Extended ECM Family 22.3 Release Notes
Extended ECM Family 22.3 Release Notes
Extended ECM Family 22.3 Release Notes
• OpenText™ Content Suite Platform
• OpenText™ Extended ECM Platform
• OpenText™ Extended ECM for Microsoft® Office 365™
• OpenText™ Extended ECM for SAP® Solutions
• OpenText™ Extended ECM for SAP® SuccessFactors
• OpenText™ Extended ECM for Salesforce®
• OpenText™ Extended ECM for Engineering
• OpenText™ Extended ECM for Government
Release Notes
CE 22.3
5 Patches ......................................................................................................................................... 44
5.1.1 Enterprise Connect and Office Editor Patches ........................................................... 45
OpenText recommends that you read these Release Notes in conjunction with the documentation
included with the software package. If any conflicts exist, the Release Notes supersede the other
We also recommend that you check OpenText My Support (https://support.opentext.com) for any
patches or documentation updates that may have been posted after the initial release of this product.
5.1.1 Enterprise
Update for Enterprise Connect Framework
8/19/2022 Connect and Office
Editor Patches
The product family of Extended ECM is a leading Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system,
managing the information lifecycle across the enterprise, from capture to archiving and disposition.
It can be integrated into various business applications such as SAP S/4HANA, SAP SuccessFactors,
or Salesforce, has deep integration into the Microsoft 365 collaboration suite and supports many
different business processes with out-of-the-box Business Scenarios as well as tailor-made
applications that can be developed or customized with Extended ECM.
Extended ECM offers different deployment options, ranging from installation directly on physical
hardware, virtual machines to modern, cloud-native deployments using Docker images and Helm
charts on Kubernetes platforms such as Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and AWS.
OpenText Extended ECM Cloud Edition is the equivalent private cloud service offering which can be
considered as an alternative to customer-managed deployments.
Content Server combines related products, modules, and components in one installable software
package. There is no need to identify, check compatibility, check availability, and install modules
By consolidating and simplifying our Content Server delivery, we will provide a clearer view of all the
capabilities and opportunities Extended ECM can bring to you and your business.
You will find these capabilities as structural elements in this Release Notes document, as well as in
the documentation. For more information see Documentation.
What has changed for you? After installing Extended ECM – or upgrading your system to CE 22.3 –
your installation is a complete Extended ECM system. For a complete list of components see
Packaging and documentation.
Your license agreements and license keys will determine the allowed use of the software. Additional
functionality may be accessible to you. However, your license agreement with OpenText remains
applicable and you are eligible to use only the features that are part of your license plan. For more
details see Note on the End User License Agreement.
• Document Management
• Business Workspaces
• Business Process Library
• Viewing and Transformation
• Document Generation
• Integration with Microsoft Office 365
• Integration with Salesforce
• Workflow and Automation
• Information Governance and Protection
• Enterprise Application Integration
• Capture and Ingestion
• External Sharing and Collaboration
• Digital Signature
• System Administration, Operations
• Development
Support Windows Operating System - High Contrast Mode settings: Windows Operating System
provides High Contrast Mode settings. This is now supported in Smart View for dark and light themes.
High Contrast Mode is supported by many standard widgets and pages in Smart View.
My Reserved Items Widget: The My Reserved Items widget lists all the items reserved by the user.
It also includes standard widget features like Search within the widget, infinite scroll, and maximize
For more information, see Smart View online help and Smart View widget configuration help.
Custom View Search Widget: Users can enter search terms directly from the widget.
Extended ECM for Government: Forward a document to another user when navigating the Inbox.
Extended ECM for Government: When viewing a Workflow Assignment, allow the user to edit a
document if attached to the Assignment.
Fast bulk method supports sub-location path: The fast bulk method automatically creates the
folders for the sub-location path of Business Workspaces even when running in a multi-threaded
Workspace Type specific icons: Workspace Type specific icons are used in all widgets, lists, and
search results. This allows end-users to quickly find the desired Business Workspace. Administrators
can configure this widget icon using the Workspace Type configuration. Business Workspace owners
can highlight their Business Workspace by setting even instance-specific icons.
Annotation Tag Filtering: The Annotation Tag feature has been expanded to include filtering what
annotations are shown within the Viewer based on what tags have been applied.
Automatic Rendition Creation*: A folder-level configuration which enables users to set automatic
publishing rules for any new Intelligent Viewing for Extended ECM supported content added to the
container. Options include PDF/TIFF output, OCR, Banners and Watermarks, as well as being able to
delete the source file after the rendition is created if desired.
