07 Mikula
07 Mikula
07 Mikula
Brady (eds)
© 2013 Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, ISBN 978-0-9806154-7-0
Wattle Dam Gold Mine has successfully mined a significant gold orebody in very weak rock, where some of
the ore strength was less than 1 MPa. Almost 100% ore recovery was achieved despite the weak rock.
Conventional rockbolts did not achieve high anchorage capacities in this material. As mining extended to
depth, squeezing developed in the rock mass. The mine trialled several ground control options in response to
developing hazards and implemented two of them successfully. The first was shotcrete ribs for long-term
control. The ribs were installed after allowing some squeezing movement to occur. Novel methods were
developed to easily fabricate mesh for the ribs. The second option was cemented rock fill (CRF) for backfill of
stope panels in order to control convergence and overbreak. Novel crush firings were used to allow blasting
of stopes without conventional rises being required.
1 Introduction
Wattle Dam Gold Mine, operated by Ramelius Resources Ltd, has successfully mined a significant gold
orebody in very weak rock, achieving near 100% ore recovery within budget targets.
The Wattle Dam underground operations near Widgemooltha, Western Australia, commenced in 2009
followed the completion of an open pit stage. The nominal production rate was 15,000 t ore monthly until
the deposit was fully mined out in October 2012. In the final months, the production rate exceeded 30%
above target due to the excellent performance of the stopes and the ground support strategies. Operations
were carried out by HWE Mining (now Leighton Mining) under contract.
Geotechnically, the most significant feature of the deposit was the very weak strength of the ore, often less
than 1 MPa. Conventional friction bolts did not achieve high anchorage capacities in the weak rock
material. Then as mining extended to depth, up to 360 m below surface, squeezing developed in the rock
The mine trialled various ground control options in response to developing hazards, modified them to suit,
and implemented them successfully. Targets were met for effective production – there were very few
unplanned falls of ground, and rehabilitation strategies were successful.
This paper focuses on the characteristics of the squeezing ground, and the shotcrete ribs (Figure 1) and CRF
practices that were used to adequately manage that ground. The mine experienced a wide range of other
conditions common to many mines, but these are outside the scope of this paper.
structural feature, being an altered shear zone within the ultramafic. The lode was generally 8 to 15 m wide
with an economic strike length of 30 to 60 m, and a depth extent of about 300 m.
Figure 1 A pair of shotcrete ribs installed for control of wide span backs at Wattle Dam
The hangingwall west side of the lode was a tremolite-chlorite ultramafic. Further to the west were a
schistose unit, and then a good quality basaltic sediment rock. The footwall side comprised a finer grained
actinolite-chlorite ultramafic unit. The mine access and infrastructure were located in the better quality
hangingwall rock mass.
The major faults were the west-dipping Charger fault which formed the top cutoff to the lode, and the
subvertical Regal fault which was well clear to the west of the lode. Another structure, the Graphite Shear,
was located in the sediment also well clear of the lode. It had significant water inflow.
On smaller scales, various joints and structures were present. These generally had relatively little
continuity. Defect surface profiles tended to be gently undulating, smooth, with chlorite, carbonate or clay
infill. Foliation was parallel to strike and was variably developed across the site.
Rock weathering depths were typically 50 to 60 m, but some areas of deeper oxidation near the Regal fault
were encountered down to 155 m depth.
2.2 Groundwater
The water table was at 46 m below surface. Groundwater inflows to underground workings were initially
high but then reduced. There were inflows from the Graphite Shear at various depths, and often from
exploration boreholes intersected by underground development.
Water is a destabiliser in weak ground as it reduces the effective stress and thus the shear strength of rock.
This was a contributing factor to the squeezing ground. Weak ground preferably should be drained.
material could be easily penetrated by thumb nail, and crushed in the hand, indicating an in situ strength
estimate of less than about 1 MPa, perhaps only 0.5 MPa.
Table 1 Selected laboratory test data for material adjacent the ore
One result of the weak strength of the ore was that boreholes in ore were badly affected by washout
during drilling, causing diameter increase. The result for example was that the jumbo was able to drive a
47 mm jumbo Split set into a 35 mm diameter hole. It was not unexpected that friction bolts in ore had low
capacity (in situ proof load tests of installed bolts indicated 15 kN/m anchorage).
