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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.287,722 B2

Williams et al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 15, 2016
(54) PERSONAL E-PORTAPPARATUS (56) References Cited

(71) Applicants: Donald S. Williams, Chicago, IL (US); U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS

Thomas J. Rieckelman, Chicago, IL 7,772,802 B2 8, 2010 Manico et al.
(US) 7,793,121 B2 9/2010 Lawther et al.
7,948,208 B2 5, 2011 Partoviet al.
(72) Inventors: Donald S. Williams, Chicago, IL (US); 7,948,209 B2 5/2011 Jung
Thomas J. Rieckelman, Chicago, IL 7,952.322 B2 5, 2011 Partoviet al.
(US) 8,030,888 B2 10/2011 Pandya et al.
8, 102,147 B2 1/2012 Jung
8,120,317 B2 2/2012 Sip
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 8,169,185 B2 5, 2012 Partoviet al.
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 8, 193,764 B2 6/2012 Jakubowski
U.S.C. 154(b) by 218 days. 8,242,741 B2 8/2012 Phelps, III
8,248,026 B2 8/2012 Sip
8,463,765 B2 6, 2013 LeSavich
(21) Appl. No.: 14/208,949 RE44,713 E 1/2014 Jung
8,629,652 B2 1/2014 Partoviet al.
(22) Filed: Mar 13, 2014 8,629,654 B2 1/2014 Partoviet al.
8,655,272 B2 2/2014 Saunamaki
(65) Prior Publication Data 8,656,193 B2 2/2014 Hijazi et al.
8,854.207 B2 10/2014 Williams
US 2014/0274204 A1 Sep. 18, 2014 9,013,301 B2 4/2015 Williams
9,037,564 B2 5, 2015 LeSavich et al.
9,137,250 B2 9/2015 LeSavich et al.
2005/008.6389 A1 * 4/2005 Chang ................... HO4W 88.02
Related U.S. Application Data 709/250
2007/0182367 A1 8, 2007 PartOvi
(60) Provisional application No. 61/787,904, filed on Mar. 2007/0279002 A1 12, 2007 PartOvi
15, 2013. 2008/0055076 A1* 3, 2008 Yu ............................ GO8E3 1.08
(51) Int. Cl. 2009/0021214 A1 1/2009 Foster ................. HOM 10,465
H02. 7/00 (2006.01) 320,114
2009/00964.13 A1 4/2009 Partovi
H04B I/3827 (2015.01)
H04B I/3877 (2015.01) (Continued)
H04B I/3888 (2015.01) Primary Examiner — Arun Williams
(52) U.S. Cl. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Lesavich High-Tech Law
CPC .............. H02J 70013 (2013.01); H04B I/385 Group, S.C.; Stephen Lesavich
(2013.01); H04B I/3827 (2013.01); H04B (57) ABSTRACT
I/3877 (2013.01); H04B I/3888 (2013.01); A persona e-port apparatus. The personal e-port apparatus
H02J 7/0044 (2013.01) includes a portable apparatus Such as bag, purse, backpack,
(58) Field of Classification Search etc. with specific portions for protecting, organizing display
CPC ...... Y02E 60/12: H02J 7/004.4; H02J 7/0042:
H02J 7/0045; H01M 2/1022 ing and charging plural electronic devices such as Smart
USPC .......................................................... 320,114 phones, book readers, game consoles and tablet computers.
See application file for complete search history. 21 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
US 9.287,722 B2
Page 2

(56) References Cited 2012fO278622 A1 11, 2012 Lesavich et al.

2013/0099563 A1 4, 2013 PartOvi
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2013/0175983 A1 T/2013 PartOvi
2013/0214931 A1* 8, 2013 Chia ..................... HO2J 7/OO42
2010/02O1533 A1 8, 2010 Kirby et al. 340,815.4
2010/0213895 A1 8, 2010 Keating 2013,02856.04 A1 10, 2013 PartOvi
2011/0208710 A1 8, 2011 Lesavich 2013,0217332 A1 11, 2013 Altman et al.
2011/0221385 A1 9, 2011 PartOvi 2014/0000322 A1 1, 2014 Williams
2012.0043937 A1* 2, 2012 Williams .............. HO2J 7/OO44 2014/O103873 A1 4, 2014 PartOvi
2014/O189792 A1 T/2014 Lesavich et al.
320,115 2014/0274204 A1 9, 2014 Williams
2012/O126745 A1 5, 2012 PartOvi 2015.0020558 A1 1/2015 Williams
2012fO235636 A1 9, 2012 PartOvi
2012fO256585 A1 10, 2012 PartOvi * cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Mar. 15, 2016 Sheet 1 of 3 US 9.287,722 B2

F.G. 1
U.S. Patent Mar. 15, 2016 Sheet 2 of 3 US 9.287,722 B2

FIG. 2

U.S. Patent Mar. 15, 2016 Sheet 3 of 3 US 9.287,722 B2

US 9,287,722 B2
1. 2
PERSONAL E-PORTAPPARATUS phones, non-mobile phones, Smartphones, Internet phones,
Internet appliances, personal digital/data assistants (PDA),
CROSS REFERENCES TO RELATED two-way pagers, digital cameras, portable game consoles
APPLICATIONS (PlayStation Portable by Sony, Game Boy by Sony, Nintendo
DSI, etc.), non-portable game consoles (Xbox by Microsoft,
This utility application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Play Station by Sony, Wii by Nintendo, etc.), digital music
Application No. 61/787,904, filed, Mar. 15, 2013, the con players (e.g., iPods by Apple, other MP3 players, etc.) book
tents of which is incorporated by reference. readers (e.g., AMAZON KINDLE, NOOK, etc.) cable tele
vision (CATV) set-top boxes, satellite television boxes, digi
FIELD OF INVENTION 10 tal televisions including high definition television (HDTV),
three-dimensional (3D) televisions and other types of net
work devices.
This application relates to electronic device carriers. More The one or more target network devices 12, 14, 16 also
specifically, it relates to a personal e-port apparatus.
include Smartphones (e.g., 12", etc.) Such as the iPhone by
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 15 Apple, Inc., Blackberry Storm and other Blackberry models
by Research InMotion, Inc. (RIM), Droid by Motorola, Inc.
Consumers have many electronic devices such as cell HTC, Inc. other types of Smart phones, etc. However, the
phones, electronic tablets, game consoles, personal digital/ present invention is not limited to such Smartphone devices,
data assistants (PDAs) that are carried and include batteries. and more, fewer or other devices can be used to practice the
There are several problems associated with carrying Such invention.
devices. One problem is that it is difficult to organize such A “smart phone' is a mobile phone that offers more
devices. Another problem is that is difficult to carry chargers advanced computing ability and connectivity than a contem
for such devices. Another problem is that it is difficult to porary basic feature phone. Smartphones and feature phones
protect such devices. may be thought of as handheld computers integrated with a
Thus, it would be desirable to solve some of the problems 25 mobile telephone, but while most feature phones are able to
associated with carrying multiple electronic devices. run applications based on platforms such as Java ME, a Smart
phone usually allows the user to install and run more
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION advanced applications. Smartphones and/or tablet computers
run complete operating system software providing a platform
In accordance with preferred embodiments of the inven 30 for application developers.
tion, Some of the problems associated with carrying multiple The operating systems include the iPhone OS, Android,
electronic devices are overcome. Windows, etc. iPhone OS is a proprietary operating system
A persona e-port apparatus is presented The personal for the Apple iPhone. Android is an open Source operating
e-port apparatus includes a portable apparatus such as bag, system platform backed by Google, along with major hard
purse, backpack, etc. with specific portions for protecting, 35 ware and software developers (such as Intel, HTC, ARM,
organizing displaying and charging plural electronic devices Motorola and Samsung, etc.), that form the Open Handset
Such as Smartphones, book readers, game consoles and tablet Alliance.
computers. The one or more target network devices 12, 14, 16 also
The foregoing and other features and advantages of pre include tablet computers (e.g., 16, etc.) Such as the iPad, by
ferred embodiments of the present invention will be more 40 Apple, Inc., the HP Tablet, by Hewlett Packard, Inc., the
readily apparent from the following detailed description. The Playbook, by RIM, Inc., the Tablet, by Sony, Inc.
detailed description proceeds with references to the accom The target network devices 12, 14, 16 are in communica
panying drawings. tions with a communications network 18. The communica
tions network 18 includes, but is not limited to, a cloud
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 45 computing network 18 including one or more portions of the
Internet, an intranet, a wired Local Area Network (LAN), a
Preferred embodiments of the present invention are wireless LAN (WiLAN), a Wide Area Network (WAN), a
described with reference to the following drawings, wherein: Metropolitan Area Network (MAN), Public Switched Tele
FIG. 1 is a block diagram an electronic communications phone Network (PSTN) and other types of wired and wireless
system; 50 communications networks providing Voice, video and data
FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrating a personal e-port communications with wired or wireless communication pro
apparatus in a mail bag in a closed position; tocols.
