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Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation (2019) 1, 100022

Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation

Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation 2019;1:100022

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Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Does Gait Retraining Have the Potential to

Reduce Medial Compartmental Loading in
Individuals With Knee Osteoarthritis While
Not Adversely Affecting the Other Lower
Limb Joints? A Systematic Review
Jake Bowd, MSc a,b, Paul Biggs, PhD a,b, Cathy Holt, PhD a,b,
Gemma Whatling, PhD a,b

College of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom
Biomechanics and Bioengineering Research Centre Versus Arthritis, Cardiff University, Cardiff,
United Kingdom

KEYWORDS Abstract Objectives: To review the literature regarding gait retraining to reduce knee adduc-
Gait; tion moments and their effects on hip and ankle biomechanics.
Osteoarthritis, knee; Data Sources: Twelve academic databases were searched from inception to January 2019. Key
Rehabilitation; words “walk*” OR “gait,” “knee” OR “adduction moment,” “osteoarthriti*” OR “arthriti*” OR
Systematic review “osteo arthriti*” OR “OA,” and “hip” OR “ankle” were combined with conjunction “and” in all
Study Selection: Abstracts and full-text articles were assessed by 2 individuals against a pre-
defined criterion.
Data Synthesis: Of the 11 studies, sample sizes varied from 8-40 participants. Eight different
gait retraining styles were evaluated: hip internal rotation, lateral trunk lean, toe-in, toe-
out, increased step width, medial thrust, contralateral pelvic drop, and medial foot weight
transfer. Using the Black and Downs tool, the methodological quality of the included studies
was fair to moderate ranging between 12 of 25 to 18 of 28. Trunk lean and medial thrust pro-
duced the biggest reductions in first peak knee adduction moment. Studies lacked collective
sagittal and frontal plane hip and ankle joint biomechanics. Generally, studies had a low

List of abbreviations: EHAM, external hip adduction moment; EKAM, external knee adduction moment; OA, osteoarthritis; SMD, stan-
dardized mean difference.
Supported by the School of Engineering at Cardiff University in their commitment to the Biomechanics and Bioengineering Research Centre
Versus Arthritis (BBRC VA) (Versus Arthritis [20781]) (PhD funding for Bowd). Funders were not involved with design and conduct of the
study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; and preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript.
Disclosures: none
Clinical Trial Registration No.: CRD42018085738.
Cite this article as: Arch Rehabil Res Clin Transl. 2019;1:100022.

2590-1095/Crown Copyright ª 2019 Published by Elsevier Inc on behalf of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. This is an open
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
2 J. Bowd et al.

sample size of healthy participants with no osteoarthritis and assessed gait retraining during 1
laboratory visit while not documenting the difficulty of the gait retraining style.
Conclusions: Gait retraining techniques may reduce knee joint loading; however, the biome-
chanical effects to the pelvis, hip, and ankle is unknown, and there is a lack of understanding
for the ease of application of the gait retraining styles.
Crown Copyright ª 2019 Published by Elsevier Inc on behalf of the American Congress of Reha-
bilitation Medicine. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://

Overloading of the medial knee compartment has been retraining in reducing knee joint pain and discomfort,13
strongly associated with osteoarthritis (OA) progression1 justifying the necessity of a systematic review of the
and radiographic disease severity.2 The parameter of most current literature.
relevance to medial knee OA is the external knee adduction Previous research has indicated that patients with knee
moment (EKAM).3 This moment, which acts to force the OA experience abnormal loads of their major weight-
tibia into varus, has been validated as a reliable indicator of bearing joints bilaterally, and abnormalities persist
medial knee load.4 The EKAM reflects medial-to-lateral despite treatment of the affected limb.13 Further treat-
knee joint load distribution during gait.5 In the presence ment may be required if we are to protect the other major
of increased EKAM, the medial compartment of the tibial- joints following joint arthroplasty. No systematic review
femoral joint will typically experience increased load.3 has established what effects changing knee joint loading via
Numerous potential gait modifications have been proposed gait style modification has on the other ipsilateral and
to reduce EKAM.3 These alterations include wide stance gait,6 contralateral joints in the lower limbs as well as trunk
toe-out gait,7,8 toe-in gait,3 medial thrust gait,9,10 trunk lean biomechanics. To lower knee joint loading, altered gait
gait,11 and medial foot weight transfer of the foot.12 Conse- styles will undoubtedly change the kinematics and/or
quently, gait modifying strategies have been proposed as a kinetics at the neighboring joints (eg, for toe-in gait the
conservative strategy to reduce knee joint loading.3 foot is at a more inverted position throughout the gait
The systematic review of Simic et al3 analyzed gait cycle). The clinical benefit of reducing the EKAM variables
modification strategies for altering medial knee joint is questionable if there are detrimental consequences to
load. Simic3 concluded that different gait modifications other joints of the lower body. If the goal of gait retraining
exert different effects on dynamic knee load at varying is to alleviate pain and slow down the deterioration of
points throughout the gait cycle. Of the 14 gait modifi- medial joint loading at the knee itself while not adversely
cations identified, medial thrust and trunk lean most affecting hip and ankle joint function, then an appreciation
consistently reduced first peak EKAM. However, some of of what biomechanical changes are occurring at the hip and
the reported results were conflicting and/or based on very ankle joints is fundamental.
few or single studies. In addition, sufficient data were not The objectives of this systematic review were (1) to
available to address whether there are any changes at identify the consequences of gait modifications on the
other lower extremity joints with the implementation of biomechanics of the ankle and hip as well as trunk and
gait modifications to reduce EKAM.3 It has been suggested pelvis biomechanics and (2) to establish whether gait styles
that an increased loading rate in the lower extremity and gait retraining can reduce medial knee loading as
joints may lead to a faster progression of existing OA and assessed by first and second peak EKAMs. Additionally, a
to the onset of OA at joints adjacent to the knee.3 third objective was to outline participant-reported out-
Therefore, any interventions for knee OA should be comes on how easy the gait retraining style was to imple-
assessed for their effects on the mechanics of all joints of ment. This would aid the clinical translation of
the lower extremity. This warrants the current review to aforementioned gait retraining techniques.
establish the body of evidence on how changes to EKAM
affects adjacent joints to the knee as a result of modifying
an individual’s gait. Richards et al13 outlined the potential Methods
of direct feedback on modifying gait. In this study the
authors considered the effects of reducing EKAM on the Protocol and registration
hip and ankle joints. Richards13 concluded that external
hip moments were not significantly increased with a In accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Sys-
modified gait, but small increases in external ankle tematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines14 the pro-
adduction moment and external knee flexion moment tocol for this systematic review was registered with the
were observed. The interaction between hip, knee, and International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews on
ankle biomechanics is not well understood when modi- January 23, 2018 (registration ID: CRD42018085738) (avail-
fying gait in patients with medial knee OA and needs to be able at https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_
reviewed to make clinical decisions on the role of gait record.php?RecordIDZ85738).
Effects of reducing knee joint loading 3

