The Continent Issue 129
The Continent Issue 129
The Continent Issue 129
The South
African arms
dealer selling
peace in
The Continent | issue 129. june 17 2023 2
■ Tanzania: Leaked documents
show that Dubai is getting more
than just some ports (p9)
■ Photo essay: Honouring Peter
Magubane’s mission to document
the anti-apartheid struggle (p14)
■ Food: The best of East Africa’s
bunch (p18)
■ Esther Kazungu: The comedian
reminding us that our politicians
are, in fact, ridiculous (p19)
■ Lesotho: Basotho villagers want
a fair shake for sending their
water to South Africa (p24)
■ Fossil fuels: Why are companies
suing governments? (p26)
Kaïs Saïed against human smuggling “as soon as the
necessary agreement is found”.
State battles set off a storm in Tanzania. Tundu Lissu,
deputy chairman of the main opposition
Odd man out: African presidents, and an arms dealer. Photo: President Yoweri Museveni
multiple alleged war crimes). was present on the Zoom call. “It’s the first
After the Zoom call, Museveni tweeted time I hear of Ivor’s involvement,” Vincent
a screenshot of the video gathering. Magwenya told The Continent. “I’m not
There, sharing Ollivier’s screen, was a certain as to what will be Ivor’s role.”
middle-aged, greying white man, whose Ichikowitz is a major donor to the
involvement had not previously been African National Congress, Ramaphosa’s
made public – and for good reason. political party.
The man, whose name is Ivor Ichikowitz and Ollivier’s Brazzavile
Ichikowitz, owns one of the largest arms Foundation did not respond to The
manufacturers on the African continent. Continent’s requests to answer questions
Ichikowitz’s Paramount Group sells for this story. But Ollivier, in private
weaponised drones, infantry combat correspondence seen by The Continent,
vehicles, naval patrol ships and fighter said of the arms dealer’s role in the peace
jets, among other weapons systems. mission: “Mr Ichikowitz is for a long time
Its clients include dictatorial regimes a friend of the Brazzaville Foundation. In
such as Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan and the present initiative, Mr Ichikowitz [has]
the Republic of Congo. The group has offered pro bono resources, contacts,
been implicated in multiple corruption access and advice. He was officially
allegations – most notably in Malawi, [thanked] by the six heads of state during
where a scandal over a $145-million the 5 June Summit meeting for his
contract to supply patrol boats helped to contribution.”
bring down the government of former
president Joyce Banda. Ichikowitz denies Kremlin connections
any wrongdoing, and says that neither he The stated intention of the African peace
nor his company has ever been formally mission is to end the war in Ukraine,
charged with corruption. which escalated when Russia invaded
Ukraine in February 2022. But the
Ichikowitz’s Paramount mission is not off to an auspicious start.
Group sells drones, By the time the delegation
infantry combat vehicles, disembarked at the Kyiv train station on
naval patrol ships and Friday morning, three presidents had
fighter jets, among other already dropped out (Egypt’s Abdel-
weapons systems. Fattah El-Sisi, the Republic of Congo’s
Denis Sassou Nguesso and Museveni).
The murky nature of Ichikowitz’s Ramaphosa was travelling with a
involvement was highlighted when The reduced security detail after the bulk of
Continent requested comment from a his security was grounded at the airport
spokesperson for South African President in Warsaw. Polish police said they did
Cyril Ramaphosa, who is ostensibly not have the appropriate authorisations
leading the African peace mission, and for their weapons. This claim is disputed
The Continent | issue 129. june 17 2023 12
Presidential ratings:
spent years documenting the apartheid to let him do his work. “A struggle
government’s brutality, and had paid a without documentation is no struggle,”
heavy price. he told them. His images were ultimately
In 1969, he had been arrested, tortured, reproduced the world over.
and then kept in solitary confinement for This year, Magubane turned 91 and
586 days. His Soweto home was burned his life’s work was honoured by the
to the ground – police were hoping to department of sports, arts and culture.
destroy his negatives. In 1976, the year of This coincided with the award of an
the uprising, his nose was broken with a honorary doctorate from the University
truncheon in Alexandra township, when of Pretoria – his ninth – and an exhibition
he refused to expose his negatives to of his work that spans the six decades
light while covering yet another incident between 1955 and 2015.
of police violence. Later, in 1985, while It includes images from the adoption
covering the funeral of a slain student, he of the Freedom Charter in 1955, the
would be shot 17 times with buckshot and Women’s March in 1956, the Sharpeville
rubber bullets. Massacre in 1960, the inquest into
On the day of the Soweto uprising, Steve Biko’s death in 1977, the States of
Magubane had to convince some Emergency imposed in the 1980s and
protesters, reluctant to appear on camera, 1990s, and Nelson Mandela’s release from
The Continent | issue 129. june 17 2023 16
prison in 1990.
That Magubane’s work can be publicly
displayed and celebrated is a reminder of
how far South Africa has come.
“It’s crazy for me to think that once
upon a time gathering in this room like
this, experiencing this type of work all
together, using the same facilities and
entrances, even eating the same food,
drinking the same drinks from the same
table was once a complete impossibility,”
said Lungile Magubane, his grandaughter.
