2021 309digestive System
2021 309digestive System
2021 309digestive System
3. Find in the text the equivalents for the following word combinations: готувати їжу для споживання,
бути достатньо малими для всмоктування, для перебудування життєвих компонентів клітин, декілька
допоміжних органів, скорочення стінок органів, пережовувати в маленькі шматочки, зміщувати зі
слиною, проходити крізь нижню частину шлунка, неперетравлена їжа, вздовж правого боку черевної
порожнини, травні соки, ця частина травного каналу, нижній правий відділ з сліпою кішкою, вода
пересмоктується, зберігатися у прямій кишці, виводитись через анус.
4. Find the English equivalents for the Latin terms:
1. Nutritio, onis f. 2. Digestio, onis f. 3. Lingualis, e. 4. Mucosus, a, um. 5. Membrana, ae f. 6. Os, oris n. 7.
Cavitas, atis f. 8. Tactus, us mi 9. Ascendens. 10. Transversus, a, um. 11. Ductus, us m. 12. Acidus, a, um.
13. Intestinum, i n. 14. Substantia, ae f. 15. Glandula, ae f. 16. Palatum, i n.
(a — mucous; b — membrane; с — oral; d — nutrient; e — lingual; f — digestion; g — tactile; h — cavity;
i — palate; j — gland; к — substance; 1 — ascending; m — transverse; n — duct; о — intestine; p — acid)
5. Choose the anatomic terms for the following:
1.The organ of chewing and tasting. 2. The movable muscular structure attached to the floor of the mouth; an
important organ in the articulation of speech sounds. 3 The muscular membranous cavity leading from the
mouth and nasal passages to the larynx & esophagus. 4. The roof of the mouth. 5. The tube through which
food passes from the pharynx to the stomach. 6. Any of numerous hairlike vascular processes in the small
intestine. 7. The first section of the small intestine between the stomach & the jejunum. 8. A large gland that
produces the hormone insulin. 9. The largest glandular organ which secrets bile. 10. The organ for
containing food & digestion of it.
(a – palate; b – duodenum; c – stomach; d – pharynx; e – esophagus; f – mouth; g – tongue; h – liver; I –
pancreas; j – villi
Oral cavity
7. Read and translate the additional text. Do the exercises after the text:
The stomach is a large, bean-shaped, hollow, muscular organ consisting of three regions: the cardia, the
body (fundus), and the antrum. Food enters the stomach from the esophagus by passing through a ring-
shaped muscle (sphincter), which opens and closes. The sphincter normally prevents the contents of the
stomach from flowing back into the esophagus.
The stomach serves as a storage area for food, contracting rhythmically and mixing the food with enzymes.
The cells lining the stomach secrete three important substances: mucus, hydrochloric acid, and the precursor
of pepsin (an enzyme that breaks down proteins). Mucus coats the cells of the stomach lining to protect them
from being damaged by acid and enzymes. Any disruption of this layer of mucus – from infection by the
bacterium Helicobacter pylori, for example, or from aspirin – can result in damage that leads to a stomach
Hydrochloric acid provides the highly acidic environment needed for pepsin to break down proteins. The
stomach’s high acidity also serves as a barrier against infection by killing most bacteria. Acid secretion is
stimulated by nerve impulses to the stomach, gastrin (a hormone released by the stomach), and histamine (a
substance released by the stomach).
Pepsin is responsible for about 10 percent of protein breakdown. It’s the only enzyme that digests collagen,
which is a protein and a major constituent of meat.
Only a few substances, such as alcohol and aspirin, can be absorbed directly from the stomach and only in
small amounts.
The stomach releases food into the duodenum, the first segment of the small intestine. Food enters the
duodenum through the pyloric sphincter in amounts that the small intestine can digest. When full, the
duodenum signals the stomach to stop emptying.
The duodenum receives pancreatic enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the liver. These fluids, which
enter the duodenum through the opening called the sphincter of Oddi, are important in aiding digestion and
absorption. Peristalsis also aids digestion and absorption by mixing food with intestinal secretions. The first
few inches of the duodenal lining are smooth, but the rest of the lining has folds, small projections (villi),
and even smaller projections (microvilli). These villi and microvilli increase the surface area of the duodenal
lining, allowing for greater absorption of nutrients.
The rest of the small intestine, located below the duodenum, consists of the jejunum and the ileum. This part
of the small intestine is largely responsible for the absorption of fats and other nutrients. The intestinal wall
is richly supplied with blood vessels that carry the absorbed nutrients to the liver through the portal vein. The
intestinal wall releases mucous, which lubricates the intestinal contents, and water, which helps dissolving
the digested fragments. Small amounts of enzymes that digest proteins, sugars and fats are also released.
b. Suggest the English equivalents for the following from the text:
глотка; стравохід; фермент; секреція; їжа; білок; соляна кислота; порожнина; дно (органа), жовч,
гладке покриття, площа покриття, поживні речовини.
d. Choose the words that correctly complete each of the following sentences:
1. Alimentary canal begins at the (mouse, mouth) and ends at the anus.
2. The (rough, roof, ruff) of the mouth is called palate.
3. By the movements of the (tan, tang, tongue, ton, tone) and cheeks the food is turned about and
4. The (leaps, lips) form the opening to the oral cavity.
5. The pancreatic juice is (reach, rich) in enzymes which digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
6. The tongue has papillae which contain (sells, seals, cells, seels) sensitive to the chemical nature of
7. Pharynx is a passageway for (ear, air, are) from the nasal cavity to the larynx (voice box) and for
food going from the mouth to esophagus.
8. The muscular soft palate (lies, lays) posterior to the hard palate.
9. The gastric juice in the stomach acts on (meet, meat).