Rossi 2012
Rossi 2012
Rossi 2012
beneficial for the prevention and management of ypertension represents the highest proportion
hypertension. In the general population, physical activity of attributable mortality amongst all global risk
has been shown to decrease mortality. factors and is a large burden to healthcare
Purpose: The purpose of this systematic review was to systems worldwide [1,2]. There exists a strong, direct
identify and synthesize the literature examining the impact relationship between blood pressure and risk of stroke
of physical activity on mortality in patients with high blood mortality, ischemic heart disease mortality, and all-cause
pressure (BP). mortality [3].
Current guidelines recommend regular physical activity
Methods: An extensive search was conducted by two
as a preventive measure and a first-line nonpharmacolog-
independent authors using Medline, Embase and Cochrane
ical treatment for hypertension [4–6]. Habitual leisure time
Library electronic databases (between 1985 and January
physical activity has been shown to reduce all-cause
2012) and manual search from the reference list of
mortality in both men and women [7]. A study of Harvard
relevant articles. Inclusion criteria were as follows:
alumni showed that those who engaged in regular physical
longitudinal design with minimum 1-year follow-up;
activity lived over a year longer than their sedentary
hypertensive status of the cohort was indicated; and BP,
counterparts [8]. Furthermore both leisure time physical
physical activity, and mortality were measured.
activity and occupational activity have shown similar results
Results: Six articles evaluating a combined total of 48 448 with respect to reducing risk of death from ischemic heart
men and 47 625 women satisfied the inclusion criteria. disease [9]. A review of 44 studies concluded that the
Cardiovascular and/or all-cause mortality were shown to be volume of physical activity and all-cause mortality are
inversely related to physical activity in all studies. For related in an inverse, linear dose-dependent manner [10].
example, patients with high BP who participated in any Researchers have also shown that cardiorespiratory fitness,
level of physical activity had a reduced risk (by 16–67%) measured by maximal exercise stress testing, is related to
of cardiovascular mortality, whereas a greater than two- mortality [11]. Of note, Blair et al. [12] have shown that
fold increase in risk of mortality was noted in nonactive this is consistent for both normotensive and hypertensive
individuals. However, activity classification and parameters, men, in that men with higher cardiorespiratory fitness have
such as frequency, duration, intensity, and volume, as well a decreased risk of mortality. Moreover, participation in
as BP status, were not consistent across studies. aerobic [13,14] or resistance [15,16] exercise can lead to
Conclusions: Regular physical activity is beneficial for modest reductions in blood pressure.
reducing mortality in patients with high BP. More research Despite the available literature to support the benefits
is needed to establish the impact of specific kinds of of physical activity on blood pressure and mortality in
physical activity and whether any differences exist between the general population, it is not clear whether these
Keywords: blood pressure, hypertension, mortality,
physical activity, systematic review Journal of Hypertension 2012, 30:1277–1288
Department of Exercise Science, Concordia University, bMontreal Behavioural Medi-
Abbreviations: BP, blood pressure; CVD, cardiovascular cine Centre, cResearch Centre, Montreal Heart Institute – a University of Montreal
disease; D&B, Downs and Black; HPA, high physical Affiliated Hospital, dDepartment of Medicine, McGill University and eResearch Centre,
Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur de Montréal – a University of Montreal Affiliated Hospital,
activity; ICD, International Classification of Diseases; IL-6, Montréal, Quebec, Canada
interleukin-6; LIFE, Losartan Intervention for Endpoint; LPA, Correspondence to Stella S. Daskalopoulou MD, MSc, DIC, PhD, FRSQ, Chercheur-
low physical activity; Meds, medications; MONICA, Boursier Clinicien, Assistant Professor in Medicine, Department of Medicine, Division
Multinational Monitoring of trends and determinants in of Internal Medicine, McGill University, McGill University Health Centre, Montreal
General Hospital, 1650 Cedar Avenue, B2.101.4, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G
Cardiovascular disease; MPA, moderate physical activity; 1A4. Tel: +1 514 934 1934 x 42295; fax: +1 514 934 8564; e-mail: stella.
NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Examination [email protected]
Survey; PRISMA, Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Received 4 October 2011 Revised 21 March 2012 Accepted 30 March 2012
Reviews and Meta-Analyses; RR, relative risk; TNF-a, tumor J Hypertens 30:1277–1288 ß 2012 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams &
necrosis factor-a Wilkins.
benefits translate to decreases in cardiovascular or Retrieved records were retained if they fit all of
all-cause mortality specifically in patients with high blood the following criteria: longitudinal design with a minimum
pressure. Therefore, the purpose of this systematic review 1-year follow-up; adult participants (>18 years of age) had
is to present the results of prospective longitudinal studies high blood pressure or hypertensive status was indicated;
exploring the effect of physical activity on mortality and blood pressure, physical activity and cardiovascular or
(cardiovascular and all-cause) in patients with high blood all-cause mortality were measured.
pressure. Risk of bias was evaluated in the selected studies using a
modified version of the Downs and Black [18] tool so that
METHODS only questions pertinent to prospective cohort studies were
retained. This same method has been used previously
The present systematic review was conducted in accord- [19,20]. Thus 15 of the original 27 items (reporting: 1–4,
ance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic 6, 7, 9, 10; external validity: 11–13; internal validity: 16–18,
Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines [17]. and 20) were considered for a possible total score of 15, in
The literature search was conducted using the Medline, which a higher score indicates better quality publication.
Embase and Cochrane Library electronic databases and Additionally, funnel plots were used to evaluate publication
manual search from the reference list of relevant articles. bias. In cases when group sample sizes were not detailed in
Records were identified using standardized search terms. the original article, efforts were made to contact the authors
The Medline search strategy, as seen below, was adapted by telephone and E-mail; however, identifying current
according to the respective indexing systems for the contact information was not always possible.
Embase and Cochrane Library databases. No previously A meta-analysis would have allowed us to quantify the
established review protocol exists for this theme. English overall effect of physical activity on mortality in this popu-
language longitudinal studies collecting data from human lation. However, there was a substantial lack of consistency
samples, published between the beginning of January in the reporting of physical activity, whereby each study
1985 and the end of January 2012, were considered, was classified in a different manner according to varying
without any other limitations. The search and screening criteria in the self-report questionnaires, which made
phases were conducted independently by two authors formal statistical analysis impractical. For instance, some
(A.R. and A.D.) with the help of two medical librarians, studies classified physical activity groups according to the
one from McGill University (A.L.) and the other one from number of steps or city blocks walked each day, whereas
Concordia University (D.K.). Any discrepancies were other studies used minutes per day, metabolic equivalent
resolved through consensus. All the authors participated scales or kilocalories per day to categorize the participants.
in the final selection of the included studies. Data were
extracted by one author (A.R.) using an electronic form RESULTS
and checked for accuracy (A.D.). All authors have
reviewed the extracted data. Variables of interest A total of 3217 records were retrieved (see Fig. 1). Of the 26
included: study and participant characteristics (e.g. length full-text articles [7,8,11,12,21–42] evaluated for eligibility,
of follow-up, age, etc.), blood pressure and physical 20 were eliminated for the following reasons; in one article
activity measurement tools and classification schemes, [24] the analysis was based on a sub-sample of a larger trial
method of mortality and cause of death verification, [32] included in the systematic review, two articles [12,35]
cardiovascular and all-cause mortality hazard ratios as did not measure leisure time physical activity (only fitness
well as study-specific covariates. or work activity were evaluated), and the remaining 17
Medline search strategy: studies [7,8,11,21–23,25–29,33,34,36,38,40,41] reported
collecting data relating to blood pressure, physical activity,
1. Hypertension/or or mortality, but they did not evaluate the relationship
2. blood or Blood Pressure/ between the three variables. Usually, physical activity
3. and blood pressure were considered covariates in these
4. Arterial reports. Thus, six studies were identified. Table 1 describes
5. 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 the characteristics of these studies. Altogether these studies
6. Exercise/ or evaluated 48 448 men and 47 625 women for a total of
7. physical 96 073 adults. Of the six studies, two considered only male
8. physical participants [30,39] and the remaining four included both
9. Motor Activity/ men and women [31,32,37,42]. Only three studies [32,37,42]
10. resistance or Resistance Training/ reported results for men and women separately. The
11. cohorts originated from Northern Europe (Denmark,
12. 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 Sweden, Iceland, Norway, Finland and the UK) or USA.