Table 2 Assumed stress field in Wattle Dam at 200 m depths (pro-rata for other depths)
In all rock types, unravelling tended to dominate over wedge formation, and wedge analysis was rarely
required. Therefore support demand estimation was based on the Q data supplemented by visual
observations of performance during excavation. The variability of the rock mass was reflected by choosing
the 25th percentile Q values in estimating the ground support demand.
These support demands indicated that typical rock and ore would require 50 to 90 mm shotcrete, and bolt
spacing of 1.4 to 1.7 m. The poor quality zones required additional shotcrete. Weak ore required 200 mm of
shotcrete, which was approximated by the installation of shotcrete ribs as described below.
The adopted Ground Support Schemes (GSS) for ore drives are shown in Table 4. Two schemes were in use,
being either with or without shotcrete ribs.
Spiling bolts (splitsets) generally controlled ore backs in development. Spiling bolts were effective to
support subvertical joint planes, to assist with control of weak or unravelling ground, or any situation
where backs failure is expected. Spiling bolts were placed as a fan of bolts less than 0.8 m apart, angled
about 10o above horizontal, prior to taking a cut.
Table 3 Indicative support requirements for conservative Q data. These requirements are
estimated for a depth of 200 m below surface
prior to taking the next stope. Then the second pass hangingwall stopes were recovered from beside, and
in some cases beneath, CRF-filled primary stopes (Figure 3). CRF strategy is described in Section 6.
Table 4 Minimum ground support schemes for 6 m wide × 5 m high arched ore drives
GSS 14 As above but with shotcrete As above but with shotcrete Backs 780
Ore, under CRF or rib rib Walls 730
with squeezing
Component data:
Resin bolts: Minova T20 paddle bolt, 19.5 mm diameter. Plates 150 × 150 × 4 mm.
Friction bolts: Split set Mining Systems Split set. Plates 150 × 150 × 4 mm.
Fibrecrete fibre: Synmix 65, 5 kg/m3.
Shotcrete ribs: Refer Section 5.
4 2
Hangingwall Stopes
3 1
Figure 3 Mine layout showing (left) longitudinal view of an upper block extracted and a lower
block in progress, (right) a typical cross-section of stope layout with bold numbers
indicating extraction sequence
Ore drives were parallel to strike and to foliation. Fortunately foliation was poorly developed in the ore and
the immediate host rock else the degree of squeezing experienced would have been higher.
Figure 4 The Panel three stope void on 185 Level seen from above. Drillhole collars seen in the
foreground are for the crush firing. The mound in the middle distance is the CRF of the
previous stope after being punched up by the previous crush firing
All hangingwall stopes performed better than their footwall stope pairs, i.e. less squeezing, less closure, less
brow instability. The favoured status of hangingwall stopes was because:
they were dry – being drained by the footwall stopes,
they were in destressed ground – the footwall void put the hangingwall areas into stress shadow,
so squeezing pressures in backs were minimal, as most closure had already occurred during
footwall development and stoping,
they had stronger walls – a CRF east side wall and an ultramafic west side wall, whereas footwall
stopes had a weak ore wall.
4 Squeezing ground
Backs: Cracking and squeezing occurred in the backs of various ore drives (Figure 5). Essentially a skin of
ore, usually 1 m and up to 2 m thick, squeezed and fractured, bulked in volume, and pushed down onto the
fibrecrete skin, causing cracks. At the same time, horizontal stresses caused closure, sometimes causing
shearing damage in the fibrecrete.
The damage usually first appeared some hours after blasting rather than immediately, and gradually
worsened with time. Water in the drive above, if any, disappeared into the floor as the ground became
fractured. In some instances drilling of boreholes had water return loss, and brow cables took excess grout
– both indicating voids had opened in the backs.
Cracking and squeezing was more likely at depth, in a footwall drive, in wider spans, and under a sill pillar
(i.e. high local percentage extraction). A sill pillar width/height ratio of 1:1 showed squeezing (the 185–200
sill) whereas a thicker pillar (ratio 1.67:1) did not.
