Lesson Plan - Math XI - Unit 5 - Ch21 Ratio, Rate

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Lesson Plan

Session title Date 1st – 3rd week of Teacher’s Dyah Pratiwi HL, S.Pd
Ch.21 Ratio, Rate and August Name

Grade XI Duration 14 × 35 menit Group 20-27 students


Learning aims Learning about ratio, scale, rates, kinematic graphs, and proportion.
A statement which provides the
scope of the subject and the
overall intent of the course

In the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

Learning objectives
1. Record relationship using ratio notation
What are learners expected to
2. Find one quantity when the others is given
learn after completing the
3. Divide amounts in a given ratio
lesson? These should be
4. Make sense of scales on maps, models and plans
specific and able to be
5. Read and interpret rates
6. Calculate average speed
7. Solve problems using distance-time and speed-times graphs
8. Understand what is meant by direct and inverse proportion
9. Solve problems involving proportionate amounts
10. Use algebra to express direct and inverse proportion
11. Increase and decrease amounts by a given ratio

Keywords Ratio, Scale, Rate, Speed, Direct Proportion, Unitary Method, Ratio Method, Inverse Proportion.

Lesson Plan Mathematics | NSA Senior High

Lesson Plan
Values / Characters 1. Accuracy
2. Curiosity
3. Responsible
4. Tolerate interfaith

Learning materials and

TimeAllocation What are you doing? What are your students doing?
Introduction Introduction
1. Conveys the opening greetings to students, 1. Prepare themselves for learning.
checks attendance, and prepares students to
take part for learning.
2. Conveys what material will be studied at this 2, 3 & 4 Recall the previous material and
meeting and the learning objectives to be listen carefully about the explanation.
achieved in learning activities.
3. Reminds students about the previous material
and corresponding materials.
4. Provide motivation to students by explaining
the benefits of ratio and rate.  Cambridge Elevate Ch
Main Activity Main Activity 21.
1. Explain about the ratio and scale. 1. For step 1-2, students pay the attention  Power Point
Session 1 – 2
2. Demonstrate and give some example about on my explanation in this chapter.  IGCSE Mathematics
(2 ×35 min)
ratio. The illustrating can be divided into a 2. Answering a question on book. Course Book Core and
number of unequal parts. ExtendedPage
3. Asking to the students to answering questions 507−514
on book.
Closing Closing
1. Asking to students about the material that has Review about the material that has been
been studied during learning to find out the studied and students can ask things that are
level of students understanding of the material still not understood.
that has been discussed.
2. Provides independent training of practice
questions in the student handbook and assigns
students to study the next material.
3. Gives closing greetings to the students

