Heart Failure Prediction

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Prediction of The Occurrence of Heart

This project aims to predict the occurrence of heart failure through multiple classificational

Data Import and Exploration

In [1]: # import what we need here
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import scipy.stats as st
import os
import time

In [2]: # the data source

# the corresponding file is available at https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/ineubytes/
# If you use google colab, PLEASE put the corresponding csv dataset into the root d
# The file will be deleted everytime in google colab!!! And you might use additiona
# If you use jupyter lab, make sure that you set the directory to the place where t

# os.getcwd()
# os.chdir('your directory goes here')

df = pd.read_csv('heart.csv')

In [3]: # explore data


Out[3]: age sex cp trestbps chol fbs restecg thalach exang oldpeak slope ca thal

0 52 1 0 125 212 0 1 168 0 1.0 2 2 3

1 53 1 0 140 203 1 0 155 1 3.1 0 0 3

2 70 1 0 145 174 0 1 125 1 2.6 0 0 3

3 61 1 0 148 203 0 1 161 0 0.0 2 1 3

4 62 0 0 138 294 1 1 106 0 1.9 1 3 2

In [4]: # see the completness and more of this dataframe

# there are only 1025 records in this dataset
# however, all the data, including categorical and numerical, are expressed in nume
# so the preprocessing is required
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1025 entries, 0 to 1024
Data columns (total 14 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 age 1025 non-null int64
1 sex 1025 non-null int64
2 cp 1025 non-null int64
3 trestbps 1025 non-null int64
4 chol 1025 non-null int64
5 fbs 1025 non-null int64
6 restecg 1025 non-null int64
7 thalach 1025 non-null int64
8 exang 1025 non-null int64
9 oldpeak 1025 non-null float64
10 slope 1025 non-null int64
11 ca 1025 non-null int64
12 thal 1025 non-null int64
13 target 1025 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(1), int64(13)
memory usage: 112.2 KB

In [5]: df.describe()
# this sector is mainly see the overall value distribution of each var

Out[5]: age sex cp trestbps chol fbs re

count 1025.000000 1025.000000 1025.000000 1025.000000 1025.00000 1025.000000 1025.0

mean 54.434146 0.695610 0.942439 131.611707 246.00000 0.149268 0.5

std 9.072290 0.460373 1.029641 17.516718 51.59251 0.356527 0.5

min 29.000000 0.000000 0.000000 94.000000 126.00000 0.000000 0.0

25% 48.000000 0.000000 0.000000 120.000000 211.00000 0.000000 0.0

50% 56.000000 1.000000 1.000000 130.000000 240.00000 0.000000 1.0

75% 61.000000 1.000000 2.000000 140.000000 275.00000 0.000000 1.0

max 77.000000 1.000000 3.000000 200.000000 564.00000 1.000000 2.0

Feature Information
age: age in years

sex: (1 = male; 0 = female)

cp: chest pain type (0/1/2/3)

trestbps: resting blood pressure (in mm Hg on admission to the hospital)

chol: serum cholestoral in mg/dl

fbs: (fasting blood sugar > 120 mg/dl) (1 = true; 0 = false)

restecg: resting electrocardiographic results

thalach: maximum heart rate achieved

exang: exercise induced angina (1 = yes; 0 = no)

oldpeak: ST depression induced by exercise relative to rest

slope: the slope of the peak exercise ST segment

ca: number of major vessels (0-3) colored by flourosopy

thal: 1 = normal; 2 = fixed defect; 3 = reversable defect

target: (0 = did not occur, 1 = occur)

In [6]: # check the unique value of each feature

pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None) # in case if there are too many features

# numeric: 'age', 'trestbps', 'chol', 'thalach', 'oldpeak'

# binary: 'sex', 'fbs', 'exang', 'target' -> ordinal encoder
# multi-catagorical: 'cp', 'restecg', 'slope', 'ca', 'thal' -> one hot encoding

Out[6]: age 41
sex 2
cp 4
trestbps 49
chol 152
fbs 2
restecg 3
thalach 91
exang 2
oldpeak 40
slope 3
ca 5
thal 4
target 2
dtype: int64

In [7]: # check missing value

df.isnull().sum() # very lucky to have no missing value here
Out[7]: age 0
sex 0
cp 0
trestbps 0
chol 0
fbs 0
restecg 0
thalach 0
exang 0
oldpeak 0
slope 0
ca 0
thal 0
target 0
dtype: int64