FIG. 3 is a block diagram illustrating the personal e-port Plural server network devices (source network devices) 20,
apparatus from FIG. 2 in an open position; and 22, 24 (only three of which are illustrated) each with one or
FIG. 4 is block diagram illustrating a personal e-port appa 55 more processors include one or more associated databases
ratus in a backpack. 20', 22, 24'. The plural source network devices 20, 22, 24 are
in communications with the one or more target network
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION devices 12, 14, 16 via the communications network 18. The
plural source network devices 20, 22, 24, include, but are not
FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating an exemplary elec 60 limited to, electronic mail (e-mail) servers, World Wide Web
tronic communications system 10. The exemplary electronic servers, Internet servers, file servers, other types of electronic
communications system 10 includes, but is not limited to, one information servers, and other types of server network
or more target network devices 12, 14, 16 (only three of which devices (e.g., edge servers, firewalls, routers, gateways,
are illustrated) each with one or more processors. Switches, etc.).
The one or more target network devices 12, 14, 16 include, 65 The communications network 18 may include one or more
but are not limited to, multimedia capable desktop and laptop gateways, routers, bridges, Switches. As is known in the art, a
computers, tablet computers, facsimile machines, mobile gateway connects computer networks using different network
US 9,287,722 B2
3 4
protocols and/or operating at different transmission capaci for a home geographic area for the target network device. In
ties. A router receives transmitted messages and forwards another embodiment, the target network device is mobile. As
them to their correct destinations over the most efficient avail the target network device is moved to a new geographic area,
able route. A bridge is a device that connects networks using the Smart chip communicates with the communications net
the same communications protocols so that information can 5 work 18 to receive dynamic advertising information that is
be passed from one network device to another. A switch is a based on the geographic area.
device that filters and forwards packets between network The communications network 18 may also include one or
segments. Switches typically operate at the data link layer and more servers or access points (AP) including wired and wire
sometimes the network layer and therefore support virtually less access points (WAP) (not illustrated).
any packet protocol. 10
The communications network 18 includes data networks
The one or more target network devices 12, 14, 16 and one using the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), User Data
or more server network devices 20, 22, 24 may communicate gram Protocol (UDP). Internet Protocol (IP) and other data
with each other and other network devices with near field
communications (NFC) and/or machine-to-machine (M2M) protocols.
communications. 15 The communications network 18 may also include wired
"Near field communication (NFC) is a set of standards for interfaces connecting portions of a PSTN or cable television
Smartphones and similar devices to establish radio commu network that connect the network devices 12, 14, 16 via one
nication with each other by touching them together or bring or more twisted pairs of copper wires, coaxial cable, fiber
ing them into close proximity, usually no more than a few optic cable, other connection media or other connection inter
centimeters. Present and anticipated applications include faces. The PSTN is any public switched telephone network
contactless transactions, data exchange, and simplified setup provided by AT&T, GTE, Sprint, MCI, SBC, Verizon and
of more complex communications such as Wi-Fi. Communi others.
cation is also possible between an NFC device and an unpow An operating environment for network devices and inter
ered NFC chip, called a “tag” including radio frequency iden faces of the present invention include a processing system
tifier (RFID) tags. 25 with one or more high speed Central Processing Unit(s)
NFC Standards cover communications protocols and data (“CPU) or other types of processors and a memory. In accor
exchange formats, and are based on existing radio-frequency dance with the practices of persons skilled in the art of com
identification (RFID) standards including ISO/IEC 14443 puter programming, the present invention is described below
and FeliCa. These Standards include ISO/IEC 1809 and those with reference to acts and symbolic representations of opera
defined by the NFC Forum, all of which are incorporated by 30 tions or instructions that are performed by the processing
reference. system, unless indicated otherwise. Such acts and operations
“Machine to machine (M2M)” refers to technologies that or instructions are referred to as being "computer-executed.”
allow both wireless and wired systems to communicate with “CPU executed” or “processor executed.”
other devices of the same ability. M2M uses a device to It will be appreciated that acts and symbolically repre
capture an event (such as option purchase, etc.), which is 35 sented operations or instructions include the manipulation of
relayed through a network (wireless, wired cloud, etc.) to an electrical signals by the CPU. An electrical system represents
application (Software program), that translates the captured data bits which cause a resulting transformation or reduction
event into meaningful information. Such communication was of the electrical signals, and the maintenance of data bits at
originally accomplished by having a remote network of memory locations in a memory system to thereby reconfigure
machines relay information back to a central hub for analysis, 40 or otherwise alter the CPU's operation, as well as other pro
which would then be rerouted into a system like a personal cessing of signals. The memory locations where data bits are
computer. maintained are physical locations that have particular electri
However, modern M2M communication has expanded cal, magnetic, optical, or organic properties corresponding to
beyond a one-to-one connection and changed into a system of the data bits.
networks that transmits data many-to-one and many-to-many 45 The data bits may also be maintained on a non-transitory
to plural different types of devices and appliances. The expan computer readable medium including magnetic disks, optical
sion of IP networks across the world has made it fareasier for disks, organic memory, and any other Volatile (e.g., Random
M2M communication to take place and has lessened the Access Memory (“RAM)) or non-volatile (e.g., Read-Only
amount of power and time necessary for information to be Memory (“ROM)) mass storage system readable by the
communicated between machines. 50 CPU. The non-transitory computer readable medium
Preferred embodiments of the present invention include includes cooperating or interconnected computer readable
network devices and interfaces that are compliant with all or medium, which exist exclusively on the processing system or
part of standards proposed by the Institute of Electrical and be distributed among multiple interconnected processing sys
Electronic Engineers (IEEE), International Telecommunica tems that may be local or remote to the processing system.
tions Union-Telecommunication Standardization Sector 55 As is known in the art, the Open Systems Interconnection
(ITU), European Telecommunications Standards Institute (“OSI) reference model is a layered architecture that stan
(ETSI), Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), U.S. dardizes levels of service and types of interaction for network
National Institute of Security Technology (NIST), American devices exchanging information through a communications
National Standard Institute (ANSI), Wireless Application network. The OSI reference model separates network device
Protocol (WAP) Forum, Data Over Cable Service Interface 60 to-network device communications into seven protocol lay
Specification (DOCSIS) Forum, Bluetooth Forum, or the ers, or levels, each building- and relying-upon the standards
ADSL Forum. However, network devices based on other contained in the levels below it. The OSI reference model
standards could also be used. includes from lowest-to-highest, a physical, data-link, net
A non-mobile target network device (e.g., a payphone, work, transport, session, presentation and application layer.
etc.), includes a Smart chip with plural Software modules in 65 The lowest of the seven layers deals solely with hardware
communications with the communications network 18. In links; the highest deals with Software interactions at the appli
one embodiment the Smart chip is programmed specifically cation-program level.