Eligibility criteria The search strategy was designed by following the patient,
intervention, comparison, and outcome model.16
No study design, date, or language limits were applied. The electronic databases were searched through using
After the first search, only peer-reviewed quantitative the combination of key search terms organized into sets
academic articles published in English were considered. and combined with the operators “AND” and “OR”
Any study design that evaluated the effect of any gait (supplemental appendix S1, available online only at http://
retraining technique on EKAM while also evaluating at least www.archives-pmr.org/).
1 biomechanical variable at the ankle and/or hip was
eligible for inclusion. There was no restriction on whether Study selection
the participants of a study had to be clinically diagnosed as
having medial knee OA. The reason for including studies Titles were assessed by 1 author (J.B.B.). The principal in-
involving gait retraining on healthy participants without OA vestigators for each ClinicalTrials.gov identifier number
was because of the anticipated lack of studies using par- (NCT number) were contacted to ascertain what peer-
ticipants with symptomatic knee OA, as evidenced in pre- reviewed articles had been published from these clinical
vious systematic reviews on similar topics.3,15 In the trials. Two authors assessed the abstracts of the remaining
interpretation of results, cohorts with and without OA are articles (P.R.B. and J.B.B.) independently. To ensure con-
presented separately to establish any biomechanical sistency and for expert advice, articles that were included in
differences between them when adopting a gait style. the systematic review were collectively reviewed by J.B.B.,
P.R.B., and C.A.H. During a meeting, the key data that were
to be extracted from each study were determined.

Gait retraining was defined as any researcher-initiated Data collection process

alteration of natural gait without the use of any devices
or walking aids. Studies were included if they used JBB extracted the data for the following items: study
3-dimensional motion analysis and force plateederived design, sample size, participant characteristics, gait
data during both natural and modified gait conditions as modification and/or technique used, EKAM parameters
well as providing EKAM data. The altered gait style (inter- evaluated, study duration, ankle and/or hip biomechanical
vention variable) was compared with the individual’s nat- analysis that was undertaken, and the main study findings.
ural level gait (control variable).
Studies evaluating post knee operations such as total Risk of bias in individual studies
knee replacements as well as studies that included partic-
ipants with specific diseases and conditions that can affect Risk of bias was assessed using the Downs and Black quality
the participant’s gait were excluded. index.17 This is a validated index for nonrandomized trials15
consisting of 27 items used to assess reporting quality (items
1-10), external validity (items 11-13), internal validity (items
Information sources
14-26), and study power (item 27). The tool has been used in
various modified forms for gait focusing on interventions
Database searches were undertaken by 1 reviewer (J.B.B.) aimed at individuals with knee OA.3,18-21 Piloting of the tool
with the assistance of 2 experienced librarians up to January and agreeing on interpretation of the questions were under-
2019 on the following databases: Cumulative Index to Nursing taken by 2 reviewers (J.B.B. and P.R.B.). Risk of bias scores for
and Allied Health (CINAHL, 1982-2019), EBSCO MEDLINE individual studies were rated in line with previous systematic
(MEDL) (1966-2019), Ovid Allied and Complementary Medicine reviews on similar topics.3,15 Neither review explicitly defined
Database (AMED) (1995-2019), Ovid EMCare (1995-2019), Ovid their boundaries in their articles, so the authors of the current
Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) (1991-2019), Web of Science review have inferred that 10-14 and 15-20 correspond with fair
(1900-2019), BIOSIS Citation Index (Web of Science) and moderate scores, respectively.
(1926-2019), Scopus (1960-2019), Cochrane Library (Cochrane
Library, DARE, and Central), ProQuest British Nursing Index
Summary measures
(BNI) (1994-2019), Turning Research Into Practice Pro (TRIP
PRO) (1997-2019), British Library e-theses online service
(EThOS) (all years until 2019), and ProQuest Dissertations & The principal summary measure from each article was the
Theses (1986-2019). Additionally, the International Prospec- within-group mean differences in hip and/or ankle data
tive Register of Systematic Reviews was searched for ongoing between natural level gait and the gait retraining inter-
or recently completed systematic reviews. vention presented as a percentage difference from natural
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and level gait. Summarized mean difference effect sizes were
Meta-Analyses guidelines14 were used as guidelines of how also calculated for these metrics.
to undertake this systematic review. EKAM has been used widely in the gait retraining litera-
ture as a surrogate measurement of medial knee joint
loading.3 For the purpose of this review, “natural level gait”
Search is defined as an individual assessment of an individual
walking without any instruction as to alter their ordinary
To ensure maximum saturation of articles, the search walking pattern when being assessed in a motion capture
strategy was purposely designed to be broad in its approach. laboratory. Finally, any data presented regarding participant
4 J. Bowd et al.

Records idenfied through database Addional records idenfied through

searching other sources
(n = 10,700) (n = 0)

Identification Records aer duplicates removed

via EndNote ‘Find Duplicates’ funcon

(n = 7,979)

Records excluded
Records screened (n = 18)

(n = 184)
Arcles excluded due to tle (n = 18)

Full-text arcles assessed for Full-text arcles excluded, with reasons

eligibility (n = 154)
(n = 166)
.. Clinical trial protocol: (n = 17)
Did not make inclusion/exclusion

criteria: (n = 111)
Duplicates removed
Protocol for an arcle: (n = 4)

(n = 1)
Conference abstract: (n = 17)

No English version: (n = 1)
Thesis: (n = 1)
Case study: (n = 1)

Academic leer: (n = 1)
Studies that made the inclusion Not yet published: (n = 1)
criteria No level floor gait analysis: (n = 1)
(n = 11)

Fig 1 Flow diagram of search strategy.

