The Impact of Working Life and Personal Life Balance in An Organizational Environment: A Review Paper

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

The Impact of Working Life and Personal Life

Balance in an Organizational Environment:
A Review Paper
Ms.Anupa Mistry, Ph.D Research Scholar, School of Dr. S.Praveen Kumar, Dean and Professor, School of
Commerce and Management, BIHER University, Chennai, Commerce and Management, BIHER University, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu-600072 Tamil Nadu-600072

Abstract:- This study’s aim is to review various articles rid of many issues and implement good suggestions over it.
from different sources which is able to understand the The factors like, flexible working-life-balance, gender
effect of balancing the working life and personal life of differences, cultural differences, psychological empowerment,
employees. The study is based on “Impact of work-life job satisfaction, digitalization (technology), and conflict.
balance in an organization: a review paper”, extensive
research on literature review has been done with the help During covid-19 pandemic most women faced problems
of sourcing various articles from different search engines. due to overwork load and handling both work, children, old
It is identified that various tables, charts, and figures are parents, husbands, household work, etc, but day-by-day it has
helpful to understand the full concept of work and non- become obvious to handle situations from every perspective.
work life balance. The finding of this study is to observe Nowadays women are willing towards doing work remotely
various factors from different sourced articles that need and they are experts to handle situation. This study shows
to be focused on for future periods. We reviewed articles both working couples in a family must manage and balance
from different countries their point of view has been their life and work cooperatively and happily, so coordination
taken successfully. The study represents a is important between them. Many authors shared their views
comprehensibly explore and research of the impact of on what a future study should be on. It is the clear view of
working life and personal life balance in an what is required to make work-life balance unbiased in a
organizational environment. It explores professional life certain unexpected organizational environment. Thus this
and personal life, it discusses different authors’ study focuses on different facts that affect work-life-balance,
perspectives based on that limitation, recommendations then methodology part is designed to understand the data
and discussion are drawn in this review paper. Therefore, recorded during research from sources, years of articles, and a
this review paper has collected recent information which number of countries forward to may solve this issue of work-
will help other researchers. A detailed overview about life and then a few portals are used to gather information, it
working life balance and personal life balance review will be easy to identify these with the help of a diagram. From
paper has been completed in a proper way. this study the framework helps to understand factors that are
connected, focus on those factors to it is become easier to
Keywords:- Working Life Balance, Personal Life Balance, solve issues and start working on underdeveloped areas. The
Managing Both Work And Life, Organizational Environment. drawback table from many authors’ ideas helps to get an
overview of the problems mentioned in this review paper. As
I. INTRODUCTION per the description of the authors, we drawn limitations in this
study and made an effective conclusion and recommendation
In this 21st century balancing work is very essential for for further research.
everybody. In a family, work can be shared by husband and
wife this way they make their life easy-going. This study is II. OVERVIEW
based on working life as well as personal life of employee’s in
a organizational environment. Balancing of work and personal A. Work and life balance
life provides quality employment all over the full course that This is needed for every individual’s life those who
allows for leisure and family time in a long-run. It is working in any sector to male or female. It balances the
important to improve work and life together for better societal professional and personal life (family, career, vacations etc.).
outcomes. (Misun Lim, 2020). It is mostly useful and expresses free from conflict between
working and non-working demands. (Greenblatt, 2002).
In this review paper in-depth research has been done There are various great impacts of work-life balance such as
from various sources, this paper described the work-life low absentees and arrive late at office, enhance productivity,
balance of an employee. As an employee of a company, one better organizational image, employ honesty and commit
needs to concentrate on one working life as well as personal towards work, raise job retention of employees and reduce
life altogether without any difficulties, it has various benefits staff turnover rates, Job-satisfaction improve etc.,. (IOAN
and consequences as per various authors from different LAZĂR, 2010) These will occur in a positive way if both
countries may found. There are many techniques used to get men and women can balance their personal life and