Transformations – Banners and Watermarks*: Users can apply Banners and Watermarks to
content when performing bulk conversions using our Transformations feature.
* = This feature requires the purchase of Intelligent Viewing for Extended ECM – Transformation
Document Generation configurations that are required for Extended ECM can be transported together
with the regular PowerDocs configuration. Transporting configuration allows customers to have the
same configuration throughout several staging environments for validation and testing purposes.
For more information see the OpenText Extended ECM Platform: Integration and Configuration Guide.
Microsoft Teams integration functionality is only licensed with Extended ECM for Microsoft Office 365.
Records Management Security Clearance and Supplement Markings: Share and unshare a
document from Extended ECM to Microsoft Teams based on applied Security Clearance and
Supplemental Markings.
Mark Official for Content Sharing: Lock a shared document when the document is Marked Official
in Extended ECM and vice versa.
Notification Service for two-way synchronization: Improve the two-way synchronization between
Microsoft Teams and Business Workspaces by using an optional Notification Service to keep file
Incremental Archiving of Teams Chat: The Integration Service supports periodic archiving of
Microsoft Teams chat.
Azure Information Protection: Provide support for Email subtype (749) and Microsoft Azure
Information Protection.
Print Document Versions: Print a single version of a document in Classic View by navigating to the
Versions tab and clicking the Function menu of the version.
The Pulse for All option can be disabled by administrators to improve performance.
Notification Emails: Automatically enable the Email Delivery channel upon upgrading to 22.3. This
will allow users to enable Email Delivery of Notification Center messages. WebReports
WebReports Subtags: The CHILDREN sub-tag returns different data than the
NODEINFO:CHILDREN sub-tag. As it is not a standalone sub-tag, it has been removed from the
WebReports Tag Guide. To support backwards compatibility, the CHILDREN sub-tag will continue to
Content Server Applications support files: The support files for Content Server Applications,
previously managed in the Support Volume, are now managed in the Support Asset Volume. Using
the Support Asset Volume will ensure the support files for Content Server Applications are persisted
upon upgrade. To support this change, the WebReport APPPROPERTY sub-tag now returns data for
an application’s properties file in the Support Assets folder.
Content Server Applications prior to 22.3 use the Support directory. In 22.3, we
recommend that you rebuild your existing Content Server applications. They will be
automatically converted to use the Support Assets Volume.
Smart View Legal Holds: Applying user holds is available in the Smart View Hold Management
workspace for users with adequate permissions. This makes it easier to apply a user hold, which
places a hold on any managed content that a user has created or re-versioned.
One or more holds or hold groups can be selected and moved in or out of other hold groups or into
the Hold Management workspace. Permissions applied to a hold group can determine the actions a
user can perform on holds within the hold group.
These changes apply to both Classic and Smart View. For more information on working with legal
holds, see the Classic View help and the Smart View help.
Mark Official, Remove Official, and Finalize Record permission change: Within RM System
Settings > Access Permissions, the Modify check box for Permissions can be cleared so that Mark
Official, Remove Official, and Finalize Record actions can be performed with only See/See Contents
permissions. For more information see Change Access Permissions Settings in the RM help.
Records Management email template: A new disposition search results replacement tag for the
Disposition Search First Review and Disposition Search Second Review email templates is available
to open the disposition search results in Smart View from the notification email. For more information
see Configuring Email Templates.
Records Management Reports: New Records Management, Physical Object, and Security
Clearance Reports releases are available. Your reports will need to be upgraded on the Application
Management page. This upgrade is to accommodate Content Server Application support and
properties files now being stored in the Support Asset folder. See the WebReports Content Server
Applications section in this document for more information.
WebReports must be enabled to install or upgrade Records
Management, Physical Object, and Security Clearance Reports.
Records Management and WebReports: Two new WebReport tags have been added,
POACTION:REMOVELOCATOR to remove Locator from a physical item and
POACTION:ASSIGNBOX to assign physical items to a box.
Box Disposition eligibility rules: Box Disposition settings now note that options are not selectable
when Multiple RM Classifications is enabled. For more information about Box Dispositioning eligibility
rules, see the help for Disposition Settings – Box Disposition.
Security Clearance: Two new REST APIs are available to return the Security Clearance Level and
Supplemental Markings assigned to a User ID. See the OpenText Developer Network API section for
more information.
See the OpenText Archive Center Release Notes for more information.