perceptions on task difficulty were extracted to consider the criteria where k values >0.81 represent “almost perfect”
practicality of translation to a clinical setting. agreement.22 To estimate the SMD, the mean and standard
deviation values were used. If mean and standard error mean
Changes from the original protocol data were provided in the studies, standard deviation was
calculated as standard error mean multiplied by the square
After analyzing the data from the 11 studies that met the root of the sample size. SMDs were calculated using the
inclusion criteria, there was enough evidence for trunk and Hedges’ g effect size. All results are presented as forest plots.
pelvic biomechanical data to be included in the analysis. The 95% CI was calculated and presented for each effect size.
Therefore, this review has also documented trunk and pelvic
biomechanical data. Additionally, the decision was made
after the databases were searched to include any informa-
tion on how easy the gait retraining was to implement.
Study selection
Synthesis of results
The search strategy resulted in a possible 184 studies to be
A synthesis of results is provided with information pre- included in the review, as shown in the Preferred Reporting
sented in the text and tables to summarize and explain the Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses flow dia-
main characteristics and findings of the included studies. gram (fig 1). The reviewers showed substantial agreement
The narrative synthesis explores the relationship of the in assessing the quality of each included study, kZ0.89.
findings between the included studies by way of gait style The 11 included articles focused on assessing the effects of
comparisons and methodological quality. The standardized gait modifications on reducing EKAM as well as documenting
mean difference (SMD) using the Hedges’ g effect size was biomechanical variables for the pelvis, hip, and ankle
calculated for the change in EKAM and hip and/or ankle joints. All data presented in this systematic review are from
kinetic metrics. The SMDs were standardized according to the medial knee OA ipsilateral limb for the patients. For
small (0.2-0.5), medium (0.51-0.8), and large (>0.8). healthy participants without OA, the data presented are for
the side reported in the respective article.
Statistical analysis
Study characteristics
Downs and Black scoring agreement between 2 reviewers
(J.B.B. and P.R.B.) was assessed using a Cohen’s kappa co- Table 1 outlines the group demographics. All studies,
efficient (k) statistic, with reference to Landis and Koch’s except that of Barrios et al,9 used a within-subject design,
Effects of reducing knee joint loading
Table 1 Group demographics
Authors Population Gait Retraining Gait Speeds, mean  SD Overground/ n (M:F) Age, mean Height, Mass, mean BMI,
Modification (m/s) Treadmill  SD (y) mean  SD  SD (kg) mean 
Walking (m) SD
Shull et al23 Symptomatic knee OA (K/L  T-I 1.230.21 Instrumented 12 (7:5) 59.812.0 1.710.8 77.718.0 26.54.2
grade1) treadmill
Richards Symptomatic knee OA  Self-selection NR Instrumented 40 (15:25) 61.76.0 1.730.10 77.211.0 25.62.5
et al18 combination of treadmill
T-I, WS, and MT
Erhart-Hledik Symptomatic knee OA and  Medial Control (natural speed Overground 10 (9:1) 65.39.8 NR NR 27.83.0
et al12 physician-diagnosed weight transfer [1.280.14]; fast speed
radiographic medial at the foot [1.530.18]); active feedback
compartment knee OA (K/L (natural speed [1.310.12];
grade1) fast group [1.500.15])
Gerbrands Symptomatic knee OA;  LT Comfortable walking Overground 30 (10:20) 61.06.2 1.710.1 75.713.1 NR
et al24 physician diagnosed with  MT (1.210.10); MT walking
radiographic and fulfilment of (1.020.19); TL walking
the criteria by the American (1.080.15)
College of Rheumatology
Charlton Radiographic medial  T-I 1.220.15 Overground and 15 (6:9) 67.99.4 1.670.11 75.615.0 NR
et al25 compartment knee OA (K/L  T-O a treadmill
Barrios et al9 Healthy without OA  HIR strategy 1.462.5 Overground 8 (7:1) 21.41.6 1.750.07 71.78.8 NR
Hunt et al26 Healthy without OA  LT Natural TL (1.420.18); small Overground 9 (3:6) 18.60.7 1.710.11 65.213.8 NR
TL (1.360.19); medium TL
(1.360.19); large TL
Mündermann Healthy without OA  Increased medio- Natural gait (1.480.17); Overground 19 (12:7) 22.83.1 1.750.97 70.516.3 NR
et al27 lateral trunk sway mediolateral trunk sway
van den Healthy without OA  HIR feedback 1.00.09 Instrumented 17 (8:7) 28.27.6 1.780.07 71.612.5 NR
Noort treadmill
et al28
Dunphy Healthy without OA  Contralateral 1.310.12 Instrumented 15 (7:8) 252.65 1.730.08 76.716.5 25.75.06
et al29 pelvic drop treadmill
Khan et al30 Healthy without OA  T-O; Slow (0.85); natural (1.18); Overground 20 (8:12) 29.04.10 1.650.11 59.310.4 NR
 T-I fast (1.43)
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared); F, female; HIR, hip internal rotation; K/L, Kellgren and Lawrence grade; LT,
lateral trunk lean; M, male; MT, medial thrust; NR, not reported; T-I, toe-in gait; WS, wide stance gait.

6 J. Bowd et al.

Table 2 Disease severity

Authors Population K/L Grade PROMs
Shull et al 23
Symptomatic knee OA II: 4, III: 7, IV: 1 WOMAC pain, mean  SD: 74.219.0 (max 100)
WOMAC function, mean  SD: 81.721.6 (max 100)
Richards et al18 Symptomatic knee OA I: 19, II: 8, III: 9, IV: 4 WOMAC pain, mean  SD: 5.353.13 (max 20)
WOMAC function, mean  SD: 19.1012.08 (max 68)
WOMAC stiffness: 3.251.96 (max 8)
Baseline pain: 3.052.16 (max 10)
Gerbrands et al24 Symptomatic knee OA NR KOOS pain (%): 57.5 (13.4)
KOOS function (%): 62.3 (14.1)
Erhart-Hledik et al12 Symptomatic knee OA All>I. Daily pain score: 3.2 (3.6)
Charlton et al25 Radiographic knee OA II: 7; III: 8 WOMAC pain, mean  SD: 42.2 (max 20)
WOMAC stiffness, mean  SD: 3.01.3 (max 8)
WOMAC function, mean  SD: 15.48.0 (max 68
Hunt et al26 Healthy with no OA NR NR
Barrios et al9 Healthy with no OA NR KOOS-SR score, mean  SD: 0.70.9 (max 20)
Mundermann et al27 Healthy with no OA NR NR
van den Noort et al28 Healthy with no OA NR NR
Dunphy et al29 Healthy with no OA NR NR
Khan et al30 Healthy with no OA NR NR
Abbreviations: K/L, Kellgren and Lawrence grade; KOOS, Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score; NR, not reported; PROM,
patient-reported outcome measure; SR, function in Sport and Recreation; WOMAC, Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteo-
arthritis Index.

and most studies evaluated the immediate within-session Results of individual studies
effect and potential benefits of gait retraining. Sample
sizes varied from 8-40 participants. Six of the 11 studies Overall gait retraining style strategies
assessed healthy participants without OA, and 5 included SMDs were calculated using the Hedges’ g effect size. All
participants with knee OA. In the systematic review of results are presented as forest plots in figures 2-6 for EKAM
Simic et al3 there was only study of interest to be included 1 and 2, hip kinetics, hip kinematics, ankle kinetics, and
in the current systematic review.27 Table 2 presents the ankle kinematics, respectively. Eight different gait
Kellgren and Lawrence grade and patient-reported retraining styles were evaluated (see table 1): hip internal
outcome measures on knee OA disease severity for the rotation,9,24 trunk lean,24,26,27 toe-in gait,23,25,30 contra-
articles that included patients with knee OA in their lateral pelvic drop,29 medial thrust gait,24 medial weight
research. transfer at the foot,12 toe-out gait,25,30 and self-selected
combination of toe-in, wide stance, and medial thrust.18
Individual studies assessing these various gait style in-
Risk of bias within studies terventions also varied in terms of study quality. Two
studies assessing toe-in gait had scores of 12 and 14 of 25
The methodological quality of the included studies was fair for study quality,23,30 respectively. One hip internal rota-
to moderate. The quality indices of included articles tion study28 scored 14 of 25 while another scored 18 of 28.9
ranged from 12 of 25 to 18 of 28 with a mean of 15.0 The SMD effect size varied across studies for a given
(table 3). Studies assessing participants with OA ranged measured variable as well as varying 95% CI for the effect
from 14-17, while the studies of healthy cohorts without OA size.
had a wider range of methodological quality ranging from
12-18. All studies that involved OA participants had high Biomechanical variables reported
reporting scores, low external validity scores, 4 of 6 for
internal validity (bias), low scoring 0-2 of 6 for internal Primary analysis: hip kinetic biomechanics
validity (confounding), and scored for power reporting. Peak external abduction moment was addressed in 2
Studies that used a healthy cohort without OA varied in studies. One study showed a null to small effect due to a
their reporting (6-10 of 10), 0 of 3 for external validity, trunk lean intervention for all 3 trunk lean angles
mixed scores for internal validity (confounding) (1-3 of 6), assessed,26 with the small effect resulting from the largest
and varied in reporting the sample power of the respective of the 3 trunk leans assessed (w12 ) (SMD, 0.23; CI, 0.69
study. Average interrater reliability between the 2 inde- to 1.16). This is compared with a large increase due to a
pendent reviewers (J.B.B. and P.R.B.) across all questions trunk lean (w10 ) intervention in another study27 (SMD,
was very strong (kZ0.89) (supplemental appendix S2, 0.89; CI, 0.23-1.56). These findings indicate that there may
available online only at http://www.archives-pmr.org/). be a dose-response effect on trunk lean angle and an in-
Table 3 outlines J.B.B.’s scoring for the risk of bias for each crease in peak external hip abduction moment. Both
study. studies assessed healthy participants without OA and
Effects of reducing knee joint loading 7