13. Mortality/ Medication usage was only indicated for the Losartan
14. Death/ Intervention for Endpoint (LIFE) trial [32]. None of the other
15. Fatal Outcome/ studies reported the type of medications, apart from stating
16. 13 or 14 or 15 that participants using blood pressure-lowering drugs were
17. 5 and 12 and 16 included and classified as hypertensive. Vatten et al. [42]
18. Limit 17 to (English language and humans and stated that participants with specific comorbidities were
yr ¼ ‘1985-Current’) excluded, including patients using antihypertensive
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Blood pressure, physical activity and mortality
medications. Exclusions were also specified for the LIFE cohort. In contrast, Vatten et al. [42] excluded individuals
trial recruitment [32]. By design, the LIFE cohort also had who reported using blood pressure-lowering medications
left-ventricular hypertrophy [32]. The National Health prior to entering the study. The authors established
and Nutrition Examination Survey I (NHANES I) report by four categories for SBP (<120 mmHg, 120–139 mmHg,
Fang et al. [31] and LIFE trial, reported by Fossum et al. [32], 140–159 mmHg, >160 mmHg) and DBP (<80 mmHg,
were the only reports to include alcohol consumption and 80–89 mmHg, 90–99 mmHg, 100 mmHg) classification
race/ethnicity; additionally NHANES I considered diet and spanning normotensive and hypertensive values.
socioeconomic measures in their model for analysis. Paffenbarger et al. [39] stated that all participants were
Amongst the articles selected are several sub-analyses hypertensive; however, they did not describe what blood
of larger trials [31,32,37,39]. In cases when information pressure threshold level or criteria were used to define high
regarding the methods of blood pressure measurement, blood pressure.
physical activity assessment, or mortality was not available
in the text, the reference list or original publications were Measurement
consulted. Details for the measurement of blood pressure can be found
in Table 2. Three studies [30,31,42] reported measuring
blood pressure with a manual sphygmomanometer accord-
Blood pressure ing to a defined protocol [43]. Engström et al. [30], Fossum
et al. [32,44,45] and Fang et al. [31] specifically reported the
Classification patients to be in a seated position; however, Paffenbarger
According to the design of this review, each of the selected et al. [39] and Vatten et al. [42] did not describe the posture
publications evaluated patients with high blood pressure; of the participants. The LIFE trial reports indicate a stand-
however, the criteria used to diagnose hypertension varied ardized protocol was used to measure blood pressure
between studies. Engström et al. [30] used cut-off values of [44,45]. Hu et al. [37,46] described all but one of their
at least 160 mmHg or at least 95 mmHg for SBP and/or DBP, multiple sites to have measured blood pressure in the
respectively, or self-reported use of antihypertensive medi- seated position; this single site evaluated patients in a
cation. Fang et al. [31] and Hu et al. [37] established their recumbent position [46]. Although the method of blood
own respective classification schemes (see Table 1). pressure measurement was consistent within each partic-
Fossum et al. [32] selected participants based on their blood ipating site, the WHO Multinational Monitoring of trends
pressure following 2 weeks of placebo treatment. If SBP and determinants in Cardiovascular disease (MONICA)
ranged between 160–200 mmHg and/or 95–115 mmHg blood pressure assessment document [46] explained
they were classified as hypertensive and included in the that both random-zero sphygmomanometers and simple
Pennsylvania College Alumni cohort [39] were not
Physical activity assessment
Left ventricular
No exclusions
No exclusions
No exclusions
At baseline, the LIFE cohort [32] classified participants as
19.9 (1972–2003)
16 (1984/86-death/
December 1993)
December 2002)
24 (1962–1985)
Cohort II
Hu (2007) [37]
First author
Fossum (2007)
(1991) [39]
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Journal of Hypertension