Lesson Plan Mathematics | NSA Senior High

Lesson Plan
Learning materials and
TimeAllocation What are you doing? What are your students doing?
Introduction Introduction
1. Conveys the opening greetings to students, 1. Prepare themselves for learning
checks attendance, and prepares students to
take part for learning.
2. Conveys what material will be studied at this 2& 3 Recall the previous material it’s about
meeting and the learning objectives to be ratio and scale
achieved in learning activities.
3. Reminds students about ratio andscale.
4. Provide motivation to students because in this 4. Pay attention to the teacher.
meeting we have a group assignment.
Main Activity Main Activity
1. Explain about how to calculate the average 1. Students pay attention about my  Cambridge Elevate
speed using the Distance-Time-Speed triangle. explanation. Ch 21.
2. Asking to the students to make a small group 2. Discussion with the group about rates.  Power Point
Session 3 – 4
and have a discussion about the problem in  IGCSE Mathematics
(2 ×35 min)
PPT. Course Book Core
3. Give a problem so students can discuss with 3. Ask to teacher if there are difficulties. and ExtendedPage
small group. 515−517
4. Teacher monitors students and helps if there
are difficulties.
Closing Closing
1. Ask to students about the material that has 1. Review about the material that has been
been studied during learning to find out the studied and students can ask things that
level of students understand of the material are still not understood.
that has been discussed.
2. Provides independent training of practice 2. Listening to explanation of next
questions in the student handbook and assigns meeting.
students to study the next material.
3. Gives closing greetings to the students. 3. Gives closing greeting.
Session 5 – 6 Introduction Introduction  Cambridge Elevate
(2 ×35 min) 1. Conveys the opening greetings to students, 1. Prepare themselves for learning Ch 21.
checks attendance, and prepares students to  Power Point
take part for learning.
Lesson Plan Mathematics | NSA Senior High
Lesson Plan
Learning materials and
TimeAllocation What are you doing? What are your students doing?
2. Conveys what material will be studied at this 2 & 3 Recall the previous material it’s
meeting and the learning objectives to be about rates.
achieved in learning activities.
3. Reminds students about rates.
4. Provide motivation to students about benefits 4. Pay attention to the teacher.
to learn about kinematic graphs.
Main Activity Main Activity
1. Asking to student to join the group (group in 1. For step 1, 2, and 3 the students pay the
previous session). attention on my explanation in this
2. Give provide examples of how to draw and use chapter.
distance-time graphs to calculate the average 2. Answering a question on book.
3. Explain to students about how to interpret
distance-time graphs. From these example,  IGCSE Mathematics
asking to students for looking at examples of Course Book Core
speed-time graphs being used to find and ExtendedPage
acceleration and decelaration and to calculate 517−524
distance travelled as area under a linear speed-
time graph.
4. Asking to the students to answering questions
on PPT.
Closing Closing
1. Asking to students about the material that has Review about the material that has been
been studied during learning to find out the studied and students can ask things that are
level of students understanding of the material still not understood.
that has been discussed. .
2. Provides independent training of practice
questions in the student handbook and assigns
students to study the next material.
3. Gives closing greetings to the students.
Session 7 – 8 Introduction: Introduction  Cambridge Elevate Ch
(2 ×35 min) 1. Conveys the opening greetings to students, 1. Prepare themselves for learning 21.
checks attendance, and prepares students to
Lesson Plan Mathematics | NSA Senior High
Lesson Plan
Learning materials and
TimeAllocation What are you doing? What are your students doing?
take part for learning.  Power Point
2. Conveys what material will be studied at this 2 & 3 Recall the previous material it’s  IGCSE Mathematics
meeting and the learning objectives to be about kinematic graphs. Course Book Core and
achieved in learning activities. Extended Page
3. Reminds students about kinematic graphs. 525−532
4. Provide motivation to students about benefits 4. Pay attention to the teacher.
to learn about proportion and direct inverse
proportion in algebraic terms.
Main Activity Main Activity
1. Asking to student to join the group (group in 1. For step 1, 2, and 3 the students pay the
previous session). attention on my explanation in this
2. Asking to students for access chapter.
www.mathisfun.com to discuss about
proportion and the difference between direct
and inverse proportion. You can search
directly proportional and inversely
3. Explain about direct proportion, the statement
“ y is directly proportional to x ” we can write
y=cx where c is the proportionally
constant.then to write the statement “ y is
inversely proportional to x ” we can write an
equation y= ”.
4. Explain to students about how to interpret
distance-time graphs. From these example,
asking to students for looking at examples of
speed-time graphs being used to find
acceleration and decelaration and to calculate
distance travelled as area under a linear speed-
time graph. 2. Answering a question on PPT.
5. Asking to the students to answering questions
on PPT.
Lesson Plan Mathematics | NSA Senior High
Lesson Plan
Learning materials and
TimeAllocation What are you doing? What are your students doing?
6. Monitor the discussion. 3. Discuss and present the result of the
7. Give the confirmation about the result of discussion.
Closing Closing
1. Asking to students about the material that has Review about the material that has been
been studied during learning to find out the studied and students can ask things that are
level of students understanding of the material still not understood.
that has been discussed.
2. Provides independent training of practice
questions in the student handbook and assigns
students to study the next material.
3. Gives closing greetings to the students
Session 9 – 10 Introduction: Introduction  Cambridge Elevate Ch
(2 ×35 min) 1. Conveys the opening greetings to students, 1. Prepare themselves for learning 21.
checks attendance, and prepares students to  Power Point
take part for learning.  IGCSE Mathematics
2. Conveys what material will be studied at this 2 & 3 Recall the previous material it’s Course Book Core and
meeting and the learning objectives to be about proportion and direct inverse Extended Page
achieved in learning activities. proportion in algebraic terms. 532−533
3. Reminds students about proportion and direct
inverse proportion in algebraic terms.
4. Provide motivation to students about benefits 4. Pay attention to the teacher.
to learn about Increasing and decreasing
amounts by a given ratio.
Main Activity Main Activity
1. Asking to student to join the group (group in 1. For step 1, 2, and 3 the students pay the
previous session). attention on my explanation in this
2. Asking to students for access chapter.
www.mathisfun.com to discuss about
proportion and the difference between direct
and inverse proportion. You can search
directly proportional and inversely
Lesson Plan Mathematics | NSA Senior High
Lesson Plan
Learning materials and
TimeAllocation What are you doing? What are your students doing?
3. Explain about direct proportion, the statement
“ y is directly proportional to x ” we can write
y=cx where c is the proportionally
constant.then to write the statement “ y is
inversely proportional to x ” we can write an
equation y= ”.
4. Explain to students about how to interpret
distance-time graphs. From these example,
asking to students for looking at examples of
speed-time graphs being used to find
acceleration and decelaration and to calculate
distance travelled as area under a linear speed-
time graph. 2. Answering a question on PPT.
5. Asking to the students to answering questions
on PPT.
6. Monitor the discussion. 3. Discuss and present the result of the
7. Give the confirmation about the result of discussion.
Closing Closing
1. Asking to students about the material that has Review about the material that has been
been studied during learning to find out the studied and students can ask things that are
level of students understanding of the material still not understood.
that has been discussed.
2. Remind to the students for next meeting we
have a daily test chapter 20 and chapter 21.
3. Gives closing greetings to the students
Session 11 – 12 Introduction Introduction
(2 ×35 min) 1. Conveys the opening greetings to students, 1. Prepare themselves for daily test. IGCSE Mathematics
checks attendance, and prepares students to Course Book Core and
take part for daily test. ExtendedCh 20 and Ch 21
2. Give instruction for daily test chapter 20 and 2. Pay attention for the instruction.
ch 21.
Lesson Plan Mathematics | NSA Senior High
Lesson Plan
Learning materials and
TimeAllocation What are you doing? What are your students doing?
Main Activity Main Activity
Distributing question sheets and reminding to be Do the daily test.
careful in doing.
Closing Closing
1. Give the information about what we will learn 1. Listening to explanation for next
in our next meeting. meeting.
2. Gives closing greetings to the students. 2. Give the greetings for teacher.
Introduction Introduction
1. Conveys the opening greetings to students, 1. Prepare themselves for remmedial and
checks attendance, and prepares students to enrichment programme.
take part fordaily test.
2. Give instruction for remedial and enrichment 2. Pay attention for the instruction.
programme chapter 20 and ch 21.
Session 13 – 14 IGCSE Mathematics
Main Activity Main Activity Course Book Core and
(2 ×35 min)
Distributing question sheets and reminding to be Do the remedial/enrichment. ExtendedCh 20 and Ch 21
careful in doing.
Closing Closing
1. Give the information about what we will learn 1. Listening to explanation for next
in our next meeting it is about chapter 22. meeting.
2. Gives closing greetings to the students. 2. Give the greetings for teacher.

