EFL Vocabulary Acquisition Through Word Cards: Student Perceptions and Strategies
EFL Vocabulary Acquisition Through Word Cards: Student Perceptions and Strategies
EFL Vocabulary Acquisition Through Word Cards: Student Perceptions and Strategies
Darrell Wilkinson
Tokyo Woman’s Christian University, Tokyo, Japan
<[email protected]>
Vocabulary knowledge plays an important role in second language proficiency, and learners
need to acquire thousands of words in order to become proficient in the target language. As
numerous studies have shown that incidental vocabulary acquisition is not sufficient on its own,
it is clear that learners must devote considerable time and effort to deliberate vocabulary study.
Vocabulary cards are a commonly used technique for deliberate vocabulary study; however,
there is currently a lack of qualitative research on learners’ perceptions of word cards, or the
extent to which individual learner preferences or study habits affect the efficacy of word cards.
Therefore, this study investigates students’ general perceptions of word cards, and examines
individual learner habits and practices when studying from their cards. Results suggest that
students view word cards positively and are aware of many of the benefits attributed to word
cards. However, data also highlights the fact that some learner strategies may negate some of
the benefits of word cards as set out in the literature.
Keywords: EFL, vocabulary, deliberate vocabulary learning, word cards, learner strategies
There is little doubt that vocabulary knowledge plays an important role in second language
proficiency, and it is believed that learners need to acquire between 3,000 and 10,000 words to
become proficient in the target language (Hazenberg & Hulstijn, 1996; Hu & Nation, 2000;
Laufer & Ravenhorst-Kalovski, 2010). Given the vast number of words that must be learned, it
is clear that learners must devote considerable amounts of time and effort to vocabulary study.
Although research suggests that some vocabulary can be learned incidentally (Elley &
Mangubhai, 1983; Horst et al., 1998; Waring & Takaki, 2003), it is clear that learners must
engage in deliberate vocabulary study if they are to make significant gains in relatively short
periods of time (Laufer & Rozovski-Roitblat, 2014; Mondria & Mondria-de Vries, 1994;
Nakata, 2008; Nation, 2013).
Literature Review
Importance of Vocabulary
There is little doubt that vocabulary knowledge plays a vital role in a learner’s ability to
proficiently use a foreign language (Laufer & Rozovski-Roitblat, 2014; Laufer & Shmueli,
1997; Nation, 2013; Nakata, 2008). There is a growing body of research showing positive
correlations between vocabulary size and L2 reading and listening ability (Anderson &
Freebody, 1981; Bernhardt & Kamil, 1995; Durgunoglu, 1997; Koda, 1989; Laufer, 1991,
1992, 2014; Nation, 2006; Qian, 1999, 2002). It also follows that it will be impossible to express
oneself clearly in spoken or written form without an adequate grasp of vocabulary (Astika,
1993; Engber, 1995; Olinghouse & Leaird, 2009; Laufer & Nation, 1995).
Early research suggested that learners need to understand at least 95% of the words in a written
text if they are to gain reasonable comprehension (Laufer, 1989). However, Hu and Nation
(2000) concluded that 98% coverage was actually more suitable for successful comprehension
of written texts. In order to be able to understand 95-98% of written or spoken texts, learners
need a vocabulary size of anywhere between 3,000 and 10,000 words (Hazenberg & Hulstijn,
1996; Hu & Nation, 2000; Laufer & Ravenhorst-Kalovski, 2010; Nation, 2006). Therefore, it
is clear that learners must devote considerable amounts of time and effort to learning foreign
language vocabulary if they wish to be able to communicate effectively in the target language.
From a pedagogical point of view, vocabulary acquisition is usually seen to take place either
incidentally or intentionally (Nation, 2013). Incidental vocabulary learning is defined as the
learning of vocabulary as a by-product of carrying out other activities, most commonly
extensive reading (Nation, 2013). On the other hand, intentional vocabulary learning involves
learners carrying out activities with the sole purpose of acquiring vocabulary. Typical activities
include using dictionaries before creating word lists, vocabulary notebooks, or word cards
(Nation, 2013; Nation & Webb, 2011; Schmitt, 1997). Intentional vocabulary learning is also
Although research suggests that some vocabulary can be learned incidentally, the gains
attributed to this method are quite small (Elley & Mangubhai, 1983; Horst et al., 1998; Waring
& Takaki, 2003). However, numerous studies suggest that deliberate vocabulary learning can
be an effective way to make substantial vocabulary gains in relatively short periods of time
(Laufer & Rozovski-Roitblat, 2014; Nakata, 2008; Komachali & Khodareza, 2012; Schmitt &
Schmitt, 1995). Therefore, incidental study alone is not enough and learners must also carry
out regular and repeated deliberate vocabulary study if they are to master the thousands of
words needed for success in the target foreign language.