TABLE 2. Summary of methods and classification schemes for selected studies
Blood pressure Physical activity
First author Mortality and cause
(year) Classification Measurement Classification Measurement of death
Engström Hypertension SBP 160 mmHg or Morning, seated position, measured Non-vigorous: Inactive (group 1) þ Structured interview Mortality Register, Swedish
(1999) [30] DBP 95 mmHg or reported to nearest 5 mmHg with mercury some activity (group 2); vigorous: National Bureau of Statistics;
using antihypertensive medication sphygmomanometer and regularly active (group 3) þ regular ICD, 8th and 9th revision
12 x 16 rubber cuff hard activity (group 4)
Fang (2005) [31] Normal BP: no history of Seated position, with weekly calibrated Recreational activity: 1. low activity; Self-report questionnaire; Death certificate or proxy
hypertension and BP manometer and falling pressure 2. moderate activity; only considered respondent; ICD, 9th
<120/80 mmHg; prehypertension: at 2–3 mmHg, measured to nearest 3. high activity ‘recreational activity’ revision
no history of hypertension and 2 mmHg [43]
BP 120–139/80–89 mmHg;
hypertension: history of
hypertension, reported using
antihypertensive medication,
BP 140/90 mmHg
Fossum (2007) [32] Hypertension; SBP 160–200 mmHg Seated position following a standardized Sedentary: never active; intermediate: Self-report questionnaire Deaths were reported
and/or DBP 95–115 mmHg after protocol [44,45] 30min/week; Active: >30 min/week separately and directly to the
2 weeks of placebo treatment independent data and safety
monitoring board for
validation [47]
Hu (2007) [37] Hypertension: SBP 140 or Varied across sites (mainly seated position), Low: almost completely inactive; Self-report questionnaire; Statistics Finland; ICD, 8th,
DBP 90, using or approved simple or random-zero moderate: some physical activity leisure time physical 9th, and 10th revision
reimbursement for antihypertensive sphygmomanometer [46] >4 h/week; high: vigorous activity activity
medication; Moderate or severe >3 h/week
hypertension: SBP 160 or
DBP 95
Paffenbarger – – Sport participation: none, light only, Self-report questionnaire; –
(1991) [39] light and vigorous, vigorous only only sport participation
Vatten (2006) [42] Blood pressure groups: SBP: Calibrated mercury manometers, 1. no activity; and three equal Self-report questionnaire Cause of Death Registry,
<120, 120–139, 140–159, standard cuff size, measured to the activity groups; 2. low, 3. medium, Norway
160 mmHg; DBP: <80, 80–89, nearest 2 mmHg and 4. high
90–99, 100 mmHg
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Blood pressure, physical activity and mortality
Rossi et al.
death through their respective national registries or official The results from each study (all based on multivariate
documentation [30,31,37,42,47]. No information was pro- analyses) as well as the variables included in the respective
vided regarding how mortality data was acquired for the statistical models are illustrated in Table 3. In hypertensive
study by Paffenbarger et al. [39]. patients who engaged in vigorous physical activity (i.e.
TABLE 3. Summary of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality results for selected studies
First author (year) Cardiovascular mortality All-cause mortality Multivariate model
Engström [30] (1999) Relative risk (95% CI): hypertensive/ Relative risk (95% CI): Normotensive: smoking; hypertensive:
vigorous physical activity: hypertensive/vigorous physical smoking, antihypertensive therapy
0.33 (0.11–0.94); hypertensive/ activity: 0.43 (0.22–0.82); and SBP
nonvigorous physical activity: 1.00; hypertensive/nonvigorous physical
normotensive/vigorous physical activity: 1.00; normotensive/
activity: 0.72 (0.39–1.35); vigorous physical activity:
normotensive/nonvigorous physical 0.89 (0.60–1.31); normotensive/
activity: 1.00 nonvigorous physical activity: 1.00
Fang [31] (2005) Hazard ratios (95% CI): Normotensive: Hazard ratios (95% CI): normotensive: Age, sex, race, BMI, education, diabetes,
LPA 1, MPA 0.76 (0.39–1.49), LPA 1, MPA 0.75(0.53–1.05), smoking, alcohol, dietary caloric,
HPA 0.65 (0.24–1.77); prehypertensive: HPA 0.71 (0.45–1.12); sodium, calcium and potassium intake,