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
professional life together. Occasionally, balancing a family solve due to the coordination of both genders working
and work together is unattainable this may occur due to husband and wife to handle work and family together.
anxiety, stress, fatigue, etc. As Dr. Heidi Gautun said ‘The
full-time work of a person may reduce family member’s able  Cultural Differences
to help and care to their old parents’ (Dr. Heidi Gautun, In cultural differences a diverse cultural background
2023). forms in the heterogeneous work environment. This cultural
difference shows through academic work, family life,
According to (Jae Won Yang, 2018) A woman will expectations towards institutional support, and many more.
balance work and family (children, and home) together.
Kalonaityte said a women’s role in work-life balance is like  Psychological Empowerment
an active agent, who attempts to balance contradictorily and It is a manifestation of internal motivation, and this is
demand for gender division of labour and work. very important act in the balance of working life and
(Kalonaityte, 2023). personal life which facilitates success in an organization by
adopting a cultural synergy, self-based awareness,
B. Definations of Work-life Balance collaboration, self-determination, and partnering, these all
A well Balanced employee is happy and satisfied with improve psychological empowerment level. It enhances
work and family together . (THOMAS KALLIATH, 2008) loyal, honest, honour, and trust etc. (Ansumalini Panda,
According to (Delecta, 2011) It is not limited to some
extent it demands more such as vacations, sports, and personal  Job Satisfaction
development programs etc. They managing time along with Self-satisfaction is very important without it we cannot
personal work and professional with proper balancing way. gain interest in any kind of work. Job satisfaction considers
According to (N. Lakshmi, 2018) “Work-life balance employee career progress, employee-retention, and success
experience happiness and life situation” of a company (Tharushika PATHIRANAGE, 2023).
According to (Sharma, 2023) Employees has lower work-
C. Factors of Working and personal life Balance family conflict has more job satisfaction this will happened
There are many important factors which is taken from with the help of family-friend policies, and supervisor
many sources are given below: support. Palumbu Rocco says ‘Accountants showed negative
effects when dealing with work-life interplay’. They are
 Flexible Work-life balance attached and satisfy in their working culture where less
Flexibility needs during work for everyone, which struggle occurs between personal and professional life
makes an individual manage work and life in an effective (Palumbo, 2023).
way. In work-life balance flexible work is enabled for
employees at the workplace and for friendly working practices  Digitalization
it required flexible time, term-time work, four days and a half- Now-a-days world become digitalized, we are
day week, work sharing, and a 9-day fortnight. (Fleetwood & adopting a digital world. A study it shows the impact of
Steve, 2007). Employees being in a flexible environment technology and digitalization helps in the area of employee
create interest in jobs and happily manage work and home. In working activity, health, and work-life balance of employees
Table 1 employee’s flexible work practice has been (Maria Rosaria Gualano, 2023). Technology has a great
mentioned. impact in our society.

Table-1 Employee friendly flexible work practice (Fleetwood  Conflicts

& Steve, 2007) This factor is very important to control in life then only
Employee’s friendly flexible work practice a man will successfully face any kind of issues/problems.
Flexible time 2647350 The work demands increase, change in technology, workers
Term time work 1173825 bring work at home. So, an improper development of
Four days and a half-day 324675 balancing leads to a wide variety of negative outcomes from
work both personal and working life which may occure
Work Sharing 224775 absenteeism, satisfaction at work may reduce, loyalty
9-day fortnight 74925 reduces, more turnover, and distress mentally increasing that
affecting productivity. (Misun Lim, 2020) According to
 Gender Differences (Neha Agrawal, 2023) “The work-life balance and conflict
Balancing work and life is different from person to overlap each other”.
person if we discuss men and women their professional life is
almost similar but their personal life has many differences III. LITERATURE REVIEW
such as managing the home, caring for elders, child care, etc.
A study mention gender differences focused in the This study has reviewed various articles which are
relationship between the roles of work and family rather than essential to the knowledge of working and personal life and
work and non work community based role. (TracyL.Dumas, equalize them. Reviewing various articles helps to get
2013). In certain situations, the problem of balancing will different views of authors towards the study.