In [8]: # check duplicated record

df.duplicated().where(df.duplicated() != False).count()
# there are 723 "duplicated records here, however, due to the lack of id, we could

Out[8]: 723

In [9]: # get target variable

y = df['target']

In [10]: # descriptive statistics of the continuous variables

numeric_var = ['age', 'trestbps', 'chol', 'thalach', 'oldpeak']
# it seems that there is no out-of-scope value according to the clinical-business u

Out[10]: age trestbps chol thalach oldpeak

count 1025.000000 1025.000000 1025.00000 1025.000000 1025.000000

mean 54.434146 131.611707 246.00000 149.114146 1.071512

std 9.072290 17.516718 51.59251 23.005724 1.175053

min 29.000000 94.000000 126.00000 71.000000 0.000000

25% 48.000000 120.000000 211.00000 132.000000 0.000000

50% 56.000000 130.000000 240.00000 152.000000 0.800000

75% 61.000000 140.000000 275.00000 166.000000 1.800000

max 77.000000 200.000000 564.00000 202.000000 6.200000

Visulizing data

1. Descriptive statistics

In [11]: # for catagorical variables

_,axss = plt.subplots(3,3, figsize=[17,17]) # set canvas
cat_var = ['sex', 'fbs', 'exang', 'target', 'cp', 'restecg', 'slope', 'ca', 'thal']
idx = 0
for var in cat_var:
sns.countplot(x=var, data= df, order =df[var].value_counts().index, ax = axss[i
idx += 1

# it seems that all the categorical vars are associated with HF occurrance,
# but there's some outliers occurred in ca (ca = 4) and thal (thal = 0)

1. there's some outliers (illegal value) occurred in ca (ca = 4) and thal (thal = 0)
2. due to the excessive categorical imbalance in restecg category, I decide to merge 1 and
2 after checking the interpretation of the resting electrocardiographic results

These are the issues that need to be solved during data preprocessing

In [12]: # for numeric variables

# numeric_var = ['age', 'trestbps', 'chol', 'thalach', 'oldpeak']
_,axss = plt.subplots(3,2, figsize=[17,17]) # set canvas
idx = 0
for var in numeric_var:
sns.histplot(x=var, data= df, ax = axss[idx // 2][idx % 2])
idx += 1

1. The distribution of age and thalach are slightly negatively skewed, that of trestbps and
chols are positively skewed to the different extend. However, that of oldpeak is almost
2. There are no absolute "outlier" according to the medical use case

3. See the inter-correlation among variables

In [13]: # the correlation heat map

plt.figure(figsize = (16.5, 16.5))
corr = df.corr()
ax = sns.heatmap(
vmin=-1, vmax=1, center=0,
cmap=sns.diverging_palette(20, 220, n=200),
square=True, annot = True

# it seems that 'oldpeak' and 'slope' are highly correlated with each other,
# they are the value derived from EEG (electrocardiogram).
# however, they are not too inter-correlated

3. Compare between two groups

In [14]: # numeric variable

_,axss = plt.subplots(3,2, figsize=[14,21]) # set canvas
idx = 0
for var in numeric_var:
sns.boxplot(x = 'target', y = var, data = df, palette = 'husl', ax = axss[idx /
idx += 1
In [15]: # categorical variable
_,axss = plt.subplots(4,2, figsize=[20,35]) # set canvas
idx = 0
for var in cat_var:
if var == 'target': continue # don't put the grouping factor into the x axis!
sns.countplot(x = 'target', hue = var, data = df, palette = 'hls', ax = axss[id
idx += 1
Seeming that the distribution of the patient with different result are significantly vary

Feature Preprocessing
In [16]: # dispose of outlier (non-delete method)
# there's some outliers (illegal value) occurred in ca (ca = 4) and thal (thal = 0)
# df['ca'] == 4 -> 3; df['thal'] == 0 -> 1
df['ca'] = df['ca'].replace(4,3)
df['thal'] = df['thal'].replace(0, 1)

# due to the excessive categorical imbalance in 'restecg' category,

# I decide to merge 1 and 2 after checking the interpretation of the resting electr
# df['restecg'] = 2 -> 1
df['restecg'] = df['restecg'].replace(2,1)