Type of Assessment Objectives Instructions
Students are able to:
1. Find the ratio in simplest form.
Cognitive Assessment 2. Find and calculate the equivalent ratio. Students are asked to solve the problems
(Individual Task) 3. Find and solve the scale. (attached) within 40 minutes individually.
4. Use and find the ratio with scale problems.
5. Use and calculte the ratio by dividing a quantity.
Psychomotor Students are able to:  Students are asked to solve the
Assessment problems (attached) in small group 4 –
(Group Task) 1. Use and solve the problems about proportion using direct
5 students within 40 minutes.
Lesson Plan Mathematics | NSA Senior High
Lesson Plan
Type of Assessment Objectives Instructions
2. Use and solve the problems about proportion using inverse  After discuss, students are asked to
present their final result.
3. Solve and calculate the problems about inverse proportion
4. Solve and calculate the problems about direct proportion
Students are able to:
1. Construct and use histograms with unequal intervals
Daily Test 2. Construct and use histograms with unequal intervals Students are asked to solve the given problems
(Individual) 3. Identify the grouped frequency distribution (attached) within 60 minutes individually
4. Divide amounts in a given ratio
5. Calculate average speed
Enrichment and Remedial
Activity Aims Instruction
Enrichment Students are ables to distinguish ratio, rate and proportion Solve the problems
Answer the following question with find the
Remedial Students are ables to elaborate their thought about ratio, rate and proportion.
ratio, rate and proportion