LPA 1, MPA 0.79 (0.58–1.09), prehypertensive: LPA 1, MPA 0.79 SBP and serum cholesterol
HPA 0.89 (0.61–1.31); hypertensive: (0.65–0.97), HPA 0.93 (0.74–1.18);
LPA 1, MPA 0.84 (0.73–0.97), hypertensive: LPA 1, MPA 0.88
0.80 (0.66–0.96) (0.80–0.98), HPA 0.83 (0.72–0.95)
Fossum [32] (2007) Hazard ratios (95% CI) Hazard ratios (95% CI) Baseline current smoking, alcohol, sex,
age, race, left-ventricular hypertrophy,
Framingham risk scorey
Sedentary: reference; intermediate: Sedentary: reference; intermediate:
0.80 (0.63–1.01); active: 0.49 0.85 (0.71–1.02); active:
(0.39–0.62) 0.65(0.55–0.77)
Men Men
Sedentary: reference; intermediate: Sedentary: reference; intermediate:
0.65 (0.47–0.90); active: 0.45 0.77 (0.60–1.00); active:
(0.33–0.61) 0.60 (0.48–0.76)
Women Women
Sedentary: reference; intermediate: Sedentary: reference; intermediate:
1.029 (0.73–1.44); active: 0.55 0.95 (0.74–1.24); active:
(0.38–0.79) 0.72 (0.56–0.92)
Hu [37] (2007) Hazard ratios (95% CI) – men: Low 1, – Age, study year, education, alcohol,
Mod 0.84 (0.77–0.91), High 0.73 smoking, BMI, SBP, cholesterol,
(0.62–0.86); trend P < 0.001; antihypertensive drug use and
women: Low 1, Mod 0.78 (0.70–0.87), diabetes
High 0.74 (0.58–0.94); trend P < 0.001
Paffenbarger [39] (1991) – Relative risk: none 1.00, Adjusted for age
light only 1.00, light and
vigorous 0.73, vigorous only
0.63, trend P ¼ 0.1276
Vatten [42] (2006) Relative risk (95% CI): high, medium, – Age, BMI, marital status, education,
low, no activity alcohol and smoking
<120 mmHg: 0.68 (0.43–1.07),
0.99 (0.70–1.39), 0.78 (0.51–1.20),
1.15 (0.72–1.85)
120–139 mmHg: 1.00 (Reference),
1.06 (0.86–1.32), 0.99 (0.78–1.26),
1.31 (1.02–1.67)
140–159 mmHg: 1.21 (0.97–1.52),
1.25 (1.02–1.55), 1.39 (1.11–1.74),
1.73 (1.37–2.19)
>160 mmHg: 1.82 (1.46–2.28),
1.76 (1.42–2.17), 1.84 (1.45–2.34),
2.24 (1.78–2.83)
<120 mmHg: 0.52 (0.28–0.97),
1.00 (0.61–1.65), 1.08 (0.62–1.86),
1.43 (1.84–2.44)
120–139 mmHg: 1.00 (Reference),
1.12 (0.80–1.57), 1.18 (0.81–1.73),
1.79 (1.26–2.53)
140–159 mmHg: 1.47 (1.04–2.09),
1.54 (1.12–2.12), 1.66 (1.17–2.34),
1.93 (1.39–2.69)
>160 mmHg: 1.77 (1.26–2.54),
2.49 (1.84–3.37), 2.60 (1.87–3.60),
2.41 (1.76–3.30)
Data presented herein are results from multivariate analyses for all studies; unadjusted results are not shown in this table. +Only results for SBP are presented here; a similar pattern for
DBP was observed [42]. HPA, high physical activity; LPA, low physical activity; MPA, moderate physical activity.
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Blood pressure, physical activity and mortality
regularly active þ regular hard activity), Engström et al. [30] 1.78, 2.83; women: RR 2.41, 95% CI 1.76, 3.30) of cardio-
found a significant lower risk of all-cause mortality [relative vascular mortality compared to very active participants with
risk (RR) 0.43, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.22, 0.82] and lower blood pressure. Thus, all six studies have shown an
cardiovascular mortality (RR 0.33, 95% CI 0.11, 0.94) when inverse relationship between physical activity and cardio-
compared with hypertensive patients who did not engage vascular or all-cause mortality.
in vigorous physical activity. The same authors found that
level of physical activity did not make a difference in Risk of bias assessment and publication bias
mortality amongst normotensive participants [30]. Fang The results of this evaluation can be found in Table 1. Final
et al. [31] showed that patients with prehypertension scores ranged between 8 and 13 [mean standard devi-
who were active for less than 30 min/day (hazard ation (SD) 11.4 1.9, median 12). Four studies received
ratio ¼ 0.79, 95% CI 0.65, 0.97), but not those with higher high scores (12/15). Overall the studies rated well in the
levels of physical activity (hazard ratio ¼ 0.93, 95% CI 0.74, reporting category, with an average of seven of eight
1.18), had a decreased risk of all-cause mortality. In hyper- questions receiving full points. The studies received poor
tensive patients, active individuals had a 14–20% lower scores for external validity (average 1 point out of 3).
