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QT Game Theory

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Game Theory

Basic Terminology

1. Strategy

A strategy for a player has been defined as a set of rules or

alternative courses of action available to him in advance, by

which player decides the courses of action that he should

adopt. There are two types:

a. Pure Strategy

If the player selects the same strategy each time, then it is

a pure strategy. In this case each player knows exactly

what the other is going to do, i.e. there is a deterministic
situation and the objective of the players is to maximize

gains or to minimize losses.

b. Mixed Strategy

When the players use a combination of strategies and

each player is always kept guessing as to which course of
action is to be selected by the other, then it is known as a

mixed strategy. Thus, there is a probabilistic situation and

the objective of the player is to maximize expected gains
or to minimize losses. Thus, mixed strategy is a selection
among pure strategies with fixed possibilities.

2. Optimal Strategy

A course of action which puts the player in the most

preferred position irrespective of the strategy of his
competitors. Any deviation from this strategy results in a

decreased pay-off for the player.

3. Value of the Game

The expected pay-off of the game when all the players of

the game follow their optimum strategies. The game is

called fair if the value of the game is zero and unfair if it is

4. Two-person zero-sum game
There are two types of Two-person zero-sum games. In
one, the most preferred position is achieved by adopting a

single strategy and therefore the game is known as the

pure strategy game. The second type requires the adoption
by both players of a combination of different strategies in
order to achieve the most preferred position and is,

therefore, referred to as the mixed strategy game.

5. Pay-off matrix

A two-person zero-sum game is conveniently represented

by a matrix. The matrix which shows the outcome of the
game as the players select their particular strategies, is
known as the pay-off matrix. It is important to assume that

each player knows not only his own list of possible courses
of action but also that of his opponent.

• Maximin Criteria- The maximising player lists his

minimum gains from each strategy and selects the
strategy which gives the maximum out of these
minimum gains
• Minimax Criteria- The minimising player lists his
maximum loss from each strategy and selects the
strategy which gives him the minimum loss out of these
maximum losses

Some definitions-

Saddle point (equilibrium point)- it is position in the pay off

matrix where maximum of row minima coincides with the
minimum of the column maxima. The saddle point need not

be unique. Let v1= maximin value of the game and v2=

minimax value of the game. At saddle point v1=v2=v

The following steps are required to find out Saddle point

• Select the minimum value of each row & put a circle
around it.
• Select the maximum value of each column and put
square around it
• The value with both circle and square is the saddle

Value of game- the value of the game is the maximum

guaranteed gain to the maximising player if both the players
use their best strategy. The pay off the saddle point is called

the value of the game denoted by v.

Fair game- game is called fair game if neither player has an

advantage over the other. So v1=0=v2

Strictly determinable game- A game is said to be strictly

determinable if v1=v=v2
Points to remember

• Saddle point may or may not exist in a given game

• There may be more than on saddle point then there will be
more than one solution
• The value of game may be positive or negative
• The value of game may be zero which means fair game


Sometimes, it is observed that one of the pure strategies of

either player is always inferior to at least one of the remaining
ones. The superior strategies are said to dominate the inferior

ones. Clearly, a player would have no incentive to use inferior

strategies which are dominated by the superior ones. In such
case of dominance, we can reduce the size of the payoff
matrix by deleting those strategies which are dominated by

the others.

General rules for dominance are

• If all the elements of a row, First row, are less than or

equal to the corresponding elements of any other row,
say Second row, then first row is dominated by second
• If all the elements of a column, say first column are
greater than or equal to the corresponding elements of
any other column, second column, then first column is
dominated by the second column
• Column max and Row min are deleted .

• Average of two rows may dominate any other row.

Average of two columns may dominate any other

Advantages of Game Theory

1. Game theory gives insight into several less known aspects, which arise
in situation of conflicting interest.
2. Game theory develops a framework for analysing decisions making
in such situation where inter-dependence of firm is considered
3. At least in two person zero games, game theory outlines a scientific
quantitative techniques that can be used by players to arrive at an

optimal strategy

Limitation of Game Theory

1. The assumption that players have the knowledge about their own pay
off and pay offs of there is not practical.
2. The Techniques of solving gains involving mixed strategies
particularly in case of large pay off matrix is very complicated.

3. All the competitive problems cannot be analyzed with the help of game

Points to remember

1. If any game has saddle point, it will be pure strategy game and if there is
no saddle point , it will be mixed strategy game.

2. Mixed strategy can be solved through ODDS method but odds method
will be used only on 2 x 2 matrix. Therefore , dominance method will be
used to reduce the size of matrix first and then odds method will be used
to calculate value of game and probability of strategies used by both the
3. Graphical method and dominance method both are used to reduce the
size of matrix but there is one difference that it is not necessary that
matrix can be reduced to the size of 2x2 through dominance method but
graphical method can undoubtedly reduce the size of matrix upto 2x 2.

Dr. Ashish Shukla

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