Business Workspaces in SAP Fiori apps: The Extended ECM Fiori integration is fully CORS
compatible. There is no need for special configurations on the proxy/application server level.
For more information see the Extended ECM for SAP Solutions SDK and API documentation 22.3. Salesforce
Salesforce Files and Attachments Enhancement: Also known as the Salesforce Enabler’s Native
Attachment support, the Enabler’s Salesforce Files Attachments feature support Object independent
configuration options as well as the same global option. Choose the archive mode of Copy/Move/Link
at each Object level instead of using one global option. For example, the Account Object can archive
attachments in Copy mode, while Opportunity can have Link mode.
Refreshed Extended ECM for Salesforce App Administration: The Extended ECM for Salesforce
Administration application has been refreshed and modeled after Salesforce Setup tree to provide a
familiar and simple way to navigate configuration for the application. Gone are the app’s multiple tabs
and replaced with a searchable tree.
SAP SuccessFactors functionality is only licensed with Extended ECM for SAP SuccessFactors
For more information see the OpenText Extended ECM for SAP SuccessFactors Customizing Guide.
Central Workspaces: The Central Workspace Update/Creation Job candidate filter can be used for
internal candidates, which eliminates the need to create separate jobs for external or internal
candidates and gives a unified and easy configuration approach.
For more information see the OpenText Extended ECM for SAP SuccessFactors Customizing Guide -
Configuring Central Workspace Creation job.
Document Generation: HR can generate offer letters and other documents related to applications
right from the workspace. By selecting a single application for which a document will be generated,
Extended ECM generates a document with data specific to the application and candidate.
For more information see the OpenText Extended ECM for SAP SuccessFactors Customizing Guide -
Generating documents from central workspace.
Document Generation: Document Generation support for Onboardees, such as welcome packages,
NDAs, or other documents from the Workspace UI, which gives a unified experience. Onboardee
documents can be generated by using the “sfsf:user” context.
For more information see the OpenText Extended ECM for SAP SuccessFactors Customizing Guide -
Generating documents from central workspace.
Support for Windows 11: See the OpenText Document Pipeline Release Notes for more information.
On-Hold Documents: Reserve a document in Extended ECM when shared to Core Share and a hold
is applied.
DCS settings: DCS will ignore the queue size configuration settings as it may conflict with other
settings when not appropriately updated. The setting has been removed from the administration
Search Query Logs: Restart is no longer needed for managing search query logs.
Security Logs and System Monitoring events can be configured to send to standard out using
Fluent Bit to external log aggregators.
Patches: System Monitoring events capture inconsistent patches when applied across a cluster.
Admin User: Option available to lock out Admin (1000) user if the system is configured with enough
named users with system administrator rights.
Search Indexing: Identify and flag potential corrupted documents in search indexing process. When
documents are indexing by the search processes, the system will check the content of the documents
and flag the ones that may be corrupted. Administrators can use specific search queries to gather all
the flagged documents to review and do further troubleshooting. This is the search complex query
that returns all the flagged documents: ( [qlregion "OTDocVerification" ] * ).
For more information see the Advanced Indexing and Searching Guide
Object Importer: The Extended ECM Helm charts can create and configure a dedicated volume to
be used with Object Importer. Once enabled, the container automation will configure the Object
Importer to point to the newly created volume, including necessary sub-folders.
Annotations for backup: Specific annotations can be added to the Extended ECM Helm charts if it
becomes necessary to skip the logs from the back-up operations.
Intelligent Viewing Ingress: The Intelligent Viewing Ingress moved into the Extended ECM Ingress
by default, simplifying the deployment and infrastructure.
Transport Warehouse package deployment: We are introducing, as an experimental feature, the
ability to deploy Transport Warehouse packages from a list of URL’s defined in the Extended ECM
Helm charts.
2.3.13 Developer
Unit Test Preference: Allow for random unit test execution. Enabling this option will result in the
order of unit test execution being determined at execution time. The default is to execute unit tests in
the order the tests are discovered by the unit test framework, which does not change between test
executions. With random test execution, unit tests that depend on sequential execution will fail.
Enable multiple selection in the OUnit view: OUnit View supports selection of multiple rows, which
in turn allows for multiple test cases to be executed at a time and multiple test OSpaces to be loaded
or unloaded simultaneously.
