A New 3D Tool For Planning Plastic Surgery
A New 3D Tool For Planning Plastic Surgery
A New 3D Tool For Planning Plastic Surgery
Abstract— Face plastic surgery (PS) plays a major role in A. Previous work
today medicine. Both for reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, Planning PS requires taking into account a number of
achieving harmony of facial features is an important, if not the
major goal. Several systems have been proposed for presenting physiological and psychological constraints. The frequency of
to patient and surgeon possible outcomes of the surgical secondary rhinoplasties, due to unsatisfactory outcomes from
procedure. In this paper, we present a new 3D system able to previous procedures, and estimated around 8%-15% of the
automatically suggest, for selected facial features as nose, chin, cases [5], shows that planning PS is far from simple. Fully
etc, shapes that aesthetically match the patient’s face. The basic planning PS would require considering several factors, as the
idea is suggesting shape changes aimed to approach similar but exterior shape to obtain, its interaction with soft tissues and
more harmonious faces. To this goal, our system compares the bones, and the evolution of tissues with time. This work deals
3D scan of the patient with a database of scans of harmonious
faces, excluding the feature to be corrected. Then, the with the problem of supporting the aesthetic judgment of
corresponding features of the k most similar harmonious faces, surgeon and patient for choosing more harmonious facial
as well as their average, are suitably pasted onto the patient’s shapes.
face, producing k+1 aesthetically effective surgery simulations. To this purpose, a number of computer tools have been
The system has been fully implemented and tested. To proposed, aimed at presenting possible outcomes of the
demonstrate the system, a 3D database of harmonious faces has surgical procedure. Ozkul and Ozkul [6] presented a system
been collected and a number of PS treatments have been for simulating rhinoplasty in 2D profile images. Image
simulated. The ratings of the outcomes of the simulations, interaction tools emulating real surgical procedures were
provided by panels of human judges, show that the system and
the underlying idea are effective. supplied. Rabi and Aarabi [7] emulated the outcomes of PS in
2D frontal images by suitably pasting on the patient’s face
Index Terms— Computer supported surgery, Plastic surgery, facial features of other subjects. Liu et al. [8] attempted to
face scanning, planning surgery outcomes, anisotropic ICP predict the PS outcome on the basis of a number of results of
I. INTRODUCTION former cases. Commercial 2D simulation packages are also
available [9]. These packages essentially allow manipulating
LASTIC surgical procedures enjoy increasing popularity 2D images with morphing operators.
in different countries as well as among different social Since human face is a complex 3D object, several systems
groups. According to recent statistics by The American for manipulating 3D faces have been studied. Gao et al.
Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, in 2008 more than one presented a technique for warping the 3D B-spline surface
million facial plastic surgeries were performed, with a growth obtained from patient’s face scan [10]. Lee et al. [11]
of 162% in ten years [1]. According to an estimate, in the US constructed a patient specific 3D model from a generic model
more money is spent annually on beauty related items or based on CT data and a 2D image of the patient and used
services than on both education and social services [2]. The morphing operators for emulating surgical procedures. A 3D
popularity of plastic surgery (PS) also triggered new studies in PS planning system specific of nose surgery was proposed by
face recognition aimed at taking into account facial differences Lee, Lin and Lin in [12]. The system works on CT data of the
due to these procedures ([3], [4]). Facial PS is defined head of the patient from which the face surface is obtained for
reconstructive when aimed at correcting deformities congenital realistic rendering purposes. Wang et al. [13] proposed a 3D
or due to accidents or diseases, and cosmetic otherwise. simulator of augmentation nose surgery, based on a surface
Actually, there is not a well defined boundary between the two scan and a lateral X-ray image. Deformation tools were
fields. In any case, achieving as far as possible an harmonious provided, as well as the evaluation of the size of the required
or at least regular face shape is a main goal for both kinds of prosthesis. Commercial 3D systems have also been recently
surgery. proposed [14].
B. Our approach and its rationale
The quoted planning systems supply manual interfaces for
Manuscript received May 11, 2012; revised 24 July, 2012 A. Bottino, M. changing the shape of 2D or 3D patient’s images. All choices
De Simone and A. Laurentini are with the Dipartimento di Automatica e in manipulating faces and evaluating results are left to the
Informatica, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24, 10129 surgeon's and patient’s judgment.