Lesson Evaluation:
 Did the students meet the learning objective?
 What was the problem we found in this topic?
 How to make this topic delivered better?
 What two things went really well ?(consider both teaching and learning)
 What two things would have improved the lesson ?
 What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Surabaya, 15th of July 2022

Acknowledged by,
Principal Teacher

Lesson Plan Mathematics | NSA Senior High

I Putu Tony Purana, S.T, M.M Dyah Pratiwi Hayu Lestari, S.Pd
Lesson Plan

A. Cognitive Assignment (Individual Task)

i. Question of Individual Task ( Session 1 - 2)

Answer the questions below briefly and clearly!

1. A packet of sweets contains 12 red and five yellow sweets. What is the ratio of:
(a) Red to yellow sweets. [Score: 5]
(b) Yellow to red sweets? [Score: 5]

2. A brand of pet food contains meat and cereal in the ratio 2 :9.
During one shift, the factory making the pet food used 3500 kg of meat. What mass of cereal did they use? [Score: 5]

3. A map has a scale of 1 :50 000. How long would 60 m of these real lengths be on the map? [Score: 5]

4. A rectangular hall is 20 m long and 40 m wide. Draw scaled diagrams of this hall using a scale of 1:200. [Score: 5]

5. A rectangle has perimeter of 120 cm. The ratio of its length to its breadth is 5:3.
Sketch the rectangle and indicate what the lengths of each side would be. [Score: 5]

Lesson Plan Mathematics | NSA Senior High

Lesson Plan

ii. Rubric of Individual Task (Session 1 – 2)

No Question Answer Score

If the sweet packet contains of red is 12
A packet of sweets contains 12 red and five yellow sweets. What is the
and the sweet packet contains of yellow is
ratio of: 5
1 5. So here’s the ratio for these question:
(a) Red to yellow sweets
(b) Yellow to red sweets? (b) 5:12 5
If the ratio of meat and cereal is 2 : 9and
A brand of pet food contains meat and cereal in the ratio 2 :9. During one the mass of meat that used is 3500. It
2 shift, the factory making the pet food used 3500 kg of meat. What mass of means for 3500 kg the ratio is 2. So for 5
cereal did they use? each contains of meat is 1750 kg.
So, 9 times by 1750 = 15.750 kg.
A map has a scale of 1 :50 000. How long would 60 m of these real lengths
3 0.0012 m=0.12 cm=1.2 mm 5
be on the map?
A rectangular hall is 20 m long and 40 m wide. Draw scaled diagrams of
4 100 mm ×250 mm 5
this hall using a scale of 1:200

A rectangle has perimeter of 120 cm. The ratio of its length to its breadth
22.5 cm
5 is 5:3. Sketch the rectangle and indicate what the lengths of each side 5
would be.
37.5 cm
Total Score 30

Grade= × 100
Total Score

B. Psychomotor Assignment (Group Task)

Lesson Plan Mathematics | NSA Senior High
Lesson Plan
i. Question of Group Task (Session 7 – 8

Discuss the following problems in your group and present them in front of the class!