US 9,287,722 B2
5 6
As is known in the art, the Internet Protocol reference particularly Suited for sending and receiving Small bursts of
model is a layered architecture that standardizes levels of data Such as e-mail and Web browsing, as well as large Vol
service for the Internet Protocol suite of protocols. The Inter umes of data.
net Protocol reference model comprises in general from low As is known in the art, CDPD is a wireless standard pro
est-to-highest, a link, network, transport and application viding two-way, 19.2-Kbps or higher packet data transmis
layer. sion over existing cellular telephone channels. As is known in
In one embodiment of the present invention, the wired and the art, a Packet Cellular Network (PCN) includes various
wireless interfaces include wired and wireless interfaces and types of packetized cellular data.
corresponding networking protocols for wired connections to In one embodiment, of the invention, the wireless inter
the communications network 18 including, a Public Switched 10 faces include WPAN wireless personal area network (WPAN)
Telephone Network (PSTN) or a cable television network interfaces. As is known in the art, a WPAN is a personal area
(CATV) including HDTV that connect the target network network for interconnecting devices centered around an indi
devices 12, 14, 16 via one or more twisted pairs of copper vidual person's devices in which the connections are wire
wires, digital subscriber lines (e.g. DSL, ADSL, VDSL, etc.) less. AWPAN interconnects all the ordinary computing and
coaxial cable, fiber optic cable, other connection media or 15 communicating devices that a person has on their desk (e.g.
other wired connection interfaces. The PSTN is any public computer, etc.) or carry with them (e.g., PDA, mobile phone,
switched telephone network provided by AT&T, GTE, Sprint, two-way pager, etc.)
MCI, SBC, Verizon and others. Typically, a wireless personal area network uses some
The communications network 18 may also include a pag technology that permits communication only within about 10
ing and wireless messaging network, a wireless cellular tele meters. One such technology is "Bluetooth. Another such
phone network, a Packet Cellular Network (PCN), Global technology is “Zigbee.”
System for Mobile Communications, (GSM), Generic Packet A key concept in WPAN technology is known as “plugging
Radio Services (GPRS), network/Personal Communications in.” In the ideal scenario, when any two WPAN-equipped
Services network (PCS), a Cellular Digital Packet Data devices come into close proximity (within several meters of
(CDPD), Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), Digital 25 each other) or within a few kilometers of a central server (not
Audio Broadcasting (DAB) network or other types of com illustrated), they can communicate via wireless communica
puter networks. tions as if connected by a cable. WPAN devices can also lock
The wireless cellular telephone network includes, but is not out other devices selectively, preventing needless interfer
limited to Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), Time ence or unauthorized access to secure information.
Division Multiple Access (TDMA), or other wireless tech 30 In one embodiment of the present invention, the wireless
nologies. interfaces include but are not limited to, an IEEE 802.11a,
As is known in the art, PCS networks include network that 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n, 802.15.4 (ZigBee), 802.16a,
cover a range of wireless, digital communications technolo 802.16g, “Wireless Fidelity” (WiFi), “Worldwide Interoper
gies and services, including cordless phones, mobile phones, ability for Microwave Access” (WiMAX), ETSI High Perfor
Voice mail, paging, faxing, mobile personal digital/data assis 35 mance Radio Metropolitan Area Network (HIPERMAN)
tants (PDAs), etc. PCS devices are typically divided into “RF Home,” or other types of wireless interfaces. However,
narrowband and broadband categories. the present invention is not limited to such wireless interface
Narrowband devices, which operates in the 900 MHz band and other types of wireless interfaces can also be used.
of frequencies, typically provide paging, data messaging, In another embodiment of the present invention, the target
faxing, and one- and two-way electronic messaging capabili 40 network devices 14, 16 include a wireless sensor device that
ties. Broadband devices, which operate in the 1850 MHz to comprises an integral or separate Bluetooth and/or infra data
1990 MHz range typically provide two-way voice, data, and association (IrDA) module for wireless Bluetooth or wireless
Video communications. Other wireless technologies such as infrared communications.
GSM, CDMA and TDMA are typically included in the PCS As is known in the art, an 802.11b is a short-range wireless
category. 45 network standard. The IEEE 802.11b standard defines wire
As is known in the art, GSM is another type of digital less interfaces that provide up to 11 Mbps wireless data trans
wireless technology widely used throughout Europe, in Aus mission to and from wireless devices over short ranges.
tralia, India, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. GSM is gain 802.11a is an extension of the 802.11b and can deliver speeds
ing popularity in the United States. GSM is a wireless plat up to 54Mbps. 802.11g deliver speeds on par with 802.11a.
form based on TDMA to digitize data. GSM includes not only 50 However, other 802.11XX interfaces can also be used and the
telephony and Short Message Services (SMS) but also voice present invention is not limited to the 802.11 protocols
mail, call forwarding, fax, caller ID, Internet access, and defined. The IEEE 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g standards
e-mail. are incorporated herein by reference.
As is known in the art, SMS is type of communications As is known in the art, WiFi is a type of 802.11xx interface,
service that enables a user to allow private message commu 55 whether 802.11b, 802.11a, dual-band, etc. WiFi devices
nications with another user. GSM typically operates at three include an RF interfaces such as 2.4 GHz for 802.11b or
frequency ranges: 900 MHz (GSM 900) in Europe, Asia and 802.11g and 5 GHz for 802.11a.
most of the rest of the world; 1800 MHz (GSM 1800 or DCS As is known in the art, 802.15.4 (Zigbee) is low data rate
1800 or DCS) in a few European countries; and 1900 MHz network standard used for mesh network devices such as
(GSM 1900 also called PCS 1900 or PCS) in the United 60 sensors, interactive toys, Smart badges, remote controls, and
States. GSM also operates in a dual-band mode including home automation. The 802.15.4 standard provides data rates
900/1800 Mhz and a tri-band mode include 900/1800/1900 of 250 kbps, 40 kbps, and 20 kbps., two addressing modes:
Mhz. 16-bit short and 64-bit IEEE addressing, support for critical
As is known in the art, GPRS is a standard for wireless latency devices, such as joysticks, Carrier Sense Multiple
communications, which runs at speeds up to 150 kilo-bits 65 Access/Collision Avoidance, (CSMA-CA) channel access,
per-second (“kbit/s). GPRS, which supports a wide range of automatic network establishment by a coordinator, fully
bandwidths is an efficient use of limited bandwidth and is handshaked protocol for transfer reliability, power manage
US 9,287,722 B2
7 8
ment to ensure low power consumption for multi-month to UDP provides a connectionless mode of communications
multi-year battery usage and up to 16 channels in the 2.4 GHz with datagrams in an interconnected set of networks. For
Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band (Worldwide), more information on UDP see ITEF RFC-768, incorporated
10 channels in the 915 MHz (US) and one channel in the 868 herein by reference.
MHz band (Europe). The IEEE 802.15.4-2003 standard is IP is an addressing protocol designed to route traffic within
incorporated herein by reference. a network or between networks. For more information on IP
As is known in the art, WiMAX is an industry trade orga 54 see IETF RFC-791, incorporated herein by reference.
nization formed by leading communications component and HTTP is a standard protocol for communications on the
equipment companies to promote and certify compatibility World WideWeb. For more information on HTTP see IETF
and interoperability of broadband wireless access equipment 10 RFC-2616, incorporated herein by reference.
that conforms to the IEEE 802.16XX and ETSI HIPERMAN. SMTP is a protocol for sending e-mail messages between
HIPERMAN is the European standard for metropolitan area devices including e-mail servers. For more information on
SMTP see IETF RFC-821 and RFC-2821, incorporated
networks (MAN). herein by reference.
The IEEE The 802.16a and 802.16g standards are wireless 15 POP3 is a protocol for a protocol used to retrieve e-mail
MAN technology standard that provides a wireless alterna from a mail server. For more information on POP3, see IETF
tive to cable, DSL and T1/E1 for last mile broadband access. RFC-1939, incorporated herein by reference.