Torino Italy (corresponding author: A. Bottino
phone: Our approach is aimed at automatically suggesting, for the
+390115647175; fax: +390115647099; e-mail: particular feature object of surgery and for the particular
[email protected]). patient’s face, the shapes most suitable to enhance facial
C. Sforza is with the Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche per la Salute, harmony. To explain the rationale of our approach, we will
Universita degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy
mail: review some results of the research on facial attractiveness.
[email protected]). Recently this research has been a major issue in psychology,
To normalize resolution, face scans are re-sampled. As shown in Fig. the polyline selected and parallel to a direction evaluated from the polyline
5(a), each face mesh is first intersected with H horizontal planes equally by the Newell's Method [38].
spaced within a reference bounding box. Then, the obtained polylines are Removing the same feature from the scans of the reference database
intersected with a set of V vertical planes (Fig. 5 (b)), passing through the requires identifying a corresponding polyline on each face. To do this, we
reference axis, common for all aligned faces, and equally spaced angularly. must first establish a dense point-to-point correspondence between the
The resolution of the final meshes can be adjusted changing the H and V patient’s face and each reference face. To this purpose, we use a technique
values. For the experiments described in Section III, and submitted to human similar to that proposed in [39]. First, faces are registered with a thin plate
raters (Section V), both variables were assigned the value 776, which spline transformation (TPS), a non-rigid smooth surface transformation
produced mesh resolutions near to 300K vertices. For the results presented in particularly suited for morphing or animating faces, based on the
Section IV (Processing times), we also used two lower resolutions (160K correspondence of a number of keypoints. We used 37 pairs of
and 40K). corresponding landmarks manually selected on both the source and
The result of re-sampling is the point cloud shown in Fig. 5 (c). The final destination scans (see Fig. 8). These keypoints are a subset of the standard
triangular mesh is determined, as shown in Fig. 5(d), by forming quads and landmarks used in Anthropometry [40] with additional points in eyes area.
splitting each of them in two triangles. Texture coordinates for each vertex TPS provides a smoothly interpolated mapping between source and
of the new 3D mesh are computed with bilinear interpolation of those of the destination scans, which makes the landmarks coincident and brings the
neighbouring points in the original mesh. other points of the deformed source face very close to the destination face.
C. Selecting the patient’s target feature This allows an accurate alignment of points in smooth regions, like cheeks
Any area of the scanned patient’s face can be selected by the user as and forehead. Then, after TPS morphing, for each vertex of the first scan a
target of the PS simulation. An interactive tool allows drawing on the correspondence with a vertex of the second scan is derived with a closest
scanned face a 3D polyline, with vertices located at the re-sampled mesh point searching algorithm that exploits a KD- tree data structure to ensure
points. The polyline can be more or less detailed according to the particular computational efficiency.
target feature and to the judgment of the user. In Fig. 6 an example is shown Consequently, a new polyline, equivalent to the polyline drawn on the
relative to the nose area. A detail view of an example of polyline and facial patient’s scan, is determined for each reference face. An example of the
triangulation is shown in Fig. 7. transfer of the feature boundary on the reference DB faces is shown in Fig. 9.
Once the boundary polyline has been determined on all reference faces, the
target feature is easily removed from them, as done for the patient’s face.
(a) (b)
Fig. 6. Interactive feature selection: contour drawing (a); removal of the feature (b).
Fig. 8. The keypoints used for establishing dense point-to-point correspondence between faces
Fig. 7. A detail view of the polyline delimitating the area subject of the PS procedure (red dots are vertices of both the polyline and the face mesh)
[a] fb)
D. Removing the target feature from all the reference faces Our algorithm Fig. 9. An example of transferring a feature boundary from the patient’s face (a) to the scans in the reference DB (
requires removing the surface corresponding to the target feature both from
the patient’s face scan and from all the scans of the reference database.
The first operation is easily performed by intersecting the facial mesh with a Finding the correspondences between two scans is a time consuming
cylinder whose generatrices pass through process. In principle, each new patient’s scan would require computing the
correspondences with all the
reference faces. As mentioned before, fully sampling the attractive a) the surface of the TRF is registered with respect to the
face manifold could require several hundreds of samples, resulting in patient’s scan;
long computation times. To avoid this, we pre-computed the b) the original target feature (surface and texture) is
correspondences between an intermediate face (a face randomly conveniently morphed toward the TRF surface. A feature
chosen) and all the reference faces. In this way, for each new patient’s of this particular morphing is that it produces a smooth
face, we have only to compute the correspondences with the blending of patient’s scan and TRF surface;
intermediate face (see Fig. 10). c) the original texture intensity is corrected according to the
different new shape.