1. A vendor sells frozen yoghurt in 250 g and 100 g tubs. It costs $ 1.75 for 250 g and 80 cents for 100 g.
Which is the better buy? [Score: 5]

2. A journey takes three hours when you travel at 60 km/h. How long would the same journey take at a speed of 50 km/h. [Score: 5]

3. For each of the following, y is inversely proportional to x . Write an equation expressing y in terms of  x if:
(a) y=0.225 when x=20 [Score: 5]
(b) y=12.5 when x=5 [Score: 5]

4. A is directly proportional to r 2 and when r =3 , A=36 . Find the value of A when r =10. [Score: 5]

ii. Rubric of Group Task (Session 7 – 8):

No Question Answer Score

A vendor sells frozen yoghurt in 250 g and 100 g tubs. It costs $ 1.75 for
1 250 g 5
250 g and 80 cents for 100 g. Which is the better buy?
Lesson Plan Mathematics | NSA Senior High
Lesson Plan
No Question Answer Score
For each of the following, y is inversely proportional to x . Write an 4.5
equation expressing y in terms of  x if: y= 5
2 a. y=0.225 when x=20
b. y=12.5 when x=5 y= 5
2 2
r , if r=3 so A=36.Which means 3 =9 × 4=36
A is directly proportional to r 2 and when r =3 , A=36 . Find the value of A
3 k =constant =4 5
when r =10. So, if r =10 ,r 2=102=100 × 4=400
Total Score 20

Grade= × 100
Total Score

iii. Rubric of Presentation

Category 4 3 2 1

Contribution to Consistently and Work toward group Work toward group Work toward group
Group’s Goal actively works toward goals without goals with occasional goals only when
Lesson Plan Mathematics | NSA Senior High
Lesson Plan
group: willingly occasional prompting: prompting prompted
Score: accepts and fulfills accepts and fulfill
individual role within individual role within
___ the group the group
Consideration of Show sensitivity to the Shows and expresses Show sensitivity to the Need occasional
Others feelings and learning sensitivity to the feelings of others reminders to be
needs of others, value feelings of others, sensitive to the feeling
Score: the knowledge, encourages the of others
opinion, and skills of participation of others
___ all group member
Contribution of Consistently and Contributes Contributes information Contributes information
Knowledge actively contributes knowledge, opinion to the group with to the group only when
knowledge, opinions, and skills without occasional prompting prompted
Score: and skills without prompting or and reminding
prompting or reminding
___ reminding
Working and Help the group Willingly participate Participates in needed Participates in needed
Sharing with identify necessary in needed changes, changes with occasional changes when prompted
Others changes and usually does the prompting, often needs and encouraged, always
encourages group, assigned work and reminding to do the or often relies on others
Score: action for change, rarely needs reminder assigned work to do the work
does assign work
___ without reminders
Total Score: Comments:

C. Cognitive Assignment (Individual Test)

i. Guideline Daily Test (Session 11 – 12):

No. Topic Learning Objective Cognitive Level

Construct and use histograms
1a Analyze
with unequal intervals
Construct and use histograms
1b Histograms and frequency distribution diagrams Analyze
with unequal intervals
Identify the grouped frequency
1c Applying
Lesson Plan Mathematics | NSA Senior High
Lesson Plan
2 Calculate average speed Applying
Ratio, Rate and Proportion
3 Divide amounts in a given ratio Analyze

ii. Question Daily Test (Session 11 – 12)

Answer the questions below briefly and clearly!


Lesson Plan Mathematics | NSA Senior High

Lesson Plan

(a) The cumulative frequency diagram shows information about the floor area, a m2, of each of 80 houses.
Use the diagram to find an estimate of
(i) The median, [Score: 1]
(ii) The lower quartile, [Score: 1]
(iii) The interquartile range,
[Score: 1]

Lesson Plan Mathematics | NSA Senior High

Lesson Plan
(iv)The number of houses with a floor area greater than 120 m2 [Score: 2]
(b) The information about the 80 floor area is shown in this frequency table.

