses of different objects by ii. What upward force/reaction/tension
comparison with known masses. does the pivot exert on the rod?
vii. Steel yard - is a machine used for Solution
weighing heavy objects. It uses the Diagram:
principle of moments by balancing
heavy objects with lighter objects on
longer arm.
viii. Seesaw – is a long plank balanced at
the fulcrum so that an increase in Since:
weight in one side causes it to go down Total anticlockwise moment = total
while the other side goes up clockwise moment
20 × 120 = 50 × X
Example, X = 20 × 120
A heavy uniform beam AB of weight 500N 50
is supported at its ends. The beam carries a N = 2400
weight of 300N at a distance of 1.5m from 50
the end A. if the beam is 4m long. Find the N = 48cm
thrust/tension/reaction at A and B
Solution Since:
Diagram: Total upward force = total downward
T = 0.2N + 0.5N
T = 0.7N
Upward force is exerted by pivot is 0.7N

Example, 07 (Mock 2013)

From the diagram below calculate
NB: Assume pivot is at point B reaction M and N
Total anticlockwise moment = total
clockwise moment
4 × Y = 3000 × 1.5 + 500 × 2

ii. Additional weight at C will just tilt the

beam about B?
NB: when the beam just tilts about B the
reaction A becomes zero. Taking
moments about the support B
Solution Let addition weight be x
NB: Assume pivot is at point M 2 × 1.5 = 0.5 × (4 + x) + A x 1.0
Since: 3 = 0.5(4 + x)
Total anticlockwise moment = total 3/0.5 = 4 + x
clockwise moment 6=4+x
N × 360 = 90 × 200 x=6-4
N = 90 × 200 x=6–4=2
360 x=2N
N = 18000
N = 50N

Total upward force = total downward
N + M = 90N
M = 90N - 50N
M = 40N

From the diagram below calculate
i. Reaction A and B
ii. Additional weight at C will just tilt the
beam about B?

i. Reaction A and B
NB: Assume pivot is at point B
Total anticlockwise moment = total
clockwise moment
2 × 1.5 = 0.5 × 4 + A x 1.0
A = 3 - 2 = 1N

Total upward force = total downward
A + B = 6N
B = 6N - A
B = 6N – 1N
B = 5N

Simple Machines Mechanical Advantage (MA)
Defn: machine is any device which used to Defn: Mechanical advantage is the ratio
simplify work. Example, screw driver, of the load to the effort. Has no SI unit.
pulley, inclined plane, bicycle, typewrite, Mechanical advantage affected by
car. friction so efficient of machine is not 100%
due to friction force
Types of Machine MA = L/E
They are two types of machine, include
the following Example,
i. Simple machine A man of mass 100 kg lifts a box weight 500
ii. Complex machine kg by standing on one end of a lever. How
much mechanical advantage did the
Simple Machine lever provide to the man while lifting the
Defn: Simple machine is the machine box?
which compose only one machine. Data given
Example, Screw driver, Crowbar, See-saw, Effort, E = 1000kg = 1000N
Pulley, Inclined plane etc Load, L = 500kg = 5000N
Mechanical advantage, MA = ?
Complex Machine Solution
Defn: Complex machine is the machine From: MA = L/E
which compose more than one machine. MA = 5000N /1000N
Example, Bicycle, Typewrite, Car, Sewing MA = 5
machine etc
Velocity Ratio (VR)
Terms Used Defn: Velocity ratio is the ratio of the
Since in this topic we study about simple distance moved by the effort to the
machine, consider the diagram below of distance moved by load. Has no SI unit.
crowbar Velocity ratio does not affected by friction
VR = Ed/Ld

When a machine pressed by effort moved
down a distance of 100 cm, while the load
is raised through 25 cm at the same time.
Where: Find the velocity ratio’
Ld = distance moved by load Data given
Ed = distance moved by effort Distance moved by effort, Ed = 100 cm
La = load arm Distance moved by load, Ld = 25 cm
Ea = effort arm Velocity ratio, VR = ?
Therefore the following terms will be used From: VR = Ed/Ld
in our topic; Effort, Load, Mechanical VR = 100 cm/25 cm
advantage, Velocity ration, Work output, VR = 4
Work input, Efficient.
Work Output (WO)
Effort (E) Defn: Work output is the product between
Defn: Effort is a force applied to shift load. load and distance moved by load. Its SI
Its SI unit is Newton unit is joule
WO = L × Ld
Load (L)
Defn: Load is the weight of a body. Its SI Work Input (WI)
unit is Newton

Defn: Work input is the product between Efficient, Eff = ?
effort and distance moved by effort. Its SI Solution
unit is Joule Eff = (WO/WI) × 100%
WI = E × Ed Eff = (10000/5000) × 100%
Eff = 0.2 × 100%
Efficient (Eff) Eff = 20%
Defn: Efficient is the percentage ratio of The rest energy (40000J) is wasted as heat
the work output to the work input
Eff = (WO/WI) × 100% Types of Simple Machine
Since: WO = L × Ld There are types of machine but will discuss
WI = E × Ed about six (6) machine include
Eff = (L × Ld / E × Ed) × 100% i. Levers
Eff = (L/E) × (Ld/Ed) × 100% ii. Pulley
But: VR = Ed/Ld - reciprocal both sides iii. Inclined planes
1/VR = Ld/E iv. Screw jack
MA = L/E v. Wheel and axle
Substitute: vi. Hydraulic press
Now: Eff = MA × (1/VR) × 100%
Eff = (MA/VR) × 100% Levers
It consists of rigid bar that moves about
Example, fixed point called pivot. Example, A wheel
A machine having a velocity ratio of 5 barrow, a pair of scissors, a shovel, Wire
requires 600 J of work to raise a load of 400 cutters etc. A lever has three main parts
N if the load moved though a distance of include
0.5 m. calculate the mechanical i. Pivot/fulcrum
advantage and efficiency of the machine ii. Load arm (La)
Data given iii. Effort arm (Ea)
Velocity ratio, VR = 5
Work input, WI = 600 J
Load, L = 400 N
Load distance, Ld = 0.5 m
Mechanical advantage, MA = ?
Efficient, Eff = ?
Solution It used to lift heavy weights with the small
Eff = (WO/WI) × 100% effort. The longer the bar the easier it to lift
Eff = (WO/600) × 100% the load
Since: WO = L × Ld = 400 × 0.5 = 200
Eff = (200/ 600) × 100% Defn: fulcrum is a fixed point about which
Eff = 0.3333 × 100% the bar moves. Lever always act as force
Eff = 33.33% magnifiers
But: Eff = (MA/VR) × 100%
33.33% = MA/5 × 100% Class of Levers
MA = (33.33% × 5) /100% The classification of lever depends on the
MA = 1.67 position of the pivot with respect to load
and effort. So we have three classes of
Example, levers include
An athlete exerts a force of 100 N while i. First class levers
running 100 m race, if he uses 50,000 J of ii. Second class levers
food energy. Calculate his efficiency iii. Third class levers
Data given
Useful energy (work output), WO = 100 × First Class Levers
100 = 10000J
Total energy (work input), WI = 500000J
The pivot is located at the centre of load Therefore:
and effort. Example, crowbars, scissors, MA = Ea/La
pliers, see-saws etc
Diagram: NB:
i. Effort arm (Ea) is a distance between
fulcrum and effort
ii. Load arm (La) is a distance between
fulcrum and load
iii. MA of second class is great than fist
Second Class Levers class lever
The load located at the centre of pivot iv. MA of third class is less than fist class
and effort. Example, wheelbarrows, lever
nutcrackers, bottle openers etc
Diagram: Example,
A force of 30 N is applied at one end of a
crowbar and adjust overcomes a
resistance of 150 N at the lid of a case.
Find mechanical advantage
Data given
Third Class Levers Load, E = 30 N
The effort is locate at the centre between Effort, E = 150 N
load and pivot. Example, shovel (spade), Mechanical advantage, MA = ?
tweezers, fishing rod, tongs, forceps etc Solution
Diagram: From: MA = L/E = 150/30 = 5
MA = 5

Velocity Ratio of Lever

It obtained from the formula
VR = Ed/Ld
Mechanical Advantage of Lever Ed = distance moved by effort
It expressed as we seen Ld = distance moved by load
MA = L/E
Also can obtained by using effort arm (Ea) Example,
and load (La), consider the diagram In a certain machine , a force of 10 N
below moves down a distance of 5 cm in order to
raise a load of 100 N through a height of
0.5 cm. calculate velocity ratio of the lever
Data given:
Effort, E = 10 N
From: Load, L = 100 N
Anticlockwise moment = clockwise Effort distance, Ed = 5 cm
moment Load distance, Ld = 0.5 cm
E × Ea = L × La Velocity ratio, VR = ?
Divide by E both sides Solution:
E × Ea = L × La VR = Ed/Ld = 5/0.5 = 10
E E VR = 10
Divide by La both sides
Ea = L × La Efficiency of Lever
La E La It is obtained by using formula as usual
Ea = L
La E Example,
But: MA = L/E
A machine with velocity ratio of 6 required i. Used in pair of scissors and tong
800J of work to raise a load of 600 N ii. Used in wheelbarrow to carry sand
through a vertical distance of 1 m. find iii. Spanner types like (wrenches) used by
efficiency and mechanical advantage plumbers, electrician etc
Data given iv. Crowbar to remove nails from piece of
Work input/ WI = 800 J wood
Work output. WO = 600 J v. Fishing rod
Distance moved by load, Ld = 1 m
Efficiency, Eff = ? Pulley
Mechanical advantage, MA = ? Pulley is a simple machine that consists of
Solution: a wheel that rotates around a point called
Eff = (WO/WI) × 100% axle
Eff = (600/800) × 100% NB: the tension in the rope is the same at
Eff = 0.75 × 100% all points in an ideal pulley
Eff = 75%
Then: Eff = (MA/VR) × 100% Types of Pulley
75% = MA/6 × 100% These are different types of pulley
MA = (6× 75%) /100% according on the number of ropes or
MA = 450/100 arrangement of pulleys include;
MA = 4.5 i. Single fixed pulley
ii. Single movable pulley
Example, iii. Combination pulley
A certain first class lever of length 2.5 m iv. The block and tackle pulley system
has a velocity ratio of 12 and an efficiency
of 85%. Find Single Fixed Pulley
a) Distance moved by effort/effort It consist one pulley at stationary. Consider
b) Force/effort required lifting a load the diagram whereby it fixed and does not
weighting 75N? move to lift the load
Data given
Distance moved by effort, Ed = ?
Distance moved by load, Ld = 2.5 m
Load, L = 75 N
Efficiency, Eff = 85%
Velocity ratio, VR = 12
Effort, E = ?
a) VR = Ed/Ld
12 = Ed/2.5- make Ed subject Where: T = tension of the rope
Ed = 12 × 2.5 For single fixed pulley
Ed = 30 m MA = L/E
VR = Ed/Ld
b) Eff = (MA/VR) × 100% - make MA But: Ed = Ld
subject Therefore: VR = 1(number of rope pull the
MA = (Eff × VR)/100% road)
MA = (85% × 12)/100%
MA = 1020%/100% Single Movable Pulley
MA = 10.20 It consist one pulley at dynamic. Consider
Then: MA = L/E – make E subject the diagram whereby its move to lift the
E = L/MA load
E = 57/10.2
E = 7.4 N

Uses of Lever In Daily Life

The block and tackle pulley is made of two
or more pulleys. It like combination pulley

A pulley system is made up of 8 pulleys. An
effort of 200 N is applied on the pulley
system, if the pulley system has an
efficiency of 80%. Find the maximum load
Data given
Velocity ratio, VR = 8
For single movable pulley Effort, E = 200 N
MA = L/E Efficiency, Eff = 80%
T=E Mechanical advantage, MA = ?
From the diagram above, the effort (2x) is Maximum load, Lmax = ?
moved twice moved by load (x) Minimum load, Lmin = ?
Ed = 2x Solution:
Ld = x For maximum load, Lmax (normal Load, L)
VR = 2x/x Then: Eff = (MA/VR) × 100% - make MA
Therefore: VR = 2(number of rope pull the subject
road) Eff = (MA/VR) × 100%
MA = (VR× Eff) /100%
Combination Pulley MA = (8×80%) /100%
It consists of fixed and movable pulleys. MA = 640/100
Number of pulley is varies from one to MA = 6.4
another pulley But: MA = L/E
MA = Lmax/E – make L subject
Lmax = MA × E
Lmax = 6.4 × 200
Lmax = 6.4 × 200
Lmax = 1280 N

Lmin is obtained by the formula

Given Eff x Lmin = Lmax
For combination pulley
MA = L/E
80% x Lmin = 1280 – make Lmin subject
From the diagram above, the effort (nx) is
moved twice moved by load (x)
Lmin = (100% x 1280)/80%
Lmin = 128000%/80%
x = distance moved by load and effort
Lmin = 1600 N
n = number of pulley (number of rope pull
the road)
Ed = nx
A block and tackle pulley system has a VR
Ld = x
of 4, if a load of 100 N is raised by using
VR = nx/x
force of 50 N. find the mechanical
advantage and Efficiency
VR = n (number of rope pull the road)
Data given
VR = n (number of pulley)
Load, L = 100 N
From the diagram above
Effort, E = 50 N
n = 2, therefore its VR = 2
Velocity ratio, VR = 4
Mechanical advantage, MA = ?
The Block And Tackle Pulley
Efficiency, Eff = ?
MA = 100/50 For inclined plane
MA = 2 MA = L/E
VR = Ed/Ld
Then: Eff = (MA/VR) × 100% Eff = (MA/VR) × 100%
Eff = (2/4) × 100%
Eff = 0.5 × 100% Example,
Eff = 50% A force of 600 N is used to move a load of
3000 N up an inclined plane. Given that
Example, the slanted height and vertical height of
A simple pulley system has velocity ratio of the plane are 18 m and 3m respectively.
3, if its efficiency is 90%. Find load which Find
can raise by an effort of 100 N a) Velocity ratio of the plane
Data given b) Mechanical advantage
Efficiency, Eff = 90% c) Efficiency of the plane
Velocity ratio, VR = 3 Data given
Effort, E = 100 N Effort, E = 600 N
Load, L = ? Load, L = 3000 N
Solution Slanted height, Ed = 18 m
Eff = (MA/VR) × 100% - make MA subject Vertical height, Ld = 3 m
MA = (VR x Eff)/100% Velocity ratio, VR = ?
MA = (3 x 90%)/100% Mechanical advantage, MA = ?
MA = 270%/100% Efficiency, Eff = ?
MA = 2.7 Solution
But: MA = L/E a) From: MA = L/E
2.7 = L/100 – make L subject MA = L/E =3000/600 = 5
L = 2.7 x 100 MA = 5
L = 270 N
b) From: VR = Ed/Ld
Uses of Pulleys in Daily Life VR = Ed/Ld = 18/3 = 6
i. Applicable in winches for building works VR = 6
ii. Uses as transport tourist up mountain
slopes c) From: Eff = (MA/VR) × 100%
iii. Uses by fisher man to lift heavy clothes Eff = (5/6) × 100%
which used to move their boat as done Eff = 0.8333 × 100%
at Mtwara coast Eff = 83.33%
iv. Used in garage to lift car engine
v. Used for fetch water in the well Example,
A loaded wheelbarrow weighting 800 N is
Inclined Planes pushed up an inclined plane by a force of
An inclined plane is a smooth flat rigid 150 N parallel to the plane, if the plane
surface slanted at an angle to the rises 50 cm for every 400 cm length of the
horizontal. Also it’s called ramp. plane. Find the velocity ratio, mechanical
advantage and efficiency
Data given
Load, L = 800 N
Effort, E = 150 N
Slanted height, Ed = 400 cm
Where: Vertical height, Ld = 50 cm
Distance moved by load (vertical height) = Velocity ratio, VR = ?
Ld Mechanical advantage, MA = ?
Distance moved by Effort (slanted height) Efficiency, Eff = ?
= Ed Solution
From: MA = L/E
MA = L/E =800/150 = 5.3 VR = 125.6 /0.2
MA = 5 VR = 628

From: VR = Ed/Ld Example,

VR = Ed/Ld = 400/50 = 8 A screw jack which has a 5 thread per
VR = 6 centimeter is used to lift a car weighting
20000 N, if the length of the turning lever is
From: Eff = (MA/VR) × 100% 40 cm and the efficiency of the screw jack
Eff = (5.3/8) × 100% is 90%. Find Velocity ratio, Mechanical
Eff = 0.6625 × 100% advantage, Minimum effort and maximum
Eff = 66.25% effort
Data given:
Screw Jack Length of the turning, R = 40 cm
Screw jack it consist of a rod in which there Length of the rod, x = 1 cm
is a thread Number of thread, y = 5
Efficiency, Eff = 90%
Load, L = 20000 N
Pitch, P = ?
Velocity ratio, VR = ?
Mechanical advantage, MA = ?
Minimum effort, Emin = ?
Maximum effort Emax = ?
For screw jack Solution:
MA = L/E Find P first where is given by the formula
P = x/y
VR = Ed/Ld P = 1/5
But: P = 0.2 cm
Ed = 2πR = circumference of circle of From: VR = 2πR /P
screw and jack VR = (2 x 3.14 x 40) /0.2
length of the turning = R VR = 251.3 /0.2
Ld = pitch, P VR = 1256.5
VR = 2πR /P From: Eff = (MA/VR) × 100% - make MA
Eff = (MA/VR) × 100% MA = (90% × 1256.5)/100%
MA = 113085%/100%
Example, MA = 1130.85
A screw jack has 5 threads per centimeter,
if the length of the turning lever is 20 cm. From: MA = L/E – make effort, E subject
find the velocity ratio (π = 3.14) Emin = L/MA
Data given: Emin = 20000/1130.85
Length of the turning, R = 20 cm Emin = 17.7 N
Length of the rod, x = 1 cm
Number of thread, y = 5 Emax is obtained by the formula
Pitch, P = ? Given Eff x Emax = Emin
Velocity ratio, VR = ? 100%
Solution: 90% x Emax = 17.7 – make Emax subject
Find P first where is given by the formula 100%
P = x/y Emax = (100% x 17.7)/90%
P = 1/5 Emax = 1770%/80%
P = 0.2 cm Emax = 22.125 N
From: VR = 2πR /P
VR = (2 x 3.14 x 20) /0.2 Example,
The handle of the screw jack is 35 cm long MA = L/E
and the pitch of the screw is 0.5 cm. what
force must be applied to the end of the VR = Ed/Ld
handle when lifting a load of 2200 N, when But: Ed = 2πR and Ld =2πr
efficiency of the jack is 40% Then: VR = 2πR /2πr
Data given VR = R/r
Length of the turning, R = 35 cm Eff = (MA/VR) × 100%
Efficiency, Eff = 40%
Load, L = 2200 N Example,
Pitch, P = 0.5 cm A wheel and axle has a velocity ratio of 6.
Velocity ratio, VR = ? Determine the radius of the wheel, if the
Mechanical advantage, MA = ? radius of the axle is (a) 5 cm (b) 8 cm (c)
Effort, E = ? 12 cm
Solution: Data given
First find velocity ratio Velocity ratio, VR = 6
From: VR = 2πR /P Radius of the wheel, R = ?
VR = (2 x 3.14 x 35) /0.5 Solution:
VR = 219.9 /0.5 (a) If radius of axle, r = 5 cm
VR = 439.8 But: VR = R/r
Second find mechanical advantage VR = R/r – make subject R
From: Eff = (MA/VR) × 100% - make MA R = VR x r
subject R=6x5
MA = (40% × 439.8)/100% R = 30 cm
MA = 17592%/100%
MA = 175.92 (b) If radius of axle, r = 8 cm
Third find effort needed But: VR = R/r
From: MA = L/E – make effort, E subject VR = R/r – make subject R
E = L/MA R = VR x r
E = 2200/175.92 R=6x8
E = 12.5 N R = 48 cm

Wheel And Axle (c) If radius of axle, r = 12 cm

Wheel and axle it consist of a wheel and But: VR = R/r
an axle mounted and joined together so VR = R/r – make subject R
they have the same axis of rotation R = VR x r
R = 6 x 12
R = 72 cm

A wheel and axle with an efficiency of 90%
is to be raised a load of 10000 N. the radius
of the wheel is 40 cm while radius of the
axle is 5 cm. find Velocity ratio,
Mechanical advantage and Effort
Where: Data given
Load distance (circumference of axle) =
Ld Uses of Wheel And Axle in Daily Life
Effort distance (circumference of wheel) = i. Riding a bicycle
Ed ii. Used to fetch water in well
Radius of wheel = R
Radius of axle = r

For wheel and axle


For hydraulic press

MA = L/E
VR = (R/r)2
Eff = (MA/VR) × 100%

The diagram below shows a hydraulic
press being used to lift a container
Hydraulic Press weighting 100000 N
Hydraulic press multiplies an applied effort
using the pressure of a liquid or gas. This
allows the lifting of a heavy load by
applying little effort

Radii of the effort and load piston are 20

cm and 50 m respectively, if the efficiency
of the hydraulic press is 90%. Determine
a) Velocity ratio
b) Mechanical advantage
c) Minimum Effort
d) The distance the container raised
through if the effort piston pushed
through 1 m
Data given:
Since: P = F/A Load, L = 100000 N
P1 = F1/A1 Radius of Load piston, R = 5 m
P2 = F2/A2 Radius of effort piston, r = 20 cm = 0.2 m
But: Efficiency, Eff = 90%
F1 = L Velocity ratio, VR = ?
F2 = E Mechanical advantage, MA = ?
A1 = πR2 Minimum effort, Emin = ?
A2 = πr2 Distance moved by effort, Ed = 1m
Distance moved by load, Ld = ?
Assume there is no friction force Solution
But: P1 = P2 a) From: VR = (R/r)2
L/πR2 = E/πr2 – divide by E and πr2 both VR = (5/0.2)2
sides VR = (25/0.04)
L/E = πR2/πr2 VR = 625
L/E = R2/r2 b) From: Eff=(MA/VR)×100% -make MA
L/E = (R/r)2 – practical is not true subject
But: anticlockwise moment = clockwise MA = (90% × 625)/100%
moment MA = 56250%/100%
Therefore: MA = 562.5
L x Ld = E x Ed – divide by E and Ed both c) From: MA = L/Emin – make Emin subject
sides Emin = L/MA
L/E = Ed/Ld Emin = 100000/562.5
L/E = Ed /Ld – practical is not true Emin = 177.78 N
L/E = Ed /Ld d) From: VR = Ed/Ld – make Ld subject
But: L/E = Ed /Ld = VR Ld = Ed/VR
L/E = Ed /Ld = VR = (R/r)2 Ld = 1/625
Then: VR = (R/r)2– practical and theoretical Ld = 0.0016 m
is true

Uses of Hydraulic Press in Daily Life

i. It lifts heavy loads
ii. In ginneries to compress a lump of
cotton into small bales
iii. In industries to form car bodies into the
required shapes

Motion in a Straight Line The SI unit of distance is Metre (m). Other
Motion: units are Centimeter (cm), and Kilometer
Defn: motion is the process of continuously (km)
changing in position of an object from one
place to another.
Types of Motion Defn: Displacement is the distance moved
There are two types of motion namely: by an object in specific direction. The
i. Linear motion distance is represented by letter S
ii. Circular motion The displacement is vector quantity has
both magnitude and direction.
i. Linear Motion The SI unit of displacement is Metre (m).
Defn: linear motion is a motion of an Other units are Centimeter (cm), and
object in a straight line. Kilometer (km)

ii. Circular Motion

Defn: circular motion is a motion of an
object around the circle. Example, s of Speed
circular motion: Defn: Speed is the distance moved per unit
i. Rotation of the earth time. Or Speed is the rate of change of
ii. Motion of electrons around the nucleus distance moved with time. The speed is
represented by letter v. The speed is scalar
Kinematics quantity has magnitude only.
Defn: kinematics is the branch of motion
deals with motion of bodies without Speed Formula
considering the factors causing motion. Speed (v) = distance/Time taken
v = s/t
Dynamics From: V = x/t = meter/second = m/s
Defn: dynamics is the branch of motion Therefore: SI unit of speed is Meter per
deals with motion of bodies by considering Second (m/s). The unit used is kilometer
the factor causing motion. per second (km/h)
i. In generally the factor causing motion is Velocity
force Defn: Velocity is the displacement moved
ii. In kinetic the force does not put into per unit time. Or Velocity is the rate of
consideration while in dynamics the change of displacement moved with time.
force is put inconsideration. The velocity is a vector quantity. The speed
is represented by letter v
Terms Used To Describe Motion
i. Distance Velocity Formula
ii. Displacement Velocity (v) = Displacement/Time taken
iii. Speed v = s/t
iv. Velocity From: V = s/t = meter/second = m/s
v. Acceleration Therefore: SI unit of velocity is Meter per
vi. Retardation Second (m/s). The unit used is kilometer
per second (km/h)
Defn: Distance is the length of path taken Relationship between m/s and km/h
by a particular object. The distance is From: 1km = 1000m ................... (i)
represented by letter s Also: 1h = 3600s ........................... (ii)
The distance is scalar quantity has Divide equation (i) to equation (ii)
magnitude but not direction. 1km = 1000m
1h = 3600s
1km/h = 1000m/3600s Instantaneous velocity
1km/h = 10m/36s Defn: Instantaneous velocity is the velocity
1km/h = 10m/36s – multiply by 36 both of the body at any instant.
36km/h = 10m/s Example,
Therefore: 36km/h = 10m/s An travelled 20m to the right in 4s and then
12m to the left in 3s, for its total motion,
Types of Velocity what was its average speed & its average
The following are three types of velocity velocity.
a) Initial velocity, u Data given
b) Final velocity, v Distance traveled, s = 20 m + 12 m = 32 m
c) Average velocity, va Time taken, t = 4s + 3 s = 7 s
d) Uniform velocity Average speed, v = ?
e) Instantaneous velocity Average velocity, va = ?
Initial velocity From: v = d/t
Defn: Initial velocity is the velocity of the v = 32/7
body at starting of observation. v = 4.57
Therefore average Speed Is 4.57 m/s
Final velocity From: va = s/t
Defn: Final velocity is the velocity of the Where:
body at ending point of observation. Average velocity = va
Total distance = s
Average velocity Total time = t
Defn: Average velocity is the mean of va = s/t
initial and final velocities. Assume right is wanted direction
Mathematically Distance to right, s1 = 20 m
va = (u + v)/2 Distance to left, s2 = -12 m
Where: Total distance = s = 20 + -12 m = 8 m
Average velocity = va Then:
Initial velocity = u va = 8/7
Final velocity = v Va = 1.14 m/s
Therefore Average velocity Is 1.14 m/s
OR Defn: Average velocity is the ratio of
the total displacement to the total time. Example,
Mathematically A ball is dropped from a height of 20m
va = s/t above the ground. It hits the ground in 2s
Where: and bounces back up to a height of 12.7m
Average velocity = va in 1.6s .What are its average velocity
Total distance = s Data given
Total time = t Assume down is wanted direction
Distance to down, s1 = 20 m
Uniform velocity Distance to up after bounce, s2 = -12.7 m
Defn: Uniform velocity is the type of Total distance = s = 20 + -12.7 m = 7.3 m
velocity in which the rate of change of Time taken, t = 2s + 1.6 s = 3.6 s
displacement with time does not change. Average velocity, va = ?
Consider a table below: From: va = s/t
Displacement (m) 0 2 4 8 16 va = 7.3/3.6
Time taken, t (s) 0 1 2 4 8 Va = 2.03 m/s
The table above depicts that the body Therefore Average velocity Is 2.03 m/s
was moving with uniform velocity of 2m/s.
A 100m runner finishes the race in 10s. iv. When the velocity of a moving object
What is her average speed? decreases its acceleration become
Data given negative
Distance traveled, s = 100 m v. The negative is called retardation
Time taken, t = 10 s vi. When a body is moving with a uniform
Average speed, v = ? velocity in acceleration becomes zero,
Solution a = 0 m/s2
From: v = d/t
v = 100/10 Example,
v = 10 An object is moving at 15 m/s to the right
Therefore average Speed Is 10 m/s after 8 sec later it is moving at 5 m/s to the
right, what was the acceleration of the
Acceleration object?
Defn: Acceleration is the rate of change of Data given
velocity with time. OR Acceleration is the Assume right is wanted direction
change in velocity per unit time. Initial velocity, u = +15 m/s
Mathematical: Final velocity, v = +5 m/s
a = (v – u)/t Time taken, t = 8s
Acceleration, a = ?
Unit of acceleration Solution
From: a = (v – u)/t From: a = (v – u)/t
a = (v – u)/t a = (5 – 15)/8
a = (m/s)/s a = -10/8
a = m/s2 a = -2.5 m/s2
Therefore: SI unit of acceleration is Meter
per Second Square (m/s2). Other unit is Example,
Kilometer per hour square (km/h2) A car brakes and slows down from 20 m/s
to 5 m/s in 3 sec. find its acceleration
Uniform acceleration Data given
Defn: Uniform acceleration is the type of Initial velocity, u = 20 m/s
acceleration in which the rate of change Final velocity, v = 5 m/s
of velocity with time does not change. Time taken, t = 3s
Acceleration, a = ?
Retardation/ Deceleration Solution
Defn: Retardation is the rate of decreasing From: a = (v – u)/t
of velocity with time. Or Retardation is the a = (5 – 20)/8
decreasing of velocity per unit time. The a = -15/3
retardation is negative acceleration. a = -5 m/s2

Uniform retardation Example,

Defn: Uniform retardation is the one in Starting from rest, a sports car accelerate
which the rate of decreasing of velocity to a velocity of 96 km/h in 16 sec. find
with time does not change. acceleration
Data given
NB: Initial velocity, u = 0 km/h = 0 m/s
i. When a body starts moving from rest its Final velocity, v = 96 km/h = 26.7 m/s
initial velocity become zero, u = 0m/s2 Time taken, t = 16s
ii. When a body is brought to rest by the Acceleration, a = ?
application of brakes its final velocity, u Solution
= 0m/s2 From: a = (v – u)/t
iii. When a velocity of a moving object a = (26.7 – 0)/16
increases its acceleration become a = 26.7/16
positive a = 1.67 m/s2
Consider a body is moving with a uniform
Example, velocity i.e. Displacement rate of change.
A car travels at 10 m/s and increase its
velocity to 30 m/s in 10 sec. find Nb:
acceleration of the car i. The graph which shows the velocity
Data given against time is called velocity time
Initial velocity, u = 10 m/s graph
Final velocity, v = 30 m/s ii. The slope of the graph represents the
Time taken, t = 10s speed of the object
Acceleration, a = ? iii. The horizontal lines show that the object
Solution is stationary or at rest for a certain
From: a = (v – u)/t period of time
a = (30 – 10)/10
a = 20/10 Velocity Time Graph
a = 2 m/s2 Defn: velocity time graph is the graph
which shows the velocity (y-axis) versus
Example, time (x-axis). It sometimes called velocity
A car travels at 45 m/s and decreases its against time graph
velocity uniformly to 20 m/s in 5 sec. find Diagram:
Data given
Initial velocity, u = 45 m/s
Final velocity, v =2 m/s
Time taken, t = 5s
Acceleration, a = ?
From: a = (v – u)/t
a = (20 – 45)/5
a = -15/5 Consider a body starts moving from rest
a =-3 m/s2 and accelerated uniform to a velocity, v
after time, t1. It then moved with this
Position Time Graphs velocity for time, t2 before uniformly
Displacement, velocity, acceleration can retarded to a stop after another time, t3.
be represented on a graphs. The above information can be
The graph which shows the distance or represented on the velocity against time
displacement against or versus time is graph as shown.
called distance/displacement time graph

Displacement Time Graph

Defn: displacement time graph is the
graph which shows the displacement (y-
axis) versus time (x-axis). It sometimes
called displacement against time graph

Deduction from velocity against time

a) Distance travelled (moved) can be
S = Ta
Total distance travelled = S
Total Area of velocity against time = Ta Total distance, s = 300 m
Total time taken, t = 15 s
From the velocity against time graph Average velocity, va = ?
above total area of velocity time graph is From: va = s/t
Area of trapezium OABC. va = 7300/15
Va = 20 m/s
b) Acceleration can be calculated also Therefore Average velocity Is 20 m/s
a = Slope of velocity against time graph Example,
But: A car starts from rest and is accelerated
Slope = (change in y)/(Change in x) uniformly at a rate of 4 m/s2 for 5 sec. it
Slope = (∆y)/(∆x) maintains a constant speed for 20 sec,
But: (∆y)/(∆x) = (∆v)/(∆t) = a brakes applied and the car stops in the
Therefore: a = slope next 3 sec. find
Thus the slope of velocity against time a) Draw a velocity-time graph of the
graph represents acceleration motion.
b) Maximum speed attained
Nb: c) Find the total distance travelled.
i. A horizontal line represents motion at Solution:
constant velocity. a) Velocity-time graph of the motion.
ii. Displacement travelled is given by the
area under the graph.
iii. Acceleration/deceleration is given by
the slope of the graph.

Example, : NECTA form II 2005

A car travel with uniform velocity of 30m/s
for 5 second and then comes to rest 10 b) Maximum speed attained, v = ?
second with uniform deceleration. From: a = slope
i. Draw a velocity-time graph of the a = (∆v)/(∆t)
motion. ∆v = v-u
ii. Find the total distance travelled. ∆t = t = 5
iii. Find the average. Then: a = (v-u)/t – make v subject
Solution: a = (v-u)/t – multiply by t both sides
i. velocity-time graph of the motion at = (v-u) = v-u
at = v-u
v-u = at – add u both sides
v = at + u = 4 x 5 + 0
v = 20 m/s

c) Total distance travelled, s = ?

From: S = Ta = Area of trapezium
S = (28 + 20)/2 x 20
S = 48 /2 x 20
ii. Total distance travelled, s = ? S = 24 x 20
From: S = Ta S = 480 m
S = (30 x 5) + (30 x 10)/2
S = 150 + 300/2 Example,
S = 150 + 150 A body accelerates uniformly from
S = 300 m velocity of 40 m/s to a velocity of 50 m/s in
4sec. find
iii. Find the average velocity a) Draw a velocity-time graph of the
From velocity time graph motion.
b) Acceleration of the body
c) the total distance travelled by the body
in metre
a) velocity-time graph of the motion

b) Acceleration of the body

Data given:
Initial velocity, u = 40 m/s
Final velocity, v = 50 m/s
Time taken, t = 4s
Acceleration, a = ?
From: a = (v – u)/t
a = (50 – 40)/4
a = 10/4
a = 2.5 m/s2

c) Total distance travelled, s= ?

From: S = Ta
S = (40 x 4) + (4 x 10)/2
S = 160 + 40/2
S = 160 + 20
S = 180 m

Newton’s Equation of Motion It relates to final velocity, initial velocity,
We have about three equation of linear acceleration and distance moved. The
motion introduced by sir Isaac Newton’s in Newton’s third equation of motion is given
1886, include the following by
i. Newton’s first equation of motion v2 = u2 + 2as
ii. Newton’s second equation of motion Proof:
iii. Newton’s third equation of motion From Newton first equation of motion:
v = u + at - Square both side:
Newton’s first equation of motion (v) 2 = (u + at) 2
It is related final velocity, initial velocity, v2 = (u + at) (u + at)
acceleration and time taken. The v2 = u2 + uat + uat + a2t2
Newton’s first equation of motion is given v2 = u2 + 2uat + a2t2
by: v2 = u2 + 2a(ut+1/2at2)
V = u + at But:
Proof: S = ut + ½(at2) – substitute into equation
From: a = (v - u)/t above
a = (v - u)/t – multiply by t both sides v2 = u2 + 2a(S)
a = (v - u)/t v2 = u2 + 2aS
at = v - u – add u both sides Hence Proved
at + u = v – u + u
at + u = v Alternative:
V = u + at Newton’s third equation of motion can be
Hence proved delivered by eliminating t from Newton’s
first equation of motion.
Newton’s second equation of motion v = u + at - make t subject
It relates distance (displacement) moved, v - u = at– divide by a both sides
initial velocity, time taken, and at = v - u
acceleration. The Newton second t = (v – u)/a ............................................ (i)
equation is given by: From: s/t = (u + v)/2
S = ut + ½(at2) s/t = (u + v)/2 – make s subject
Proof: s/t = (u + v)/2 – multiply by t both sides
From: Newton’s first equation of motion s = (u + v)t/2 .................................................................. (ii)
at + u = v Substitute (i) into (ii) equation
But: s = ((u + v) (v – u)/a)/2
va = (u + v)/2 2s = ((u + v) (v – u))/a
va = s/t 2as = (u + v) (v – u)
va = s/t = (u + v)/2 2as = (u + v) (v - u)
Then: s/t = (u + v)/2 From difference of two square
s/t = (u + v)/2 – make s subject (u + v) (v - u) = v2 - u2
s/t = (u + v)/2 – multiply by t both sides 2as = v2 - u2
s = (u + v)t/2 v2 = u2 + 2aS
But: v = u + at – substitute into equation Hence Proved
s = (u + v)t/2 Example,
s = (u + u + at)t/2 Starting from rest, a car accelerates
s = (2u + at)t/2 uniformly at 2.5m/s2 for 6sec. the constant
s = (2ut + at2)/2 speed is maintained for one third of a
s = (2ut)/2 + (at2)/2 minute. The brakes are then applied
s = ut+ (at2)/2 making the car to retard uniformly to rest in
S = ut + ½(at2) 4sec. find
Hence Proved a) Draw speed time graph
b) Maximum speed in km/h
Newton’s third equation of motion c) Displacement covered in km
Solution: S = 0 + ½(42)
a) speed time graph S = 0 +21
S = 21 m

Motion under Gravity

All the body fall in the same acceleration
due to gravity called acceleration of a
free falling body denoted by letter g. it
value is 10 m/s2 or 9.8 m/s2. Also distance
b) Maximum speed in km/h = Final moved by object changed to height
velocity, v = ? because if falling
Data given: Now: a = +g
Initial velocity, u = 0 m/s s=h
Final velocity, v = ? Substitute a by g and s by h from Newton’s
Time taken, t = 6s equation of motion
Acceleration, a = 2.5 m/s2 V = u + at changed to V = u + gt
From: v = u + at S = ut + ½(at2) changed to h = ut + ½(gt2)
v = 0 + 2.5 x 6 v2 = u2 + 2as changed to v2 = u2 + 2ah
v = 0 + 15 Note:
v = 15 m/s = 54 km/h a) When the body falling down (a = g) & (s
v = 54 km/h = h)
V = u + gt
c) Displacement covered in km, s = ? h = ut + ½(gt2)
From: S = Ta = Area of trapezium v2 = u2 + 2ah
S = (30 + 20)/2 x 15
S = 50/2 x 15 b) When the body thrown up/vertical (a =
S = 25 x 15 = 375 m = 0.375 km -g) & (s = h)
S = 0.375 km V = u - gt
h = ut - ½(gt2)
Example, : NECTA 2010 v2 = u2 - 2ah
A car accelerates uniformly from rest to a
speed of 15km/h in 10s, Find: Example,
a) The acceleration in m/s2 A stone is thrown vertically upward from
b) Distance covered in meters the ground with a velocity of 30 m/s. find
Data given: a) Maximum height reached
Initial velocity, u = 0m/s b) Time taken for maximum height
Final velocity, v = 15km/h = 4.2 m/s c) Time taken for reach ground again
Time taken, t = 10 sec d) The velocity reached half-way to the
Solution: maximum height
a) The acceleration, a = ? Solution:
From: Newton’s first equation of Draw the diagram first
v = u + at – make a subject
a = (v – u)/t
a = (4.2 - 0)/10
a = 4.2/10
a = 0.42 m/s2

b) Distance covered, s = ?
From: Newton’s second equation
S = ut + ½(at2) a) Maximum height reached, s = H = ?
S = 0 x 10 + ½(0.42 x 102) Data given:
S = 0 + ½(0.42 x 100) Initial velocity, u = 30 m/s
Final velocity, v = 0 m/s vh2 = 302 – (2 x 10 x 22.5)
Acceleration, a = -g = -10 m/s2 vh2 = 900 – (2 x 225)
From: Newton’s third equation of vh2 = 900 – 450
motion vh2 = 450 – square root both sides
v2 = u2 - 2gH – make H subject vh = 21.2 m/s
2gH = u2 - v2 – divide by 2g both sides Therefore Velocity reached half-way to
H = (u2 - v2)/2g the maximum height is 21.2 m/s
H = (302 - 02)/(2 x 10)
H = 900/20 Example,
H = 45 m An object is thrown straight up with an
initial velocity of 50 m/s
b) Time taken for maximum height, t2 = ? a) How long will take to reach its
From: Newton’s first equation of motion maximum height
v = u - gt2 – make t2 subject b) To what height will it rise?
g = (u - v)/t2 c) What will be its velocity when it returns
t2 = (u - v)/g to its starting point?
t2 = (30 - 0)/10 d) How long will be in the air?
t2 = 30 /10 Solution
t2 = 3 sec Draw the diagram first

c) Time taken for reach ground again, t3 =

Data given:
Initial velocity, u = 0 m/s
Final velocity, v = 30 m/s
Time from H and ground, t = ?
Acceleration, a = = g = 10 m/s2
From: Newton’s first equation of motion
v = u + gt – make t2 subject a) Time taken for maximum height, t2 = ?
g = (v - u)/t Data given:
t = (v - u)/g Initial velocity, u = 50 m/s
t = (30 - 0)/10 Final velocity, v = 0 m/s
t = 30 /10 Acceleration, a = -g = -10 m/s2
t = 3 sec From: Newton’s first equation of motion
t3 = t + t2 = 3 + 3 = 6 v = u - gt2 – make t2 subject
t3 = 6 sec g = (u - v)/t2
t2 = (u - v)/g
Alternative: t2 = (50 - 0)/10
t3 = 2t2 = 2 x 3 = 6 t2 = 50 /10
t3 = 6 sec t2 = 5 sec

d) Velocity reached half-way to the b) Height will it rise, h = ?

maximum height , vh = ? From: Newton’s third equation of
When stone is halfway to maximum motion
height, the height attained is h = H/2 = v2 = u2 - 2gh – make H subject
45/2 = 22.5 m 2gh = u2 - v2 – divide by 2g both sides
Data given: h = (u2 - v2)/2g
Initial velocity, u = 30 m/s h = (502 - 02)/(2 x 10)
Final velocity, vh = ? h = 2500/20
Acceleration, a = -g = -10 m/s2 h = 125 m
From: Newton’s third equation of
motion c) Velocity at starting point,, vh = ?
vh2 = u2 - 2gh Data given:
Initial velocity, u = 0 m/s From: T = 2π(L/g)1/2 – square both
Final velocity, vh = ? T2 = (4π2L)/g
Acceleration, a = g = 10 m/s2 T2 = ((4π2L)/g)L
From: Newton’s third equation of Since:
motion (4π2/g) = k is constant keep proportionality
vh2 = u2 + 2gh constant
vh2 = 02 – (2 x 10 x 125) T2 = kL
vh2 = 0 + (2500) T2 α L
vh2 = 0 + 2500 Therefore T2 is directly proportional to the L.
vh2 = 2500 – square root both sides it Means when T2 Increase also L Increase
vh = 50 m/s and vice versa

d) Long will be in the air, t3 = ? Graph of T2 against L

t3 = 2t2 = 2 x 5 = 10
t3 = 10 sec

Simple Pendulum
Simple pendulum is a small heavy body
suspended by a light inextensible string
from a fixed support

From the graph above

Slope = ∆L/∆ T2 = (4π2)/g
Therefore: Slope-1 = (4π2)/g

Application of gravitational force

When pendulum bob swings it reached i. Uses to launch satellites and space
maximum displacement called Amplitude vehicle into space requires overcoming
and the angle between string and vertical the gravitational attraction forces for
axis is called Angular Amplitude take off
ii. Uses to keep satellite rotating on earth’s
iii. It causes everybody to be attracted
towards the earth’s surface
iv. It uses to calculate the time taken by
object to reach to ground for all
objects near the earth’s surface. E.g.
army aircraft when firing bombs,
θ = Angular Amplitude parachutist move under free fall,(a =
A = Amplitude g)etc
When the length of string change while Newton’s Law of Motion
the mass of pendulum bob constant, the We have about three Newton’s law of
period is always constant and that motion, include the following
constant time is given by i. Newton’s first law of motion
T = 2π(L/g)1/2 ii. Newton’s second law of motion
iii. Newton’s third law of motion
T = period for complete oscillation Newton’s First Law of Motion
L = length of string In a car passenger tend to be thrown
g = acceleration due to gravity forwards when the car stops suddenly and
vice versa. This law is also known as the law
of inertia. These phenomena known as SI unity of Momentum is Kgm/s
Due to the same initial and final
Inertia momentum, Sir Isaac Newton conclude by
Defn: inertia is a resistance an object has the law which state that
to change its state of motion “The rate of change momentum of a body
OR is directly proportional to the applied force
Defn: inertia is the ability of resting body to and takes place to the direction of applied
resist motion (moving body in a straight force”
line) when abruptly stopped Mathematically
∆P/t = rate of change momentum
Types of Inertia f = force applied
There are three types of Inertia include ∆P/t α f
i. Inertia of rest Since mass is a constant
ii. Inertia of motion m∆v/t α f
iii. Inertia of direction But: ∆v = v-u
m(v-u)/t α f
Inertia of Rest But: a = (v-u)/t
Defn: Inertia of rest is the resistance of a ma α f
body to change its state of rest Remove proportionality constant
f α ma
Inertia of Motion f = kma
Defn: Inertia of motion is the resistance of a But: k = 1
body to change its state of motion f = ma
From: m∆v/t α f
Inertia of Direction Multiply by t both sides
Defn: Inertia of direction is the resistance of Remove proportionality constant
a body to change its direction of motion ft α m∆v
ft = km∆v
Therefore the Newton’s first law of motion But: k = 1
state that “A body continues in its state of Ft = m∆v
rest (uniform motion) in a straight line ft is called Impulse, SI unit is Kgm/s or Ns
unless external force act on it”
Application of Momentum and Impulse in
Where Inertia Law Experience Our Daily Life
i. when the “daladala” suddenly starts, i. While goalkeeper catching ball extends
the passengers sitting or standing in the his hands forward so that he has
bus tend to fall backwards enough room to let his hand move
ii. when the “daladala” suddenly stops, backward after impact to prevent
the passengers sitting or standing in the bounce of ball
bus are thrown forward ii. A person jump from a high ground to
the floor bends his knees upon making
Newton’s Second Law of Motion contact otherwise his/she leg break
If the body in motion it possess quantity of iii. Glassware is wrapped in paper before
motion which are equal. This quantity are packing to avoid breaking
called momentum
Defn: momentum is the product of mass Example, 01
and velocity of a body A man of mass 1000 kg is moving with a
p = mv velocity of 60 km/h. find its momentum
Where Data given
P = Momentum Mass of a car, m = 1000 kg
M = mass Velocity of a car, v = 60km/h = 16.7 m/s
V = velocity Momentum of a car, p = ?
From: p = mv Types of Collisions
P = 1000 x 16.7 There are two types of collision include.
P = 16700 Kgm/s i. Elastic collisions
ii. Inelastic collisions
Example, 02
Suppose you exert an upward force of 10 Elastic Collisions
N on a 3kg object. What will be the object Elastic collision is the one in which the
acceleration? objects exist in the same state after the
Data given collision as before it. There is no loss in
Force applied, f = 10 N kinetic energy
Mass of object, m = 3 kg = 30 N
Acceleration of an object, a = ?

Inelastic Collisions
Inelastic collision is the one where the
Net force, f = force used = 30 - 10 = 20 N objects after the collision are not the same
From: f = ma – make a subject as before it. There is loss of kinetic energy
a = f/m
a = 20/3
a = 6.67 m/s2
Principle of Conservation of Momentum
It state that “if there is no external force
Example, 03
acting on a colliding system, total
A tennis ball whose mass is 150 g is moving
momentum before collision is equal to
at a speed of 20 m/s. it is then brought to
total momentum after collision body”
rest by one player in 0.05 s. find average
Consider the diagram below
force applied
Data given
Mass of tennis ball, m = 150 g = 0.15 kg
Initial velocity, u = 20 m/s
Final velocity = 0 m/s From the principle of momentum
Time taken, t = 0.05 s Total momentum before = total
Force applied/average, f = ? momentum after
Solution M1u1 + m2u2 = m1v1 + m2v2
From: f = ma
But: a = (v-u)/t Example, 04
f = m(v-u)/t A bullet of mass 10 g leaves a gun of mass
f = 0.15(0-20)/0.05 500 g with a velocity of 100 m/s. Find the
f = 60 N velocity of the gun coil.
Data given
Conservation of Linear Momentum Mass of a gun, m1 = 500 g
Before we discuss about conservation of Mass of a bullet, m2 = 10 g
linear momentum let first study about Initial velocity of a gun, u1 = 0 m/s
collision Initial velocity of a bullet, u2 = 0 m/s
Final velocity of a gun, v1 = 100 m/s
Collision Final velocity of a bullet, v2 = ?
When two bodies collide, may loss kinetic Solution
energy or not. Example, of collision is From: M1u1 + m2u2 = m1v1 + m2v2 – make v1
i. Two car collide at an intersection subject
ii. Player’s foot strikes a soccer ball M1u1 + m2u2 = m1v1 + m2v2
m1v1 = (M1u1 + m2u2) - m2v2 – divide by m1 KEtb = (m1v12)/2 + (m2v22)/2
both sides KEtb = (4 x 22)/2 + (6 x 02)/2
v1 = ((M1u1 + m2u2) - m2v2)/ m1 KEtb = (4 x 4)/2 + (6 x 0)/2
v1 = ((500 x 0 + 10 x 0) – 10 x 100)/ 500 KEtb = (16)/2 + (0)/2
v1 = ((0 + 0) – 1000)/ 500 KEtb = 8 + 0
v1 = (0 – 1000)/500 KEtb = 8 J
v1 = – 1000/500 Then:
v1 = – 2 m/s KEta = (m1v12)/2 + (m2v22)/2
KEta = (m1v12)/2 + (m2v22)/2
Example, 05 KEta = (4 x (– 0.4)2)/2 + (6 x 1.62)/2
A 4 kg object is moving to the right at 2 KEta = (4 x 0.16)/2 + (6 x 2.56)/2
m/s when it collides elastically head on KEta = (0.64)/2 + (15.36)/2
with a stationary 6 kg object as shown in KEta = 0.32 + 7.68
the figure below after the collision, the KEta = 8 J
velocity of the 6 kg object is 1.6 m/s to the Therefore: KEt = KEtb + KEta
right. Find KEt = 8 + 8
KEt = 16 J

c) Change in kinetic energy before and

a) Velocity of 4 kg after the collision after collision (∆KEt)
b) Total kinetic energy before and after ∆KEt = KEtb - KEta
collision ∆KEt = 8 - 8
c) Change in kinetic energy before and ∆KEt = 0 J
after collision Since change in KE = 0 J hence KE I
Data given conserved
Mass of 4 kg, m1 = 4 kg
Mass of 6 kg, m2 = 6 kg Example, 06
Initial velocity of 4 kg, u1 = 2 m/s Consider the diagram below and answer
Initial velocity of 6 kg, u2 = 0 m/s the questions
Final velocity of 4 kg, v1 = ?
Final velocity of 6 kg, v2 = 1.6 m/s
a) Velocity of 4 kg after the collision, v1 = ?
a) What their velocity after the collision
From: M1u1 + m2u2 = m1v1 + m2v2
b) Total kinetic energy conserved
Make v1 subject
Data given
M1u1 + m2u2 = m1v1 + m2v2
Mass of 4 kg, m1 = 4 kg
m1v1 = (M1u1 + m2u2) - m2v2
Mass of 6 kg, m2 = 6 kg
Divide by m1 both sides
Initial velocity of 4 kg, u1 = 2 m/s
v1 = ((M1u1 + m2u2) - m2v2)/ m1
Initial velocity of 6 kg, u2 = 0 m/s
v1 = ((4 x 2 + 6 x 0) – 6 x 1.6)/ 4
Final velocity of 4 kg, v1 = ?
v1 = ((8 + 0) – 9.6)/ 4
Final velocity of 6 kg, v2 = ?
v1 = (8 – 9.6)/4
v1 = – 1.6/4 NB: Since they stick final velocity of 4 kg
v1 = – 0.4 m/s (v1) and 6 kg (v2) are equal, (v1 = v2 = v =
b) Total kinetic energy before and after
a) Velocity after the collision, v = ?
collision, KEt = KEtb + KEta
From: m1u1 + m2u2 = m1v + m2v
Make v subject
KEtb = Total kinetic energy before
m1u1 + m2u2 = m1v + m2v
m1u1 + m2u2 = (m1 + m2)v
KEta = Total kinetic energy after collision
(m1 + m2)v = m1u1 + m2u2
But: KE = (mv2)/2
(m1 + m2)v = m1u1 + m2u2
KEtb = (m1u12)/2 + (m2u22)/2
Divide by (m1 + m2) both sides Application of Newton’s Third Law
v = (m1u1 + m2u2)/ (m1 + m2) The following are some practical situations
v = (m1u1 + m2u2)/ (m1 + m2) involving Newton’s third law of motion
v = (4 x 2 + 6 x 0)/ (4 + 6) i. When a person throws a package out
v = (8 + 0)/ (4 + 6) of a boat, the boat moves in opposite
v = 8 / 10 direction from the package. The
v = 0. 8 m/s package exerts an equal but opposite
b) Total kinetic energy before and after force on the person
collision, KEtb = Total kinetic energy ii. The function of rockets is based on
before collision Newton’s third law of motion
KEta = Total kinetic energy after collision iii. A falling object exerts upward force on
But: KE = (mv2)/2 the earth as much as the earth is
KEtb = (m1u12)/2 + (m2u22)/2 exerting a downward force on the
KEtb = (m1v12)/2 + (m2v22)/2 object
KEtb = (4 x 22)/2 + (6 x 02)/2 iv. A hammer driving a nail into block of
KEtb = (4 x 4)/2 + (6 x 0)/2 wood
KEtb = (16)/2 + (0)/2 v. When the air is released from balloon it
KEtb = 8 + 0 rushed out (action) tend to give
KEtb = 8 J reaction balloon so it acquire the
Then: KEta = (m1v12)/2 + (m2v22)/2 vi. Person standing on a platform exert
KEta = (m1v2)/2 + (m2v2)/2 normal reaction which is equal to the
KEta = (m1v2)/2 + (m2v2)/2 weight of a person
KEta = (4 x (0.8)2)/2 + (6 x 0. 82)/2 vii. An airplane pushes back on the air and
KEta = (4 x 0.64)/2 + (6 x 0.64)/2 the air pushes forward on the plane.
KEta = (2.56)/2 + (3.84)/2 viii. The person firing the gun will feel the
KEta = 1.28 + 1.92 recoil (push back) when the bullet
KEta = 3.2 J leaves the gun
Therefore: KEt = KEtb + KEta
KEt = 8 + 3.2 Example, 07
KEt = 11.2 J A monkey has a mass of 50 kg and it
Since KEtb ≠ KEta hence KE is not climbs on a rope which can stand
conserved maximum tensional force of 600 N. when
you expect the rope to break if Monkey:
Newton’s Third Law of Motion a) Climb up with acceleration of 6 m/s2
It is always called the law of action and b) Climb up with uniform speed of 5 m/s
reaction. Consider the block when kept on c) Fall down the rope will acceleration
a top of table it cannot move either due to gravity
downward or upward due to equal action d) Fall down the rope will acceleration of
(weight of block) and reaction (force pull 4 m/s2
block upward). Newton’s third law is also Data given:
known as the law of reciprocal actions or Mass of monkey, m = 50 kg
law of action and reaction Maximum tensional of rope, T = 600 N
Weight of monkey, W = 500 N
a) a = 6 m/s2

Since two force are equal Isaac Newton

establish a law which state that
“Every action is equal to opposite


Weight due to motion, Wt = ma

Wt = 50 x 6 = 300
Weight due to motion, Wt = ma
Reaction when monkey clip up, R = W +
Wt = 50 x -10 = -500
Reaction when monkey clip down, R =
Therefore: From Newton third law of
W + Wt
Therefore: From Newton third law of
R = W + Wt
R = 500 + 300
R = W + Wt
R = 800 N
R = 500 + -500
Rope will break because R > T
R = 500 - 500
b) v = 5 m/s for uniform speed a = 0 m/s2
Rope will not break because R < T
d) a = -4 m/s2

Weight due to motion, Wt = ma Weight due to motion, Wt = ma

Wt = 50 x 0 = 20 Wt = 50 x -4 = -200
Reaction when monkey clip up, R = W + Reaction when monkey clip down, R =
Wt W + Wt
Therefore: From Newton third law of Therefore:
motion From Newton third law of motion
R = W + Wt R = W + Wt
R = 500 + 0 R = 500 + -200
R = 500 N R = 500 - 200
Rope will not break because R < T R = 300 N
Rope will not break because R < T
c) Fall a = -g = -10 m/s2
Diagram Example, 08
A driver jumps from a plane on an air
cushion. His speed is 24 m/s. the average
force of the cushion on the body while he
is being stopped is 9400 N. if his mass is 70
kg. Calculate the distance he will sink into
the cushion
Data given
Initial velocity of driver, u = 24 m/s

Final velocity of driver, v = 0 m/s a) The acceleration
Average force, f = 9400 N b) Force exerted on the nail by hammer
Mass of driver, m = 70 kg c) Time of impact
Acceleration of driver, a = ? d) The impulse
Distance sink into the cushion, s = ? Data given
Solution: Mass of hammer, m = 3 kg
First find a = ? Initial velocity (speed), u = 5 m/s
From: f = ma – make a subject Final velocity (speed), v = o m/s
f = ma – divide by m both sides Distance covered by nail, s = 1 cm = 0.1 m
ma = f a) The acceleration, a = ?
a = f/m From: v2 = u2 + 2as - make a subject
a = 9400/70 u2 + 2as = v2
a = 134.3 m/s2 2as = v2 - u2 – divide by 2s both sides
Second find s = ? 2as = (v2 - u2)
From: v2 = u2 + 2as = makes subject a = (v2 - u2)/2s
u2 + 2as = v2 a = (02 - 52)/(2 x 0.1)
2as = v2 - u2 – divide by 2a both sides a = (0 - 25)/0.2
2as = (v2 - u2) a = - 25/0.2
s = (v2 - u2)/2a a = - 125 m
s = (02 - 242)/(2 x 134.3)
s = (0 - 576)/268.6 b) Force exerted, f = ?
s = - 576/268.6 From: f = ma
s = - 2.15 m f = 3 x -125
f = 3 x -125
Example, 09 f = -375 N
A man stand in a lift holds a spring
balance with load of 5 kg suspended from c) Time of impact, t = ?
it. What is the reading on the spring if the From: at = v – u
lift is descending with an acceleration of at = v - u – make t subject
3.8 m/s2? at = v - u – divide by a both sides
Data given at = (v - u)
Mass of load in spring balance, m = 5 kg t = (v - u)/a
Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10 m/s2 t = (0- 5)/-125
Acceleration of the load, a = -3.8 m/s2 t = - 5/-125
Weight of the load, w = m x g = 5 x 10 = 50 t = 5/125
N t = 1/25
Weight due to motion, Wt = ma = 5 x -3.8 = t = 0.04
Solution: d) The impulse, I = ft = ?
Reading on spring balance when From: ft = m∆v
descending, f = ? But: m∆v =I = mv – mu = ft
Therefore: I = mv - mu
From Newton third law of motion I = m(v – u)
f = W + Wt I = 3(0 – 5)
f = 50 + -19 I = 3 x -5
f = 50 - 19 I = -15 N
f = 31 N Negative sign means the nail exert equal
force but in opposite to hammer
Example, 10
A 3 kg hammer is used to drive a nail into a
piece of wood. If at the time of impact the
hammer’s speed is 5 m/s and it drive the
nail 1 cm into the wood. Calculate
Temperature one degree centigrade or one degree
Defn: temperature is the degree of Celsius and is written as 1°C.
coldness or hotness of a body at a More sensitive thermometers have 200
particular time divisions between standard points and
each division is equal to 1/2 °C. Sometimes
The device used to measure temperature these thermometers are called half °C
is called thermometer thermometers.