risk of cardiovascular death and similarly 12–17% lower Information regarding the representativeness of the sample
all-cause mortality risk compared to their least active was generally unavailable. Additionally, whether or not the
counterparts. type of care provided was typical for the patients was not
Overall, the active group from the LIFE [32] sample had a addressed. Three of the four questions assessing internal
significant decrease in cardiovascular mortality compared validity were given full points for each article. When appro-
to the sedentary group. A nonsignificant decrease of 20% priate, most studies did indicate if analysis was adjusted for
was noted for those who participated in 30 min or less of the length of follow-up. There was no discernable differ-
activity/week. Compared to the sedentary groups, active ence in reported outcome between the high and low-
men (hazard ratio ¼ 0.45, 95% CI 0.33–0.61) and women scoring studies. Figure 2 is a funnel plot of sample size
(hazard ratio ¼ 0.55, 95% CI 0.38–0.79) had a reduced risk and log hazard ratio for all studies which provided indi-
of cardiovascular death. Men participating in 30 min/week vidual group sample sizes [30–32,37,42]. Generally, the
or less of physical activity also had lower risk of cardio- sample sizes for each group varied (lowest n ¼ 31, highest
vascular mortality (hazard ratio ¼ 0.65, 95% CI 0.47–0.90); n ¼ 7689). Overall there is no recognizable difference in
however, there was no difference for moderately active symmetry for both cardiovascular and all-cause mortality,
women. Similar results were observed for all-cause which suggests the absence of publication bias.
Hu et al. [37] demonstrated that hypertensive patients DISCUSSION
who engaged in moderate (some activity >4 h/week) or
high (vigorous activity >3 h/week) levels of leisure time This systematic review examined the impact of physical
physical activity had a graded lower risk of cardiovascular activity on cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in patients
death than those who engaged in the lowest category of with high blood pressure. An extensive literature search
leisure time physical activity. Of note, similar results were yielded six studies which addressed this question in pro-
observed in separate analyses for both sexes. Men and spective cohorts. Overall, the studies indicated that physical
women who engaged in moderate activity had a 16 and activity was inversely related with mortality in hypertensive
22% lower risk of cardiovascular mortality, respectively. patients, meaning patients with hypertension who were
Likewise, the most active groups showed further reductions more active showed a lower cardiovascular (16–67%
in risk, totalling 27 and 26% decreased risk of cardiovascular decrease) and all-cause (17–57% decrease) mortality.
death for men and women, respectively. The results from The results indicated that inactive men and women with
the University of Pennsylvania College Alumni cohort indi- high SBP had more than double the risk of cardiovascular
cated that hypertensive patients who engaged in combined death.
light and vigorous sport participation had a 27% reduced
risk of all-cause mortality [39]. Additionally, Paffenbarger Mechanisms
et al. [39] found that the men who engaged in only vigorous Physical activity has been shown to have an inverse
sport participation displayed a 37% decrease in all-cause relationship with blood pressure, as well as other cardio-
death. No decrease in mortality was observed with vascular disease risk factors and mortality in the general
participation in only light activities [39]. population [7,8,48]. Previous studies examining physical
An extensive analysis by Vatten et al. [42] stratified risk activity have demonstrated up to nearly 40% decreased risk
across four categories of blood pressure and four levels of of mortality in women and 35% decreased risk in men
physical activity for both men and women, SBP and DBP across all age groups [7]. The results of this systematic
alike, ultimately showed that regular physical activity was review also showed that this statement is true for patients
beneficial for patients with moderate hypertension in terms with elevated blood pressure and/or hypertension. How-
of lowering cardiovascular risk. Generally, the data dis- ever, the mechanisms by which physical activity may exert
played a pattern of increased risk with increasing blood this effect remain unclear. Meta-analyses have indicated
pressure categories (SBP and DBP) and decreasing levels of that regular aerobic exercise [13,14,49] and resistance train-
physical activity. The participants in the highest blood ing [15,16] decrease blood pressure between 2 and
pressure group (SBP >160 mmHg) who were inactive dis- 6 mmHg. Similar modest decreases in blood pressure have
played greater than double the risk (men: RR 2.24, 95% CI been shown to decrease risk of cardiovascular events and
8000 8000
7000 7000
6000 6000
Sample size (n)
4000 4000
3000 3000
2000 2000
1000 1000
0 0
−0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2
Log HR Log HR
FIGURE 2 Funnel plots of sample size versus log Hazard ratio (HR) in 46 groups for cardiovascular mortality (diamond markers, black lines) and 12 groups for all-cause
mortality (round markers, grey lines). Solid vertical lines represent the mean log HR and dashed vertical lines indicate the median log HR.