Table 3 Risk of bias within studies

Authors Population Reporting External Internal Internal Validity: Power Methodological
(nZ1-10) Validity Validity: Confounding (nZ27) Score
(nZ11-13) Bias (nZ14-20) (nZ21-26) (/25 or /28)
Shull et al23 Symptomatic 9 0 4 0 1 14/25
knee OA
Richards et al18 Symptomatic 8 0 4 2 1 15/25
knee OA
Gerbrands et al24 Symptomatic 9 0 4 1 1 15/25
knee OA
Erhart-Hledik Symptomatic 9 1 4 2 1 17/25
et al12 knee OA
Charlton et al25 Radiographic 9 0 4 1 1 15/25
knee OA
Barrios et al9 Healthy with 10 0 4 3 1 18/28
no OA
Hunt et al26 Healthy with 9 0 4 2 0 15/25
no OA
Mundermann Healthy with 8 0 4 2 1 15/25
et al27 no OA
van den Noort Healthy with 7 0 4 3 0 14/25
et al28 no OA
Dunphy et al29 Healthy with 9 0 4 2 0 15/25
no OA
Khan et al30 Healthy with 6 0 4 1 1 12/25
no OA
NOTE. Barrios et al9 used the KOOS-SR score (Function in Sport and Recreation), which ranged from 0-20, a score of 0 indicating no
difficulty. Shull et al23 measured WOMAC levels on the day of assessment, with the scale ranging from 0-100 with 100 indicating no pain
and perfect function. Richards et al18 measured WOMAC levels on the day of assessment, evaluating the pain and function of the
participant in the past week, with the lower the scoring of pain out of 20 equating to the lower the pain, and the lower the score out of a
maximum of 68 being the better the function of the participant. Gerbrands et al24 assessed pain and function using the KOOS; scores are
presented as a percentage, where 0% represents extreme problems and 100% represents no problems. Daily pain score ranged from 0-10,
with 0 indicating no pain and 10 indicating worst pain.
Abbreviations: K/L grade, Kellgren and Lawrence system; KOOS, Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score; NR, not reported; OA,
osteoarthritis; PROM, patient-reported outcome measure; WOMAC, The Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index.

lacked external validity, which severely hinders any in- be different from the use of a medial thrust gait style,
ferences to gait alterations on peak external hip abduction which indicates a small effect size increase (SMD, 0.25; CI,
moments in a population with medial knee OA. 0.26 to 0.75).
Peak external hip adduction moment (EHAM) was In terms of sagittal plane hip kinetics, only 1 study18
assessed by 1 study,18 which indicated a null effect (SMD assessed peak external hip flexion moment, indicating a
<0.2) when using various feedback mechanisms to reduce null effect for all 4 different feedback mechanisms
EKAM 1. Richards et al18 evaluated the effect of real-time (SMD<0.2). Maximum hip axial loading rates were assessed
feedback on a population with OA. First and/or early by 1 study,9 which indicated a null effect (SMD, 0.08; CI,
peak EHAM was assessed in 3 trunk lean studies showing 0.72 to 0.55).
conflicting effects.24,26,27 The conflicting findings may be Overall, reporting of hip kinetic data is lacking across
because 1 study used a cohort group with OA24 (indicating a the studies. Caution must be had when interpreting these
small effect increase (SMD, 0.36; CI, 0.15 to 0.87) and the results because of the lack of external validity and the
other 2 assessed a healthy cohort without OA26,27 (indi- different population groups assessed in each study. Addi-
cating a small and a large effect size decrease in late tionally, the 95% CI was large for all variables assessed, with
stance EHAM). most metrics 95% CI measured crossing the line of null
Late stance peak EHAM changes due to a trunk lean effect.
intervention indicate that the greater the trunk lean
implemented, the lower the reduction in late stance peak Primary analysis: ankle kinetic biomechanics
EHAM with increasingly higher effect size associated with Early and late stance peak external inversion moment were
the change accordingly to the increase in trunk lean angle. assessed in 1 study.24 In the early stance, a null effect for
However, caution must be had because 1 study assessed a trunk lean was calculated (SMD, 0; CI, 0.51 to 0.51) but
patient population24 while the other assessed a healthy potentially increasing when adopting a medial thrust gait
group of participants without OA.26 This change in late (SMD, 0.49; CI, 0.02 to 1.01). Late stance24 indicated null
stance peak EHAM for a trunk lean intervention appears to effect for trunk lean (SMD, 0.15; CI, 0.66 to 0.36) and
8 J. Bowd et al.

