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A Quantitative Study: Impact of Public Teacher Qualifications and Teaching Experience On Students' Academic Performance and Satisfaction

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Volume: 6
Pages: 760-765
Document ID: 2022PEMJ483
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7528446
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-10-1
Psych Educ,2023, 6: 760-765, Document ID: PEMJ483, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7528446, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

A Quantitative Study: Impact of Public Teacher Qualifications and Teaching

Experience on Students' Academic Performance and Satisfaction
Nikki F. Numeron*, Myra S. Arado, Flordelyn P. Perez
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

Student feedback is a crucial indicator of how well teachers and the educational system are performing.
Maintaining high standards of quality and assessing teacher effectiveness as well as student academic
performance depend on students' satisfaction. The goal of the study was to investigate the impact of public
school teacher qualifications and teaching experience on students’ academic performance and satisfaction. The
study was conducted at the selected elementary schools in Agusan del Sur, Philippines. It has been randomly
picked based on the criteria and guidelines portrayed by the researchers. The study has utilized a quantitative
research approach with a descriptive research design. The study has used a descriptive survey questionnaire. The
participants in the study were 50 randomly selected public elementary teachers and another 40 randomly selected
samples of students from the said schools. The reliability tests were just performed to measure the internal
consistency and construct validity of the scales of the study. Furthermore, the study used a linear regression to
greatly attain the main objectives of the study as well as a multiple moderation regression, known as the MMR
test, to attest to the relationships between the given objectives. Based on the findings, the linear regression
analysis was applied to investigate the relationship between teachers’ experience, qualifications, and the level of
students’ satisfaction. It was stated on the table that the R2 value of public teacher experience was 0.512 and
their qualifications were 0.611, whereas the students’ satisfaction score of 0.877 had significantly increased
based on their perceived interest in the teaching methods of the teachers in the actual setting. Model 1 findings:
effective knowledge sharing has been extensively researched and found to have significant effects on student
satisfaction and academic performance (R2 = 0.678; p 0.000; beta coefficient = 0.694, respectively). Also,
(Model 2: R2 = 0.522; p 0.000; beta coefficient = 0.759), which is significantly correlated to the level of student
satisfaction Model 3: R2 = 0.711, p<0.000, and beta coefficient = 0.473, respectively, with a 95% confidence
level based on the outcome. The findings show that teacher qualification predicts student satisfaction more
accurately than teacher experience. The association between teachers' experience and qualifications and student
satisfaction was somewhat mediated by teacher methods, skills, and knowledge-sharing efficiency.

Keywords: teachers experience, qualifications, satisfaction, knowledge-sharing, students

Introduction the educational system, and evaluating individual

teacher performance.
The Philippine government is one of the most
The top management of schools has been interested in
powerful nations in terms of producing qualified
reevaluating the teaching standards, policies, quality,
teachers. Every sector in an organization, such as the
and methodologies, which has resulted in increasing
educational sector, has a need for professional
focus being given to student satisfaction. Identifying
development for their own growth and for promotion.
measures of teaching effectiveness and student
As a result, there are states, universities, and colleges
satisfaction is therefore very essential. Student
that greatly offer master's and PhD degrees in
competencies are predicted and developed by teachers'
education specialization to transform individuals into
expertise and qualifications. A study of teachers'
efficient ones. Furthermore, a resource-based model is
backgrounds and experience made predictions about
a key component in achieving the goal of teachers or
their students' professional success (Michaelowa,
employees in a government because of its goal to
2002; Aslam et al., 2016). Several studies have
produce well-competitive, knowledge-sharing citizens
investigated the connection between teaching careers,
and work-oriented, efficient employees. According to
teacher job satisfaction, and student achievement
Aslam et al. (2016), modern technologies, teaching
(Johnson, Kraft, & Papay, 2012; Veldman et al.,
methods, and approaches to facilitating education for
2013). Few studies, however, have examined how
students' academic performance would increase their
teacher qualifications, experience, instructional
chances of success. The study reveals that the fact that
strategies, knowledge sharing, and a knowledge-
students transfer from one institute to another has
intensive culture affect students' levels of satisfaction.
shifted the educational paradigm from teacher
satisfaction to student satisfaction. Simply by The catchphrase of the DepEd, "no child left behind,"
involving students, institutions are constantly communicates disparity, but learning development
interested in assessing, evaluating the effectiveness of must have precedence above economic growth.