In more detail:
a) Registration. An initial registration of the TRF on the
patient’s face is obtained applying the same transformations used to
match patient and corresponding face of the reference DB. This
registration is refined to reduce the differences between the contours
(a) (b) (c) of the removed target feature and the TRF, by applying a second
Fig. 10. A point of the input face (a) corresponds to a point on the intermediate face (b) anisotropic ICP only to the points of their contours. The resulting
that, in turn, corresponds to a point on each face in the reference DB (c) transformation is applied to the entire mesh of TRF.
b) Morphing. The morphing process is schematically shown
in (Fig. 11). The general idea is to use the dense correspondence
Observe that, given the discrete nature of the correspondence, two computed between target feature and TRF, excluding a strip close to
vertices of the first scan could collapse in only one vertex in the the contour, where the original surface and texture is morphed to an
second and there might be vertices of the destination scan which have intermediate position, depending on the distance from the feature
no correspondences in the source scan. Therefore, the correspondence contour.
function is not bijective. However, bidirectional correspondences are
necessary for our algorithm, since in the last step we also construct a
mean feature, obtained from those of a set of reference faces by
averaging their corresponding points. Therefore, computing the mean
feature requires correspondences between all reference faces, which (a)
can be obtained evaluating the backward correspondences from each Fig. 11. The reference feature (a, in(b)green) is used to morph the(c)target feature (b) to
reference face to the intermediate face. These correspondences can be obtain the final result (c)
pre-computed as well.
E. Retrieving the most similar reference faces In order to describe the details of the process, let us refer to Fig. 12,
After the target feature removal, reference samples are sorted in where we show in (a) the target feature (red, on the left), the TRF
order of similarity with the patient’s scan. The similarity measure (gray, on the right) and in Fig. 12(b) their registration. For each point
between two faces is given by their RMS distance, which is the square Pi of the target feature:
root of the average of the sum of squares of the closest point distances, 1. we compute ci, its distance from the closest point on its
after their alignment with ICP using anisotropic scaling. contour, and Di, its vector difference with its
As mentioned in the introduction, average faces have often been corresponding point on the transformed TRF (Fig. 12c);
found to be more attractive then each component face. For this reason, 2. we transform Pt (Fig. 12d) according to the following
we also computed an average feature from the first k-nearest neighbors equation:
in the following way. Starting from F1, the closest face, we evaluate P — P + W (P )* DI
the (weighted) mean of each vertex of its TRF and its corresponding where W(Pi) is a scalar weight in the interval [0,1]
points on the remaining k-1 faces. The correspondences between the obtained as:
target and the average features that are required for pasting a TRF on f c /( * t) if c / c t
the patient’s face, are easily obtained, being equal to those between
c <
W( ) \ P i
max / max
distance, however too expensive to compute. (b) we have highlighted the points where the differences of normal
directions are significant, that is the area where the texture correction
takes place.
k **
(a) (b)
V *> V f*
(c) (d)
Fig. 12. a) target feature (left) and TRF (right); b) features alignment; c, d) evaluation of Fig. 13. Patient’s face subject to mouth
the weight of point P, (with W(Pi)=1) and its transformation; e) a false color map of the reshaping (a); map of the differences of the
weights W(P) (red = 0, blue = 1) normal directions (b); planning outcome
without (c) and with (d) texture adjustment
c) Texture correction. The texture applied on the new shape
corresponds to the original skin of the target features, but in general is III. EXAMPLES OF PS SIMULATION
not in full agreement with the new geometry, since the reflected light The beautification algorithm has been applied to 26 test cases, and k
depends on the surface normals, more or less changed. Exactly has been set to 4, which appears in keeping with the cardinality (36) of
reconstructing the illumination for the new surfaces is not easy, since it the reference DB. Then, for each case, we produced 4+1= 5 PS
would require detailed information about lights and surface materials, simulations, including that related to the average feature, and overall
which is not available in general. 26x5=130 simulations
Actually, in most images of simulated PS the effects of this problem The test cases have been chosen from the faces discarded when
are not conspicuous. Anyway, we implemented an approximate constructing the reference DB. Some of them were professional
algorithm providing a texture correction that appears effective in our models, but presenting, in our opinion, some slight defect. Different
case. target features have been considered in the various cases: nose, mouth,
Assuming that the reflective features of the surface material (skin) is chin and chin and mouth together. The majority of the subjects were
the same for all the feature points and a Lambertian reflection model, involved into nose reshaping.
the intensity of a surface point depends approximately only on the Some simulations are shown in this section. All have been used for
direction of its normal. evaluating the average computation times (Section IV) and rated by
Therefore, we assign to the texture of the morphed target feature the human panels (Section V).
intensity of the texture of the original feature where the surface had the Examples related to various face features are shown in Fig. 14 and
same normal. In more detail, this is Fig. 15. To make the 3D shape changes more evident,
performed in the following way.