The SI unit of temperature is Kelvin, K. Fahrenheit Scale

Other unit is Celsius, oC or Fahrenheit, oF This scale was introduced by Fahrenheit.
On this scale 32°F represents the melting
Equivalent: point of ice and 212°F the steam point.
i. K = 273 + θ°C Zero is marked 32°F below the ice point.
ii. F =( 𝟗⁄𝟓)θoC + 32°C The length in between the standard points
NB: is divided to 180 equal parts. Each division
Kelvin scale is called absolute or on this scale is called 1°F. This scale is
thermodynamic scale. widely used for meteorological and
clinical purposes.
Measurement of Temperature Diagram
Temperature is measured by thermometer
on physical properties that change linearly
with temperature to give temperature
readings. Physical properties of a
thermometer include;
i. Expansion of liquid(mercury or alcohol)
when heated
ii. Expansion of a compound strip of two
iii. Thermoelectric property change in
which when junction of two different
metals is heated an electric current is
iv. Change of resistance of a wire e.g.
platinum resistance thermometer

i. The liquid used in thermometer is called
thermometric liquid
ii. Temperature of the body is measured in Diagram show the thermometric scale
degree centigrade, °C
Choice of Thermometric Liquid
Thermometric Scales A thermometric liquid must have the
There are two scales of thermometer following properties
include; i. It should have low specific heat
i. Celsius or Centigrade Scale capacity, so that it rapidly attains the
ii. Fahrenheit Scale temperature of a given substance,
without absorbing any appreciable
Celsius or Centigrade Scale amount of heat energy from it.
This scale has 100 divisions between the ii. It should have a uniform rate of
upper and lower standard points. expansion, such that a linear scale can
This scale was introduced by a Swedish be easy marked.
astronomer Celsius and is known after his
name. Each division on this scale is called
iii. It should have large expansion for a unit ii. It has high specific heat capacity.
degree rise in temperature, so that its iii. It sticks to the sides of glass.
expansion is visible to the unaided eye. iv.It has a high vapour pressure.
iv. It should have a high boiling point and v. It is not a good conductor of heat.
low freezing point, so that a wide range vi.It is difficult to obtain pure alcohol.
of temperature changes could be
recorded by a single thermometer. Disadvantages of Water as Thermometric
v. It should be shiny and opaque so that it Liquid
is clearly visible in glass. i. It has the highest specific heat
vi. It should not stick to the sides of the capacity (4.2 J/gK).
glass tube. ii. Its expansion is not uniform.
vii. It should exert low vapour pressure. iii. Its expansion per degree rise in
viii. It should be a good conductor of temperature is very small
heat. iv. Its melting point is 0°C and boiling point
ix. It should be easily available in pure 100°C. Thus, the temperatures less than
state. 0°C and more than 100°C cannot t
Why Mercury Used In Thermometer v. It is transparent/colourless
i. It has low specific heat capacity. vi.It sticks to the sides of glass.
ii. Its expansion is uniform. vii. It evaporates under vacuum
iii. It has a high boiling point (357°C) and conditions.
low melting point (-39°C). viii. It is a bad conductor of heat.
iv. It is opaque and shining. ix. It cannot be obtained in cent per cent
v. It does not stick to the sides of the glass. pure form easily.
vi.It exerts very low vapour pressure.
vii. It is a good conductor of heat. Thermometer Fundamental Interval
viii. It is easily available in pure state. Defn: Fundamental interval of a
thermometer is the different between the
Disadvantages of Mercury as upper fixed point and the lower fixed point
Thermometric Liquid of the thermometer.
i. Its expansion is not very large for 1°C
rise in temperature and hence, very Example,
small changes in temperature cannot The upper fixed point of water is 100 oC
be measured. The lower fixed point of water is 0 oC
ii. It freezes below -39°C and hence, it
cannot be used in very cold regions like Types of Thermometer
Antarctic or Arctic. i. Mercury in glass thermometer
ii. Alcohol in glass thermometer
Why Alcohol Used In Thermometer iii. maximum and minimum thermometer
i. Its freezing point is below -100°C and iv.thermocouple thermometer
hence, can record very low v. Thermistor thermometer
ii. Its expansion per degree centigrade Liquid in Glass Thermometer
rise in temperature is very large and The working of this kind of thermometer is
hence, very sensitive thermometers can contraction and expansion of the liquid
be made with it. inside the thermometer. Always mercury
iii. It can be coloured brightly and hence, and alcohol used as liquid inside
is easily visible. thermometer so we have two types of
liquid in glass thermometer
Disadvantages of Alcohol as Thermometric i. Mercury in glass thermometer
Liquid ii. Alcohol in glass thermometer
i. It cannot be used for measuring high
temperatures as alcohol boils at 78°C. Mode of Action
Consider the diagram below

The thermometric liquid expands with

It is used to record the highest and lowest
increase of temperature and tends to raise
temperatures over a period of time. It
the height of the thermometric liquid
consist two thermometric liquids/fluids
through the bore and vice versa
which is alcohol and mercury. It consist a
small piece of steel called an index
i. The liquid used in thermometer is called
When mercury/alcohol expand index
thermometric liquid
remain in position, to reset index on
ii. Mercury in glass also called clinical
mercury (maximum thermometer)
magnetic is used.
iii. Clinical thermometer it consists
Constriction near the reservoir to kept
mercury stationary/rest after the
thermometer is removed

Limitation of Clinical Thermometer

i. They do not reflect the core
temperature of the body
ii. May spread infection if not properly
iii. They are delicate so can easily breaks

Precautions Taken When Clinical

Thermometer Used
i. Don’t drop or subject it to heavy shock
ii. Don’t bend/bite the thermometer
iii. Damage/broken thermometer can
cause injury
iv. Keep it away from unsupervised
v. Sterilized after use to avoid

Maximum and Minimum Thermometer

Maximum and minimum thermometer is
also called six’s thermometer.
Sustainable Energy Source
Defn: sustainable energy source is the Characteristics of Water Energy
natural resource that used in the i. reliable
production of electricity without destroying ii. readily available in many places
the environment. iii. environmental friendly
iv. Can be constantly generated
Types of Sources of Energy
There are two types of sources of energy Advantage of Using Water Energy
namely: i. A industrial work
i. Renewable sources ii. lighting
ii. Non- renewable sources iii. heating and cooking
iv. Running hospital equipment.
Renewable Sources
These are the energy sources, which can Solar Energy
be turned into use again after being used. Solar energy is the radiant energy emitted
For Example, sun, water, wind and fossils by the sun. Solar energy converted by
solar cells (photovoltaic or photoelectric
Non- Renewable Sources cells). Solar cell is made of silicon; calcium
These are the energy sources, which and other element where solar radiation
cannot be turned into use again. For falls on it cause it to generate electricity
Example, s: oil, natural gas and charcoal

Sustainable Sources of Energy

This source occurs naturally and readily
available, these include the following;
i. Hydroelectric energy
ii. Solar energy
iii. Wind energy
iv. Sea wave energy
v. Geothermal energy
vi. Tidal energy The main surface of a solar panel (several
thousand cells) is dull black to enhances
Hydroelectric Energy the absorption rate of the radiant energy
Hydroelectric energy is the generation of from the sun
electricity using flowing water to drive a
turbine which powers a generator. Also is NB:
called water energy The energy from the sun is the sources of
all energy on the earth
How Generated Water Energy
Consider the diagram below; Wind Energy
Wind energy can be converted into
electricity by building a tall tower with a
large propeller on top called windmill.

When the water comes from dam which

constructed to hold water at a higher
ground used to drive the turbine in order to
generate electricity
Point absorber buoys is the device which
floats on sea water

Country like Denmark, Spain and German

use wind energy to produce electricity

Characteristics of Wind Energy

i. is not reliable Mechanism
ii. is harnessed using noisy turbines A buoy is a device that floats on the
iii. Requires large wind sites to put up the surface of water. Buoys use the rise and fall
turbines. of swells (waves) to drive hydraulic pumps
and generate electricity
Advantage of Using Wind Energy
i. Wind energy is used in moving ships, Surface Attenuators
boats, pumping water and grinding Surface attenuators is the device which
corn. floats on sea water
ii. It can also be used to drive generators Diagram:
to produce electricity
iii. It is used to cool land
iv.It used to cool sea
v. It is used by mechanical to remove dust
in car parties

Sea Wave Energy

Sea water is the form of energy in which
caused by disturbing water particles
resulting progress propagation from one to
another point

Causes of Sea Wave Energy

Sea wave energy is as a result of wind
blowing across the sea

Harvest of Sea Wave Energy

It can harvested by the following methods,
i. Point absorber buoys Mechanism
ii. Surface attenuators This consists of multiple floating segments
iii. Overtopping devices connected to one another and is oriented
perpendicular to incoming waves. A
Point Absorber Buoys flexing motion is created by swells that

drive hydraulic pumps to generate

Overtopping Devices
Overtopping devices is the device which
floats on sea water

i. During high tides water compress/push
air molecules in the column which
creates high pressure than atmosphere
Mechanism pressure results air particles blowing
During waves the sea water overtopping away from the column therefore
on reservoir which drop down through rotates generator in which generates
turbine outlet results rotation of turbine electricity
which generates electricity ii. During low tides water pull air
molecules in the column which creates
Challenge of Harvesting Sea Wave Energy low pressure than atmosphere pressure
i. It is very expensive results air particles blowing inside the
ii. Device can wear due to rusting column therefore rotates generator in
iii. Device can damage due to storm which generates electricity
created by waves or tides
Bay Dam
Tides The tidal power plants are constructed
Defn: Tides energy is the rising and falling near the narrow bays, where the water
of the ocean level level rises up and then falls down
appreciably during the tides
Causes of Tides Diagram:
It causes by the gravitational pull of the
moon and to some extent the sun

Tides Energy
Defn: Tides energy is the energy results
from the rising and falling of the ocean
level. The change of water levels that the
tides produce can be used as an energy
Harvest of Tides Energy i. During the high tide, the sea water is
It can harvested by the following methods, allowed to pass through the dam walls
includes by opening the gates, therefore the sea
i. Oscillating water columns water moves from the sea to the dam
ii. Bay dam through turbine which rotates the
turbine in which generates electricity
Oscillating Water Columns ii. When the level of water tends to fall
The tidal power plants are constructed during low tide by opening the gates,
along a costal where rise and fall of water therefore the sea water moves from the
can enter and leave a column dam to the sea through turbine which
Diagram: rotates the turbine in which generates

Challenge of Harvesting Tides Energy iii. energy from the sun also makes the
i. It is very expensive water cycle work It evaporates water
ii. Device can wear due to rusting from the sea and this water later falls as
iii. Device can damage due to storm rain which fills up rivers and lakes in
created by tides which hydroelectric power stations
capture energy.
Geothermal Energy
Geothermal comes from two words iv. Wind is caused by the unequal heating
i. Geo means earth of the earth by the sun. Wind energy
ii. Thermal means Heat therefore is a derivative of solar energy.
Defn: geothermal energy is the energy
generated by the flow of heat from the v. All green plants use the energy from the
earth core sun during the process of
photosynthesis. They store chemical
Harvest Of Geothermal Energy energy in form of starch. So the energy
The heat energy from the earth can be obtain from a wood fire originally
converted to electrical. Consider the comes from the sun.
diagram that follows
Diagram: vi. This is similar to the fossil fuels formed
hundreds of millions of years ago. Plants
died and became compressed to form

By pumping water to the hotter rocks,
steam drawn back to generate electricity
by rotates a turbine which rotates a
turbine which rotates a generator to
produce electricity

The turbine and propeller where are inform
of mechanical energy rotate dynamo or
generator which produce electricity

Energy Cycle
i. All energy comes from the sun.
ii. For instance, the solar cell generates
electricity using light energy which has
just arrived from the sun.
Application of Vectors When adding two or more vectors by
Scalar Quantities mathematical method mathematical
Defn: scalar quantity is the any physical formula used to sum up vectors. Example,
quantity that has magnitude only. Pythagoras’ theorem, trigonometrically etc
Example, time, distance, temperature,
energy, speed, mass, area, volume, Adding By Graphical Method
density, electric current, specific heat The following are the steps followed when
capacity etc adding two or more vectors by graphical
Vector Quantities i. Choose a suitable scale and write it
Defn: vector quantity is the any physical down on a graph paper
quantity that has both magnitude and ii. Pick starting and draw the first vector to
direction. Example, force, displacement, scale direction stated (indicate the
velocity, momentum, acceleration, etc magnitude and direction)
iii. Starting from the head of the first vector,
Vector Arithmetic draw the second vector to scale in the
Scalar quantity can be added, multiplied, started direction until all given vectors
divided or subtracted. Example, if you finished
have two liquid in different measuring iv. Draw the line to connect tail of the first
cylinder let say fist one contain 10 cm3 and drawn vector and the head of the last
second contain 20cm3 if you asked to find vector. This is called resultant vector
total volume you must add to obtain total v. Measure the length of the resultant
volume vector and convert to actual unit
vi. Determine the direction of vector
Vector quantity can be represented on a
diagram by a directed line segment, Example,
consider the diagram below Suppose a man walks starting from point
A, a distance of 20m due north and then
walks 15m due east. Find his new position
from A
The length of line segment represents the
i. Using a scale of 1cm to represent 5 m
magnitude and the arrow represents the
ii. Draw a vector AB 4cm due north.
iii. From B draw BD 3cm due east.
iv. Join A and D point
The resultant diagram is a triangle as
i. The direction can be represented by
shown below
using compass direction
ii. Two vector are equal if the magnitude
and direction the same.
iii. The triangle method and parallelogram
method are used to adding two
iv. The vector we get after the adding of
two or more vectors is called resultant v. Measure the length of AD
vector AD = 5 cm
v. Resultant vector can be added by Change to actual unit
mathematical or graphical/drawing 1cm = 5 m
vi. Resultant vector is measured as an 5 cm = ?
anticlockwise angle of rotation from Cross multiplication you get 25 m
due east vi. Determine the direction of vector
Tanθ = 15/20 = 2/4 = 0.75
Adding By Mathematical Method Θ = 360 51’
Therefore position of D is represented by other, find the magnitude of the third force
vector AD of magnitude 25 m at an angle which would just counter the two forces.
of 360 51’ east of north Solution
I/ Using a scale of 1cm to represent 2 N
The Triangle Method/Triangle Law II/ Draw a vector AB 4cm due north.
The triangle law is appropriate when III/ From B draw BC 3cm at 900
adding two vector quantities. The law IV/ Join A and C point
state that The resultant diagram is a triangle as
“If three forces are in equilibrium and that shown below
two of the forces are represented in
magnitude and direction by two sides of a
triangle, then the third side of the triangle
represents the resultant of the two forces”

A brick is pulled by a force of 4N acting
northward and another force of 3N acting V/ Measure the length of AC
AD = 5 cm
north-east. Find the resultant of these two
forces. Change to actual unit
Solution 1cm = 2 N
5 cm = ?
I/ Using a scale of 1cm to represent 1 N
II/ Draw a vector AB 4cm due north. Cross multiplication you get 10 N
Therefore magnitude of third force is 10 N
III/ From B draw BD 3cm at 450
IV/ Join A and D point
The resultant diagram is a triangle as Parallelogram Method
The parallelogram law of vector is
shown below
applicable when adding two vector
quantities. The law state that
“If two forces/vectors are represented by
the two sides given and they include angle
between them, then resultant of the two
forces/vectors will be represented by the
diagonal from their common point of a
parallelogram formed by the two

Two forces AB and AD of magnitude 40 N
and 60 N respective are pulling a body on
V/ Measure the length of AD horizontal table. If the two forces makes an
AD = 6.5 cm angle 300 between them, find the resultant
Change to actual unit force on the, body.
1cm = 1 N Solution
6.5 cm = ? I/ Using a scale of 1cm to represent 10 N
Cross multiplication you get 6.5 N II/ Draw a vector AD 6 cm horizontal from
Therefore the resultant of these two forces point A
6.5 N III/ From point A draw AB 3 cm at 300 from
vector AD
Example, IV/ Complete the parallelogram ABCD
Two forces, one 8 N and the other 6 N, are V/ Join A and c point
acting on a body. Given that the two The resultant diagram is a triangle as
forces are acting perpendicularly to each shown below

8.7 cm = 100 N
6 cm = ?
Cross multiplication you get 69 N
Therefore the Tension at 6 cm is 69 N
VI/ Measure the length of Ac
Ac = 9.7 cm Example,
Change to actual unit Find the resultant force when two forces
1cm = 10 N act as shown in the figure below.
9.7 cm = ?
Cross multiplication you get 97 N
Therefore the resultant of these two forces
6.5 N

Example, Solution
Two ropes of 3 m and 6 m long are tied to Joining to line to get resultant force
a ceiling and their free ends are pulled by
a force of 100 N as shown in the figure
below. Find the tensions in each rope if
they make angle 30° between them.

I/ Using a scale of 1cm to represent 1 N

II/ Draw a vector AD 8 cm horizontal from
point A
Solution III/ From point A draw AB 6 cm at 900 from
I/ Using a scale of 1cm to represent 1 m vector AD
II/ Draw a vector AD 6 cm horizontal from IV/ Complete the parallelogram ABCD
point A V/ Measure the length of Ac
III/ From point A draw AB 3 cm at 300 from Ac = 10 cm
vector AD Change to actual unit
IV/ Complete the parallelogram ABCD 1cm = 1 N
V/ Join A and c point 10 cm = ?
The resultant diagram is a triangle as Cross multiplication you get 10 N
shown below Therefore the resultant of these two forces
10 N

Find the resultant force, F, when two
VI/ Measure the length of Ac forces,
Ac = 8.7 cm 9 N and 15 N, act on an object with an
AC is the equal to 100 N because action is angle of 600 between them.
equal to opposite reaction, Ac = 8.7 cm Solution
=100 N I/ Using a scale of 1cm to represent 3 N
Now: II/ Draw a vector AD 5 cm horizontal from
Tension at 3 cm calculated by: point A
8.7 cm = 100 N III/ From point A draw AB 3 cm at 600 from
3 cm = ? vector AD
Cross multiplication you get 34.5 N IV/ Complete the parallelogram ABCD
Therefore the Tension at 3 cm is 34.50N V/ Join A and c point

Tension at 6 cm calculated by:
The resultant diagram is a triangle as
shown below

VI/ Measure the length of Ac By using Pythagoras’ theorem,

Ac = 7 cm R2 = 252 + 1002
Change to actual unit R2 = 625 + 10000
1cm = 3 N R2 = 10625
7 cm = ? √R2 = √10625
Cross multiplication you get 21 N R = 103.1km/h
Therefore the resultant force, F is 21 N
Direction of resultant
Relative Velocity Cos θ = Adj/Hyp
Defn: Relative velocity is the velocity of a Cos θ = 100/103.1
body with respective to another moving or Cos θ = 0.9699
stationary body. θ = 140 – clockwise to the east with the
Or southward direction.
Defn: Relative velocity is the velocity of a Since: Resultant vector is measured as an
body with relative to the moving observer. anticlockwise angle of rotation from due
Nb: θ = 2700 - 140 – anticlockwise to the east
 Velocity of one object let say VA θ = 2560
respect another object let say VB is
denoted by symbol VAB. Example,
 if all object moving to the same Car A is moving with a velocity of 20 m/s
direction, it seems to observe low while car B is moving with a velocity of 30
speed, therefore we minus two velocity m/s.
of moving body, (-VB) Calculate the velocity of car B relative to
VAB = VA + (-VB) car A if:
VAB = VA - VB {a} they are moving in the same
 if all object moving to the opposite direction
direction, it seems to observe high {b} They are moving in the opposite
speed, therefore we plus two velocity directions.
of moving body, (+VB) Data given
VAB = VA + (+VB) Velocity of Car A, VA = 20 m/s
VAB = VA + VB Velocity of Car B, VB = 30 m/s
 relative velocity also can be Relative velocity, VBA = ?
calculated by triangle method and by Solution:
parallelogram methods {a} they are moving in the same
Example, From: VBA = VB – VA
A plane travelling at a velocity of 100 km/h VBA = 30 – 20
to the South encounters a side wind VBA = 10 m/s
blowing at 25 km/h to the West. What is its
velocity relative to an observer on the {b} They are moving in the opposite
ground? directions.
Solution: From: VBA = VB + VA
VBA = 30 + 20
VBA = 50 m/s

Resolution of the Vector

As we study at trigonometrically ration {a} Tend to bend the nails?
when we have values of hypotenuse and {b} Tend to pull the nails out?
angle formed with horizontal we can Solution:
calculate vertical component and Kept the information above into vector
horizontal component. form
Consider the diagram below where the
toy car pulls at a certain angle but it
seems to move horizontally due to
horizontal force/vector, not only that but
vertical force/vector are formed

{a} Force tends to bend the nails, f1 = ?

f1 = 10 x cos 300
f1 = 10 x 0.866
From the diagram:
f1 = 8.66 N
Horizontal force/vector = x
Vertical force/vector = y
{b} Force tends to pull the nails out, f2 = ?
F2 = 10 x sin 300
Extract the triangle from the above
diagram F2 = 10 x 0.5
F2 = 5.0 N

A body is being acted on by two forces: F1
= 18 N acting at an angle of 25° and F2 =
30 N acting at 140° from due East. Find the
Horizontal force/vector is given by the resultant of the two forces, F, by
formula separating the forces into x- and y-
From: components.
Cos θ = X/F – multiply for F both sides you Solution:
get Draw the diagram first
X = FCos θ

Vertical force/vector is given by the

Sin θ = Y/F – multiply for F both sides you
Y = FSin θ First find F1X and F2X
Example, F1 = 18 N
A nail is being pulled using a string from a F2 = 30 N
wall. The string forms an angle of 30° with From: X = F. Cos θ
the normal. If the force being used is 10 N, F1X = F1. Cos 25
part of the force will tend to bend the nail F1X = 18 x Cos 25
while the other part will try to pull it out. F1X = 18 x 0.9063
Figure: F1X = 16.31 N - toward east

F2X = F1. Cos 40
F2X = 30 x Cos 40
What the magnitude of the force: F2X = 30 x 0.7660

F2X = 22.98 N - toward west θ = 76.060 – to the west or θ = 103.940– to
the east
Assume the wanted direction is east so the Therefore resultant force is 27.70 N at an
direction of force to west will be negative. angle of 103.940 to west
Find their net force, FX = ?
FX = F1X + F2X
FX = 16.31 + (-22.98)
FX = 16.31 - 22.98
FX = - 6.67 N - toward west

Second find F1y and F2y

F1 = 18 N
F2 = 30 N
From: Y = F. Sin θ
F1Y = F1. Sin 25
F1Y = 18 x Sin 25
F1Y = 18 x 0.4226
F1Y = 7.6 N - toward north

F2Y = F1. Sin 40
F2Y = 30 x Sin 40
F2Y = 30 x 0.6428
F2Y = 19.28 N - toward north

Assume the wanted direction is north. Find

their net force, FY = ?
FY = F1Y + F2Y
FY = 7.6 + 19.28
FY = 7.6 + 19.28
FY = 26.88 N - toward north

Modify the vector diagram

Lastly find the resultant of the two forces, F

By using Pythagoras’ theorem,
R2 = 26.882 + (-6.672)
R = 27.70 N

Get the direction

Tan θ = Fy/Fx
Tan θ = 26.88/6.67
Tan θ = 4.03

Friction v. Cause nail to stick on the wood
Defn: friction is the force which resists a vi. Help bottle stopper to stick on the
body from motion. Friction force which bottle neck
occurs in fluids is known as viscosity
Disadvantage of Friction
How Friction Happens i. cause wear and tear
The friction force occurs due to the ii. loss of heat energy
following iii. slow down motion of the body
a. Adhesive bond iv. heat can cause appliance to burn
b. Mechanical bond v. it cause wounding, when skin wearing
c. Deformation
Methods of Increasing Friction
Adhesive Bond 1. Increase normal force by increase the
The attraction force between two bodies weight of the body
can raise friction where particle from that 2. Changing/increase roughness of the
object tend to bind each other so it is surface
difficult to break that bond. 3. Use material of high coefficient.
Example, rubber band

Methods of Reducing Friction

1. Place roller between the two rough
Mechanical Bond 2. Use ball bearing
Mechanical bond it raised due to peaks 3. Use lubrication e.g. oil, water
and valleys that tend to bind each other 4. Speedy material which have low
so it is difficult to break that bond. When a coefficient of friction and thus slide
body becomes rough means it possesses easily.
long peaks and dip valleys. 5. Make surface soft

Normal Force and Limiting Friction

Sometimes deformation causes the
friction, when the body deform create
valley and the one which inter in that Defn: Normal force is the equal and
valley is peak. opposite to the weight of the body.
Always it’s perpendicular to the surface on
which it rests
Defn: limiting friction is the minimum force
required to move a body over one

Advantage of Friction i. From above diagram: R = mg
i. It aids in walking and movement ii. when body at rest Fr = F
ii. Help moving body to stop iii. when body at motion Fr ≠ F so we have
iii. Used to wear unneeded layers of some to find net force, F
material iv. when body start to move static friction
iv. Cause lighting match stick force is equal to limiting friction
minimum force applied tend to start Therefore:
motion Defn: Coefficient of static friction is the
v. when body start to move kinetic friction ratio limiting friction force to the normal
force is not equal to minimum force reaction.
applied tend to start motion
vi. if limiting friction less than force applied Dynamic Friction Force
the body move Defn: dynamic friction force is the friction
vii. if limiting friction greater than force occurs when object moving relative to
applied the body cannot move each other. Dynamic friction force also
called kinetic friction force.
Laws of Friction Forces From:
The following are the laws of friction: Fr = μR
1. Frictional force is directly proportional Where:
to the normal force between the two Fr = kinetic friction force
surfaces in contact. R = normal reaction
Fr α R – remove proportionality constant μ = coefficient of kinetic friction force
Fr = KR Therefore:
K = is the coefficient of frictional force, Defn: Coefficient of kinetic friction is the
μ ratio kinetic friction force to the normal
Now: reaction.
Fr = μR
Fr = μR – make μ subject Example, 01
μ = Fr/R A block of mass 270kg is pulled along a
Therefore: horizontal surface. If the coefficient of
Defn: Coefficient of friction is the ratio kinetic friction between the block and the
friction force to the normal reaction. Since surface is 0.4, what is the friction force
it involve ratio of the same unit it has no SI acting on the block as it slides?
unity Data given:
Mass of block, m = 270kg
2. Friction depends on the nature of Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10 m/s2
surface in contacts. Norma reaction, R = mg = 2700 N
3. Friction does not depend on the Coefficient of kinetic friction, μ = 0.4
surface areas in contact. Kinetic Friction force, Fr = ?
4. The ration of limiting friction over normal Solution:
reaction is constant for two surfaces in From: Fr = μR
contact. Fr = 0.4 x 2700
Fr = 1, 080N
Types of Friction
There two main types of friction includes Example, 02
i. Static friction force A box of mass 2kg rest on a horizontal
ii. Dynamic friction force surface, a force of 4.4 N is required to just
start the box moving. What is the
Static Friction Force coefficient of static friction between the
Defn: static friction force is the friction at block and the surface?
rest. This force cause some materials to be Data given:
stationary Example, book can kept in the Mass of block, m = 2kg
top of desk without drops down Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10 m/s2
From: Norma reaction, R = mg = 20 N
Fr = μR Static Friction force, Fr = 4.4 N
Where: Coefficient of kinetic friction, μ = ?
Fr = static friction force Solution:
R = normal reaction From: Fr = μR – make μ subject
μ = coefficient of static friction force μ = Fr/R
μ = 4.4/20 Initial velocity, u = 6m/s
μ = 0.22 Final velocity, v = 0m/s
Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10 m/s2
Example, 03 Norma reaction, R = mg = W
An aluminium block of mass 2.1kg rests on Weight of the brick, W = mg = friction
a steel platform. A horizontal force of 15N force, F
is applied to the block Coefficient of kinetic friction, μ = 0.4
(a) Given that coefficient of limiting friction Distance travel by brick, s = ?
0.6, will the block move? Solution:
(b) If will moves, what will be its From:
acceleration where Given that F = ma -------- (i)
coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.47 R = mg -------- (ii)
Data given: Divide eqn (i) to eqn (ii)
Mass of block, m = 2.1kg F/R = ma/mg
Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10 m/s2 F/R = a/g
Norma reaction, R = mg = 21 N But: F/R = μ = 0.4
Force applied, F = 15 N Now: μ = a/g
Static Friction force, Fr = 4.4 N 0.4 = a/10
Coefficient of limiting friction, μs = 0.6 a = 4 m/s2
Coefficient of kinetic friction, μk = 0.47 From third Newton’s law of motion
Solution: V2 = u2 + 2as – make s subject
(a) Find the static friction force, Fs = ? V2 = u2 + 2as
From: F = μR s = (v2 - u2)/2a
Then: Fs = μs x R s = (62 - 02)/2 x 4
Fs = 0.6 x 21 s = 36/8
Fs = 12.81N s = 4.5 m
Since: F > Fs, hence the car will move
Example, 05
(b) Acceleration acquired, a = ? Find the static friction between a block of
First find the kinetic friction force, Fk = ? wood of mass 10kg placed on a table. A
From: F = μR minimum force of 50N is required to make
Then: Fk = μk x R the block just move on the top.
Fk = 0.47 x 21 Data given:
Fk = 9.87N Mass of block, m = 10kg
Fk it opposes the direction of F so the Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10 m/s2
force which causes motion (net force) Norma reaction, R = mg = 100 N
is given; Static Friction force, Fr = 50N
Fnet = F - Fk Coefficient of static friction, μ = ?
Fnet = 15 – 9.87 Solution:
Fnet = 5.13 N From: Fr = μR – make μ subject
From: Newton’s second law; F = ma μ = Fr/R
Then: Fnet = ma = make a subject μ = 20/100
a = Fnet/m μ = 0.5
a = 5.13/2.1
a = 2.44 m/s2 Friction Force at Inclined Plane
Consider the diagram below, a mass of
Example, 04 body sliding down the incline plane
A brick is start sliding with 6m/s across a
concrete horizontal surface floor and the
coefficient of friction between the two
surfaces is 0.4. How far will it travel before
coming to rest?
Data given:
of friction between the block and the
Data given:
Angle of the plane, θ = 600
Mass of the wood, m = 5kg
Normal reaction, R = 50cos600
Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10m/s2
Coefficient of dynamic friction, μ = Tan600
At constant speed Friction force, Fr = ?
a = 0m/s2 Diagram:
Fk = mgsinθ
R = mgcosθ
But: Fk = μkR – make μk subject
μk = Fk/R
μk = mgsinθ/mgcosθ
μk = sinθ/cosθ
μk = Tanθ
μk = Tanθ Solution:
Therefore at constant speed coefficient of Net force, F = ?
kinetic friction is given by the formula F = 50sin6oo - Fr
above But: Fr = μk x mgcosθ
Fr = μk x 50cosθ
At rest Fr = 0.3 x 50cos6oo
a = 0m/s2 Now:
Fs = mgsinθ F = 50sin6oo - 0.3 x 50cos6oo
R = mgcosθ F = 35.8N
But: Fs = μsR – make μs subject But:
μs = Fs/R F = ma – make a subject
μs = mgsinθ/mgcosθ a = F/m
μs = sinθ/cosθ a = 35.8/5
μs = Tanθ a = 7.1m/s2
μs = Tanθ
Therefore at rest coefficient of static
friction is given by the formula above

Example, 06
A mass is placed on an inclined plane
such that it can move at constant speed,
when slightly tapped. If the angle of the
plane makes with the horizontal plane is
300. Find the coefficient of kinetic friction.
Data given:
Angle of the plane, θ = 300
Coefficient of dynamic friction, μ = ?
From: μs = Tanθ
μs = Tan300
μ = 0.56

Example, 07
A block of wood of mass 5kg is placed on
a rough plane inclined at 600. Calculate its
acceleration down the plane if coefficient

Reflection of Light from Curved Mirror CL = principal axis of the Concave mirror
In this sub topic we will study two types of Ck = principal axis of the Convex mirror
curved mirror include:
i. Convex /diverging mirror Centre of Curvature
ii. Concave/converging mirror Defn: centre of curvature is the centre of
the sphere in which the mirror is a part.
Convex Mirror
Defn: Convex mirror is the curved mirror Radius of Curvature of the Curved Mirror
which curved inward. Defn: radius of curvature of the curved
Diagram: mirror is the distance/length between the
pole of the curved mirror and the centre of

Principal Axis of the Curved Mirror

Defn: principal axis of the curved mirror is
the line joining the pole of the curved
mirror and the centre of curvature.

CONCAVE MIRROR Consider when the light reflected in the

Defn: Concave mirror is the curved mirror curved mirror as shown in the diagram
which curved outward. below.
Diagram: Diagram:

Terms Used In This Topic

Consider the diagram below when two
curved mirror joined

Principle Focus, F
Where: Defn: Principle focus is the point in which
AB = Convex mirror the light is reflected in curved mirror
ST = Concave mirror
C = centre of curvature Focal Length, f
L = pole of the Concave mirror Defn: focal length is the length/distance
K = pole of the Convex mirror between poles of curved mirror to the
CL = radius of curvature of the Concave principal focus.
mirror Ck = radius of curvature of the
Convex mirror

NB: it was proved that focal length is equal i. Real image is on the same side of the
to half of radius of curvature. f = 𝒓⁄𝟐 mirror as the object.
ii. Virtual image is on the opposite side of
Location of Image Using Ray Diagrams the mirror compared to the object.
The following is the rules used to locate
image in the curved mirror. Nature
i. A ray of light travelling to the mirror iii. Upright image has the same orientation
parallel to the principal axis a ray is as the object.
reflected through the principal focus iv. Inverted image is oriented in an upside
ii. A ray of light travelling to the mirror down position compared to the object.
through the centre of curvature is
reflected along its own path Size
iii. A ray of light travelling to the mirror v. Enlarged image is bigger than the
through the principal focus is reflected object.
parallel to the principal axis vi. Diminished image is smaller than the
Note: any two of these rays are sufficient object
to locate the image.
Images Formed By Concave Mirrors
Procedure to Draw Ray Diagram The following are the characteristics of
The following procedure is used to draw images formed by concave mirrors:
accurate ray diagrams to locate the
image. Object at Infinity (Very Far).
i. Choose an appropriate scale so that The image is formed at the focal point, F,
the ray diagram fits on the available of the mirror. It is inverted, diminished and
space. real.
ii. Draw a horizontal line to represent the Diagram:
principal axis of the mirror. Mark the
focal point of the mirror.
iii. Using the chosen scale, draw the
object in position along the principal
axis. The object is drawn as a vertical
line from the principal axis.
iv. Locate the position of the image by
drawing rays from the object to the
mirror. Use the rules for drawing ray
diagrams to draw the reflected rays. Object at the Centre of Curvature, C
v. At the point of intersection of the The image is formed at C. It is real, inverted
reflected rays, draw the image in and the same size as the object.
position Diagram:

Example, 01
An object 20cm high is placed 40cm from
a concave mirror of focal length 15 cm.
determine the position, nature and size of
the image formed by drawing a ray

Image Formed In Curved Mirror

Terms used to describe images formed by Object beyond the Centre of Curvature, C
curved mirrors: The image is formed between C and F. It is
Position real, inverted and diminished.


The Mirror Formula

The mirror formula is expressed as follows:
Objects between F and C 𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
= +
𝒇 𝒖 𝒗
The image is formed beyond C. It is real,
inverted and magnified. NB:
Diagram: i. Focal length, (f) for a concave mirror is
positive (+)
ii. Focal length (f) for a convex mirror it is
negative (-)
iii. the image distance, (v) is negative (-)
For a virtual image
iv. The image distance, (v) is positive (+)
for real images

Object at F Magnification of an Image

The image is formed at infinity. Defn: Magnification (M) is the ratio of the
Diagram: image size/ height (IH) to the object
size/height (OH)

Defn: Magnification is the ratio of the

image distance (v) from the mirror to the
object distance (u) from the mirror
Object between F and P 𝒖

The image is formed behind the mirror and

is virtual, erect and magnified NB:
i. Magnification has no units
ii. The image formed by a curved mirror
can be larger, smaller or the same size
as the object.
iii. When the ratio is greater than one, the
image is enlarged
iv. When the ratio is less than one, the
image is diminished

Example, 02
Image Formed In Convex Mirror
An object 3 cm high is placed 30 cm away
The images formed are always virtual,
from a concave mirror of focal length 12
erect and diminished for all object
cm. using the mirror formula, find the
position, the height and the nature of the
image formed.
Data given:
Focal length, f =l2cm
Image distance, v = ?

Object height, OH = 3cm 4u = 75
Object distance, u = 30 cm u = 18.75 cm
1st find distance of object 2nd find image distance, v
From: 𝟏 = 𝟏 + 𝟏 make v subject From: 4u = 75 cm
𝒇 𝒖 𝒗
But: 4u= v
V = (uf)/u-f
Therefore v= 75 cm
V = (30x12)/ (30-12)
v = 75 cm
V = 360/18
V = 20 cm
Example, 04
The image is real
An object 30 cm high is placed 20 cm
away from a convex mirror of focal length
2nd find the image height, IH
25 cm. Describe the image formed.
From: M = 𝑰𝑯 Data given:
But: M = 𝒖𝒗 Focal length, f = -25cm
Therefore: 𝑰𝑯 = 𝒗 - make IH subject Object height, OH = 30cm
𝑶𝑯 𝒖 Object distance, u = 20 cm
IH = (OH x v)/u Image distance, v = ?
IH = (3 x 20)/30 Image height, IH = ?
IH = 60/30 Solution:
IH = 2 cm 1st find distance of object
The image is diminished. From: 𝟏 = 𝟏 + 𝟏 make v subject
𝒇 𝒖 𝒗
Example, 03 V = (uf)/u-f
A concave mirror with a radius of V = (20x-25)/ (20--25)
curvature of 30 cm produces an inverted V = (20x-25)/ (20+25)
image 4 times the size of an object placed V = -500/45
on its principal axis. V = -11. cm
Determine the position of the object and The image is virtual
that of the image.
Data given: 2nd find the image height, IH
Radius of curvature, r = 30 From: M = 𝑰𝑯
Focal length, f = r/2 = l2cm But: M = 𝒗
Magnification, M = 4 𝒖
𝑰𝑯 𝒗
Image distance, v = ? Therefore: = - make IH subject
𝑶𝑯 𝒖
Object distance, u = ? IH = (30 x -11.1)/20
Solution: IH = -333/30
1st find distance of object IH = -16.8 - always is positive
Form: M = 𝒗 IH = 16.8 cm
4 = 𝑣 - make v subject The image is diminished.
v = 4u
Then: From: 𝟏 = 𝟏 + 𝟏 make u subject i. Convex mirrors produce diminished
𝒇 𝒖 𝒗
u = (vf)/v-f images but have a very wide field of
Substitute v by putting 4u view compared to plane mirrors
u = (4ux f)/(4u-f) ii. Concave mirrors magnify images
u = (4ux 15)/(4u-15)
u = 60u/(4u-15) – multiply by (4u-15) both Uses of Convex Mirrors
sides The following are some of the areas where
u(4u-15) = 60u convex mirrors are used:
4u2 -15u = 60u i. Used in driving due to Wide field of view
4u2 = 60u + 15u
4u2 = 75u
ii. Seeing around corners to avoid the
crashing of vehicles or supermarket
trolleys at the corners
iii. Supermarket surveillance for
surveillance in business establishments
and security installations

Uses of Concave Mirrors

The following are some of the areas where
concave mirrors are used:
1. Shaving mirrors due to magnification
and erect image
2. Reflecting telescopes

3. Used in solar cookers.

4. It is used to making car headlamp and
torch by concave mirror called
parabolic mirror

Refraction of Light through Plane Media Refractive Index
When The Light travels in a straight line in Refractive index can be obtained
constant speed/velocity unless there is according to the angle of light formed or
change in medium e.g. glass, water or oil, velocity of light from one to another
result change light speed/velocity medium.
because different media have different
optical densities, this phenomenon is Suppose light travels from air medium to
called refractive glass
Let the angle of incidence be i0 and the
Defn: Refraction is the process by which angle of refraction r0. Refractive index
the direction of a ray of light changes between air and glass is given by formula
when passes from one medium to another 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝒊𝟎
a μg =
𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝒓𝟎
of different optical density
Defn: The refractive index is the ratio of
angle of incidence to the angle of

Also alternative definition of refractive
index may be given in terms of the velocity
of light in air medium and glass medium as
aμg = va/vg

Defn: The refractive index is the ratio of the

speed of light in medium to the speed of
another medium
i = incident ray
i. Refractive index between vacuum/air
i0 = incidence angle
to any other materials is called absolute
r = refracted ray
refractive index or refractive index
r0 = refraction angle
a μg = μg
e = emergent ray
ii. Refractive index between medium to
medium except vacuum/air is called
Laws of Refraction
relative refractive index. For instance if
We have about three law of refraction of
light passes from water to glass.
light which are stated as follows:
wμg = vw/vg
i. First law of refraction of light
iii. Any material has its own refractive
ii. second law of refraction of light
index due to fact that each has optical
density individual
First law of refraction of light
States that
Refractive Index of Different Medium
“Incident ray, the normal and the refracted
Medium Refractive Index
ray all lie in the same plane”
Diamond 2.417
Ethyl alcohol 1.360
Second law of refraction of light / Snell’s
Glass/crown 1.520
States that Quartz 1.553
𝟎 Water(20 C) 0 1.333
“For a particular material, the ratio 𝒔𝒊𝒏 𝒊 is
𝒔𝒊𝒏 𝒓𝟎 Air (at stp) 1.00029
constant value called refractive index” Benzene 1.50
Glycerin 1.47
Paraffin 1.44 Diagram:
Crown(flint) 1.65
Ice 1.31
Mica 1.56

1. Derivation
Given: The refractive index of light from
water to grass given as:
wμg = vw/vg ------------- 1
Given: The refractive index of light from
glass to water given as: When one looks at a stick placed inside a
gμw = vg/vw ------------ 2 beaker of water, the stick immersed in
Then: find Reciprocal equation (2) water point raised from its real position due
(gμw)-1 = (vg/vw)-1
to refractive index of water
1/gμw = vgw/vg Where:
But: wμg = vw/vg substute into equation H = real depth/height
above h = apparent depth/height
Then: 1/gμw = wμg Now:
1/gμw = wμg aμw = H/h

2. Derivation Defn: The refractive index is the ratio of the

Given: The absolute refractive index of real/actual depth/height to the apparent
water to given as: depth/height of water/liquid
μw = va/vw
Then: make va subject Example, 05
va = μw x vw ------------- 1 When a ray of light is travel from one air to
Given: The absolute refractive index of glass, the angle of is 300. If the refractive
glass given as: index of the glass is 1.5. Determine the
μg = va/vg angle of incidence, i.
Then: make va subject Data given:
va = μg x vg -------------- 2 Angle of incidence, I = ?
Since: va is equal, so equation (1) = Angle of refracted = 300
equation(2) Refractive index of the glass, aμg = 1.5
Then: μw x vw = μg x vg Solution:
Divide by vw and μw both sides sin 𝑖0
vw/vg = μg /μw From: a μg = sin 𝑟0 - make sin 𝑖0 subject
Where: sin 𝑖0= aμg x sin 𝑟0
vw = velocity of light in the water medium sin 𝑖0= 1.5 x sin 300
μw= absolute refractive index of water sin 𝑖0= 1.5 x 0.5
vg = velocity of light in the glass medium sin 𝑖0= 0.75
μg = absolute refractive index of glass i0 = sin-1(0.75)
Since: wμg = vw/vg i0 = 48.60
Finally: wμg = μg /μw
wμg = μg /μw
Example, 06
A coin at the bottom of a jar of glycerin
3. Derivation appears to be 13.2 cm below the surface
𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝒊𝟎 𝟏 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝒓𝟎 of the glycerin. Calculate the height of the
a μg = = =
𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝒓𝟎 𝐠𝛍𝐚 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝒊𝟎 column of glycerin in the jar given that the
refractive index of glycerin is 1.47.
Alternative: Data given:
Another way of determining the refractive Real depth, H = ?
index of a material is by real-and- Apparent depth, h = 13.2 cm
apparent depth method. Refractive index of the glass, aμg = 1.47
From: aμg =
ℎ - make H subject
H= aμg x ℎ
𝐻 = 1.47 x 13.2
𝐻 = 19.4 cm
c = total internal reflection
Example, 07
r = refracted angle = θ > 900
Water is poured into a beaker to a depth
of 24 cm. To an eye looking vertically
down through the water, the bottom of
i. The reflected ray goes back to the
the beaker appears to be raised 6 cm
more dense medium
from the bottom of the beaker. Determine
ii. Total internal reflection only occurs
the refractive index of the water.
when light travels from a more dense
Data given:
medium to a less dense medium
Real depth, H = 24 cm
iii. When Total internal reflection occurs,
Apparent depth, h = (24 - 6) cm = 18 cm
there is no refraction at all
Refractive index of the glass, aμg = ?
From: aμg = - make H subject Relation between Critical Angle and
24 Refractive Index
aμg = 18 Consider the equation below;
𝟎 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝒊
a g= 1.33 wμa =
𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝒓𝟎

Applications of Refractive Index But: r0 = 900 and i0 = c

i. The refractive index of a material is very sin 𝑐
w μa =
important in optical systems. It is used to sin 900

calculate the focusing power of lenses But: sin 900 = 1

sin 𝑐
ii. Refractive index is also used to identify w μa =
a substance or confirm its purity. This is Then: sin c = 1 x wμa
because pure substances have definite But: wμa = 1/μw = 1/1.5 = 2/3
refractive indices Then: 1/μw = sin c
Therefore: μw = 1
sin 𝑐
Critical Angle
μw = 𝟏
Defn: Critical angle is a unique angle of 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝒄
incidence for which the angle of refraction This is true for all material media where,
is 900. water, w represent material media
Applications of Total Internal Reflection
1. Prism periscope
A prism periscope consists of two 45° - 90°

c = critical angle
r = refracted angle = 900

Total Internal Reflection

Defn: total internal reflection is the angle of
incidence in which the angle of incidence
exceeding the critical angle

2. Optical fibres
An optical fibre is a thin rod of high-quality When light pass from cold air layer (optical
glass designed to guide light along its dense) to earth surface of hot air layer
length by total internal reflection. (optical less dense) continuous light
Light inside these fibres hits the sides at an bending (refraction), where incidence
angle greater than the critical angle and is exceeds the critical angle.
transmitted by being repeatedly totally
internally reflected. All the light is reflected upwards (total
Diagram: internal reflection). This looks like the
reflection produced by a pool of water

Some uses of optical fibres

i. Used as a medium for
telecommunications and networking.
ii. They are also used as light guides in
medical and other applications
iii. Optical fibres are also used in imaging
optics. A bundle of fibres along with
lenses are used to make a long imaging
device called an endoscope.

i. Medical endoscopes are used in
minimally invasive surgical procedures.
ii. Industrial endoscopes are used for
inspecting machine parts

3. Binoculars and telescopes


Defn: A mirage is an optical phenomenon
in the atmosphere that makes an object
appears to be displaced from its true
Refraction of Light by Lenses
Defn: lens is a transparent or a translucent
medium that alters the direction of light
passing through it

Types of Lenses
There are two main types of lenses based
on their shape.
i. Convex lenses Terms Used On Thin Lenses
ii. Concave lenses Consider the diagram below
Convex/Converging Lenses
A convex lens is thicker at its centre than
at its edges. Convex lenses converge light.
Convex lenses can be biconvex, piano-
convex or converging meniscus

i. Optical centre: This is the geometric

centre of a lens.
ii. Centre of curvature, C/2F: This is the
geometric centre of the sphere of
which the lens surface is a part of.
iii. Principal axis: This is an imaginary line
Symbol for convex lens which passes through the optical
centre of the lens at a right angle to the
iv. Radius of curvature, R: is the distance
between optical centre and the centre
of curvature.
v. Principal focus/focal point, F: This is a
point through which all rays travelling
close and parallel to the principal axis
Concave/Diverging Lenses pass through the lens.
A concave lens is thicker at its edges than vi. Aperture: is the width of the lens, from
at its centre. Concave lenses diverge light. one edge to another
Concave lenses include biconcave, plan- vii. Focal length, f: This is the distance
concave and diverging meniscus lenses. between the optical centre and the
Diagram: principal focus

Construction of Ray Diagrams

The following is the rules used to locate
image in the lenses.
i. Choose a suitable scale
ii. Draw a principle axis and the lens
iii. Draw object in the position
Symbol for concave lens iv. A ray of light travelling parallel to the
principal axis passes through the
principal focus


v. A ray of light travelling through the

optical centre goes undeviated (not v. A ray of light travelling parallel to the
refracted) along the same path. principal axis passes through the
Diagram: principal focus

vi. A ray of light travelling through the

vi. A ray of light travelling through the
principal focus is refracted parallel to
optical centre goes undeviated (not
the principal axis
refracted) along the same path.

vii. Measure the height and the distance of vii. Draw the image of the object at the
the image point of intersection of the refracted
viii. Convert the measurements into actual rays.
units using the chosen scale

Example, 08
An object 0.05 m high is placed 0.15 m in
front of a convex lens of focal length 0.1
m. Find, by construction, the nature, the
position and the size of the image.
Solution: viii. Measure the height and the distance
of the image
i. Choose a suitable scale
ii. Let us choose 1cm ≡ 5cm
iii. Draw a principle axis and the lens

ix. Convert the measurements into actual

units using the chosen scale
iv. Draw object in the position
From the graph:
Image height, IH = 2cm x 5 = 10 cm =
0.1 m IH from: 1cm ≡ 5cm
2cm ≡ x?
X = 2cm x 5 = 10 cm = 0.1 m
Image distance, v = 6cm x 5 = 30 cm = iii. Concave lenses have negative values
0.3 m of focal length, F = -
From: 1cm ≡ 5cm
6cm ≡ x? Example, 09
X = 6cm x 5 = 30 cm = 0.3 m An object is placed 12 cm from a convex
Therefore: The image is 0.1 m high and lens of focal length 18 cm. using the lens
0.3 m from the lens. formula. Find the position of the image.
Data given:
Linear Magnification Focal length, f =+18 cm
Defn: Magnification is a measure of the Distance of object, u = +12 cm
extent to which an optical system enlarges Distance of image, v = ?
or reduces an image in relation to the Solution:
object. From: 1 = 1 + 1 make v subject
𝑓 𝑢 𝑣
𝑰𝑯 v = fu/(u-f)
M = 𝑶𝑯 v = (18x12)/(12-18)
Where: v = 216/-6
IH = image height v = -36
OH = object height The image is virtual and erect
M = magnification
Example, 10
Also can be given by An object is placed 10 cm from a
M=𝒗 concave lens of focal length 15 cm. using
Where: the lens formula, determine the nature
v = distance of the image from the lens and the position of the image.
u = distance of the object from the lens Data given:
M = magnification Focal length, f =-15 cm
Distance of object, u = +10 cm
The Lens Formula Distance of image, v = ?
It given by formula; Solution:
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏 From: 1 = 1 + 1 make v subject
=𝒖+𝒗 𝑓 𝑢 𝑣
v = fu/(u-f)
Real-Is-Positive Convention v = (-15x10)/(10 +15)
To calculate the values of u and v a sign v = -150/15
rule or convention is adopted. The rule is v = -6
referred to as the real-is-positive The image is virtual and erect
Example, 11
Sign For object and image An object 2 cm high is placed 24 cm from
v=+ a converging lens. An erect image which
u=+ is 6 cm high is formed. Find focal length of
the lens.
Sign For virtual object and image Data given:
v=- Distance of object, u = +24 cm
u=- Distance of image, v = ?
Image height, IH = -6cm
NB: Object height, OH = 2cm
i. Sign of virtual object and image is Focal length, f = ?
negative Because the principal focus of Solution:
a concave lens is virtual First: find v
ii. Convex lenses have positive values of From: M = 𝑣 = 𝐼𝐻
𝑢 𝑂𝐻
focal length, F = + Therefore: = 𝐼𝐻 make v subject
𝑢 𝑂𝐻

v = (uxIH)/(OH) i. It real
v = (24 x-6)/(2) ii. Formed at F
v = - 144/2 iii. Inverted (upside down)
v = - 144/2 iv. Diminished (smaller in size than object)
v = - 72 cm
then: find f
From: 1 = 1 + 1 make f subject. Object at C/2F
𝑓 𝑢 𝑣
f = vu/(u+v)
f = (-72x24)/(24-72)
f = -1728/-48
f = 36 cm

Example, 12
The focal length of a converging lens is 10
cm. How far should the lens be placed Properties of image formed
from an illuminated object to obtain an i. It real
image which is five times the size of the ii. Formed at F
object on a screen? iii. Inverted (upside down)
Data given: iv. same in size as the object)
Distance of object, u = ?
Distance of image, v = ?
Focal length, f = +10 Object Beyond C/2F
Magnification, M = 5 Diagram:
First: find v and u
From: M = 𝑣 make v subject
v = Mu
v = 5xu
v = 5u
From: 1𝑓 = 1𝑢 + 1𝑣 substitute v by 5u. Properties of image formed
1 1 1 i. It real
= + make u subject
𝑓 𝑢 𝑢
5 ii. Formed between F and c/2F
u = 6f/5 iii. Inverted (upside down)
u = (6x10)/5 iv. diminished
u = 60/5
u = 12 cm Objects between F and C/2F
Images Formed By Thin Lenses
Let us look image formed by convex lens
and concave lens

Images Formed By Convex Lens

Object at Infinity (Very Far).