Vocabulary cards are a time efficient and easy-to-use method of deliberate vocabulary study
(Nation, 2013). In their most basic form, word cards involve having the target language word
written on one side, with the native language version on the other (Nation & Webb, 2011).
However, depending on learner or teacher preferences, other information such as the part of
speech, collocations, or example sentences can also be included on the cards. Many language
teachers advocate the use of word cards as an efficient and effective method of deliberate
vocabulary study, a position which is backed up by a growing body of research-based evidence
(Komachali & Khodareza, 2012; Laufer, 2003; Nakata, 2008; Wang, 2010; Waring, 1997).
Generally, although learning from lists has proven to be a successful deliberate learning
technique (Hulstijn, 2001; Nation, 2013), studying from word cards has proven to be a more
effective method (Laufer, 2003; Nakata, 2008; Schmitt & Schmitt, 1995; Waring, 2004).
The success of word cards as a method of deliberate vocabulary study can be attributed to a
number of factors described by Nakata (2008) and nation (2013). Firstly, word cards allow for
active recall of the L2 word form and its meaning separately because each form is presented on
different sides. Secondly, expanded spaced rehearsal can be implemented more easily as
learners are able to divide cards into several decks, allowing them to review difficult or
unknown items more frequently than easy or better-known items. Thirdly, as words are
presented separately, no inappropriate help is given via the list effect, something that Nation
and Webb (2011) refer to as serial learning.
As can be seen from the literature review above, word cards have repeatedly proven to be an
efficient and successful technique for the deliberate study of foreign language vocabulary.
Much of this success has been credited to the characteristics of word cards and the affordances
they offer. However, very little qualitative research has been carried out investigating word
cards. To date, the research-based studies concerning word cards have almost all been
quantitative, cross-sectional, and carried out under experimental conditions instead of within
natural learning contexts (Nation & Webb, 2011). There are very few studies exploring
learners’ perceptions of vocabulary cards, and none examining the choices learners make when
using them. Therefore, it is not clear if learners’ perceptions or individual study choice support
1. No qualitative studies were found that provided detailed data regarding learners’ general
perceptions of word cards as a deliberate study method. Only one study was found to
address the issue of learner perceptions in a somewhat qualitative way (Nakata, 2008),
and even this study did not use qualitative interviews, and presented data quantitatively.
This gap needs addressing because learner perceptions and feelings about a particular
study method can affect learner motivation, and thus impact learning outcomes. If
learners have a positive view of word cards, this could account for some of their success
reported in the various quantitative studies, and could further justify their use in
language learning programs. On the other hand, if learners display a lack of satisfaction
towards word cards, it could show that the benefits of the method need to be better
explained to students, or that learners should be given more autonomy in terms of which
deliberate study method they use.
2. No studies have been found that have investigated the extent to which learners actually
carry out expanded spaced retrieval by dividing their word cards into ‘known’ or
‘unknown’ packs. If qualitative data obtained from interviews, observations, and
surveys shows that learners are regularly and systematically separating their cards into
packs based on the extent to which words are perceived to be known, this would provide
practical, classroom-based support for this theoretical benefit. Conversely, if learners
prefer not to separate their packs, or do not focus more on new words, then no expanded
spaced retrieval would take place, and this theoretical benefit would be called into
As seen above, there are currently very few if any studies showing how learners feel about word
cards in general, and although the affordances for expanded spaced rehearsal and lack of serial
learning are given a great deal of credit for the efficacy of word cards, there have been no
qualitative investigations to back this up. Only through in-depth qualitative investigation and
analysis can we begin to answer some important questions and better understand extent to
which learner differences may alter the efficacy of using word cards as a deliberate vocabulary
study method. The present study uses qualitative methods to answer the research questions
Research Questions
The research was carried out in a private university in Western Tokyo. The university curricula,
regardless of faculty, has quite a strong emphasis on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) with
all students having the opportunity to take EFL classes for four years. In addition, there are
many study abroad opportunities, and the university has a variety of well-established self-
access language programs and facilities.