# then 'restecg' would be a binary variable

In [17]: # change categorical vars into objects

# numeric: 'age', 'trestbps', 'chol', 'thalach', 'oldpeak'
# binary: 'sex', 'fbs', 'exang', 'target', 'restecg' -> ordinal encoder
# multi-catagorical: 'cp', 'slope', 'ca', 'thal' -> one hot encoding

cat_var = ['sex', 'fbs', 'exang', 'target', 'cp', 'restecg', 'slope', 'ca', 'thal']

for var in cat_var:

df[var] = df[var].astype('object')

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1025 entries, 0 to 1024
Data columns (total 14 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 age 1025 non-null int64
1 sex 1025 non-null object
2 cp 1025 non-null object
3 trestbps 1025 non-null int64
4 chol 1025 non-null int64
5 fbs 1025 non-null object
6 restecg 1025 non-null object
7 thalach 1025 non-null int64
8 exang 1025 non-null object
9 oldpeak 1025 non-null float64
10 slope 1025 non-null object
11 ca 1025 non-null object
12 thal 1025 non-null object
13 target 1025 non-null object
dtypes: float64(1), int64(4), object(9)
memory usage: 112.2+ KB

In [18]: # for binary variables, ordinary encoder is enough

from sklearn.preprocessing import OrdinalEncoder
bin_var = ['sex', 'fbs', 'exang', 'target', 'restecg']
enc_oe = OrdinalEncoder()

for bins in bin_var:

df[[bins]] = enc_oe.transform(df[[bins]])


Out[18]: age sex cp trestbps chol fbs restecg thalach exang oldpeak slope ca thal

0 52 1.0 0 125 212 0.0 1.0 168 0.0 1.0 2 2 3

1 53 1.0 0 140 203 1.0 0.0 155 1.0 3.1 0 0 3

2 70 1.0 0 145 174 0.0 1.0 125 1.0 2.6 0 0 3

3 61 1.0 0 148 203 0.0 1.0 161 0.0 0.0 2 1 3

4 62 0.0 0 138 294 1.0 1.0 106 0.0 1.9 1 3 2

In [19]: # for nulti-categorical variables, they need one-hot encoding (transform them into
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder

multi_cat = ['cp', 'slope', 'ca', 'thal']

def OneHotEncoding(df, enc, categories):

transformed = pd.DataFrame(enc.transform(df[categories]).toarray(), columns=enc.g
return pd.concat([df.reset_index(drop=True), transformed], axis=1).drop(categorie

enc_ohe = OneHotEncoder()
df = OneHotEncoding(df, enc_ohe, multi_cat)

In [20]: df.info()
# 'cp', 'slope', 'ca', 'thal' are are assigned as dummy vars

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1025 entries, 0 to 1024
Data columns (total 24 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 age 1025 non-null int64
1 sex 1025 non-null float64
2 trestbps 1025 non-null int64
3 chol 1025 non-null int64
4 fbs 1025 non-null float64
5 restecg 1025 non-null float64
6 thalach 1025 non-null int64
7 exang 1025 non-null float64
8 oldpeak 1025 non-null float64
9 target 1025 non-null float64
10 cp_0 1025 non-null float64
11 cp_1 1025 non-null float64
12 cp_2 1025 non-null float64
13 cp_3 1025 non-null float64
14 slope_0 1025 non-null float64
15 slope_1 1025 non-null float64
16 slope_2 1025 non-null float64
17 ca_0 1025 non-null float64
18 ca_1 1025 non-null float64
19 ca_2 1025 non-null float64
20 ca_3 1025 non-null float64
21 thal_1 1025 non-null float64
22 thal_2 1025 non-null float64
23 thal_3 1025 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(20), int64(4)
memory usage: 192.3 KB

In [21]: # standarize continuous data

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
scaler = StandardScaler()

df[numeric_var] = scaler.transform(df[numeric_var])
Out[21]: age sex trestbps chol fbs restecg thalach exang oldpeak target

0 -0.268437 1.0 -0.377636 -0.659332 0.0 1.0 0.821321 0.0 -0.060888 0.0

1 -0.158157 1.0 0.479107 -0.833861 1.0 0.0 0.255968 1.0 1.727137 0.0

2 1.716595 1.0 0.764688 -1.396233 0.0 1.0 -1.048692 1.0 1.301417 0.0

3 0.724079 1.0 0.936037 -0.833861 0.0 1.0 0.516900 0.0 -0.912329 0.0

4 0.834359 0.0 0.364875 0.930822 1.0 1.0 -1.874977 0.0 0.705408 0.0

5 rows × 24 columns

Separate them into train-test dataset

In [22]: from sklearn import model_selection
y = df['target']
x = df.drop('target', axis = 1)

x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = model_selection.train_test_split(x, y, test_size

