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Adverb of Time

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Department of Education

Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
District of Victoria
Poblacion III, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro


APRIL 7, 2021


A. Content Standard
G - The learners demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and
usage when writing or speaking.

B. Performance Standard
G - The learners use the correct function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in
general and their functions in various discourse (oral and written)

C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives

G – Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures (Adverbs of

II. CONTENT: Adverbs of Time and Place


A. References: Essential English 6, Maria Fe Garcia – Eusebio & Perla A. Zotomayor, Ed. D.,
p. 150 - 151
Developing Reading and Language Skills, Teresita M. Anastacio, p. 115 - 116
B. Other Learning Resources: boxes, pictures, Power Point Presentation, big book, video, cartolina,
marker, activity sheet

III. Procedure:

A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting new lesson:


Tell: Today we are going to play Sentence Grab Bag.

Mechanics of the game: The pupils will pull out one word from each bag and read it then, the pupils
will make a sentence that uses all 3 words.

Tell: Let me show you how to do it. First, you need to pull out one word from each bag and read them to
your students. Now I need to make a sentence with these words.

Ask: Do you understand the mechanics?

Tell: Before we start the activity, here are the standards that you should follow not only in doing this
activity but also in doing other activities in the entire session.

Set standard on:

Wear your facemask.
Keep your distance to your seatmate.
Observed discipline.
Avoid unnecessary noise while doing activity and watching video clip.
Cooperate in all activities.
Write down important notes to gather information.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson:


Mechanics of the Activity: The pupils will be given a piece of bond paper and crayons. They will be given two
minutes to draw your favorite event which you celebrate with your family. After each completed the drawings, the
teacher will ask them to reveal to see if there are any matches then, each pupil will explain what she drew and tell
her feelings while celebrating it.

Tell: Having fondness for family reunions during secular and religious holidays such as Christmas, New
Year’s eve, All Saint’s Day, Holy Week, Fiestas, homecomings, birthdays, weddings, baptisms,
funerals, etc. is evidence that Filipino people like us valued not only our cultural tradition but the spirit
of our family.

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson:

Who among of you turned 12 already? -Answers may vary.
How about the others? -Answers may vary.
For those who are not yet celebrating her birthday, are you eagerly -Answers may vary.
looking forward to your birthday?
What do you look forward before your special day? -gifts, party and food
What will you do if you didn’t like the gifts you received? -Answers may vary.

Tell: Growing up, birthdays were always a very well celebrated event in our home. Let us find out in
the story you are about to read how Mario react to the presents he received.

But before we, read the story entitled “A Unique Birthday Gift”, let us first unlock the words let
us first unlock some unfamiliar words you will encounter on it.

Unlocking of Difficulties/Vocabulary Development: Through context clues, the pupils will

choose and click letter of the correct meaning of the underlined words from the options given.
1. I bought a present for my sister.
A. gift B. in attendance
2. Jewel was pushed onto the right but he hated it there and sulked so much that he kept swapping
with Jason.
A. delight B. frown or pout
3.I’m disappointed in your decision, but I respect it.
A. pleased B. sad or displeased
4. I deposited 5,000.00 in my bank account.
A. to placed money in a bank for safekeeping B. down payment
5. A new currency has been introduced in the foreign exchange market.
A. a system of money in general use in a particular country
B. the state of being up-to-date or current

The pupils will read the story using the Popsicle Stick Reading Technique. Pupils name are written on
Popsicle sticks and placed in a can. The learner whose name is drawn reads next.

1. Who is celebrating birthday in the story? -Mario
2. Why Mario rush to get ready for school? -He goes to school in a rush because
he was eager to distribute his favorite
chocolates among his friends and
3. What happened on his birthday during the evening? - That evening, all his friends and
relatives gathered at his house for
the birthday party.
4. What he felt after he opened the gift of his grandfather? - He was disappointed.
5. What did the grandfather tell him to understand - I can take you to the bank
what he’s talking about? tomorrow you’d like to go and
explain it all in detail.
6. What did they do the next day in order for Mario to Next day, Grandpa and Mario go to
understand how the banks work? the bank in which Mario had his
new savings account.
7. Do you think, Mario’s reaction about his grandfather’s -No.
gift is good?
8. If you were Mario, will you do the same? Why? - Answers may vary.
9. What lesson you’ve learned from the story? - Answers may vary.

Look at this set of sentences taken from the story.

Mario woke up early in the morning and was greeted by his parents and grandfather.
He goes to school in a rush because he was eager to distribute his favorite chocolates among his friends
and teachers.
That evening, all his friends and relatives gathered at his house for the birthday party.
I can take you to the bank tomorrow if you’d like to go and explain it all in detail.
Next day, Grandpa and Mario go to the bank in which Mario had his new savings account.

Ask: What does theunderlined words imply? -Place

What do you call the words that tell place? - Adverbs of Place

Tell: Today, we are going to study an Adverb of Place.

Watch a short video place.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 1:

Based on the video, what is an adverb of place? -Adverb of place tell us where
something happens.

What are the examples of adverb of place? - Answers may vary.

In what part, does adverb of place should be placed on? - It is usually placed after the main
verb or after the clause that they

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 2:

The teacher will group the pupils into 3 and will be given different task but each member in each group
will do the activity separately.


Directions: Copy these sentences in paragraph form. Insert the adverbs in the parentheses
correctly in each sentence.
1. The family went wading happily in (bato creek resort, nearby) on a hot day.
2. The children played noisily (in the playground, in the water) all day.
3. The family ate lunch (in the bedroom, on the cottage) before noon. Then, they went home.
4. They planned to return (to the resort, to the river) after a week.
5. They went (to bed,to the river) that evening. They all felt tired but happy.
Directions: Make a sentence about these pictures using adverb of place.


1. In the market
2. Abroad
3. In the cabinet

F. Developing Mastery:

Mechanics: The teacher will click the gift one by one. Inside of each gift are incomplete sentence. The
pupils will complete each sentence by adding adverbs place. They will write their answers on your
illustration board.

1. Grandmother visits us ____________________ __________________.

2. She stayed at ______________________ _______________________.
3. We watched a game ___________________ __________________________.
4. My mother bought a bag __________________ _________________________.
5. Vilma wrote the poem ______________ ____________________.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living:

Directions: Write a diary entry telling your activities for the last week. Use adverbs of place and time.

Tell: Based on your activity, we can also use adverb of time and place in telling events happened in our

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson:

What do you call the words that tell when and where? -Adverbs
What do you call the words that tell where? - Adverbs of Place
How about the words that tell when? - Adverbs of Time


An adverb of place tells where the action takes place. It is usualley comes after the verb.
An adverb of time tells when the action is done. It comes after the adverb of place.

IV. Evaluation Learning:

Directions: Make a sentence about each of the following pictures. Use adverbs that tell when and
V. Additional activities for application or remediation:

Directions: Note down the details of an extraordinary happening in your community. Write a news
about it. Use adverbs of place and time.

Prepared by:

Grade 6 – A Adviser

Noted and Observed by:

Master Teacher II

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