(i) Calculate an estimate of the mean floor area. [Score: 4]

(ii) Complete the histogram to show the information in the frequency table. [Score: 4]


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Lesson Plan

The speed-time graph shows the first 50 seconds of a journey. Calculate:

(a) The acceleration during the first 15 seconds. [Score: 1]
(b) The distance travlled in the 50 seconds. [Score: 3]

3. (a) Mohsin has 600 pear trees and 720 apple trees on his farm.
(i) Write the ratio pear trees : apple trees in its simplest form. [Score: 1]
(ii) Each apple tree produces 16 boxes of apples each year. One box contains 18kg of apples.
Calculate the total mass of apples produced by the 720 trees in one year. Give your answer in standard form. [Score: 3]

iii. Rubric of Daily Test (Session 11 – 12)

Question Mark
Answer Partial Mark
1(a)(i) 90 1
1(a)(ii) 68 1
1(a)(iii) 52 1
B1 for 60 in working or as answer
1(a)(iv) 20 2

Lesson Plan Mathematics | NSA Senior High

Lesson Plan
Question Mark
Answer Partial Mark

1(b)(i) 97.5 4

Bars with heights 0.9, 0.5, 0.3, 0.175 and with

1(b)(ii) 4
correct widths

2(a) 1 or 1.67 or 1.666 to 1.667 1
2(b) 1062.5 M2 for ( 50+35)oe or M1 for one area 3
3(a) 5:6 1
3(b) 2.0736 [0 ]× 10 final answer B2 for 207360 oe or M1 for 16 ×18 ×720 3
Total Score 21

Grade= × 100
Total Score
D. Remidial and Enrichment
i. Question of Remidial Task (Session 13 – 14)

Answer the questions below briefly and clearly!


Lesson Plan Mathematics | NSA Senior High

Lesson Plan
The frequency table shows information about the time, m minutes, that each of 160 people spend in a library.
(a) Calculate an estimate of the mean time spent in the library. [Score: 4]
(b) Complete the cumulative frequency table below. [Score: 2]

(c) On the grid opposite, draw the

cumulative frequency diagram.

[Score: 2]

Lesson Plan Mathematics | NSA Senior High

Lesson Plan

(d) Use your cumulative frequency diagram to find.

(i) The median, [Score: 1]
(ii) The interquartile range, [Score: 2]
(iii) The 90th percentile.
[Score: 2]
(iv)The number of people who spend more than 30 minutes in the library. [Score: 2]


The diagram shows the

speed-time graph for 24 seconds of a car journey. Calculate:
(a) The deceleration of the car in the final 8 seconds. [Score: 1]
Lesson Plan Mathematics | NSA Senior High
Lesson Plan
(b) The total distance travelled during the 24 seconds. [Score: 2]

3. A company employed 300 workers when it started and now employs 852 workers.
(a) Of the 852 workers, the ratio part-time workers : full-time workers=5:7.
Calculate the number of full-time workers. [Score: 2]
(b) The company makes 40600 headphones in one year. Write this number in standard form. [Score: 1]

ii. Rubric of Remidial Task (Session 13 – 14):

Questio Description
n Answer Partial Mark

1(a) 58.125 nfww 4

1(b) 2

1(c) Correct curve 3

1(d)(i) 57 to 59 1
1(d)(ii) 36 to 42 2

Lesson Plan Mathematics | NSA Senior High

Lesson Plan
Questio Description
n Answer Partial Mark
1(d)(iii) 92 to 94 2
1(d)(iv) 130 to 137 2
2(a) 1.5 or 1 1
2(b) 240 M1 for one correct area 2
852−300 852
3(a) 184 M1 for [×100] oe or for ×100 [−100 ] oe 2
300 300
3(b) 4.06 × 10 1
Total Score 22

Grade= × 100
Total Score

Lesson Plan Mathematics | NSA Senior High

Lesson Plan

iii. Enrichment Programme

1. Give the link for students then they should to compare the similarities between this exponential growth formula and the compound interest
formulae (www.khanacademy.org/ )and https://youtu.be/m5Tf6vgoJtQ
2. https://nrich.maths.org to solve the series problems of different levels of difficulty. Students can search “ratio and proportion” to obtain a
list. Because they also have a set of problems on”Ratio, proportion and rates of change” as well as some short problems.

Lesson Plan Mathematics | NSA Senior High

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