Correct Indentation: The Correct Indentation command (Ctrl+I) can be applied automatically to
generated OScript source code. This applies to script features which are opened from the Module
Explorer. It also applies to modules that are imported with the Import Source Code from OLL wizard or
Engineering Connect: Engineering Connect supports working on files without extensions by picking
up MIME Type information from the node’s info and populating the extension while creating the
placeholder. This is supported for DOCX, DWG, DGN, XLSX,PDF, and TXT. For more information see
the OpenText Engineering Connect help.
My Assignment Widget: Add custom columns on Project Workspaces and the Project Workspace
Templates. Custom columns specified on the Project Workspace Template will be inherited to the
Workspace instance and will be updated at the instance level. The custom columns configured on the
Workspace instance will be available on the My Assignment widget.
For more information see Extended ECM for Engineering Administrator Guide.
After a certain period, functionality is officially discontinued. It is removed from the product and certain
cross-product compatibility is no longer maintained. OpenText offers either automatic conversion to
newer functionality, or if not possible for technical or commercial reasons, gives advance notice by
announcing the deprecation of the feature in the Release Notes.
2.4.1 Discontinued
The following features have been discontinued in this release:
Internet Explorer 11 Support: Accessing Extended ECM 22.2 from Internet Explorer 11 is no longer
supported. However, there are certain Enterprise Connect and Office Editor use cases that will still
use the Internet Explorer based HTML Control in 22.3. Enterprise Connect and Office Editor will also
not support Internet Explorer 11 beginning with the CE 22.4 release of Enterprise Connect and Office
Enterprise Library Data Sources are discontinued. They must not be used for new installations and
existing usage needs to be converted to Enterprise Data Sources. There are search features that do
not work with Enterprise Library Data Sources and search queries are generally slower when
Enterprise Library Data Sources were configured.
2.4.2 Deprecated
The following features are deprecated and will be discontinued in the future.
Server Platform:
The Import Configuration for Workspace Types, Unique Names, and Business Object Types with an
XML file has been deprecated since CE 21.4. As alternative, please use the Transport Warehouse.
Binders and Cases object types have been replaced by Business Workspaces and are no longer
recommended for new implementation since 2017 (release 16.2.0). OpenText is planning to
discontinue Binders and Cases in the fourth quarter of 2022 (release CE 22.4). Customers need to
convert existing Binders and Cases into Business Workspaces using the migration utilities available
with Extended ECM.
Project and Community object types have been replaced by Business Workspaces and are no
longer recommended for new implementations. OpenText is planning to discontinue these object
types in a future release and is recommending converting existing Projects and Communities into
Business Workspaces using the migration utilities available with Extended ECM.
Imaging Review and Notes has been deprecated as of CE 21.3. It should not be used for any new
deployments, although it continues to be supported for existing deployments.
After October 31, 2022, OpenText Extended ECM application running in the Salesforce Classic user
interface will be retired and will no longer be supported. Additional capabilities and feature
configuration will only be available in the Extended ECM by OpenText Lightning application going
forward. If you are using Salesforce Classic, you will need to switch to Salesforce Lightning mode to
make configuration changes in the new Extended ECM by OpenText Lightning application. For more
information about making the switch to Salesforce Lightning see
Document Generation for Candidates (starting with CE 22.1): Document Generation for
candidates using the Employee Workspaces widget is no longer recommended. It is recommended
that you use the new Document Generation action from the Documents tab. For more information see
the User Guide: Creating documents in the Documents tab. Developer
OSX Export: Functionality is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of CSIDE.
SAP customers: SAP customers can download OpenText Extended ECM CE 21.4 from the SAP
Software Download Center of the SAP Support Portal. At the SAP Software Download Center, the
software is listed under SAP EXTENDED ECM BY OPEN TEXT, SAP EXTENDED ECM BY OT 21.4.
A temporary license key is provided on the SAP Support Portal under the name “Content Server
License Key”.
In the following table you will find all the Docker images which are used by the Extended ECM Helm
System Center provides capabilities to download Extended ECM and automate the deployment
process using Execution Plans. System Center is a complete solution where you can do the following:
For more information about System Center see the product page at OpenText My Support.
Licensing consideration
License agreements and license keys will determine the permitted use of the software.
Some components such as various Extended ECM variants, Intelligent Viewing,
OpenText™ Email Cloud Archiving, CMIS Document Pipeline for Archive Center,
Document Pipeline for File Archiving, OpenText™ Document Pipeline for SAP®
Solutions, Document Pipeline for DocuLink, Add-on for Microsoft™ Office Online,
integration with Core Share and Interview module are included in the components of
Extended ECM but are licensed separately.