First, we convert the feature texture from RGB to HSV space and
we construct a look-up table (LUT) relating normal direction and
average texture intensity for the target feature. The LUT is constructed
by averaging, for 218 equally spaced directions of the normals, the V
values of the mesh vertices whose normals are closer to each direction.
Then, for each vertex of the morphed mesh, we find the closest
normal in the LUT and retrieve the intensity. Then, the intensities of
the pixels of the texture triangle corresponding to a mesh triangle are
computed by interpolating that of its vertices. Some smoothing of the
intensities is applied to reduce irregularities related to the initial
normal space sampling. Finally, the adjusted intensities are combined
with the original HS values and the texture is converted back to RGB.
An example of texture correction is shown in Fig. 13. A surgery
simulation of a patient subject to mouth and chin reshaping (a) is
shown in (c) without, and in (d), with the adjusted texture. Finally, in
I There are cases where the feature material is not unique, e.g. the mouth area where
lips and surrounding skin can be considered as two different materials; in this case we
segment these different regions on the texture plane on the basis of their chromaticity
values and we process separately each material
for each case we present three different views of the original patient’s scan
and of the PS simulation. The simulations shown are the best among 4+1 (a)
simulations for each face according to a panel of human raters (see Section
V). In Fig. 16 we also show an example where all the 4+1 outcomes of nose original
reshaping simulations are present. The leftmost image in the top row is the
original face. From left to right and top to bottom follow the results obtained
pasting the mean feature and the feature of the closest DB samples in
decreasing similarity order.
simulation m
Fig. 15.uExamples of simulated surgeries related to a) mouth and b) mouth and chin reshaping
original n
Fig. 16. In this case, all the 4+1 simulated nose reshaping surgeries are shown. Only one of them had been shown
Fig. 14.
u Examples of simulated surgeries related nose reshaping The entire PS simulation process requires a pre-processing phase, in part
l manually performed by a trained operator, and a totally computer-performed
a computation of the possible surgery outcomes. Computation times have been
determined by running our system on an Intel Core i7 3.7 GHz processor,
o 12GB RAM, and a 64-bit Linux operative system.
n The times reported in this section are relative to processing the 3D scan of
a single patient. We suppose that the construction of the reference DB and all
the related operations, as finding suitable face scans, mesh re-sampling,
t computing correspondences with the intermediate face, have already been
c performed.
A. Pre-processing
e Three manual pre-processing operations are required: 1) scan cleaning
and cropping, 2) facial landmark identification
and 3) patient’s target feature selection. Clearly, scans’ cleaning We recall that a dense sampling of the manifold of harmonious
strongly depends on their quality. Anyway, a trained operator (one of (female) faces is likely to require some hundreds of samples, when our
the authors) was able to perform operation 1), on the average, in about reference DB only contains 36 samples. Therefore, the effectiveness of
6 minutes per mesh (Snorm). As for facial landmarks placement, in the system could considerably improve with a larger DB, and the
order to speed up execution times, a rough initialization of their examples presented should essentially be considered a demonstration
position, obtained from that on the intermediate face, allows the of the system developed.
trained operator to perform the task in about 30 sec. (Landm). Finally, However, we also arranged the rating of the simulation results
operation 3) requires to the trained operator about 10 sec. (Fsel). through a public website of the Politecnico di Torino. For all the 26
The average times required by the remaining computer- performed test cases, the original scan and the five surgical simulations were
phases of the pre-processing algorithm are reported in Table 1. In shown on the same page in random order. Raters were allowed to
addition to the top resolution class for resampled mesh (300K), used rotate interactively original and modified faces. Then they were asked
for the images of the previous Section and presented to human raters, 2 to evaluate, for each PS simulation, if there was an improvement
additional classes of resolution have been used namely 160K and 40K (positive answer), a worsening (negative answer) or no change (neutral
vertices. answer) in the perceived attractiveness. A total of 15,485 votes, with
For each resolution class, the actual average number of vertices an average of 119 votes per simulated result, were obtained from 312
resulting from the re-sampling process is in column AvgPt, and the judges. The ratings showed a substantial congruence between gender
number of horizontal and vertical planes used for the re-sampling is and age range of the raters, which is consistent with congruence of
indicated in column H and V. For each class, the table reports the human panels judgments of attractiveness reported in many papers.
average time required for finding the sagittal plane and normalizing A first result, actually rather obvious, is that in almost all cases the
faces for size and orientation (Fnorm), the average execution times for results were perceived as positive or neutral. Globally, the number of
resampling the mesh (Re-samp) and evaluating its bi-directional simulations scoring more than 50% of positive grades is 68.4%, while
point-to-point correspondences with the intermediate face (Corresp). those obtaining more than 50% of not negative grades were 99.2%.