Properties of image formed

i. It real
ii. Formed behind C/2F
iii. Inverted (upside down)
iv. magnified (larger in size than object)

Properties of image formed Object at F


Properties of image formed

i. real
ii. Formed at infinity
iii. Inverted (upside down)
iv. magnified (larger in size than object)

Object between F and Lens


Properties of image formed

i. virtual
ii. behind the object
iii. erect
iv. magnified (larger in size than object)

Image Formed In Concave Lens

The images formed are always virtual,
erect and diminished for all object

Properties of image formed

i. virtual
ii. formed between the object and the
iii. erect
iv. diminished
v. as U increase to infinity also V increase
to F

Refraction through Prism
Defn: prism is a solid piece of glass or NB:
transparent material that has a least two i. The most common triangular glass
planes inclined toward each other through prisms are Equilateral prisms and Right
which light is refracted. angle prisms
ii. Triangular prism has two refracting
Types of prism surfaces.
i. Rectangular prism iii. Light travels slower in glass than in air.
ii. Triangular prism iv.Light rays are bent towards the normal
on entering the prism.
Rectangular prism v. Light rays are bent away from the
Rectangular prisms are commonly called normal on leaving the prism is called
glass blocks, which already discussed in emergent ray
previous topic vi.rays leaving the prism is called
Diagram: emergent ray
vii. rays entering the prism is called
incident ray

Triangular prism
Triangular prism is a wedge-shaped piece
of glass material or any other transparent Angle of Deviation, D
material.. Defn: angle of deviation is the angle
Diagram: formed by the intersection of the incident
ray directions and the emergent ray

Equilateral prisms (60°-60°-60°)

Consider the diagram below

Right angle prisms (45°-90°-45°)

Where: From Snell’s Law

Rs = refracting surfaces
aμg = sini/sinr ........................ 1
Apex =point two refracting surfaces of the
gμa = sini1/sinr1 ..................................... 2
prism meet is called the refracting edge Therefore:
Base = surface parallel to apex i = sin-1(aμg x sinr) ........................ 3
A = apical angle (A) of the prism i1 = sin-1(gμa x sinr1) ........................ 4
i = a + r… ............................ 5
r1 = b + i1 .................................... 6
a= i - r… ............................. 7
b = r1 - i1 ..................................... 8
Since: exterior angle of triangle = sum of
the two opposite interior angle
D = a + b… ........................... 9 Since: r = i1 and i = r1, D = Dmin
Then: Substitute equation 7 and 8 into eqn Substitute: r = i1 and i = r1, D = Dmin
9 Also: A = r + i1
A = r + r = 2r
But: Dmin = i + r1 – A – substitute A = r + i1
D = (i – r) + (r1 - i1) ............................ 10
Since: A and A1 is supplementary to each Then: Dmin = i + r1 – (r + i1)
Dmin = i + i – (r + r)
A + A1 = 180°. Dmin = 2i – 2r
Dmin = 2(i – r) – make I subject
Therefore: A1 = 180° - A… ............................. 11
Then: i = (Dmin/2) + r
But: r + i1 + A1 = 180°… ............................... 12
From: Snell’s law
Then: r + i1 + (180°-A) = 180° - make r1 sin 𝑖 𝐷𝑚𝑖𝑛+𝐴
subject aμg = = sin( 2 )
r = A - i1 ...................................... 13 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑟 𝑆𝑖𝑛(2 )
𝐬𝐢𝐧( )
Then: Substitute equation 13 into equation aμg =
10 𝑺𝒊𝒏( )
D = (i – (A - i1)) + (r1 - i1)
D = (i – A + i1) + (r1 - i1) Dispersion of White Light
D = i – A + i1 + r1 - i1 Defn: Dispersion of white light is the splitting
D = i – A + r1 of white light beam into its component
D = I + r1 – A colours. This band of colours produced is
called Spectrum. The process of splitting is
The angle of deviation depends on called Dispersion.
i. the apical angle of the prism, A Diagram:
ii. the angle of incidence, i
iii. The refractive index of the glass prism.

Angle of deviation decreases with an
increase in the angle of incidence and
vice versa Types of White Colour
i. Polychromatic light
Minimum Angle of Deviation, Dmin ii. Monochromatic light
Defn: minimum angle of deviation is the
deviation angle occurs when the Polychromatic Light
emergent ray is refracted at an angle Defn: Polychromatic light is the white
equal to the angle of incidence colour where consists more than one
colour. Example, sunlight
i. Prism material has a unique minimum Monochromatic Light
angle of deviation. Defn: Monochromatic light is the white
ii. At the angle of minimum deviation, the colour where consists only one colour.
refracted ray from the first surface Example, red colour
travels through the prism perpendicular
to the bisector of the apical angle NB:
i. Spectrum of colour is red, orange, The Rainbow
yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Defn: The rainbow is a natural
ii. Each of these colours has a different phenomenon of dispersion of sunlight by
wavelength. raindrop.
iii. These coloured lights are refracted
differently on passing through the prism Formation of A Rainbow
iv. The velocity of light in a medium It formed by dispersion of sunlight by drops
(refractive index) depends on the of rain. Since water is denser than air the
wavelength of incident light. As a result dispersion of sunlight on a drop of water is
different wavelengths are refracted by the same as when it falls on a glass prism.
different amounts. The light is first refracted as it enters the
𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐯𝐚𝐜𝐮𝐮𝐦
μ= surface of the raindrop, reflected off the
𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐮𝐦
back of the drop and again refracted as it
v. white colour split due to difference in
leaves the drop.
wave length
vi. shorter wavelengths have higher
refractive indices and get bent more
than longer wavelengths

Wavelengths of the Colours of White Light

S/N Colour Wavelength (nm)
1 Red 625 - 740
2 Orange 590 - 625
3 Yellow 565 - 590
4 Green 520 - 565
5 Blue 440 - 520
6 Indigo 420 - 440 Types of Rainbow
7 Violet 380 - 420 i. primary rainbow
ii. secondary rainbow
Types of Spectra
Primary Rainbow
There are two types of spectra:
It is formed when light undergoes one total
i. Pure spectra
internal reflection (refracted twice and
ii. Impure spectra
reflected once) in the water drops. The
violet colour is inside and the red in the
Pure Spectra
outside the bow. It formed between 400
Defn: pure spectrum is the one in which
and 420 from anti-solar point
the colours are clearly separated from
each other
Defn: anti-solar point is a point that lies
directly opposite the sun from the
Impure Spectra
observer, that is, on the line from the sun
Defn: Impure spectrum is the one in which
through the observer.
the colours not clearly separated from
each other
Secondary Rainbows
It is formed when light undergoes two total
Recombining Colours of Light
internal reflections in the water drops. The
Spectrum comes from white light can
violet colour is outside and the red in the
recombine to form white colour. The
inside the bow.
recombination of the colours of the white
light spectrum may also be shown by the
use of Newton’s colour disc. The disc
consists of sectors painted with the
colours of the spectrum

White Green filter Green colour
White Blue filter Blue colour

Types of Colour
i. Primary colour
ii. secondary colour
Defn: Colour is the property of light that Primary colour
reaches our eyes. Defn: primary colour is a colour that
cannot be created by mixing other
Appearance of coloured objects under colours. Example, red, Blue and Green
while light
The object seems to have kind of colour Secondary colour
due to the fact that it absorbs all colours Defn: secondary colour is a colour created
and reflect the colour that the object has. by mixing other colours. Example, cyan,
magenta and yellow
Example, :
i. Yellow flower is yellow because it Complementary Colour
absorbs all the other colours in the light Defn: Complementary Colour is the colour
and reflects only the yellow colour. that when mixed in a definite ratio
ii. Blue object absorbs the entire colour in yield/produce white (required) colour.
white light except blue.

Appearance of white objects under

coloured light
When a coloured object is viewed under a
coloured light, it takes the colour of that
Example, :
The object will appear blue in blue light
and red in red light.
A colour filter is work on this principle.
i. We are only concerned with colours of
Defn: Colour filters are materials made of
light and not with coloured substances
glass or celluloid that let through light of
certain colours only.
ii. The complementary colour of white
Example, :
light is green, red and blue
Green filters allow green colour to pass
iii. The complementary colour of yellow
light is green and red.
The colour of an object depends on the
colour of the light falling on it and the
Additive and Subtractive Mixing Of Colours
colour(s) it absorbs or reflects.
The primary colours (pigments) for mixing
paints, inks and dyes are not the same for
Appearance of a white object to coloured
mixing lights, therefore The primary colours
for mixing in pigments used in colouring,
White coloured Colour of
photography and printing are cyan,
object light object
magenta and yellow.
White Red filters Red colour
object Additive Mixing Of Colours
White Yellow filters Yellow colour The more colours you add, the closer the
object result draws to white. Therefore, mixing of
coloured lights is called an additive colour
mixing system. Nb:
i. Mixing two primary pigments produces
Nb: a secondary pigment
i. Additive mixing of colour deals with ii. The pigments act as filters that subtract
primary colour of light colour not one or more colours from the visible
primary colour of pigments(paints and spectrum
dyes) iii. Blue, red and green are, therefore, the
ii. Adding different colours of light secondary pigments.
together increases the number of iv. Subtractive complementary colours
wavelengths present combine to produce black.
Subtractive Mixing of Pigments
The primary colours of pigments (paints
and that is magenta, cyan and yellow,
absorb (subtract) light wavelengths and
reflect back that defines the colour.

Example, of Subtractive Mixing of

i. Cyan + magenta = blue ............................ 1 v. Each primary pigment absorbs one
But: Cyan = green + blue primary colour:
………………..2 a. Yellow absorbs blue and reflects red
Magenta = red + blue ................. 3 and green
Then: substitute eqn 2 and 3 into eqn 1 b. Magenta absorbs green and reflects
Cyan + magenta = blue blue and red
Green + blue + red + blue = blue… ...... 4 c. Cyan absorbs red and reflects green
But: green + blue + red = white ................. 5 and blue.
Then: substitute eqn 5 into eqn 4 vi.A secondary pigment absorbs two
Green + blue + red + blue = blue primary colours and reflects one:
Also: white + blue = blue a. Red absorbs green and blue and
Since: white absorbed and blue reflects red.
reflected b. Green absorbs red and blue and
Now: blue = blue reflects green.
c. Blue absorbs - red and green and
ii. Magenta + yellow = red reflects blue.
But: Cyan = green + blue vii. The primary pigments are the
………………..2 secondary colours of light and the
Yellow = green + red secondary pigments are the primary
………………..3 colours of light.
Then: substitute eqn 2 and 3 into eqn 1 viii. If you mix a primary pigment with a
Magenta + yellow = red secondary pigment you get total
Green + blue + green + red = red .......... 4 absorption (black).
But: green + blue + red = white ................. 5 Blue + yellow = black
Then: substitute eqn 5 into eqn 4 ix. The primary pigments are the
Green + blue + green + red = red complements of the three primary
Also: white + red = red colours of light Cyan complements red,
Since: white absorbed and red magenta complements green and
reflected yellow complements blue.
Now: red = red

iii.Yellow + cyan = green

iv.Cyan + magenta + yellow = black
Optical Instruments The lateral magnification of a simple lens is
Optical instruments are devices which are the ratio of the image height (IH) to the
used to help the human eye view small or object height (OH).
distant objects more clearly. It uses a M = IH/OH
combination of lenses and/or mirrors to
produce an enhanced image of an Linear Magnification
object. Linear magnification is also given by the
(i) simple Microscope ratio of the image distance v to the object
(ii) compound Microscope distance u.
(iii) astronomical Telescopes M = V/U
(iv)simple lens Camera
(v) projector lantern Angular Magnification
The angular magnification (M) of a simple
Simple Microscope microscope is the ratio of the angle
It consists of a biconvex lens which may be subtended at the eye by the object when
hand-held or placed in a simple frame. It is viewed through the magnifying glass (B) to
sometimes referred to as a magnifying the angle subtended at the eye by the
glass. object when viewed with naked eyes (A)
Diagram: M = B/A

From the diagram above

Tan B = IH/D
Since: angle B is small, it can be expressed
B = IH/D
If the angle B subtended by the virtual
image. Ignoring the small distance
NB: between the eye and the magnifying lens
i. Object is placed at a distance shorter B = IH/V = OH/V
than the focal length of the lens. U < f B = OH/V ................... 1
so object is between f and lens Then: Tan A = OH/D
ii. Virtual, upright and magnified image of Since: angle B is small, it can be expressed
the object is formed. as.
iii. The image appears clearest when it is A = OH/u ............. 2
about 25 cm from the eye, U = 25cm. Substitute eqn 1 and 2 in the formula M =
This distance is called the near point B/A
(D). M = (OH/U)/ (OH/V)
iv. The nearer the object is to the lens, the M = (OH/U) x (V/OH)
further and larger the image formed. M =V/U

Magnification When the image is at the near point, v = 25

Consider the diagram below cm. Therefore, using the lens formula,
1/f = 1/u + 1/25 – make u subject
U = 25f/(25+f) – substitute into M = V/U
M = v/(25f/(25+f))
Where: M = (25/f) + 1
A = angle subtended by the object
B = angle I subtended by the virtual image NB:
D = distance between F and image Angular magnification also is known as the
magnifying power
Lateral Magnification
A simple microscope with a focal length of But: v = l - F2
5 cm is used to read division of scale 1.5 Then: MO = (l - F2)/U
mm in size. How large will the size of the
divisions as seen through the simple Magnification produced by the eyepiece
microscope be? lens
Data given: ME = D/F2
Focal length, f = 5cm
Object height, OH = 1.5mm The total magnification the linear
Image height, IH = ? magnification lens (M0) multiplied
Solution: magnification of the (ME)
From: M = (25/f) + 1 M = MO X ME
M = (25/5) + 1 M = (l - F2)/U X D/F2
M=5+1 M = ((l - F2) D) /(U X F2)
M=6 NB: To produce large magnification, f1 and
Then: from M = IH/OH – make IH subject f2 must be very small compared to l.
IH = OH x M Therefore: l - f2 ≈ l
IH = 1.5 x 6 Since: The object must also be near f2
IH = 9mm = 0.9cm Then: u ≈ f2
Therefore each division will appear to Substitute u and l - f2 into equation M = ((l -
have a size of 9 mm when viewed through F2) D) /(U X F2)
the simple microscope. Thus: M = Dl/f2xf1

Uses M = Dl/f2xf1
(i) It is used to view specimen in the This expression is used to determine the
laboratory magnification produced by a compound
(ii) It is used to read small print microscope.

Compound Microscope Example,

It composed of two convex lenses of short A compound microscope consists of two
f placed in a tube. It separated by a lenses of focal length 12 cm and 6 cm for
certain fixed distance. the objective lens and the eyepiece lens,
respectively. The two lenses are separated
Mode of Action by a distance of 30 cm. The microscope is
Objective lens enlarge object to form focused so that the image is formed at
image, I1, then eyepiece enlarge to form infinity Determine the position of the
image I2. The image produced is object.
magnified, virtual and inverted compared Data given
to the original object Focal length of objective lens, f1 = 12cm
Diagram: Focal length of eyepiece lens, f2 = 6cm
Distance between eyepiece and
objective lens, l = 30cm
Distance of first image, u = ?
Distance of first image, u = ?
From: 1/f = 1/u + 1/v – make u subject
U = vf/(v-f)
U = (24 x 12)/(24-12)
U = (24 x 12)/12
U = 24 cm
Magnification produced by the objective Uses
lens i. Observing Brownian motion in science
MO = V/U
ii. Studying microorganisms and cells in the focal length of the objective lens to
biology that of the eyepiece lens, i.e.
iii. check for infections caused by
microorganisms Uses
An astronomical telescope is used to view
Astronomical Telescope distant objects like stars and other objects
It uses two convex lenses: the objective in space.
lens and the eyepiece lens. The objective
lens has a large focal length while the Projection Lantern
eyepiece lens has a much shorter focal Projection lanterns are used to display a
length as you compare to compound large image on a screen. One Example, is
microscope the slide projector that is the optical
inverse of a camera.
Mode of Action
The objective lens forms a real, inverted Mode of Action
and diminished image of a distant object An incandescent bulb positioned at the C
at its focal point, F1. This becomes the of a concave mirror. Concave is reflects
object for the eyepiece lens. The position light travelling away from the concave
of the eyepiece lens is adjusted until the mirror through the C to the condenser lens
object is at its focal point, F2. This (usually identical). In order to focus the
adjustment makes the final image to be light p into a convergent beam
formed at infinity.
Diagram: The beam falls on the slide or the
photographic transparency (positioned
between f and 2f) and proceeds through
the image-forming projection lens.

The image formed on a distant screen. The

image is focused on the screen by
adjusting the projection lens in or out to
changes the distance of the lens from the
NB: slide.
i. The final image obtained in the Diagram:
astronomical telescope is small
compared to the original object.
ii. The image looks larger because it is
very much closer to the observer’s eye.

From: angular magnification
M = B/A
But: angles they subtend at the eye are
It given by
the same as those they subtend at the
M= V/U = IH/OH
objective and at the eyepiece lens,
Assuming: angle A and B are small
A projection lantern is used to project a
B = h/f2
slide measuring 3 cm x 3 cm onto a screen
A = h/f1
12 m from the projection lens. If the size of
Since: M = B/A - substitute
the screen is 1.5 m x 1.5 m, how far from
M = (h/f2)/( h/f1)
the lens must the slide be for the image to
M = f1/f2
fill the entire screen?
Therefore the magnification produced by
Data given:
an astronomical telescope is the ratio of
Image height, IH = 1.5 m = 150 cm Wide Angle Lens
Object height, OH = 3 cm The viewing is much wider-about 90
Image distance, v = 12 m = 1200 cm degrees. Used to make smaller objects
Object distance, u =? look larger or to photograph large objects
Solution from close up.
From: M= V/U = IH/OH
V/U = IH/OH – make u subject Telephoto Lens
U = (v x OH)/IH It has wider fields of view than normal
U = (1200 x 3)/150 lenses. They show an enlarged detail of
U = 3600/150 the image over the same film area.
U = 24 cm.
Uses The diaphragm determines the amount of
i. Projection of films, slides and light that passes through the lens by
transparencies. changing the size of the aperture.
ii. Projection of opaque objects, i.e.
episcopic projection. Shutter
iii. In searchlights and headlights. The shutter is a mechanical device that
iv. In projection apparatus in industry for acts as a gate, controlling the duration of
gauge and screw thread testing. time that light is allowed to pass through
v. In physical experiments such as the lens and fall on the film.
projection of the spectrum, polarisation
experiments and interference Viewfinder
experiments. The viewfinder defines the area covered
vi. Projection of minute objects, i.e. the by the lens that is in use on the camera.
projection microscope.
Lens Camera The film is a light-sensitive surface of the
The lens is the image-forming device on a camera. Exposure of the film (Silver halide
camera. is a compound of silver with fluorine,
Diagram: chlorine, bromine, or iodine) to light
produces an invisible change on the silver
halide grains yielding a latent image. The
image becomes visible on being treated
with certain chemicals in a process known
as developing.

Mode of Action
When shutter opens to allow light to enter
and expose the film to form an image of
the object being photographed.
Basic Types of Lenses
There are three basic types of lenses Magnification
i. Normal /standard lens Since magnification is given by
ii. wide angle lens M = IH/OH
iii. telephoto/long-focus lens M = V/U – make v subject
Normal Lens
The viewing is much wider-about 50 Substitute v into 1/f = 1/u + 1/v
degrees. The objects appear normal in size V=Mu
and shape, relative to the picture 1/f = 1/u + 1/Mu
background 1/f = (M-u)/ Mu
1/f = (M-u)/Mu – reciprocal both sides
f = Mu/(M-u) – make M subject Function of cornea
M = f/(u-f) Its main job is to protect the eye

Example, 2. Iris
A lens camera of focal length 10 cm is The iris is the part of the eye which is
used to take the picture of a girl 1.5 m tall. responsible for one’s eye colour.
Determine the magnification of the image
if the girl is 11m from the camera. 3. Function of Iris
Data given: It dilating and constricting the pupil to
Focal length, f = 10 cm = 0.1 m allow more or less light into the eye.
Image height, IH = 1.5 m
Object distance, u = 11m 4. Pupil
Magnification, M =? The pupil is the dark opening in the
Solution: centre of the coloured iris that controls
From: M = f/(u-f) the amount of light that enters the eye.
M = 0.1/(11-1.0)
M = 0.1/10.9 NB:
M = 0.009 The pupil functions in the same way as
the aperture of a camera. The size of
Uses of Lens Camera the pupil determines the amount of
i. The sine or video camera is used to light entering the eye.
take motion pictures.
ii. High-speed cameras used to record 5. Lens
movement of particles. The lens is the part of the eye
iii. Closed-circuit television cameras used immediately behind the iris.
for surveillance in high-security
iv. Digital cameras used to capture Function of lens
images To focus light rays on the retina. In
persons under 40 years of age, the lens
The Human Eye is soft and flexible, allowing for fine
It is able to focus on objects from billions of focusing from a wide variety of
kilometers away to those a few distance
centimeters away. It can also detect
colour. 6. Retina
Diagram: The retina is the membrane lining the
back of the eye that contains
photoreceptor cells it reacts to the
presence and intensity of light by
sending an impulse to the brain via the
optic nerve.
NB: The retina compares to the film in a
lens camera.

7. Optic nerve
The optic nerve (million nerve fibres) is
Parts of the Human Eye the structure which takes the
1. Cornea information to the brain
The cornea is the transparent, outer
part of the eye. It is the primary 8. Sclera
focusing tool of the eye. The outer layer The sclera is the white, tough wall of the
of the cornea is known as the eye.
Function of Sclera
To protect the eye Occur when a person cannot see near
objects clearly but can see distant objects
9. Vitreous humour clearly.
The vitreous humour is a jelly-like Diagram:
substance that fills the body of the eye.
It is normally clear

The Function of vitreous humour

i. To maintains the eye pressure.
ii. It also helps in focusing light rays
When the eyeball is shortening than
Defn: Accommodation is the process
normal along the
whereby an eye focal length adjusted to
see distance object
To wear suitable convex lenses to diverge
Eye Defects
the rays from distant objects before they
Eye defect is the phenomenon where by
reach the eye.
eye defeat to see clearly. There are two
common eye defects.
i. Myopia/short-sightedness defect
ii. Hypermyopia /long-sightedness defect

Occur when a person can see near
objects clearly but cannot see distant
objects clearly.
Similarities of Human Eye and Lens
i. They both have a convex lens system to
focus the image
ii. Both form a real, reduced and inverted
iii. The amount of light entering is
Causes controlled by a variable aperture
When the eyeball is longer than normal iv. They both have surfaces on which the
along the horizontal image is formed

Correction Differences of Human Eye and Lens

To wear suitable concave lenses to Camera
diverge the rays from distant objects i. The eye focuses by altering the shape
before they reach the eye. of the lens while the camera focuses by
Diagram: altering the distance between the lens
and the film.
ii. The image formed on the film is
processed chemically to produce the
final image while the image in camera
formed is converted to an electrical
signal travels along the optic nerve
iii. Eye remain open to constant changing
pictures with continuous motion while
shutter open to allow photo to be
iv. Eye have fluid for refraction while
camera contain air

Thermal Expansion ix. Expansion is the process whereby
Defn: Thermal expansion is the tendency of object increase its volume due to
matter to change in volume due to increase in temperature
change in temperature. Expansion it results x. Contraction is the process whereby
i. When the ball of ball and ring when object decrease its volume due to
heated it does not fit in the ring since its decrease in temperature
volume increases
ii. When the ball of ball and gap when Sources of Thermal Energy
heated it does not fit in the ring since its The sources of thermal energy include;
volume increases i. the sun
iii. Bimetallic strip to bend ii. combustion of fuels
iv. The bridge or roof is fixed while the iii. nuclear reactions and
other side rests on rollers so that iv.geothermal energy
movements of the bridge or roof are
allowed for during expansion and Nb:
contraction i. Most sources of thermal energy on
v. Rail lines are laid in such a way that a earth derive their energy from the sun
gap is left at the junction of two rail bars ii. Geothermal energy reaches the earth’s
vi.Bottle containing cold liquid cracks if surface in form of geysers, hot springs
placed near a strong fire and fumaroles
vii. Thick walled glass tumblers are known iii. Geothermal energy is a renewable and
to break when hot substances are a non-polluting energy
poured into them
Why Substance Expand?
Terminologies When a substance is heated the kinetic
i. Thermonuclear fusion is the process energy of the particles is increased , its
whereby the sun generates particles move around more vigorously
ii. Thermal energy is the energy possessed and tend to move away or separate
by a body due to its temperature also farther from each other thus why the
called the heat content of the body. volume of substance increase and vice
Increase in temperature also thermal versa. All states of matter (solids, liquids
energy increase and gases) expand when heated.
iii. Heat is a form of energy transferred
from one body to another due to Thermal Expansion of Solids
difference in temperature. Transferred The expansion of solid substance is so small
until reach thermal equilibrium, It that it is difficult to observe its changes
denoted by letter ’Q’
iv. Thermal equilibrium is the situation Linear Expansivity/Coefficient of Linear
whereby the temperature of two or Expansion
more body are equal Defn: Linear expansivity is the increase in
v. Temperature is the degree of coldness length per unit length of the substance
or hotness of a body. when its temperature rises by 1°C or 1 K.
vi. Geothermal energy is the heat energy The SI unit for linear expansivity is K-1
delivered from the earth core Mathematically:
vii. Nuclear energy is energy generated Linear expansivity =
increase in length
from nuclear reactions. . In nuclear
originsl lenth x rise in temperature
reactions, the nuclei of certain
elements are split (nuclear fission) or 𝜟𝒍
combined (nuclear fusion) 𝜶=
𝒍𝟏 𝒙 𝜟𝜽
viii. Amplitude is the maximum distance
where the object moves and fro. Since: Δl = l2 – l1
𝒍𝟏 𝒙 𝜟𝜽

a stream at 100°C. Find the Coefficient of
Since: θ = (θ2 – θ1) Linear Expansion
𝜶= Data given
𝒍𝟏 𝒙 (𝛉𝟐 – 𝛉𝟏)
Initial temperature, θ1 = 40°C
Final temperature, θ2 = 100°C
α = Linear expansivity
Temperature rise, Δθ = (100–25)°C = 60°C
Δθ = (θ2 – θ1) = rise in temperature
Original length, L1 = 1 m
θ2 = initial temperature
New length, L2 = L1 + (L1x 0.03%) = 1 +
θ1 = final temperature
1x0.3 = 1.003 m
Δl = (L2 – l1) = increase in length
Increase in length, (1.003 - 1) = 0.003 m
L1 = original length
Coefficient of Linear Expansion, α =?
L2 = new length
NB: From: α = 𝛥𝑙
𝑙1 𝑥 𝛥𝜃
α = 1 𝑥 66 =
0.003 0.003
i. Linear expansivity is different for 60 = 5 x 10−5
different substances. α = 5 x 𝟏𝟎−𝟓 ℃ = 5 x 𝟏𝟎−𝟓 K

Linear Expansivities between (0 – 100)°C Example,

Substance Linear expansivity (K-1) x A brick (30 cm x 18 cm x 10 cm) at 20°C, If
𝟏𝟎−𝟒 the brick heated to a temperature of
Aluminium 25.5 150°C, what will be its new dimensions?
Brass 18.9 (The coefficient of linear expansion of
Copper 16.7 concrete is 1.2 x 10-5 K-1
Iron 10.2 Data given
Steel 10.5 Initial temperature, θ1 = 20°C
Glass 8.5 Final temperature, θ2 = 150°C
Pyrex glass 3.0 Rise in temperature, Δθ = (θ2 – θ1) = (150 –
Invar 0.9 20)°C = 130°C
Linear expansivity, α = 1.2 x 10-5 K-1
Example, Original length, L1l = 30 cm
A block of concrete 5.0 m long expands to Original width, L1w = 18 cm
5.00412 m when heated from 25°C to Original height, L1h = 10 cm
100°C. Determine the linear expansivity of New length, L2l = ?
concrete. New width, L2w = ?
Data given New height, L2h = ?
Initial temperature, θ1 = 25°C Solution
Final temperature, θ2 = 100°C From: α = 𝑙2−𝑙1 make l2 subject
𝑙1 𝑥 𝛥𝜃
Temperature rise, Δθ = (100 – 25)°C = 75°C
L2 = (l1 x Δθ)α + l1
Original length, L1 = 5.0 m L2 = (l1 x Δθ)α + l1
New length, L2 = 5.00412 m
Increase in length, (5.00412 – 5.0) = 0.004 m 1st solve for L2l when L1l = 30 cm
Linear expansivity, α = ? L2l = ((30 x 130)1.2 x 10-5) + 30
Solution L2l = (390 x 1.2 x 10-5) + 30
From: α = 𝛥𝑙 L2l = (390 x 1.2 x 10-5) + 30 = 30.05 cm
𝑙1 𝑥 𝛥𝜃
0.00412 L2l = 30.05 cm
= 5.0 𝑥 75
= 5.0 𝑥 75
2nd solve for L2w when L1w = 18 cm
α = 1.1 x 𝟏𝟎−𝟓 ℃ = 1.1 x 𝟏𝟎−𝟓 K -1
L2w = ((18 x 130)1.2 x 10-5) + 18
L2w = 18.03 cm
Example: NECTA 2013 QN: 4(c)
A metal pipe which of 1M long at 40°C 3rd solve for L2h when L1h = 18 cm
increases in length by 0.3% when carrying L2h = ((10 x 130)1.2 x 10-5) + 10
L2h = 10.02 cm
The new dimension is 30.05 cm x 18.03 cm
x 10.02cm

An iron plate at 20°C has a hole of radius
i. The metal that expands faster forms the
of 8.92 mm in the centre, an iron rivet with
outside part of the curve while the one
radius of 8.95 mm at 20°C, inserted into the
that expands more slowly is on the
hole. To what temperature the plate
inside of the curve.
heated for the rivet to fit into the hole.
ii. Brass expands and contracts twice as
(Linear expansivity of iron is 1.24 x 10-5K-1).
fast as steel.
Data given
iii. temperature must be measured in
Initial temperature, θ1 = 20°C
Original length, L1 = 8.92 mm
New length, L2 = 8.95 mm
Applications of the Expansion of Solids
Increase in length, 𝛥𝑙 = (L2 – l1) = (8.95 –
1. The bimetallic strip used in thermostats,
8.92) = 0.03 mm
thermometers and valves. Thermostats
Linear Expansivity, α =1.24 x10-5 K-1 =
are used in many appliances such as
0.0000124 K-1
electric irons, heaters, refrigerators, air
Final temperature, θ2 = ?
conditioners, fire alarms and Valves
From: α = 𝛥𝑙
make θ2 subject
𝑙1 𝑥 (θ2 – θ1) Electric iron
θ2 = 𝛥
𝑙 + 𝜃1 When metallic strip bend to break a
𝛼 𝑥 𝑙1
0.03 circuit
θ2 = 0.0000124 𝑥 8.92
+ 20 Diagram:
θ2 = 271.23 ℃
This is the temperature iron plate must
undergo. Since initial temperature is 20°C
the plate must be heated to (20 + 271.23)
°C = 291.23 °C or slightly higher

The Bimetallic Strip

The bimetallic strip consists of two different Heater
metals that expand at different rates when When metallic strip bend to
heated through the same temperature break/close a circuit to maintain
change. temperature inside the refrigerator
Diagram: Diagram:

When heated

When metallic strip bend to
break/close a circuit to maintain
When cooled temperature inside the refrigerator

Air conditioner

When metallic strip bend to
break/close a circuit to maintain 3. railway lines construction
required temperature In order to prevent expansion always
gape left between two rails
Fire alarms circuit Diagram:
When temperature rise metallic strip
bend to close a circuit which complete
the circuit and bell start to ring.

In addition, the space left for expansion

Bimetallic thermometer
When temperature rise metallic strip
bend results the pointer to rotate across
Diagram: 4. construction of road and pavement
In order to prevent expansion always
gape left between the slabs. Gape
filled with pitch

5. applied in hot-water pipe

In order to prevent destruction which
arise from expansion, pipe are fitted
Bimetallic Valve with expansion joint
When metallic strip bend to close or Diagram:
open valve

2. applied in the design of bridges/house

roofs etc
In order to prevent expansion one end
left free with roller so when bridge 6. applied in the design of pendulum
expand fee end move forward and clocks
backward without break Pendulums and balance wheels in
clocks are compensated for expansion
so that the clocks keep correct time
even when temperatures change
7. the riveting of metals

Car wheels and train wheels fitted
when red-hot. On cooling, they
contract and fit very tightly and
therefore do not require screws and
8. Overhead telephone and electrical
cables left sagging during installation
on a hot day to allow for contraction
During cold mornings

During hot afternoons

Thermal Expansion of Liquids
It is easier to observe expansion in liquids Anomalous Expansion of Water
than in solids. This is because liquids Defn: Anomalous expansion of water is the
expand much more than solids for equal decrease in the density of water cooled
changes of temperature. from 4°C to 0°C.

What Happens When Water Heated? What Happens Below 4°C TO 0°C
The level of the water will first drop due to At 4°C, just above the freezing point, water
increase in the volume of the container on reaches its maximum density. As the water
heated. The increase in volume is due to cool further toward its freezing point, the
the expansion of the container. The level liquid water expands to become less
of the water will then keep rising as the dense.
container due to the expansion of the
water, its density decrease. Graph of Density against Temperature ℃

Apparent Volume Expansion of A Liquid

Defn: apparent volume
expansion/apparent volume expansion of
a liquid is equal to the actual expansion of
the liquid less the increase in volume of the
containing vessel up to the liquid level

Volume Expansivity of a Liquid

Defn: volume expansivity is the fractional
change in volume per unit temperature
change. Its unit is K-1 or °C-1. It also called
coefficient of volume of expansion Effect of Water Anomalous Expansion
i. A glass bottle filled with water and
Volume expansivity =
𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑙𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑑
𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑥 𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒
𝒗𝟐 – 𝒗𝟏
Water at 70
𝒗𝟏 𝒙 𝜟𝜽
Where: sealed cracks if cooled in a deep
Original/initial volume of liquid = v1 freezer
Final volume = V2 ii. If water freezes in a pipe, it may cause
Increase in volume of liquid = v2 – v1 the pipe to burst open due to
Initial temperature = θ1 expansion.
Final temperature = θ2 iii. Icebergs, being less dense than water,
Rise in temperature = Δθ = (θ2 – θ1) float in oceans thus posing a danger to
Volume expansivity = β ships.

Linear Expansivities Between (0 – 100)°C Applications of Expansion of Liquids

Liquid Volume Expansivity (K-1) X i. Due to small density from 4°C to 0°C ice
𝟏𝟎−𝟓 float results fish and other aquatic life to
Benzene 124 survive in the water below the ice
Gasoline 95 ii. The expansion of liquids used in liquid
Glycerin 53
Kerosene 99
Mercury 18
Methanol 122
Water at 21
20℃ 161
Water at 35
Thermal Expansion in Gases Absolute Scale of Temperature
In subtopic we will discuss about Three Defn: absolute zero temperature is the
importance properties of expansion of lowest temperature that can attained
gases include are pressure, volume and theoretically.
Nb: T (K) = 273 +θ°C
The temperature must converted to Kelvin θ°C = T(K) - 273
Charles’ Law Change the following temperatures to
This law involves the relationship between Kelvin scale (a) 33°C (b) 57°C
the volume and the temperature of a fixed Data given
mass of a gas at constant pressure. The (a) Temperature in Celsius, θ = 33°C
law state that Temperature in Kelvin, K = ?
“The volume of a fixed mass of a gas is Solution
directly proportional to the absolute From: T (K) = 273 +θ°C
(Kelvin) temperature provided the pressure T (K) = 273 +33°C
remains constant” T (K) = (273 + 33) = 306 K.
Mathematically T (K) = 306 K
V= K T – make K subject (b) Temperature in Celsius, θ = 57°C
K= 𝑇 Temperature in Kelvin, K = ?
𝑻𝟏 𝑻𝟐 Solution
Therefore: =
𝒗𝟏 𝒗𝟐 From: T (K) = 273 +θ°C
T (K) = 273 +57°C
Where: T (K) = (273 + 57) = 330 K.
V1 = initial volume T (K) = 330 K
T1 = initial temperature
V2 = final volume Example
T2 = final temperature Change the following temperatures to
Celsius scale (a) 4K (b) 292K
Graphically: (a) Temperature in Kelvin, K = 4K
Graph of Volume against temperature (K) Temperature in Celsius, θ = ?
From: θ°C = T(K) – 273
θ°C = 4K - 273
θ°C = - 269°C

(b) Temperature in Kelvin, K = 292K

Temperature in Celsius, θ = ?
From: θ°C = T(K) – 273
θ°C = 292K - 273
θ°C = 19°C

A 0.20m3 container with a movable piston
holds nitrogen gas at a temperature of
From the graph above it seems that as if
20°C. What will be the volume of the gas if
temperature increased also volume
the temperature increased to 50°C?
increase and vice versa
Data given
Initial volume, V1 = 0.20m3
Initial temperature, T1 = 20°C = 293K
Final temperature, T2 =50° = 323K
Final volume, V2 = ?
From Charles’ law: T1/V1 = T2/V2 – make
V2 subject
V2 = (T2xV1)/T1
V2 = (323 x 0.2)/293
V2 = 0.22 m3

A gas occupies a volume of 20 cm3 at
27°C and at normal atmospheric pressure.
Calculate the new volume of the gas if it
heated to 54°C at the same pressure.
Data given From the graph above it seems that as if
Initial volume, V1 = 20 cm3 pressure increased also volume decrease
Initial temperature, T1 = 27°C = 300K and vice versa
Final temperature, T2 =54° = 327K
Final volume, V2 = ? Graphically:
Solution Graph of inverse of Volume against
From Charles’ law: T1/V1 = T2/V2 – make Pressure
V2 subject
V2 = (T2xV1)/T1
V2 = (327x20)/300
V2 = 21 cm3

Boyle’s Law
This law involves the relationship between
the volume and the pressure of a fixed
mass of a gas at constant temperature.
The law state that
“The volume of fixed mass of a gas is
inversely proportional to its pressure if the
temperature is kept constant”
Pα 1
P = K 1 - make K subject From the graph above it seems that as if
Then: pressure increased also inverse of volume
K = P1V1 = P2V2 increase and vice versa
P1V1 = P2V2
Where: A gas in a cylinder occupies a volume of
P1 = initial pressure 465 ml when the pressure on it is equivalent
V1 = initial volume to 725 mm of mercury. What will be the
P2 = final pressure volume of the gas when the pressure on it
V2 = final volume raise to 825 mm of mercury while the
temperature is held constant?
Graphically: Data given
Graph of Volume against Pressure Initial pressure, P1 = 725 mmHg
Initial volume, V1 = 465 ml
Final pressure, P2 = 825 mmHg

Final volume, V2 = ?
From Boyle’s law: P1V1 = P2V2 – make V2
V2 = P1V1/P2
V2 = (465 x725)/825
V2 = 408.6 ml

Bubble of gas, which has a volume of 0.4
cm3, released by a diver 30 m in under the
surface of a lake, what will be the volume
of the bubble when it reaches the
surface? (Assume the barometric pressure
is 10 m of water.)
Data given
Pressure under the water, P1 = 30 mHg
Volume under water, V1 = 0.4 cm3
Pressure outside water, P2 = 10 mHg From the graph above it seems that as if
Pressure under the water, V2 = ? pressure increased also temperature
Solution increase and vice versa
From Boyle’s law: P1V1 = P2V2 – make V2
subject Example,
V2 = P1V1/P2 A rigid metal container holds carbon
V2 = (30 x0.4)/10 dioxide gas at a pressure of 2 x 10 5 Pa and
V2 = 1.2 cm3 a temperature of 30°C. What temperature
the gas be lowered for the pressure to
Pressure Law reduce to half (1 x 105 Pa)?
This law involves the relationship between Data given
the temperature and the pressure of a Initial pressure, P1 = 2 x 105 Pa
fixed mass of a gas at constant volume. Initial temperature, T1 = 30°C = 303K
The law state that Final pressure, P2 = 1 x 105 Pa
“The pressure of a fixed mass of a gas is Final temperature, T2 =?
directly proportional to the absolute Solution
temperature if the volume is kept From pressure law: P1T1 = P2T2 – make T2
constant” subject
Mathematically T2 = (P1T1)/P2
P α 𝑇1 T2 = (2 x 105 x 303)/ 1 x 105
P=K 1
- make K subject T2 = 151.5K = -121.5°C
Then: Example,
K = P1T1 = P2T2
A gas in a fixed-volume container has a
P1T1 = P2T2
pressure of 1.6 x 10 Pa at a temperature of
27°C. What will be the pressure of the gas if
the container heated to a temperature of
P1 = initial pressure
T1 = initial temperature
Data given
P2 = final pressure
Initial pressure, P1 = 1.6 x 105 Pa
T2 = final temperature
Initial temperature, T1 = 27°C = 300K
Final temperature, T2 =277°C = 550K
Final pressure, P2 = ?
Graph of Pressure against temperature

From pressure law: P1T1 = P2T2 – make P2 Solution
subject From general gas law: (P1V1)/T1 =
P2 = (P1T1)/T2 (P2V2)/T2
P2 = (1.6 x 105 x 300)/ 550 For oxygen:
P2 = 2.93 x 105 (Po1Vo1)/To1 = (Po2Vo2)/To2 – make Vo2
General Gas Equation/General Gas Law Vo2 = (Po1.Vo1.To2)/(To1.Po2)
Combine all laws Vo2 = (8.1 x 104 x 0.11 x 273)/(285 x1.013 x
T α V – Charles’ law ........................ 1 105)
P α 1 - Boyle’s law ............................2 Vo2 = (2.43 x 106)/(2.89 x 107)
Vo2 = 0.084 m3
Pα 1
- pressure law ................... 3
Combine equation 1, 2 and 3 we get For nitrogen:
P α 𝑇𝑉 (Pn1Vn1)/Tn1 = (Pn2Vn2)/Tn2 – make Vn2
P = k 𝑉 - make k subject subject
𝑇 Vn2 = (Pn1.Vn1.Tn2)/(Tn1.Pn2)
K= 𝑃𝑉 - since K is the constant then
𝑇 Vn2 = (1.03 x 105 x 0.18 x 273)/(295 x1.013 x
𝑷𝟏𝑽𝟏 𝑷𝟐𝑽𝟐
Vn2 = (5.06 x 106)/(2.99 x 107)
Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP) Vn2 = 0.17 m3
Defn: STP is a set of conditions for At STP, nitrogen gas would have a volume
experimental measurements to enable that is more than twice the volume of
comparisons between sets of data. The oxygen gas.
standard temperature is 0°C (273 K) while
the standard pressure is 1 atmosphere Example,
(1.013 x 10 Pa or 760 mm of mercury). A fixed mass of gas has a volume of 1.25
litres at a pressure of 76.0 cm of mercury
Example, and a temperature of 27.0°C. The gas
A sample of oxygen gas has a volume of expands to a volume of 1.55 litres raising
0.11 m3 at a temperature of 12°C and a the pressure to 80.0 cm of mercury. What is
pressure of 8.1 x 105 Pa while a sample of the final temperature of the gas in °C?
nitrogen gas has a volume of 0.18 m3 at a Data given
temperature of 22°C and a pressure of Initial pressure for mercury, P1 = 76.0 cmHg
1.03 x 105 Pa. Which gas will have the Final pressure mercury, P2 = 80.0 cmHg
larger volume at STP? Initial volume mercury, V1 = 1.25 dm3
Data given Final volume mercury, V2 = 1.55 dm3
Initial pressure for oxygen, Po1 = 8.1 x 104 Initial temperature mercury, T1 = 27°C =
Pa 300K
Initial temperature oxygen, To1 = 12°C = Final temperature oxygen, T2 = ?
285K Solution
Initial volume oxygen, Vo1 = 0.11 m3 From: (P1V1)/T1 = (P2V2)/T2 – make T2
Final temperature oxygen, To2 =0°C = 273K subject
Final pressure oxygen, Po2 = 1.013 x 105 Pa T2 = (P2.V2.T1)/(P1.V1)
Final volume oxygen, Vo2 = ? T2 = (80 x 1.55 x 300)/(76 x 1.25)
Initial pressure for nitrogen, Pn1 = 1.03 x 105 T2 = 37200/95
Pa T2 = 391.58K = 118.58°
Initial temperature nitrogen, Tn1 = 22°C =
295K Example,
Initial volume nitrogen, Vn1 = 0.18 m3 A fixed mass of gas occupies a volume of
Final temperature nitrogen, Tn2 =0°C = 0.001 m at a pressure of 76 cmHg. What

273K volume does the gas occupy at 17.0°C if

Final pressure nitrogen, Pn2 = 1.013 x 10 5 Pa its pressure is 72 cmHg?
Final volume nitrogen, Vn2 = ? Data given
Initial pressure for mercury, P1 = 76.0 cmHg VB2 = 93.42 cm3
Final pressure mercury, P2 = 72.0 cmHg At STP, gas B has large volume than gas A
Initial volume mercury, V1 = 0.001 m3 so gas A is denser than gas B
Initial temperature mercury, T1 = 0°C =
273K Example,
Final temperature oxygen, T2 = 17°C = 250 cm3 of a gas are collected at 25°C
290K and 750 mm of mercury. Calculate the
Final volume mercury, V2 = ? volume of the gas at STP
Solution: Data given
From: (P1V1)/T1 =(P2V2)/T2 – make V2 Initial pressure for mercury, P1 = 750 mmHg
subject Final pressure mercury, P2 = 760 mmHg
V2 = (P1.V1.T2)/(T1.P2) Initial volume mercury, V1 = 250 cm3
V2 = (P1.V1.T2)/(T1.P2) Initial temperature mercury, T1 = 25°C =
V2 = (76 x 0.001 x 290)/(273 x 72) 298K
V2 = (22.04)/(19656) Final temperature oxygen, T2 = 0°C = 273K
V2 =1.12 x 10-3 m3 Final volume mercury, V2 = ?
Example, From: (P1V1)/T1 =(P2V2)/T2 – make V2
100 cm3 of gas A was collected at 10°C subject
and 78.0 cmHg pressure, while 120 cm 3 of V2 = (P1.V1.T2)/(T1.P2)
gas B was collected at 50°C and 70.0 V2 = (P1.V1.T2)/(T1.P2)
cmHg pressure. Which of the two gases is V2 = (750 x 250 x 273)/(298 x 760)
denser at STP? V2 = (51187500)/(226480)
Data given V2 =226.01 cm3
Initial pressure for A, PA1 = 78.0 cmHg
Initial temperature for A, TA1 = 10°C = 283K Applications of the Expansion of Gases
Initial volume for A, VA1 = 100 cm3 1. Land and sea breezes
Final temperature for A, TA2 =0°C = 273K Land and sea breezes are a result of
Final pressure for A, PA2 = 76.0 cmHg expansion of air caused by unequal
Final volume for A, VA2 = ? heating and cooling of adjacent land and
Initial pressure for B, PB1 = 70.0 cmHg sea surfaces.
Initial temperature for B, TB1 = 50°C = 323K
Initial volume for B, VB1 = 120 cm3 2. The piston engine
Final temperature for B, TB2 =0°C = 273K The internal combustion engines used in
Final pressure for B, PB2 = 76.0 cmHg vehicles have four basic parts
Final volume for B, VB2 = ? Diagram:
From general gas law: (P1V1)/T1 =
For gas A:
(PA1VA1)/TA1=(PA2VA2)/TA2 –make VA2
VA2 = (PA1.VA1.TA2)/(TA1.PA2)
VA2 = (78 x 100 x 273)/(283 x 76)
VA2 = (2129400)/(21508)
Vo2 = 99.00 cm3

For gas B:
(PB1VB1)/TB1 =(PB2VB2)/TB2 – make VB2
VB2 = (PB1.VB1.TB2)/(TB1.PB2)
VB2 = (70 x 120 x 273)/(323 x 76)
VB2 = (2293200)/(24548)

When the trigger pulled, the firing

pin/striker hits the primer resulting in a
minor explosion. The flame from this
explosion ignites the powder (contain
nitrocellulose), which it burns very rapidly
releasing a lot of heat, resulting in
increased pressure within the casing

i. Carburetor i. Nitrocellulose is a highly flammable
In this part fuel mixed with air or is material made by treating cellulose
sprayed through the fuel injector. This with concentrated nitric acid, used to
part also called fuel injector make explosives and celluloid
ii. the expansion takes place in the
ii. Cylinders cartridge or round of ammunition
The mixture goes into a cylinder, which
is a long air pocket like steel can with
one end open

iii. spark plugs

In this part, the mixture is ignited and
releasing heat. This heat increases the
pressure inside the cylinder result push
the piston head down the cylinder

iv. Pistons
The downward movement of the piston
pushes a rod that turns a crankshaft.
The turning crankshaft provides the
motion to turn the wheels. As the piston
pushed down in the cylinder, other
engine parts keep it from blowing out
of the cylinder. The piston then pushed
back up into the cylinder.