The participants were 17 Japanese university students aged between 18 and 19 who had all
studied English as a foreign language for at least six years before entering university. The
participants were volunteers from an original pool of 100 students. Ultimately, seven students
were selected to participate in the semi-structured interviews. This group of students had a good
command of the English language (i.e., the interviews were to be conducted in English), had a
balance of male and female participants, came from different departments, and had expressed
high motivation to learn English.
All of the participants were first year undergraduate students and had used word cards as part
of their course requirements for at least one semester. Within their course, the students’
vocabulary level was pre-tested. They were given a level-appropriate section of the Corpus of
Contemporary American English (COCA) and they self-selected words that they deemed to be
unknown and entered the relevant information about that word (L1 meaning, L2 form, example
sentence(s), and any other information they deemed as important) onto word cards. Overall, all
of the participants followed this method and had learned from at least 250 word cards prior to
the study.
The primary method of data collection for the seven participants was one-to-one semi-
structured interviews. The interview data was then transcribed, analysed, and coded. In
addition, the interviewees’ word cards were also examined during the interview stage. After
analysis of the data, the remaining ten students, who were not interviewed, were emailed a short
questionnaire to help shed more light on some of the points raised during the interviews. This
questionnaire contained both Likert-scale and open-ended questions. Students were allowed to
answer the open-ended questions in Japanese or English, and all Japanese answers were
translated by a colleague.
The following section presents interview and survey data, and provides interpretations of the
data analysis.
P1. Word cards are good, I think, good, good for me. I like this system very much … I
can learn many words quickly. … I can choose words I don’t know, it is good.
P2. It is good to learn new words and sentences, easy, quickly study many word. … I
can learn many words quickly, … it is also convenient.
P3. Cards are a good way to study quickly. I can learn word and sentence well … I can
know many new words and the way of using. … English words and sentences.
Similar opinions were given by three of the other four interviewees. Survey data gained from a
Likert-scale question asking participants to rate the efficiency of word cards supports the above
interview data. When answering the question ‘How efficient do you think word cards are to
study vocabulary (time efficiency, ease of use, etc.)?’ 70% of the participants rated word cards
as highly efficient (Mean = 4.1 out of 5). Responses to an open-ended follow up question asking
participants to provide reasons for their above ratings included similar answers to those
provided by the interviewees, for example, simple way to study, easy to make and carry, and
can learn many words quickly. One surprising point is that, despite the amount of time required
to make the cards, all participants believed that the vocabulary card method was a quick way
to learn new words. This finding is in line with the literature that views word cards as a
relatively quick and efficient method of deliberate vocabulary study (Nation, 2013; Nation &
Webb, 2011).
As learners appear to view the use of word cards positively, it was deemed important to find
out what features the participants particularly like or find most beneficial. The main findings
were that convenience and active recall were the two positive points most commonly stated by
the participants.
Convenience. All of the participants interviewed said that they find the word card system
convenient because they are easy to carry around and study from in various contexts. Typical
responses were as follows: they are convenient … easy to carry … I can study in bed, … in
library, … in class and on train. In addition, when asked to list the main advantages of word
cards on the survey emailed to the other participants, 70% of the respondents mentioned that
they felt they were convenient or easy to carry, and a number of participants specifically
mentioned that they liked the fact that they could study from the cards anywhere, for example,
on the train, or in the classroom before class.
P2. When I see Japanese word, I have to remember the English one, is difficult but
helpful for me. … If I see together, like notebook, maybe I do not remember next time.
P5. I like this, must think hard … not easy … cannot see both sides at same time, is
good. Remembering sentence is good.
P7. I have to think about, remember the word on the other side of the card, it is good. I
remember words like this more. In textbook, words shown together, it is too easy …
don’t have to think.
The above results were also reflected in the survey data. When listing the advantages of word
cards on the survey, 60% of students stated that they thought that it was very good that they
could not see the Japanese and English forms of the words at the same time.
Research Question 2: How do learners’ study choices relate to or affect the benefits of
word cards described in the literature above?
The following data excerpts hopefully shed light on what it is that learners actually do when
studying from word cards. Specifically, the results aim to show how learners’ study choices
affect the two theoretical benefits of word cards referred to as expanded spaced retrieval, and
serial learning.