The following table lists all components of Extended ECM CE 22.3 without considering licensing.
Extended ECM Enabler for License is limited to the use of the dynamic
AppWorks workflow *
Extended ECM for SAP Included in the SAP reseller product bundle
Solutions only *
* Needs explicit activation or configuration. Feature is deployed, but not enabled or configured by
default. If your organization has licensed this feature, you are entitled to enable it.
Details about activation and restrictions are described in the product documentation.
3.3.2 General Usage of XML Workflow Extensions
Archive Center CMIS is not part of Content Suite Platform or OpenText Extended ECM licenses.
Using Archive Center CMIS requires additional licenses.
The Searchable PDF DocTool allows rendering of scanned documents to searchable PDF/A. The
DocTool usage is strictly restricted to scan pipelines together with Enterprise Scan, which means it is
only for documents manually scanned in with Enterprise Scan. Batch conversion of imported images
is expressively not a legitimate use of the software.
WebReports is deployed but not enabled by default. If your organization has licensed Extended ECM,
WebReports, or Content Intelligence you are entitled to enable WebReports and confirm the number
of licensed seats for your organization. Usage of Automatic Document Numbering and Table Key Lookup attributes
Automatic Document Numbering (ADN) and ADN Table Key Lookup attributes are not included in
Content Suite Platform licenses. Using Automatic Document Numbering and ADN Table Key Lookup
attributes require Extended ECM licenses.
OpenText Fiori Business Object Browser for SAP Solutions includes two add-ons of OpenText Vendor
Invoice Management for SAP Solutions to implement custom Business Object Browser Fiori apps to
show SAP business objects and its data, browse Business Objects, and bring content into context by
integrating the Business Documents Fiori App and Business Workspace Fiori App of Extended ECM.
You are allowed to use the customizing options and enhancements described in the OpenText Vendor
Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Customizing Guide for Foundation.
The following usages need extra licenses for OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP
• Solutions specifically designed for preconfigured processes such as incoming sales orders,
purchase order/purchase requisition dashboard, or incoming delivery.
• OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions for:
o Import
o Capture
o Dispatch
o Process
• 1 In case of doubt, the license audit report of Vendor Invoice Management can be executed to
find out if the framework is used in a way that needs extra licenses for OpenText Vendor
Invoice Management for SAP Solutions.
The usage right of the AppWorks Platform with Extended ECM for Government is limited to the
dynamic workflow. The compliant use of the limited AppWorks Platform license can be checked by
verifying the deployed solutions. For this, the AppWorks solutions “OpenText Dynamic Workflow,
OpenTextEntityIdentifyComponents, OpenTextInboxTaskManagement” must be deployed. Other
workflows except the deployed solutions require a full-use AppWorks license.
The use of external REST API from AppWorks (for example, to integrate 3rd party applications)
requires a full-use AppWorks license. Customers are licensed to use the internal REST API from the
AppWorks Integration Bridge (AIB) within Extended ECM for Government (for example, to create
Configuration changes to the AppWorks Dynamic Workflow such as adding additional task types,
additional attributes for tasks or workflows can only be fulfilled through the OpenText Professional
Services team.
English EN X X
French FR X X
German DE X X
Italian IT X X
Portuguese PT X X
** Not Supported **
Russian RU X
Spanish ES X X
Operating systems, databases, browsers, and other platforms advance on
independent schedules. OpenText identifies the version tested where applicable,
and if a version is not identified, testing is typically performed on the platform
software available approximately one month before the release date of Extended
The section provides details about which versions of other OpenText products are compatible with this
release of Extended ECM CE 22.3.
For the latest compatibility information for OpenText products, refer to the
Compatibility Matrix (https://knowledge.opentext.com/go/matrix) on
OpenText My Support.
The following Extended ECM web user interface features require a specific version of Enterprise
Connect or Office Editor. These features are supported on Windows only as Enterprise Connect and
Office Editor are Windows-based applications.
Windows 7 SP1
(32- bit and 64-bit)
Adobe® Acrobat® 9
Pro 2017
Standard 2017
Pro DC 2017
Standard DC 2017
Pro 2020
Standard 2020
Pro DC 2020
Standard DC 2020
Pro 2021
Standard 2021
Pro DC 2021
Standard DC 2021
Pro 2022
Standard 2022
Pro DC 2022
Standard DC 2022
Windows 2019 1 SQL Server 2019 5, 7, 8 SQL 2019 added with 20.2
SQL Server 2017 5, 7 Azure SQL added with 21.1
Oracle 19c 19.x 6 HANA 2.0 SPS 05 added with
Azure SQL 21.2.