3. Firing bullets from guns


Introduction of Heat Transfer
Heat is the energy it can transferred from 2. cross-sectional area that is
one place to another in three ways perpendicular to the heat flow
include The larger the cross-sectional area, the
i. conduction of heat faster the rate of heat conduction
ii. convection of heat
iii. radiation of heat 3. Difference in temperature between the
two ends of the material
Conduction of Heat The higher the difference, the faster the
Defn: Conduction is the transfer of heat rate of conduction
though matter from a region of high
temperature to region of low temperature 4. Thermal conductivity of the material.
without actual movement of the medium This is a measure of the rate at which a
material conducts heat. The higher the
How Transferred? thermal conductivity of the material,
When heat is supplied to one part of a the faster the rate of conduction
solid, the atoms vibrate faster. This
vibration is passed on to neighboring How Can We Minimize Conduction?
atoms through the bonds. This spreads the It can be minimized by thermal insulator.
heat throughout the object. Thus why in boiler, hot-water pipes and in
the textile industry thermal insulator are
Good and Bad Conductor used
Materials which can allow heat to pass Also can be prevented by keep the place
through which known as good conductor vacuum or filling with fluid, Example,
of heat due to presence of free electrons double-glazed windows used in our house
and others which cannot allow heat to in cold region.
pass through which known as bad Not only that in our houses we use carpets
conductor of heat curtains and drought excluders

Good Conductor Application of Conduction

Defn: good conductor is the Materials that i. Cooking vessels are made of metal,
allow heat to flow through them easily. For which are good conduct.
Example, iron etc. the conduction on ii. Aluminium is used in making motor
liquid is minimal due to the large engines, piston and cylinders due to its
intermolecular spaces low density and high thermal
Nb: iii. Our closes is thermal insulator in order to
Conductor have different rate of heat prevent heat loss from our body
conduction. Example, copper is the best iv. The bottoms of cooking pots need
conductor of heat while steel is the periodic cleaning to remove layers of
poorest conductor. soot, which impede the flow of heat
v. Fiberglass is used under roofs of
Bad Conductor buildings to prevent heat loss in cold
Defn: bad conductor is the Materials that areas
cannot allow heat to flow through them vi. Sawdust is used for lagging hot-water
easily. For Example, plastic, wood, glass pipes
etc. it also called thermal insulator
Convection of Heat
Factors Affect the Rate of Conduction Defn: convection is the transfer of heat in
1. Length of the material fluid (liquids and gases) which involves
The longer the material, the more the actual movement of the medium. If
time it will take to conduct heat temperature of fluid increases it tend to
through it.
cause convection current which circulate warmed air, which result wind from the
heat continuously throughout the fluid. sea to the land. This called sea breeze
Diagram: Diagram:

How Can We Minimize Convection?

It can prevented by keep the place During the night the land lose heat and
vacuum, Example, vacuum flask prevent become cold than sea surface which
heat loss by vacuum. result air at sea surface to increases
kinetic energy and tends to decrease
Application of Convection its density which cause the air to rise,
i. Domestic hot water supply system the cold air from the land surface
This system uses convection current to comes to replace the warmed air
move warm water from the boilers to which result wind from the land to the
where it is used. sea. This called land breeze
Diagram: Diagram:

iii. Air condition

This system uses convection current to
move warm air from one point to
another. When are cold, room heater
are placed on the floor of a room and
when are hot the air condition are
placed top of the wall or around the

ii. Land and sea breezes Radiation of Heat

During the day the heat from the sun Defn: radiation is the heat transfer
warm the land with its air than the sea between two or more bodies by means of
surface with its air. The warmed air in electromagnetic waves that do not need
the land increases kinetic energy and material medium.
tends to decrease its density which
cause the air to rise, the cold air from NB:
the sea surface comes to replace the i. It takes place in a vacuum

ii. All bodies at temperature above Absorber
absolute zero emit some radiant energy Defn: absorber is the material/surface that
iii. Between the sun and the earth’s delivers/gain all radiant energy. A surface
atmosphere is a vacuum that absorbs all radiant is called black
iv. Radiant travels with the speed of light body. Example, black cooking vessel,
v. Radiant can be reflected black clothes dry faster than others
vi. Radiant can be absorbed coloured clothes etc
vii. Radiant can be transmitted
Radiant Detector Defn: emitter is the material/surface that
There are two instrument which can be lost/delivers out all radiant energy. A
detect radiation, include surface that emitters all radiant is called
i. Thermopile black body
ii. Liquid in thermometer
Thermopile Defn: reflector is the material/surface that
When radiation falls on the hot junction, bounces back all radiant energy.
the thermal energy is Example, solar cookers etc
converted/transformed into electrical
energy which cause the galvanometer to How Can We Minimize Radiation?
deflect It can prevent by keep the place
Diagram: shine/polished.

Thermos Flask
Defn: Thermos flask is a device used to
hold hot or cold liquid for long period. It
consists of a double-walled glass (polished
by coated with a thin layer of aluminium)
container with vacuum between the walls.
It has a stopper made of insulating
materials especial cork

Liquid in Thermometer
The bulb should blackened

How Thermos Flask Prevents Heat Lost?

It holds by ensure that heat loss by
conduction, convection and radiation
minimized or prevented
Absorbers, Emitters and Reflectors

Ways Conduction and convection

prevented by:
i. Insulated stopper
ii. Vacuum
iii. The separators

Ways Radiation prevented by:

iv. Polished one which is silvered walls

Metal Foils
Defn: metal foils is the polished/shines ones
used to cover items to minimize heat loss
by radiation. For Example, aluminium foils
are used to wrapping hot food.

How Metal Foils Prevents Heat Lost?

Metal foils prevents radiant energy by
reflect radiant energy

Heat Content
Defn: Heat content is the Energy possessed Specific Heat Capacity
by a body due to its temperature. In Defn: specific heat capacity of a
addition, it called internal thermal energy substance is the heat required to produce
a 1K or 1°C in 1kg. It denoted by letter c, SI
Nb: unit of specific heat capacity is J/kg K
i. Heat content is due to random motion Mathematically:
of the particles that make up the Specific Heat capacity,
quantity of heat absorbed,H
object c=
mass x change in temperature,∆θ
ii. Different materials have different heat H
content c = m x ∆θ
iii. Measurement of thermal energy Make H subject
involve indirect measurement H = mc∆θ
iv. The heat content of a substance
determined by its heat capacity Specific Heat Capacities of Some
Factors That Determine the Heat Content Materials Specific heat
The heat content of a substance is capacity(J/kgK)
determined by its Water 4200
i. Mass of that substance Sea water 3900
ii. Temperature change of that substance Paraffin 2200
iii. Specific heat capacity Methylated 2500
Heat Capacity of a Substance Ice 2100
Defn: Heat capacity of a substance is the Mercury 1395
amount of heat required to raise the Aluminium 900
temperature of a given mass of a Glass 700
substance by 1K. It denoted by letter C, SI Steel 500
unit of heat capacity is J/K Copper 390
Mathematically: Brass 320
quantity of heat absorbed,H
Heat capacity, C = change in temperature,∆θ Iron 480
C= 𝐇 Lead 130

How much heat is required to raise the
In an experiment to determine the heat
temperature of a 25kg sample of mercury
capacity of steel, 100KJ of heat energy
from 20°C to 30°C?
was supplied to a block of steel initially at
Data given
22°C. If the final temperature of the block
Mass of mercury, m = 25kg
was ∆θ, determine the heat capacity of
Initial temperature of mercury, θ1 = 20°C
Final temperature of mercury, θ2 = 30°C
Data given
Temperature change, ∆θ=(30-20)°C
Initial temperature, θ1 = 22°C
Final temperature, θ2 = 219°C
Specific heat capacity of mercury, C =
Temperature change, ∆θ=(219-22)°C
1395 J/kgK
Heat supplied, H = ?
Heat supplied, H = 100KJ = 100000J
heat capacity, C = ?
From: H = mc∆θ
H = 25 x 1395 x 283
From: C = 𝐻
∆θ H = 9 869 625J
Then: C = H/∆θ = 100000/197 = 507.60J/K
C = 507.60J/K Example,

The temperature of a 6kg block of copper
rises from 15°C to 30°C on being heated.
Determine the amount of heat energy
supplied to the block. (Specific heat
capacity of block is 390Jkg°C)
Data given
Mass of mercury, m = 6kg
Initial temperature of copper, θ1 = 15°C
Final temperature of copper, θ2 = 30°C
Temperature change, ∆θ=(30-15)°C =15°C
Specific heat capacity of copper, C =
Heat supplied, H = ?
Solution i. Inner container and stirring rod are
From: H = mc∆θ made of the same material always
H = 6 x 390 x 15 aluminium or copper
H = 35 100J ii. The heat loss is reduced by the lagging
materials (bad conductor) and the
Example, cover
How much heat energy is given out by an
iron block of 20g mass when it cools from How Specific Heat Capacity Determined
920°C to 20°C. If a liquid of known mass and temperature
Mass of mercury, m = 20g = 0.02kg putted in the inner container and a
Initial temperature of copper, θ1 = 920°C solid/liquid of known mass and
Final temperature of copper, θ2 = 20°C temperature is added to the liquid the
Temperature change, ∆θ=(920-20)°C = specific heat capacity of any substance
900°C can be calculated/determined of one of
Specific heat capacity of iron, C = substance specific heat capacity are
480Jkg°C known.
Heat supplied, H = ?
Solution Assume Hot Iron Is Added To the
From: H = mc∆θ Calorimeter Contain Cold Water
H = 0.02 x 480 x 900 Mass of water = m1
H = 8 640J Mass of copper and stirrer = m2
Mass of hot iron = m3
Determination of Specific Heat Capacity Initial temperature of water and
If the heat loss controlled when mixing the calorimeter = θ1
water, the heat energy gained by the cold Initial temperature of hot iron = θ2
water is equal to the heat energy lost by Final temperature (iron + water +
hot water due to the principle of calorimeter) = θ3
conservation of energy. Specific capacity of water = C1
Specific capacity of calorimeter = C2
Calorimeter Specific capacity of iron = C3
Calorimeter used to control the loss of But:
heat energy when determining specific If the hot iron added to the cold water, the
heat capacities hot iron loss heat energy and cold water
Diagram: gain heat energy
Principle conversion of energy
Heat gain = heat loss

Heat gain by water + Heat gain by θ3 = (m3c3θ2 + (m1c1 + m2c2)θ1)/ (m1c1
calorimeter = heat loss by hot iron + m2c2 + m3c3)
But: θ3 = (0.04x390x200 + 0.05x4200x25 +
Heat gain by water = m1c1(θ3 - θ1) 0.06x390x25)/ (0.05x4200 + 0.04x390 +
Heat gain by calorimeter = m2c2(θ3 - θ1) 0.06x390)
Heat lost by iron = m3c3(θ2 - θ3) θ3 = 8955/249 = 36°C
Then: θ3 = 36°C
Heat gain by water + Heat gain by
calorimeter = heat loss by hot iron Example,
m1c1(θ3 - θ1) + m2c2(θ3 - θ1) = m3c3(θ2 - A brass of cylinder of mass x was heated to
θ3) 100°C and then transferred into thin
((m1c1 + m2c2)(θ3 - θ1) = m3c3(θ2 - θ3) aluminium can of negligible heat capacity
make c3 subject containing 150g of paraffin at 11°C. If the
((𝒎𝟏𝒄𝟏 + 𝒎𝟐𝒄𝟐)(𝜽𝟑 − 𝜽𝟏)
c3 = final steady temperature of the paraffin
𝐦𝟑(𝛉𝟐 − 𝛉𝟑)
attained was 20°C determine the value
of x
Data given
A piece of copper of mass 40g at 200°C is
Mass of brass, m1 = x
immersed into a copper calorimeter of
Mass of paraffin, m2 = 150g = 0.15kg
mass 60g containing 50g of water 25°C.
Initial temperature of paraffin, θ3 = 100°C
Neglecting heat losses, what will the final
Initial temperature of brass, θ1 = 11°C
temperature of the mixture is?
Final temperature (paraffin + brass), θ2 =
Data given
Mass of water, m1 = 50g = 0.05kg
Specific capacity of paraffin, C2 = 2200
Mass of calorimeter, m2 = 60g = 0.06kg
Mass of copper, m3 = 40g = 0.04kg
Specific capacity of brass, C1 = 320 J/kgK
Initial temperature of water +calorimeter,
θ1 = 25°C
Initial temperature of copper, θ2 = 200°C
Principle conversion of energy
Specific capacity of water, C1 = 4200
Heat gain = heat loss
Specific capacity of copper, C2 = 390
Heat gain by water = heat loss by metal
Specific capacity of calorimeter, C3 = 390
m1c1(θ3 - θ1) = m2c2(θ2 – θ3) - make m1
Final temperature (water + copper +
calorimeter), θ3 = ? (𝑚2𝑐2(𝜃2 – 𝜃3)
Solution: m1 =
c1(θ3 – θ1)
From: m1 = (m2c2(θ2 – θ1))/(c1(θ3 – θ2)
Principle conversion of energy m1 = (0.15 x 2200(20 - 11))/(320(100 - 20)
Heat gain = heat loss m1 = (330x 9)/(320 x 80)
Therefore: m1 = 2970/25600
Heat gain by water + Heat gain by m1 = 0.116 kg
calorimeter = heat loss by hot iron A brass of cylinder of mass x is 0.116 kg =
m1c1(θ3 - θ1) + m2c2(θ3 - θ1) = m3c3(θ2 - 116g
((m1c1 + m2c2)(θ3 - θ1) = m3c3(θ2 - θ3) - Example,
make θ3 subject A block of metal of mass 0.20kg at a
(m1c1 + m2c2)θ3 + m3c3θ3 = m3c3θ2 + temperature of 100°C is placed in 0.40kg
(m1c1 + m2c2)θ1 of water at 20°C.if the final steady
(m1c1 + m2c2 + m3c3)θ3 = m3c3θ2 + temperature of the water is 24°C,
(m1c1 + m2c2)θ1 determine the specific heat capacity of

the metal. (Neglect heat absorber by the Heat gain = heat loss
container) Therefore:
Data given Heat gain by water = heat loss by metal
Mass of water, m1 = 0.2kg block
Mass of metal block, m2 = 0.4kg Then:
Initial temperature of water, θ1 = 20°C m1c1(θ3 - θ1) = m2c2(θ2 – θ3) - make θ3
Initial temperature of metal block, θ2 = subject
100°C m1c1θ3 - m1c1θ1 = m2c2θ2 – m2c2θ3
Final temperature (water + metal block), m1c1θ3 + m2c2θ3 = m2c2θ2 + m1c1θ1
θ3 = 24°C (m1c1 + m2c2)θ3 = m2c2θ2 + m1c1θ1
Specific capacity of water, C1 = 4200 θ3 = (m2c2θ2 + m1c1θ1)/(m1c1 + m2c2)
J/kgK θ3=((0.5x900x100)+(1x4200x20))/((1x4200)+
Specific capacity of metal block, C2 = ? (0.5 x900))
Solution: θ3 = (45000+84000)/(4200+450)
From: θ3 = 129000/4650
Principle conversion of energy θ3 = 27.74°C
Heat gain = heat loss
Heat gain by water = heat loss by metal
m1c1(θ3 - θ1) = m2c2(θ2 – θ3) - make c2
(𝑚1𝑐1(𝜃3 − 𝜃1)
c2 =
m2(θ2 − θ3)
c2 = (m1c1(θ3 - θ1))/(m2(θ2 - θ3)
c2 = (0.4 x4200(24 - 20))/(0.2(100 - 24)
c2 = (1680x 4)/(0.2 x 76)
c2 = 6720/15.2
c2 = 442.11 J/kgK

A block of aluminum of mass 0.5kg at a
temperature of 100°C is dipped in 1.0kg of
water at 20°C. Assuming that no thermal
energy is lost to the environment, what will
the final temperature of the water to be at
thermal equilibrium?
Data given
Mass of water, m1 = 1.0kg
Mass of aluminum, m2 = 0.5kg
Initial temperature of water, θ1 = 20°C
Initial temperature of aluminum, θ2 =
Final temperature (water + aluminum), θ3
Specific capacity of water, C1 = 4200
Specific capacity of metal block, C2 = 900
Principle conversion of energy

Change of State Example, a pressure of 1.27 x 107 Pa is
As we studied at form one matter can needed for ice to melt
under goes three states include solid, liquid
and gas. Consider the diagram below. Boiling Point
Diagram: Boiling point is the temperature at which
all liquid change into gas

Mechanism of Boiling
The molecules at the surface of the liquid
gain more kinetic energy move faster and
are able to overcome intermolecular
forces holding them together and hence
Melting Point
Melting is the change of state from solid to
liquid and Melting point is the definite
i. At the boiling point the vapour pressure
temperature of a pure substance to melt.
of the liquid becomes equal to
At melting point the substance absorbs
atmospheric pressure
heat but the temperature does not
ii. Each pure substance has an exact
change until the substance has
boiling point.
completely melted.
iii. At the boiling point the heat energy
supplied is used to change the water
Freezing Point
from the liquid to vapour state
Freezing is the change of state from liquid
iv. At the boiling point does not raise the
to solid and freezing point is the
Temperature at which a liquid changes
into a solid without a change in
Boiling Point of Some Pure Substance
temperature. During solidification a Substance Boiling point (°C )
substance loses heat to its surround but its Helium -269
temperature does not fall
Hydrogen -253
Oxygen -183
Ethyl alcohol 78.4
The freezing point of a pure substance is
Benzene 80.2
the same as its melting point. Example,
Water 100
water freeze and melt at 0°C
Mercury 357
Factors Affecting Freezing Point Aluminium 2 467
The freezing point is affected by the Copper 2 567
presence of: Iron 2 750
i. Impurities
ii. Pressure change Factors Affecting Boiling Point
The boiling point is affected by the
Nb: presence of:
i. The disrupt the freezing point by i. Impurities
impurities is called freezing point ii. Pressure change
ii. Regelation is the phenomenon of Nb:
melting under pressure and re-freezing i. impurities raise the boiling point of a
when the pressure is reduced. liquid
iii. The melting point of ice falls by ii. pressure raise the boiling point of a
0.0072°C for every additional 100000 Pa liquid
(1 x 105 Pa) of pressure applied. For iii. the boiling point of water is 100°C at
pressure of 1 x 105 Pa of pressure and

101°C at pressure of 1.05 x 105 Pa of Defn: latent heat of fusion is the heat
pressure absorbed when matter changes from solid
iv. as altitude increased also pressure to liquid without change in temperature.
decrease hence boiling point lowers
Boiling Point Of Water at Different Altitudes i. if matter melt it means latent heat of
Altitude(m) Pressure Boiling point fusion increase
(mmHg) (°C) ii. if the liquid change to solid means the
300 732 99.0 latent heat of fusion gives up or
600 706 98.0 decreased
900 681 97.0
1200 656 96.0 Specific Latent Heat of Fusion
1500 632 95.0 Defn: specific latent heat of fusion of a
1800 609 93.9 substance is the quantity of heat energy
2100 586 92.9 required to change completely a unit
2400 565 91.9 mass (1kg) of the solid to liquid at its
2700 543 90.8 melting point. Its SI Unit is J/kg
3000 523 89.8 Mathematically:
Lf = H/m
H = m x Lf
Evaporation is the change of state from
Melting/Freezing Point Of Substance at STP
liquid to gas (vapour)
latent heat
NB: substance of fusion
point (°C)
i. it takes place at any temperature
Aluminum 659 396000
ii. evaporation is more rapidly when there
is windy, sunny and less humidity Copper 1086 134000
iii. evaporation is differ from boiling Iron 1535 293000
iv. if evaporation occurs the liquid loss Water 0 335000
heat (latent heat) and final cool if there Mercury -39 11000
is no continuous of heat, this Ethyl alcohol -117 105000
phenomenon is called cooling effect
Latent Heat of Vaporisation
Different Between Boiling and Evaporation Defn: latent heat of vaporisation is the
Boiling Evaporation heat absorbed when matter changes from
Occurs at a definite Occurs at any liquid to gas (vapour) at normal boiling
temperature which is temperature point.
boiling point
Occurs within a liquid Occurs at the Nb:
with formation of surface of the iii. if matter form vapour means latent
bubbles liquid heat of vaporisation increase
Has no cooling effect Has cooling effect iv.if the vapour change to liquid means
Takes place rapidly Takes place slowly the latent heat of vaporisation gives up
or decreased
Latent Heat
Defn: latent heat is the heat Specific Latent Heat of Vaporisation
absorbed/gives out when matter changes Defn: specific latent heat of vaporisation
his state of matter without change in of a substance is the quantity of heat
temperature. energy required to change completely a
unit mass (1kg) of the liquid to gas at its
Latent Heat of Fusion boiling point. Its SI Unit is J/kg
Lv = H/m
H = m x Lv engines to convert thermal energy to
mechanical energy
How much heat would be required to Cooling Effect of Evaporation
change 1.5kg of ice at -10°C to stream at When liquid evaporate latent heat of is
120°C.? The specific heat capacities of absorbed from the liquids if no heat is
ice, water and stream are 2144J/kg°C, supplied from outside this result cooling.
4186 J/kg°C and 2010 J/kg°C respectively
Data given i. Cooling Of Human Body
Mass of ice/water/stream, m = 1.5kg When it is too hot, sweat glands release
Ice Temperature change, Δθi = (0 - -10)°C water which then evaporates from the
= 10°C skin taking away latent heat of
Water Temperature change, Δθw = (0- vaporisation. This cause body to cool
100)°C = 100°C
Stream Temperature change, Δθs = (120- ii. The Refrigerator
100)°C = 20°C Cooling of refrigerator is due to
Specific capacity of ice, Ci = 2144 J/kg°C evaporation of Freon
Specific capacity of water, Cw = 4186 (chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) which
J/kg°C contribute to global warming) inside a
Specific capacity of stream, Cs = 2010 copper coil surrounding the freezing
J/kg°C unit. It uses polystyrene as thermal
Specific Latent heat of fusion, Lf = 335000 insulator.
J/kg Diagram:
Specific Latent heat of vaporisation, Lv =
Heat require to raise the ice temperature,
Hi = ?
Heat require to melt ice, Hm = ?
Heat require to raise the water
temperature, Hw = ?
Heat require to convert water to stream,
He = ?
Heat require to raise the stream
temperature, Hs = ?
Heat required to change ice to stream, Ht
But: Ht = Hi + Hm + Hw + He + Hs
Hi = mci∆θi = 1.5 x 2144 x 10 = 3216J
Hm = m x Lf= 1.5 x 335000 = 502500J
Hw = mcw∆θw = 1.5 x 4186 x 100 = 627900J
He = m x Lv = 1.5 x 227000 = 3,405,000J
Hs = mcs∆θs = 1.5 x 2010 x 20 = 60300J Mechanism of Refrigerator
From: Ht = Hi + Hm + Hw + He + Hs {a} Compression pump compress Freon
Ht = 3,2160J + 502, 500J + 627, 900J + vapour to liquid and pump to cooling
3,405,000J + 60,300J fin which gives up latent heat of
Ht = 4, 627, 860J vaporisation which changes Freon
vapour to liquid at condenser of high
Nb: pressure due to height.
Stream has much more thermal energy {b} capillary tube rise Freon liquid to widens
than liquid thus why steam is used in freezing coil, at freezing coil the
compression pump suck the Freon
liquid which reduce the pressure in the Concentration of vapour liquid (the same
compartment and the Freon liquid or different molecules) is inversely
evaporate. proportional to the evaporation. Because
{c} When Freon evaporate it draws the the surrounding air has little space for the
latent heat of vaporisation required escaping gaseous molecules comes from
from the surrounding (the evaporation
compartment) causing the
temperature to go down. Wind
{d} The Freon vapour is then pumped back Wind is directly proportional to the
to the condenser outside the evaporation increase in Wind increases
refrigerator the rate of evaporation. Wind lowers the
{e} This process repeater and cause the Concentration of vapour liquid
temperature in the refrigerator become
quite low. Vapour Pressure (VP)
Defn: vapour pressure is the pressure
Evaporation of Liquids Created by the vapour of a substance.
Defn: Evaporation is gradual change of Evaporation continues until dynamic
state from liquid to gas that occurs at the equilibrium reached.
surface of a liquid.
Nb: i. Dynamic equilibrium is the point in
i. Liquid evaporate when molecules at which molecules leaves and re-enter
water surface absorb greater thermal liquid in equal rate
energy than molecules forces at water ii. During dynamic equilibrium the vapour
surface is said to be saturated.
ii. For liquid with strong intermolecular
force (bonds) takes long time to Types of Vapour Pressure (VP)
evaporate It into three categories include
iii. Since evaporation cause cooling effect i. Saturated vapour pressure
the left liquid is evaporated so the ii. Unsaturated vapour pressure
kinetic energy decreases by iii. Ambient pressure
evaporated one.
iv. Liquid evaporate quickly is called Saturated Vapour Pressure (SVP)
volatile liquid Example, spirit Defn: saturated vapour pressure is the
pressure created by the vapour of the
Factors Affecting Evaporation same a substance when dynamic
There are four main one include; reached substance
i. Temperature
ii. Surface area Unsaturated Vapour Pressure (USVP)
iii. Concentration of vapour liquid Defn: unsaturated vapour pressure is the
iv.Rate of air flow (wind) pressure created by the vapour of the
same substance when dynamic not
Temperature reached
Temperature is directly proportional to the
evaporation increase in temperature Ambient Pressure (AP)
increases the rate of evaporation Defn: Ambient pressure is the pressure
created by the vapour of a substance and
Surface Area other gas pressure
Surface area is directly proportional to the
evaporation increase in Surface area Nb:
increases the rate of evaporation i. A substance of high vapour at room
temperature is called volatile
Concentration of Vapour Liquid
ii. At SVP the rate of evaporation and iii. below DP clouds, dew or frost formed
condensation is equal iv.frost is the dew takes the form of ice
iii. Each liquid has its SVP below freezing point
iv. Liquid boil when SVP and AP are equal
v. Increase in Temperature the rate Factors Influence the Formation of Dew
evaporation increases Dew is influenced by
i. Temperature
Measurement of SVP ii. Wind
Since saturated vapour pressure is pressure iii. Water vapour
it measured by mercury barometer. It
given by Temperature
SVP = (760 - x) mmHg The temperature but be below dew point
SVP = saturated vapour pressure Wind
760 mmHg = atmospheric pressure (atm) As wind increase the rate of evaporation,
X mmHg = vapour pressure thus it prevents the formation of water
Defn: humidity is the water vapour Water Vapour
presence in the atmosphere The atmospheric air must be saturated
with water vapour
Sources of Humidity
i. Evaporation from rivers, lakes and Relative Humidity (RH)
oceans By den: Relative humidity is the ratio of the
ii. Transpiration (evaporation of plant saturated vapour pressure at the dew
leaves) point to the saturated vapour pressure at
the current air temperature
Nb: Mathematically:
𝑺𝑽𝑷 𝒂𝒕 𝒅𝒆𝒘 𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒕
i. Water vapor from atmosphere forming RH =
𝑺𝑽𝑷 𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒊𝒓 𝒕𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆
clouds, dew and frost
ii. frost is deposit of small white ice crystals
By den: Relative humidity is the ratio of the
formed on the ground or other surfaces
Actual vapour density to the saturated
when the temperature falls below
vapour density
iii. Earth’s surface may or not saturated 𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒍 𝒗𝒂𝒑𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒚
iv.Saturation depend temperature and RH = x 100%
𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒗𝒂𝒑𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒚
water availability
v. The density of water vapour in Actual vapour density and Saturated
saturated air is called absolute humidity vapour density has equal volume,
(AH) therefore relative humidity can also
defined as
DEW By den: Relative humidity is the ratio of the
Dew is water in the form of droplets that mass of water vapour in a given volume of
appear on exposed objects in the morning air to the mass of water vapour required to
or evening. saturate the same volume of air at that
Dew Point (DP) Mathematically:
Dew point is the temperature at which the RH = 𝑴𝟏 x 100%
air becomes saturated with water vapour
Nb: M1 = mass of water vapour in a given
i. DP is measured by Renault hygrometer volume of air
ii. DP occurs when RH of air is 100%
M2 = mass of water vapour required to
saturate the same volume of air at that

Measurement of Relative Humidity

It measured by dry and wet bulb
hygrometer and Renault hygrometer

Dry and Wet Bulb Hygrometer

It consist dry bulb thermometer which used
to measure the temperature of the
surrounding air while wet bulb which is
wrapped with piece of cloth around the
bulb which immersed in a reservoir of
water which cool the wet thermometer

The wet bulb thermometer reads a lower

temperature than the dry bulb
thermometer. After that the different
between two thermometer is help us to
got exactly relative humidity by using
psychometric table

{i} If RH 100% means no evaporation or
{ii} If RH 100% means wet and dry
thermometer read the same
{iii} If RH 0% means evaporation rate is high
than condensation rate
{iv} A small different indicate a high RH and
vice versa
{v} If RH (0-10)% means the clouds is clear
{vi} If RH (10-50)% means the clouds is
partial clouds
{vii} If RH (50-90)% means the clouds is
partial sunny
{viii}If RH (90-100)% means the clouds is

Psychometric Table
Psychometric table is the table used to read relative density at particular temperature
Dry-Bulb Relative Humidity (%)
Thermometer Difference Between Dry Bulb Thermometer And Wet Dry Thermometer
(0C) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
0 81 63 45 28 11
2 83 67 51 36 20 6
4 85 70 56 42 27 14
6 86 72 59 46 35 22 10 0
8 87 74 62 51 39 28 17 6
10 88 76 65 54 43 33 24 13 4
12 88 78 67 57 48 38 28 19 10 2
14 89 79 69 60 50 41 33 25 16 8 1
16 90 80 71 62 54 45 37 29 21 14 7 1
18 91 81 72 64 56 48 40 33 26 19 12 6 0
20 91 82 74 66 58 51 44 36 30 23 17 11 5 0
22 92 83 75 68 60 53 46 40 33 27 21 15 10 4 0
24 92 84 76 69 62 55 49 42 36 30 25 20 14 9 4 0
26 92 85 77 70 64 57 51 45 39 34 28 23 18 13 9 5
28 93 86 78 71 65 59 53 47 42 36 31 26 21 17 12 8 2
30 93 86 79 72 66 61 55 49 44 39 34 29 25 20 16 12 8 4
32 93 86 80 73 68 62 56 51 46 41 36 32 27 22 19 14 11 8 4
34 93 86 81 74 69 63 58 52 48 43 38 34 30 26 22 18 14 10 8 5
36 94 87 81 75 69 64 59 54 50 44 40 36 32 28 24 21 17 13 10 7 4
38 94 87 82 76 70 66 60 55 51 46 42 38 34 30 26 23 20 16 13 10 7 5
40 94 89 82 76 71 67 61 57 52 48 44 40 36 33 29 25 22 19 16 13 10 7

Renault Hygrometer From psychometric table the relative
It consists of an enclosed thin silver tube density is 68%
containing ether and a thermometer.
There is also a tube through which air can Example,
be pumped into the ether. The dry bulb temperature reading of a
Diagram: hygrometer is 400C and the wet bulb
temperature reading is 300C. What is the
Data given
Dry bulb thermometer, θ1 = 400C
Wet bulb thermometer, θ2 = 300C
Change in thermometer, Δθ = (40 - 30)0C=
From psychometric table the relative
density is 48%

The relative density of a place was
measured at 250C and found to be 53.6%.
if the absolute humidity is 23.05g/m3,
determine the actual water vapour
Mechanism of Renault Hygrometer
density at this experiment
The heat transfer from atmosphere to
Data given:
ether by convection in a tube, Ether
Current temperature, = 250C
evaporates result cooling of the silver tube
Absolute humidity, AH = 23.05g/m3
surface. Cooling continues until air
Relative humidity, RH = 53.6%
adjacent to the outside surface of the
tube becomes saturated with water Actual vapour pressure, AP =?
vapour. Some water vapour condense 𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑣𝑎𝑝𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦
outside the tube to form dew From: RH = 𝑆𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑣𝑎𝑝𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 x 100%
RH = 𝐴𝑃 x 100% - make AP subject
Applications of Humidity
AP = (RH x AH)/100
i. It used by meteorological departments
AP = (53.6 x 23.05)/100
to forecast the weather
AP = 1235.48/100
ii. It used to determine the appropriate
AP = 12.35 g/m3
site to locate cotton
iii. Electrical and electronic components
are usually transported and stored in a
dry air
iv. RH at operation room in hospital is 50%
v. It used in storage and transport of food

The dry bulb temperature reading of a
hygrometer is 220C and the wet bulb
temperature reading is 180C. What is the
Data given
Dry bulb thermometer, θ1 = 220C
Wet bulb thermometer, θ2 = 180C
Change in thermometer, Δθ = (22 - 18)0C=
Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 183
Current Electricity Ohm’s Law
Defn: electric current is the rate of flow of It’s States that;
charge. It Measured by Ammeter “At constant temperature and other
Mathematically: physical factors, a current in conductor is
I = Q/t directly proportional to the potential
Where: different across its end”
I = electric current Mathematically:
Q = quantity of charge VαI
t = time taken by charge to rotate circuit V=KI
Make subject Q Where:
I = Q/t – multiply by t both sides K= constant = R = resistance
Q = It
From: I =Q/t
I = Coulombs/Second = c/s = ampere = A
The common SI unit of I is ampere (A)

Electric Potential Different (P.d)

Defn: electric potential different is the
work done per unit charge in moving
electric charge from one to another point
P.d = work done/charge moved
V = w/Q
From the graph above
From: V =w/Q Slope = ΔV/ΔI = m
I = Joules/ Coulombs = J/c = Volt = 1 Slope = Resistance
The common SI unit of P.d is Volt (v)
Factor Affect Resistance
Electromotive Force (e.m.f) Consider the diagram:
Defn: electromotive force of a cell is a
potential different across the cell terminals
when there is no current flowing through
it. It also called voltage. It measured

NB: 5. Length of the conductor

{a} e.m.f is not a force The longer the wire the higher the
{b} e.m.f is a process of convert resistance and vice versa
mechanical energy to electrical
energy 6. Temperature
{c} cell provide e.m.f which set up The higher the temperature, the higher
potential different the resistance and vice versa
{d} e.m.f driving electric current in a circuit
{e} e.m.f of simple cell is 1.0V and e.m.f of NB:
dry cell is 1.5V c. Constant wire. (Copper alloy),
{f} terminal voltage is the voltage across Changes to a very small extended thus
the cell when electric current drawn why used in a standard resistance.
{g} Resistance across a cell is called d. Connecting wire used in a circuit has a
internal resistance. dry cell has internal very low resistance to prevent energy
resistance about 0.5 Ω wasted in form of heat to maximum.

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 184
7. Types of material Resistance, R = ?
Nichrome wire has more resistance Solution
than a copper wire of a same From: R = þL/A
dimension. R = þL/A
R = (1.68 x 10-8 x 20)/5.024 x 10-7
Nb: R = 3.36 x 10-7/5.024 x 10-7
i. Nichrome wire is used in heating R = 0.67Ω
element of electric fires
ii. Copper wire is mostly used for Example,
connecting wires A steel bar has a length of 2.3m and
diameter of 2 x 10-5 m. what is resistance?
8. Cross-section area (Resistivity is 10.5 x 10-8 ΩM)
A thin wire has more resistance than a Data given:
thick conductor. Length, l = 2.3m
R α 1/A Diameter, d = 2 x 10-5 m
Radius, r = 1 x 10-5 m
Combine the relation R α 1/A and R α L Area, A = πr2 = π x (1 x 10-5 )2 = 3.14 x 10-
Then: 10m2

R α L/A – remove proportionality constant Resistivity, þ = 10.5 x 10-8 ΩM

R = KL/A Resistance, R = ?
Where: Solution
k = resistivity which denoted by letter þ From: R = þL/A
R = þL/A – make þ subject R = þL/A
Þ = RA/L R = (10.5 x 10-8 x 2.3)/3.14 x 10-10
Defn: resistivity is the ability of a material to R = 2.415 x 10-7/3.14 x 10-10
oppose the flow of an electric current. It SI R = 768.72 Ω
unity is Ohm metre (Ωm).
Resistivity of Material at 200C Defn: Resistor is a device which offers
MATERIAL RESISTIVITY (ΩM) resistance to the flow of an electric
Aluminium 27 x 10-8 current. It used to control the magnitude
Chromium 1.3 x 10-7 of current and voltage according to ohms
Copper 1.68 x 10-8 law
Iron 9.71 x 10-8
Lead 2.1 x 10-7 Types of Resistor
Silver 1.6 x 10-8 It divided according to the material used
Constantan 4.9 x 10-7 to made it and the value of resistance
Manganin 4.8 x 10-7 offered
Nichrome 1.0 x 10-6
Glass 1 x 109 - 1 x 1013 Types of Resistor Due To Material Used
Rubber 1 x 1013 - 1 x 1015 There different resistor which made from
Quartz 7.5 x 1017 different material, include the following
i. Wire wound resistor
ii. Carbon resistor
iii. Metal film resistor
What is resistance of a copper wire of
iv.Metal oxide film resistor
length 20m and diameter of 0.080 cm?
Data given:
Wire Wound Resistor
Length, l = 20m
It made up winding wires made of certain
Diameter, d = 0.080m = 0.0008m
metallic alloys into spools (used to control
Radius, r = 0.0004m
amount of resistance)
Area, A = πr2 = π x 0.00042 = 5.024 x 10-7m2
Resistivity, þ = 1.68 x 10-8 ΩM
Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 185
called band. The band represent the
exactly value of resistance. It contain
fourth band with different meaning.

Table of Colour Codes

Colour Colour tolerance
Carbon Resistor 0 Black
It made by mixing carbon granules with 1 Brown ±1%
varying amount of clay and moulding 2 Red ±2%
them into cylinders 3 Orange
Diagram: 4 Yellow
5 Green
6 Blue
7 Purple
8 Grey
9 White
Metal Film Resistor Gold ±5%
It made up of a stable ceramic core Silver ±10%
coated with metal oxide such as nickel No colour ±20%
chromium. It more accuracy and more
expensive than carbon resistor Diagram:

i. First band – first digit

Metal Oxide Film Resistor ii. Second band – second digit
It made up of a stable ceramic core iii. Third band (multiplier) – number of zero
coated with metal alloys such as tin oxide iv.Fourth band (tolerance) – percentage
Types of Resistor Due To Value Offered
Resistor created from different value may The value is given by
be fixed or variable resistance value R = 4th band of 1st digit 2nd digit multiplier
i. Fixed resistor
ii. Variable resistor Example,
From a the diagram of resistor above find
Fixed Resistor the exactly resistance
It has a resistor value which cannot i. First band (yellow) – 4
change. For Example, 2Ω, 3Ω, 4Ω etc. ii. Second band (purple) – 7
Example, most carbon resistor are fixed iii. Multiplier (red) – 2 = 00 number of zero
resistor iv.Tolerance (gold) – ±5%
Therefore: R = ±5% of 4700Ω
Variable Resistor The actual value resistance is ±5% of
It has a resistor value which can change. 4700Ω
Example, potentiometers, thermistors and
photo resistors and rheostat Combination of Resistors
There are two main methods of
Resistor Colour Codes connecting circuits component include:
Resistor which used electronic device iii. Series connection
always painted different colour texture iv. Parallel connection
Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 186
Series Connection i. In series the total resistance is higher
In this series arrangement the resistors are than individual resistors
connected end to end. ii. In parallel the total resistance is lower
than individual resistors
iii. Parallel arrangement result low
iv. Parallel connection uses in house

From: Consider the diagram below
P.d across Sum of P.d around a
the battery conducting path
Therefore: V = V1 + V2 ------------ (1)
But: I = same at all points round circuit
From: V = IR
Now: V = IRt --------------(2)
V1 = IR1 -------------- (3) {a} What is the total resistance of the
V2 = IR2 -------------- (4) circuit?
Substitute: equation (2),(3) and (4) into (1) {b} What current flows in the circuit?
Then: Rt = R1+ R2 {c} What is the potential drop across each
Therefore: resistor?
Total resistance (Rt) for resistor in series is {d} What is the electric potential at point
equal to the sum of individual resistance. A?
Rt = R1+R2 +… ...... + Rn Data given
Where: Rn = the last resistor Electromotive force, E = 9V
First resistor, R1 =4 Ω
Parallel Connection Second resistor, R2 =6 Ω
Resistors are connected across two Third resistor, R3 =5 Ω
common points in a parallel arrangement. Total resistance, Rt = ?
Electric current, I = ?
Potential drop across R1, V1 = ?
Potential drop across R2, V2 = ?
Potential drop across R3, V3 = ?
Electric potential at point A, Va = ?
{a} Total resistance, Rt = ?
Therefore: It = I1+I2 -------------- (1)
Since arrangement is series
But: V = same at all points round circuit
Rt = R1 + R2 + R3
From: I = V/R
Rt = 4 + 6 + 5
Now: It= V/Rt -------------- (2)
Rt = 15 Ω
I1= V/R1 -------------- (3)
I2= V/R2 -------------- (4)
{b} Electric current, I = ?
Substitute: equation (2), (3) and (4) into (1)
From: I = E/Rt
Then: 1/Rt = 1/R1 + 1/R2
I = 9/15
I = 0.6A
Total resistance (RT) for resistor in series is
equal to the sum of individual resistance.
{c} Potential drop across R1, V1 = ?
1/RT = 1/R1 + 1/R2+…. + 1/Rn
From: V1 = IR1
Where: Rn = the last resistor
V1 = 0.6 x 4
V1 = 2. 4V
Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 187
Potential drop across R2, V2 = ? I1 = 9/4
From: V2 = IR2 I1 = 2. 25V
V2 = 0.6 x 6
V2 = 3. 6V Electric current across R2, I2 = ?
From: I2 = V/R2
Potential drop across R3, V3 = ? I2 = 9/6
From: V3 = IR3 I2 = 1. 5V
V3 = 0.6 x 5
V3 = 3.0V Electric current across R3, I3 = ?
From: I3 = V/R3
{d} Electric potential at point A, Va = ? I3 = 9/5
Va = Vt – V1 I3 = 1.8V
Va = 9 – 2.4
Va = 6.6V {d} Total Electric current, It = ?
It = I1 + I1 + I3
Example, It = 2.25 + 1.5 + 1.8
Consider the diagram below It = 5.59 A

Determine the current reading on the
ammeter in the circuit shown in the
{a} What is the total resistance of the diagram below
{b} What total current flows in the circuit?
{c} What is current across each resistor?
{d} Withal total current through the circuit?
Data given
Electromotive force, E = 9V
First resistor, R1 =4 Ω
Second resistor, R2 =6 Ω
Third resistor, R3 =5 Ω
Total resistance, Rt = ? Internal Resistance of a Cell
Total Electric current, It = ? Cell has internal resistance that opposes
Electric current across R1, I1 = ? flow of electric current result potential
Electric current across R2, I2 = ? drop across this resistance.
Electric current across R3, I3 = ? Diagram:
{a} Total resistance, Rt = ?
Since arrangement is series
1/Rt = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3
1/Rt = 1/4 + 1/6 + 1/5
1/Rt = 0.25 + 0.17 + 0.2
1/Rt = 0.62 Where:
Rt = 1.61 Ω E = Vt = e.m.f
K = switch
{b} Total Electric current, It = ? R = external resistance
From: It = E/Rt r = internal resistance
It = 9/1.61 From: ohm’s law when close the switch, k
It = 5.59 A
V = IR
But: R and r are in parallel, the effective
{c} Electric current across R1, I1 = ? resistance is R + r
From: I1 =V/R1 Then: E = I(R+r)
Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 188
E = IR+Ir Where:
Vt = V + V 1 The thick-edged areas are busbars of
Where: almost zero resistance
Ir = V1= voltage drop of the cell
IR = V = voltage across resistor How to Use Meter Bridge
i. Connect known resistor A, B, C and
Graphically: unknown resistor D.
Assume E is constant, therefore r will be ii. Move voltage (p.d) gauge until no
constant and R is variable. deflection (no p.d across xy)
From: E = I(R+r) – make I-1 subject iii. Measure the length a, b, c and d
I-1 = R/E + r/E iv.If no p.d across xy means
AB = CD = ab = cd
Graph of I-1 against R The expression can be used to determine
the value of unknown resistor

Heating Effect of an Electric Current

We already study about relation between
temperature and resistance. The
resistance result heat energy.

Factors Affect Heat Quantity

It depends on the following factors
i. Resistance of conductor
ii. Magnitude of electric current
Slope = ΔI-1/ΔR= E-1
iii. Time taken the current pass
Slope = electromotive force (e.m.f)
I-1(when, R/E = 0) intercept = r/E
Resistance of Conductor
R (when, I-1 = 0) intercept = r
The higher the heat, the higher the
resistance and vice versa
Wheatstone bridge
Defn: Wheatstone bridge is an electric
Magnitude of Electric Current
bridge circuit used to measure the
The higher the heat, the higher the
unknown resistance of a conduct. Also is
electric current and vice versa
called Meter Bridge
First diagram:
Time Taken the Current Pass
The time taken the heat, the higher the
temperature and vice versa

Joule’s Law
It tells us the relation between resistance,
current and heat generated. State that
“The rate at which heat is produced in a
resistor is proportional to the square of the
Second diagram: current flowing through it, if the resistance
is constant.”
H/t ∝ RI2
H ∝ tRI2 - remove proportionality constant
H =ktRI2 – constant, K = 1
H =tRI2

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 189
But: R = v/I – substitute in the formula Δθ = H/(mc)
above Δθ = 960000/(2 x 4200) = 960000/8400
H =(tvI2)/I =tVI Δθ = 82.14K
H = tIV
Electrical Appliance
But: I = v/R – substitute in the formula Defn: Electrical appliance is the device
above uses heating element to produce heat
H = tV(v/R) = t(V2/R) energy. Nichrome wire is among of
H = t(V2/R) heating elements due to its high melting
Therefore: H = t(V2/R) = tIV= tRI2 point. The common Electrical appliance
Electrical Power i. Heaters
Defn: electrical power is the rate of ii. Electric iron
potential different or electrical power is iii. Bulbs, kettles
the rate at which electrical energy is iv.Cookers
dissipated v. fridges
P = p.d/time = w/t vi.Televisions
P = QV/t = ItV/t = IV vii. Air condition
P = IV
Rating Of the Electrical Appliance
Example, Defn: rating of the appliance is the rate at
An electric kettle draws a current of 10A which the appliances dissipate energy.
when connected to the 230V mains Each electrical appliance has rating
supply. If all the energy produced in 5 which enables us to know energy
minutes is used to heat 2kg of water. dissipated
Calculate For Example, an appliance marked
i. the power of the kettle 3000W, 240V dissipates energy at the rate
ii. the energy produced in 5 minutes of 3000Joules per second when
iii. the rise in temperature connected to 240V
(Specific heat capacity of water = 4200
Jkg-1K-1) Power Ratings of Electrical Appliance
Data given: electrical power ratings at
Electric current, I = 10A appliance 240V
Electromotive force, V = 230V Immersion heater 2000W (2KW)
Mass of water, m = 2kg Electric heater 2000W (2KW)
Tame taken foe current, t = 5min = 300sec Electric iron 1000W (1KW)
Specific heat capacity of water, c = 4200 Electric cattle 2500W (2.5KW)
Jkg-1K-1 Hair dryer 400W
Solution Colour TV 300W
i. Power of the kettle, p ? Refrigerator 120W
P = Energy/time = H/t = ItV/t = IV Light bulb 25W - 150W
P = IV= 10 x 230 = 2300W = 2.3 kW
P = 2300W = 2.3 kW Nb:
i. When voltage lowed results decrease
ii. Energy produced, H = ? in rating. For Example, when mains
H = power x time = pt = 2300 x 300 supply fall to 230V instead of 204V the
H = 2300 x 3000 = 690000J = 690 kJ rating will decrease to 1836.8W instead
H = 690000J = 690 kJ of 2000W.
ii. If voltage increased result increase in
iii. Rise in temperature, Δθ = ? rating which damage the appliance
Heat = energy gained by water due to over heating
H = mcΔθ – make Δθ subject
Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 190
Measurement of Electrical Power
Power companies like TANESCO usually Neutral Cable (N)
measure the electrical energy in kilowatt The Neutral cable is earthed at the power
hours (KWh) station. This to ensure current at neutral
1KWh = (1KW x 1hour)J = (1000W x 60 x cable remains zero potential so it cannot
60)J give an electric shock on touching. It
1KWh = 3600000J = 3600KJ represent by blue colour or black colour

Example, Earth Cable (E)

A television set rated 200W is switched on The earth cable introduces to provide
for 5Hours every day. How much energy extra safety especially in electrical
does it consumer in 30 days appliances. It represent by yellow colour
Data given or green colour
Power released, P = 200W
Time taken, t = 5Hrs = 3600x5x30 = 540000 s Three Pin Plug
Energy released, E = ? It consist of all three cables include Live
Solution cable, Neutral cable and Earth cable with
From: P = E/t – make E subject a fuse connected to live cable,
E = Pt sometimes fuse can connected to neutral
E = 540000 x 200 cable which is not safe
E = 108000000J = 1.08 x 108J= 1.08 x 105kJ Diagram:

A house has five rooms, each with a 60W,
240V bulb. If the bulbs are switched on
7:00p.m to 10:300p.m determined the
power consumer by bulbs per day.
Data given
Time taken, t = 3.5Hrs
Energy released by each bulb, E = 60W NB:
Energy released by 5 bulb, Eb = ? i. The earth pin usually longer than the
Power released, P = ? other two which used to open socket
Solution ii. Switch must be off when you push the
Energy released by 5 bulb, Et = 60 x 5 = plug into the socket
Power released, P = Eb x t = 300x3.5 Two Pin Plug
P = 300x3.5 = 1.05 It consist only two cables include live
P = 1.05kWh cable and Neutral cable an appliance
use two pin plug its body not connected
Electrical Installation of a House to earth
Domestic electricity is supplied by two Diagram:
cables, live (L), Neutral (N), the third cable
is Earth to provide extra safety
i. Live cable (L)
ii. Neutral cable (N)
iii. Earth cable (E)
Live Cable (L) i. All connection should be tight, with no
The live cable is 240V relative to the loose strands of wire
neutral. The current in the live cable ii. The live cable should be short others
alternates 60 times a second (60 Hz). It two cable, due the fact that well
represent by brown colour or red colour pulled out be the first
Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 191
iii. Cable should firmly clamped without
damage insulation
iv. Fuse for collect rating

Defn: fuse is a safety device used to
protect an electric circuit against excess
of current. It may be piece of copper or
tin lead wire (inside casing) which melts
when current through it exceeds a
specific predetermined value Mechanism of Circuit Breakers
When current exceed tend to increase
Types of Fuse the temperature and bimetallic strip bend
There are several types of fuses in use, to push latch mechanism, enable the
includes spring to cut off current
i. Rewireable fuse
ii. Cartridge fuses Diagram:

Rewireable Fuse
This kind of fuse, fuse element is carried in
a removal fuse link made of porcelain or
other insulating material

Domestic Wiring Circuit

The current from power plant connected
Cartridge Fuses to consumer unit where house wiring
It consists of a porcelain tube with metal starts.
end caps to which the fuse element is Defn: Consumer unit is the single box/unit
attached where main switch, main fuse and
Diagram: distribution board

Types of Domestic Wiring Circuit

There two types include
i. Ring main circuit
ii. Lighting circuit
Circuit Breakers
Defn: Circuit breaker is a type of switch Ring Main Circuit
that cuts off the flow of electric current This is a cable which begins and ends at
when the current exceeds a specific the consumer unit. It three cables are
value. forming ring around part of house. It
compose 30A fuse

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 192

Lighting Circuit
In this circuit the first lamp connected
from the customer unit, in turn is Repairing Electrical Appliances Faults
connected to the second lamp and so Multimeter and Live mains lead indicator
on. are device important when checking
electrical appliances faults.
Types of Lighting Circuit
There are two types Multimeter
i. Loop in lighting circuit Multimeter is the single meter for measure
ii. Junction box lighting circuit current (both a.c and d.c) voltage and
resistance. It has a range switch precise
Loop In Lighting Circuit readings can be taken. It divided into
All three cables from consumer unit run to moving coil Multimeter and digital
each ceiling roses, one after the other. Multimeter
From Each rose another set of cables runs
to the switch which operates the light

Live Mains Lead Indicator

Junction Box Lighting Circuit It made up of for, of a screwdriver with a
All three cables from consumer unit run to hollow insulting handle containing a tiny
one junction box to another, where one neon discharge tube. One electrode
cable runs to the light and another run to connected to metal probe of the
the switch for that light. screwdriver and another electrode
Diagram: connected to metal cap of the handle
through a high carbon resistor

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 193
Defn: cell is a set up used to cause a flow
of electric current in a conductor. Cells
store chemical energy so current caused
by reaction to release and accept
electrons. Also is called electrochemical

Types of Electrochemical Cell

i. Primary cell
ii. Secondary cell

Primary Cell
Primary cell is the kind of cell in which
current generated through electrolysis.
Mechanism Electrolytes replaced after some time. It
When metal probe inserted into live called voltaic cell. Example, of primary
socket and touch the metal cap with cell
finger, the current leaks to the earth i. A Simple cell
through the body and the neon tube ii. Leclanché cell
glows. iii. Dry cell

Repair Faults Procedure Simple Cell

If electrical appliance fails to work the Made from copper as anode, zinc as
following procedure should be done cathode and Dilute sulphuric acid
i. Check by using live mains lead electrolyte
indicator if there is power or not Diagram:
ii. Check the cable from the socket to
the appliance
iii. If no fault open the plug and check
the fuse, if no is detected
iv. Check each cable for continuity by
using a Multimeter
v. If cable are working good, check the
fault is in the element by using a
vi. If element is in fault, replace element
as repair may not be possible
vii. If element is no fault , look for loose
connection, these should beand
made Dissociation:
firm and/or cleaned of rust other 𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑𝑠
+ 2-
H2SO 4 (aq) → 2H (aq) + SO4 (aq)
dirt 𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑𝑠 +
HO → -
H (aq) + OH (aq)
2 (l)
Cation present: only H+
Source of Faults
Anion present: OH- (aq) and SO42- (aq)
Faults in domestic system can arise due to
At anode:
i. When fuse blows or melt
Zinc metal dissolved into solution to form
ii. Wire cutting
zinc Cation which reacts with sulphate
iii. Wire joining
anion to form zinc sulphate until sulphate
iv.Socket getting dirty
anion fished from electrolyte
v. Switches breaking 𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑𝑠
Zn+ + SO 42- → ZnSO4
At cathode:
Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 194
Hydrogen cation discharge to liberate Nb:
hydrogen gas (bubbles) i. Polarization is reduced by manganese
2H+ + 2e → H2 dioxide (slow depolarizer) but when
large current is drawn Polarization
Defects of a Simple Cell takes place
Current drop is the main reason why ii. leclanché cell exist today as dry cell
simple cell is no longer used as a source of
electric current due to the following Dry Cell
reason Dry cell use paste instead of electrolytes.
i. Formation of hydrogen bubbles on Made from carbon as anode, zinc as
zinc plate cathode and paste (ammonium chloride
ii. Polarization (NH4CL), manganese dioxide (MnO2) and
zinc chloride)
Formation of Hydrogen Bubbles Diagram:
Formation of hydrogen bubbles on zinc
plate due to impurities from zinc reacts
with acid. It referred as local action.