Expanded Spaced Retrieval. One of the main advantages or positive characteristics of word
cards discussed in the literature is the issue of expanded spaced retrieval (Nakata, 2008; Nation,
2013; Nation & Webb, 2011). This refers to the process whereby word cards can be sorted into
different packs, for example, known words, somewhat known, and unknown. Then, in
principle, learners can focus less attention on better known words by extending the time
between study periods of those words. The data excerpts below highlight some interesting
issues regarding expanded spaced retrieval.
While some of the participants seemed to practice the principle of expanded spaced retrieval, it
was not systematically expanded.
P3. Sometimes I only bring some cards, not all of them … If I know some words I can
leave them at home for that day’s study.
I. Ah, I see. What happens to the cards you leave at home, take out of the pack?
P3. I will study from them again at next, or next session, because, if I finish with them,
I think I forget them again. So, um, if I study them today and know them, or um get
good test score, maybe I not study for one week.
P3. Um, not often, maybe twice in a semester (long pause; no more information given)
P3. Ah, no, I put them back like this (shows me her cards: they are all numbered and in
order). I usually take out in group and then put back in same order. … Like this (shows
cards), I take out from here to here (1-50), and then put them back later
I. Why do you keep them together in order, and in one pack, why not in known and
unknown piles for example?
P3. I um, (laughs) I do not like shuffle so much. Like this way I have to, want to order
so I know, um, so I see which are old and new easy … I like to have them together
usually … because I can study all if have time … I like cards in time order.
It seems from the data above, that although Participant 3 does carry out spaced retrieval, it is
not done in an organised or planned manner, and is not really expanded spaced retrieval for a
number of reasons. The next data excerpt shown below provides more evidence to support these
I. How long after making the cards do you study them, and which cards do you study?
P3. Uhm, for example, maybe make on Wednesday, then study same day, then make
more on Friday or Saturday, then study new and old ones. Once a week, look at all. …
But, when I make new cards, I study those ones, plus go back to early ones. … Not
always have time to look at all, so I start with new ones and go backwards. But
sometimes I study from last (new) ones and all others. … I try to look at all at least once
a week. I spend more time on new cards, old ones I know so take less time, uhm, just
First, although she does not study older or more known words as often as newer ones, the
maximum spaced retrieval seems to be around one week; it is not expanded to longer periods,
which is the basic premise or definition of expanded spaced retrieval as stated in the literature
(Nakata, 2008; Nation, 2013). Similar practices were also reported by four of the other
participants interviewed, all of whom said they generally try to look through all of the cards at
least once a week. In addition, the survey data gained from the question ‘How often do you
separate your cards into packs based on how well you know the words?’ showed that less than
20% of the students regularly separated their packs.
Serial Learning. In addition to showing a lack of expanded spaced retrieval, as the data
excerpts above also show that participant 1 always keeps the cards in order, and mostly in one
pack, this theoretically could lead to some list effect or serial learning. The literature (Nation,
2013; Nation & Webb 2011) mentions that one of the main advantages of word cards is that
they can be shuffled, or split into multiple decks, in order to prevent words from being presented
This habit of keeping the cards in one pack, going through them in time or numerical order and
not shuffling goes against what is discussed in the literature regarding word cards protecting
against serial learning.
However, during interviews participants were tested for serial learning by asking if they could
recall the next word after looking at the previous one. No participant was able to recall the word
correctly, or even partially. Therefore, based on very rudimentary testing, it seems that even
though the participants were largely studying from their cards in the same order each time, word
cards are an effective way of avoiding serial learning.
Active Versus Passive Recall. Another of the advantages of word cards discussed in the
literature is that as information is presented on two sides, not next to each other, active recall
of the L2 form can be done after seeing the L1 meaning (Nakata, 2008; Nation, 2013). This is
believed to be more cognitively challenging and therefore likely to lead to better learning
outcomes than carrying out passive recall; looking at the L2 form and trying to recall the L1
meaning (Laufer & Hulstijn, 2001; Laufer & Rozovski-Roitblat, 2014; Nation, 2013, Nation &
Webb, 2011).
Originally, this characteristic of word card design was not a focus of investigation in this study.
However, it was added because many of the participants discussed the issue without specific
prompting, and no previous studies were found that investigated whether learners carry out
active or passive recall form word cards.
The interview data below shows that the learner is aware that active recall is more difficult than
passive recall, and that she systematically chooses which type of recall to engage in.
I. OK, when you are studying the cards, if you are studying? Do you always need to
look at both sides?
P5. Yes, even if I know, uh think I know, I always check. It is best part for me. I see
English, I have to remember, um, then test, check other side to see if right, if I am
correct. Or see Japanese, must turnover to see if my remember English word is correct.