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
To equalize working and personal life it enable c) Control- To increase employee control and choose ‘how’
employees at the workplace and for friendly working and ‘when’ initiatively make essential results like self-
practices it needs flexible time, term time work, four and half directed working team, flexible, empowerment, etc.
day weeks, work sharing, and 9 days fortnight (Fleetwood & (Greenblatt.E., 2002)
Steve, 2007).)These benefits will get with proper managing
of work-life. Work-life balance facilitates successfully an After the covid-19 period, the work-family balance for
organization by adopting a synergy culture, self-awareness, women changed with, an increase in household chores, the,
togetherness, etc. these all enhance level of psychological rediscovering personal life values, and closeness, etc.(Toyin
empowerment and also improve loyalty, honour, honesty, Ajibade Adisa, 2021). Women from rural family firms are
etc.,(Panda & Sahoo, 2021) largely positive and align their needs work flexibility, and
calmness, secure, and well-being life (Nulleshi &
According to (P.Delecta, 2011) “To manage and Kalonaityte, 2023). It makes them attached to work. A
allocate the time as per every aspect of life and he/she has to married working woman finds difficulty to balance study and
achieve work-life balance should not integrate problems”. personal life together, likewise, an IT worker may face more
Jones et al identified in their research understanding the best difficulty in the work-life cycle because of various work and
ways to manage employees who have the responsibility of personal life-related issues. (Lakshmi & Prasanth, 2018). In
childcare and eldercare and gender differences focused on the their study it shows to understand the human needs and
relationship between professional and family role rather than employees are not feeling down in organizational
work and non-working community-related role (, expectations on after-hour connectivity. And also they
2013). In a heterogeneous work environment, a diverse mention the socio-economic circumstances of the developing
cultural background has formed. The studies show cultural countries of south Asia during Covid-19 pandemic a lot of
differences viewed in education, personal life, and company adopted diatance work; this may change working
expectations towards organizational support (Gewinner & world but after Covid-19 most of the corporates adopts these
Irina, 2020). In view of Thomas, there are six concepts of changes and they call it “Work From Home”. (Alwis,
working and non-working life balance mult-roles, equalize of Hernwall, & Adikaram, 2022).
multi-roles, the satisfaction of multiple roles, fulfill of role
quietness between multi-roles, etc. They believe that working In a study, four major themes have been discovered in
life and personal life balance needs operationalized, via work-life balance such as increase household work, conflict,
measure development which validates across the national and family values etc(Ajibade Adisa, Opeoluwa Aiyenitaju, &
cross-national sample (Thomas Kalliath, 2008), 2021). Elderly people may play important role, older
people often needs help and care because of poor health,
The resources that are being into focused on continuous living alone, etc. The work-life balance is lower in females,
basis of work related and personal life based environment single, telecaller, working with high workloads, and higher
such as: for those who were old has many responsibilities (Muayad
a)Temporary-Based Resource- This is used to manage Time Azzam, 2023).
to do all-in-one needs or remote work, multiple work
together, and use IT systems so, these may optimize time. A. Framework of working and personal life balance
There are three factors such as individual,
b) Financial-Based resource- For satisfy wants and needs organizational and societal factors. This framework explains
money helps for availability and the constraints of financial easily various factors by using diagram (Thilagavathy S,
resource is addressed by budgeting and downshifting. 2021)

Fig.-01 Factors of work and personal life balance (Thilagavathy S, 2021).

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

An extensive literature review has been done, this

research has an in-depth study of various literature. In this
research secondary data has been taken that’s why it is called a
review paper. In chart-01 it is easier to identify from 2000-
2023 articles that have been taken for review purposes,
recently work-life balance-related articles and books have
been taken. Next, there are many sources from which data has
been collected 47%of the research paper has been taken which
may successfully complete this paper. As per this study, it is
been identified mostly a work-life balance-related topic
assumed by India, chat:03 mentioned very clearly 21% of the Chart: 3 Based on articles that have been done in various
article are from India. In chart: 04 it has been shown mostly countries.
from google scholar data have been taken.