HOW to Minimize Local Action

Local action is reduced by using pure zinc
or by rubbing mercury on zinc plate to
form an amalgam

In the copper plate the hydrogen bubble
to forms another cell with the zinc which NB:
oppose the zinc-copper cell. Also
i. Ammonium chloride (NH4CL) and zinc
hydrogen bubbles insulate copper plate chloride act as electrolyte
ii. manganese dioxide depolarizer mixed
How to Minimize Polarization
with zinc anode
Polarization minimized by adding a
depolarizer. Example, potassium
Uses of Dry Cell
dichromate which oxidizes the hydrogen
It used to operating radios, electronic
to water
calculators and other small electrical
Leclanché Cell
Made from carbon as anode, zinc as
Secondary Cell
cathode, ammonium chloride (NH4CL)
Secondary cell is the cell which can be
solution and depolarizer manganese
recharged. It means the chemical
dioxide (MnO2)
reaction inside the cell is reversible. For
Example, lead acid cell and nickel
ferrous cell. Also called accumulators

Lead Acid Battery

It consist more than one lead ferrous cell,
made up of lead peroxide as anode,
porous lead metal as cathode and
sulphuric acid as electrolytes. An
electrode is separated by insulator called
separator. Cathode joining together to

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 195
form negative terminal while anode i. Cell should be charged regularly and
joining together to form positive terminal should never left discharges
Diagram: ii. The acid level is should be maintained
by adding distilled water when
iii. Terminal should be clean and greased
iv.Rough handling should be avoided
v. The cells should be not be short
circuited, Example, if you connect two
vi.The rate specified by manufacture
should not exceeded during charging

Uses of Accumulators
i. Used to provide power in motor
Discharge of Lead Acid Battery ii. Used to provide power to power
Defn: discharge is the process of cells to domestic appliances such as radio
provide electrical energy. Energy is iii. Used to store solar power
produced by reaction between
electrolyte and active material of the Cell Arrangement of Cells
electrode. This low concentration of the i. Series arrangement
electrolyte (sulphuric acid), during ii. Parallel arrangement
discharge lead peroxide become lead
sulphate and porous lead become lead Series Arrangement of Cells
sulphate In this series arrangement the positive
terminal of one cell connected negative
Charging Of Lead Acid Battery terminal of another cell
The aim of charging is to drive all the acid Diagram:
out of the plate and return it to the
electrolyte. When charging positive dc
terminal connected to negative terminal
of lead acid accumulator and negative
dc terminal connected to positive
terminal of lead acid accumulator, during
charging lead sulphate of anode
become lead peroxide and lead sulphate
i. Electric current same at each cell
of cathode become porous lead
ii. Total voltage across cells is equal to
the sum voltage of the individual cells,
thus why torch light uses this
i. When battery full charged battery are
said to be sulphated
ii. Main advantage of lad acid cell is its
Parallel Arrangement of Cells
ability to recharge
In this series arrangement, all positive
iii. Its major disadvantage are its size and
terminals of cells connected together and
negative terminal of cells connected
iv. Never allow lead acid cell fully
Taking Care of Accumulators
The following are some care tips on how
to care for lead acid batteries
Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 196

i. voltage same at each cell
ii. Total Electric current across cells is
equal to the sum Electric current of the
individual cells, thus why lead acid
accumulator uses this arrangement

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Wave vii. Defn: Wave velocity: Wave velocity is
Defn: Wave is a progressive disturbance the speed at which the wave moves
propagated from a point in a medium through a medium
(matter) on space without the movement Or
of the points themselves. For Example, Defn: Wave velocity is the
light, sound and water waves displacement of the wave per unit
time. It represented by letter v
Terms Used Mathematically
i. Period: period is the time taken for V=𝜆=λx1
complete a cycle. It represented by But: ƒ = 1
letter T. it SI unit is second (s) 𝑇
ii. Amplitude: Amplitude is the maximum V = λ x ƒ = λƒ
displacement of the wave from the V = λƒ
equilibrium position. It represented by
letter A. it SI unit is metre (m) Example,
iii. Crest: Crest is the point of maximum From the diagram below, determine the
positive displacement of the wave amplitude, period and frequency of the
from the equilibrium position wave
iv. Trough: Trough is the point of
maximum negative displacement of
the wave from the equilibrium position

From the graph
Amplitude, A = 0.5m
v. Wavelength: Wavelength is the Period, T = 0.2
distance between two successive or Frequency, f = 1/T = 1/0.2 = 5Hz
adjacent crests or troughs. It
represented by letter Lambda (λ) Example,
Diagram: From the diagram below, determine the
wavelength and velocity of the wave,
frequency of the wave is 5Hz

vi. Frequency: Frequency is the number of

crest or trough that passes a given Solution
point per unit time. It represented by From the graph
letter ƒ. Its SI unit is 1hertz (Hz) = 1per Wavelength, λ = 2m
second (s-1) Velocity, v = ?
Mathematically: But: Frequency, f = 5Hz
ƒ=𝟏 From: V = λƒ
Then: V = 2 x 5 = 10m/s
V = 10m/s

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 198
This vibration of medium cause boat on
Types of Waves the ocean moves up and down while the
There are two types include waves themselves move toward the shore
i. Electromagnetic wave
ii. Mechanical wave Longitudinal Wave
Defn: longitudinal wave is the mechanical
Electromagnetic Wave wave in which particles of the medium
Defn: electromagnetic wave is the kind of vibrate in a direction parallel to the
waves in which do not require a medium direction of movement of the wave. For
to transfer energy. Example, sound wave
Properties of Electromagnetic Wave
i. The disturbance made up of electric
and magnetic fields
ii. can travel through vacuum
iii. Example, visible light and sun rays etc

Mechanical Wave It consist compression where the particles

Defn: mechanical wave is the kind of packed closely together and rarefactions
waves in which require a medium to where the particles are spread out
transfer energy.
Behaviour/Properties of Waves
Properties of Mechanical Wave If waves travel from one to another point
i. mechanical travel through a medium it may the following characteristics
the particle that make up the medium i. Reflection of waves
are disturbed from their rest or ii. Refraction of waves
equilibrium position iii. Interference of waves
ii. can travel through medium iv.Diffraction of waves
iii. Example, sound wave etc
Reflection of Waves
Types of Mechanical Wave When wave encounter a boundary
There are two types include through which it cannot pass it will be
i. Transverse wave reflected. If boundary fixed the reflection
ii. Longitudinal wave inverted
Transverse Wave
Defn: transverse wave is the mechanical
wave in which particles of the medium
vibrate in a direction perpendicular to the
direction of movement of the wave. For
Example, water wave

If the wave travel from less denser

medium to denser medium the reflection
will inverted

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 199
change direction to focal point of
parabolic barrier and spread out water

Applications of Reflection of Waves

i. Reflection of light waves is used in the
designing of plane mirror
ii. Reflection of waves(sound waves)
used on measuring distance
iii. Sonar system rely on the reflection of
sound waves to assist ships in
navigating, communicating and
If the wave travel from denser medium to detect other vessels
less denser medium the reflection will not
inverted Ripple Tank Experiment
Diagram Ripple tank experiment consists of water
pool in shallow rectangular dish with a
clear glass base, wooden/metal bar for
generating water waves


Consider the figure below

Main Parts of Ripple Tank

The basic components of ripple tank
experiment are ripple tank, water, power
supply, stroboscope, electric motor,
wooden bar (vibrator), bulb and white
From above diagram, the laws of board or white sheet (screen)
reflection of waves states that i. metal bar (wooden bar)
1st. “the incident direction of propagation, ii. Shallow tank of water
the reflected direction of propagation and iii. Motor
the normal all lie in the same plane” iv. Oscillating paddle
v. Lamp
2nd.”The angle of incidence equals to the vi. Paper sheet
angle of reflection” vii. Various obstacles. E.g. Laying glass
NB: viii. stroboscope
i. Direction of waves is represented by
an arrow called a ray which drawn Metal bar
perpendicular to wave fronts in straight A metal bar (wooden bar) is screwed to
surface the electric motor and suspended above
ii. If water waves encounter an parabolic the ripple tank with rubber (elastic) bands
(concave/convex) Barrier the waves and touching the water surface

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 200
Shallow tank of water speed (v) and wave length (λ). It obey
Shallow tank of water is the source of Snell’s law
waves in which an oscillating paddle Diagram:
generates parallel water waves

The rotating armature (axle) of an electric
motor makes the wooden/metal bar to
vibrate on water surface and generating

Oscillating paddle
Oscillating paddle is the one in which
transform mechanical energy generated
by motor by off centre mass to wave NB:
energy in a Shallow tank of water (a) When wave is refracted into an less
median The frequency of wave
Lamp/ Bulb/ filament increases and vice versa
Bulb or filament which used to illuminate (b) When wave is refracted into an less
the water surface to see the water waves median The speed of wave increases
onto the white board or white sheet and vice versa
below the ripple tank (c) When wave is refracted into an less
median the wave length of wave
Paper sheet increases and vice versa
Paper sheet used to display shadow of (d) When wave is refracted into an less
the wave pattern placed under the tank median The wavelength of wave does
not change (unaltered) and vice versa
Various obstacles
Various obstacles is paced in the tray to Application of Refraction of Waves
observe properties of waves e.g. i. It is used in optical instruments which
reflection, refraction, interference and focus or spread light. For Example,
diffraction. Example, laying glass, microscopes and telescopes
rectangular barrier, curved barrier ii. It is used in dispersion of light waves
(concave and convex barrier) etc iii. It is used to determine the eye’s
refractive error
The stroboscope enables the observer to Interference of Waves
see the waves as stationary Interference of waves involves meets of
two or more waves. Interference also
Laying glass known as addition/superposition which
Laying glass used to vary the depth (tray result a new wave pattern
thickness) of the water. This allows
observing waves travelling from one to Principle of Superposition
another medium It states that
“The resultant displacement at any points
Power supply is equal to the sum of the displacements
Power supply for electric motor of different waves at the point”
Refraction of Waves i. When two different crests meet at the
Refraction of waves involves a change in same point in the same direction results
direction of waves as they travel from one greater amplitude than individual, this
to another medium due to a chance in refers as constructive interference

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 201

ii. When crest and trough meet at the S1= first wave source
same point in the opposite direction S2= second wave source
results smaller amplitude than Dark circle = crest meet crest
individual, this refers as destructive Blank circle = trough meet trough
interference Half–dark = crest meet trough
Diagram: A series (Lines) = antinodal
N series (Lines) = nodal

Application of Wave Interference

i. Creation of hologram. holograph is a
photograph of an interference pattern
which is able to produce a three
dimensional image when suitably
ii. Noise reduction system. For Example,
earphones capture environment sound
which destructed by second computer
iii. Consider the table below sound
Wave A Wave B resultant iii. Concert and auditoriums designed to
amplitude amplitude amplitude reduce destruction interference by
+1 +1 +2 introduce sound absorber
+2 -1 +1
-1 +1 0 Diffraction of Waves
+1 -2 -1 Defn: wave diffraction is the apparent
bend when encounter an obstacle and
-1 -1 -2
spread out of wave when they go
through a gape.
iv. When waves interfere, the lines of
increase disturbance (constructive
interference) is called antinodal lines
while When waves interfere, the lines of
zero disturbance (destructive
interference) is called nodal lines.

i. The gap is inversely proportional to
wave diffraction (spreading), small the

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 202
width of gape the large wave Musical Instruments
diffraction (spreading) Musical instrument is designed to produce
ii. Diffraction of wave is greater when the specific types of sounds include guitars,
wave length and width of gap is the violins, organs, recorders, flutes, drums,
same marimbas etc
iii. We hear someone sound even she/he
behind the building due to diffraction Factors Affect Speed of Sound In Air
of wave sound Speeds of sound can be affected by the
following factors
Characteristics of Diffracted Wave i. Temperature
i. Wavelength does not change. ii. Direction of wind
ii. Frequency does not change. iii. Humidity
iii. Speed of diffracted does not change. iv.Density of air
iv.The amplitude of the wave decreases
after diffraction. Temperature
Sound is the form of kinetic energy.
Factors Affecting Diffraction Molecules at higher temperature have
The magnitude of diffraction (or angle of more energy, thus they can vibrate faster
diffraction) depends on so sound waves can travel more quickly
i. The wavelength V∝T
ii. The size of the opening gap
Direction of Wind
Applications of Diffraction Of Wave Sound will travel faster toward direction of
i. It is used in determine the crystal wind while in opposite direction the speed
structure of materials of sound decreased
ii. It is used in measuring the coefficient Wind direction: V ∝ W
of thermal expansion, crystalline size Wind in opposite direction: V ∝ 1
and thick of thickness of thin films
iii. It is used in determine the types and Humidity
phases present in a specimen where Sound is the form of kinetic energy.
the spacing of obstacles (atoms) is Molecules at low temperature (humidity)
between 1 and 3nm have lower energy, thus they can vibrate
slowly so the speed of sound decreased
Sound Waves V∝1
Defn: Sound wave is a longitudinal wave 𝐻
that produced by vibrating object. For
Example, turning fork Density of Air
Increase in temperature tend to decrease
Propagation of Sound Wave the density of air so increase in density of
Sound travels by vibrating of particles to air tend to decrease speed of sound in air
transfer energy to the next particle until V∝1
the sound reaches another point
Audibility Range
Question: why solid materials transfer Defn: Audibility range is the range of
sound faster than liquid/gas frequency detected by ear
Answer: the molecules/particles of solid
materials are packed together Nb:
i. The ear is most sensitive to sound with a
Sources of Sound Wave frequency around 3000Hz
Almost everything ranging from people, ii. Sound below 20Hz is called Infrasonic
animals, plants and machines sound

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 203
iii. Sound above 20000Hz is called Outer ear consist earflap and the ear
ultrasonic sound canal. Sound reach outer ear in the form
iv. Dogs, cat, bat and dolphins detect of pressure with an alternating pattern of
ultrasonic sound high and low pressure regions
v. Human ear can distinguish two
simultaneous sound if their frequencies Middle Ear
differ by at least 7Hz Middle ear is air filled cavity that consists
of an ear drum and three small
Audio Range Table interconnected bones Hammer, anvil and
Animal Audio range (Hz) stirrup. Eustachian tube connect mouth
Chicken 125 – 2000 and middle for regulation of pressure
Penguin 100 – 15000
Owl 200 – 12000 Inner Ear
Cattle 23 – 35000 Inner ear consists of the cochlea,
Sheep 100 – 30000 semicircular canals and the auditory
Dog 67 – 45000 nerve.
Cat 45 – 64000
Rabbit 360 – 42000 Cochlea
Horse 55 – 33500 Cochlea is the auditory portion of the
Rat 500 – 64000 inner ear. It consist nerves called cochlea
Blue whale 5 – 12000 nerve or auditory nerve or acoustic nerve.
Risso’s dolphin 8000 - 100000 Auditory nerves are differ in length for
unique natural sensitive to particular
frequency of vibration
The Human Ear
Human ear is the human organ
Semicircular Canals
responsible for conversion of sound
Semicircular canal is filled with fluid known
energy to mechanical energy to nerve
as endolympth. It have nerve which
impulse that transfers to the brain for
responsible for balancing the body
interpretation. It can
distinguish/discriminate frequency,
Mechanism of Hearing
amplitude and direction.
Earflap collect sound wave, which pass
through the ear canal to hit drum which
results vibration of interconnected bones
where vibrate cochlea fluid through (oval
window) results vibration of hair cells
which transform mechanical energy to
electrical impulse, which transmitted to
the brain where they are decoded and
interpreted as sound

Defn: echo is the reflected sound when
then encounter an obstacle. Since the
sound waves goes and bounce back it
Part of Human Ear distance becomes 2d.
It consists three basic parts include Diagram:
i. outer ear
ii. Middle ear
iii. Inner ear

Outer Ear
Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 204
(d) A person standing 99m from the foot of
mountains claps his hands and hears
an echo 0.6 second later. Calculate
the speed of the sound in the air
(c) When a hail has many people, most of
the sound (including echoes) is
absorbed by clothes and skins of the
audience, thus echoes do not occur
Data given
Wave distance, d = 99m
Echo time, t = 0.6s
Hence speed (v) of sound associated with
Sound speed, v = ?
echo is calculated by
v = 2d/t
From: v = 2d/t
v = 2d/t = (2 x 99)/0.6 = 198/0.6 = 330
v = 330m/s
i. Always echo reaches the ear more
than 0.1s
Uses of Echo
ii. At 250C the speed of sound in air is
Under water echo is used
i. To find depth of ocean/ocean
iii. From: v = 2d/t
ii. To detect the submarines
Then: 2d = v x t = 0.1 x 340
iii. To detect large groups of fish
d = 17m
iv.To detect the wrecked ships
Therefore: minimum distance an
v. To detect the dangerous rocks
obstacle kept is 17m for echo to be
Musical Sounds
By den: Musical sound is the sound
musical scale (combination of
Defn: reverberation is reechoed of sound
frequencies) that appealing the human
A gun was fired and the echo from a cliff
was heard 8s later. How far was the gun
By den: Noise is the random and non-
from the cliff?
structured sound musical scale
Data given
(combination of frequencies) that not
Time taken by echo, t = 8s
appealing to the human ear
Wave velocity in air, v =
Distance moved by sound, 2d = ?
Properties of Musical Sounds
The follows is the properties used to
From: d = v x t
describe musical sounds, include
2d = 1500 x 8
i. Loudness
2d = 2800m
ii. Pitch
d= 1400m
iii. timbre
Example, : NECTA 2000, QN: 04
(a) Define an echo
By den: Loudness is the intensity of the
(b) Name any two factors that affect the
sound as perceived by the human ear.
speed of sound in air
The large the amplitude, the louder the
(c) Explain briefly why sound produced in
hall with many people is heard more
clearly than when the hall has few
Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 205
By den: Pitch is a property of sound to
which sound can be ordered to scale
from high to low. The higher the
frequency, the higher the pith produced.

By den: Timbre is the quality/colour of
sound produced by an instrument. For Diagram: crest/trough and crest/trough
Example, different instrument produce meet
different sound

Musical Instruments
By den: Musical instruments are a device
constructed/modified for making music

Category of Musical Instrument

It categories into three groups include
i. String instrument
ii. Percussion instrument
i. In string waves their amplitude are
iii. Wind instrument
alternate between adding together
and cancelling
String Instrument
String instrument is the instrument
produced sound by stretched
plunked/bowed/struck string. Example,
guitar is plunked, violin is bowed and
piano is struck

Percussion Instrument
Percussion instrument is the instrument
produced sound by struck with
implement/shaken/rubbed or scrapped.
Example, drum, cymbals, tambourine,
marimba and xylophone. ii. When adding together producing
maximum displacement (amplitude)
Wind Instrument called antinodes
Wind instrument is the instrument iii. When cancel out producing zero
produced sound by blowing. Example, displacement (amplitude) called
recorders, flutes, vuvuzela and trumpets nodes
Stationary Waves
A stationary wave is the result when two
wave waves travel in opposite direction
with the same speed and frequency
Diagram: crest and trough meet

iv. distance between adjacent antinodes

is equal to half wave length, L = λ/2
v. distance between adjacent nodes is
equal to half wave length, L = λ/2
Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 206
vi. distance between a nodes and an Also: λ = 2L/2
adjacent antinodes equal to one From: V = λƒ2
quarter, L = λ/4 Then: V = (2Lƒ2)/2 = Lƒ2

Fundamental Frequency Diagram: third harmonic

Fundamental frequency is the lowest
frequency of a vibrating object

Fundamental Note
Fundamental note is the note respond to
Fundamental frequency

Fundamental Harmonic
A harmonic is defined as an integer From: L = 3λ/2
(whole number) multiple of the Also: λ = 2L/3
fundamental frequency From: V = λƒ3
Then: V = (2Lƒ3)/3
Fundamental Overtones
Fundamental overtones is any frequency Generally
higher than the fundamental frequency From: V = (2Lƒ3)/3
Three represent the third series of
NB: harmonic therefore the formula modified
i. The fundamental note is equal to first to
harmonic V = (2Lƒn)/n
ii. The second harmonic is equal to first Where:
overtone n = nth harmonic
iii. Stationary wave in string have certain f = frequency
fixed wavelength v = wave velocity
L = length of string
Consider the diagram below ƒn = frequency of nth harmonic
Diagram: fundamental note ƒ1 = frequency of 1th harmonic
ƒ2 = frequency of 2nd harmonic
ƒ3 = frequency of 3rd harmonic

Sonometer is an instrument used to study
properties of stationary wave
From: L = λ/2
Also: λ = 2L
From: V = λƒ1
Then: V = 2Lƒ1

Diagram: second harmonic

Factors Affect the String Frequency

There are three factors that affect the
frequency of vibrating wire, include
From: L = 2λ/2 i. Length of wire, L
Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 207
ii. Tension of the wire, T Calculate the 1st harmonic and 3rd
iii. Mass per unit length, μ harmonic
Data given
Length of Wire Length of string, L = 75cm = 0.75m
The frequency is inversely proportional to Mass of string, M = 8.2g = 0.0082kg
the length of wire Tension of string, T = 18N
ƒ∝1 1 1st harmonic, f1 = ?
3rd harmonic, f3 = ?
Tension of the Wire Solution
The frequency is directly proportional to From: ƒn = 𝑛1 √
2𝐿 m
the square root of wire tension
ƒ ∝ √𝑇 --------- 2 1st harmonic, f1 = ?
1𝑥1 0.75 𝑥 18
ƒ1 = √ = 27
2 𝑥 0.75 0.0082
Mass per Unit Length
ƒ1 = 27Hz
The frequency is directly proportional to
the square root of mass per unit length 3rd harmonic, f3 = ?
ƒ ∝ √1μ - - - - - 3 3𝑥1 0.75 𝑥 18
f3 = √ = 27
2 𝑥 0.75 0.0082
f3 = 81Hz
Combine three equations
1 𝑇
ƒ ∝ √ - Remove proportionality Example,
𝐿 μ
constant The vibration length of a stretched wire is
altered at constant tension until the wire
ƒ= 𝑘 1 √𝑇
𝐿 μ oscillates in unison with a turning fork of
frequency 320 Hz. The length of a wire is
Where: K = 1
2 again altered until it oscillates in unison
Then: ƒ= 1
𝑥 1 √𝑇 with a fork of unknown frequency. If the
2 𝐿 μ
two lengths are 90 cm and 65.5 cm,
𝟏 𝑻 respectively, determine the unknown
ƒ= √
𝟐𝑳 𝛍
Data given
From: V = (2Lƒn)/n make f subject 1st Length of string, L1 = 90cm = 0.9m
f = 𝑣𝑛 = 1𝑛 𝑥 𝑉 2nd Length of string, L2 = 65.5cm = 0.655m
2𝐿 2𝐿
1st harmonic, f1 = 320 Hz
By compassion 2nd harmonic, f2 = ?
v =√𝑻
𝛍 From: ƒ α 1
Modify formula Then: ƒL= K
ƒn =
𝑻 Finally: ƒ1L1 = ƒ2L2 – make f2 subject
ƒ2 = (ƒ1L1)/L1
Since: μ = m
- substitute in equation ƒ2 = (320 x 0.9)/0.655 = 440 Hz
above ƒ2 = 440 Hz
ƒn = √𝑳𝑻
𝟐𝑳 𝐦 Example, NECTA 1995: QN 08
Where: A Sonometer wire of length 40cm
n = nth harmonic between two bridges produces a note of
ƒn = frequency of nth harmonic 512Hz when plucked at the midpoint.
Calculate the length of the wire that
Example, would produce a note of 256Hz with the
A string has a length of 75cm and a mass same tension
of 8.2g, the tension in the string is 18N. Data given
Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 208
1st Length of string, L1 = 40cm = 0.4m
1st harmonic, f1 = 512Hz Diagram: third harmonic/resonance
2nd harmonic, f2 = 256Hz
2nd Length of string, L2 = ?
From: ƒ α 1
Then: ƒL= K From: L = 5λ/4 – without end correction
Finally: ƒ1L1 = ƒ2L2 – make L2 subject L + c = 5λ/4 – with end correction
L2 = (ƒ1L1)/ƒ2
ƒ2 = (512 x 0.4)/256 = 0.8m Generally
L2 = 0.8m Without end correction
Ln = ((2n – 1)λ)/4
Forced Vibration and Resonance
Forced Vibration Without end correction
Forced vibration is the vibration in a Ln + c = ((2n – 1)λ)/4
system as a result of impulse received
from another system vibrating nearby Where:
n = nth harmonic
RESONANCE ln = frequency of nth harmonic
Resonance is the tendency of a system to
oscillate at maximum amplitude at Example,
certain frequencies from another system. A turning fork of frequency 512 Hz is
For Example, turning fork can produce sounded at the mouth of a tube closed at
resonance on a piece of wood one end with a movable piston. It is found
that resonance occurs when the column
Nb: of air is 18cm long and again when the
Frequency of vibration is equal to the column is 51cm long. Find wave length
frequency of turning fork (the one cause and velocity of sound in air
resonance) Data given
Frequency, f = 512Hz
Resonance in Closed Pipe First column length, L1 = 18cm = 0.18m
Consider the diagram below Second column length, L2 = 51cm = 0.51m
Diagram: fundamental note/ first Wave length of sound in air, λ = ?
resonance Velocity of sound in air, v = ?
From: L1 = 1λ/4 --------- 1
L2 = 3λ/4 -------- 2
Solve simultaneous equation
Where: Equation 2 minus equation 1
c = end correction L2 – L1 = 3λ/4 - 1λ/4
L = λ/4 L2 – L1 = 2λ/4
L2 – L1 = λ/2
From: L = λ/4 – without end correction 0 51 – 0.18 = λ/2
L + c = λ/4 – with end correction 0.33 = λ/2
λ = 0.33 x 2 = 0.66m
Diagram: second harmonic/resonance λ = 0.66m

From: v = λf
v = 0.66 x 512 = 338
v = 338m/s
From: L = 3λ/4 – without end correction
L + c = 3λ/4 – with end correction
Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 209
Therefore the wave length of sound is (a)(i) frequency
0.66m and velocity of sound in air is (ii) Loudness (amplitude)
338m/s (iii) Quality of music note (Timbre)
(b)Data given
Example, First Frequency, f1 = 560Hz
In a closed pipe, the first resonance is at First Column length, L1 = 15cm = 0.15m
23cm and second at 73cm. determines First Wave length of sound in air, λ1 = ?
the wave length of the sound and the Second Frequency, f2 = 1000Hz
end correction of pipe Shortest length, l2 = ?
Data given Solution
First length, L1 = 23cm = 0.23m Fist: find Wave length of sound in air, λ
Second length, L2 = 73cm = 0.73m =?
Wave length of sound, λ = ? From: L = 3λ/4
End correction of pipe, c = ? λ1 = 4l/3 = (4 x 0.15)/3 = 0.12m
Solution λ1 = 0.12m
From: L1 + c = 1λ/4 --------- 1 Seconds: find Shortest length, l2 = ?
L2 + c = 3λ/4--------- 2 Note: sound will travel in same speed
Solve simultaneous equation From: v = λ1f1 = 560 x 0.12 = 67.2m/s
Equation 2 minus equation 1 Then: λ2 = v/f2 = 67.2/1000 = 0.0672m
L2 + c – L1 - c = 3λ/4 - 1λ/4 From: L2 = 3λ2/4 = (3 x 0.0672)/4 =
L2 – L1 = 2λ/4 0.0504
L2 – L1 = λ/2 L2 = 0.0504m
0 73 – 0.23 = λ/2
0.50 = λ/2 Resonance in Opened Pipe
λ = 0.5 x 2 = 1.00m Consider the diagram below
λ = 1m Diagram: fundamental note/ first
From: equation 1
L1 + c = 1λ/4 – make c subject
c = (1λ/4)- L1
c = ((1 x 1)/4)- 0.23
c = 0.25 - 0.23
c = 0.02m
c = end correction
Therefore the end correction of pipe is
Since: opened twice end correction
0.002m and wave length of sound 0.m
Then: L = λ/2
Example, NECTA 1997 QN: 09
From: L = λ/2 – without end correction
(a) Identify three characteristics of sound
L + c = λ/2 – with end correction
which distinguish one note from
another. Hence state the physical
Diagram: second harmonic/resonance
factors which correspondingly define
the mention characteristics
(b) A resonance tube whose one end is
closed and other open, resonance to
a note of frequency 560Hz when the
length of the air column is 15cm. From: L = 2λ/2 – without end correction
determine the wave length of this L + c = 2λ/2 – with end correction
sound in air. What is the shortest length
of the air column which resonates in Diagram: third harmonic/resonance
similar conditions to a note of
frequency 1000Hz
Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 210
Formation of Beats
Beats formed when two/more sounds
instruments (e.g. forks) of nearly equal
pitch are played/sounded together. As a
From: L = 3λ/2 – without end correction results a regular rise and fall in the
L + c = 3λ/2 – with end correction loudness occurs as the waves generated
by the instruments interfere constructively
Generally and destructively respectively.
Without end correction Diagram:
Ln = nλ/2

Without end correction

Ln + 2c = nλ/2

n = nth harmonic
ln = frequency of nth harmonic The Beat frequency/number is given by
Bf = f1 – f2 or f2 – f1
A turning fork of frequency 250Hz is used Example,
to produce resonance in an opened A 256Hz turning fork produces sound at
pipe. Given that the velocity of sound in the same time with a 249Hz turning fork.
air is 350m/s. find the length of tube which What is the beat frequency?
gives Data given
a) First resonance First frequency,f1 = 256Hz
b) Third resonance Second frequency,f2 = 249Hz
Data given Beat frequency, Bf = ?
Sound frequency, f = 250Hz Solution
Sound velocity, v = 350m/s From: Bf = f2 – f1
First resonance Length, L1 = ? Bf = f1 – f2 = 256 – 249 = 7Hz
Second resonance Length, L2 = ? Bf = 7Hz
From: Ln = nλ/2 Example, : NECTA 2010, QN: 10
Find wave length first (a)(I)Distinguish between longitudinal
From: v = λf –make λ subject wave and transverse wave
λ = v/f = 350/250 = 1.4m (ii) Explain how beats are formed
(a) First resonance Length, L1 = ? (b) A light wave is refracted into an
From: L1 = λ/2 optically less median. What change
L1 = λ/2 = 1.4/2 = 0.7m will occur in
L1 = 0.7m (i) The frequency?
(ii) The speed?
(b) Second resonance Length, L2 = ? (iii) The wavelength?
From: L2 = 2λ/2 (c)(i) what is an echo
L2 = 2λ/2 = (1.4 x 2)/2 = 2.8/2 = 1.4 (ii) A sound is sent out from the ship
L2 = 1.4m and its reflection from the ocean floor
returns one second later. Assuming
Beats that the velocity of sound in water is
Beats is the fall or rise in loudness of sound 1500m/s. how deep is the ocean?
when two sources of sound of nearly Diagram
equal frequencies produce sound

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 211

First sound
Distance of sound to other boy, L =
Data given
Time taken by echo, t = 1s
Time taken to other boy, t1 = 0.65s
Wave velocity in air, v =
Sound Speed, v = L/t1
Distance moved by sound, 2d = ?
v = 200/0.65 = 307.69m/s
v = 307.69m/s
From: 2d = v x t
2d = 1500 x 1
Second sound
2d = 1500m
Echo time, t2 = 0.65 + 0.255 = 0.85s
d= 750m
Distance of echo, d = ?
From: 2d = v x t2
Example, : NECTA 2011, QN: 06
2d = 307.69 x 0.85 = 261.54
(a)(i) What is a sonometer?
d = 130.77m
(ii) Briefly explain when resonance is
said to occur.
Now: perpendicular distance, D = ?
(b) Two boys are stand 200m apart on one
From: Pythagoras theorem
side of a high vertical cliff at the same
D2 + 1002 = d2
perpendicular distance from it. When
D2 = d2 - 1002 = (130.77)2 - 1002
one fires a gun, the other hears the
D2 = 17100.79 - 10000
sound 0.6seconds after the flash and
D2 = 7100.79 = (84.27)2
the second sound 0.25second after the
D = 84.27m
first sound. Calculate the
perpendicular distance of the boys
(c) Data given
from the cliff
Speed, v = 2m/s
(c) A diagram below illustrates part of the
Amplitude, A = 0.2m
displacement-time graph of a wave
Period, T = 0.1s
travel with velocity of 2m/s.
Frequency, f = ?
Wave length, λ = ?
i. The amplitude is 0.2m

ii. Frequency, f = ?
From: f = 1/T
f = 1/T = 1/0.1 = 10
Calculate. f = 10Hz
i. The amplitude
ii. Frequency iii. Wave length, λ = ?
iii. Wave length From: , λ = v/f
Solution: λ = v/f = 2/10 = 0.2
(b) Consider the diagram below λ = 0.2m

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 212
Electromagnetic Waves
Electromagnetic wave is the wave travel Tables of Electromagnetic Spectrum
perpendicularly to both electric and Wavelength Region Frequency (H)
magnetic field. Include (m)
Diagram: Radio
>10-1 >3 x 109
10-1 - 10-4 3x109 - 3x1012
10-4 -10-7 Infrared 3x1012 - 4.3x1014
Visible 4.3x1014 -
light 7.5x1014
4x10-7-10-9 7.5x1014 - 3x1017
et light
10-9-10-11 X-rays 3x1017 - 3x1019
Electromagnetic wave include the follows
i. Radio wave <10-11 >3x1019
a rays
ii. Microwaves
iii. Infrared radiation
iv.Visible light Electromagnetic Spectrum Observation
v. Ultraviolet rays There are two observations about
vi.X–rays electromagnetic spectrum include
vii. Gamma rays i. It continuous: means each band
merges into next and there is no gap
Nb: between their frequencies
i. It produced when electrically charged ii. Some Wave length overlap: in some
particles oscillate or change energy case there is overlap of wave length so
ii. The greater the energy change, the we have to name according to source
higher the frequency of the resulting not the wave length, for Example, X-
wave rays and Gamma rays
iii. In vacuum propagated in speed of
light Radio Waves
It has the longest wavelength in the
Properties of Electromagnetic Waves electromagnetic spectrum
It is transverse waves which exhibit the
following characteristics Category of Radio Wave
i. Do not require material medium for It divided into the following
travel i. Long waves (LW)
ii. It undergoes reflection, refraction, ii. Medium waves (MW)
interference and diffraction iii. Short waves (SW), include Very high
iii. Travel at speed of 3 x108 m/s in frequency (VHF) and ultra high
vacuum frequency (VHF)
iv. They carry no electric charge
v. Transfer energy in form of electric & Sources of Radio Waves
magnetic field It produced by;
vi. They obey wave equation, v = λf i. Alternating electric currents flowing
through in special conductor called
Electromagnetic Spectrum antennae
Defn: Electromagnetic spectrum is a ii. Special circuits called oscillator
continuous band of all electromagnetic iii. Object in space such as planets,
waves arranged in order of increasing or comets, stars and galaxies
decrease frequencies or wavelength. It
divided into seven regions or bands Detection of Radio Waves

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 213
Radio waves are detected using specially It detected by black bulb thermometer,
designed antennae such as those used in photographic films, Thermistor and
radios and televisions. phototransistors.

Uses of Radio Waves Uses of Infrared Waves

i. Broadcasting of information by radio i. It is used to cook food in convectional
and television channels is achieved ovens
using radio waves. ii. It is used in remote control, night vision
ii. Astronomers use large radio telescopes device, fibre-optic telecommunication
to collect and study radio waves from and security system
distant stars and galaxies. iii. Used in infrared lasers that produce
infrared beams that can be used to
Microwaves read information on compact discs.
Microwaves have a short wavelength of iv. Used in the chemical industry to
between 10-4 m to about 0.1m determine molecular structure and
composition of substances by studying
Sources of Microwaves their infrared emission or absorption.
Microwaves are produced by oscillation v. Used in the medical field to locate
of charges in special antennae mounted diseased tissues (these areas emit
dishes. Micro waves are also produced in abnormal heat compared to the other
devices called magnetrons. areas) and injury by analysing the
body tissue and body fluid.
Detection of Microwaves vi. Used for military purposes where
Micro wave can be detected by using infrared imaging devices are used to
special receiver which converts radio locate enemy troops in the dark,
wave energy to sound called RADAR detect hidden mines, arm caches, to
(Radio Detection and Ranging) guide anti-aircraft missiles, etc.
vii. Infrared radiation is used to de-ice the
Uses of Microwaves wings of aircraft
i. Microwaves are used in cooking. In a viii. In industries they are used for welding
microwave oven, microwave pass plastics, drying prints, curing (process
through the food and are absorbed by of hardening) coatings etc.
the food molecules. ix. Used in locating missing people and
ii. Radar system used microwave for people trapped under collapsed
detection of position, speed, and other buildings (Infrared imaging devices are
characteristics of remote objects. used)
iii. Are used in long-distance x. Used to locate overheating in electric
communication because they are not system
affected by clouds or other
atmospheric condition. Visible Light
Visible light is the range of
Infrared Waves electromagnetic wave frequencies to
Infrared radiation has frequency of which human eyes are sensitive
between 1012 and 1014 Hz. It has heating
effect Sources Of Visible Light
It produced by electrons transitions within
Sources of Infrared Waves an atom (anything that's hot enough to
It produced by vibration of atoms and glow). The sun emits 50% of visible light
molecules due to their thermal energy. All
hot bodies emit infrared radiation Detection of Visible Light
It detected by eyes, photographic films
Detection of Infrared Waves and photocells
Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 214

Uses of Visible Light Sources of X-Rays

Visible light has very many uses It produced when electron accelerated
i. Photography in very high velocity hit a metal target x-
ii. Vision rays
iii. Photosynthesis Tube

Ultraviolet Light Detection of X-Rays

It has short wavelength than visible light It can detect by the following methods
i. By using photographic plate
Sources of Ultraviolet Light ii. By using x-ray film in a cassette
i. It produced by electrons transitions iii. By using rare earth element screens
within an atom but more energetically
ii. Sun emit ultraviolet radiation which Properties of X-Rays
absorbed by ozone layer i. travel in straight line at the velocity of
iii. Electric arc used for welding emit light
ultraviolet radiation ii. they cannot be deflected by electric
or magnetic field
Detection of Ultraviolet Light iii. they can produce fluorescence
It can detect by iv.they affect photographic film
i. Photographic film (ultraviolet light does v. they penetrate matter but depend on
not allowed to pass through across density of matter
ordinary glass until fitted with quartz vi.they ionize gases
materials) vii. can be diffracted by crystals
ii. Fluorescent materials which absorb
and re-emit ultraviolet light Uses of X-Rays
i. x-ray photography for diagnosis of
Uses of Ultraviolet Light denser tissue like bones
i. It stimulates of production of vitamin D ii. it use in treatment of cancer
in human skin iii. used in industry to detect flaws in
ii. It used in treatment of skin conditions metal casting and welded joint such as
such as psoriasis in the aeroplane structure or building
iii. It is used as germicidal agent. structure
Sterilization of food and purification of iv. they used in airports and seaport for
air and water non-invasive security search
iv. It used to detect forget document and v. they are used in the study of the
fake currencies. E.g. bank arrangement of atoms in solid
v. It is used extensively in astronomical vi. used to produce images of very small
observation object

NB: Gamma Rays

Ultraviolet light can cause damage of Gamma ray is more energetically among
skin, eyes, immune system (mutation) electromagnetic wave. Also can cause
when prolonged exposure ionization

X-Rays Sources of Gamma Rays

X- rays Is the electromagnetic wave with i. It produced in space such as solar
short wavelength and very high flares, supernovae, neutron star, black
frequency produced b when fast-moving holes and active galaxies. All gamma
electrons hit a metal target. It also called ray from space absorbed by earth’s
ionization radiation because if encounter atmosphere
an atom cause loss of electrons
Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 215
ii. It produced by radioactive decay of fourth harmonic, explain how
atoms (natural radioactivity) overtones can be obtained
iii. It produced by nuclear fission (in
atomic bombs and nuclear reactors)

Detection of Gamma Rays

It can detect by the following methods
i. Photographic films
ii. Geiger-Muller tube
iii. Cloud chamber

Uses of Gamma Rays

i. X-ray photography for diagnosis of
denser tissue like bones
ii. It use in treatment of cancer
iii. It used in agriculture to obtain new
plant varieties which are disease-
resistance and give more yield

Example, NECTA 1995: QN 07

(a) Explain why radio waves are similar to
light waves but not sound waves
(b) A radio station transmits a signal of
wave 1500m. Calculate the frequency
of this signal
Data given
Wave length, λ = 1500m
Wave Velocity, v = 3 x108 m/s
But: Frequency, f = ?
From: V = λƒ
Then: ƒ = V/λ
ƒ = 3 x108 /1500 = 200000 Hz = 200 KHz
ƒ = 200 KHz

Example, NECTA 1998: QN 04

(a) What is diffraction of wave?
(b) Illustrate how plane water wave fronts
are diffracted on passing through a
narrow gap
(c)(i) Is it possible for light to be diffracted
on passing through an open window?
(ii) Give an explanation on your answer

Example, NECTA 1998: QN 08

(a) What is the fundamental frequency of
a vibrating string?
(b) Sonometer consists of a taut steel wire
fixed between two bridges 100cm
apart. Defining the first harmonic,
second harmonic, third harmonic and

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 216
Defn: Electromagnetism is the effect
produced by the interaction of an electric
current with a magnetic field

We have already discuss in magnetism

that electricity in solenoid produce
magnetism, vice versa is the true in this
topic we will see how magnet produce
Maxwell’s Right Hand Screw Rule
Direction of Current And Magnetic Field
The law States that
Direction is governing by
“When screw rotate advanced it moves in
i. Right hand grip rule
the direction of current and rotate in the
ii. Maxwell’s right hand screw rule
direction of magnetic field”
Right Hand Grip Rule
It concerning the direction of current and
magnetic field in conductor and direction
of current and magnetic north pole in

For solenoid
The law for solenoid States that
“Wrapping right hand around a solenoid
your fingers point the direction of current
and the thumb point direction of Fleming’s Left Hand Rule
magnetic north pole” It describe the direction of force
Diagram: produced by conductor carrying current,
which state that
“The right hand is held with the thumb, first
finger and second finger of left hand
mutually perpendicular to each, The
Thumb represents the direction of
force/Motion of the conductor, The First
finger represents the direction of the
magnetic Field and the Second finger
represents the direction of the Current”
For conductor
The law for conduct States that Diagram:
“Wrapping right hand around a conductor
your fingers point the direction of
magnetic and the thumb point direction
of current”

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 217

i. Magnetic flux is the line
ii. Electromotive produced is called
Force in Parallel Conductor induced electromotive force
When the current pass through a two iii. Current produced is called induced
conductors in the same direction the current
conductors are attracted to each other iv. The conductor should moves in
Diagram: perpendicular to magnetic field
v. No current when conductor moves
parallel to magnetic field

Laws Of Electromagnetic Induction

We have two laws associated with
electromagnetic induction include
i. Lenz’s law
ii. Faraday’s law

Lenz’s Law
When the current pass through a two
It describe the direction of induced e.m.f,
conductors in the opposite direction the which state that
conductors are repulsed to each other
“The direction of induced e.m.f is such
Diagram: that the resulting induced current flows in
such a direction that oppose the change
that cause it”
i. When North Pole approach and South
Pole withdrawing the current moves in
the same direction

Electromagnetic Induction
Defn: Electromagnetic induction is the
production of electromotive force
whenever there is change in the
magnetic flux (lines) linking a conductor ii. When North Pole withdrawing and
Or South Pole approach the current
Defn: Electromagnetic induction is the moves in the same direction
production of an electromotive force Diagram
across a conductor when it is exposed to
a varying magnetic field

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 218
Increase in motion (speed) result high the
rate at which magnetic flux change in
which produce high magnitude of
induced e.m.f

Cross Section Area of the Conductor

Faraday’s Law Increase in Cross section Area of the
It divided into two laws of conductor results high magnitude of
electromagnetic induction include induced e.m.f
i. Faraday’s first law
ii. Faraday’s second law Number of Turns (N)
Increase in Number of turns results high
Faraday’s First Law magnitude of induced e.m.f
It state that
“Whenever there is change in magnetic Self-Induction
flux linked with a closed circuit e.m.f Defn: Self-induction is the phenomenon in
induced” which a change in electric current in a
coil produces an induced e.m.f in the coil
Faraday’s Second Law itself
It describe the magnitude of induced Or
e.m.f, which state that Defn: self-induction is the production of
“The induced e.m.f in a conductor in a e.m.f in a conductor/solenoid as a result
magnetic field is directly proportional to of varies current in the same
the rate of change of the magnetic flux conductor/solenoid
linking the conductor”
Nb: i. If current increased results increase in
Faraday’s law can be combined and induced current (back e.m.f) which
states as one as follows subtract the original current result the
“Whenever there is change in magnetic resultant current be smaller than
flux linked with a closed circuit e.m.f original current
induced whose magnitude is directly Diagram:
proportional to the rate of change of the
magnetic flux linking the conductor”

Factor Affects Induced E.M.F Magnitude

Magnitude of Induced e.m.f depend on
the follows factor
i. The strength of magnetic field
ii. The rate of change of magnetic flux
(speed of motion)
iii. Cross section Area of the conductor
iv.Number of turns (N) From Ohm’s law of complete circuit
E = I(R + r)
The Strength of Magnetic Field I = E/(R + r)
In electromagnetic induction, when But: Et = E – Eb
strong magnetic it resulting high strength Then: I = (E – Eb)/(R + r)
of magnetic field which induced high Where:
magnitude of induced e.m.f I =current of power supply
E = E.m.f of power supply
The Rate of Change of Magnetic Flux Eb = back E.m.f produced by coil
R = external resistance

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 219
r = internal resistance

ii. If current decreased results decrease

in induced current (back e.m.f) which
add to the original current result the
resultant current be larger than original

How Minimized Self Induction

If the electric current flowing through the
first coil wire, the second coil wire cancels
out by induce in the opposite direction
the electric current which deflected by
ammeter or galvanometer thus self-
induction minimized
From Ohm’s law of complete circuit
E = I(R + r) Mutual Induction
I = E/(R + r) Defn: mutual induction is the production
But: Et = E + Eb of e.m.f in one conductor or solenoid as a
Then: I = (E + Eb)/(R + r) result of changing current in another
Where: conductor or solenoid
I =current of power supply Diagram:
E = E.m.f of power supply
Eb = back E.m.f produced by coil
R = external resistance
r = internal resistance

iii. In constant current no induced current


i. The coil or solenoid with vary current is
called primary coil
ii. The coil or solenoid with induced
current is called secondary coil

iv. Back e.m.f is the voltage induced in Primary coil produces magnetic flux which
the coil due to variation of electric change magnetic flux in secondary coil to
current flowing in the same coil produce electromotive force
v. Self-induction can be minimized by
using non-inductive coil Eddy Current
Defn: Eddy current Are induced current
Non-Inductive Coil loops circulating within a conductor
Defn: non-inductive coil is a doubly Diagram:
wounded turns of wires

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 220

Damping of Eddy Current

Eddy current can be minimized by
insulator materials in which have high
resistance in which eddy current cannot Mechanism
make loops circulation within a conductor Induced magnetism on soft iron attract
Diagram: iron the armature vibrates and hammer
attached to it strikes the gong which
open the circuit which incomplete the
circuit by contacts cause soft iron to lost
magnetism where spring pullback to
platinum contacts to complete circuit.
This cycle of events is repeated

Methods Used To Minimize Eddy Current Induction Coil

Therefore Eddy current can be minimized Defn: induction coil is an electrical device
by the following methods consisting of two coils (primary and
i. Laminated core: this is reasons why all secondary coil) where secondary coil
instrument uses principle of wound over primary coil on an iron core.
electromagnetic limited like motor Also called spark coil
armature, dynamos armature, Diagram:
transformer coil wrapped by insulator
ii. Magnetic material with high resistivity
e.g. ferrite

Advantage Of Eddy Current

i. Useful in heating metals
ii. Useful in electrical damping
iii. Crack detection
iv. Measurement of material thickness
v. Measurement of coating thickness
vi. Measurement of conductivity
Electric Bell i. It used to produce high voltage
Consider the diagram below alternating current (a.c) from low
voltage direct current (d.c)
ii. Primary coil is made by tens or
hundreds of turns of coarse wire
iii. secondary coil is made by thousands
of turns of fine wire
iv. secondary coil is wound top of primary

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 221
v. due to large number of secondary coil
very large induced e.m.f about
hundreds of kilovolts (KV) is produced
vi. due to change of current caused by
platinum contacts in primary coil very
large induced e.m.f about hundreds of
kilovolts (KV)is produced
vii. Capacitor is in parallel with the make-
and-break contacts
viii. If capacitor not introduced, the
secondary voltage is much less and
sparking occurs between the platinum
contacts Mechanism
i. When the current pass through a coil
Mechanism the soft iron magnetized which may
When switch closed to complete the repel or attracted by permanent
circuit, the primary coil produce magnetic magnet results turning effect on the
field (magnetism on soft iron) which cause coil
secondary to induce high voltage due to ii. The turning effect is linear scale over
large number of turns, Induced which the pointer moves
magnetism on soft iron attract iron
hammer which open the circuit which Nb:
incomplete the circuit by open the gap in i. The galvanometer whose scale
platinum contacts cause soft iron to lost graduated to measure current in mill
magnetism where spring pullback to amperes is called millimeter
platinum contacts to complete circuit. ii. Galvanometer can measure small
This cycle of events is repeated current i.e. in the order of mill amperes.
automatically This is caused by the low resistance of
a coil
Application of Induction Coil iii. It measure only directly current
i. it used in ignition system of internal
combustion engines Characteristics of Highly Sensitive
ii. a smaller version of it is used to trigger Galvanometer
the flash tubes used in cameras and i. Magnetic flux density (B) must be large
strobe lights ii. Number of turn (N) must be large
iii. it also used in wireless telegraphy iii. Area of coil (A) must be large
iv. Tensional constant (C) must be small
Moving Coil Galvanometer
It consists of a rectangular coil over soft Factors Affect Galvanometer Sensitivity
iron cylindrical core such that are free to i. Magnetic flux density (B) must be large
rotates about a vertical axis which or magnetic strength
suspended by spring which provide a ii. Number of turn (N) must be large
restoring couple/force, the point which iii. Area of coil (A) must be large
connected to soft iron cylindrical core iv. Tensional constant (C) must be small or
and powerful permanent magnet which power of hair spring
calved spherical poles N and S
Diagram: Magnetic strength
The stronger magnetic used, the higher
sensitivity and vice versa

Number of turn

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 222
Increase the Number of turn the higher Shunt current, Is = I – Ic = 1.5 – 0.015 =
sensitivity and vice versa 1.485A
Shunt, Rs= ?
Area of coil (A) must be large Solution
The large the area of coil the higher From: Vc = Vs
sensitivity and vice versa Ic x Rc = Is x Rs – make Rs subject
Rs = (Ic x Rc)/Is
Power of hair spring Rs = (0.015 x 10)/1.485
The less powerfully of a hair spring, the Rs = 0.15/1.485
higher sensitivity and vice versa Rs = 0.10Ω

Moving Coil Ammeter Moving Coil Voltmeter

Ammeter is device which measure current It constructed by modification of moving
in amperes. It constructed by coil galvanometer by connecting a high
modification of moving coil galvanometer resistance called multiplier series to the
by connecting a low resistance called galvanometer coil in order to measure
shunt parallel to the coil of galvanometer potential difference in volts. Note: Rc<Rm
in order to measure current in amperes. Diagram:
Note: Rc>Rs

When the voltage (V) is passed, a small
Mechanism voltage is flows through the multipliers
When the large current is passed a small (Vm) where the rest current flows through
current is flows through the galvanometer galvanometer coil (Vc)
coil (Rc) where the rest current flows
through shunt (RS) Mathematically
i. current across galvanometer coil and
Mathematically multiplier are equal (Ic = Im = I)
i. Potential difference across But: I = V/R
galvanometer coil and shunt are equal Vm/Rm = Vc/Rc
(Vc = Vs = V) Vm x Rc = Vc x Rm
But: V = IR ii. Since they series to each other, V = Vm
Vc = Vs + Vc
Ic x Rc = Is x Rs
ii. Since they parallel to each other, I = Is Example,
+ Ic Suppose the galvanometer coil resistance
is 10Ω, the full scale deflection current is
Example, 15mA and the instrument is to be
Suppose the galvanometer coil, Rc = 10Ω converted to measure a full scale
and the full scale deflection current, Ic = deflection potential difference of 3V.
15mA. If it is to be converted so that it Calculate the resistance of multiplier
gives a full scale deflection current, I = Data given
1.5A. Find the value of shunt Galvanometer coil, Rc = 10Ω
Data given Coil current, Ic = 15mA = 0.015A
Galvanometer coil, Rc = 10Ω Coil voltage, Vc = Ic x Rc = 10 x 0.015 =
Coil current, Ic = 15mA = 0.015A 0.15V
Total current, I = 1.5A Total voltage, V = 3V

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 223
Multiplier voltage, Vm = V–Vc = 3 – 0.15 = Rs = 0.303Ω
Multiplier resistance, Rm= ? Generator
Solution Defn: generator is device consist a coil
From: Ic = Is rotating in an external magnetic field to
Vm x Rc = Vc x Rm– make Rm subject produce electricity
Rm = (Rc x Vm)/Vc
Rm = (10 x 2.85)/0.15 Types of Generator
Rm = 28.5/0.15 It divided into two according to kind of
Rm = 190Ω current produce
i. Alternating current generator
Example, : NECTA 2001 QN: 6 ii. Direct current generator
(a)State any characteristics of a highly
sensitive galvanometer Alternating Current Generator
(b)(i)what is eddy current? Defn: a.c generator is device consist a coil
(ii) Explain two advantage of eddy rotating in an external magnetic field to
current produce alternating current. Also is called
(c) Explain how a moving coil alternator
galvanometer can be converted into Diagram:
an ammeter and into a voltmeter