#stratified sampling

print('training data has ' + str(x_train.shape[0]) + ' observation with ' + str(x_t
print('test data has ' + str(x_test.shape[0]) + ' observation with ' + str(x_test.s

training data has 922 observation with 23 features

test data has 103 observation with 23 features

Model Training & Evaluation

In [23]: #@title build models
# There are three models we are going to use during this project
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB

# This is for confusion matrix

from sklearn import metrics, model_selection

# Logistic Regression
classifier_logistic = LogisticRegression()

# K Nearest Neighbors
classifier_KNN = KNeighborsClassifier()

# Random Forest
classifier_RF = RandomForestClassifier()
# Support Vector Classification
classifier_SVC = SVC(probability=True)

# GB classifier
classifier_GB = GradientBoostingClassifier()

# Gaussian Naive Bayes

classifier_NB = GaussianNB()

Logistic Regressional Classifier

In [24]: #@title Logistic Regressional Classifier & evaluation (by default)

classifier_logistic.fit(x_train, y_train) # train model
y_predict = classifier_logistic.predict(x_train) # predict results

# too stochastic, so I don't use point estimation to measure such a result

# res_1 = classifier_logistic.score(x_train, y_train)
# print(f'The acc for logistic classifier is {round(res_1 * 100, 3)}%')

# cross validation
scores = model_selection.cross_val_score(classifier_logistic, x_train, y_train, cv
print(f'For Logistic Regressional Classifier, the acc is {round(scores.mean() * 100
({round(scores.mean() * 100 - scores.std() * 100 * 1.96, 2)}\
~ {round(scores.mean() * 100, 2) + round(scores.std() * 100 * 1.96, 2)}) %')

# Confusion Matrix
cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_train, y_predict)
plt.ylabel('True label')
plt.xlabel('Predicted label')

print(metrics.classification_report(y_train, y_predict))

For Logistic Regressional Classifier, the acc is 86.77 (82.07 ~ 91.4799999999999

9) %
precision recall f1-score support

0.0 0.90 0.83 0.86 449

1.0 0.85 0.91 0.88 473

accuracy 0.87 922

macro avg 0.87 0.87 0.87 922
weighted avg 0.87 0.87 0.87 922

KNN Classifier
In [25]: #@title KNN Classifier
classifier_KNN.fit(x_train, y_train) # train model
y_predict = classifier_KNN.predict(x_train) # predict results

# cross validation
scores = model_selection.cross_val_score(classifier_KNN, x_train, y_train, cv = 10)
print(f'For KNN, the acc is {round(scores.mean() * 100, 2)} \
({round(scores.mean() * 100 - scores.std() * 100 * 1.96, 2)}\
~ {round(scores.mean() * 100, 2) + round(scores.std() * 100 * 1.96, 2)}) %')

# Confusion Matrix
cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_train, y_predict)
plt.ylabel('True label')
plt.xlabel('Predicted label')

print(metrics.classification_report(y_train, y_predict))
For KNN, the acc is 82.86 (74.92 ~ 90.78999999999999) %

precision recall f1-score support

0.0 0.96 0.99 0.97 449

1.0 0.99 0.96 0.98 473

accuracy 0.98 922

macro avg 0.98 0.98 0.98 922
weighted avg 0.98 0.98 0.98 922

Random Forest

In [26]: #@title Random Forest

classifier_RF.fit(x_train, y_train) # train model
y_predict = classifier_RF.predict(x_train) # predict results

# cross validation
scores = model_selection.cross_val_score(classifier_RF, x_train, y_train, cv = 10)
print(f'For RF, the acc is {round(scores.mean() * 100, 2)} \
({round(scores.mean() * 100 - scores.std() * 100 * 1.96, 2)}\
~ {round(scores.mean() * 100, 2) + round(scores.std() * 100 * 1.96, 2)}) %')

# Confusion Matrix
cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_train, y_predict)
plt.ylabel('True label')
plt.xlabel('Predicted label')

print(metrics.classification_report(y_train, y_predict))
# It is all correct in training dataset, is that overfitting?