Fig 2 Forest plot of EKAM 1 and EKAM 2 comparing the given study intervention with normal gait. Articles bold, in red, with an
* indicate studies that assessed participants with knee OA.

small effect medial thrust (SMD, 0.33; CI, 0.84 to 0.18) Peak frontal and sagittal plane external moments were
reductions in peak external inversion moment. This study assessed by 1 study.18 In the frontal plane, the effect sizes
was rated as moderate (15/25) and assessed a population should be interpreted with caution because of the very high
with OA. standard deviation. Sagittal plane moment indicated a null

Fig 3 Forest plot of hip kinetic metrics comparing the given study intervention with normal gait. Articles bold, in red, with an
* indicate studies that assessed participants with knee OA. Abbreviation: HFM, hip flexion moment.
Effects of reducing knee joint loading 9

Fig 4 Forest plot of hip kinematic metrics comparing the given study intervention with normal gait. Articles bold, in red, with an
* indicate studies that assessed participants with knee OA. Abbreviations: HIR, hip internal rotation; MT, medial thrust; ROM, range
of motion; TL, trunk lean. Van den Noort et al28 (A) bar visual feedback on HIR. Van den Noort et al28 (B) polar visual feedback on
HIR. Van den Noort et al28 (C) color visual feedback on HIR. Van den Noort et al28 (D) graph visual feedback on HIR.

effect for the various intervention types used by Richards All ankle kinetic data presented above used a population
et al.18 This study was rated as moderate (15/25) and with OA within their studies, with varying methodological
assessed a population with OA. scores (14-17 of 25), having scored low on external validity.
Peak external ankle eversion/inversion and plantar- Caution should be had when assessing the effect sizes alone
flexion/dorsiflexion moments were assessed in 1 study,25 all because the 95% CI tends to cross the line of null effect.
of which had a 95% CI crossing the line of null effect. This Therefore, interpretation should always consider the 95% CI
indicates that caution should be taken when interpreting the values when making conclusions for a gait style.
SMD effect size in isolation. This was also true for peak
external ankle plantarflexion/dorsiflexion moment im- Trunk and pelvis biomechanics
pulses,25 again limiting the interpretation of the SMD value. Six studies reported various pelvic and/or trunk biome-
However, for toe-out gait peak external ankle eversion chanics data23,24,26-29 (table 4). Shull et al23 did not find any
moment impulse appears to reduce while having a null effect significant changes in lateral trunk sway at first or second
for toe-in gait. For the peak external ankle inversion moment peak EKAM between natural gait and a toe-in gait modifi-
impulse, there appears to be a large effect size indicating an cation. Gerbrands et al24 reported a significant increase in
increased load when adopting a toe-in gait compared with peak trunk angle between natural gait to both trunk lean
natural gait (SMD, 1.43; CI, 0.6-2.26). This study was rated as and medial thrust gait modifications. The trunk biome-
moderate (15/25) and assessed a population with OA. chanics presented by Hunt et al26 and Mündermann et al27
Center of pressure at EKAM 1 and EKAM 2 was only describe the mean  SD trunk lean angles for the gait
assessed for toe-in gait,23; both indicating no effect size styles performed. Van den Noort et al28 outlines a number
(SMD<0.2) when adopting a toe-in gait style. First and of trunk and hip changes with and without hip internal
second half of stance center of pressure were assessed in 1 rotation feedback on hip internal rotation. Dunphy et al29
study,12 which reported a large effect size increase in the studied the influence of contralateral pelvic drop and
first half of stance center of pressure because of the noted the differences in pelvic drop angle between natural
intervention and small size increase in the second half of gait and contralateral pelvic drop gait style.
stance center of pressure (SMD, 0.85 and 0.28, respec-
tively). However, the 95% CI for these 2 variables cross the
line of null effect, so caution must be taken in the inter- External knee adduction moment
pretation of these findings. Maximum ankle axial loading
rates was assessed by 1 study,9 which indicated a null effect Trunk lean (w10 )27 had the biggest reduction in EKAM 1
(SMD, 0.15; CI, 0.79 to 0.49). compared with natural walking (SMD, 1.99; CI, 2.72 to
10 J. Bowd et al.

Fig 5 Forest plot of ankle kinetic metrics comparing the given study intervention with normal gait. Articles bold, in red, with an
* indicate studies that assessed participants with knee OA. Abbreviations: CoP, center of pressure; MT, medial thrust; T-I, toe in;
TL, trunk lean; T-O, toe out.

1.18). In addition, other studies assessing trunk lean Ease of adapting gait style
indicated large reductions in EKAM 124 (SMD, 1.18; CI,
2.24 to 0.11)26 (SMD, 0.45; CI, 1.12 to 0.24). Trunk After the review protocol was made available, the authors
lean also appears to be dose dependentdthe larger the of the review decided that it would enrich the study to
degree of trunk lean, the larger the reduction in EKAM 1. extract additional information to establish the ease of
Hip internal rotation9 (SMD, 1.24; CI, 2.31 to 0.17), adopting a given gait style. Five studies included subjective
medial thrust24 (SMD, 0.66; CI, 1.17 to 0.13), toe-in commentary on how easy the gait retraining was to
gait (SMD, 0.57; CI, 1.29 to 0.17),25 and a self- implement,9,23-26,28 with 3 of them9,25,28 asking the partic-
selection of a combination of toe-in, wider stance, and ipants for their feedback. Barrios et al9 found that effort
medialization of the knee position while receiving visual and how natural the retraining was to implement improved
direct feedback on EKAM (SMD, 0.54; CI, 0.98 to 0.09) from sessions 1 to 8. In the study by van den Noort et al,28
also had medium to large effect size on reducing EKAM 1. the intuitiveness of the type of feedback was verbally
The effects of gait styles on EKAM 2 were less pro- tested after each trial by a subjective score on the ques-
nounced, with only 2 studies showing a medium effect size tion, “How well were you able to modify your gait pattern?”
reduction, using polar visual feedback on hip internal There were no significant differences between subjective
rotation (SMD, 0.60; CI, 1.28 to 0.09)25 and toe-out gait scoring of the intuitiveness for all visual feedback trials.
(w20 )25 (SMD, 0.50; CI, 1.23 to 0.22). All studies that Therefore, the type of visual feedback is not of primary
assessed a gait style compared with natural gait for EKAM 2 concern when aiming to modify gait.28 In the study by
had a CI that crossed the line of null effect. Charlton et al,25 discomfort levels were low across the
Effects of reducing knee joint loading 11

Fig 6 Forest plot of ankle kinematic metrics comparing the given study intervention with normal gait. Abbreviations: FPA, foot
progression angle; IC, initial contact; T-I, toe in; T-O, toe out.

toe-in, natural, and toe-out walks for the ankle and/or modifications it is necessary to capture the immediate and
foot, knee, and hip. All participants in the study by Hunt long-term effects on patient-reported pain, function, and
et al26 reported at least some difficulty in performing the discomfort.
increased trunk lean walking trials. Shull et al23 commented
on the ease of learning toe-in gait only within the article’s
discussion section. Subjectively, participants in the afore- Discussion
mentioned study appeared to walk naturally with toe-in
gait. Summary of evidence