“So let us revel in this reality that was once
a pipe dream for freedom fighters like my
Siphiwe Sibeko, an international
news agency photographer, recalls how
Magubane’s photographs inspired him
to become a photographer. “I could see
The Continent | issue 129. june 17 2023 17
In praise of matooke
Judith Otieno
Last week we sampled mabele from Southern Africa, this week it is matooke from East Africa. We
want to hear about your favourite food and what makes it so special. Let us know by sending an
email to [email protected]. $100 for the winning letter.
The Continent
issue 129. june 17 2023 Interview 19
The ungovernable
Esther Kazungu
We all know that our politicians are ridiculous,
but sometimes we need to be reminded
... by a social media star
Movie-ing on up:
Esther Kazungu in
the 2021 Kenyan
film Wembe Squad.
Photo: Grey Were
viral since then, attracting fans including risk – partisan audiences may be alienated,
actress Pearl Thusi and the South African while companies tend to shy away from
opposition lawmaker Mbuyiseni Ndlozi anything remotely controversial. At the
– who himself is occasionally lampooned same time, her authenticity is what makes
in her skits. With the online attention has her videos so relatable. “Ultimately what
come deals with big brands like Safaricom, I’m saying is, yes I will make fun of you
Gilbey’s Gin and CeraVe skincare. in these videos, and we can all laugh, but,
when necessary, I’ll also call you out.”
Shoot for the stars
To Kazungu’s surprise, she has found ‘What I’m saying is, yes, I
that even as she pokes fun at politicians will make fun of you in these
– and she has cast her net wider in recent
months, doing hilarious impersonations
videos, and we can all laugh
of lawmakers in other countries including – but, when necessary, I’ll
Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda – she is also call you out.’
sometimes enraged by them.
“I would speak to young Kenyans on And that, perhaps, is the secret to
social media and discover that we all her success, and explains her ability to
had the same questions. For years the transcend borders and nationalities,
government has been taking loans and the and appeal to viewers everywhere –
question is, where is this money going?” something that had been her aim from
She has channelled some of this the start. “I just want to be a global star,”
frustration into her videos, which for a she said. As far as we are concerned, she
content creator comes with considerable is already there. ■
The Continent | issue 129. june 17 2023 22
“I think I need to
start reading more
1_ Krio is a recognised from which country?
national language in which 6_True or false: Darfur is a
country? region in South Sudan.
2_Henri Konan Bédié was 7_ Which team just won
4-7 the president of which the CAF Champions
“I can’t wait to country from 1993 to League?
explore more of 1999? 8_ Who is the president of
3_What is Côte d’Ivoire’s Lesotho?
this continent.”
economic capital? 9_ What was the original
4_What is Côte d’Ivoire’s name of Ethiopian Airlines?
political capital? 10_ In which country are
Village of the dammed:
Basotho folk left high and dry
The new Polihali dam means that even more water
will flow across the border to South Africa – but few
benefits flow to the people being forced from their land
in the construction process.
Majara Molupe in Polihali The new dam falls under the Lesotho
Highlands Development Authority – the
fuel cases is over $600-million, which is a reason for this. Specifically: The threat
almost five times the amount awarded in of “reputational damage, pressure from
non-fossil fuel cases. the World Bank” along with “political and
diplomatic pressure to pay up”.
A colonial hangover However, this is not just a problem
The system is yet another vestige of in the Global South. Countries like Italy
colonialism, designed to protect the and Canada are now being impacted by
interest of companies in the Global North the system. In 2016, after Italy banned oil
that invested in newly independent post- drilling off its coast, British oil company
colonial countries. Rockhopper launched a legal claim
At the time the prevailing belief was against the country, citing and claiming
that private companies would encourage damages of $275-million based on
and accelerate economic development in expected future profits from an oilfield
poorer countries. As such, a system would off the Adriatic coast. In November 2022,
need to be in place to lessen the anxieties the settlement found in favour of the fossil
of foreign investors – and protect them fuel company, awarding it 185-million
from any sudden changes in policy or euros in damages.
In the 1960s, groups of wealthy The settlement found in
bankers, as well as executives from favour of the fossil fuel
the biggest fossil fuel companies of the company, awarding it
time, such as Royal Dutch Shell, Total, €185-million in damages
Rio Tinto, and Standard Oil, pushed
for the protection of their assets abroad Such litigation, threatened or
under international law. This ultimately otherwise, is also thought to have a
contributed to the creation of the “regulatory chilling” effect on countries’
International Centre for Settlement of climate change ambitions. According to
Investment Disputes. an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Over the 52-year history of this dispute Change report, there is incompatibility
tribunal, there have been 149 cases against between protecting fossil fuel investments
African states or agencies out of the total and decarbonisation.
number of 672 cases filed before May In a recent study, researchers
2018. estimated that countries could face up
Despite these negotiations happening to $340-billion in financial and legal
behind closed doors, in the end, most risk from cancelling fossil fuel projects
countries comply and pay when a covered by dispute settlement clauses. In
judgment is made against them. Emilia light of such threats, Africa risks being
Onyema, a professor in international shut out of the green revolution. ■
commercial law, who often sits as an
arbitrator in these tribunals, says there is Charles Ebikeme is a science writer.
The Continent | issue 129. june 17 2023 28
Maasai from their land to make way
for a trophy-hunting game reserve,
according to Human Rights Watch.
The Continent is published by the Adamela Trust, a not-for-profit organisation that is dedicated to fostering quality journalism.
It upholds strict editorial standards. For queries and complaints, or to make a donation, please contact [email protected]