cardiovascular mortality [50] by magnitudes comparable to participate in regular physical activity are protected against
those observed with physical activity in this review. Thus it the typical increases in arterial stiffness seen with aging [68].
is possible that the blood pressure-lowering effect of Thus the benefits of physical activity in mediating the
regular physical activity and exercise can account for relationship between blood pressure and mortality are
decreases in cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. Yet, likely a result of changes in cardiovascular risk factors
the effects of physical activity on mortality may be con- and overall arterial health. Nevertheless, evidence from
comitantly exerted through the reduction of other cardio- the eligible reports suggests that physical activity can be
vascular risk factors, for example, improved glucose employed for the primary prevention and management of
tolerance [51], lower BMI [52], reduced platelet activity hypertension and reducing risk of mortality.
[53], and reducing risk of comorbid diseases, for example,
type 2 diabetes mellitus [54]. A review by Arakawa [55] Sex differences
highlighted changes in total peripheral resistance and a Amongst the six eligible studies, four included women in
decrease in plasma volume and/or cardiac index as their sample populations and of those only three indicated
possible mechanisms, amongst several others, though there risk for men and women separately [32,37,42]. The findings
is not enough evidence available to draw strong con- from all studies indicated that physical activity is protective
clusions. Fagard [56] has also suggested a decrease in for both men and women with elevated SBP or DBP. These
vascular resistance, driven by the sympathetic nervous benefits are similar in magnitude for both sexes, where
system and renin–angiotensin systems, as the main mech- highly active men gain between 27 and 45% reduced risk of
anism by which aerobic exercise reduces blood pressure. cardiovascular mortality and women approximately 26–
Patients with different types of hypertension, for example 55% reduced risk. Correspondingly, inactive men with
essential hypertension versus preeclampsia, have an altered elevated blood pressure have more than double the risk
inflammatory profile [57,58]. The sympathetic nervous of cardiovascular mortality, whereas the risk for women is
system and renin-angiotensin system are impacted by almost two and a half times that of the active women with
anti-inflammatory [e.g. interleukin-6 (IL-6)] and pro- lower blood pressure. However, little to no consideration
inflammatory [e.g. tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a)] was given to potential differences between sexes in the
markers [59]. Moreover, IL-6 and TNF-a can affect endo- remaining cohorts. Sex-related differences are especially
thelial cells and alter vascular function [59], which is also important to consider given that the average age of partici-
implicated in the pathogenesis of hypertension [60]. pants ranged from 20 to 66 years and blood pressure has
Physical activity has been shown to improve endothelial been shown to differ between men and women across the
function [61] even in clinical populations, for example, lifespan [69,70]. Through adulthood, women typically have
those with obesity [62], coronary artery disease [63], or lower blood pressure levels than men [69,70]. However,
exaggerated inflammation [64]. Thus these pathways may during menopause and subsequently throughout the fol-
mediate the benefits of physical activity on blood pressure lowing decades, there is a shift in this trend, whereby the
and mortality. difference in incidence of hypertension between sexes
Other measures of arterial health, for example arterial narrows and is eventually higher in women [69,70].
stiffness, which are inversely related to mortality [65] are Additionally, age-adjusted comparison of the three phases
also improved with exercise [66]. Improvements have also of the NHANES survey has indicated that prevalence of
been observed in hypertensive patients after 4 weeks of hypertension tends to be higher in adult women compared
aerobic exercise training [67]. Additionally, women who to adult men [71]. Also, from 1988 to 2000 the change in
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Blood pressure, physical activity and mortality
prevalence increased in women to a greater extent than in as well. Albeit, most of the data collected in the cohorts
adult men [71]. The mechanisms by which these shifts occur presented here predate the advent of these new technol-
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The authors would like to acknowledge Angella Lambrou mun Health 1998; 52:377–384.
(Liason Librarian, McGill University) and Dubravka Kapa 19. Warburton D, Charlesworth S, Ivey A, Nettlefold L, Bredin S. A system-
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assistance with the literature search. 20. Prince S, Adamo K, Hamel M, Hardt J, Gorber S, Tremblay M. A
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the Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec (Chercheur- activity in adults: a systematic review. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Activity
2008; 5:56.
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