Walls: Vertical squeezing occurred in walls and pillar noses, fracturing the weak ore lode rock and causing
bulking (Figure 6). Fibrecrete initially cracked, then buckled into the drive, and winging (lifting of edges of
fibrecrete away from the wall) was common. Damage developed gradually over time. Squeezing was worse
where subvertical wall structure focussed stress between the excavation and the structure.
Figure 5 Cracking of fibrecrete in the backs of the Panel nine stope, 185 Level
Figure 6 Squeezing in ore in walls at depth: (left) damage on 40 Level west wall, (right) damage
exacerbated by water inflow (20 Level)
In many locations, it was possible to visually estimate vertical strain from the geometry of bulking of slabs
in walls. Localised strains of up to 2.8% were estimated, which is quite high. Ground support schemes were
tasked to contain the broken rock and prevent it unravelling. Over time, squeezing movements were
sufficient to tear plates from bolts (but not from cable bolts which always remained intact).
Mercier-Langevin and Hadjigeorgiou (2011) presented a ‘Hard Rock Squeezing Index’ based on stress and
foliation data from several mines. The Wattle Dam performance for the walls is indicated (Figure 8) and
matches the Index expectations (1 to 5% strain). The ore performance is not shown because ore strength
was too low and outside of the Index limits.
Figure 7 Survey prism data for closures in the 125 and 40 Level footwall ore development drives
Figure 8 Wattle Dam hangingwall squeezing performance on the Hard Rock Squeezing Index
(Mercier-Langevin and Hadjigeorgiou, 2011). The arrow indicates the range of
performance at 300 m depth due to the range in strength
Figure 11 Examples of mesh cage attached to rock, with portions being filled with fibrecrete
Figure 12 Shotcrete ribs (left) for control in squeezing ground, with significant deformation prior
to the rib being installed, and (right) installed for support of a stope brow
Ribs were preferred over cables as they provided much more support. However they were stiff and strong,
and could not withstand very much deformation. Therefore rib timing was important in squeezing ground,
as previously described.
Several types of damage were observed to occur to ribs:
Spalling, or cracking parallel to the surface of the rib (Figure 13). Thin plates of fibrecrete outside
the mesh cage separated off. Spalling damage was managed by periodic check-scaling of the ribs.
Cracking across the thickness of the rib to form a hinge (Figure 13). This occurred due to lateral
loading (perpendicular to the rib axis).
Shearing damage (Figure 14) due to high axial compressive loading in the rib due to closure of the
ground. Rarely, a rib had to be re-secured with bolting. Ribs nearly always survived for the life of
stoping on a level. In general the ribs brought equilibrium to the bulking in the backs.
Blast damage (blastholes too close to the ribs) causing enough lateral loading to buckle the ribs.
Figure 13 (left) surface spalling, and (right) hinge failure developing in a rib
Figure 15 CRF examples: (left) CRF forming a stope wall, (right) development of a HW drive
(centre) alongside a CRF-filled FW drive (right)
Figure 16 Crush firing blasthole pattern indicated by collars. Weights on cords are suspended in
the holes for visual check of hole toes on the level below
7 Conclusions
The Wattle Dam ground support strategy was successful because of due attention given to observing
performance, combined with willingness to introduce, modify and develop best practice in some less
common ground management techniques. By the end of mine life, the shotcrete arches routinely installed
by the Contractor were works of art as much as effective ground support.
A key outcome was that adequate support in squeezing ground depended on timing as well as capacity –
the flexible initial support, followed after due time by a stronger second pass for long term stability. The
shotcrete ribs provided this support and almost always survived to the completion of stoping.
The crush firings and CRF performance were likewise effective elements in the success of the mining
strategy. The ability to undermine the CRF and support it with shotcrete ribs was an integral part of the
strategy to achieve full extraction of the orebody.
The authors admire the skill of HWE Mining (now Leighton) in shotcrete arch construction to suit the mine.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the Wattle Dam management, engineers and operators for their
support, and Ramelius Resources for permission to publish this paper.
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