Study quality assessment This systematic review evaluated whether gait retraining
can reduce EKAM while not affecting adjacent joints. This is
The methodologic quality of included studies could be the first systematic review that has evidenced a lack of
considered fair to moderate. Overall, 2 studies were rated reporting of hip and/or ankle joint biomechanics when
fair, and 9 studies were moderately rated (see table 3). altered knee joint loading is targeted during gait retraining
Studies lacked external validity and internal validity (con- protocols. On the evidence currently available in the gait
founding). In addition to the methodological issues high- retraining literature we cannot not confirm whether there
lighted by the Downs and Black tool, other methodologic is an adverse effect on adjacent joints to the knee when
issues included the failure to thoroughly control extraneous adopting a gait style because of the lack of evidence and
variables such as speed and step length, inadequate conflicting evidence presented.
standardization of gait modification magnitudes, and This systematic review suggests that different gait
small sample sizes. Also, to assess the efficacy of gait retraining strategies may have different knee joint loading
Table 4 Percentage change in EKAM parameter measured between normal gait and gait retraining intervention
Authors 1st Peak EKAM Values (presented as %BW*H 2nd Peak EKAM Values (%BW*H) % Change in 1st Peak % Change in 2nd Peak
unless otherwise stated) EKAM EKAM
Shull et al23 Baseline: 3.28 (1.37); T-I: 2.90 (1.38)y Baseline: 1.98 (1.14); T-I: 1.94 (1.09) T-I: 13% NS
Richards et al18 Combination of WS, T-I, and MT gait NR Visual feedback: 14% NR
modifications with real-time feedback. Retention: 9%
Baseline: 3.29 (1.00); visual feedback with self-
selected combination of WS, T-I, and MT gait:
2.82 (0.71)y; retention: 3.00 (0.77)y
Gerbrands et al24 Baseline: 0.24 (0.12); TL: 0.15 (0.10)y; MT: 0.17 Baseline: 0.19 (0.12); TL:0.15 (0.10)y; MT: 0.17 TL: 38% TL: 21%
(0.09)y (0.10) MT: 29% MT: NS
Erhart-Hledik et al12 Baseline: 2.41 (1.10); medial weight transfer at Baseline: 1.71 (1.01); medial weight transfer at Medial weight transfer at Medial weight transfer at
the foot: 2.26 (1.04)y the foot, normal gait: 1.47 (0.96)y the foot: 6% the foot, normal gait:
Baseline, fast walking: 2.90 (1.28); medial Medial weight transfer at the foot, fast gait: Medial weight transfer at 14%
weight transfer at the foot, fast walking: 2.63 1.50 (1.13) the foot, fast gait: 9% Medial weight transfer at
(1.35)y the foot, fast gait: NS
Charlton et al25 Baseline: 0.48 (0.14) (N m/kg); T-I: 0.4 (0.14) Baseline: 0.39 (0.14) (N m/kg); T-I: 0.47 (0.13) T-I: 20% zero rotation: T-I: þ17% zero rotation:
(N m/kg); zero rotation: 0.44 (0.13) (N m/kg); (N m/kg); zero rotation: 0.42 (0.12) (N m/kg); 9% þ7%
T-O (10 ) 0.48 (0.14) (N m/kg); T-O (20 ) 0.51 T-O (10 ) 0.37 (0.13) (N m/kg); T-O (20 ) 0.32 T-O (10 ): 0% T-O (10 ): 5%
(0.14) (N m/kg) (0.14) (N m/kg) T-O (20 ): þ6% T-O (20 ): þ22%
Barrios et al9 Baseline visit: 0.426 (0.065) (N m/kg); post NR Post training: 20% NR
training: 0.34 (0.66)* (N m/kg); 1-month post: 1 month post: 20%
0.34 (0.073)* (N m/kg)
Hunt et al26 Baseline: 4.07 (1.64); small lean: 3.82 (1.77); Baseline: 1.89 (0.77); small lean: 1.64 (0.96); Small lean: NS NS
medium lean: 3.37 (1.72)*; large lean: 3.26 medium lean: 1.64 (1.02); large lean: 1.60 Medium lean: 21%
(1.64)* (0.90) Large lean: 25%
Mundermann et al27 Baseline: 2.0 (0.7); increased trunk sway: 0.7 NR Increased trunk sway: NR
(0.6)y 65%
van den Noort et al28 Baseline: 2.14 (0.20); HIR color feedback: 1.92 Baseline: 1.91 (0.29); HIR color: 1.60 (0.34); HIR color: NS HIR color: NS
(0.25); HIR polar feedback: 1.73 (0.24) HIR polar: 1.14 (0.32)y HIR polar: NS HIR polar: 40.32 %
Dunphy et al29 Baseline: 0.41 (0.03); contralateral pelvic NR Contralateral pelvic NR
drop: 0.56 (0.04)* drop: þ37%
Khan et al30 Slow, ST: 1.81 (NR); slow, T-I: 1.82 (NR); slow, Slow, ST: 1.28 (NR); slow, T-I: 1.64 (NR)*; slow, Slow, T-I: NS; normal, T- Slow, T-I: þ22%; normal,
T-O: 2.28 (NR)*; T-O: 1.13 (NR)*; I: 9%; fast, T-I: 21% T-I: þ 20%; fast, T-I: NS
Normal, ST: 1.96 (NR); normal, T-I: 1.80 (NR)*; Normal, ST: 1.42 (NR); normal, T-I: 1.70 (NR)*; Slow, T-O: þ26%; Slow, T-O: 12%;
normal, T-O: 2.81 (NR)* fast, ST: 2.70 (NR); normal, T-O: 1.06 (NR)*; normal, T-O: þ43%; fast, normal, T-O: 25%; fast,
fast, T-I: 2.23 (NR)*; fast, T-O: 3.08 (NR)* Fast, ST: 1.56 (NR); fast, T-I: 1.60 (NR); fast, T- T-O: þ14% T-O: 22%
O: 1.22 (NR)*

J. Bowd et al.
Abbreviations: baseline, normal gait; HIR, hip internal rotation; medium lean, 8  ; large lean, 12  ; MT, medial thrust; small lean, 4  ; NR, not reported; NS, not significant, P>.05; %BW*H,
percent body weight multiplied by height; ST, straight-toe gait; T-I, toe-in gait; T-L, trunk lean; T-O, toe-out gait; WS, wide stance gait.
* P<.05.
Effects of reducing knee joint loading
Table 5 Biomechanical consequences of gait retraining at the trunk, hip, ankle, foot, and CoP
Authors Trunk and Pelvis Hip Ankle, Foot, and CoP
Shull et al 23
 NS LT sway between T-I gait (0.2 [2.0]) and  NS findings for peak HIR angle between  Significant difference between normal gait FPA
normal gait (0.5 [2.3]) at first peak EKAM, normal gait (3.2 [3.8 ]) and T-I gait (4.1 at first (3.3 [4.5 ]) and second (3.9 [4.6 ]) peak