Windows 2016 1 SQL Server 2016 SP2 4, 5, 7 Oracle 19.x added with 20.2.
Azure SQL
Oracle 12c 6
Oracle 19c 19.x 6
HANA 2.0 SPS 05
Red Hat Linux 7.6-7.9 3 Oracle 12c 6 Linux 7.8 support added with
Oracle Linux 7.6-7.9 2,3 Oracle 19c 19.x 6 20.4.
Extended ECM Docker PostgreSQL 11.17 (Virtual Machine) The deployment of PostgreSQL
containers GCP Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL 11 as a Docker container is not
AWS RDS for PostgreSQL 11.17
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
(Single Server) 11
Standard and Datacenter.
Both UEK (Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel) and Red Hat compatible Kernel.
Linux is supported on x86_64 architecture.
4 SQL Server 2016 Always On is supported.
5 Due to known issue CSARC-861 the compatibility level must be set to SQL 2012 (110).
6 Oracle support includes Standard, Enterprise, and RAC as well as deployment on Oracle
Exadata Database Machine, Oracle DataGuard, and Oracle SuperCluster as supported by
SQL Server Client minimum version is 17 as of CE 22.2.
8TDE (Transparent Data Encryption) is supported. Note that enabling TDE can impact
Content Server performance. Please consult Microsoft regarding any performance concerns.
4.3 Kubernetes
Extended ECM is available as Docker Images and Helm charts to be deployed in Kubernetes, a
container-orchestration system.
Customers deploying Extended ECM images provided by OpenText are expected
to stay relatively current with updates, following best practices for cloud technology
and continuous deployment. Patched containers with fixes will be provided for CE
22.3 until January 2023.
Customers who expect to remain on CE 22.3 past this date should consider
creating and managing their own containers or use traditional methods of
installation and patching.
Customers that choose to use a virtual environment are encouraged to select a virtualization platform
intended for production systems and known to be fully supported by the server operating system
Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and AWS are supported virtualization environments †.
Extended ECM is a resource intensive application and will require at least the same
amount of resources in a virtual environment as it would in a physical environment.
Therefore, additional resource scaling may be required to maintain the same level
of performance in a virtual environment as observed in a physical environment.
Static or committed resources within a Virtual Environment are typically needed for
performance-sensitive scenarios.
All file types are supported on Windows and Linux except where indicated.
MIME type extraction is supported for all file types except CDR.
On Linux operating systems, only Western languages are supported for View as Web Page and
PDF ✓ ✓ ✓
The formats listed in the previous table represent the most used formats. For a complete list of
formats supported by Intelligent Viewing see Intelligent Viewing - Supported Formats. Please take
note that this document does not indicate if a format is part of the complimentary or premium offering.
Integration with SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud:
The software product described in these Release Notes can be integrated with the
S/4HANA Public Cloud Service via the SAP_COM_0597 connector (“S/4HPC
Connector”). Where this software product has been purchased from OpenText or
one of its other authorized resellers/distributors (other than SAP) and where you/the
Customer elect to integrate this product with the S/4HANA Public Cloud, OpenText
will support this product integrated with the S/4HANA Public Cloud Service in
accordance with the terms of your purchase contract with OpenText. As regards
compliance with the terms of the S/4 HANA Public Cloud subscription, and where
the software product described in these Release Notes has been purchased from
SAP or one of its authorized resellers, please also see the disclaimer below.
SAP NetWeaver > 7.0 All SAP systems running on the required SAP_BASIS
version, for instance:
EhP 1 - 2 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0
EhP 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.3 • EhP 4-8 for ERP 6.0
• CRM 7.0
S/4HANA Applications on-premise and 1610, 1709, 1809, 1909, 2020, 2021
single tenant
All FPS are supported.
• S/4HANA on-premise SAP S/4HANA for Customer Management 1.0, 2.0
• S/4HANA Private Cloud Edition (PCE)
• S/4HANA Extended Edition (EX)
SAP Version SAP GUI for SAP GUI for SAP SAP GUI for
Software Windows HTML NetWeaver Java
Component Business
S/4HANA Essential Edition (ES) is limited to sales and procurement processes; documents stored
via Extended ECM UI are accessible for SAP users within SAP Fiori Element Fact Sheets.
1) Only the Microsoft Edge (based on Chromium) Browser Control option is supported.