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Psych Educ,2023, 6: 760-765, Document ID: PEMJ483, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7528446, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Schools now must adhere to stricter rules in order to experience on students’ academic performance and
operate efficiently and offer students with a satisfying satisfaction. The study was conducted at the selected
educational experience. Online and modular learning elementary schools in Agusan del Sur, Philippines. It
is the best during a pandemic since in-person learning has been randomly picked based on the criteria and
has a higher spread risk because of COVID-19. The guidelines portrayed by the researchers. In particular,
Department of Education's new platform presents the study:
difficulties for both students and teachers. Due to these
circumstances, schooling must "adapt fast" to the 1. To determine the teacher's experiences, the level of
pandemic's new normal. Academic institutions must students’ satisfaction, and their academic performance;
change more quickly to accom mod ate the 2. To assess the teacher's skills and methods mediate
unanticipated shift to online and modular learning the relationship between public elementary teachers
while maintaining high academic standards (Sagales et and students’ satisfaction; and
al., 2021; Saro et al., 2022). Douglas et al. (2015), 3. To examine the effectiveness of knowledge sharing
learning, teaching strategies, and supported services and knowledge intensive culture, one must look at the
can all influence student satisfaction. Other academics experiences of elementary teachers.
have investigated how a teacher's educational
background and experience affect students'
satisfaction. Finding indicators that can predict student Methodology
satisfaction is essential since students serve as the face
and image of their schools. There is little research on
Research Design
the relationship between successful knowledge
sharing, teaching techniques, and student happiness. The study has utilized a quantitative research approach
with a descriptive research design. According to
Numerous researchers have discovered a connection
Creswell (2013), the research approach was based on
between teachers' job satisfaction, professional
the real context of problems that greatly required a
success, and growth (Chapman et al., 2012; Skaalvik
solution or ways of implementing techniques. The
& Skaalvik, 2011). There is, however, a paucity of
study focused on the impact of public-school teacher
literature that examines the impact of teacher
qualifications and teaching experience on students’
expertise, experience, instructional methods, and
academic performance and satisfaction. Thus, the
knowledge-sharing on student satisfaction.
deductive inquiry approach was used as an
Professionals in the education industry may find it
associational part of this study that aims to investigate
helpful to comprehend this link as they create new
the relationships among the involved variables.
policies to fix the problems and enhance teaching
techniques. Additionally, by stimulating the creation of
Research Respondents
techniques to keep students and earn their loyalty, this
study may be advantageous to top management and
The population of this study was made up of
strategic thinkers (Lenton, 2015). The purpose of this
elementary schools chosen from the division. These
study was to investigate the impact of public school
sets of populations were involved based on their
teacher qualifications and teaching experience on
interest in improving the quality standards of
students’ academic performance and satisfaction.
education by adhering to the main purpose and
Moreover, the study sought to determine the teacher's
objectives of the study. The participants in the study
skills and abilities, methodologies, and knowledge
were 50 randomly selected public elementary teachers
sharing to mediate the association between teacher
and another 40 randomly selected samples of students
experience, teacher qualifications, and student
from the said schools in Agusan del Sur, Philippines.
satisfaction. Thus, the researcher can consider teacher
In picking up the students’ respondents, the researcher
well-being in terms of overall well-being as well as the
followed the purposive sampling technique to ensure
four dimensions or corners in order to conduct an in-
the reliability of their responses. The set of
depth exploration and understanding of teacher well-
respondents voluntarily adhered to and signed the
being in public schools and its significant factors in
consent form; after that, they were committed to
terms of the working environment and its setting.

Research Objectives

The goal of the study was to investigate the impact of

public school teacher qualifications and teaching

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Psych Educ,2023, 6: 760-765, Document ID: PEMJ483, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7528446, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

responding to the set questions on the survey teacher-respondents were in the range of getting the
questionnaire. Their personal and academic trainings from below 5 to above 20. Based on the
information was explicitly handled with the utmost survey, the respondents who just had the most
safety, confidence, and anonymity. trainings and seminars are in the range of below 5
(12), 5 to 9 (16), and 10 to 14 (12). For the teachers’
Research Instruments position and designation, out of 50 respondents, there
are 23 teacher-respondents who are in the teacher I
The study has used a descriptive-survey questionnaire. position, teacher III (17), and teacher II (7). However,
This tool was used to collect the best data from the set there are few teachers who hold the position of master
participants in order to investigate the impact of teacher, when in fact there are 3 master teachers II and
public-school teacher qualifications and teaching 4 master teachers I who participated in the survey. In
experience on students' academic performance and that sense, all 50 respondents provided their responses,
satisfaction. This unique data collection tool, as implying that they all responded to 100% of the
described by a self-administered research questions. Furthermore, this finding is in line with the
questionnaire, would assist researchers in gathering the DepEd records pertaining to the population, which
best data findings (Sekaran, 2014). The questionnaire show that 86% of the total teacher population in the
was created with the idea of strongly referencing the Philippines mostly has the qualifications based on their
researcher's thorough reading of numerous papers, professional development (Esplada, 2010; Mendoza,
books, and other examples of questionnaires. The 2022). Teachers, on the other hand, are responsible for
researcher developed the initial draft of the the growth and advancement of their careers. If
questionnaire with assistance from the content possible, the teacher should have more extensive
knowledge specialists and research associates. After training to share in the actual setting (Butron, 2021).
being modified for content, structure, and format, the
manuscript was given to three (3) experts with Table 1. Demographic Profile: Characteristics and
backgrounds in education and research for validation
Qualifications of Public Elementary Teachers
and reliability. A minor adjustment was made after the
questionnaire was submitted for content validation.
The researcher used the Cronbach alpha statistics to
examine the survey's internal consistency in order to
evaluate the validity of the questionnaire. The survey
questionnaire readily accepted an alpha coefficient of
0.95, suggesting that the items contained trustworthy
and practicable.