PZ.44; [4.1 ]), PZ.18. EKAM compared with FPA for T-I gait at first
 NS LT sway between T-I gait (0.4 [1.3]) and (2.6 [6.3 ]) and second (1.4 [6.4 ]) peak
normal gait (0.6 [1.2]) at second peak EKAM, EKAM;
PZ.48;  Early stance, the CoP shifted laterally from
 NS peak lateral trunk sway angle between normal gait (27 [77]mm) compared with 33 (79)
normal gait (1.5 [1.6 ]) and T-I gait (1.3 mm, PZ.04;
[0.5 ]), PZ.49.  Late stance CoP did not significantly change
between normal gait (30 [83]mm) and T-I gait
(30 [83]mm), PZ.96.
Richards et al18  NR  NS changes in the peak EHAM, PZ.083;  Peak EAAM was significantly increased compared
 NS changes in peak HFM between normal gait with baseline during the second peak EKAM vi-
and gait modifications, PZ.182. sual feedback trial and the final retention trial,
 NS in peak EAFM for any condition, P>.058;
 FPA significantly more internally rotated during
second EKAM visual feedback and retention tri-
als, P<.001;
 Patients significantly increased their step widths
during all trials.
Gerbrands et al24  During the MT the peak trunk angle significantly  Early stance peak hip flexion angle signifi-  Significant reductions were found for late stance
increased to 5.5 (3.7 ), and during the TL the cantly increased from normal walking (15.3 peak ankle inversion moment of 3% during MT

peak trunk angle significantly increased to 16.1 [37.7 ]) to 18.2 [37.2 ] during TL, P<.05. NS gait compared with normal walking (P<.05).
(5.5 ) compared with normal walking trunk in early stance peak hip flexion angle be- Peaks did not increase significantly for plantar
angle of 3.4 (1.8 ), P<.05. tween normal walking (15.3 [37.7 ]) and MT and dorsal ankle moments between the 2
(10.2 [21.1 ]), P>.05; different walking styles.
 NS findings in EHAM between baseline
walking trials and neither the TL or MT gait
retraining trials at both the first and second
peak EKAM, P>.05.
Erhart-Hledik et al12  NR  NR  NS changes in peak ankle eversion angle in
stance between control (13.9 [5.4 ]) and active
feedback (14.7 [5.3 ]), PZ.193 for normal
walking speed.
 Average foot CoP in the first half of stance phase
in the medial/lateral direction was significantly
different between control (43.1 [5.6]mm) and
active feedback (49.0 [7.6]mm), PZ.011 for
normal walking speed. Average foot CoP in the
second half of stance phase was significantly
different between control (28.3 [9.5]mm) and

active feedback (31.8 [13.7]mm), PZ.079;
(continued on next page)
Table 5 (continued )
Authors Trunk and Pelvis Hip Ankle, Foot, and CoP
 Average foot CoP in the first half of stance phase
was significantly different between control (43.9
[6.0]mm) and active feedback (47.5 [6.7]mm),
PZ.006, for fast walking speed. NS CoP findings
in the second half of stance phase for fast
walking speed.
Charlton et al25  NR  NR  T-I 10 significantly increased rearfoot inversion
angles by 68%, 139%, and 289% for ZR, T-O 10 ,
and T-O 20 , respectively. T-O 20 resulted in
significantly decreased rearfoot inversion angles
by 57% compared with natural gait.
 Significant peak frontal plane rearfoot angles
during stance. T-I 10 significantly decreased
rearfoot eversion by 48%, 57%, and 61%
compared with all the other conditions. Signifi-
cant differences in frontal plane ankle rearfoot
excursion was observed. T-I 10 significantly
increased frontal plane rearfoot excursion by
20%, 32%, and 50% compared with all the other
conditions. Also, ZR resulted in significantly
increased frontal plane rearfoot angle excursion
by 25% compared with T-O 20 .
 Significant differences for sagittal plane ankle
angles at IC was observed. Angles at IC during T-I
10 were significantly more dorsiflexed by 129%
compared with T-O 10 . Additionally, T-O 20
was significantly more dorsiflexed by 138% and
136% compared with ZR and T-O 10 . No main
effects could be detected for peak sagittal
plane ankle angles during stance or for sagittal
plane ankle angle excursion.
 The foot rotation conditions resulted in
different EKAM magnitudes, evidenced by the
significant main effect for early and late stance
peak EKAM.
 NS findings for ankle eversion moment impulse
after post hoc correction. No main effect for

J. Bowd et al.
ankle inversion moment impulse could be
 A main effect for step width was found across
conditions (PZ.001). Pairwise comparisons
revealed that T-I 10 increased step width
compared with all the other conditions.
Effects of reducing knee joint loading
Barrios et al9  NR  Significant increase between baseline natural  NR
gait peak HIR: 5.3 (7.4 ); posttraining
modified peak HIR: 13.5 (8.5 ); 1-month post
modified peak HIR: 12.8 (9.2 );
 NS change in peak hip adduction angle
(PZ.073); baseline natural gait hip adduc-
tion angle: 9.2 (2.4 ).
Hunt et al26  Normal gait TL 2.61 (1.64 );  Significant early stance peak EHAM differ-  NR
 Small TL 5 (0.87); ences were observed between all TL condi-
 Medium TL 8.34 (1.61); tions (5.22 [0.99], 4.61 [0.65], 4.09 [0.61] for
 Large TL 12.88 (1.91). small, medium, and large TL, respectively)
compared with normal walking (5.72 [0.90],
with greater early stance peak EHAM re-
ductions associated with increasing amounts
of TL, P<.001;
 NS differences in late stance peak EHAM for
any TL gait modification compared with
normal gait (4.16 [1.13]), P>.05;
 NS differences observed in peak hip abduc-
tion moment for any TL gait modifications
compared with normal gait (1.38 [1.10]).
Mundermann et al27  Increased mediolateral trunk sway (10 [5]).  NS differences were observed for the  NS differences we observed for the maximum
maximum axial loading rates at the hip joint axial loading rates at the ankle joint for normal
for normal gait (1286 [488]%Bw/s) and trunk gait (1280 [490]%Bw/s) and trunk sway (1214
sway (1250 [371]%Bw/s), PZ.763; [356]%Bw/s), PZ.568.
 Significant increase in maximum hip abduc-
tion moment of 55.3% between normal gait
(2.0 [1.1]) and increased trunk sway (3.1
[1.3), P<.001;
 First peak EHAM was significantly reduced by
57.1% for the increased mediolateral trunk
sway trial (1.8 [1.5]) compared with normal
gait (4.2 [1.4]), P<.001.
van den Noort et al28  Pelvis lift decreased by more than 5 in 6 par-  Hip angle feedback, HIR in the early stance  Kinematic changes that occurred while visual
ticipants (NS at group level), pelvis protraction phase increased significantly compared with feedback on EKAM was provided included an
increased (4-6 , only significant for graph baseline levels (bar 8 , P<.01; polar 10 , increased T-I angle of more than 5 in 8 partic-
PZ.03), and ipsilateral trunk sway decreased P<.01; color 8 , P<.01, graph 7 , P<.01). The ipants (on average: 2-7 at group level but NS),

(2-3 , P<.01 except for color); bar, polar, and color showed the largest an increased step width (6-7cm, P<.03 for all
 With HIR feedback, maximal hip extension change in late stance (9 [PZ.01], 11 feedback conditions);
decreased (5-6 , P<.05 for bar and polar), and [P<.01], and 8 [PZ.03], respectively);  While HIR feedback was provided, apart from
pelvis protraction increased by >5 in 6 partic-  The kinematic changes that occurred while significant changes in the HIR, participants also
ipants (but NS at group level). visual feedback on EKAM was provided showed a significant increase in WS (7-10cm).
included a decreased hip adduction (5 , polar Furthermore, 6 participants showed an
PZ.01, graph PZ.02) and a maximal hip increased T-I angle >5 , and 5 participants