SAP GUI for Windows and NWBC versions, for which SAP support has ended, are not listed here
anymore. See also SAP Notes 147519 Maintenance strategy / deadlines for SAP GUI for Windows /
SAP GUI for Java and 2302074 - Maintenance strategy and deadlines for SAP Business Client /
SAP GUI for HTML Support Restriction
SAP GUI for HTML is a limited SAP GUI for Windows emulator. OpenText™
Extended ECM for SAP® Solutions fully supports SAP GUI for Windows integration.
However, OpenText™ Extended ECM for SAP® Solutions can only restrict the SAP
GUI for HTML support to issues also reproducible in SAP GUI for Windows.
These critical issues are known to the SAP SuccessFactors Document Management Product
Management Team. Customers intending to use Extended ECM for SAP SuccessFactors as
their document repository might be affected by these critical defects and limitations. OpenText
strongly recommends customers use the SAP influence program for the latest update
regarding the resolution of these issues.
Employee BUS1065
The Extended ECM for Salesforce App advances quickly and it is important to match the OpenText
Extended ECM versions with the matching Extended ECM for Salesforce App Package. For example,
Extended ECM for Salesforce App Package 22.3 is tested and certified with Extended ECM 22.3.
While it might be possible to run misaligned versions, it is not recommended nor supported officially
by OpenText Support.
5 Patches
A patch is a piece of software that is designed to fix or improve a computer program or its supporting
data. These may include repairs to security vulnerabilities or resolution of bugs and may also improve
usability or performance.
The following patches must be applied to Extended ECM CE 22.3. OpenText recommends that you
check OpenText My Support (https://support.opentext.com) for any patches or documentation updates
that may have been posted after this release.
If a File in Use window appears during the installation of the patch, instructing
you to unlock Windows Explorer or Internet Explorer, click Ignore to continue
with the installation.
All Enterprise Connect framework patches are language neutral and can be applied on top of
previously installed localized versions of Enterprise Connect.
Bug: Saving a minor version as a PDF using Enterprise Connect Save As with a browser as the
default PDF application fails.
Bug: SAP Client becomes unresponsive when launching Edit or Open from the embedded Content
Server User Interface
Bug: Added extra logging in Send and Save use cases to help with diagnosis.
6 Upgrade notes
If you are using the OpenText Directory Services bundled with Extended ECM
(Internal OTDS) and upgrading your Extended ECM family product from an earlier
version than the 22.1 release, after the upgrade operation you must execute the
following steps to complete the new OTDS database configuration:
• Sign into Extended ECM by adding ?func=admin.adminuserlogin at the
end of the URL.
• Access the OTDS configuration page by adding ?func=admin.otds at the
end of the URL.
• Complete the required database information and continue.
• In the next page, uncheck the parameter Migrate users and groups from the
Content Server database and continue.
The above steps also apply when using System Center to perform the upgrade.
6.1.2 Upgrade notes for Extended ECM for Microsoft Office 365
Before upgrade, review these Release Notes instructions and refer to the OpenText Extended ECM
for Microsoft Office 365 Installation and Administration Guide and OpenText Content Server
Administering Information Protection Administration Guide. For more information, see the
Documentation section on the Extended ECM for Microsoft Office 365 product page.
There is no major release planned for OpenText Application Governance and
Archiving for Microsoft SharePoint 20.2 through to 22.1. This is due to changes in
the architecture and license structure. The next Major releases for AGA
customers are versions 22.2+ and involves an upgrade fee for customers that
purchased the OpenText Application Governance and Archiving for Microsoft
SharePoint Full Bundle. This upgrade fee unlocks all Content Server Platform
features for all users, changing it from Limited use to Full use. Customers that
bought the OpenText Application Governance and Archiving for Microsoft
SharePoint Add-On Bundle are not asked for an upgrade fee but can upgrade to
the new version as part of their current maintenance program.
If you currently own the OpenText Application Governance and Archiving for
Microsoft SharePoint Full Bundle, the current 16.2.12 version is supported until
April 2025 after which you will be required to upgrade or continue unsupported.
Contact your OpenText Account Manager for the options and investment details
or contact OpenText Support.
Contact your OpenText Account Manager for the options and investment details
or contact OpenText Support.
There is no impact on the Web Parts or the Outlook Add-In. You must update
them to CE 22.1+ but the functionality stays the same.