It is also used as complimentary technology to connect IEEE IMAP is a protocol for retrieving e-mail messages from a
802.11XX hot spots to the Internet. server. For more information on IMAP, see IETF RFC-1730,
The IEEE 802.16a Standard for 2-11 GHZ is a wireless incorporated herein by reference.
MAN technology that provides broadband wireless connec VoIP is a set of facilities for managing the delivery of voice
tivity to fixed, portable and nomadic devices. It provides up to information using IP 28 packets. In general, VoIP is used to
50-kilometers of service area range, allows users to get broad send Voice information in digital form in discrete data packets
band connectivity without needing direct line of sight with the (i.e., IP 28 packets) over data networks 18 rather than using
base station, and provides total data rates of up to 280 Mbps 25 traditional circuit-switched protocols used on the PSTN.
per base station, which is enough bandwidth to simulta VoIP is used on both wireless and wired data networks.
neously support hundreds of businesses with T1/E1-type con VoIP typically comprises several applications (e.g., SIP,
nectivity and thousands of homes with DSL-type connectiv SLP. H.323, H.324, DNS, AAA, etc.) that convert a voice
ity with a single base station. The IEEE 802.16g provides up signal into a stream of packets (e.g., IP28 packets) on a packet
to 100 Mbps. 30 network and back again. VoIP allows voice signals to travel
The IEEE 802.16e standard is an extension to the approved over a stream of data packets over a communications network
IEEE 802.16/16a/16g standard. The purpose of 802.16e is to As is known in the art, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
add limited mobility to the current standard which is designed Supports user mobility by proxying and re-directing requests
for fixed operation. 35 to a mobile node's current location. Mobile nodes can register
The ESTI HIPERMAN standard is an interoperable broad their current location. SIP is not tied to any particular confer
band fixed wireless access standard for systems operating at ence control protocol. SIP is designed to be independent of a
radio frequencies between 2 GHz and 11 GHz. lower-layer transport protocol and can be extended. For more
The IEEE 802.16a, 802.16e and 802.16g standards are information on SIP see IETF RFC-2543, the contents of
incorporated herein by reference. WiMAX can be used to 40 which are incorporated herein by reference.
provide Wireless Link Prioritization (WLP). As is known in the art, Service Location Protocol (SLP)
The ETSI HIPERMAN standards TR 101 031, TR 101 provides a scalable framework for the discovery and selection
475, TR 101 493-1 through TR 101 493-3, TR 101 761-1 of network services. Using SLP, network devices using the
through TR 101 761-4, TR 101762, TR 101763-1 through Internet need little or no static configuration of network Ser
TR 101 763-3 and TR 101957 are incorporated herein by 45 vices for network based applications. For more information
reference. ETSI HIPERMAN can also be used to provide on SLP see IETF RFC-2608, incorporated herein by refer

As is known in the art, Bluetooth is a short-range radio As is known in the art, H.323 is one of main family of video
frequency technology aimed at simplifying communications conferencing recommendations for IP networks. The ITU-T
50 H.323 standards entitled “Packet-based multimedia commu
among network devices and between network devices. Blue nications systems’ dated February 1998, September 1999,
tooth wireless technology Supports both short-range point-to
point and point-to-multipoint connections. The Bluetooth November 2000 and July 2003 are incorporated herein by
Specification, GL 11 rO2. March 2005, prepared by the Blue As is known in the art, H.324 is a video conferencing
tooth SIG, Inc. is incorporated herein by reference. 55 recommendation using Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS)
The target devices 12, 14, 16 include a protocol stack with lines. The ITU-T H.324 standards entitled “Terminal for low
multiple layers based on the Internet Protocol or OSI refer bit-rate multimedia communication’ dated February 1998
ence model. The protocol stack includes, but is not limited to, and March 2002 are incorporated herein by reference.
TCP, UDP, IP. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Simple As is known in the art, a Domain Name System (DNS)
Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Post Office Protocol version 60 provides replicated distributed secure hierarchical databases
3 (POP3), Internet Mail Access Protocol (IMAP), Voice that hierarchically store resource records under domain
Over-IP (VoIP), instant-messaging (IM) and other protocols. names. For more information on the DNS see IETF RFC
TCP provides a connection-oriented, end-to-end reliable 1034, RFC-1035, RFC-1591, RFC-2606 and RFC-2929, the
protocol designed to fit into a layered hierarchy of protocols contents of all of which are incorporated herein by reference.
that Support multi-network applications. For more informa 65 As is known in the art, Authentication Authorization and
tion on TCP 58 see RFC-793, incorporated herein by refer Accounting (AAA) includes a classification scheme and
CCC. exchange format for accounting data records (e.g., for call
US 9,287,722 B2
billing, etc.). For more information on AAA applications, see, rity Protocol (TKIP). The IEEE 802.11i draft standard, ver
IETF RFC-2924, the contents of which are incorporated sion 4, completed Jun. 6, 2003, is incorporated herein by
herein by reference. reference.
VoIP services typically need to be able to connect to tradi The 802.11i is based on 802.1X port-based authentication
tional circuit-switched voice networks such as those provided for user and device authentication. The 802.11i standard
by the PSTN. Thus, VoIP is typically used with the H.323 includes two main developments: Wireless or Wi-Fi Pro
protocol and other multimedia protocols. H.323 and H.324 tected Access (WPA) and Robust Security Network (RSN).
terminals such as multimedia computers, handheld devices, WPA uses the same RC4 underlying encryption algorithm
PDAs or other devices such as non-mobile and mobile phones as WEP. However, WPA uses TKIP to improve security of
connect to existing wired and wireless communications net
10 keys used with WEP. WPA keys are derived and rotated more
works 18 as well as private wired and wireless networks. often than WEP keys and thus provide additional security.
WPA also adds a message-integrity-check function to prevent
H.323 and H.324 terminals implement voice transmission packet forgeries.
functions and typically include at least one voice codec (e.g., RSN uses dynamic negotiation of authentication and
ITU-T CODECS, G.711, G.723, G.726, G.728, G.729, GSM, 15 selectable encryption algorithms between wireless access
etc.) that sends and receives packetized Voice data and typi points and wireless devices. The authentication schemes pro
cally at least one video codec (e.g., MPEG, etc.) that sends posed in the draft standard include Extensible Authentication
and receives packetized video data). Protocol (EAP). One proposed encryption algorithm is an
An Instant Message (IM) is a “short, real-time or near Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption algorithm.
real-time message that is sent between two or more end user Dynamic negotiation of authentication and encryption
devices such (computers, personal digital/data assistants algorithms lets RSN evolve with the state of the artin security,
(PDAs) mobile phones, etc.) running IM client applications. adding algorithms to address new threats and continuing to
An IM is typically a short textual message. Examples of IM provide the security necessary to protect information that
messages include America Online's Instant (AIM) messaging WiLANs carry.
service, Microsoft Network (MSN) Messenger, Yahoo Mes 25 The NIST developed a new encryption standard, the
senger, and Lycos ICO Instant Messenger, IM services pro Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to keep government
vided by telecomproviders such as T-Mobile, Verizon, Sprint, information secure. AES is intended to be a stronger, more
and others that provide IM services via the Internet and other efficient successor to Triple Data Encryption Standard
wired and wireless communications networks. In one (3DES).
embodiment of the present invention, the IM protocols used 30 As is known in the art, DES is a popular symmetric-key
meet the requirements of Internet Engineering Task Force encryption method developed in 1975 and standardized by
(IETF) Request For Comments (RFC)-2779, entitled “Instant ANSI in 1981 as ANSI X.3.92, the contents of which are
Messaging/Presence Protocol Requirements.” However, the incorporated herein by reference. As is known in the art,
present invention is not limited to Such an embodiment and 3DES is the encrypt-decrypt-encrypt (EDE) mode of the DES
other IM protocols not compliant with IETF RFC 2779 may 35 cipher algorithm. 3DES is defined in the ANSI standard,
also be used. ANSI X9.52-1998, the contents of which are incorporated
Security and Encryption herein by reference. DES modes of operation are used in
Devices 12, 14, 16, 20, 22, 24, 28 and interfaces 44 of the conjunction with the NIST Federal Information Processing
present invention include plural security and/or encryption Standard (FIPS) for data encryption (FIPS 46-3, October
methods for secure communications via the computer net 40 1999), the contents of which are incorporated herein by ref
work 18. CCC.
