S9Tourist Places in My Town
S9Tourist Places in My Town
S9Tourist Places in My Town
Semana : Semana IX
Código de la Clase : 23732
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Ilo is a modern tourist city. There is a large tourist Malecón. Opposite is the blue sea.
Next to the Malecon there is a beautiful monument to the octopus. On the left side
there is a clean and safe beach. On Avenue Guatemala there is an unoccupied
Veterinary Clinic. Across the Street is a big shopping mall full of people.
Cusco is the historical capital of Peru, its Plaza de Armas de Cusco is beautiful, next
to the cathedral there is a museum. three blocks away is a central police station on
Manco Capac Avenue and there is a national university one kilometer from the main
square on culture avenue. It also has tourist places such as Machu Picchu, one of the
seven wonders of the world.