Example, : NECTA 2004 QN: 10

(a)List down two (2) factors that affect
the magnitude of induced e.m.f in a
moving coil galvanometer
(b)(i) State the laws of electromagnetic
(ii) Explain how eddy current are
(iii) How can eddy current minimized
(c) A moving coil galvanometer of 30Ω
resistance which carries a maximum
i. It uses principle of faraday’s law of
current of 15mA can be converted into
an ammeter
ii. Coil spinning at constant rate in
i. How can the galvanometer be
magnetic field to induce oscillating
made to give ampere readings?
ii. If the device is to give a 1.5A full
iii. Armature (part of spinning coil) made
scale deflection what value
by soft iron core with wound turns of
resistance will be required?
insulated wire
Data given
iv. Armature revolve freely around a
Galvanometer coil, Rc = 30Ω
strong magnetic field on an axis
Coil current, Ic = 15mA = 0.015A
v. Two slip rings are connected to the
Total current, I = 1.5A
ends of the armature where two
Shunt current, Is = I – Ic = 1.5 – 0.015 =
carbon brushes rest on it
vi. The magnetic field should cut the coil
Shunt, Rs= ?
Mechanism of Alternator
From: Vc = Vs
i. When the coil vertical at 3600 or 00 no
Ic x Rc = Is x Rs – make Rs subject
e.m.f produced due to no cutting of
Rs = (Ic x Rc)/Is
the magnetic field on the coil
Rs = (0.015 x 30)/1.485
Rs = 0.45/1.485
Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 224
vi. This cycle of events is repeated
automatically hence electricity is

ii. When the armature is rotate at 900

(parallel to magnetic field) the
motion/force of coil is perpendicular to
the magnetic field hence maximum
e.m.f is induced (maximum positive) NB:
Diagram: i. The number of cycle produce per
second is called frequency of a.c
ii. The induced current is called a.c
iii. The induced e.m.f is called a.c e.m.f

Direct Current Generator

Defn: d.c generator is device consist a coil
rotating in an external magnetic field to
iii. When the coil vertical (at 1800) no produce direct current.
e.m.f produced due to no cutting of Diagram:
the magnetic field on the coil

iv. When the armature is rotate after 1800,

starting from vertical position and the
side of loop interchange which cause
the loop of current to change
v. When the armature is rotate at 2700
(parallel to magnetic field) the In d.c generator the slip rings in a.c
motion/force of coil is perpendicular to generator by replacing the half
the magnetic field hence minimum commutator to prevent reverse of current.
e.m.f is induced (maximum negative) It half commutator is called commutator
Diagram: segment which insulated from other half

Mechanism of D.C Generator

i. When the coil vertical no e.m.f
produced due to no cutting of the
magnetic field on the coil
ii. When the armature is rotate at 900
(parallel to magnetic field) the
motion/force of coil is perpendicular to

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 225
the magnetic field hence maximum ii. Commutator split ring
e.m.f is induced (maximum positive) iii. Magnetic field
iii. When the coil vertical (at 1800) no iv. Rectangular coil of wire
e.m.f produced due to no cutting of
the magnetic field on the coil Rectangular coil of wire
iv. When the armature is rotate after 1800 , Rectangular coil of wire formed by
starting from vertical position and the winding several turns of wire on a soft iron
side of commutator segment core
interchange the loop which cause the
loop of current remain in the same Magnetic field
direction Magnetic field is the magnetic formed by
v. This cycle of events is repeated two unlike poles of permanent magnet
automatically hence electricity is
produced Commutator split ring
Diagram It formed by divided copper ring into two
equal halves. It used to reverse direction
of flowing electric current through the coil
by changing the contact

Carbon brushes
It forms connection by power supply and
rectangular coil

Advantage of alternator Mechanism of Electric Motor

i. Commutator are complex and costly i. when the switch is closed electric
to construct d.c generator, therefore current flowing horizontal coil
many d.c generator are a.c generator magnetic field produced
with rectifiers ii. interaction magnetic field bar magnet
Defn: Rectifiers is the device used to will creates magnetic couple i.e. north
flow current only in one direction. We pole of the coil face north pole of the
will study further in electronics bar magnet while south pole of the
ii. Transformer works on a.c current coil face south pole of the bar magnet
iii. the coupling of the magnetic field
Electric Motor cause the coil to rotate since Like
Defn: is an electric device used to convert poles repel each other and unlike
electrical energy to mechanical energy poles attract
Diagram iv. When coil reached in vertical position
(rotate at 900 ) the commutator loose
contact with carbon brush but the
momentum carried by the coil takes it
part to the vertical position
vi. When the armature is rotate after 1800 ,
starting from vertical position the side
AD and BC change position and the
side of commutator segment
interchange the loop which cause the
loop of current remain in the same
vii. This cycle of events is repeated
automatically hence motor rotates in
Main Parts of Electric Motor the same direction
i. Carbon brushes
Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 226
Telephones Receiver (Ear-Peace) sound energy into a
Defn: is an electric device used to convert varying/fluctuating electric current
varying electrical energy to sound energy. iv. The electric current travels through
The purpose of ear piece is to the reverse lead wire
of microphone. Microphone is the electric v. At the receiving end similar equipment
device used to convert sound energy to reverses the process. The electric
varying electrical energy current flows into a coil placed near a
Diagram: magnet, making the coil move back
and forth and pushing another
vi. The diaphragm stretched over a
second horn, recreates the original

The narrowing shape of the diaphragm
helps to amplify the sound

Magnetic Relay
Main Parts Of Telephones Ear-Peace Defn: Magnetic relay is an electric device
i. Permanent magnet which is used to control one circuit when
ii. Insulated wire (solenoid) an electric current is flowing in the other
iii. Magnetic allow diaphragm circuit
iv. Lead wire used for connection Or
Magnetic relay is switch used to control
Permanent magnet large current in the secondary current
It is placed between two solenoids when small electric current flowing in the
primary circuit
It kept by insure that the same pole facing Main Parts of Magnetic Relay
in the same direction i. Solenoid
ii. Contact
Magnetic allow diaphragm iii. Insulating block
It formed by impregnated iron fillings on a iv.Spring
piece of paper v. Soft iron armature
Lead wire
It used for connection from source of
varying electric current to each solenoid

Mechanism Of Telephones Ear-Peace

i. When one speak through the
microphone in one line of a telephone
the sound energy is converted into
electrical energy entering the ear Mechanism of Magnetic relay
piece of another line through lead wire i. When an electric current from battery
ii. The sound makes a diaphragm(a kind B is flowing in the solenoid S, the core C
of small tight drum skin stretched becomes magnetized and attracts iron
across the narrow end of the hone ) armature lever D pivoted at O cause
vibrates part E to move upward
iii. The vibration move a coil near a ii. This close a gap between two spring-
magnet, converting the mechanical loaded Y and X which joined to
Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 227
battery L and allow electrical current
to flow to the other electrical

Uses of Magnetic relay

i It is used in telephone exchange system
during dialing of numbers
ii Switching on or off heavy current in
most electronics devices
Types of Transformer
Mechanism of Telephone exchange They are two types includes
system i. Step up transformer
i. When an electric current from battery ii. Step down transformer
B when dialing from telephone A in
solenoid S , the core C becomes Step Up Transformer
magnetized and attracts iron armature Step up transformer is the transformer
lever D pivoted at O cause part E to used to convert from low a.c voltage to
move upward high a.c voltage
ii. This close a gap between two spring- Diagram
loaded Y and X which joined to
battery L and allow electrical current
to flow to the distance telephones
exchange M
iii. Thus a message sent by operating A is
passed to M

Defn: transformer is the device uses
mutual induction to convert a.c voltage
to large or low or Transformer is an NB:
electrical device that transfers energy i. Primary coil is made by turns of coarse
between two or more circuits through wire while secondary coil is made by
electromagnetic induction. The coil turns of fine wires
connected to the source is called primary ii. Primary coil is made by less turns of
coil and the coil e.m.f induced is called coarse wire while secondary coil is
secondary coil made by higher turns of fine wires
Step Down Transformer
Step down transformer is the transformer
used to convert from high a.c voltage to
low a.c voltage

Its symbol


Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 228
i. Secondary coil is made by turns of fine Then: Eff = (Ps/Pp) x 100%
wire while primary coil is made by turns Eff = ( 𝐈𝐬 𝐱 𝐕𝐬 ) 𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎%
𝐈𝐩 𝐱 𝐕𝐩
of coarse wires
ii. secondary coil is made by less turns of
Eff = (Is ) (Vs ) 𝑥 100%
fine wire while primary coil is made by Ip Vp
higher turns of coarse wires But: Ns/Np = Vs/Vp
Then: Eff = (Is ) (Ns ) 𝑥 100%
Transformer Equation 𝐈𝐬 𝐱 𝐍𝐬 Ip Np

From the factor affect induced e.m.f Eff = ( ) 𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎%

𝐈𝐩 𝐱 𝐍𝐩
(faraday’s law)
For primary coil Example,
Np α Vp– removes proportionality A transformer is used to step down 240V
constant mains supply to 12V for laboratory use. If
Np= K Vp ---------- 1 the primary coil has 600 turns, determine
the number of turns in the secondary coil
For primary coil Data given
Ns α Vs– remove proportionality constant Number of turn in primary coil, Np = 600
Ns = K Vs ----------- 2 turns
Potential difference in primary coil, Vp =
Divide equation 1 to equation 2 240V
Np/Ns = (K Vp)/(K Vs) Potential difference in secondary coil, Vs
Np/Ns = Vp/Vs = 12V
Number of turn in secondary coil, Ns = ?
Suppose no loss in power Solution
Pp = Ps From: Np/Ns = Vp/Vs – make Ns subject
But: p = IV Ns = (Vs x Np)/Vp
Then: Ip x Vp = Is x Vs – make Vp/Vs Ns = (12 x 600)/240
subject Ns = 7200/240 = 30
Vp/Vs = Is/Ip Ns = 30 turns
Therefore: Vp/Vs = Is/Ip = Np/Ns
Vp/Vs = Is/Ip = Np/Ns Example,
A current of 0.6A is passed through a step
Where: up transformer with a primary coil of 200
Np = number of turn in primary coil turns. A current of 0.1A is obtained in the
Ns = number of turn in secondary coil secondary coil. Determine the number of
Vp = potential difference in primary coil turns in the secondary coil and the
Vs =potential difference in secondary coil voltage across if the primary coil is
Ip = current in primary coil connected to 240V mains.
Is =current in secondary coil Data given
Pp = power in primary coil Number of turn in primary coil, Np= 200
Ps =power in secondary coil turns
Potential difference in primary coil, Vp =
Transformer Efficiency 240V
Defn: Transformer efficiency is the ratio of Current in primary coil, Ip = 0.6 A
secondary coil power to primary coil Current in secondary coil, Is = 0.1A
power express as a percentage Number of turn in secondary coil, Ns = ?
Mathematically: Potential difference in secondary coil, Vs=
Eff = (𝑷𝒔) 𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎% ?
But: Ps = Is x Vs Number of turn in secondary coil, Ns = ?
Pp = Ip x Vp From: Np/Ns = Is/Ip – make Ns subject
Ns = (Ip x Np)/Is
Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 229
Ns = (0.6 x 200)/0.1
Ns = 120/0.1 = 1200
Ns = 1200 turns

Potential difference in secondary coil, Vs=

From: Np/Ns = Vp/Vs – make Vs subject
Vs = (Vp x Ns)/Np
Vs = (240 x 1200)/200
Vs= 288000/200 = 1440
Vs = 1440V

A step up transformer has 10000 turns in
the secondary coil and 100 turns through
the primary coil. An a.c of 5A flow in the
primary coil when connected to a 12V
a.c supply, Calculate
a) the voltage across secondary coil
b) current in secondary coil if transformer
efficiency is 90%
Data given
Number of turn in primary coil, Np= 100
Number of turn in secondary coil, Ns =
Potential difference in primary coil, Vp =
Current in primary coil, Ip = 5 A
Transformer efficiency, Eff = 90%
Potential difference in secondary coil, Vs=
Current in secondary coil, Is = ?
a) Potential difference in secondary coil,
Vs= ?
From: Np/Ns = Vp/Vs – make Vs subject
Vs = (Vp x Ns)/Np
Vs = (12 x 10000)/100
Vs = 120000/100 =1200
Vs = 1200V

b) Current in secondary coil, Is = ?

From: Eff=( Is x Vs ) 𝑥 100%- make Ps
Ip x Vp
Eff x Ip x Vp 90 x 5 x 12
Is =Vs x 100% = 1200 x 100%
Is = 5400/120000 = 0.045
Is = 0.045A

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 230
Defn: Radioactivity is the process whereby Nuclear Binding Energy
atom disintegrates (emit radiation) Defn: binding energy is energy required to
Or break apart, split or break down the
Defn: radioactivity is the process in which nucleus of the atom to its components
an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy (protons and neutrons)
by emitting radiation in the form of
particles or electromagnetic wave. Structure of Atom
According to Rutherford atom
NB: “Atom has a structure like a small solar
i. Radioactivity also called radioactive system, in which the planet is electron
decay and the place of the sun is taken by a
ii. Disintegrated atom is called parent small heavy positive charged particle
nuclide called nuclear (Protons and Neutrons)”
iii. New formed is called Daughter nuclide Diagram:

Terms Used
Defn: Matter is the anything that occupies
space and has weight. For Example,
water, iron, meat, wood etc
Elements p = protons
Defn: Element is a pure substance that is n = neutrons
made up of only one kind of atom and e = electrons
cannot be broken down into simpler parts
by a chemical means. For Example, Therefore Atoms are made up by
helium (H), hydrogen (He), iron (Fe) etc subatomic (three types) of particles
Atom i. Protons
Defn: Atom is the smallest particle of an ii. Neutrons
element that has all the chemical iii. Electrons
characteristics of the element. For
Example, helium (H), hydrogen (He), iron PROTONS
(Fe) etc Defn: Protons is the positive charged
particle located at nucleus. It denoted by
Molecules small letter p. its charge and his mass is
Defn: a molecule is a group of atoms. For +1.6 x 𝟏𝟎−𝟏𝟗C and 1.6726 x 𝟏𝟎−𝟐𝟕kg
Example, water molecule (H2O), respectively
hydrogen molecules (H2)
Strong Force Defn: Neutrons is the neutral charged
Defn: Strong force is the force hold particle located at nucleus. It denoted by
protons and neutrons present in the small letter n. its charge and his mass is 0C
nucleus oppose and overcome repulsion and 1.6749 x 𝟏𝟎−𝟐𝟕kg respectively
between protons
Binding Energy Defn: Electrons is the negative charged
Defn: binding energy is energy hold particle revolves around the nucleus. It
protons and neutrons present in the denoted by small letter e. its charge and
nucleus oppose and overcome repulsion his mass is -1.6 x 10−19C and 9.1094 x
between protons 10−31kg respectively
Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 231
Carbon - 14 14
Properties of Subatomic Particles Oxygen - 16 16
Particl Symb Charge Mass (Kg) Oxygen 8 Oxygen - 17 17
e ol (C) Oxygen - 18 18
Proton P +1.6 x 1.6726 x Chlorine - 35 35
−19 10−27 Chlorine 17
10 Chlorine - 37 37
Neutr N 0 1.6749 x Uranium - 234 234
on 10−27 Uranium 92 Uranium - 235 235
Electr E -1.6 x 9.1094 x Uranium - 238 238
−19 10−31
on 10 lead - 202 202
lead - 206 206
lead 82
Atomic Number lead - 207 207
Defn: Atomic number is the number of lead - 208 208
proton particle in nucleus of a particular
element. It denoted by capital letter Z Nb:
Mathematically: Z = ∑p i. The different isotopes always differ by
one neutron (110n)
Mass Number ii. Isotopes of particular element/atom;
Defn: Mass number is the sum of protons the largest the mass number (A) the
and neutrons particles. Also is called heaviest of element and vice versa
atomic mass/weight. It denoted by
capital letter A Isobars
Mathematically: A = Z + N Defn: isobar is the different elements
having the same mass number but
Nb: different
n atomic number. For Example,
i. Magnitude of protons and electrons Y and nX
m d
particles is equal
ii. Mass/weight of atom located at Isotones
nucleus Defn: isobar is the different elements
iii. In given atom/elements (X) mass having the same number of neutrons. For
number (A) located as superscript Example,
while atomic number (Z) located as C and 16O
6 8
subscript. i.e. AZX
Charge of Atom
Isotopy Atom consist two charge includes
Defn: Isotopy is the existences of atoms i. Positive charge (protons)
with the same atomic number but differ in ii. Negative charge (electron)
atomic mass. Elements which can form
isotopy is called isotopic elements Positive Charge
Positive charge is the charge found at
Isotopes nucleus generated by protons charge
Defn: isotopes are the atoms of the same
element having the same atomic number Negative Charge
but different mass number Negative charge is the charge found at
electron orbit/shell
Isotopic Elements and Their Isotopes
Elements Z Isotopes A Derivation Of Charge Of Atom
Hydrogen - 1 1 Atomic number = Z
1 deuterium 2 Charge of atom = Q
tritium 3 Each electron Charge, e = -1.6 x 10 −19 C
Carbon - 12 12 Each proton Charge, p = +1.6 x 10−19 C
Carbon 6
Carbon - 13 13 Since:
Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level & A-level. 232

1particle of atom have 1.6 x 10−19 C Q = Z x e = 17 x 1.6 x 10−19

charge Q = 27.2 x 10−19 = 2.72 x 10−18
Mathematically: 1p = e ------------ 1 Q = 2.72 x 𝟏𝟎−𝟏𝟖C
Some particle of atom has Q charge
Mathematically: Zp = Q ---------------2 Example,
Divide: equation (1) and (2) Tin (Sn) has a total of twenty-five isotopes;
1p/Zp = e/Q the lightest is represented by the
1/Z = e/Q symbol10850Sn. Given that all twenty-five
Q = Ze isotopes of tine exist, write down the
Therefore charge of atom whether symbol for the heaviest tin isotopes
nucleus/positive charge or electrons Data given
negative charge can be calculated by Mass number, A = 108
above formula Atomic number, Z = 50
Twenty-five tin, AZSn = ?
Nb: Solution
i. Negative Charge and positive charge Since the different isotopes always differ
of particular element or atom are by one neutron (11n) 108+24
ASn = 108Sn + 241n 0 = Sn = 132Sn
equal in magnitude Z 50 0 50 50
ii. Charge of atom can be calculated by 𝐀𝐒𝐧
𝐙 = 𝟏𝟑𝟐
𝟓𝟎 𝐒𝐧
the same formula since are equal in Therefore heaviest isotope of tin will be
magnitude 50Sn
iii. Neutron and protons particles of atom
never change( remains constant) Stable Atom
iv. Electrons particle can be lost, added Defn: Stable atom is the atom whereby its
or shared by another atom binding energy is strong enough to hold
v. If atom lost electron particle the atom nucleus of an atom together. Stability of
become net positive charged which atom decrease as the atomic number
called Cation increase
vi. If atom added electron particle the
atom become net negative charged Unstable Atom
which called Anion Defn: unstable atom is the atom whereby
its binding energy is not strong enough to
Example, hold nucleus of an atom together.
One isotope of chlorine has the symbol
17Cl Types of Radioactivity
i. Calculate the number of neutrons in There are two types includes
this isotope i. Natural radioactivity
ii. Calculate the charge in coulombs on ii. Artificial radioactivity
the nucleus of this isotope
Data given: Natural Radioactivity
Atomic mass, A = 37 Defn: natural radioactivity is the
Atomic number, Z = 17 spontaneous disintegration of unstable
Electron charge, e = -1.6 x 10−19 C atoms (nuclei). For Example, unstable
Proton charge, p = +1.6 x 10−19 C isotopes such that carbon-14 and heavy
Neutrons, N = ? elements such as lead and uranium etc
Protons charge, Q =?
Solution Nb:
i. From: A = Z + N – make N subject i. Materials exhibit radioactivity is called
N = A – Z = 37 – 17 = 20 radioactive material
N = 20 ii. In the periodic table all elements
above lead exhibit natural
ii. From: Q = Ze radioactivity


iii. Example, of radioactive material are Solution

thorium (Th), uranium (U) , Radon (Rn) , 238U
→ 234Th + 42He
92 90
Radium (Ra), Polonium (Po) etc
How Natural Radioactivity Occurs? Radium-222 undergoes an alpha decay
Natural radioactivity occur when atomic to produce radon-218
nucleus has many number of protons in Solution
the nucleus, due to law of charge like 222
218 4
88Ra → 86Rn + 2He
charge repel therefore repulsion force is
large enough to overcome strong force
(bonding energy) resulting unstable Properties of Alpha Particles
atomic nucleus disintegrate (decay) into i. It is helium in nature
smaller nuclei (daughter nuclide) which ii. It has positively charged
are smaller and more stable than parent iii. it has relative charge of 2+
nuclide iv.Low kinetic energy electrons
v. Very Low penetration since it the
Nuclear Radiation heaviest particle
Defn: nuclear radiation is the energy or vi.It can be stopped/shielding by a few
particles or electromagnetic waves cm of air, thin sheet of paper, skin,
emitted by unstable atom clothes etc
vii. Cause some material to
Types of Radiation fluorescence i.e. to give out light
There are three includes viii. It affect/blackens photographic plate
i. Alpha (𝛼) particle (film)
ii. Beta (β) particle ix. It heaviest particle due to its biggest
iii. Gamma (γ) rays mass and charge
x. Very high ionizing power since it the
Alpha Particle (𝛼) heaviest particle
Defn: Alpha particle is the particle emitted xi. It emitted up to speed of 0.1C where
by radioactive material which is C = 3 x 108 m/s
equivalent to helium nucleus particle xii. Deflected toward negative plate
𝜶 = 𝟐𝟒𝑯𝒆
xiii. Deflected toward south pole
Effect on Nucleus
When a radioactive nucleus emits an
alpha particle its atomic number
decrease by two and mass number
decrease by 4. The effect tend to form Beta Particle (β)
other element Beta particle is the particle emitted by
Chemically radioactive material which is equivalent
yields A−4
A 4 to electrons ( −10𝑒)
ZX → Z−2Y + 2He
β = −𝟏𝟎𝒆
i. AZX Is parent nuclide Effect on Nucleus
ii. A−4 When a radioactive nucleus emits beta
Z−2Y is daughter nuclide
iii. The parent nuclide can give more than particle its atomic number decrease by
one daughter nuclide one and mass number remain constant.
The effect tend to form other element
Example, Chemically
Uranium-238 undergoes an alpha decay A yields
AY + 0e

ZX → Z−1 −1
to produce thorium-234

Example, mass number remain constant. The effect

Carbon-14 undergoes beta decay to tend to form other element
produce nitrogen-14 Chemically with beta particle
Solution A yields A 0
yields ZX → Z−1Y + −1e +γ
6C →
14 14 0
7N +−1e
Chemically with alpha particle
Example, A
→ A−4
+ 42He + γ
Iodine-131 emits beta particles to
produce xenon-131 Example,
yields Cobalt-60 by emitting a beta particle to
131 131 0
53I → 54Xe +−1e produce nickel-60 and gamma rays
Properties of Beta Particles 60
→ 60
+ 0

27Co Ni
28 −1e
i. It is electrons in nature
ii. It has relative charge of -1 Example,
iii. It has negatively charged particle Iodine-131 emits beta particles to
iv.high kinetic energy electrons produce xenon-131 and gamma rays
v. Moderate penetration due to its low Solution
mass yields
vi. It can stopped by a few mm of metals
54 + 0
−1e +γ
like aluminium, Plastic, glass, light
metals etc Properties of Gama Rays
vii. Moderate ionizing power due to its i. It electromagnetic wave in nature
low mass ii. They neutral in charge
viii. It emitted up to speed of 0.9C where iii. Have zero relative charge
C = 3 x 108 m/s iv. very high frequency electromagnetic
ix.It affect/blackens photographic plate radiation
(film) v. Very highly penetrating since have no
x. Cause some material to fluorescence mass
i.e. to give out light vi. Can be stopped by a thick layer of
xi.smaller mass and charge than the steel or concrete, Dense metal,
alpha particle concrete, but even a few cm of dense
xii. Deflected toward positive plate lead doesn't stop all of it
vii. The lowest ionizing power since have
no mass
viii. It have no mass since is ray(radiation)
xiii. Deflected toward north pole ix.It emitted with speed of 3 x 108 m/s
x. It affect/blackens photographic plate
xi.Cause some material to fluorescence
i.e. to give out light
Gamma Rays (𝛾)
xii. Cannot Deflected toward negative
Gamma ray is the ray emitted by
radioactive material which equivalent to
electromagnetic wave. it released during
emission of an alpha or a beta particle
(γ). It also called gamma radiation
xiii. Cannot Deflected toward south pole
Effect on Nucleus
When a radioactive nucleus emits an
alpha particle its atomic number and


Different Between Alpha Particles, Beta Laws of Radioactive Decays

Particles and Gamma Rays There are three laws of radioactive decay
i. Alpha particles has positive charge, which states that
Beta particles has negative charge i. “when radioactive material decayed
wile Gamma rays has no charge by emission of alpha particle its mass
ii. Alpha particles has Low kinetic energy number and atomic number decrease
electrons, Beta particles has high by 4units and 2units respectively”
kinetic energy electrons while Gamma A yields A−4
ZX → Z−2Y + 42He
rays has high kinetic energy electrons
than Alpha particle and Beta particle ii. “when radioactive material decayed
iii. Alpha particles has Very Low by emission of beta particle its mass
penetration power, Beta particles has number remain constant/unchanged
Moderate penetration power while while atomic number increase by
Gama rays have Very highly 1units”
penetrating power yields
Z → Z+1Y
A + −10e

iii. “when radioactive material decayed

by emission of gamma ray neither
mass number and atomic number
ZX →
ZY +γ

iv. Alpha particles has biggest mass and Example,

charge, Beta particles has smaller mass Radioactive uranium 238 92U emits an 𝛼-

and charge than the alpha particle particle to become thorium. Thorium emits
While Gama rays have no mass and a 𝛽-particle to become praseodymium
no electric charge which then emits another 𝛽-particle. What
v. Alpha particles has Very high ionizing are atomic number, mass number and
power, Beta particles has Moderate number of final atom produced?
ionizing power While Gama rays has Solution
lowest ionizing power Radioactivity takes three stages
vi.Alpha particles is particle, Beta First yields
238 234 4
particles is a particle While Gama rays 92U → + 2He 90Th
is electromagnetic wave Mass number= 234
vii. Alpha particles Deflected toward Atomic number= 90
negative plate, Beta particles
Deflected toward positive plate while Second stage
Gama rays is not deflected 234Th
→ 23491Pr + −1
Diagram: 90
Mass number= 234
Atomic number= 91

Third yields
234 234 0
91Pr → + −1e
Mass number= 234
Atomic number= 92
viii. Alpha particles Deflected toward Uranium has atomic number 92 therefore
South Pole, Beta particles Deflected the final product is uranium
toward North Pole while Gama rays is
not deflected Example,


i. Define the terms isotope nucleus. Write the nuclear equation for
ii. Uranium 238 92U decay to polonium 84Po this process
by 𝛼-particle emission at each stage Solution
238U → 24He →2 0
via 234xTh, 230yRa and 226Rn. Following this e → 234Th
z 92 2 −1 90
stage 224 84Po decayed to q
by 𝛽-
particle only Application of Natural Radioactivity
(a) Write balanced equation of the i. In hospital (medicine)
stage decay process from 238 92U to a. Used to sterilize hospital equipment
zRn and determine value of x, y, z
b. Used to trace and treat maligned
and q growth. E.g. cancer and tumors
(b) Identify isotopes and isobars c. to measure correct patient dosages
Solution (ii) of radioactive pharmaceuticals
(a) Radioactivity takes five stages d. Used as a tracer to diagnose
𝛼 𝛼 𝛼 𝛼 𝛽 pernicious anemia
→ x Th → 230y Ra → 226z Rn → 222
238U q 234
92 84 Po →
86 e. Used in molecular biology and
Rn genetics research.
First stage
𝛼 ii. In industry
238 234 4
92U → xTh + 2He a. Used to revel/detect and remove
92 = x + 2 overflows in metal and plastics
X = 90 b. Used to measure thickness and
density of material
𝛼 stage c.
234 230 4 d. Used to aeroplane
To test making of jet
engine turbines
90Th → yRa + 2He
90 = x + 2 for structural integrity
X = 88 e. To ensure the right fill level for
packages of food, drugs, and other
Third stage
𝛼 products. (The products in these
230 226 4
packages do not become
88Ra → zRn + 2He
88 = x + 2
f. To measure and control the
X = 86
thickness or density of metal and
Fourth stage plastic sheets
𝛼 g. Used in many smoke detectors for
86 → 222
84Po + 24He homes and businesses
h. to measure levels of toxic lead in
Fifth stage
𝛽 q dried paint samples
222 + 0e + 0e i. to ensure uniform thickness in rolling
84Po → 86Rn −1 −1

→ 86
q processes like steel and paper
84Po Rn + 2−10e
222 = q + 2x0 j. to help determine where oil wells
222 = q + 0 should be drilled
q = 222
k. Used to analyze metal alloys for
(b) Isotopes is Radon; 226Rn and 222Rn checking stock, scrap sorting
86 86
Isotopes is 222Po and 222Rn
84 86 iii. In agriculture
a. It is used to kill weeds
Example, NECTA 2013 QN: 5 (c)
b. Used to check cracking in pipes
A uranium nucleus, U-238 with atomic used for irrigation purpose
number 92, emits two 𝛼-particles and two
c. Used to produce varieties of plants
𝛽-particles and finally forms a thorium (Th)
which are harder and more
resistance to disease


d. Helps in research to ensure that in charge is given maximum kinetic

potential new drugs are energy toward stable atomic nucleus.
metabolized without forming harmful After bombarded stable atomic nucleus
by-products become unstable results disintegration.
e. Radioactive phosphorous is mixed in Protons never used
phosphate fertilizer to determine the
amount of phosphorous absorbed Method Of Induce Radioactivity
by the plant There are two methods includes
f. to measure and control the liquid i. Neutron activation
flow in water pipelines for irrigation ii. Photonuclear reaction
g. to measure and control the liquid
flow in oil pipelines Neutron Activation
h. to gauge the moisture content of soil Neutron activation is the process whereby
in the road construction and neutron radiation induce radioactivity in
building industries materials
i. to measure the moisture of materials
stored in soils Example,
j. To measure amount of moisture Stable cobal-59 undergo neutron
content store in grains and control radiation to emit cobalt-60
pests 59 1 yields 60
27Co + 0n → + 27Co

iv. In transport Photonuclear Reaction

a. Used to inspect passenger’s Photonuclear reaction is the reaction
luggage before boarding the plane whereby radioactive induced by
b. Used to inspect airline luggage for bombarding the target nucleus with high
hidden explosives energy X-rays or gamma rays

v. Science Field Example,

a. Important aid to biomedical In each of the nucleus reaction listen
researchers studying the cellular below what is the atomic number, mass
functions and bone formation in number and a name of the particle
mammals produced?
b. Used instudies
research in red blood cell i. Born 105Bo bombarded with a neutron
survival 7
gives lithium 3Li particle
c. to tell researchers whether oil wells ii. aluminium 27 by 𝛼-
13Al bombarded
are plugged by sand particle to give silicon 14Si particle
d. Used in biological research, iii. sodium 11 23Na bombarded by 𝛼-particle
agriculture, pollution control, and to give aluminium 27 13Al particle
archeology iv. chlorine 17Cl bombarded with proton
e. Used to analyze electroplating gives sulphur1635S particle
solutions Solution
i. 10Bo + 1n → 7Li + aX
Artificial Radioactivity 5 0 3 b
Defn: artificial radioactivity is the emitting Mass number Atomic number
of radiation due to bombarding small and 10 + 1 = 7+ a 5+0=3+b
stable nuclei by high energetically 11 = 7+ a 5 = 3+ b
particles. It also called induce a=4 b=2
radioactivity Particle is alpha (helium)

How Artificial Radioactivity Occurs? ii. 27Al

+ 42He → 30Si
+ abX
Artificial radioactivity is archived by Mass number Atomic number
neutron disturbance even if is the neutral 27 + 4 = 30+ a 13 + 2 = 14 + b


31 = 30 + a 15 = 14 + b Nuclear Fission
a=1 b=1 Defn: nuclear fission is the process
Atom produced is proton whereby unstable nucleus of an atom split
into two or more smaller nuclei.
iii. 23Na + 4He → 26Al + aX
11 2 13 b Example,
Mass number Atomic number yields
92U →
236 94 140
23 + 4 = 26+ a 11 + 2 = 13 + b 36Kr + 56Ba + 210n
27 = 26 + a 13 = 13 + b
a=1 b=0 NB:
Atom produced is neutron i. Nucleus fission of heavy element is a
highly exothermic reaction thus why
iv. 35
Cl +0p → 35S + aX used as a source of energy
17 1 16 b ii. If neutron bombarded with atom the
Mass number Atomic number
decay will continue until stable atom
35 + 0 = 35+ a 17 + 1 = 16 + b
form since neutron decrease to Finnish.
35 = 35 + a 18 = 16 + b
This chain is called chain reaction
a=0 b = -2
Atom produced is two electrons
Example, β β
99 99 99
Application of Artificial Radioactivity 41Nb → 42Mo → 44Ru
i. Neutron activation is one of the most 236U ⁄ (Stable)
92 ⃥
sensitive and accurate methods of 133
β β β β 133
53I → 54Xe → 55Cs
133 133 133
trace-element analysis 51Sb → 52Te →
ii. Neutron activation is uses nuclear
reactors for nuclear energy generation (Stable)
iii. Neutron activation is uses nuclear
reactors for making nuclear bombs Application of Nuclear Fission
i. It is used in nuclear power plants to
Hazards/Effect of Nuclear Reaction generate electricity
It can cause the follows ii. It is used in making nuclear bombs
i. Skin burning and Redding when
exposed in radiation Nuclear Fusion
ii. Death by killing human body cell Defn: nuclear fusion is the process
iii. Cancerous tumors whereby lighter nuclei joining together to
iv.Genetic mutation form heaver nucleus.
Precaution to Be Taken From Hazard Nuclear fusion of deuterium and tritium
i. Limiting the time of exposure yield helium, neutron and heat energy
ii. Increase the distance from the source 2
3 yields
4 1
1H + 1H → +2H + 0n + H
of radiation
iii. Using materials such water, concrete Nb:
or lead to absorb the radiation i. Nucleus fusion of heavy element than
iv. Hold radioactive material by using iron or nickel is endothermic reaction
mechanical tong ii. Nucleus fusion of lighter element is
v. keep out of the environment which exothermic reaction
radioactive material iii. Nucleus fusion occur naturally in stars
iv.Nucleus fusion occur artificial in human
Types of Nuclear Reaction enterprises
There are two types includes
i. Nuclear fission Application of Nuclear Fusion
ii. Nuclear fusion i. It is used in nuclear power plants to
generate electricity

ii. It is used in making nuclear bombs. For λ =
Example, hydrogen bomb 𝟐

Carbon – 14 Dating Radioactive Decay Equation

Defn: is the scientific method which is used It relates original, No number of atoms,
to determine age of dead living and non- number of atoms remain which not
living organism decayed, N, time for disintegrate, t and
half time, 𝐭𝟏
Half-life of Radioactive Nucleus
Initial of No, at t = 0 after zero half-life, t1
Defn: half-life is the time required for one 2

half of the nuclei present to decay. It No will remain undecayed

represent by symbol (𝑡1) N = No = 𝑵𝒐 = 𝑵𝒐
= No(𝟏)𝟎
2 𝟏 𝟐 𝟐
Each radioactive material has its own Second of No, at t = t1 after one half-life,
2 𝑁𝑜
t1 will remain undecayed will be
2 2
Activity N = 𝑵𝒐 = 𝑵𝒐𝟏 = No(𝟏)𝟏
𝟐 𝟐 𝟐
Defn: activity is the rate of disintegration
of radioactive material with time Third of No, at t = 2t1 after two half-life, t1
Or 2

Defn: activity is the number of atoms will remain undecayed will be 4

decayed per unit time N = 𝑵𝒐 = 𝑵𝒐𝟐 = No(𝟏)𝟐
𝟒 𝟐 𝟐
Activity also called count rate. SI unit of
activity is count rate per second, c.p.s
Fourth of No, at t = 3t1 after three half-life,
Mathematically𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑚 𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑑,−∆𝑁 2 𝑁𝑜
Activity, A = t1 will remain undecayed will be
𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑛, ∆𝑡 2 8
−∆𝑵 N = 𝑵𝒐 = 𝑵𝒐 = No(𝟏)𝟑
∆𝒕 𝟖 𝟐𝟑 𝟐

Nb: Fifth of No, at t = 4t1 after four half-life, t1

2 2
i. Negative means as time goes number 𝑁𝑜
will remain undecayed will be
of atom decrease 16
N= 𝑵𝒐 = 𝑵𝒐 = No(𝟏)𝟒
ii. Activity is directly proportional to the
𝟏𝟔 𝟐𝟒 𝟐
original number of atoms presents
Mathematically Nth of No, at t = nt1 after nth half-life, t1
Activity, A 𝛼 original of atoms presents, N 2 2

A 𝛼 N – removal proportionality constant will remain undecayed will be No(1)𝑛

A = kN N = 𝑁𝑜 = No(1)𝑛
−∆𝑁 2𝑛 2
But: A = ∆𝑡 N = No (𝟏)𝒏
−∆𝑁 𝟐
= kN
But: From our relation above it seems n
Where: equal to ratio of time taken, t by original
K = λ = proportionality/decay constant atom, No to the half-life,𝐭𝟏, therefore
−∆𝑵 𝟐
= λN n= 𝒕
But: decay constant, λ is given by
λ = 𝑙𝑛 2 = log𝑒 2, where e = 2.718 Modify the equation
t1 t1 𝒕
2 2
𝟏 𝒕𝟏
𝑙𝑛 2
0.6932 N = No ( ) 𝟐
t1 t1 𝟐
2 2 Where:


t = time taken by original atom N = No (𝟐𝟏)𝒏

t1 = half-life taken after each activity
No = original atom Nb:
N = number of atom remain undecayed i. Half-life is the same for isotope
ii. Half-life is independent to physical
Radioactive Decay Curve state, temperature and pressure
Defn: radioactive decay curve is the iii. Radioactive isotope never decay to
exponential curve drawn with number of zero value
atoms on the vertical axis and time for
disintegration on the horizontal axis For Example,
Diagram: Isotope has a half-life of 1min and 1000
nuclei initially present, after 1min will
decay to 500 nuclei, next 1min will decay
to 250 nuclei, and next 1min will decay to
125 nuclei and so on

Initial of No, at t = 0 after zero half-life, t1

No will remain undecayed
N = No = 𝑵𝒐 = 𝑵𝒐 = No(𝟏)𝟎
𝟏 𝟐𝟎 𝟐

Second of No, at t = t1 after one half-life,

t1 will remain undecayed will be Example,
2 2 A sample of a radioactive contains 120
N = 𝑵𝒐 = 𝑵𝒐
= No(𝟏)𝟏 nuclei. Calculate the number of half-life it
𝟐 𝟐 𝟐
takes for the sample to decay so that
Third of No, at t = 2t1 after two half-life, t1 there are only 15 nuclei left undecayed
𝑁𝑜 2 Data given
will remain undecayed will be 4 Initial mass, No = 120 nuclei
N = 𝑵𝒐 = 𝑵𝒐
= No(𝟏)𝟐 Final mass, N = 15 nuclei
𝟒 𝟐 𝟐
Number of half-lives, n = ?
Fourth of No, at t = 3t1 after three half-life, Solution
2 𝑁𝑜 From: No/N = 2n
t1 will remain undecayed will be 8 120/15 = 2n
𝑵𝒐 = 𝑵𝒐 = No( 𝟏)𝟑 83= 2n n
𝟖 𝟐𝟑 𝟐 2 =2
Fifth of No, at t = 4t1 after four half-life, t1
2 2
will remain undecayed will be 𝑁𝑜 Example,
= 𝑵𝒐𝟒 = No( 𝟏)𝟒 The half-life of iodine-131 is 8 days. A
𝟏𝟔 𝟐 𝟐 sample contains 800g of iodine-131. How
much of the sample will remaining
Nth of No, at t = nt1 after nth half-life, t1 undecayed after 40 days
2 2
will remain undecayed will be No(1)𝑛 Data given
𝑁𝑜 1 𝑛
2 Initial mass, No = 800 nuclei
N= 2𝑛
= No( 2) Half-life, t1 = 8 days


Time taken, t = 40 days composition of the nucleus at the end

Final mass, Nn = ? of the following stages of disintegration
Solution i. Emission of alpha (α) particle
𝒕 ii. Emission of beta (β) particle
( )
𝒕𝟏 iii. Emission of gamma (γ) radiation
From: No/N = 2 𝟐 - make N subject Solutionyields
𝒕 i. 226X 222 4
yields 86X + 2H (α particle)
( )
𝒕𝟏 88 →
N = No/2 𝟐
ii. 222X 222 0
40 86 → 87X + −1e (β particle)
N = 800/(2( 8 ) ) = 800/( 2 5) iii. 222 yields 222
87X → 87X + γ (γ particle)
N = 800/32 = 25
N = 25g
Therefore 25g will undecayed after 40
The half-life of 214
83 B is 20min. what fraction
of a sample of this radioactive remain
after 2 hours?
Data given
The half-life of iodine-131 is 8 days. A
Half-life, t1 = 20min
sample contains 16g of iodine-131 2
i. Draw a graph to represents Time taken, t = 2 hrs = 120 min
ii. From the graph determine mass of the Sample fraction, No/N =?
sample which will remain undecayed Solution
after 20 days 𝒕
( )
Solution 𝒕𝟏
i. Table of value From: No/N = 2 𝟐
Period 8 16 24 No/N = 2( 𝟐𝟎) = 26 = 64
(days) No/N = 64 – inverse both sides
Mass (g) 16 8 4 N/No = 𝟏

The half-life of thorium - 234 is 24 days. The
physics department of the West Indies in
Jamaica bought a sample of this thorium
from England on the day of dispatch its
activity was 4 x 105c.p.s
i. What was the activity of source when it
arrived in Jamaica 72 days later?
ii. What safety precaution should be
ii. From the Table above 5.6g will remain suppliers have taken to ensure that of
undecayed after 20 days dude workers would be harmed
Data given
Example, : NECTA 2001, QN: 08 Half-life, t1 = 24 days
(a) Define the term (i) half-life (ii) atomic Time taken, t = 72 days
number Initial sample, No = 4 x 105c.p.s
(b) Name the three fundamental particles Sample remained undecayed, N = ?
of which atoms of an element are Solution
composed. How these particles are 𝒕
(𝒕 )
distributed in atom of an element 𝟏
whose atomic number is 3 and mass From: No/N = 2 𝟐
( )
number is 7 4 x 105/N = 2 𝟐𝟒 = 23 = 8
(c) A radioactive nucleus is denoted by 4 x 105/N = 8 – inverse both sides
the symbol 22688X . Write down the N/4 x 105 = 1


N = 4 x 105 x 1 = 5 x 104 𝟏𝟓
8 ( )
N = 5 x 104 c.p.s 8=2 𝟐 - apply log both sides
Example, (𝒕 )

The half-life of a radioactive element is 10 Log 8 = log2 𝟐

min. calculate how long it will take for 90% 3Log2 = 𝟏𝟓 log2
of a given mass of element to decay 𝟐
Data given 3=
Half-life, t1 = 10 min 2
2 𝑡1 = 15 = 5
Initial sample, No = 100% 2 3
Element decayed, Nd = 90% 𝒕𝟏 = 5 Hrs
Sample remained undecayed, N = 10%
Time taken, t = ?
(ii) Data given
Time taken, t = 25Hrs
(𝒕 ) Initial elements, No = 3 x 10 20c.p.m
From: No/N = 2 𝟐 Half-life, t1 = 5Hrs
𝒕 2
( )
100/10 = 2 𝟏𝟎 Elements undecayed, N = ?
10 = 2 (
- apply log both sides Solution
Log10 = log2(𝟏𝟎 ) (𝒕 )
Log10 = 𝑡 log2 From: No/N = 2 𝟐
10 𝟐𝟓
𝑡 = Log10/log2 = log 210 = 3.32 3 x 1020/N = 2( 𝟓 ) = 25 = 32
10 3 x 1020/N = 32 – inverse both sides
t = 3.32 x 10
N/3 x 1020= 1
t = 33.2 min 32
N = 3 x 1020 x 1
32 = 2.5 x 1019
Example, : NECTA 2014 N = 9.375 x 1018 c.p.s
a) What is meant by half-life of a But:
radioactive element? Decayed atom = initial – undecayed
b) A radioactive element was an initial atom
count rate of 1200 counts per minutes Nd = 3 x 1020 – 9.375 x 1018
measured by a scale and this falls to Nd = 2.90625 x 1020 c.p.s
150 counts per minute in 15hours
i.Determine half-life of the element Law of Radioactive Decay
ii. If the initial number of an atom in It states that
another sample of this element is 3 x “Count Rate is direct proportional to the
1020. How many atoms will have number of undecayed atoms in the
decayed in 25 hours? sample”
(i) Data given Mathematically:
Time taken, t = 15Hrs C 𝛼 N – removal proportionality constant
Initial elements, No = 1200 c.p.m C = kN – make k subject
Elements undecayed, N = 150 c.p.m K = C/N
Half-life, t1 = ? So: Co/No = C/N = C/N= K
Solution For: Co/No = Cn/Nn – make NO/N
Finally: Co/C = No/N
(𝒕 )
𝟏 Since: No/Nn = 2n
From: No/N = 2 𝟐
Co/C = No/N = 𝟐𝐧
(𝒕 )
1200/150 = 2 𝟐 Example, : NECTA 2003 QN: 8
(a)Write two properties of (i) X-rays (ii)
gamma rays

(b)(i) Give any four uses of cathode ray

From: n = ( 𝒕 )
oscilloscope (CRO) 𝒕𝟏
(ii) State two ways in which x-rays differ 𝟐

from gamma rays 3 = (𝑡)

(c) A particular radioactive has a half-life t = 6 minutes
of 2.0 hours. A sample gives a count of
2400 per second at 11:00 a.m. when ii. Undecayed = original – decayed
will the count have dropped to Undecayed = 256 – 32 = 224
approximately 300 per second in the Undecayed = 224
same counting system? To gen fraction divide by original both
Data given Fraction undecayed = 224/256 = 7/8
Initial count rate, Co = 2400/s Fraction undecayed = 7/8
Final count rate, C = 300/s
Half-life, t1 = 2.0 hrs Detection of Nuclear Radiations
Solution Nuclear radiation is detected by its ability
1st find number of half-life, n = ? of ionize atom/molecules of gas passed
From: Co/C = 2n through the detector, we have about
2400/300 = 2n many device but the first-three is the
8 = 2n common detector includes
2n = 23 i. Geiger Muller tube (GM tube)
n=3 ii. Spark counter
2nd find time taken for decaying, t = ? iii. Cloud chamber
iv.Photographic plate (film)
From: n = ( 𝒕 ) v. Bubble chamber
𝟐 vi.Gold leaf electroscope
3 = (𝑡 )
Geiger Muller Tube
t = 6hrs
Defn: Geiger Muller tube is the device
which detect radiation by ionization of
Time will be (11:00a.m + 6hrs) 5:00p.m
noble gas such as argon in a closed tube
Example, : NECTA 2013 QN: 5(b)
A certain radioactive material has a half-
life of 2 minutes. If the initial count rate is
256 per minutes
i. How long does it take to reach a count
rate of 32 per minutes
ii. What fraction of the original number of
atoms is left undecayed?
Data given Composition of Gm Tube
Initial count rate, Co = 256/m i. Hollow tube consist noble gas coated
Final count rate, C = 32/m metallic film maintained at a high
Half-life, t1 = 2 min negative voltage relative to the
ii. Mica thin window at one end where
i. 1st find number of half-life, n = ?
From: Co/C = 2n radiation allowed passing through
mica during detection
256/32 = 2n
iii.A collector wire at the centre of tube
8 = 2n
2n = 23
Mechanism of Gm Tube
When radiation pass through a thin mica
2nd find time taken for decaying, t = ?
window the noble gas (argon) in the tube
ionize which loose electron, electron

accelerate toward collector. The current 𝒕𝟏 = 10 min

produced cause the speaker to click or
scale to count
A rate meter records a background count
Background Count Rate
rate of 2 c.p.s, when a radioactive source
Defn: Background count rate is the
is held near the count rate is 162 c.p.s. if
reading recorded by scale count or
the half-life of the source is 5 min. what
speaker even through there is no source
will the recorded count rate be 20 min?
of radioactive material hold near mica
Half-life, t1 = 5 min
window of G.M.T 2
Time taken, t = 20 min
Source of Background Count Rate Background count rate, Nb = 2 c.p.s
i. Earth’s radioactive impurities Initial count rate, No = (162 – 2) = 160 c.p.s
ii. Residue of nuclear radiation present in Final count rate, N = ?
G.M.T Solution
iii. Cosmic rays escape from outer space 𝒕
( )
through ozone layer
From: No/N = 2 𝟐
Nb: 160/N = 2( 𝟓 ) = 24 = 16
In calculation Background count rate is 160/N = 16 – inverse both sides
treated as zero. i.e. not allowed (it N/160 = 16

subtracted from recorded count rate) N = 160 x 1

= 10 c.p.s

Example, N = 10 c.p.s
A Geiger Muller tube connected to rate
meter is hold near a radioactive source, Spark Counter
the corrected count rate(allowing for Defn: Spark counter is the device used to
Background count rate is 400 c.p.s. 40 min detect the presence of radiation based
the corrected count rate is 25c.p.s. what on their ability to ionize dry air molecules
is the half-life of the source? by producing sparks
Data given Diagram
Time taken, t = 40 min
Initial count rate, No = 400 c.p.m
Final count rate, N = 25 c.p.m
Half-life, t1 =?
Composition of Spark Counter
(𝒕 )
𝟏 i. Piece of wire gauze
From: No/N = 2 𝟐 ii. Long wire
(𝒕 )
iii. Power supply with voltage below level
𝟏 required to cause a spark
400/25 = 2 𝟐

(𝒕 )
Mechanism Of Spark Counter
16 = 2 𝟐 - apply log both sides When radiation pass through dry air cause
𝟒𝟎 dry air to ionize which increase
( )
𝒕𝟏 conductivity of dry air allowing electrons
Log 16 = log2 𝟐
to pass through them to form sparks
4Log2 = 𝒕𝟒𝟎 log2

𝟐 Nb:
4= 𝑡 The number of sparks produced depends
2 in the types of radiation emitted
𝑡1 = 40 = 10
2 4


i. When Alpha (𝛼) particles are emitted When radiation pass through
the largest number of sparks are Supersaturated vapour, it ionize
produced due to highest ionization supersaturated vapour which cause
effect condensation of supersaturated vapour
ii. When Beta (β) particles are emitted the which leaves trail of charge particles by
least number of sparks are produced tracking of tiny droplets in the
due to moderate ionization effect Supersaturated vapour. It detects alpha
iii. When Gamma (γ) rays are emitted the and beta particles. Each radiation has
few number of sparks are produced unique shape
due to lowest ionization effect Diagram:

Wilson Cloud Chamber

Defn: Wilson Cloud chamber is a device
used to detect presence of radiation by
producing tracks of light
It sealed environment containing a
Thinner and least track thick
supersaturated vapour of water, alcohol
Wave and
or any other compound that can be kept
near its condensation point by regulating
the temperature of the chamber.
Supersaturated vapour of water refers to
A snap shot photograph of a cloud
a vapour of a compound (water) that has
chamber shows 40 tracks well defined
a higher (partial) pressure than the vapour
alpha particle track. A second snap shot
pressure of that compound (water).
Diagram: taken 2 min later shows only 10 tracks.
What is the half-life of the alpha source?
Data given
Time taken, t = 2 min
Initial track, No = 40 tracks
Final track, N = 10 tracks
Half-life, t1 = ?
( )
From: No/N = 2 𝟐

(𝒕 )
Composition of Cloud Chamber 40/10 = 2 𝟐
i. Felt ring soaked in alcohol: to supply 𝟏𝟓
(𝒕 )
alcohol vapour to the chamber 𝟏

ii. Radioactive source: produce radiation 4=2 𝟐 - apply log both sides
and cause ionization of vapour 𝟐
iii. Dry ice: uses to cool the alcohol (𝒕 )
Log 4 = log2 𝟐
vapour until it is saturated
2Log2 = 𝟐 log2
iv. Alcohol vapour condensation: to form 𝒕𝟏
liquid droplets around the ionized
2= 2
molecule 𝑡1
v. Lamp: uses to light track which cause 𝑡1 = 2 = 1 min
to view it clear 2 2
vi.Foam: support dry ice 𝒕𝟏 = 1 min
vii. Plastic lid: the eyepiece
Photographic Film
Mechanism of Cloud Chamber


The energy carried by radioactive iodine 131, with a half-life of 8 days, to

emitted cause healing effect. When combat diseases. He is temporarily
exposed to light (or other forms of radioactive and his nurse must be
electromagnetic radiation such as X-rays), changed regularly to project them. If his
it forms a latent (invisible) image. radiation is initially 4 times the acceptable
Chemical processes can then be applied level, how long is it before the special
to the film to create a visible image, in a nursing radiations can be dropped
process called film developing. Data given
Initial dose level, Co = 4x
Bubble Chamber Final dose level, C = x
Bubble chamber is similar to a cloud Half-life , t1 = 8 days
chamber but bubbles are formed in a
liquid along the path of the radiation. It 1st find number of half-life, n = ?
detect alpha and beta particles
From: Co/C = 2n
4x/x = 2n
Gold Leaf Electroscope
4 = 2n
When radiation allowed passing through
2n = 22
charged electroscope the air surrounding
leave ionized results electroscope
2nd find time taken for decaying, t = ?
collapse due to concentration of
electrons when air surrounding ionize From: n = ( 𝒕 )
Diagram: 𝟐
2 = (𝑡 )
t = 16 days

Different Between X-Rays and Gamma

i. x-rays are caused by energy transition
in electron while gamma rays are
caused by nuclear reaction within the
ii. metal (e.g. tungsten) used to produce
x-rays not decaying while metal used
to produce gamma rays decaying
iii. wavelength of x-rays determined by
nature of target and operating
voltage while gamma rays depending
on the nuclear for their wavelength
iv.x-rays are emitted by stable atoms of
heavy nucleus while gamma rays
formed nucleus of energetically
unstable to became stable

A patient suffering from cancer of thyroid
glands is given a dose of radioactive


Thermionic Emission Cathode Rays

Defn: Thermionic emission is the discharge Defn: Cathode rays are a stream of fast-
of electrons from the surfaces of heated moving electrons from cathode to anode.
Defn: Thermionic emission is the
phenomena of metals to emit electrons
when they are heated
Defn: Thermionic emission is the thermally
Properties of Cathode Rays
induced flow of charge carriers from a
Cathode rays have the following
surface or over a potential-energy barrier
i. They travel in straight lines.
Why Thermionic Emissions Occur?
ii. They carry negative charges.
This occurs because the thermal energy
iii. They cause fluorescence (glow) when
given to the carrier overcomes the work
they strike materials.
function of the material
iv. They have energy and momentum.
v. They are deflected by electrical
Work Function
(toward positive charge) and
Defn: work function is the minimum
magnetic fields (toward South Pole).
thermodynamic work (i.e. energy)
needed to remove an electron from a
substance to a point in the vacuum
immediately outside the substance

Nb: vi. Cathode rays can ionize gas atoms if

Final electron position is far from the the potential difference is large and
surface on the atomic scale, but still too the gas pressure is not high.
close to the substance to be influenced vii. They can penetrate thin sheets of
by ambient electric fields in the vacuum paper or metal foils depending on their
viii. They affect photographic plates.
What Occur After Thermionic Emissions?
After emission, a charge that is equal in ix. They produce X-rays when stopped
magnitude and opposite in sign to the suddenly
total charge emitted is initially left behind
in the emitting region. But if the The Cathode-Ray Tube (CRT)
emitter/Metal/ cathode is connected to a The cathode ray tube (CRT) is evacuated
battery, the charge left behind is vacuum tubes containing electron gun
neutralized by charge supplied by the used accelerates and deflect the
battery as the emitted charge carriers electron beam(s) onto the
move away from the emitter/Metal/ phosphorescent screen to create the
cathode, and finally the emitter/Metal/ image
cathode will be in the same state as it was
before emission.