(continued on next page)
Table 5 (continued )
Authors Trunk and Pelvis Hip Ankle, Foot, and CoP

extension decrease (4-5 , P<.03 except for showed an increased T-O angle (on average 3-7
color). increase in T-I angle in group level but NS).
Dunphy et al29  Significant differences were observed in  Significant differences were observed in  NR
maximum pelvic drop angle between normal gait maximum hip adduction angle between
(3 [1 ]) and contralateral pelvic gait (7 [1 ]), normal gait (0 [2 ]) and contralateral pelvic
P<.001; gait (4 [2 ]), P<.001;
 The correlation between change in pelvic drop  The correlation between change in peak hip
and change in EKAM peak was rZ0.88 (P<.001). adduction angle and change in EKAM peak
was rZ0.83 (P<.001);
 NS differences in hip flexion/extension be-
tween normal gait and contralateral pelvic
drop gait trials.
Khan et al30  NR  Through the entire range from T-I to T-O, the  The mean  SD of self-selected FPAs for ST, T-O,
hip joint’s contribution to the total limb work and T-I were 12.91 (4.78) cm, 31.56 (7.51) cm,
decreased significantly at slow speed from and 13.43 (3.39) cm, respectively;
35.00% to 22.00%;  NS findings in ankle joint contribution by the
 The hip joint increased its contribution at speed transitions, except at T-I in slow to fast
normal gait speed (26%e37%) through T-I to gait speeds. The ankle joint’s contribution
T-O. remained consistent except at slow speeds
 At T-O, significant increase of hip joint’s (decreased from 43.00% to 37.00%) from T-I to T-
contribution from 22% to 37% in slow to normal O gait.
walking speeds;
 At T-I, the contribution of hip joint decreased
from 35% to 26% in slow to normal walking
Abbreviations: %Bw/s, percentage of body weight per second; CoP, center of pressure; EAAM, external ankle adduction moment; EAFM, ankle flexion moment; FPA, foot progression angle;
HFM, hip flexion moment; HIR, hip internal rotation; IC, initial contact; LT, lateral trunk lean ; MT, medial thrust; NR, not reported; NS, nonsignificant; ST, straight-toe gait; T-I, toe-in gait;
T-L, trunk lean; T-O, toe-out gait; ZR, zero rotation.

J. Bowd et al.
Effects of reducing knee joint loading 17

alterations. Strategies that reduced first peak EKAM the Study limitations
most were an increased trunk lean, hip internal rotation,
and medial thrust gait (table 5). Conclusions are based on Only 11 studies were identified in this review, which varied
a very limited number of studies included within this re- in the consistency of biomechanics reported for the hip and
view, emphasizing the need for further exploratory ankle joints, and conclusive interpretation is limited. It is
studies to be undertaken. In addition to the small number imperative to understand the consequences an altered gait
of included studies, the quality of the trunk lean gait style has on the hip and ankle joints when considering a gait
and medial thrust gait style studies was 15 of 25, indi- alteration for a clinical purpose, and future studies should
cating moderate methodological quality. These findings aim to incorporate this into their study design. This lack in
agree with the systematic review by Simic et al,3 with consistent reporting across the 11 studies also prevented
medial thrust and trunk lean showing the highest re- the current systematic review in undertaking a meta-
ductions in early stance EKAM (see table 5). All studies analysis on the current literature.
lacked external validity, so the conclusions of these indi- Of the 11 included studies, the majority had a low number
vidual studies cannot be generalized to other populations. of participants and involved 1 visit. Additionally, most
This systematic review has highlighted the need for studies used healthy participants without OA, so the trans-
further studies to assess the effect of gait retraining styles lation of the findings to patients with medial OA is limited.
on a population group with OA. Future studies should aim to evaluate gait retraining po-
The feasibility of applying these strategies in daily life tential on individuals with medial knee OA and to analyze the
might depend greatly on changes in the loading of joints, effects of such retraining longitudinally over multiple visits.
ligaments, and muscles throughout the kinematic chain, a Finally, the participant’s perspective on how difficult the
potential increase of energy expenditure, and the aes- gait retraining style is to perform should be assessed in future
thetics of the resulting gait.24 Other studies outside of this studies along with studies indicating the clinical translation
review have indicated that trunk lean can increase energy of the retraining.
expenditure, which may lead to fatigue and discomfort for
the individual.31,32 So, while trunk lean may aim have the
biggest change in effect size to reduce knee joint loading, Conclusions
there may be changes in terms of energy expenditure that
may be counterproductive. In conclusion, to our knowledge, this is the first systematic
In this systematic review, many studies reported very review that has focused on assessing gait retraining and its
little evidence of the biomechanical effect of gait retrain- effects on first and second peak EKAMs as well as evaluating
ing on the hip and/or ankle joints. Accordingly, the adverse the biomechanical consequences to the hip and/or ankle
effects of the proposed gait retraining strategies cannot be biomechanics. This systematic review highlights the lack of
thoroughly evaluated and should be addressed in future studies that have included hip and/or ankle biomechanical
studies. This is an area of research that needs to be consequences when altering an individual’s gait with the
reviewed for future research before gait retraining can be objective of lowering knee joint loading. In addition, studies
recommended as a clinical intervention. lacked external validity and were scored fair to moderate in
Despite the limited research available that has high- their study quality. The findings from this systematic review
lighted the consequences of reducing first peak EKAM from should direct future research to undertake gait retraining
gait retraining interventions and its effects on the hip and research using patients with knee OA over multiple visits as
ankle joints, the reduction in knee joint loading may be well as analyzing the potential changes of the gait retraining
clinically important. However, any recommendations made strategy to the other lower limb joints. Without a thorough
must be made with caution because of the lack of available understanding of the biomechanical consequences of a gait
hip and ankle data as well as the lack of external validity retraining style at the hip and/or ankle joints, the clinical
within the studies. Hunt et al26 outlined a pathway toward value of such gait styles cannot be determined.
clinical translation of their findings, such as examining the
biomechanical effects at other joints and overcoming po-
tential barriers to using this intervention in individuals with
Corresponding author
knee OA. Van den Noort et al28 suggested future research
should focus on modification of gait patterns to the extent
that a clinically significant reduction in the EKAM (and not a Jake Bowd, MSc, Cardiff School of Engineering, Cardiff
maximum) is achieved and a sustainable gait pattern is University, Queens Buildings, The Parade, Cardiff, CF24
developed that can be maintained by patients with knee OA 3AA. E-mail address: BOWDJB@cardiff.ac.uk.
in daily life. Erhart-Hledik12 states that the sustainability of
the gait retraining and tolerability for longer-term clinical
implementation requires future consideration. While the Acknowledgments
results are promising and the gait modification was readily
achieved, a longitudinal study would be required to deter- Search strategy and database searches were assisted by 2 li-
mine the feasibility of the gait modification to improve joint brarians at Cardiff University, Nicola Jones, BSc, PG Dip
loading in the long term as well as evaluate potential im- (School of Engineering) and Jonathan Jones, BA, MA (School of
provements in clinical outcomes such as pain and function. Healthcare Sciences).
18 J. Bowd et al.

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