Customers who would like to upgrade to Extended ECM for Microsoft Office 365
can upgrade SKU’s for the OpenText Application Governance and Archiving for
Microsoft SharePoint Full Bundle and the OpenText Application Governance and
Archiving for Microsoft SharePoint Add-On. Contact your OpenText Account
Manager for the options and investment details.
The Graph API Application permission, TeamMember.ReadWrite.All is
required for the app registered in Azure AD to add the team owner for the auto
team creation functionality. See OpenText Extended ECM for Microsoft Office 365
Installation and Administration Guide in the Documentation section on the
Extended ECM for Microsoft Office 365 product page.
The Azure Active Directory Graph API will be deprecated in June 2022. This API
was used for the Office 365 Integration Service to enable OneDrive archiving. As
a replacement, the Graph API permission, “Directory.Read.All", “Files.Read.All”
and the SharePoint API permission “Sites.Read.All” is required for the app
registered in Azure AD. For more information see the OpenText Extended ECM
for Microsoft Office 365 Installation and Administration Guide in the
Documentation section on the Extended ECM for Microsoft Office 365 product
Extended ECM CE 22.3 is a rewrite of the existing Extended ECM for Engineering
16.3.x solution. Updates to this new software are released in parallel to the
updates of the existing Extended ECM 16.3.x. Both versions can co-exist in the
same Content Server instance. The existing instances of Extended ECM 16.3.x
cannot directly upgrade to Extended ECM CE 22.3 or subsequent Extended ECM
CE versions because the architecture and design differs from that of Extended
ECM 16.3.x. However, the new projects can be configured to start using Extended
ECM CE 22.3 capabilities.
The XENG module folder in <OTHOME>/module is not deleted during the upgrade because the JAR
files in the folder are in use. To avoid issues with these JAR files, stop Content Server and delete
these folders manually after the upgrade.
Extended ECM for Engineering CE has been enhanced to support version-specific relationships to
retain the relationships on older versions of the documents for auditing purposes.
A new relationship model with the following relationship types is implemented in the Extended ECM
for Engineering – CAD Manager module:
• Dynamic
• Static
• Node Specific
CSMOB-3013 Not all items display in the Reserved Items widget if more than 20 items
are reserved.
CSMOB-598 On Android, you cannot add photos directly from the camera. You must
first take the photo, then add it to Content Server from the Content
Server Mobile app. This is a limitation within Android.
Business Workspaces
OTOWA-802 Editing using Office Online is not supported for content with AIP
Sensitivity Labels. This is a limitation of the WOPI Protocol from
Microsoft. If this is a requirement, please open a support case with
Microsoft and file a Design Change Request (DCR).
CPS-314 OpenText Viewing and Intelligent Viewing for Content Suite cannot
open encrypted content. To maintain appropriate security, open the
content with a compatible application.
XECMPF-7727 Event Action Center is currently not able to execute a second action.
The first action runs as expected but the second does not.
XECMPF-8475 Document upload is not working for a document which is deleted and
added again using File Upload widget.
Information governance and protection
The scheduled job for group synchronization doesn’t detect the
following group modifications in incremental mode (sync from last run):
• A group is renamed in SAP SuccessFactors.
• A role is renamed in SAP SuccessFactors.
• A group in SAP SuccessFactors uses dynamically calculated
group members (for example all users from a certain country)
and the group membership changes.
In all the cases above the group synchronization must be executed
once in Full Sync mode. If a role has been renamed the HR Functional
Rights must be adjusted accordingly prior to the sync.
SAPSSF-8516 Using OAuth for the SuccessFactors integration is not supported for the
following scenarios:
• Workspace creation using the former Workspace
Creation/Update job.
• Manual Workspace creation using the Take Action menu using
objaction=workspace (see 12.2 Configuring Take Action
menu for creating/updating/viewing workspaces).
Use the new Central Workspace creation instead.
SAPSSF-9124 SuccessFactors Inbox functionality uses Oracle triggers. Turning off the
triggers in Oracle is not recommended.
SAPSSF-6216 If the CMIS connection is removed and the user tries to create the
Candidate Workspace using Fast Bulk method an error is thrown
stating “Unable to move the document since it already exists”.
SAPSSF-6008 Permission propagation: Template Group is not replaced with the actual
group when the condition is Default=True.
SAPSSF-8742 MIME type icon and preview is missing for documents with extensions
DOC, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX uploaded using CMIS.
SAPSSF-9627 In the Reports widget the Initiator name is not shown for outdated
SAPGV-6786 My Contributions : MIME icons not shown and "An unknown feature
was specified" for Assignments on deleted items.