Types of Thermionic Emission

We will discuss two thermionic emission
i. Cathode rays
ii. X- rays


The control grid functions as a "gate"

to control the number of electrons in
the beam reaching the anode. A
more negative voltage on the grid will
repel the electrons back toward the
cathode so fewer get through to the
anode. A less negative, or positive,
voltage on the grid will allow more
electrons through grid
Why Cathode-Ray Tube Evacuated?
Cathode-Ray Tube evacuated to (d) accelerating anode
minimize air or electric resistance in order This is a metal disk maintained at a
to make electrons travel without colliding high positive voltage of 5 000 V to 50
with other particles 000 V used to pull electrons from
cathode to focusing anode
What happens if CRT not vacuums?
If gas is maintained in the tube (at (e) Focusing anode
atmospheric or high pressure), the tube This is a metal disk maintained at a
will behave like an open circuit (insulator), high positive voltage of 5 000 V to 50
when p.d across strong enough will cause 000 V used to pull electrons received
an electric spark which will ionize the air from accelerating anode to
and make it conduct electricity and then deflection system up to fluoresce
there is no production of cathode rays screen
thus the fluoroscope screen will not form
image 2. Deflection system
Components of the Cathode-Ray Tube It consists horizontal (x) deflection
It consists three system include plates and vertical (y) deflection
1. Electron Gun plates
2. Deflection system (a) Horizontal (X) Deflection Plates
3. Fluorescent Screen Are metal plates carrying equal but
opposite charges (signal). They are
1. Electron Gun used to deflect the electron beam
It consist Heater, cathode, control grid, horizontally (left or right). The beam
accelerating anode and focusing is attracted to the positive plate
accelerating anode. and repelled from the negative
(a) Heater plate
It heating element used to heat
cathode to high temperatures from
800°C to several thousand degrees
Celsius either directly by an electric
current or indirectly

(b) Cathode
This is a metal filament such as tungsten
heated by electron gun resulting metal
electrons attains enough kinetic energy
than a Work Function of a metal and (b) Vertical (Y) Deflection Plates
escape the cathode by thermionic Are metal plates carrying equal but
emission opposite charges (signal). They are
used to deflect the beam vertically
(c) control grid (up or down)


It may be black and white television or

coloured television

NB: The horizontal and vertical

deflection plates can direct the beam
towards any point on the screen. In
some devices, the electrically charged
plates are replaced by poles of

3. Fluorescent Screen
This is the display component of the CRT
where image displayed. It is phosphor Operation of black and white television
coated so that it emits light wherever the The signal is first amplified and then
electrons strike it applied to the vertical deflection plates to
deflect the beam vertically. At the same
NB: time, a voltage is applied to the horizontal
i. The horizontal and vertical deflection deflection plates thus causing the beam
plates can direct the beam towards any to be deflected horizontally. The image is
point on the screen. In some devices, formed on the screen by varying the
the electrically charged plates are brightness at thousands of points on the
replaced by poles of electromagnets. screen. The brightness of a point on the
ii. The deflection plates move the electron screen depends on the number of
beam to different points on the screen electrons that strike it
resulting in the formation of an image
for a short time about (20-1 sec) or 0.05 Operation of coloured television,
Hz The signal is first amplified and then
applied to the vertical deflection plates to
Operation of the Cathode-Ray Tube deflect the beam vertically. At the same
Cathode is heated indirectly by a heater time, a voltage is applied to the horizontal
(electric gun) until thermal electron deflection plates thus causing the beam
emission. The electrons emits is controlled to be deflected horizontally. The image is
by grid towards anode. After travelling formed on the screen (phosphors of
through the hole in the anode the primary colour: red, green and blue). The
electrons hit the luminescent screen, image is formed by varying the intensity of
causing them to slow down and excite the electron beam that strikes the
the phosphor in the screen to different phosphors
Applications of the Cathode-Ray Tube i. The intensity of the electron beam can
The cathode-ray tube is used in be varied by changing the voltage on
i. computer display (Monitor) the grid located between the cathode
ii. Televisions (TV) and the anode
iii. cathode-ray oscilloscopes (CRO) ii. The grid has a negative charge and so
repels the electrons coming from the
Televisions (TV) cathode


iii. By changing the grid’s voltage it allows frequencies owing to persistence of

more or fewer electrons to pass on to vision, become a continuous bright line
the anode and ultimately to the iii. The combination of the X-plate sweep
screen and the Y-plate signals enables the spot
iv. Some colour televisions use a single to trace a wave-form
electron gun whereas others use three iv. The vertical displacement gives the
v. The process where plate magnitude of the voltage signal and the
voltage(signal) converted to image on shape of the wave form depicts the
fluorescent screen is called scan signal variation with time.
vi. The horizontal and vertical motion of
electrons towards fluorescent screen is
called scanning

The Computer Displays

Computer displays work in the same way
as the television

The Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) Uses of Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope (CRO)

The cathode-ray oscilloscope is typically i. Measuring frequencies
used to display signals in wave forms. It By using an oscilloscope which has a
operates in a way similar to a television calibrated time - base, the frequency
of an a.c. signal can be measured. The
Operation of Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope horizontal distance occupied by one
The signal is first amplified and then cycle of the waveform on the screen
applied to the vertical deflection plates to scale multiplied by the calibration scale
deflect the beam vertically. At the same sec/m (or ms/cm) gives the period, T,
time, a voltage is applied to the horizontal from which the frequency f, of the
deflection plates thus causing the beam waveform can he obtained using the
to be deflected horizontally at a uniform relation
(constant) rate. The signal applied to the T = horizontal distance (m) x scale
vertical plates is thus displayed on the (sec/m)
screen as a function of time. The T = m x (sec/m) = (m x sec)/m
horizontal axis serves as a uniform time T = sec
scale. The screen of the CR0 is covered f = 1/T
with a grid to facilitate measurements.
ii. Measuring Voltages
How CRO Make Wave Form? The unknown voltage, v of an a.c.
i. To cause a wave-form pattern to be signal can be measured by connecting
traced on the screen the bright spot it to the Y-plates and switching off the
must be moved horizontally at a uniform time base. The vertical line on the
rate while simultaneously a varying p.d. screen is then centered and its length, L
(a.c. signal) under study is applied to the measured. By proportion, the peak-to
Y-plates to cause vertical deflections peak voltage which is twice the peak
ii. The horizontal uniform motion of the voltage can be found
bright spot on the screen is achieved by V = L/2
applying a p.d, to the X-plates with a
sweep generator of time base circuit. iii. Measuring phase differences
The p.d. builds up uniformly with time to The phase different between any two
a maximum and then flies back to waves forms can be measure by using
repeat the process regular intervals. At a double beam oscilloscope
low frequencies, this makes a trace of a Diagram:
moving bright spot which at high


made of platinum and tungsten or heavy

metal of high melting point

Production of X-Rays
X-rays are produced when filament or a
When the beams are displayed cathode which emits fast-moving
simultaneously on the screen and electrons into a vacuum; fast-moving
superposed over each other, the electrons accelerate from cathode to
horizontal distance x cm, between their strike a target with an anode which some
peaks can be used to calculate their of kinetic energy converted to X-rays
phase difference Diagram:
ɸ = 𝟐𝝅 x

iv. Measuring small time intervals

A cathode ray oscilloscope can be
used to determine the time interval
between two pulses, even though the
time interval is very small

i. In production of x – rays there two
include circuit of low (secondary
From the figure above If the time base
circuit) and circuit of high voltage
is set to 2 ms/div, the time interval
(primary circuit)
between the 2 pulses can be
ii. Circuit of low voltage used to heat
calculated as follow:
t = 4 x 2ms = 8 ms = 0.008s.
iii. circuit of high voltage used to make
Time interval = division x time base
high tension for voltage for produce
fast moving electrons between the
v. Comparison of frequencies
electrode anode and cathode
Comparison of frequencies f1 and f2 of
iv. cold in used to cool tungsten target
two waves - forms is also possible by
measuring the corresponding horizontal
Types of X-Rays
distances d1 and d2
𝒇𝟏 𝑻 𝟐 𝒅𝟐 There are two types of X-rays includes
= = i. Soft X-rays
𝒇𝟐 𝑻𝟏 𝒅𝟏
ii. Hard X-rays
Defn: X-rays are rays produced when fast Soft X-Ray
moving electron strikes a target. Its Soft X-ray is the kind of X-ray produced by
electromagnetic radiation similar to light lower accelerating potential with longer
but with much higher frequency (3 x 1017 - wavelength, lower range of frequency.
3 x1019) Hz and short wavelength that They have less energy and less
ranges from 6 x 10−11m to 10−9m. penetrating power

The X-Ray Tube Hard X-Ray

The X-Ray Tube is the highly evacuated Hard X-ray is the kind of X-ray produced
glass bulb contains cathode and anode by high accelerating potential with short
wavelength, higher range of frequency.


They have high energy and more describe an experiment which illustrates
penetrating power this difference
(b) Draw a labelled diagram of a
Properties of X-Rays longitudinal section view of the
viii. travel in straight line at the velocity cathode ray oscilloscope tube showing
of light its main features
ix. they cannot be deflected by electric Solution
or magnetic field (a) Their difference
x. they can produce fluorescence Cathode rays electromagnetic
xi.they affect photographic film waves
xii. they penetrate matter but depend Cathode rays electromagnetic
on density of matter are deflected waves are not
xiii. they ionize gases by magnetic or deflected by
xiv. can be diffracted by crystals electric field magnetic or electric
Application/Uses of X-Rays Cathode rays electromagnetic
1. In the medical field soft X-rays are have negative waves have no
used charge charge
i. To detect broken or fractured
bones or some disease in soft tissue (b) Diagram of CRO with its main
ii. To treatment cancer components
2. Crystallography: experimental study of
the arrangement of atoms in solid
(study of arrangement of crystals)
3. Astronomy: X-rays emitted by celestial
objects are used in observational
4. X-ray microscopic analysis: involves
the use of electromagnetic radiation in
the soft X-ray band to produce image
of very small objects NECTA 2002 Qn: 11
5. X-rays fluorescence: technique in (a) (i) What are the two types of X – rays?
which X-rays are generated within a (ii) X – Rays are said to have harmful
specimen and detected. The outgoing effect to human beings when used for
energy of the identify the composition a long time. Explain the effect that X –
of the sample rays cause to human beings
6. Security installation: it used for non- (b) Describe how X – rays are produced in
invasive security searches at airports X – ray tube
and seaports (c) Show the three main parts of cathode
7. Industries: it used to inspect metal- ray oscilloscope on a well labelled
casting and welded joints for hidden diagram
NECTA 2003 Qn: 08
Effect of X – Rays to Human Beings (a) Write two properties of
i. Destroy body cells and can cause (i) X rays (ii) cathode rays
cancer (b) (i) give any four uses of cathode ray
ii. Can cause mutation due to destroy of oscilloscope (CRO)
genitals (ii) State two ways in which x – rays
differ from gamma rays
NECTA 1997 Qn: 12 (c) A particular radioactive has a half-life
(a) State one way in which cathode rays of 2.0 hours. A sample gives a count
differ from electromagnetic waves and rate of 2400 per second at 11:00 am.


When will the count have dropped to (c) Draw a well labelled diagram of a
approximately 300 per second in the cathode ray oscilloscope.
same counting system?

NECTA 2004 Qn: 11

(a) Explain briefly the following
(i) Thermionic emission
(ii) The production of a stream of
electrons in cathode ray oscilloscope
(iii) The principle of transistor
(b) What method in a device using the
thermionic emission principle ensures
that the electrons produced
(i) Do not accumulate at the source?
(ii) Reach their range undeviated?
(iii) Travel without meet other forms of
particles on their way to the target?
(c) Using block diagram for n-p-n
transistor, show how a transistor can be
used in a simple circuit as
(i) An amplifier (ii) A switch

NECTA 2007 Qn: 11

(a)(i) explain why cathode ray tube (CRT)
are evacuated
(ii) What happens to the CRT when a
gas is maintained?
(iii) If gas is maintained in a CRT, will the
image be formed onto the screen?
(b) In the production of X – rays what are
role of:
(i) Low voltage
(ii) High voltage?
(iii) Tungsten target?
(c) How is hard X – rays produced?
(i) Discus the differences between
conductors and semiconductors
(ii) Use the following information to
calculate the current gain of a C – E
IB x 10-6 A 100 200 300 400 500
IC x 10-3 A 5 10 15 20 25

NECTA 2009 Qn: 11

(a) (i) Define thermionic emission
(ii) What is X – rays?
(iii) Mention two uses of X – rays
(b) With the aid of a diagram, explain how
X – rays are produced

Electronics include semiconductor devices such as
Defn: Electronics is a branch of physics diodes, transistors and integrated circuits
that deals with the emission and effects of
electrons in materials. Insulators
Defn: An electrical insulator is a material or
NB: object which resists the flow of electrical
i. The various electronic components charges through it. Insulator has infinite
connected to each other to form resistance and zero conductances. For
systems or circuits called Electronic Example, s glass, mica, paraffin, hard
systems (Electronic circuits) rubber and also many plastics
ii. An electronic circuit is used to perform a
wide variety of tasks. The main uses of Why resists the flow of electrical charges?
electronic circuits are: i. It has not free electrons which are
a. Conversion (ac to dc) and responsible to call/pass through
distribution of electric power. electrical charge
b. Controlling and processing of data ii. The electrons in the material including
the outermost ones are strongly bound
Electronic Component to the atoms.
Defn: An electronic component is any
basic discrete device or physical entity in Conductors
an electronic system used to affect Defn: Conductors is a material or object
electrons or their associated fields. For which allows the flow of electrical charges
Example, power sources, resistors, through it. For Example, s all metals and
capacitors, diodes, transistors, and some non-metals such as graphite
integrated circuits etc. (carbon)

Types of Electronic Components Semiconductors

They are two types of Electronic Defn: A semiconductor is a material where
components includes its electrical conductance intermediate
i. Passive Electronic components between conductance of insulator and
ii. Active Electronic components conductor. For Example, s silicon,
germanium, cadmium sulphide and
Passive Electronic Components gallium arsenide
Defn: Passive components are Electronic
components that consume energy but do Nb:
not produce energy. Passive components i. A semiconductor behaves as an
include power sources (battery or insulator at very low temperature
generator), resistors, capacitors and ii. Has a significant electrical
inductors. conductance at room temperature,
however, much lower than that of a
Nb: conductor
i. They do not have the ability to
produce gain, that is, to increase the Energy Bands
power or amplitude of a signal. The energy-band structure (or simply band
ii. They also do not have directionality, structure) of a solid is the series of
that is, they operate in the same way “allowed” and “forbidden” energy bands
regardless of the direction of the that it contains
current flowing through them. Diagram:

Active Electronic Components

Defn: Active components are Electronic
components that have direction and/or
the capacity to produce gain. They
iii.A hole is created where the electron
was formerly bound. This hole also
participates in conduction.
iv. In semiconductors and insulators, there
is a band gap (forbidden band) above
the valence band
v. No conduction occurs In metals, the
Crystal diagram valence and conduction bands
vi. For insulators, the forbidden energy
gap is large

The Fermi Level

Defn: Fermi level is the top of the available
electron energy levels at absolute zero (0
Kelvin) temperatures
We have about three bands in which a Diagram:
band electrons posse’s energy called
energy level
i. Conduction band
ii. Band gap (forbidden band)
iii. Valence band

Conduction Band
The conduction band is the range of
electron energy, higher than that of the
valence band, sufficient to make the
electrons free to accelerate under the
i. For insulators and semiconductors, the
influence of an applied electric field and
Fermi level lies in the gap between the
thus constitute an electric current
valence and conduction bands. At low
temperatures, no electrons are
Band Gap
available for conduction
Band gap is an energy range in a solid
ii. Since the valence and conduction
where no electron states can exist. Also
bands overlap in conductors, the Fermi
called an energy gap
level can lie in the conduction band.
Valence Band
How Semiconductor Conducts Electricity
The valence band is the highest range of As the temperature is increased, some of
electron energies where electrons are
the electrons in the valence band acquire
normally present at the absolute zero
thermal energy that is greater than the
forbidden gap energy and move to the
conduction band. Therefore, the material
becomes a conductor. When an electron
i. When the band gap energy is met, the
moves out of a valence band it leaves
electron is excited into a free state,
behind a small space called a hole (it
and can therefore participate in
carries a positive electric change).
Electrons and holes in the conduction and
ii. The band gap determines how much
valence bands, respectively, are referred
energy is needed from the sun for
to as free charge carriers.
conduction, as well as how much
energy is generated. Temperature effect On Metal conductivity
Increase in temperature tends to
increases the random motion of electrons;
it reduces the electrical conductivity of Defn: Doping is the adding of impurity to
metals modify the conductivity of an atom into
their crystal lattices.
Types of Semiconductors
There are two types, includes Terms Used In Doping
i. Intrinsic semiconductors i. Acceptor atoms are atoms which
ii. Extrinsic semiconductors receive electrons from other atoms
ii. Donor atoms are atoms which supply
Intrinsic Semiconductors electrons to other atoms
Defn: an intrinsic semiconductor is the iii. Dopant is the element/impurity which
semiconductor that has number and type added to modify the conductivity of an
of free charge carriers itself atom

Extrinsic Semiconductors NB:

Defn: an extrinsic semiconductor is the i. Conductivity of intrinsic semiconductor
semiconductor that their number and increase as temperature increases
type of free charge carriers presents ii. Heavily doping a semiconductor
modified by doping with impurity increases its conductivity. Thus why
heavily doped silicon is often used as a
Difference between conductors from replacement for metals
semi-conductor iii. Silicon and Germanium are the best
conductor semi-conductor semiconductors as they are used to
The charger carriers Their charger make the most common electronic
are free electron carriers are both devices/components such as transistors
holes and and diodes
The conductivity Their Types of Doped Semiconductor
decrease with conductivity Doping produces two types of
increasing in increase with semiconductors, namely
temperature increasing i. N-type semiconductor
temperature ii. P-type semiconductor
There is no forbidden There is
gap i.e. valance and forbidden gap N-Type Semiconductor
conduction bond btn valance and Defn: N-type semiconductor is the type of
overlapped conduction semiconductor with electron carriers. The
bond purpose of n-type doping is to produce an
abundance of mobile or carrier electrons
Difference btn intrinsic from extrinsic semi- in the material
intrinsic extrinsic Mechanism of Doping
Is the pure form of Is an impure form of Consider the silicon with four valences
semi-conductor semiconductor (with four electrons in their outer most
It has equal It has unequal shell) combine with Dopant of more than
number of holes number of holes four electrons they will share the four
and electron and electron valences results the extra electron from
It has It has conductivity Dopant (group V) remaining as extra (free
conductivity depend on both electrons). This extra electron is only
depends on temperature weakly bound to the atom and can easily
temperature only impunities be excited into the conduction band,
It has low It has high since the silicon atoms with five valence
conductivity conductivity atoms have an extra electron to
“donate”, they are called donor atoms
Doping Diagram of silicon after doping
i. diffusion of charge is spread out of
charge (holes and electrons) which can
result repelling and attraction of charge
ii. Barrier potential is the maximum voltage
at the junction when there is no further
diffusion of charge
iii. Deplection layer is an electric field at the
junction of the pn junction when barrier
potential is reached

P-Type Semiconductor Mode of Action of P-N Junction

Defn: P-type semiconductor is the type of There are two modes of action of P-N
semiconductor with holes carriers. The junction, these are
purpose of n-type doping is to produce an i. Forward – bias
abundance of holes in the valence band. ii. Reverse- bias

Mechanism of Doping Forward- Bias of P-N Junction

Consider the silicon with four valences Consider the diagram in the circuit shown
(with four electrons in their outer most below
shell) combine with Dopant (group III) of Diagram:
less than four electrons in their outer most
shell they will share the three electrons
results the semiconductor with less
electrons (holes) to attain stable, since the
silicon atoms with three valence atoms
have an less electron to “acceptor”, they
are called acceptor atoms
Diagram of silicon after doping i. The flow of electrons from the N- side to
the P- side of a junction and holes from
P- side to the N- side increases across
boundary where reduced depletion
layer results/allow recombination of
electron and holes
ii. The potential barrier is reduced
iii. The resistance of the junction to the
current flowing is reduced
iv. Then the P-N junction is said to be
The P-N Junction forward biased
Defn: p-n junction is made by combining Graph of voltage against current for
a p-type semiconductor and an n-type forward
semiconductor in a single continuous

Terms Used In P-N Junction

When the voltage of the battery is greater
than barriers potential minority charge

carries are repelled and large electric i. The n-region is called the cathode
current flowing ii. The p-region is the anode
iii. When the junction is reverse-biased,
Reverse - Bias P-N Junction the diode blocks the voltage
Consider the diagram in the circuit shown iv. When the junction is forward-biased,
below the diode conducts
Diagram: v. The magnitude of the current through
the diode depends on the current in
the external circuit

Types of Diode
There are different types of diodes used in
electronic circuits. The following are the
most common ones:
i. Semiconductor diode
i. The depletion layer is widened.
ii. Metal semiconductor diode
ii. The rate of diffusion/recombination of
iii. Light-emitting diode
electrons with holes is reduced
iv. Zener Diode
iii. The potential barrier is increased.
iv. The resistance to the flow of current
Semiconductor Diode
becomes large
Most semiconductor diodes are made up
Graph of voltage against current for of silicon or germanium.
The main uses of semiconductor diode is

Metal Semiconductor Diode

These types of diodes are formed by the
deposition of a metal on the surface of a
metal conductor.

When the voltage of the battery is greater The metal-semiconductor diode is used for
than barriers potential minority charge very fast switching and microwave
carries are repelled and very small or no applications.
electric current is flowing
Light-Emitting Diode
Diodes A light-emitting diode (LED) is a
Defn: diode is an electrical device that semiconductor diode that emits light
allows current to move through it in one when an electrical current is applied in
direction. the forward direction of the diode.
Diagram: Its symbol:

i. LEDs are made from a variety of
semiconductor materials depending
on the wavelength of the light required
ii. The most commonly used materials for
visible LEDs are gallium phosphide and
gallium arsenic phosphide
iii.. LEDs have a wide range of
applications, from simple indicator
lamps and huge display screens to
optical fiber communication links

Zener Diode
Zener diodes are specially manufactured ii. During the second half-cycle, A is
diodes designed to be operated in the negative and, B is positive. The diode is
reverse breakdown voltage. Every Zener reverse-biased therefore no current
diode is manufactured for a specific flows in the circuit
reverse breakdown voltage called the Diagram:
Zener voltage.
Its symbol:

Zener diodes are used as voltage NB:
regulator devices. It allow required i. The diode conducts on every half-
voltage to pass through cycle
ii. The rectified voltage is d.c and is
Rectifiers always positive in value
Defn: Rectifier is the process of converting iii. If the diode is reversed, then the output
alternating current to direct current voltage is negative
Or iv. The voltage is not steady and needs to
Defn: Rectifier is the process of obtaining be smoothed (by putting a large
direct current from alternating current. capacitor, C in parallel with the load)
for it to be useful
Rectification Ways Diagram:
Rectification can be done in two ways
i. Half-wave rectifiers
ii. Full -wave rectifiers

Half-Wave Rectifiers
Consider the figure below v. The capacitor is charged during the
positive half-cycle of the a.c. and
discharges through the load in the
negative half-cycle

Full -Wave Rectifiers

In this circuit both halves of the a.c. cycle
are transmitted but in the same direction.
One way of achieving this is to have a
i. During the first half-cycle of the
transformer whose output has a Centre
sinusoidal wave form, A is positive and
tap, that is, its output can be taken at two
B is negative. The diode is forward-
points one being half the other
biased and current flows around the Diagram:
circuit formed by the diode


Mechanism ii. In the second half-cycle, B is positive

i. In the positive half-cycle, point A is and so diode D3 is forward-biased and
positive with respect to O. Diode D1 D4 and D2 are reverse- biased. Diode
conducts but diode D2 is reverse- D3 and D1 conducts and current flows
biased. The current passes through D1, from B via D3, R, D1, and back to the
C, Rand back to O source at A.
Diagram: Diagram:

ii. In the negative half-cycle, point B is iii. The current through R is in the same
positive with respect to O. Diode D2 direction in both half-cycles
conducts but diode D1 is reverse- iv. The output is the same as that for the
biased. The current passes through D2, other full-wave rectifier
C, R and back to O
Diagram: Transistors
Defn: Transistor is a semiconductor device
used to amplify or switch electronic signals
and electrical power.

Terminal of Transistor
It composes semiconductor material with
iii. The direction of the current through R is at least three terminals for connection
the same as in the first half-cycle includes
i Emitter (E)
Another method of achieving full-wave ii Collector (C)
rectification is by using a bridge rectifier iii Base (B)
Emitter (E)
Defn: Emitter is terminal used to remove
charge from transistor

Collector (C)
Defn: Collector is terminal used to receive
charge repelled from emitter terminal
i. In the first half-cycle, point A is positive Base (B)
so that diode D2 and are forward- Defn: Base is terminal between emitter
biased and D1 and D3 are reverse- terminal and collector terminal
biased. Diode D2 conducts and the
current flows from A via D2, R, D4 and Nb:
back to the source at B. i Some transistors are packaged
Diagram: individually but most are found in
integrated circuits (more than one

ii Base terminal is thin and lightly doped i. n-p-n transistor
ii. p-n-p transistor
Types of Transistors
There are two broad categories of Nb:
transistors include; i In transistor whether PNP or NPN, emitter
i. Bipolar transistors and base form forward bias while
ii. Field-effect transistors (FETs) collector and base form reverse bias

Bipolar Transistors N-P-N Transistor

Defn: Bipolar transistors Is the transistor in Defn: n-p-n transistor is the kind of transistor
which require a biasing input current at in which current emitter (Ie) point out.
their control leads. It require both positive Symbol Diagram:
(holes) and negative (electrons) carriers to

Field-Effect Transistors
Defn: Field-effect transistors Is the transistor
in which require a biasing input only a
voltage and practically no current. It Block Diagram:
require only one charge carrier

i According to our course we will study
only bipolar transistor NB:
ii Always emitter and base form reverse i. The arrow indicates the direction of
bias flow of the conventional current
iiiAlways collector and base form forward ii. n-p-n means not point in
Operation/Mechanism Of N-P-N Transistor
Bipolar Transistors Consider the diagram below
Bipolar transistors are three-terminal Symbol Diagram:
devices that act as electrically controlled
switches or as amplifier controls. A bipolar
transistor consists of a pair of p -n junction
diodes that are joined back-to-back
(sandwich form). The leads (regions) are
labeled base (B), collector (C) and emitter
Symbol Diagram:
Block Diagram:

Block Diagram:

1. In the basic connection of NPN

transistor, the emitter is forward biased
Types of Bipolar Transistors
since electrons are repelled from the
There are two types of bipolar transistors
negative emitter battery bias because
electrons are flowing away from the
collector towards the positive collector neutral charge and fraction of electron
battery terminal (VCB) cross to the collector. In order to
2. Elections are repelled from the compensate holes recombined with
negative terminal of VBE and injected electrons at the base current IB is allowed
into the emitter junction as emitter to enter in it from power supply
current (IE), overcoming the potential From the diagram
barrier IE = IB + Ic
3. Since the P region (base) is only lightly But: IC = ∝ IE
doped and very thin, most of the Where:
electrons diffuse or recombines ∝ = electrons fraction reaching the
through the base and reach the collector from emitter
collector junction
4. A few electrons (about 5%) combine P-N-P Transistor
with the holes present in the P region Defn: n-p-n transistor is the kind of transistor
5. each electron that recombines with in which current emitter (I e) point in.
holes in bas region, another electron Symbol Diagram:
moves out through the base as base
current (IB) and returns to the emitter
battery (VBE)
6. The remainder (majority) cross into the
collector region
7. the electrons move easily through the
n-type material and return to the
positive terminal of the collector supply Block Diagram:
battery (VCB) as collector current (IC)
8. Electron conduction thus takes place
continuously in the direction shown as
diagram above
i The majority carriers of electricity in the
i. The arrow indicates the direction of
NPN are electrons and PNP are holes
flow of the conventional current
ii The collector current in any transistor is ii. p-n-p means point in
less than the emitter current because of
the recombination of holes and
Operation/Mechanism of P-N-P Transistor
electrons occurring in the base area
Consider the diagram below
iii Since the electrons are more speedy
carriers than holes, thus, NPN transistors
Symbol Diagram:
are used in high frequency circuits where
the carriers are required to respond very
quickly to signals
iv transistor used in dc and ac signal
v emitter is always biased in forward
vi Collector is always biased in the reverse
vii The main difference between the PNP
and NPN transistor is that, the current Block Diagram:
conduction NPN carried by electrons
while the charge in PNP carriers by holes

The base is thin and lightly doped, some
electron recombine with holes to form
∝ = holes fraction reaching the collector
from emitter

Why always NPN most used lather than

Most transistors in use today are n-p-n
because the majority charge carriers are
electrons which move faster that holes in
i In the basic connection of PNP transistor, p-n-p transistors which cause thermal
the emitter is forward biased since holes energy (destruction of transistor by excess
are repelled from the positive emitter heat)
battery bias because holes are flowing
away from the collector towards the Uses of Transistors
negative collector battery terminal Transistors are said to be the base
(VCB) elements of modern electronics. They are
ii holes are repelled from the positive used in virtually all electronic devices such
terminal of VBE and injected into the as calculators, televisions, radios,
emitter junction as emitter current (IE), computers, etc. Transistors
overcoming the potential barrier i. It used in switching circuits
iii Since the N region (base) is only lightly ii. It used in amplifier circuits
doped and very thin, most of the holes iii. It used in oscillator circuits
diffuse or recombines through the base iv. It used in current source circuits
and reach the collector junction v. It used in voltage regulator circuits
iv A few holes (about 5%) combine with vi. It used in power supply circuits
the electrons present in the N region vii. It used in digital logic integrated circuits
v each holes that recombines with viii.It used in any circuit that uses small
electrons in bas region, another holes control signals to control larger currents
moves out through the base as base
current (IB) and returns to the emitter Application of Transistor
battery (VBE) There are two common uses of transistor
vi The remainder (majority) cross into the i. As an amplifier (electronic amplifier)
collector region ii.As a switch (electronic switch)
vii the holes move easily through the p-type
material and return to the negative Transistor as Regulator/Amplifier/Active
terminal of the collector supply battery Mode
(VCB) as collector current (IC) Defn: Electronic amplifier is the circuit that
viii holes conduction thus takes place increases the amplitude of a given input
continuously in the direction shown as Or Electronic amplifier is the magnification
diagram above of input signal

Nb: Simple Circuit Transistor as an Amplifier

The base is thin and lightly doped, in order Consider the diagram below
to recombine with few holes from the
emitter forming neutral charge and some
holes cross to the collector. To compasate
electrons at the base recombine with the
holes from the emitter low current called
base current IB is allowed to leave from
the base so as to inlet electrons
From the diagram
IE = IB + IC
But: IC = ∝ IE
Where: From the circuit diagram above
Vcc = IcRc + Vo
Vo = Vcc – IcRc Defn: Single-stage amplifier is the type of
amplifier in which consists only one
Where: amplifying device. It consists of transistor
Vcc = power supply voltage (amplification stage) which is connected
Vo = output voltage to a load resistor through which a load
Rc/RL = load resistance current flows
Ic = collector current .
IcRc = Vc = collector voltage Types of Single-Stage Amplifiers
We have three types include
When input voltage Vin is low produce low i. Common-collector (CC) amplifiers
a input current and output current as a ii. Common-base (CE) amplifiers
result product IcRc become small and iii. Common- emitter (CE) amplifiers
high output voltage Vo produced
Common-Collector Amplifier
Thus for the transistor to produce high The base terminal of the transistor serves
output voltage the input voltage Vin as the input, the emitter the output, while
should be very small approaching to zero the collector is common to both. The
i.e. Vin ≈ 0 emitter-base junction is forward-biased by
From: 0 < Ic < Ic.max the power supply VEE while the collector-
Ib = (Vb - Vbe)/Rb base junction is reverse-biased by VCC
Ic = β x Ib Diagram:
Vc = Ic x Rc
Vo = Vcc - Vc
0V < Vo < Vcc
Vo = Vcc – IcRc
When: Vin≈ 0, IB≈ 0 and Ic ≈ 0
Vo = Vcc – 0 x Rc = Vcc – 0 = Vcc
Vo = Vcc

Types of Electronic Amplifiers Mechanism

These are two types/classified according i. The input signal is fed to the base-
to the number of amplifying device collector circuit while the output signal
includes is tapped from the emitter terminal with
i. Single-stage amplifier respect to the ground
ii. Multi-stage amplifier
ii. C1 and C2 are coupling capacitors to
provide Direct current isolation at the
NB: input and output of the amplifier
i. relationship between the input and
output of an amplifier is called the Common-Base Amplifier
transfer function The emitter terminal serves as the input,
ii. The magnitude of the transfer function the collector as the output, and the base
is referred to as the gain is common to both. The emitter-base
iii. Amplifiers commonly used in radio and junction is forward-biased by the power
television transmitters and receivers, supply VEE while the collector base
stereo equipment, microcomputers junction is reverse-biased by VCC
and digital musical instruments Diagram:
iv. Transistors are commonly used as
amplifying elements
v. In this section we will consider single-
stage amplifiers only

Single-Stage Amplifiers

both collector and base. Consider the
diagram below

i. The input signal is fed to the emitter- The transistor consists two circuit include
base circuit while the output signal is input and output circuit in which the
tapped from the collector-base circuit emitter is common to both base and
ii. C1 and C2 are coupling capacitors to collector of transistor
provide Direct current isolation at the i. The input circuit made from input
input and output of the amplifier voltage VBE and base current IB
ii. Output consist output voltage VCE and
Common-Emitter Amplifier collector current IC
The base terminal of the transistor serves iii. X and Y are power supply of voltage
as the input, the collector is the output, 1.5V and 4.5V respectively
and the emitter is common to both. The iv.P and Q are rheostat which form
emitter-base junction is forward-biased by potential divider
power supply VBB while the collector-base v. Base current IB and collector current
junction is reverse-biased by power supply are rewarded by using micro-ammeter
VCC and mill-ammeter respectively
Diagram: vi.The voltmeter VBE is used to measure
voltage between base and emitter
(input voltage) and voltmeter VCE is
used to measure voltage between
collector and emitter (output voltage)

Input Characteristics Curve

It concerns the relation between base
current IB and VBE at a constant collector
current IC. Consider the diagram below

i. The input signal is fed to the base-
emitter circuit and the amplified signal
is tapped from the collector terminal
with respect to the ground emitter
ii. C1 and C2 are coupling capacitors to
provide direct current isolation at the At very small value of VBE, base current IB
input and output of the amplifier is zero, further increase of VBE until
overcomes barrier potential the base
Nb: common emitter mode of current IB flow
arrangement are used From the graph
Input resistance = 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑉𝐵𝐸
𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝐼𝐵
Common Emitter Characteristics Mode of Rin =
Transistor ∆𝑰𝑩

Common emitter is arrangement of

transistor which the emitter is common to Output Characteristics Curve

It concerns the relation between collector K = 𝛽 = Current Gain
current IC and output voltage VCE at Then: 𝛽= ∆𝐼𝐶
constant base current. Consider the 𝑰𝑪
𝜷 =
diagram below 𝑰𝑩

Current Gain
Defn: Current Gain is the ration of change
in collector current to the change in base
current OR is the a ratio of collector
current to the base current
From: IC = ∝ IE – make IE subject
IE = 𝑰𝑪 1

While base current IB is kept constant the Also: IE = IC + IB ------------------ 2
potential divider Q is varies respect value Substitute equation 1 into 2
of collector current IC and output voltage 𝑰𝑪 = IC + IB

VBE are recorded 𝑰𝑪 - IC = IB
i. When current base is kept constant it ∝
produce collector current IC while IC ( 𝟏 -1) = IB

output voltage VCE = 0
ii. Increase of VCE tends to increase IC IC (𝟏− ∝) = IB

up to knee point at which IC and VCE IB = IC (𝟏− ∝)
varies clearly. i.e. the output not ∝
distorted and the transistor act as 𝑰𝑩 = (𝟏− ∝) – inverse both sides
𝑰𝑪 ∝
amplifiers 𝑰𝑪 ∝
From the graph above 𝑰𝑩
= 1− ∝ = 𝛽
Output resistance = 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑉𝐶𝐸 𝜷= ∝
𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝐼𝐶 𝟏− ∝
Ro =
Voltage Amplification
Transfer Characteristics Ratio The transistor in the common emitter
It concerns relation between IB and IC. mode is an amplifier. To change the
Experimentally shows that ”IC = ∝ IB” output (a.c) current to a voltage Vo
IC = ∝ IB (output voltage), a resistance load R can
IC = KIB be used in the collector or output circuit
IC = KIB +0 - make comparison Diagram:
| | |
Y = MX + C
Then: M = K, C = 0

Voltage Gain
Defn: Voltage gain is the a ratio of output
voltage to the input voltage
𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒑𝒖𝒕 𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒆
Voltage gain =
From the graph 𝒊𝒏𝒑𝒖𝒕 𝒗𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒆
Slope M = ∆𝐼𝐶 Vg = 𝑽𝒐 1
∆𝐼𝐵 𝑽𝒊𝒏
∆𝐼𝐶 But: Vo = IcRL ------------------ 2
M= ∆𝐼𝐵
Vin = IBRB ----------------------- 3
But: M = K (proportionality constant called)
Substitute equation 1 and 2 into 3 ii. At a temperature rise, say θ the leaked
Vg = would increase the current by say l0µA.
Vg = (𝐼𝐶) (𝑅𝐿) This would be amplified to 𝛽 x IOµA
iii. This increase leads to a distorted output
But: 𝛽 = 𝐼𝐶
𝐼𝐵 𝑹𝑳 How Stabilized?
Vg = 𝜷( )
𝑹𝑩 Consider the diagram below
Where: RL = load resistance (output)

Power Gain
Defn: power gain is the a ratio of output
power to the input power
𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒑𝒖𝒕 𝒑𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓
Power gain =
𝒊𝒏𝒑𝒖𝒕 𝒑𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓
Pg = 𝑷𝒐 1
But: Po = ICVo ------------------ 2 i. For the common emitter arrangement
Pin = IBVin--------------------- 3 there is a need to stabilize them for
Substitute equation 1 and 2 into 3 excessive temperature rise. Germanium
Pg = and Silicon transistors are less sensitive
Pg = (𝐼𝐶) ( 𝑉𝑜 ) thus preferred
𝐼𝐵 𝑉𝑖𝑛 ii. Resistors R1 and R4 are potential dividers
Pg = (𝐼𝐶)Vg which provide the base bias and R1
𝐼𝐶 𝐼𝐵 𝑅𝐿 should be greater than R4
But: 𝛽 = and 𝑉𝑔= 𝛽
𝐼𝐵 𝑅𝐵 iii. Resistor R2 in the collector circuit
Then: Pg = 𝛽. 𝛽 𝑅𝐿 produce the output voltage
iv. Resistor R3 is a temperature stabilizer: if
Pg =𝛽2 (𝑅𝐿)
𝑅𝐵 the current in the collector increases, the
Pg =𝜷𝟐 (𝑹𝑳) current in R3 also increases where by
𝑹𝑩 decrease the voltage between the base
Alternative: and the emitter and hence the current
Pg = (𝐼𝐶)Vg in the collector is lowered automatically
𝐼𝐶 𝐼𝐵 v. The capacitor C1 isolates d.c.
But: 𝛽= components in the circuit and it is of
Pg = 𝜷 Vg small value
vi. The large capacitor C2 prevents
Example, : NECTA 2006 QN: 8 undesirable feedback of the amplified
(a)(i) What is a diode? (ii) Make a sketch signal to the base-emitter circuit.
of the output voltage against time for
half-wave rectification. Explain why the Example,
output flows in pulses Study the diagram below and explain the
(b)Describe and explain how a full-wave function of each resistor and capacitors
rectification is achieved by using two

Defn: stabilization is the process of prevent
a output from distort

How output distorted?

i. There is a leakage current which flows in
the collector circuit due to minority
carriers in the reverse bias Answer
i. Biasing circuit. The resistances R1, R2 Saturation and Cut Off
and RE form the biasing and Consider the following diagram
stabilization circuit. The biasing circuit
must establish a proper operating point
otherwise a part of the negative half-
cycle of the signal may be cut off in
the output
ii. Potential divider. The resistances R1, R2
are potential divider
iii. Temperature stabilizes: RE is a
temperature stabilizer. As collector
current Ic increase the voltage
between emitter and base decrease Saturation (Switch - On)
which is automatically lower the Saturation means 0V and maximum
collector current collector current. The lamp light on when
iv. Load resistor. Rc is used to control the input voltage Vin is high producing high
output voltage base and collector current
v. The capacitor Cin: it is used to couple
the signal to the base of the transistor. If At saturation point Vo ≈ 0 since Vin is high
it is not used, the signal source producing high base current and results
resistance will come across R2 and thus high collectors current and voltage of the
change the bias power supply drops at the lamp/bulb
vi. The capacitor Cin allows only a.c. signal From: Ic > Ic.max
to flow but isolates the d.c. signal Ic.max = Vcc/Rc
source Ic = β Ib
vii. Emitters bypass capacitor CE. An Ic = Ic.max
emitter bypass capacitor CE is used in Vc = Ic x Rc = Vcc
parallel with RE to provide a low Vo = Vcc - Vc = 0V
reactance path to the amplified a.c. Vcc = IcRc + Vo
signal. If it is not used, then amplified Ic = (Vcc- 0)/Rc
a.c. signal flowing through RE will cause Ic = Vcc/Rc
a voltage drop across it, therefore
prevent feedback of undesirable Cut Off (Switch - Off)
amplified voltage back to the transistor Cut off means zero collector current and
viii. Coupling capacitor CC. The collector voltage (VC) equal to the supply
coupling capacitor CC couples one voltage. When input is low produce low
stage of amplification to the next base and collector current and transistor
stage. If it is not used, the bias to be at saturated point, the lamp will light
conditions of the next stage will be off and transistor is said to be cut off.
drastically changed due to the
shunting effect of RC. This is because RC At cut off Vo becomes maximum since Vin
will come in parallel with the upper is low producing very small collector
resistance R1 of the biasing network of current and much voltage of power drops
the next stage, thereby altering the at the output voltage. Vo ≈ Vcc
biasing conditions of the latter. In short, From: Vb < Vbe
the coupling capacitor CC isolates the So: Ib = 0A
d.c. of one stage to the next stage, but Ic = 0A
allows the passage of a.c. signal only Vc = Ic x Rc = 0V
Vo = Vcc - Vc = Vcc
Transistor as A Switching Vcc = IcRc + Vo
Transistor can uses as an automatic switch Ic = (Vcc- Vcc)/Rc
as follows Ic = 0/Rc = 0
Ic = 0
NB: In the absence of light the resistance, R2
i. When a Transistor acts as a Switch is of LDR becomes high so produce high
called a Gate input voltage, V results large input current,
ii. Transistor in Active Mode it said to IB which creates high output current, IC
Analog Electronics which is sufficient to light lamp, L
iii. Transistor in Cutoff/Saturation Mode it
said to be Digital Electronics Used Of LDR
Used to switch on or switch off
Light Depent Resistor (LDR) automatically street lamp
Defn: light depent resistor is a
semiconductor device whose resistance Thermistor
depends on the light falling on it Defn: Thermistor is semiconductor device
Symbol whose resistance depends on thermal

Mode of action of LDR circuit

Consider the diagram below

Mode of Action of Thermistor

Consider the diagram below

The resistance R1 and R2 form potential

divider with Vcc

During a day
In day light of free holes and electrons
capable to conduct electricity and thus
the resistance of LDR become low At room temperature
In the presence of light the resistance, R2 The resistance of Thermistor becomes high
of LDR becomes low so produce low input and much voltage of power supply drops
voltage, V results small input current, IB across it and result low input voltage, V
which creates low output current, IC across R2 producing low output current, Ic
which is not sufficient to light lamp, L which is not sufficient to light the lamp

During night At maximum temperature

In darkness the LDR has high resistance The resistance of Thermistor becomes low
since there is no thermal excitation of and much voltage of power supply drops
electrons to produce free holes. Thus in across it and result high input voltage, V
the LDR there is no free charge carrier to across R2 producing high output current,
conduct electricity. Ic which is sufficient to light the lamp

Used Of Thermistor circuit which is etched onto a slice of
Used to control maximum temperature of silicon at the centre of the plastic
hot liquid Diagram:

Example, : Form IV NECTA 2002 QN: 10

(a) Explain how an extrinsic semiconductor
is constructed
(b) Describe the model of action and
application of PN junction diode
(c) The diagram below shows a circuit in
which important components A and B
are removed
Pins of 555 Integrated circuit
i. Power supply Pins
Pins 1 and 8 are used for power supply
where the ground and live connections
are made respectively
ii. input terminal Pins
Pin 2 and 6 are joined to the input
iii. output terminal Pins
Answer the following questions Pin3 is the output terminal.
i. What does A and B represents? iv. Pins 4, 5 and 7 may not be connected
ii. Describe briefly the purpose of to anything
component A and B Diagram:
iii. Draw a well labeled circuit diagram for
the circuit above

Integrated Circuit (IC)

Defn: An integrated circuit (IC) is a
combination of several resistors and
transistors which are built out of the same
crystal. Two or more transistors can be
joined together to increase the
i. The resistors and transistors which make Transistor Operating Modes
up the circuit of the IC are built out of The Transistor has 3 operating modes
the same crystal of silicon includes
ii. The ICs are very tiny components 1. Cut-off
assembled by machines 2- Saturation (Switch - ON)
3- Active (Regulator)
Type of Integrated Circuit
There various types of integrated circuit 1. Cut-off Mode
but will study One type of integrated Vb < Vbe (Generally 0.7V)
circuit called 555 integrated circuit So: Ib = 0A
Ic = 0A
Integrated circuit of 555 Vc = Ic x Rc = 0V
The 555 is a small black plastic package Vo = Vcc - Vc = Vcc
which has eight metal legs four on each
side coming out of it. The legs allow 2. Saturation Mode
electrical connections to be made to the Ic > Ic.max
Ic.max = Vcc/Rc
Ic = β Ib
Ic = Ic.max Digital Signals
Vc = Ic x Rc = Vcc Digital signals Analogue signals are
Vo = Vcc - Vc = 0V electrical signals that convey or store
information by means of variation in anon-
3. Active Mode continuous wave form
0 < Ic < Ic.max Diagram:
Ib = (Vb - Vbe)/Rb
Ic = β x Ib
Vc = Ic x Rc
Vo = Vcc - Vc
0V < Vo < Vcc

Information Signals
i. It changes in steps. They convey
Information is usually transmitted in
information in pulses or digits of two
electronic devices in form of signals.
discrete levels. This means that the
Information signals are divided into two
value of each pulse is constant and
broad classes, namely
moving from one digit to the next is an
i. Analogue signals
abrupt change
ii. Digital signals
ii. Digital signals have only two amplitude
levels, usually called nodes. This means
Analogue Signals
the values can only be given in one of
Analogue signals are electrical signals that
two ways. The values may be specified,
convey or store information by means of
for Example, , as 1 or 0,TRUE or FALSE,
variation in a continuous wave form
and HIGH or LOW
iii. Digital signals are often derived from
analogue signals
iv. The main advantage of digital signals
over analogue signals is that the signal
level or value need not be precise
v. It can be approximated within a fixed
Electrical signals may represent
number of digits or bits
information by changing factors such as
vi. The process of approximating the
their voltage, current, frequency or total
precise value within a fixed number of
charge. The information is converted from
digits is called quantization
some physical form (such as sound, light,
temperature, pressure) to an electrical
signal by a device known as a transducer

i. Defn: transducer is a device that vii. Signal can be distorted during
converts an input signal of one form transmission can still read correctly
into an output signal of another form Diagram:
ii. The signals take any value from a given
range, and each unique signal value
represents different information
iii. Any change in the signal is meaningful,
and each level of the signal represents
a different level of the phenomenon
that it represents
iv. Example, s of analogue signals are
Mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic and
other systems may also use
Elemental astronomy 1. It was used to develop calendars that
The word astronomy is derived from two made it possible to predict the seasons.
Greek words: astron for “star” and Nomo’s The seasons were very important in
for “law”. The people who study and agriculture as they detected the
specialized in astronomy are known as planting time and the harvesting time
astronomers 2. It was the earliest method of measuring
Astronomy 3. Astronomy helps to present a new
Defn: Astronomy is the study of the frontier for exploration.
universe and celestial bodies. 4. Used in both land and sea navigation
Or based on the knowledge of the
Defn: Astronomy is the branch of science position of the sun during the day and
that deals with study of the origin, stars at night
evolution, composition, distance and the 5. Today, astronomy helps us to
motion of all bodies (objects) and understand the position of the earth
scattered matters in the universe. and the origin of the life it supports and
how it is evolved.
Defn: Universe is all of the space and Solar System
everything in it Defn: The solar system is the collection of
Or heavenly bodies that revolve around the
Defn: Universe is the totality of space and sun.
time together with matter and energy.
Composition of Solar System
Geocentric Theory This consists of dwarf planets, eight planets
Geocentric theory was the theory based and their moons, as well as asteroids,
on religious beliefs, observations and comets and meteors.
common-sense. This theory state that
There was no direct evidence to suggest NB:
that the earth is in motion. The other i. Astronomers uses their unit called
bodies, like the sun, were observed to be astronomy unity abbreviated as AU
in motion across the sky ii. 1AU = 1.4960×1011m
iii. Solar system objects such as planets,
Heliocentric Theory moons and comets are bright enough
Heliocentric theory was based on the to be visible through binoculars and
position of the sun relative to the earth in small telescopes
which the sun and not the earth was
stationary at the centre. This theory state Stars
that A star is a large celestial body made up of
i. All other heavenly bodies including the hot gases known as plasma.
earth moved around the sun in circular Plasma refers to an ionized gas in which a
orbits while rotating about their own certain proportion of electrons are free
axes. rather than bound to an atom or
ii. The earth was just one of the six known molecules. Stars radiate energy derived
planets that circled the sun. from the thermonuclear reactions in the
iii. The heliocentric theory could explain interior region. The sun is the largest star.
convincingly the occurrence of day
and night Galaxy
Galaxy is a giant collection of stars, gas
Advantages of Learning Astronomy and dust. Most of stars in the universe are
The following are the ways in which in the galaxies.
astronomy is important
Milky Way
Milky Way is the group of galaxy in which ii. Artificial satellite
the sun belongs to one of these galaxies.
Nearly all of the stars visible in the night sky Natural Satellite
are within our galaxy, the Milky Way. Natural satellite is the natural celestial in
which revolves around the planet.
Planets Example, moon
A planet is a major (large) object which is
in its orbit around a star (sun). The planets Artificial Satellite
revolve around the sun. They are held in Artificial satellite is the natural man made
orbit by the gravitational pull of the sun. satellite and spacecraft that orbit the
Planets do not give their own light, but planet. Example, moon
rather reflect the sun’s light. These planets
are Difference between Stars and Planets
i. Mercury 1. Stars emit their own light while planets
ii. Venus do not emit their own light
iii. Earth 2. Stars twinkle at night while planets do
iv. Mars not twinkle at night
v. Jupiter 3. Stars appear to be moving from east to
vi. Saturn west while planets move around the
vii.Uranus sun from west to east
viii. Neptune 4. The temperatures of stars (eg sun)
usually very high while that of planets
Characteristics of Planets depend on their distances from the sun
It have the follows characteristics includes 5. Stars are countless in number while the
i. It must orbit the Sun. planets are eight in number in the solar
ii. it must be big enough for gravity to system
compress it into spherical form 6. Stars are very big in size but appear
iii. It has a cleared the neighbourhood small because they are very far away
around its orbit. To clear an orbit, a while planets are very small in size as
planet must be big enough to have compared to star
sufficient gravitational force that can 7. Star is in gaseous form while planets is in
pull all neighboring objects and solid form
material into the planet itself
Solar System Zones
Dwarf Planet The Solar system is sometimes divided into
Defn: dwarf planet is a celestial body three separate zones, namely
orbiting the Sun that is massive enough to i. Inner planets
be rounded by its own gravity but has not ii. Asteroid belt
cleared its neighbouring region and hasn’t iii. Outer planets
satellite. We have about four dwarf planet
include Inner Planets
i. Ceres The inner planets consist of the four
ii. Pluto planets that orbit closest to the Sun. They
iii. Makemake are composed largely of minerals with
iv. Eris high melting points, such as the silicates
which form their crusts and mantles, and
Satellite metals such as iron and nickel, which form
Satellite is the celestial body that revolves their cores. Inner planets includes
around the planets. Example, moon i. Mercury
ii. Venus
Types of Satellite iii. Earth
There are two types includes iv. Mars
i. Natural satellite
Characteristics of Mercury
i. closest to the Sun (distance 0.4 AU)) Nb:
ii. smallest planet i. Asteroids are of different sizes and
iii. rocky and dense shapes
iv. no natural satellites ii. Asteroids range in size from hundreds of
kilometres across to microscopic
Characteristics of Venus iii. Asteroids are mostly small Solar system
i. Close in size to the Earth (0.815 Earth bodies composed mainly of rocky and
masses) metallic non-volatile minerals
ii. Superficially similar in composition to
the Earth, but it is much drier than the Meteors
Earth Meteors or shooting stars are
iii. Hottest planet, with surface objects/asteroids from the asteroid belt
temperatures over 400 °C pulled towards the Earth by the
iv. Rocky and dense gravitational pull of the planets, which
v. Volcanically active strike the Earth and burn in the
vi. No natural satellites atmosphere
vii.0.7 AU distance from the sun
Characteristics of Earth i. meteorites are asteroids which are not
Largest and densest of the inner planets burnt up completely and manage to
The only known planet to have current reach the earth
geological activity ii. meteorites consists iron and nickel
The only planet known to have life iii. incandescence due to friction with air
Volcanically active from its rapid motion
Moderate atmosphere iv. Asteroid that struck the Earth’s
Has a large natural satellite atmosphere is called meteoroid
1.0 AU distance from the sun v. In Tanzania a 16 ton piece of meteorite
found at Mbozi Mbeya called Mbozi
Characteristics of Mars meteorite
i. Lowest density terrestrial world
ii. Thin atmosphere Outer Planets
iii. Seasonal weather/ice caps These planets make up 99 percent of the
iv. Extinct volcanoes mass known to orbit the Sun. Jupiter and
v. Have two tiny natural satellites Saturn consist largely of hydrogen and
vi. 1.5 distance AU from the sun helium while the bulk of Uranus and
Neptune consist of 'ices', such as water,
Asteroid Belt ammonia and methane. Outer planets
The main asteroid belt occupies the orbit includes
between Mars and Jupiter, between 2.3 i. Jupiter
and 3.3 AU from the Sun. Hence, the main ii. Saturn
Asteroid belt is a wide and very thin belt 1 iii. Uranus
AU wide and 0.0002 AU thick. The asteroid iv. Neptune
belt contains tens of millions of objects
over one kilometer in diameter. Characteristics of Jupiter
i. Largest planet
Asteroids ii. Low density
Asteroids: are masses of stone of different iii. Long term weather patterns
sizes which are the resulting particles of a iv. Have sixty known satellites
planet that used to lie between mars and v. 5.2 distance AU from the sun
Jupiter, but ultimately broke into pieces
due to strong gravitational force between Characteristics of Saturn
mars and Jupiter i. Second to Jupiter
ii. Spectacular ring system they can often be seen by naked eyes.
iii. Have sixty known satellites They stop glowing once the gaseous
iv. 9.5 distance AU from the sun materials are all burnt off or when they are
once again far away from the sun
Characteristics of Uranus
i. Tilted system Gravitational Force
ii. Lightest of the outer planets Defn: Gravitational force is the attractive
iii. Have twenty seven known satellites force existing between any two objects
iv. Much colder core than the other that have mass
v. 19.6 distance AU from the sun Newton’s Law of Gravitation
Every single point mass attract every other
Characteristics of Neptune point mass by a fore directed along the
i. Slightly smaller than Uranus line joining the two masses. The law States
ii. Radiates more internal heat, but not as that
much as Jupiter or Saturn “Any two bodies in the universe attract
iii. Have thirteen known satellites each other with a force that is directly
iv. 30.0 distance AU from the sun proportional to the product of their masses
and inversely proportional to the square of
Kuiper Belt the distance between them”
Kuiper belt is a wide region extends to 50 Diagram:
AU from the Sun which contains thousands
of small bodies including hundreds of
dwarf planets that are yet to be

i. Many more (hundreds to thousands)
dwarf planets are thought to exist in Mathematically:
the Kuiper Belt F α (M1 x M2)/r2
ii. Kuiper belt objects consist of frozen F = K(M1 x M2)/r2
gases such as methane, ammonia and Where:
ice. When they are attracted towards K= G = Universal gravitational constant
the Earth by gravitational pull of F = G(M1 x M2)/r2
planets, they appear as comets
iii. When comets evaporate upon coming
near the Sun, their dust forms long tail Where:
characteristics of comets F = universal gravitation
iv. Comets are also originate from even M1 = is the mass of first point mass
further out at the edges of the solar M2 = is the mass of second point mass
system about 100,000 AU from the Sun, r = distance between two point masses
where there is thought to be a
spherical cloud called the Oort cloud NB:
which contains icy dust objects i. Gravitational force actual very weak
v. Comets have extremely eccentric force due t too weak pull of felt
(elliptical egg shaped) orbits and between two point masses’ between
reappear sometimes after decades ii. Hug gravitational force of nearest star,
the sun, holds together the eight
planets of the solar system
Comets: is a small icy celestial body that
iii. Planet moves in the space at speed
revolves around the sun. It travelling that just balance the sun’s gravitational
masses visible as points of light that
pull results moves in permanent orbit
brighten suddenly (glowing asteroids) and
around the sun
iv. Satellite, and spacecraft orbit the earth of the year. in Tanzania and in central
due to speed that just balance the Africa are close to the equator so we do
earth’s gravitational pull results moves not see any circumpolar stars or
in permanent orbit around the earth circumpolar constellations. Hence all the
constellations that we see in the
Gravity Tanzanian night sky are seasonal
Gravity is the gravitational force that constellations
occurs between objects toward the earth.
This is the force that holds us on the Significant Of Constellation
ground and cause object to fall back to The study of the constellation is important
the ground after being thrown up in the since they are used by the man from
air. Earth’s gravitational force decrease as ancient times up to the present.
you move away from the earth’s i. Constellations help to determine
gravitational force. seasonal progress and therefore
facilitate planning the course of
NB: activities according to the position of
i. Gravity on object is the weight of that constellations in the sky
object ii. Where proper calendar people where
ii. The weight change depending on the uses constellation to determine when
position as gravitation force sow or harvest by star
iii. Constellations also used in navigation.
Defn: constellation is a group of stars that The Earth
form a definite shape or pattern when Defn: Earth is a third planet that moves in
viewed from the earth a circular orbit around the sun, held on
Or orbit by gravitation force.
Defn: constellation is small groups of bright
stars that form patterns in the sky which Properties of the Earth
resemble familiar animals and objects on i. largest and densest of the inner planets
the earth. Some of known constellations ii. the only known planet to have current
are: geological activity
LEO, IRON, SCORPIO, URSA MAJOR, iii. Has diameter of 6371 km
CORPUS, CANIS MAJOR, PISCES, GEMIN iv. the only planet known to have life
and the SOUTHER CROSS v. volcanically active
vi. moderate atmosphere
Note: There are about 88 known vii.has one large moon
constellations. viii. 1.0 AU distance from the sun

Types of the Constellations Earth’s Moon

There are two types includes Defn: moon is a natural satellite that
i. Circumpolar constellations moves in a circular orbit around the earth,
ii. Seasonal constellations held on orbit by gravitation force.