Wireless Encryption Protocol (WEP) (also called “Wired The NIST approved a FIPS for the AES, FIPS-197. This
Equivalent Privacy) is a security protocol for WiLANs standard specified “Rijndael’ encryption as a FIPS-approved
defined in the IEEE 802.11b standard. WEP is cryptographic symmetric encryption algorithm that may be used by U.S.
privacy algorithm, based on the Rivest Cipher 4 (RC4) 45 Government organizations (and others) to protect sensitive
encryption engine, used to provide confidentiality for information. The NIST FIPS-197 standard (AES FIPS PUB
802.11b wireless data. 197, November 2001) is incorporated herein by reference.
As is known in the art, RC4 is cipher designed by RSA Data The NIST approved a FIPS for U.S. Federal Government
Security, Inc. of Bedford, Mass., which can accept encryption requirements for information technology products for sensi
keys of arbitrary length, and is essentially a pseudo random 50 tive but unclassified (SBU) communications. The NIST FIPS
number generator with an output of the generator being Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules (FIPS
XORed with a data stream to produce encrypted data. PUB 140-2, May 2001) is incorporated herein by reference.
One problem with WEP is that it is used at the two lowest As is known in the art, RSA is a public key encryption
layers of the OSI model, the physical layer and the data link system which can be used both for encrypting messages and
layer, therefore, it does not offer end-to-end security. One 55 making digital signatures. The letters RSA Stand for the
another problem with WEP is that its encryption keys are names of the inventors: Rivest, Shamir and Adleman. For
static rather than dynamic. To update WEP encryption keys, more information on RSA, see U.S. Pat. No. 4,405,829, now
an individual has to manually update a WEP key. WEP also expired, incorporated herein by reference.
typically uses 40-bit static keys for encryption and thus pro As is known in the art, "hashing is the transformation of a
vides “weak encryption.” making a WEP device a target of 60 string of characters into a usually shorter fixed-length value or
hackers. key that represents the original string. Hashing is used to
The IEEE 802.11 Working Group is working on a security index and retrieve items in a database because it is faster to
upgrade for the 802.11 standard called “802.11 i.” This find the item using the shorter hashed key than to find it using
supplemental draft standard is intended to improve WiLAN the original value. It is also used in many encryption algo
security. It describes the encrypted transmission of data 65 rithms.
between systems 802.11X WiLANs. It also defines new Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), is used for computing a
encryption key protocols including the Temporal Key Integ secure condensed representation of a data message or a data
US 9,287,722 B2
11 12
file. When a message of any length <2 bits is input, the cation between a source and destination by allowing mutual
SHA-1 produces a 160-bit output called a “message digest.” authentication, the use of digital signatures for integrity, and
The message digest can then be input to other security tech encryption for privacy.
niques such as encryption, a Digital Signature Algorithm The SSL protocol is designed to Support a range of choices
(DSA) and others which generates or verifies a security 5 for specific security methods used for cryptography, message
mechanism for the message. SHA-512 outputs a 512-bit mes digests, and digital signatures. The security method are nego
sage digest. The Secure Hash Standard, FIPS PUB 180-1, tiated between the source and destination at the start of estab
Apr. 17, 1995, is incorporated herein by reference. lishing a protocol session. The SSL 2.0 protocol specification,
Message Digest-5 (MD-5) takes as input a message of by Kipp E. B. Hickman, 1995 is incorporated herein by ref
10 erence. More information on SSL is available at the URL See
arbitrary length and produces as output a 128-bit “message “ 2.html.”
digest of the input. The MD5 algorithm is intended for As is known in the art, Transport Layer Security (TLS)
digital signature applications, where a large file must be provides communications privacy over the Internet. The pro
“compressed in a secure manner before being encrypted tocol allows client/server applications to communicate over a
with a private (secret) key under a public-key cryptosystem 15 transport layer (e.g., TCP) in a way that is designed to prevent
such as RSA. The IETF RFC-1321, entitled “The MD5 Mes eavesdropping, tampering, or message forgery. For more
sage-Digest Algorithm' is incorporated here by reference. information on TLS see IETF RFC-2246, incorporated herein
As is known in the art, providing a way to check the by reference.
integrity of information transmitted over or stored in an unre In one embodiment, the security functionality includes
liable medium Such as a wireless network is a prime necessity Cisco Compatible EXtensions (CCX). CCX includes security
in the world of open computing and communications. Mecha specifications for makers of 802.11xx wireless LAN chips for
nisms that provide such integrity check based on a secret key ensuring compliance with Cisco's proprietary wireless Secu
are called “message authentication codes' (MACS). Typi rity LAN protocols. As is known in the art, Cisco Systems,
cally, message authentication codes are used between two Inc. of San Jose, Calif. is Supplier of networking hardware and
parties that share a secret key in order to validate information 25 Software, including router and security products.
transmitted between these parties. Personal E-Port Apparatus
Keyed Hashing for Message Authentication Codes FIG. 2 is a block diagram 26 illustrating a personal e-port
(HMAC), is a mechanism for message authentication using apparatus 28 in a mail bag in a closed position.
cryptographic hash functions. HMAC is used with any itera FIG.3 is a block diagram 30 illustrating the personal e-port
tive cryptographic hash function, e.g., MD5, SHA-1, SHA 30 apparatus 28 from FIG. 2 in an open position.
512, etc. in combination with a secret shared key. The cryp The personal e-port apparatus includes an exterior shell
tographic strength of HMAC depends on the properties of the component 32, plural organizing components 34, plural
power connecting components 36, one or more charging
underlying hash function. The IETF RFC-2101, entitled components 38, one or more power sources 40 and one or
"HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication' is 35 more mounting components 42. However, the present inven
incorporated here by reference. tion is not limited to this embodiment and more, fewer or
As is known in the art, an Electronic Code Book (ECB) is other components can be used to practice the invention.
a mode of operation for a “block cipher, with the character The exterior shell component 32, includes a bag, purse,
istic that each possible block of plaintext has a defined cor backpack, Suitcase, and/or other flexible and/or rigid con
responding cipher text value and vice versa. In other words, 40 tainer. The exterior shell component 32 comprises, various
the same plaintext value will always result in the same cipher synthetic fiber fabrics (e.g., nylon, etc.) propylene based
text value. Electronic Code Book is used when a volume of materials, wood, natural fiber fabrics (e.g., cotton, wool, silk,
plaintext is separated into several blocks of data, each of etc.), composite materials, hard and soft plastics, etc. How
which is then encrypted independently of other blocks. The ever, the present invention is not limited to these exterior shell
Electronic Code Book has the ability to support a separate 45 portions and more fewer and/or other exterior shell portions
encryption key for each block type. 32 can be used to practice the invention.
As is known in the art, Diffie and Hellman (DH) describe In one embodiment, the exterior shell component 32 is
several different group methods for two parties to agree upon created from a rigid plastic including Polyetherimide, Poly
a shared secret in such a way that the secret will be unavail imide other thermosetting polyimides, other plastics and/or
able to eavesdroppers. This secret is then converted into vari 50 composite materials.
ous types of cryptographic keys. A large number of the vari However, the present invention is not limited to these mate
ants of the DH methodexist including ANSIX9.42. The IETF rials and other materials can be used for the rigid fluid col
RFC-2631, entitled “Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement lection portion 14 to practice the invention.