Chart 1. A number of articles taken from 2000-2023 have

mention Chart 4: Search engines used in research.


The working and personal life has various issues depends

on person to person. There are drawbacks which mentioned in
table 2 it has different author’s point of view as per their
studies. This study is based on impact of work-life balance
towards organizational development .

Chart: 2 Many sources are used in this research.

Table:2 The Drawbacks of work and personal life balance (Views of various authors)
Drawbacks of work and personal life balance (Views of various authors)
Sl. No.
Name of Article Drawbacks
“work–life balance: a review of the meaning conflict increase during covid-19 when women having work and family
of the balance construct” duties together (thomas kalliath, 2008)
02 “discourses of work–life balance: younger women faces issues mostly those who have children (smithson
negotiating ‘genderblind’ terms in & stokoe, 2005)
03 “the impact of e-mail on work-life balance” the pda email technology was mentioned that negative effect arise on
employees who does remote work (ansumalini panda, 2021)
04 “Sandwich generation women in search for For many women’s work-life balance is not easy reachable
meaningful work and life” (mervi rajahonka & kaija villman, 2022)
05 “Help and care to older parents in the There is a need to properly taking care of parents but due to work
digital society” pressure or improper balancing towards work and personal life
difficulties may occur.(dr. Heidi gautun, 2023)
06 “A Study On Work-life balance in working The problems and trouble of women are multi-dimensional. (Lakshmi &
women” Prasanth, 2018)

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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review paper. We consider not a particular set of papers Medicina, 1-12.
integrated into a review paper, research paper, case study, and [6]. Delecta, P. (2011). Work life balance. International
book section. Next, only the English language has been chosen Journal of Current Research, 186-189.
for reviewing purposes which is also a drawback. [7]. Dr. Heidi Gautun, D. C. (2023). Help and Care to Older
Parents in the Digital Society. Nordic journal of working
RESEARCH [8]. Fleetwood, & Steve. (2007). Why work-life balance now.
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valuable suggestions that are very important to focus on. It is [9]. Fleetwood, S. (2007). Why work-life balance now? The
very important to follow suggestions based on our perspective. international journal of human resource management,
This study is a review where collected data from various 387-400.
sources has been taken, from those data it is recommended that [10]. Gautun, D. H., & Bratt, D. C. (2023). Help and Care to
work-life balance should follow the 80/20 rule, 20% of hard Older Parents in the Digital Society. Nordic journal of
work effort can be given 80% of free time to enjoying life. working life studies, 1-21.
This basic principle should be applicable to everyone in their [11]. Gewinner, & Irina. (2020). Work–life balance for native
life. We sometimes get indulged so much in work we cannot and migrant scholars in German academia: meanings and
enjoy or manage our life happily for this reason the 80/20 rule practices. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An
should apply. In this study further research is required because International Journal, 497-512.
it is still underexplored. [12]. Greenblatt, E. (2002). Work/life balance: Wisdom or
whining. Organizational dynamics, 177-193.
VIII. CONCLUSION [13]. Greenblatt.E. (2002). Work/life balance: Wisdom or
whining. organizational dynamics, 177-193.
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and drawbacks. This study is a review paper, multiple authors [15]. IOAN LAZĂR, C. O. (2010). The Role of Work-Life
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more focus. According to such studies, It is a coordinate [16]. Jae Won Yang, C. S. (2018). The work–life balance and
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compulsory for both working and personal life. This study has Annals of Occupational and environmental medicine, 1-
assumed limitations and gives recommendations for work-life 7.
balance for future development. [17]., F. (2013). Worklife balance - a psychological
perspective. New York: Press-Psychology press.
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