Results and Discussion

Table 1 presents the demographic profile of the public

teachers involved in the study as respondents based on
their characteristics and qualifications. There is a total
sample population of 50 respondents who took the
survey conducted by the researcher. As a result, the
teachers' teaching experience ranged from less than 5
to more than 30 years. However, it has been revealed
that the teachers who took part in the study and
received the highest number were those with less than
5 years of teaching experience (19) and between 5 and
9 years (12). There are 22 teachers' respondents who
have completed college level, and some of them have
gathered the units of their master's degree (15), but
there are 7 teacher-respondents who have obtained a
CAR on their master's degree journey, and 5 of them In Table 2, the results were greatly distributed based
have graduated in their master's. In addition, only one on the perspective viewpoint of the teacher-
participant out of 50 received the units for the PhD. In
the advancement of related trainings and seminars, the

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Psych Educ,2023, 6: 760-765, Document ID: PEMJ483, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7528446, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

respondents on the given variables, the teacher skills, Table 3. The Linear Regression of the Public
and methodologies, and obtained with a mean of 3.17, Elementary Teachers’ Experience, Qualifications, and
which had a 0.892 standard deviation score, which is Student Satisfaction Based on Their Performance
described as "neutral." Thus, the teachers were During the Assessment Process
uncertain on the items on the teacher's skills and
methodologies. It had a mean of 3.64 (0.611) for
effective knowledge sharing; finally, the knowledge
intensive culture had a mean of 3.82 with an SD of
1.128, indicating well-distributed knowledge among
the study participants. For the level of student
satisfaction, the student respondents agreed with the
indicators involved in the survey questionnaire and the
level of reliability that pertained to it, which had a Table 4. The Moderation Factors on the Effectiveness
mean of 3.97 with an SD of 1.279, which has been of Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Intensive
described as "agree." Aslam et al. (2016) state that the Culture at the Experiences of Elementary Teachers
test has been used to investigate the impact of effective and Students’ Satisfaction
knowledge-sharing, teacher methods and skills, and
teacher experience and qualifications on student

Table 2. Descriptive Statistics Results on the Three (3)

Variables for Teacher Qualifications, Standards, and
Student Satisfaction

Based on the findings, the linear regression analysis

was applied to investigate the relationship between
teachers’ experience, qualifications, and the level of
students’ satisfaction. It was stated on the table that the
R2 value of public teacher experience was 0.512 and
their qualifications were 0.611, whereas the students’
satisfaction score of 0.877 had significantly increased Table 4 shows the moderating factors for the
based on their perceived interest in the teaching effectiveness of knowledge sharing and knowledge
methods of the teachers in the actual setting. intensive cultures based on elementary teachers'
Furthermore, the students' satisfaction had un.std beta experiences and student satisfaction. Based on Model
coefficients and a p-value of (0.780, p<0.000), 1 findings, effective knowledge sharing has been
whereas the teacher's experience and qualifications extensively researched and found to have significant
had un.std beta coefficients and p-values of (0.319, effects on student satisfaction and academic
p<0.002) and (0.712, p<0.000, respectively). performance (R2 = 0.678; p<0.000; beta coefficient =
0.694, respectively).

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Psych Educ,2023, 6: 760-765, Document ID: PEMJ483, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7528446, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Nonetheless, Aslam et al. (2016) assessed the multiple teacher's skills, experience, and effective teaching, the
moderated regression using the procedures of Aguinis top management of educational institutions now has
(2004). It has also been demonstrated that knowledge- new ways to assess the performance of its teachers.
intensive culture plays an interactive role in the Furthermore, top managers and strategic thinkers may
relationship between teacher skills and methodologies find this study useful in developing strategies to retain
and student satisfaction (Model 2: R2 = 0.522; students and increase their satisfaction. In order to
p<0.000; beta coefficient = 0.759), which is improve student satisfaction and career success, this
significantly correlated to the level of student research also advises that upper management should
satisfaction. hire qualified and experienced teachers.

It has been linked to a positive relationship between

teachers’ experience and qualifications and the level of References
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Guilford Press. Aldridge, S., & Rowley, J. (1998). Measuring
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Affiliations and Corresponding Informations

Nikki F. Numeron, LPT
Los Arcos Elementary School, Prosperidad VI,
Division of Agusan Del Sur, Department of
Education, Philippines

Myra S. Arado, LPT

Sabang Adgawan Elementary School, La Paz
District I, Division of Agusan Del Sur,
Department Education, Philippines

Flordelyn P. Perez, LPT

Talacogon Central Elementary School SPED
Center, Talacogon West District, Division of
Agusan Del Sur, Deparment of Education,

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