Method is incorporated here by reference. “Polyetherimide' (PEI) is an amorphous, amber-to-trans
However, the present invention is not limited to the security 55 parent thermoplastic with characteristics similar to the related
or encryption techniques described and other security or plastic PEEK. Polyether ether ketone (PEEK) is a colorless
encryption techniques can also be used. organic polymer thermoplastic Relative to PEEK, PEI is
As is known in the art, the HyperText Transport Protocol cheaper, but less temperature-resistant and lower in impact
(HTTP) Secure (HTTPs), is a standard for encrypted commu strength.
nications on the World Wide Web. HTTPs is actually just 60 For example, commercially, ULTEM is a family of PEI
HTTP over a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). For more infor products manufactured by SABIC.ULTEM resins are used in
mation on HTTP see IETF RFC-2616 incorporated herein by medical and chemical instrumentation due to their heat resis
reference. tance, Solvent resistance and flame resistance.
As is known in the art, the SSL protocol is a protocol layer “Polyimide' (PI) is a polymer of imide monomers. Such
which may be placed between a reliable connection-oriented 65 imide monomers include pyromellitic dianhydride and 4,4'-
network layer protocol (e.g. TCP/IP) and the application pro oxydianiline and others. Polyimide materials are lightweight,
tocol layer (e.g. HTTP). SSL provides for secure communi flexible, resistant to heat and chemicals. Polyimide parts are
US 9,287,722 B2
13 14
not affected by commonly used solvents and oils, including using yarns or fibers. Fabrics can be made using 100% syn
hydrocarbons, esters, ethers, alcohols and freons. They also thetic fiber or in blends with cotton or other natural fibers.
resist weak acids. Nylon is a generic designation for a family of synthetic
“Thermosetting polyimides' are known for thermal stabil polymers known generically as aliphatic polyamides. Nylon
ity, good chemical resistance, excellent mechanical proper is one of the most commonly used polymers. Key represen
ties. Normal operating temperatures for Such polymides tatives are nylon-6.6 nylon-6: nylon-6.9; nylon-6,10: nylon
range from cryogenic with temperatures below about -238 6,12; nylon-11, nylon-12 and nylon-4.6.
F. (-150° C.) to those exceeding about 500° F (260° C.). However, the present invention is not limited to these mate
"Composite materials are engineered or naturally occur 10
rials and other materials can be used to practice the invention.
ring materials made from two or more constituent materials The organizing component 34 include plural pockets and/
with significantly different physical or chemical properties or compartments of varying sizes and shapes. The plural
which remain separate and distinct at the macroscopic or pockets and/or compartments include flaps and/or Zippers
microscopic scale within the finished structure. Common and/or hook and loop fasteners (e.g., VELCRO, etc.) to cover
polymer-based composite materials, include at least two 15 the plural pockets and/or compartments.
parts, a Substrate (e.g., fibers, etc.) and a resin. The plural organizing components 34 include organizing
The composite materials include “Fiber-reinforced poly components for target network devices 12, 14, 16, including,
mers’ (FRP) including thermoplastic composites, short fiber but not limited to, Smartphones, tablet computers, portable
thermoplastics, long fiber thermoplastics or long fiber-rein game consoles, digital cameras and digital music players.
forced thermoplastics. There are numerous thermoset com FIG. 3 illustrates smart phone 12" inside one of the plural
posites, but advanced systems usually incorporate aramid organizing components.
fiber and carbon fiberin an epoxy resin matrix. The composite In one embodiment, the plural organizing components 34
materials also include carbon/carbon composite materials include selected ones of the plural organizing components 34
with carbon fibers and a silicon carbide matrix. including viewing windows 35 (only one of which is illus
However, the present invention is not limited to these mate 25 trated in FIG. 3) comprising a portion of the organizing com
rials and other materials can be used to practice the invention. ponent allowing display of a target network device 12 when it
In one embodiment, exterior shell component 32 is con is placed within a selected organizing components.
structed from Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) polyethylene, The plural organizing components 34 also prevent damage
polypropylene, very low-density polyethylene (VLDPE), lin and scratching of the display and other Surfaces of the target
ear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) Flexible polypropy 30 network device 12, 14, 16.
lene (FPP), Ethylene interpolymer alloy (EIA), EPDM (eth However, the present invention is not limited to these orga
ylene propylenediene monomer), composite materials and/or nizing components and more fewer and other types of orga
other flexible materials. However, the present invention is not nizing components 34 can be used to practice the invention.
limited to these materials and other materials can be used to The power connection components 36 include USB ports,
practice the invention. 35 DC power ports and AC power ports to connect target devices
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is durable, cheap, and easily 12, 14, 16 for recharging. The plural power connection com
worked into membranes. Polyvinyl chloride is produced by ponents 36 are illustrated as USB ports only in FIG. 3 for
polymerization of a monomer, vinyl chloride (VCM). PVCs simplicity.
are relatively low cost, biological and chemical resistance and However, the present invention is not limited to these
very workable into membranes. 40 power connecting components 36 and more fewer and other
Very low-density polyethylene (VLDPE) and linear low types of power connecting components 36 can be used to
density polyethylene (LLDPE) overcome the shortcomings practice the invention.
of other polyethylenes (e.g., high density polyethylene Universal Serial Bus (USB) is an industry standard devel
(HDPE), etc. in terms of flexibility. These are less crystalline oped in the mid-1990s that defines the cables, connectors and
forms of polyethylene which result in increased flexibility 45 communications protocols used in a bus for connection, com
and a membrane less conducive to brittle stress cracking. munication, and power Supply between computers and elec
Flexible polypropylene (FPP) is produced in both unrein tronic devices.
forced (PPU) and reinforced (PPR) form to provide a choice USB was designed to standardize the connection of com
in terms of tensile behavior. puter peripherals (including keyboards, pointing devices,
Ethylene interpolymer alloy (EIA) is an alloy of PVC resin 50 digital cameras, printers, portable media players, disk drives
with a special ethylene interpolymer that results in a flexible and network adapters) to personal computers, both to com
plastic-free material. EIA geomembranes maintain the municate and to supply electric power. It has become com
advantages of PVC but have a high degree of durability and monplace on other devices, such as Smart phones, PDAs,
chemical resistance. table computers, video game consoles, etc.
EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer) was devel 55 Direct Current (DC) is the unidirectional flow of electric
oped from butyl rubber and exhibits excellent elongation charge. Direct current is produced by Sources such as batter
characteristics. ies, thermocouples, Solar cells, and commutator-type electric
However, the present invention is not limited to these mate machines of the dynamo type. Direct current may flow in a
rials and other materials can be used to practice the invention. conductor Such as a wire, but can also flow through semicon
In one embodiment, the exterior shell component 32 60 ductors, insulators, or eventhrough a vacuum as in electron or
includes backpacks with Polyurethane coated CORDURA ion beams. The electric current flows in a constant direction,
Nylon. distinguishing it from Alternating Current (AC).
CORDURA is the brand name for a collection of fabrics Alternating Current (AC) is the flow of an electric charge
used in a wide array of products including luggage, back periodically reverses direction. In DC, the flow of electric
packs, pants, military wear and performance apparel. COR 65 charge is only in one direction. AC is the form in which
DURA fabrics are known for their durability and resistance to electric power is delivered to businesses and residences. The
abrasions, tears and scuffs. CORDURA fabrics are made usual waveform of an AC power circuit is a sine wave.
US 9,287,722 B2
15 16
The charging components 38 include USB, AC, DC includ In one embodiment, a target network device 12 is placed on
ing but not limited to batteries, capacitors, Solar cells, induc the induction mat 38' for charging (FIG. 4).
tion charging bases and/or universal adaptability charging In one embodiment, the charging component 38 includes a
attachments. “universally adaptable' charger component 34. A universally
However, the present invention is not limited to these adaptable charger couples electrically a charger outlet to pairs
charging components 38 and more fewer and other types of of terminals of different types and kinds of rechargeable
charging components 38 can be used to practice the invention. battery devices.