P5. Firstly, uh, I look at side English side, a few times do this, so, few time later I start
with side Japanese side.
I. When do you change from looking at the English side first to looking at the Japanese
side? Uh, why do you change?
P5. Yes, um, when I think I maybe know the words more, … then I change to Japanese
I. Looking at the English and remembering the Japanese, or looking at Japanese and
remembering the English, which is most difficult?
From the above data, it can be seen that the student is consciously aware that active recall is
more cognitively challenging, and due to this knowledge, she seems to progress from the easier
method (passive recall) to the more difficult active recall method. She seems to do this in order
to systematically increase her knowledge and memory of that word. This learning student-
selected methodology was also reported by three other participants, for example:
P1. Yeah, first time is Japanese to English, then second time is same, but 3rd time is
Japanese to English (in each session).
P3. English to Japanese is easier for me, so I start like this a few times and then change
… start Japanese side to remember English word more.
P6. I don’t like trying to remember the English word, it is too hard. Looking at English
side is easy … but I do other way sometimes because I need it.
The above data intimates that not only are learners applying very good recall strategies, which
are in line with the advice or benefits described in the literature, but that they are also doing it
consciously with an understanding of the importance of doing so. Unfortunately, no survey data
was collected regarding this point as it was not a planned variable in this study.
Summary of Results
The research outlined in this paper addresses a number of gaps in the literature regarding word
card usage. Although much literature has cited expanded spaced retrieval, lack of serial
learning, and the affordance to actively recall the L1 form of a word from its L2 meaning
(Nakata, 2008; Nation, 2013; Nation & Webb, 2011), this is the first known study to provide
Firstly, in terms of learner perceptions, all of the learners viewed word cards in a positive light.
The majority of the participants interviewed and surveyed stated that they felt word cards were
a quick and effective method. In addition, all of the participants listed convenience as a major
benefit of word cards. Results also indicated that learners viewed being able to recall the L1
form and L2 meaning separately as an additional positive feature. Some participants
specifically stated that this was a major benefit of word cards over word lists or notebooks.
Secondly, the data presented in this paper indicate that although learners are engaged in
expanded spaced retrieval to an extent, they are not taking full advantage of this technique. For
example, learners in this study admitted to rarely separating cards into packs of known and
unknown words, and the period of spacing between the study of words perceived as known did
not go beyond one week. Therefore, it may be that learner’ study preferences could actually be
limiting the benefit of word cards in terms of their affordance for expanded spaced retrieval.
In addition, based on data obtained during the interviews, although learners rarely separate or
shuffle their pack when studying from them, this does not seem to result in any serial learning.
This intimates that even when learners do not follow some of the basic guidelines regarding
word card methodology, the design features of the card system are robust enough to prevent
serial learning.
Finally, without being specifically asked, learners specifically mentioned the issue of active
versus passive recall. Learners showed that (a) they are aware that active recall is more
cognitively challenging, and (b) due to this, they most often begin studying new words
passively before moving onto an active recall approach in subsequent study sessions.
From the qualitative data collected and analysed in this study, it appears that learners agree with
many of the benefits cited in the word card literature. First, word cards were viewed as a
convenient, time-efficient and effective method of deliberate vocabulary study. In addition,
learners also cited being able to recall the L1 form and L2 meaning separately as a positive
feature of word cards. However, some of the ways learners study from their cards goes against
the advice cited in the literature. One example of this is that learners are very reluctant to shuffle
or separate their word card packs. However, rudimentary testing indicated that there was no
evidence of serial learning, something which is believed to occur from other methods such as
lists or notebooks (Nation, 2013). Therefore, the design features of word cards seem robust
enough to protect against serial learning, even when learners do not follow the protocols
advocated in the literature. However, one of the most concerning results is that the practice of
engaging in expanded spaced retrieval seems to be somewhat limited at best. While some of
the participants seemed to practice the principle of spaced retrieval, it was not systematically
expanded over time. Overall, the results of this study lend support for the use of word cards,
but also indicate that significant and repeated learner training concerning how best to study
from the cards may be needed.
There are clearly a number of limitations with this study, the biggest being the small sample
size, and the fact that all the participants were first-year Japanese students from one private
university. These issues seriously limit the generalizability of the results, therefore, further
research in different contexts is needed. In addition, the fact that learners had to complete
interviews in their second language may have limited the level of detail of their answers.
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