Circumpolar Constellations Properties of Earth’s Moon

Circumpolar constellations are seen all i. The moon’s gravitation field is one sixth
year round in the night sky for observers in of the earth’s field (gmoon = 1.6N/Kg)
high northern or high southern latitudes ii. It takes 27.3 days to revolve around the
because of the rotation of the Earth earth. This period called sidereal month
iii. It sixth largest in the solar system
Seasonal Constellations iv. Has diameter of 3476 km
Seasonal constellations are the v. Has mass of 7.35 x 1022kg
constellations that appear at some time of vi. Moon’s orbit is titled at 50 relative to the
the year and are not seen at other times earth orbit around the sun
vii. Moon Surface temperature are on the the moon pull the earth and the sun pull
average of 1070C during the day and - the earth to keep in orbit also the earth
530C during night pull the sun. This attraction tends to pull
viii. Has non molten iron core so its earth’s fluid (gas and liquid especial in
haven’t magnetism ocean) results rising and falling of the
ix. Iron core is surrounded by a rocky ocean level. As the earth rotates each of
mantle and crust the earth gets two high tides and two low
x. It revolves in an anticlockwise direction tides each day.
around the earth Diagram:

i. Moon has no atmosphere
ii. The side facing/near the earth is called
near side
iii. The side far/faces away the earth is
called far side

Earth’s Moon Surface Features Types of Ocean Tides

There are two primary types of terrain on i. Spring Ocean tides
the moon, include the following ii. Neap Ocean tides
i. Lunar highlands
ii. Maria Spring Ocean Tides
Spring tides occur when there is a new
Lunar Highlands moon or full moon. At that time the sun,
Lunar highlands Is an oldest part of the moon and earth are in straight line. It is
moon’s surface. A lunar highland is the strong tides
bright area viewed with unaided eye. It Diagram:
i. Craters caused by impact of
meteorites. The young craters are often
surrounded by lines of splash material
ii. Mountains rise up to 5km high
i. Rare unusually high tide may occur
Maria is Italian word Means Sea. Maria is
due to unusually close of moon to the
the dark area viewed with unaided eye. It
causes by hug impact craters that were
ii. This spring tide is called Proxigean
later flooded with molten lava. Most of
spring ocean tides
Maria is covered with regolith, a mixture of
iii. Proxigean spring ocean tides occurs at
fine dust and rocky debris produced by
most once every 1.5 years
meteor impact
Neap Ocean Tides
Ocean Tides
Neap tides occur when there are a
Defn: Tides energy is the rising and falling
quarter moons. At this time, the sun and
of the ocean level
the moon are pulling at right angles to
each other causes its gravitational forces
Causes of Ocean Tides
to cancel each other. It weaker tides
It causes by the gravitational pull of the
moon and to some extent the sun

How Ocean Tides Occurs

Due to different in gravitation force the
earth pull the moon to keep in orbit also

Advantage of Tides
i. During high tides the water level in the
harbour rises, with the result that bigger
ships can be moved into harbour and
ii. The high tides clear the sea shore from
garbage, etc
iii. High tides at suitable places are used
for generating electricity

Example, : NECTA form IV 2010: QN 05

(a)(i) Define the term astronomy and
(ii) Is scorpion a galaxy or
constellations? Give reason(s) for your
(b) Distinguish between
i. Planet and star
ii. Comet and meteor
(c) Which planet in the solar system is
i. Closest to the sun? (mercury)
ii. Furthest from the sun? (pluto)
iii. Closest to the earth? (venus and
iv. Surrounded by ring? (saturn)
v. The second largest planet? (saturn)

1. What is solar system?
2. How many known planets are there in
our solar system? Name them.
3. Why is Pluto not a planet as it used to
4. Which is the largest planet in our solar
5. Which planets in the solar system have

Geophysics Oceanic crust that underlies the ocean
Defn: Geophysics is the scientific branch basins
deals with physical, chemical, geological,
astronomical and other characteristic Nb:
properties of the earth i. The low density of the thick continental
crust allows it to "float" in high relief on
Interior Structure of the Earth the much higher density mantle below
The Interior earth structure is divided into ii. The boundary which separate crust
three zones namely and mantle is called (Moho)
i. Earth's Core Mohorovicic discontinuity
ii. Earth's Mantle
iii. Earth's Crust Earth's Mantle
Diagram: Earth's Mantle is starting from Moho and
extended to a depth of 2900km below the
earth surface to boundary to core. It
divided into two layers

Earth's Crust
Earth's Crust is outer solid layer of the
earth. It divided into two layers
Upper Mantle
Rocks in the upper mantle are cool and
Rocks in the lower mantle are hot and soft
(but not molten). Rocks in the upper
mantle are brittle enough to break under
stress and produce earthquakes

Lower Mantle
Rocks in the lower mantle are soft and
flow when subjected to forces instead of
Continental Crust
Continental crust is heterogeneous with Nb:
low density about 2 – 2.8 tonnes per cubic i. The boundary separate core and
metre. It mainly composed by granites mantle is called Gutenberg
and sedimentary rocks. Land mass and discontinuity
mountains located at continental crust. ii. Mantle contains about 70% of the
Continental crust that underlies the earth’s mass
continent iii. It made by plastic rocks (both in solid
and molten state)
Oceanic Crust iv. Upper part of mantle has a
Oceanic crust is basalts with high density temperature of about 8700C
about 3 – 3.1 tonnes per cubic metre.
v. lower part of mantle has a Defn: atmosphere is the gases layers
temperature of about 22000C contain numerous small suspended solid
vi. The lower limit of brittle behavior is the and liquid particles. The dense part of
boundary between the upper and atmosphere lies within 30 km above the
lower mantle earth’s surface.
vii. This steady increase of temperature
with depth is known as the geothermal Regions of Atmosphere
gradient Atmosphere is divided into regions based
viii. The heat energy is the source of force on its thermal characteristics (temperature
cause continental movement like changes), chemical composition,
volcanism and earthquakes movement and density .Therefore there
are five regions includes
Earth's Core i. Troposphere region
Earth's Core is the innermost part of the ii. Stratosphere region
earth. It extends from Gutenberg iii. Mesosphere region
discontinuity to earth’s geometric center. iv. Thermosphere region
It composed mainly of an iron and nickel v. Exosphere region
alloy. It divided into two layers
Diagram: Troposphere Region
Troposphere region is the region nearest to
the earth. It extends to an altitude of up to
10 km above the poles and 20 km above
the equator.

i. This region is the densest part of the
atmosphere. It contains 80% by mass of
the atmosphere. It contains most of the
atmosphere’s water vapour
ii. The temperature in this region
decreases with altitude at an average
Outer Core rate of 6°C/km
Outer core is a liquid (magma) because iii. Air molecules can travel to the top of
the temperatures there are adequate to the troposphere and back down again
melt the iron-nickel alloy. in just a few days. This mixing
encourages changing weather
Inner Core iv. Most weather phenomena occur in the
Inner core is a solid even though its troposphere. Clouds and rain are
temperature is higher than the outer core. formed within this region
Here, tremendous pressure, produced by v. Boundary separates the troposphere
the weight of the overlying rocks is strong and the stratosphere is called the
enough to crowd the atoms tightly tropopause
together and prevents the liquid state vi. Temperatures stop decreasing with
height and become constant
i. The core is earth's source of internal Stratosphere Region
heat because it contains radioactive Stratosphere region starts from the
materials which release heat as they tropopause and extends to 50 km high.
break down into more stable
substances Nb:
ii. It have high density i. This layer is more stable, drier and less
dense compared to the troposphere.
Atmosphere Structure
The temperature in the stratosphere ii. The temperature in this region can go
slowly increases with altitude as high as 1 727°C
ii. Temperature increase due to the iii. Chemical reactions occur much faster
presence of the ozone layer which here than on the surface of the earth.
absorbs ultraviolet rays from the sun. iv. This layer is also known as the upper
The ozone layer lies in the middle of the atmosphere
stratosphere between 20 and 30 km. v. The lower part of the thermosphere,
Ozone is a triatomic (three-molecule) from 80 to 550 km above the earth’s
form of oxygen surface, called ionosphere
iii. This layer plays the important role of vi. This region containing a high
absorbing ultraviolet radiations which concentration of charged particles
would otherwise reach the earth’s called ions and free electrons
surface vii. The large number of free electrons in
iv. Ultraviolet radiation is harmful to both the ionosphere allows the propagation
animal and plant life on earth of electromagnetic waves
v. The stable air of the stratosphere also viii. Ionosphere also absorbs dangerous
prevents large storms from extending radiation. The radiation absorbed in
much beyond the tropopause the ionosphere includes hard and soft
vi. Planes also fly in the stratosphere. This is X-rays and extreme ultraviolet (EUV)
because it has strong steady horizontal radiation.
winds which are above the stormy
weather of the troposphere Important Of Ionosphere
vii. Troposphere and stratosphere are The ionosphere plays an important role in
collectively known as the lower communications. Radio waves can be
atmosphere reflected off the ionosphere allowing
viii. Boundary separates the stratosphere radio communications over long distances
and the other layer is called
stratopause Exosphere Region
Exosphere region is the outermost region
Mesosphere Region of the atmosphere
Mesosphere region starts just above the
stratosphere and extends to 85 km high Nb:
i. Atmospheric gas pressure is very low.
Nb: Light atoms such as hydrogen and
i. Temperature at this layer decreases helium may acquire sufficient energy
with altitude. The lowest temperature to escape the earth’s gravitational pull
of the atmosphere (-90°C) occurs ii. The upper part of the exosphere is
within this region called magnetosphere. The motion of
ii. mesosphere is the layer in which most ions in this region is strongly constrained
meteors burn while entering the earth’s by the presence of the earth’s
atmosphere magnetic field
iii. Boundary separates the mesosphere iii. This region satellites orbit the earth
and the thermosphere is called
mesopause Importance of the Atmosphere
The following are some ways in which the
Thermosphere Region layers of the atmosphere are important:
Thermosphere region starts just above the i. The troposphere controls the climate
mesosphere and extends up to 690 km and ultimately determines the quality
high of life on the earth
ii. The troposphere is important for life on
Nb: the earth. The layer contains gases
i. temperature increases with increasing which include
altitude due to the sun’s heat
a. Oxygen which is used for
respiration by animals
b. Carbon dioxide which is used by
plants in photosynthesis
c. Nitrogen found in this layer also
provides an inactive environment
for many chemical processes to
take place
d. Gases also support many important
chemical processes such as
combustion, weathering and
oxidation Constructive Boundary
iii. The stratosphere prevents harmful Defn: Constructive boundary is the kind of
ultraviolet radiation from reaching the boundary in which edges of two plates
earth moving away each other
iv. The mesosphere, thermosphere and Diagram:
exosphere also prevent harmful
radiation such as cosmic rays from
reaching the earth’s surface
v. Communication is also made possible
by some layers of the atmosphere,
specifically the ionosphere

Tectonic Plates
Defn: Tectonic plates are the huge pieces
of cracked earth’s crust and mantle part
which floats over semi-molten rock. Also is Conservative Boundary
called lithospheric plate. Tectonic plates Defn: Conservative boundary is the kind of
are in slow motion/speed. This movement boundary in which two plates slide moving
means continents are moving apart and each other without apart or toward each
toward each other. This process in which other
continents moving is called continental Diagram:

Defn: Boundary is the line where two
tectonic plates meet

Types of Boundary
There are three types includes
i. Destructive/ converging boundary
ii. Constructive/diverging boundary Volcanoes
iii. Conservative boundary Defn: volcanoes are the process hot
magma, volcanic ash and gases to
Destructive Boundary escape from the magma chamber below
Defn: Destructive boundary is the kind of the surface. Volcanoes found where
boundary in which edges of two plates tectonic plates are diverging or
moving toward each other converging.
Causes of Volcanoes
Volcanoes are causes by movement of
molten rock and heat energy inside the

earth. These movements is called This eruption occurs when mantle hotter
subterranean movements than normal. The magma formed is forces
toward earth’s surface. For Example,
Nb: Nyamalagira volcano located at Congo.
i. Most volcanoes form along This kind of volcanoes is called Hot-sport
constructive and destructive volcanoes
ii. Few form far from plate boundaries Types of Volcanoes
iii. Magma that reached the earth’s There are two types of volcanoes includes
surface is called lava i. Fissure volcanoes
ii. Central volcanoes
Volcanoes at Destructive Boundaries
When ocean plate plunges under another Fissure Volcanoes
plate, the ocean plate rubs against the Fissure volcanoes kind of volcanoes
plate above it and gets hot. Rock melts occurs along cracks in and between
resulting magma under the upper plate. tectonic plates. It can be many kilometer
Magma forces away through weak points long. Lava usually ejected quietly and
in the crust continuously, forming enormous plains or
plateaus of basaltic volcanic rock
Nb: Diagram:
i. This magma tends to be very viscous
due to its high silica content, so often
does not reach the surface and cools
at depth. When it does reach the
surface, a volcano is formed
ii. Pacific Ocean is a line of destruction
plate boundaries, it have circle of
volcanoes around the pacific rim
called ring of fire
iii. Typical Example, s for this kind of
volcano are Mount Etna and the
volcanoes in the Pacific Ring of Fire

Volcanoes at Constructive Boundaries Central Volcanoes

At the mid-oceanic ridges, two tectonic Central volcanoes are a single vertical
plates diverge from one another. For main vent through which magma reaches
Example, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, has the earth’s surface. It has cone shape
Example, s of volcanoes caused by builds up from successive layers of lava
divergent tectonic plates pulling apart and ash
i. Most divergent plate boundaries are at
the bottom of the oceans, therefore
most volcanic activity is submarine,
forming new seafloor
ii. Black smokers or deep sea vents are
an Example, of this kind of volcanic
iii. Where the mid-oceanic ridge is above
sea-level, volcanic islands are formed,
for Example, , Iceland.

Volcanoes At Far From Plate Boundaries

Classification of Volcanoes
It classified into three categories based by can be an advantage to the towns
their frequency of eruption, include and cities
i. Active volcanoes viii. Soil: Ash and lava breakdown
ii. Dormant or inactive volcanoes become soils that are rich in nutrients,
iii. Extinct volcanoes and become good areas for crop
planting activities
Active Volcanoes ix. Mineral: it bring valuable mineral to the
Active volcanoes are with those that erupt earth’s surface
regularly in recent times. Example, OL x. Accident: Ash thrown into the air by
Donyo Lengai Volcano eruptions can present a hazard to
aircraft, especially jet aircraft where
Dormant Volcanoes the particles can be melted by the
Dormant volcanoes are those that have high operating temperature.
erupted in historical times but are now
quiet but can erupt again. Example, Mt. Earthquakes
Kilimanjaro Earthquakes are the rumblings, shaking or
rolling of the earth's surface.
Extinct Volcanoes
Extinct volcanoes are those that have not Causes of Earthquakes
erupted in historical times, probably never There are two main causes of
erupt again earthquakes, includes
i. Movements of Tectonic plates
Effect of Volcanoes ii. Volcanic eruptions
Volcanoes have positive effects and
negative effects, as follows Movements of Tectonic Plates
Once the fault has locked, continued
Negative effects of volcanoes relative motion between the plates leads
i. Human life and property: Eruptions to increasing stress and therefore, stored
occurring close to human settlements strain energy in the volume around the
may spill and destroy lives and property fault surface. This continues until the stress
ii. Environment: Ash discharged very high has risen sufficiently to break suddenly
into the stratosphere can have allowing sliding over the locked portion of
negative consequences on the ozone the fault and releasing the stored energy.
layer This energy is released as a combination
iii. Landscapes: Landscapes and natural of radiated elastic strain seismic waves,
sceneries can be destroyed frictional heating of the fault surface, and
iv. Lahars: Ash and mud can mix with rain cracking of the rock, thus causing an
and melting snow, forming lahars. earthquake.
Lahars are mudflows flowing at very
fast pace Volcanic Eruptions
v. acid rain: Gas emissions from Movement of magma in volcanoes, such
volcanoes are a natural contributor to earthquakes can serve as an early
acid rain warning of volcanic eruptions. Earthquake
swarms can serve as markers for the
Positive effects of volcanoes location of the flowing magma
vi. Tourism: Provide extraordinary scenery, throughout the volcanoes. These swarms
so beautiful and natural that they can be recorded by seismometers and tilt
attract tourists to the area, bringing in meters (a device that measures ground
some economic value. slope) and used as sensors to predict
vii. geothermal energy: Places close to imminent or upcoming eruptions.
volcanic activities tend to have higher
potential for geothermal energy, which Nb:

i. Earthquakes rarely occur along iv. it travel at 1.5 - 8 km/sec in the Earth's
constructive plates boundaries crust
ii. Earthquakes actual occur near v. It shake the ground in the direction
constructive and destructive plates they are propagating
boundaries vi. It travel through the Earth's core
iii. Beginning point of earthquakes is vii.It faster than S waves
called hypocenter or focus of the viii. It travels through both solid rock,
earthquake such as Granite Mountains, and liquid
iv. Wave energy released by earthquakes material, such as volcanic magma and
is called seismic waves the water of the oceans.
v. Epicenter is the point on the ground
immediately above the focus of the Secondary Waves
earthquake When S wave propagates, it shears the
rock sideways at right angles to the
Seismic Waves direction of travel. If a liquid is sheared
Defn: is the energy released by sideways or twisted, it will not spring back;
earthquakes from hypocenter hence S waves cannot propagate in the
Diagram: liquid parts of the earth, such as oceans
and lakes.

Types of Seismic Waves Properties of S Waves

There are three seismic waves includes i. It shear waves
i. primary or P waves ii. It second to detected/arrive at seismic
ii. secondary or S waves stations
iii. Surface waves iii. It 1.7 times slower than P waves
iv. It shake the ground perpendicular to
Primary Waves the direction in which they are
Primary or P waves propagating
Its motion is the same as that of a sound v. do not travel through liquid (i.e. water,
wave in that, as it spreads out, it molten rock, the Earth's outer core)
alternately pushes (compresses) and pulls
(dilates) the rock. These P waves are able Surface Waves
to Surface wave is the seismic waves in
Diagram: which propagates in earth’s surface.

Types of Surface Waves

There are two seismic waves includes
i. Love waves
ii. Rayleigh waves

Love Waves
Properties of P Waves Love waves moves the ground from side
i. It compresses waves to side in a horizontal plane but at right
ii. It longitudinal waves angles to the direction of propagation.
iii. It first detected/arrive seismic stations The horizontal shaking of Love waves is

particularly damaging to the foundations the largest seismic wave recorded for an
of structures. earthquake, no matter what type of wave
Diagram: was the strongest

i. The Richter scale magnitudes are
based on a logarithmic scale (base 10)
ii. The scale has no upper limit
iii. Small magnitude expressed in negative
Rayleigh iv. Large magnitude expressed in positive
Rayleigh is like rolling ocean waves, numbers
Rayleigh waves wave move both
vertically and horizontally in a vertical Earthquakes Intensity
plane pointed in the direction in which the The intensity of an earthquake is a
waves are travelling. measure of its strength based on the
Diagram: changes it causes to the landscape. The
intensity of an earthquake is usually
measured on the Modified Mercalli scale.
The scale is calibrated from 1 to 12. On this
scale, level 1 is a minor tremor that causes
no damage whereas level 12 causes total
devastation. Consider the table below

Nb: Effect
i. The actual speed of P and S seismic
Not felt, except by very few
waves depends on the density and I people under especially
elastic properties of the rocks and soil favourable conditions.
through which they pass
Felt only by a few people at
ii. Surface waves travel more slowly than
II rest, especially on upper floors
body waves (P and S)
of buildings
iii. Love waves generally travel faster than
Felt quite noticeably by
Rayleigh waves
III persons indoors, especially on
iv. Love waves (do not propagate
upper floors of buildings
through water) can effect surface
Felt indoors by many, outdoors
water only insofar as the sides of lakes IV
by few during the day
and ocean bays pushing water
Felt nearly by everyone. Many
sideways like the sides of a vibrating
are awakened. Some dishes,
tank V
windows broken. Unstable
v. Rayleigh waves propagates through
objects overturned
water due to vertical components of
Felt by everyone. Many are
their motion
VI frightened. Some heavy
furniture moved
Earthquakes Scales
The nature of an Earthquakes described in Damage negligible in buildings
term of their magnitude and intensity of good design and
construction. Slight to
Earthquakes Magnitude moderate damage in well-built
The magnitude of an earthquake is a VII ordinary structures.
measure of the energy it releases. It is Considerable damage in
usually measured on the Richter scale. The poorly built or badly designed
Richter scale is based on the amplitude of structures. Some chimneys are
Damage slight in specially
designed structures. Mechanism
Considerable damage in i. It consist heavy pendulum bob which
ordinary substantial buildings can oscillates even in small
with partial collapse. Damage earthquakes intensity and magnitude
great in poorly built structures. ii. It measures ground oscillations by
Fall of chimneys, factory stacks, recording the relative motion between
columns, monuments and a pendulum and the ground.
walls. Heavy furniture iii. In order to measure ground motions,
overturned the seismograph must remain steady
Damage considerable in when the ground moves
specially designed structures. iv. The time of initiation of ground
Well-designed frame structures oscillations is recorded and marked
IX thrown out of plumb. Damage and are included on the graphs every
great substantial buildings with minute and hour on the seismograph
partial collapse. Buildings paper
shifted off foundations
Some well-built wooden Types of Pendulums
structures destroyed. Most Various types of pendulums includes is a
X masonry and frame structures i. Simple pendulum: Heavy mass
destroyed with foundations. suspended by a wire or rod from a
Rail bent fixed point
Few, if any structures (masonry) ii. inverted pendulum: has a heavy mass
XI remain standing. Bridges fixed to the upper end of a vertical rod
destroyed. Rails bent greatly pointed at its lower end
Total damage Lines of sight iii. horizontal pendulum: has a rod with a
XII and level are distorted. Objects mass on its end which is suspended at
thrown into the air two points so that it swings on a
horizontal plane
Earthquake can only have one Recording the Pendulum Motion
magnitude but, its intensity reduces as the The recording of the motion of the
seismic waves spread out from the pendulum can be done in various ways,
hypocentre includes
i. Mechanical method
Seismograph ii. Optical method
The seismograph is an instrument used to iii. Electronic method
record ground movements caused by
earthquakes. Mechanical Method
Diagram: Sheet of smoked paper is wrapped
around a rotating drum and mounted to
move with the earth. A moving pen
connected to the pendulum presses lightly
on the paper. As time passes, the drum
rotates so that the recorded lines are not
superimposed on each other. Deflection
of the pendulum is commonly magnified
mechanically by single or double
multiplying levers so that the graph is
easier to see

i. This method is simple and economical.
ii. Seismograph must have a heavy mass This can result in the creation of
to overcome the friction between the earthquake lakes that cover huge
pen and the paper tracts of previously settled land
iii. Mechanical seismographs weigh one
tonne or more Earthquake Warning Signs
The following are important signs that are
Optical Method observed before an earthquake occurs:
The optical method still uses a pendulum i. Thermal indicator: few months before
motion to record the ground movements. the earthquake, the average
However, to overcome friction, mirrors are temperature of particular area
used to reflect the light onto increasing. On the day of the
photosensitive paper wrapped on a drum earthquake, the temperature of a
place is about 5 to 9 degrees Celsius
Electronic Method above the average normal
Coil is fixed to the mass of a pendulum temperature for that day.
and moves in a magnetic field. The ii. Water indicator: About one or three
voltages produced by motions of the days before an earthquake, there is
pendulum are passed through electronic a. Sudden rise or fall in water levels
circuits to amplify the ground motion for in wells. The rise can be as high
more exact readings as one metre. The well water
may turn muddy
Nb: b. At times a fountain appears
The seismograph records both the inside the well. Sometimes a
magnitude and the intensity of the fountain may appear in the
earthquake. ground. This normally happens a
few hours before the quake
Effect/ Hazards of Earthquakes c. There is also a sudden and rapid
Earthquakes give rise to a number of increase or decrease of water
hazards, includes flow in the rivers. This happens
i. Landslides: earthquakes can cause about one to two days before
unstable hillsides, mountain slopes and the quake
cliffs to move downwards, creating iii. Seismo electromagnetic indicator:
landslides when Temperature raises results
ii. Snow slopes: Earthquakes can also geomagnetic field to reduce which
trigger avalanches on snow slopes affects the propagation of
which can collide with people, house electromagnetic waves (radio,
etc television and telephone). This is a very
iii. Tsunamis: Tsunamis are the hug water reliable indicator. It is usually recorded
waves cause water to rise or fall. When about 10 to 20 hours before the quake.
a tsunami reaches shallow water, it iv. Animal indicator: Between 10 and 20
slows down, its wavelength reduces hours before the occurrence of an
and its height grows. earthquake, the entire animal kingdom
iv. Collapsing buildings: A strong becomes highly disturbed and restless.
earthquake can flatten a whole city. v. Human indicator: sensitive patients in
An Example, is the Japanese city of hospitals become highly disturbed
Kobe which was completely flattened before an earthquake. They exhibit a
by an earthquake measuring 7.2 on sudden rise in blood pressure, heart
the Richter scale trouble, headache, migraine and
v. Fire outbreak: When gas or oil pipes respiratory disorders. Indeed, the
break and collapse of electricity lines number of outpatients in hospitals
results trigger a fire increases by five to seven times, some
vi. Backward rivers: Tilting ground can 10 to 20 hours before the quake
also make rivers change their course.
Precaution Taken During an Earthquake Defn: greenhouse effect is the trapping
The following are some precautions that back of Sun’s energy by a planet from
can be taken to minimize injuries to or atmospheres
death of human beings in the event of an Or
earthquake: Defn: Greenhouse effect is the process
i. If you are indoors during an whereby radiation reflected by the
earthquake, drop, cover and hold on. atmosphere to warms the planet’s surface
Get under a desk, table or bench. Hold
on to one of the legs and cover your How Greenhouse Effect Occurs
eyes. If there is no table or desk nearby, When a planet’s surface is heated by
sit down against an interior wall. An sunlight it emits thermal (heat) radiation
interior wall is less likely to collapse than which is absorbed by the greenhouse
a wall on the outside shell of the gases in the atmosphere. The atmosphere
building. reflects (re-radiates) back thermal
ii. Pick a safe place where things will not radiation in all directions to the earth’s
fall on you, be away from windows or surface and lower atmosphere. Over time,
tall, heavy furniture. this increases the planet’s temperature
iii. Do not run outside when an due to presence of greenhouse gases
earthquake happens because bricks,
roofing and other materials may fall Sources of Greenhouse Effect
from buildings Greenhouse effect is caused by the
iv. Wait in your safe place until the shaking greenhouse gases includes the follows
stops, then check to see if you are hurt i. Water vapor
v. Move carefully and watch out for ii. Ozone layer
things that have fallen or broken, iii. Carbon dioxide
creating hazards. Be ready for iv. Methane
additional earthquakes called v. Chlorofluorocarbons
aftershocks vi. Dinitrogen oxide
vi. Be on the lookout for fires. Fire is the
most common earthquake-related Carbon Dioxide
hazard due to damaged gas and Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse
electrical lines. gas. The gas contributes over 50% of the
vii. If you must leave a building after the greenhouse effect. The following are some
shaking stops, use the stairs and not the of the sources of carbon dioxide includes
elevator. Earthquakes can cause fire i. Clearing and burning of vegetation
alarms and fire sprinklers to go off. You (deforestation)
will not be certain whether there is a ii. Burning of fossil fuels (coal and
real threat of fire. As a precaution, use petroleum)
the stairs.
If you are outside during an Methane
earthquake, stay outside. Move away The main source of methane is;
from buildings, trees, streetlights and i. Agricultural activities. It is released from
power lines. Crouch down and cover wetlands, such as rice fields and from
your head. Bricks, roofing and other animals, particularly cud-chewing
materials can fall from buildings animals like cows.
ii. mining of coal and oil
Greenhouse Effect iii. When vegetation is burnt
Defn: Greenhouse effect is the process Note: Methane molecules have a lifetime
whereby radiation reflected by the of 10 years in the atmosphere.
atmosphere to warms the earth’s surface
Or Dinitrogen Oxide


Dinitrogen oxide is produced from bothnatural and human-made

Human activities includes
i. combustion of fossil fuels in vehiclesand power stations
ii. Use of nitrogenous fertilizers
iii. burning of vegetation
iv. Animal waste.

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are organic compounds made up of chlorine,
fluorine and carbon. The sources of CFCs in the atmosphere include
fridges, air conditioners, sprays and aerosols
Note: CFCs are extremely effective greenhouse gases. A CFC molecule is
10000 times more effective in trapping heatthan a carbon dioxide molecule

Global Warming
Defn: Global warming is the increase of the average temperatures near or
on theearth’s surface caused by greenhousegases
Defn: Global warming is the increase in temperature near or on the surface
of theearth resulting into greenhouse effect

Causes of global warming

Global warming is mainly caused by greenhouse gases

Effects of Global Warming

The effects of global warming include:
i. Increase the temperature of the oceans
ii. Rise in sea level due to melting land ice. This may lead to flooding of
the coastal land
iii. Change in world’s climate patterns
iv. Acidification of the oceans CO2 dissolves in water and forms a weak
carbonic acid and hence concept of PH of ocean
v. Extreme weather events which include floods, drought, heat waves,
hurricanesand tornadoes
vi. higher or lower agricultural yields vii.Melting of Arctic ice and
This causes landslides, flash floods and glacial lake overflow

Prepared by SR. DIDAS DATIUS

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level and A-level.


viii. extinction of some animal and plantspecies,

ix. increase in the range of disease vectors

Solutions to Minimize Global Warming

The major solution is to reduce the greenhouse gases emission into the
atmosphere by:
i. Reduce the use of fossil fuels by use of public transport which will
minimize thenumber of vehicles in the roads
ii. Use of fuel-efficient cars
iii. Use of clearer alternative sources of energy such as solar and wind.
iv. Afforestation
v. Countries to make a policy of minimizing the emission of greenhouse
gases. Example, Kyoto protocol

Example, : NECTA form IV 2011: QN 09

(a) Define the term earthquake
(b) Briefly explain the meaning of the following terms as used on
i. Hypocenter
ii. Epicenter
(c)(i) What is global warming?
(ii) Name four gases that contribute to global warming and give one
sourceof each


1. Answer

i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x


2. Aswer

LIST A i ii iii iv v
3. A narrow beam of light that is directed onto a glass prism will be dispersed by the edge of
prism where by a spectrum will be produced on a screen. Thus seven colour will be seen on
the screen which are ROYBIV(Red, orange, yellow, blue, indigo and violent) as shown in the
diagram below.

Prepared by SR. DIDAS DATIUS

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level and A-level.


(b) Different between lens camera and human eye in term of their function.

Lens camera Human Eye

lens is had glass Lens is soft and elastic
Image is focused by moving the lens Image is focused by changing the thickness of the
Only lens refract the light Aqueous and vitreous humour refract light
Diaphragm can be altered Iris alter itself
Lens camera form an image at the film through Form an image at the retina through
chemical reaction photoreceptor cells
4. (a) Explain why a bubble of air increases in volume as it rises from the bottom of the pond of
water to the surface.
A bubble of air increase in volume as it rises from the bottom of a pond of water to the
surface because pressure at the bottom of a pond is greater than pressure at the
surface of water, thus according to boyle’s law , always varies inversely proportional
to volume at constant temperature. Hence as the bubble of air rises to the surface
pressure is reduced and cause the volume to increase.
(b) Calculate the mass of the half-meter rule AB when pivoted freely at 18 cm from end A which
balances horizontally when a body of mass 35 g is hung 48 cm from end B.

35 M
From the principle of moment about pivot.
Sum of clockwise moment =sum of anticlockwise moment
M× 7𝑐𝑚 = 35𝑔 × 16𝑐𝑚
M= 7𝑐𝑚
Prepared by SR. DIDAS DATIUS

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level and A-level.

The mass of the ruler is 80g. Eff= 80%
5. (a) calculate the efficiency of the machine B used
to pull the packing case of 2000 N into the car by (b) Consider the diagram below
an effort of 500 N as shown in the following
The spring balance is pulled for different forces and they
diagram are recorded. The ticker tape time produces dots on the
same rate . Therefore a higher force produces much
acceleration and the dots will be widely spaced. a lower
force produce dots nearly spaced this show low

Hence through frequencies a dot the relationship between

force applied and acceleration is attached.

6. (a) By using a diagram to explain the variation of

density of ice with temperature when a beaker
Soln. containing ice is heated from -5◦C to 0◦ C and from
Data given 0◦C to 15◦C. I
Load (L) =2000N
Effort (E)= 500N Ans;

Distance moved by load (Ld)=1m When ice at -5°c is then heated to 15°c, its density
will increase from the temperature of -5°c to 4°c
Distance moved by effort (Ed) =? and then will return to normal or linearly after
temperature of 4°c
From the inclined plane below
(a) the candidates were required to explain the function
of a fuse in an electrical appliance with the aid of a
diagram. Part (b) required the candidates to
determine whether the fuse of 10 A will blow on or
off when the appliances given are all turned on and
connected to 240 V mains.

By using Pythagoras theorem

𝐸𝑑2 = 12 + 4.92

𝐸𝑑 = √25.01
(b) a brick of dimension of 30,
𝐸𝑑 = 5𝑚
22cm,18cm and 10 cm for length, width and height
Then M.A= respectively at 20°C. From this given information,
the candidates were required to calculate the new
2𝑂𝑂0 diameter of the brick when heated to a new
M.A= 500
temperature of 150°C.
𝐸𝑑 5
VR= 𝐿𝑑 thus VR= 1=5 Solution.

𝑀.𝐴 Consider
Also efficiency(Eff) = 𝑉.𝑅 × 100%

Eff= 5 × 100%

Prepared by SR. DIDAS DATIUS

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level and A-level.

appliance from high amount of current which could
cause the damage and over fire outbreak.

Given that

Thermal expansivity (α)=1.2× 10−5 𝑘 −1

From linear expansivity

(b) required the candidates to
𝑙1 = 𝑙0 (1 + 𝛼∆∅) determine whether the fuse
of 10 A will blow on or off
∆∅ = ∅𝑓 − ∅𝑖 when the appliances given are all turned on and connected
to 240 V mains.
∆∅ = 150℃ − 20℃

∆∅ = 130℃

New length
𝑙1 = 𝑙0 (1 + 𝛼∆∅)

𝑙1 = 30(1 +1.2× 10−5 × 130)

𝑙1 = 30.0468𝑐𝑚

New width

𝑙1 = 𝑙0 (1 + 𝛼∆∅)

𝑙1 = 18(1 + 130 × 1.2 × 10−5 ) Soln.

𝑙1 = 18.02808𝑐𝑚 Given that bulb 1=100w

New height. Bulb 2= 75w

ℎ1 = ℎ0 (1 + 𝛼∆∅) Tv =300w
ℎ1 = 10(1 + 130 ×1.2× 10−5)
ℎ1 = 10.0156𝑐𝑚 Heater =1500w
The new dimension of a brick is 30.0468cm,
18.02808cm and 10.0156cm for the length, width and Total power =100w+75w+1500w+300w=1975w
height respectively.
7. (a) explain the function of a fuse in an electrical From joule law equations’ p=iv
appliance with the aid of a diagram. Where i-current-potential difference=340v
The main function of fuse in electrical appliance 𝑃 1975
I= = =8.23A
is to disconnect the circuit by melting when high 𝑉 340
amount of current is passed through it before
Therefore the fuse will blow ON because the appliance will
interring on the appliances
use the low current of 8.23A than the limit of the fuse
Hence the melting of fuse tend to protect electric
which are 10A
Prepared by SR. DIDAS DATIUS

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level and A-level.

8. (a) Explain why the inner core of the earth is Ans.
solid while the outer core is liquid.
Three thing that should be done to increase induced
Ans. magnetic field are
(i) The number of turns (windings)The
The inner core of the earth is solid because it is more the number of turns the
subjected with high pressure. Due to this pressure stronger is the magnetic field of the
make materials in the inner core to be in sold form. solenoid and vice verse
Also the outer core is liquid in nature because the (ii) The amount of current flowing.The
low pressure and the high temperature that cause bigger is the current flowing the
the rock to melt and become liquid. stronger is the magnetic field and
vice verse
(b) Calculate the frequency of a stringed instrument (iii) Placing a soft iron core along the
when the tension is increased by 6 N, if it had a axis of the solenoid increases the
frequency of 400 Hz at a tension of 2 N. strength of the magnetic field.


Data given (b) Explain why a musician must re-tune a stringed

instrument if its temperature changes
Tension (T1) =2N
Ans. When temperatures change, it varies the length
Frequency (F1)=400Hz of the string, this cause frequency produced by a
string to change. Therefore, musician retunes to
Tension (T2)= 2N+6N=8N adjust length for the getting appropriate
frequency of sound and hence obtain the desired
Frequency (F2)= ? tone quality.
From F=K√𝑇 – (c) Determine the distance of the thunderstorm when
the time between the flash of light and the thunder is
𝐹 𝑓1 𝑓2
K= Thus = 10 seconds.
√𝑇 √𝑇1 √𝑇2

400 × 8 Soln.
𝑓2 = ( )
√2 Data given
𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑦 =800Hz. Change in time (∆𝑡) = 10 𝑠

Speed of sound in air (Vs)=340m/s

9. Study diagram 2 which showed a design for an Speed of light (vl)= 3 × 108 m/s
electrical operation model for lifting metallic
objects. Then explain three things that should be Distance (d) =?
done to lift a heavier iron metal block.
From t= 𝑡

𝑑 𝑑
∆𝑡 = −
𝑣𝑠 𝑣𝑙

𝑑 = 3400𝑚

The distance of thunderstorm is 3400m.

10. (a) Find the fraction of carbon-14, ( 𝐶 6 14 ) that will
remain after 11,400 years if a sample of carbon
isotope 𝐶 6 14 has a half-life of 5700 years.

Prepared by SR. DIDAS DATIUS

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level and A-level.


Let N0 be initial number of atoms at time t =


Let N be number of atoms remaining after

time (half-life) t = 5700years

Fractions remain=

Then from
𝑁 𝑡
=( 2 )
𝑁0 2 As soon as a p – n junction is formed electrons
11400 from n – type materials diffuse into p – type
𝑁 1 5700 material and fill some of the holes there At the
=( ) same time holes from p – type materials
𝑁0 2
diffuse into n – type materials and are filled by
𝑁 1 electrons This diffusion establishes a potential
𝑁0 4 differences across the junction and within a
very short time of the junction being made this
(b) become a large enough to prevent any further
movement of charge carriers this p–d is called
barrier or junction barrier. there are two
Mode action of P-N junction. types basing which are;

This is the p – n junction semiconductor 1. Forward biasing

material which is connected to supply 2. Reverse biasing
P–N junction
This is the process of connected the positive
This is the junction made up by two terminal of the battery to the p–type end and
semiconductor material of n – type and p – negative terminal of the battery to the n–type
type melted together to form a junction. end of the p-n junction.

Prepared by SR. DIDAS DATIUS

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level and A-level.

flow in a coil of magnetic field after a flow of
current of 4 A.



This is the process of connecting the

positive terminal of the battery to the n–
type and negative terminal of the battery to
the p–type of the p-n junction.

11. (a) explain why the distribution of electrical

energy in all parts of Tanzania by the
National grid system is done by transmitting
alternating current at a very high voltage.

12. (b) describe how back e.m.f is induced by

self-induction when a generator producing a
varying current from 0 to 10 A is allowed to
Prepared by SR. DIDAS DATIUS

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level and A-level.

PHYSICS 1 MARKING SCHEME NECT E. Non-luminous material.
2020 V. A Stone dropped from the top of a
1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the building hit the ground 4seconds
correct answer from among of the given later. What was the velocity when
alternatives, and write its letter beside hitting the ground?
the item number in the answer booklet A. 400 m/s
provided. B. 45 m/s
I. which pair of instrument is used C. 40 m/s
for measuring lengths? D. 4.5 m/s
A. A ruler and a measuring E. 0.4 m/s.
cylinder VI. Why mercury preferred in clinical
B. Amicrometer screw gauge thermometers as a thermometric of
and a beam balance a liquid to water and alcohol?
C. A vernier caliper and a A. it is denser than other liquids
micrometer screw gauge B. it is opaque and does not
D. A pipette and a vernier need colouring
caliper C. it is more sensitive to
E. A beam balance and a temperature
spring balance. D. it is active and does not wet the
II. What are the two factors that glass
determine buoyancy? E. it is a weak conductor of heat
A. Volume of fluid displaced and VII. “A rectangular box of mass 10 kg
mass of the object resting on an inclined plane will
B. Weight and mass of the object begin to slide when the coefficients
C. Density of the fluid and of static and dynamic frictions are
weight of the object 0.55 and 0.25 respectively. At what
D. Volume of the fluid angle will the box begin to slide?
displaced and density of A. 14.8o
the fluid B. 24.8o
E. Mass of the object and C. 28.8o
density of the object. D. 38.8o
III. Which physical phenomenon that E. 48.8o .
is observed when a tea bag is VIII. Heat would be lost in the thermos
dipped into a cup of hot water flask if the wall of the glass container
A. Steaming; were not coated withn silver . which
B. Diffusion; process contribute to the heat loss?
C. Osmosis A. radiation
D. Evaporation B. conduction
E. Boiling. C. convection
IV. In a light experiment the results D. absorption
showed that less light was E. transmission.
transmitted and the image was IX. a launderer was thinking about a
distorted. Which type of materials proper day for washing and drying
was used? clothes. which day would prefer
A. translucent material mostly among the following?\
B. opaque material; A. dry day
C. luminous material; B. hot day
D. transparent material; C. windy day
Prepared by SR. DIDAS DATIUS

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level and A-level.

D. still day C. Interference
E. cold day. D. Diffraction
X. Which process is involved in E. reflection
producing reverberation?
A. Refraction ANSWER 1
B. multiple reflection
2. Match the function features of cathode ray tube in LIAT A with their corresponding to
features in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct respond besides the item number in
the answer booklet provided.

LIST A i ii iii iv v

3. (a) Three plane mirror are arranged along three sides of a square. a ray of light is
incident on the left side mirror at its midpoint with an angle of incidence of 40o is
afterwards reflected by other mirrors, draw appropriate path of the ray and calculate the
angle through which the the ray is turned at which of the three reflections.


The angle of incident for a first mirror was given =400 then from the law of reflection of light in
plane mirror the angle of incident =angle of reflection.
at the right mirror = 90-40=50 0
at the left fore mirror = 90-50=400

Prepared by SR. DIDAS DATIUS

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level and A-level.

consider the diagram below

(b) explain two functions of the shutter in a camera

The function of shutter camera
(I) To close and open the camera so as to allow amount of light to enter in the camera in
order to capture an image
(II) To control the way of motion is portrayed in a photo
(III) To control exposure
4. (A) use a well labeled diagram to explain the working principle of a hydraulic breaking
Hydraulic brake is a type of braking system which is widely used in the automobiles with the
application of the hydraulic fluid. The working principle of hydraulic braking system is purely
based upon Pascal’s law, which states that the intensity of pressure exerted inside a closed
system by the liquid is always equal in all the directions. A good and efficient braking system
is the necessary part of the running systems like in automobiles and machines. Generally, in
automobiles, different types of braking systems are used as per the requirement because
every type of braking system has their own applications and advantages

Prepared by SR. DIDAS DATIUS

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level and A-level.


(b) A uniform pencil AB weighing 40g can be balanced horizontally on a knife edge at 2cm from
the end A when a mass of 60g is hung from this end. What is the length of pencil?

From principle of moment

The sum of anticlockwise moment = sum of clockwise moment
Thus 60g×2cm=x×40g
So the length from point A to the center is 3cm+2cm=5cm
So in order to get the length from point to point B we multiply by 2
Thus AB= AB =5CM ×2=10cm
Hence the length of the pencil from point A to B is 10cm.

5. (a) why the recoil velocity of a gun is much less than the velocity of the bulley? Explain by
using the principle of conservation of linear momentum.
When a gun is fired, momentum is conserved, since the mass of the gun is much more than the
mass of the bullet, its velocity is smaller than the velocity of the bullet. From the principle of
conservation of linear momentum, “ the total momentum before collision must be
equal to the total momentum after collision if there is no external force acting on a
colliding system.”

Prepared by SR. DIDAS DATIUS

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level and A-level.

Momentum before collision = Momentum after collision
Momentum before collision = 0
Momentum after collision  Mg Vg -Mb V b =0
Mg Vg =Mb Vb
𝑉𝑔 𝑀𝑏
𝑉𝑏 𝑀𝑔

From above equation the mass of the bullet is much less than that of the gun hence the recoil
velocity of the gun Vg is also much less than the velocity of a bullet.
(b) A hydraulic press consists of a pump, load and two cylinders in which the larger cylinder is
eight times the diameter of small one. Use a well labeled cross -section diagram of a
hydraulic press to determine the value of mechanical advantages of this machine if it is
working with efficiency of 90%.
Consider the diagram below

Data given
Efficiency (Eff)=90%
Diameter of large cylinder(D)=8d
Diameter of smaller cylinder (d) =d
𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒 𝑐𝑦𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟
From velocity ratio (V.R)=
𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑦𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟
𝐷2 (8𝑑)2
V.R= = =64
𝑑2 𝑑2
Then from
Eff = 𝑉.𝑅 × 100%
90%= 64 × 100%
M.A= 57.6

Prepared by SR. DIDAS DATIUS

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level and A-level.

Mechanical advantage (M.A)=57.6
6. (a). carefully study Figure 1. Explain what will happen to the bulbs P and Q in relation to
the water levels X and Y when the heater is turned on,

The bulb Q will absorb more heat than bulb P because bulb Q its black in colour while bulb P will
reflect it since its white colour., thus the temperature will rise in bulb Q than in bulb P
which cause high air pressure in bulb Q since pressure is directly proportional with
temperature in a gas. Hence there will be rise in water level X and falling in water
level Y due to the atmospheric pressure which compress water from bulb Q.
(b) Explain how would the dimensions of a newly constructed Tanzania standard gauge rail line
change during summer and winter days.
During a summer day the the dimension of standard gauge rail line will expand due to the
increase in temperature. And will dencrease ( contract) during winter due to the temperature
fall. Hence length L=
Where ∝ −𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦
𝐿𝑜 − 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ
∆𝑇 − 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒.
𝐿 − 𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒.

Prepared by SR. DIDAS DATIUS

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level and A-level.

7. (a)in Figure 2 with identical bulbs A, B, C and D connected in a circuit. Explain what will
happen to bulbs A, B and D when bulb C blows off and the key K is closed

When the switch is closed the current flows up to the junction at which it divides into
two parts, one current flow through bulbs A and B and the other one through Bulb
C and D. Since bulb C is blown off, no current flows in bulb C and D. Therefore,
bulbs A and B maintain the same brightness since the same current flows in each
bulb as they are connected in series..
(b) Rutherford proton-neutron model show that there are non-electron in the nucleus of an
atom. How is it possible for radioactive element to emit beta particles( electrons)from its
Its possible due to the fact that the neutron present in the nucleus tends to
disintegrate producing proton and electron during radioactivity, as the result the
electron produced from disintegrated neutrons will be the one which will emit beta
particles during radioactive take place.
° → +𝑷 + −𝟏𝟎𝒆
. 𝒏
Hence radioactive element will be able to emit 𝟎𝒆 from disintegrated neutrons
leaving proton inside the nuclear.

Prepared by SR. DIDAS DATIUS

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level and A-level.

8. (a) Figure 3 which show the profile of a radio wave. Study it careful and determine the

From period (T)= is the time taken to complete one cycle of the wave.
Thus T=(0.8-0.2)× 10−6s
T= 6× 10−7s
Then frequency (F)=𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐼𝑂𝐷 𝑇
F= =
velocity of light wave V=3× 108 m/s
𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑉
wavelength =
𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 𝐹

(b) explain how an earth quake occurs.

Earthquakes is a sudden motion or shaking of the earth caused by sudden
release of energy that has accumulated within or along the edges of the
earth’s tectonic plates.
Earthquakes happen when rocks in the earth's crust move suddenly, shaking the
earth.Earthquakes also occur as a result of movement of magma
 at constructive boundaries,
under volcanoes and where
continental plates collide and
push mountain ranges

Prepared by SR. DIDAS DATIUS

Mathematics & physics teacher for both O-level and A-level.

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