In one embodiment, the charging component 38 includes However, the present invention is not limited to these
one or more capacitors. A “capacitor” is a passive two-termi charging components 38 and more fewer and other types of
nal electrical component used to store energy electrostatically 10
charging components 38 can be used to practice the invention.
in an electric field. The forms of practical capacitors vary The power source component 40 with power source com
widely, but all contain at least two electrical conductors ponent interface 41 (e.g., plug, etc.) provides USB, AC, DC
(plates) separated by a dielectric (i.e., insulator). The conduc power to the apparatus 28 for the power connecting compo
tors can be thin films of metal, aluminum foil or disks, etc. nents 36 and the charging components 38. The plural power
The "nonconducting dielectric acts to increase the capaci 15
tor's charge capacity. A dielectric can be glass, ceramic, plas source components 40 is illustrated as an AC power source 40
tic film, air, paper, mica, etc. Capacitors are widely used as only in FIG.3 for simplicity.
parts of electrical circuits in many common electrical devices. However, the present invention is not limited to these
Unlike a resistor, a capacitor does not dissipate energy. power source components 40 and more fewer and other types
Instead, a capacitor Stores energy in the form of an electro of power Source components 40 can be used to practice the
static field between its plates. invention.
In one embodiment, the charging component 38 includes The exterior shell 30 includes a mounting component 42 to
one or more solar cells. A “solar cell (also called a photo attach the apparatus to any bathroom or kitchen counter,
voltaic cell) is an electrical device that converts the energy of mattress, chair, Sofa, table, door, airplane, train, ship or auto
light directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect. It is a 25 motive seating or headrest including but not limited to, cush
form of photoelectric cell in that its electrical characteristics ions/mattresses sleeping areas in the afore mentioned areas.
(e.g., current, Voltage, or resistance vary when light is inci In one embodiment, the mounting component 42 includes
dent upon it, etc.) which, when exposed to light, can generate a stand component (illustrated in FIG. 3) such as that would
and Support an electric current without being attached to any be used to hold a picture frame. In another embodiment, the
external Voltage source, but do require an external load for 30
mounting component 42 includes a strap component 42" (il
power consumption.
In one embodiment, the charging component 38 includes a lustrated in FIG. 4), a clip component (not illustrated), a hook
flexible “inductive' charging mat. Inductive charging (also and loop component 42 (FIG.3) (both not illustrated) and/or
known as "wireless charging) uses an electromagnetic field other types attachment components 42.
to transfer energy between two objects. Energy is sent 35 However, the present invention is not limited to these
through an inductive coupling to an electrical device 12, 14. mounting components 42 and more fewer and other types of
16, which can then use that energy to charge batteries or run attachment components 42 can be used to practice the inven
the device. tion.
Induction chargers typically use an induction coil to create The apparatus 28 is portable and placed into a comfortable
an alternating electromagnetic field from within a charging 40 position on a bed, home, hotel, resort, hostel, Sofa, chair,
base station, and a second induction coil in the portable device table, door, kitchen area, bathroom/washroom, airplane,
takes power from the electromagnetic field and converts it train, automobile or ship/boat to protect, organize, use display
back into electrical current to charge the battery. The two and charge plural target network devices 12, 14, 16.
induction coils in proximity combine to form an electrical In one embodiment, the apparatus 28, further includes a
transformer. 45 wireless interface 44 component with one or more processors
Newer approaches to induction chargers reduce transfer connected to the one or more power source components 40 for
losses through the use of ultra thin coils, higher frequencies, communicating with a wireless communications network 18.
and optimized drive electronics. This results in more efficient (The actual connections are not illustrated in FIG. 3 for sim
and compact chargers and receivers, facilitating their integra plicity),
tion into mobile devices or batteries with minimal changes 50 The wireless interface component 44, includes but is not
required. These technologies provide charging times compa limited to, an IEEE 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n,
rable to wired approaches, and they are rapidly finding their 802.15.4 (ZigBee), 802.16a, 802.16g, WiFi, WiMAX, HIP
way into mobile devices. For example, a new induction ERMAN, RF Home, Bluetooth, infrared, NFC, and/or M2M
recharger system employs high-frequency induction to wireless interfaces for communicating with the wireless com
deliver high power at an efficiency of 86% (6.6 kW power 55 munications network 18.
delivery from a 7.68 kW power draw). In one embodiment, the wireless interface component 44
In another embodiment, the induction mat is removable provides wireless communications to target network devices
and re-attachable to the exterior shell32 of the apparatus 28 12, 14, 16, that may not have wireless communications capa
and is placed within an inner surface of the exterior shell 32 bilities.
(FIG. 3). 60 In another embodiment, the wireless interface component
In another embodiment, a target network device is placed 44 provides a wireless antenna booster to those target network
inside an organizing component 34 (FIG. 3) and is charged by devices that already have wireless communication capabili
the induction mat 38 by being in close proximity, but not ties.
directly on, the induction mat38. In one embodiment, the wireless interface 44 provides
In one embodiment, the induction mat is integral to an 65 secure wireless communications with the wireless communi
outer portion of the exterior shell32 of the apparatus 28 (FIG. cations network 18 with one or more of the security and/or
4). encryption methods described herein.
US 9,287,722 B2
17 18
However, the present invention is not limited to these wire units of the exterior and interior shell. Construction of the
less interface components 42 and more fewer and other types exterior shell riveted, stitched, heat sealed, sonic welded or
of wireless components 44 can be used to practice the inven solvent sealed/welded construction of the exterior shell.
tion. The personal e-port apparatus 28 described herein includes
In one embodiment, the apparatus 28 further includes one a portable apparatus Such as bag, purse, backpack, etc. with
or more audio interface components 46 interface (e.g., speak specific portions for protecting, organizing displaying and
ers, etc.) connected to the one or more power Source compo charging plural electronic devices Such as Smartphones, book
nents 40. The actual connections are not illustrated in the readers, game consoles and tablet computers
drawings for simplicity. The audio speaker 46 (only one of It should be understood that the architecture, materials,
which is illustrated) provide an audio for the one or more 10 components, programs, processes, methods and systems
target network devices 12, 14, 16. described herein are not related or limited to any particular
However, the present invention is not limited to these audio type of materials, network device or network system (hard
interface components 46 and more fewer and other types of ware or software), unless indicated otherwise. Various types
audio interface components 46 can be used to practice the of general purpose or specialized materials and network sys
invention. 15 tems may be used with or perform operations in accordance
In one embodiment, the apparatus 28 further includes one with the teachings described herein.
or more display interface components 48 connected to the one In view of the wide variety of embodiments to which the
or more power source components 40. The actual connections principles of the present invention can be applied, it should be
are not illustrated in the drawings for simplicity. The display understood that the illustrated embodiments are exemplary
components provide an visual interface (e.g., display screen, only, and should not be taken as limiting the Scope of the
etc.) for the one or more target network devices 12, 14, 16. present invention. For example, the steps of the flow diagrams
In one embodiment, the one or more display interface may be taken in sequences other than those described, and
components 48 include, but are not limited to, a liquid-crystal more or fewer elements may be used in the block diagrams.
display (LCD). An LCD is a flat panel display, electronic While various elements of the preferred embodiments have
visual display, or video display that uses the light modulating 25 been described as being implemented in software, in other
properties of liquid crystals. Liquid crystals do not emit light embodiments hardware or firmware implementations may
directly. An LCD's low electrical power consumption enables alternatively be used, and Vice-versa.
it to be used in battery-powered electronic equipment. It is an The claims should not be read as limited to the described
electronically modulated optical device made up of any num order or elements unless stated to that effect. In addition, use
ber of segments filled with liquid crystals and arrayed in front 30 of the term “means' in any claim is intended to invoke 35
of a light source (backlight) or reflector to produce images in U.S.C. S 112, paragraph 6, and any claim without the word
color or monochrome. "means' is not so intended.