To compute Fnorm and Re-Samp, actually depending also on A more interesting result is the connection between closeness of
resolution and orientation of the initial scans, we used the set of faces scans in the face space and perceived attractiveness improvement. In
in the reference DB, re-sampled at the three class resolutions. These Table 3, column Best+ shows, for the four closer scans of the
faces were randomly scaled, translated and rotated before applying the reference DB, the number and percentage of test patients for which
normalization process. that corresponding PS simulation obtained the highest number of
positive grades. It can be seen that the closest scan outperforms (11
t H V m Re-samp Corresp times and 42% of the cases) the others. In the table, the sum of test
300K 304,962 776 776
(se (sec)
152.64 366.85 8.27
patients gives 28 instead of 26, since there are two cases where two
160 160, 5 5 81. 170.38 7.15 different scans provide the same highest grade. Although relative to a
40K 40,3 2 2 48. 126.54 6.25 small DB, and thus affected by noise due to under-sampling, this is a
Table 1. All values are in seconds, except H and V (the number of planes confirmation of the general assumption at the basis of this paper.
used during re-sampling) and AvgPt Another interesting result is the high rating of the average TRF.
Table 2 reports the average execution times required by each step of Actually, it received the highest percentage of positive answers in 18
the simulation process. Similarity is the average time for removing the cases. However, if we compare the percentage of positive answers of
target feature from a database sample and matching it with the the average TRF and the highest of the four closer scan, their absolute
PS simulation
C. Total processing times Overall time for obtaining k simulation difference is very small (2.3%). Also this result is probably affected by
Similarit MorphPt
outcomes, withS a y
the under-sampling. Anyway, it is in keeping with the fact already
reference DB containing 300Kn faces,
3.03 3.13is given by: 6,277
(sec) mentioned that the result of averaging several facial images is usually
Snorm + Landm
160K + Fnorm
2.42 + Re-samp
2.35 + Corresp
3,256 + Fsel + n rated more attractive than each component image.
*Similarity + (k+1)
40K *Morph
1.66 1.49 830
For instance,
Tablewith the required
2. Times currentbysettings (36ofsamples
each phase in the reference
the simulation Closer simulations proposed appear in general
Summarizing, the surgical
DB, 5 different MorphPt is total
simulations), the average
time isnumber
1052 of points
sec. for per
resolution 300k
category and per target feature. more attractive than thescanoriginal.nrThe Best +
simulation obtained using the
and 647 sec. for resolution 40k. 1st
most similar reference face is 11
several 42.3%
times the more appropriate to
Execution times for larger reference DBs are provided by the 2nd
select and the average TRF provides 7
a good26.9%
pick as well.
following examples. For n=100 and k=5,execution time is 1249 sec. 3rd 6 23.1%
for resolution 300k and 755 sec. for resolution 40k. For n=200 and k=7 VI. Table 4th AND 4FUTURE WORK
it is 1558 sec. for resolution 300k and 924 sec. for resolution 40k. 3. Number of times (and
These numbers shows that the approach is computationally feasible We have presentedpercentage)
a new 3Din system
which theforTRFtheofaesthetic planning of
even with practical DBs. Anyway, improving and parallelizing code face plastic surgery. the
The closer reference
system provides the
can suggest,
highest percentage of positivefor any selected facial
could shorten considerably computation times. area, new 3D shapes answers
able to(Best
+) the general harmony of the face.
Observe that he most expensive part of the computation required for Since until now the research in the field has not been able to quantify
setting up the system, that is pre-processing all the faces of the rules for evaluating and improving general facial feature harmony, we
reference DB, is executed once for all, and adding a new sample proposed a “learning by examples” approach. In our case, it consists in
requires only pre-processing this sample. suggesting changes able to approach the shape of similar, but more
harmonious faces. For doing this, a database of harmonious faces has
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