In one embodiment, the one or more display interface Therefore, all embodiments that come within the scope and
components 48 include, but are not limited to, a thin-film spirit of the following claims and equivalents thereto are
transistor liquid-crystal display (TFT LCD). ATFT LCD is a 35 claimed as the invention.
variant of an LCD that uses thin-film transistor (TFT) tech
nology to improve image qualities Such as addressability and We claim:
contrast. ATFT LCD is an active-matrix LCD, in contrast to 1. A personal e-port apparatus, comprising in combination:
passive-matrix LCDs or simple, direct-driven LCDs with a an exterior shell component for carrying one or more
few segments. 40 objects with a plurality of organizing components with a
However, the present invention is not limited to these dis plurality of sizes and shapes;
play components 46 and more fewer and other types of dis the plurality of organizing components including a plural
play components 48 can be used to practice the invention. ity of pockets and compartments;
In addition, the present invention is not limited to the a plurality of power connection components integral to the
physical placement of any of the components 38, 41, 42, 44. 45 exterior shell component for connecting to one or more
46, 48 described in the outer shell as illustrated in the draw target network devices each with one or more processors
ings. The placement in the outer shell 32 is exemplary only to the personal e-port apparatus;
and does not limit the invention. one or more charging components connected to and pro
FIG. 4 is block diagram 50 illustrating a personal e-port viding power to the plurality of power connection com
apparatus 28 in a backpack 28. FIG. 4 illustrates a target 50 ponents including a flexible induction charging mat inte
network device 12 placed on a flexible inductive charging gral to the exterior shell component;
mat 38' integral to the outer shell 30' of the backpack 28 for one or more power source components;
recharging. FIG. 4 also illustrates a USB power source 40' one or more mounting components connected to the exte
with USB power source interface 41' and mounting compo rior shell for mounting the personal e-port apparatus to
nent 42 includes a strap 42. 55 one or more other fixed or movable objects; and
The apparatus 28 adds comfort and convenience to an a wireless interface component with one or more proces
individual, couple or group for Social, personal, entertain sors connected to the one or more power source compo
ment or work time while using any handheld device, book nents for communicating with a wireless communica
reader, Smart book reader, e-books, remote controls, game tions network, wherein the wireless interface
controls or personal items. The device is comprised of an 60 component provides wireless communications with the
exterior shell (made of fabrics, propylene based materials, wireless communications network, wherein the wireless
wood, natural fibers, plastics, etc.) that houses areas for Stor interface component provides wireless communications
age, recharging components (battery cells, ac/dc adaption, capabilities to target network devices that do not have
Solar, USB ports, charging bases and/or universal adaptability wireless communication capabilities, and wherein the
attachments). 65 wireless interface component provides a wireless
Other features of the apparatus 28 include but are not antenna booster to other target network devices that
limited to, the color, material or amount of adaptable charging already have wireless communication capabilities.
US 9,287,722 B2
19 20
2. The personal e-port apparatus of claim 1 wherein the 15. The personal e-port apparatus of claim 1 further com
exterior shell component includes synthetic fiber fabrics, prising one or more display interface components connected
natural fiber fabrics composite materials, hard plastics, soft to the one or more power source components.
plastics and combinations thereof. 16. The personal e-port apparatus of claim 15 wherein the
3. The personal e-port apparatus of claim 1 wherein the 5 one or more display interface components include one or
plurality of organizing components include a plurality of more liquid-crystal display (LCD) or thin-film-transistor
organizing components for a plurality of target network (TFT) LCD display components.
devices including Smartphones, tablet computers, book read 17. The personal e-port apparatus of claim 1 wherein the
ers, portable game consoles, digital cameras and digital music one or more mounting components mount the e-port appara
players. 10 tus to a bathroom or kitchen counter, mattress, chair, sofa,
4. The personal e-port apparatus of claim 1 wherein the table, door, airplane, train, ship or automotive seat or head
plurality of power connection components include Universal 18. The personal e-port apparatus of claim 1 wherein the
Serial Bus (USB), Direct Current (DC) and Alternating Cur one or more mounting components include a stand compo
rent (AC) power connection components. nent, a strap component, a clip component or a hook and loop
5. The personal e-port apparatus of claim 1 wherein the one 15
or more charging components include Universal Serial Bus 19. The personal e-port apparatus of claim 1 wherein the
(USB) charging components. Alternating Current (AC) one or more mounting components attach the personal e-port
charging components, Direct Current (DC) charging compo apparatus to a fixed or moveable object and display and
nents comprising: batteries, capacitors, solar cells and induc charge the one or more target network devices and allow
tion charging components.
6. The personal e-port apparatus of claim 1 wherein the one access to the one or more target network devices included
or more target network devices include one or more laptop within the personal e-port apparatus.
computers, tablet computers, mobile phones, smartphones, 20. A personal e-port apparatus system, comprising in
Internet appliances, personal digital-data assistants (PDA), combination:
digital cameras, portable game consoles, digital music play 25 a wireless communications network;
ers or book readers. one or more target network devices each with one or more
7. The personal e-port apparatus of claim 5 wherein the processors;
induction charging components include a flexible induction a personal e-port apparatus comprising:
charging mat removable from and re-attachable to the exte an exterior shell component for carrying one or more
rior shell component. 30 objects with a plurality of organizing components with a
8. The personal e-port apparatus of claim 1 wherein one or plurality of sizes and shapes;
more power source components include Universal Serial Bus the plurality of organizing components including a plural
(USB), Direct Current (DC) and Alternating Current (AC) ity of pockets and compartments;
power source components. a plurality of power connection components integral to the
9. The personal e-port apparatus of claim 1 further com 35 exterior shell component for connecting the one or more
prising the wireless interface component with the one or more target network devices to the personal e-port apparatus;
processors connected to the exterior shell component and to one or more charging components connected to and pro
the one or more power source components for communicat viding power to the plurality of power connection com
ing with the wireless communications network. ponents, wherein the one or more charging components
10. The personal e-port apparatus of claim 1 wherein the 40 include a flexible induction charging mat integral to the
wireless interface component comprises an IEEE 802.11a, exterior shell component;
802.11b. 802.11g, 802.11n, 802.15.4 (ZigBee), 802.16a, one or more power source components;
802.16g, Wireless Fidelity (WiFi), Worldwide Interoperabil one or more mounting components connected to the exte
ity for Microwave Access” (WiMAX), ETSI High Perfor rior shell for mounting the personal e-port apparatus to
mance Radio Metropolitan Area Network (HIPERMAN), RF 45 one or more other fixed or movable objects; and
Home, Bluetooth, infrared, near field communications (NFC) a wireless interface component with one or more proces
and machine-to-machine (M2M) wireless interface for com sors connected to the one or more power source compo
municating with the wireless communications network. nents for communicating with the wireless communica
11. The personal e-port apparatus of claim 1 wherein the tions network, wherein the wireless interface
wireless communications network includes an IEEE 802.15.4 50 component includes secure communications with the
(ZigBee), Bluetooth, infrared, near field communications wireless communications network, wherein the wireless
(NFC) or machine-to-machine (M2M) wireless communica interface component provides wireless communications
tions network. capabilities to target network devices that do not have
12. The personal e-port apparatus of claim 1 wherein the wireless communication capabilities, and wherein the
wireless communications network includes a wireless per 55 wireless interface component provides a wireless
sonal area network (WPAN). antenna booster to target network devices that already
13. The personal e-port apparatus of claim 1 further com have wireless communication capabilities.
prising a wired interface component for secure communica 21. The personal e-port apparatus system of claim 20
tions with a wired communications network. wherein the wireless interface component also provides non
14. The personal e-port apparatus of claim 1 further com 60 Secure communications with the wireless communications
prising one or more audio interface components connected to
the one or more power source components.

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