For RF, the acc is 99.67 (98.31 ~ 101.03) %

precision recall f1-score support

0.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 449

1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 473

accuracy 1.00 922

macro avg 1.00 1.00 1.00 922
weighted avg 1.00 1.00 1.00 922


In [27]: #@title SVC

classifier_SVC.fit(x_train, y_train) # train model
y_predict = classifier_SVC.predict(x_train) # predict results

# cross validation
scores = model_selection.cross_val_score(classifier_SVC, x_train, y_train, cv = 10)
print(f'For SVC, the acc is {round(scores.mean() * 100, 2)} \
({round(scores.mean() * 100 - scores.std() * 100 * 1.96, 2)}\
~ {round(scores.mean() * 100, 2) + round(scores.std() * 100 * 1.96, 2)}) %')

# Confusion Matrix
cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_train, y_predict)
plt.ylabel('True label')
plt.xlabel('Predicted label')

print(metrics.classification_report(y_train, y_predict))

For SVC, the acc is 93.27 (88.14 ~ 98.39999999999999) %

precision recall f1-score support

0.0 0.96 0.94 0.95 449

1.0 0.95 0.97 0.96 473

accuracy 0.95 922

macro avg 0.95 0.95 0.95 922
weighted avg 0.95 0.95 0.95 922

GB Classifier

In [28]: #@title GB Classifier

classifier_GB.fit(x_train, y_train) # train model
y_predict = classifier_GB.predict(x_train) # predict results

# cross validation
scores = model_selection.cross_val_score(classifier_GB, x_train, y_train, cv = 10)
print(f'For GB Classifier, the acc is {round(scores.mean() * 100, 2)} \
({round(scores.mean() * 100 - scores.std() * 100 * 1.96, 2)}\
~ {round(scores.mean() * 100, 2) + round(scores.std() * 100 * 1.96, 2)}) %')

# Confusion Matrix
cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_train, y_predict)
plt.ylabel('True label')
plt.xlabel('Predicted label')

print(metrics.classification_report(y_train, y_predict))

For GB Classifier, the acc is 97.18 (93.85 ~ 100.51) %

precision recall f1-score support

0.0 1.00 0.99 0.99 449

1.0 0.99 1.00 0.99 473

accuracy 0.99 922

macro avg 0.99 0.99 0.99 922
weighted avg 0.99 0.99 0.99 922

Naive Bayes
In [29]: classifier_NB.fit(x_train, y_train, sample_weight=None) # train model
y_predict = classifier_NB.predict(x_train) # predict results

# cross validation
scores = model_selection.cross_val_score(classifier_NB, x_train, y_train, cv = 10)
print(f'For Naive Bayes Classifier, the acc is {round(scores.mean() * 100, 2)} \
({round(scores.mean() * 100 - scores.std() * 100 * 1.96, 2)}\
~ {round(scores.mean() * 100, 2) + round(scores.std() * 100 * 1.96, 2)}) %')

# Confusion Matrix
cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_train, y_predict)
plt.ylabel('True label')
plt.xlabel('Predicted label')

print(metrics.classification_report(y_train, y_predict))

For Naive Bayes Classifier, the acc is 86.01 (80.25 ~ 91.77000000000001) %

precision recall f1-score support

0.0 0.89 0.81 0.85 449

1.0 0.84 0.90 0.87 473

accuracy 0.86 922

macro avg 0.86 0.86 0.86 922
weighted avg 0.86 0.86 0.86 922

Optimize Hyperparameters

In [30]: #@title Prelude

from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV

# helper function for printing out grid search results

def print_grid_search_metrics(gs):
print ("Best score: " + str(gs.best_score_))
print ("Best parameters set:")
best_parameters = gs.best_params_
for param_name in sorted(best_parameters.keys()):
print(param_name + ':' + str(best_parameters[param_name]))

Model 1 - Logistic Regression

In [31]: parameters = {
'C':(0.036, 0.037, 0.038, 0.039, 0.040, 0.041, 0.042)
Grid_LR = GridSearchCV(LogisticRegression(solver='liblinear'),parameters, cv = 10)
Grid_LR.fit(x_train, y_train)

# the best hyperparameter combination

# C = 1/lambda

Best score: 0.8655095839177186

Best parameters set:

In [32]: # Use the LR model with the "best" parameter

best_LR_model = Grid_LR.best_estimator_


print('The test acc of the "best" model for logistic regression is', best_LR_model.

# mapping the relationship between each parameter and the corresponding acc
LR_models = pd.DataFrame(Grid_LR.cv_results_)
res = (LR_models.pivot(index='param_penalty', columns='param_C', values='mean_test_
_ = sns.heatmap(res, cmap='viridis')

The test acc of the "best" model for logistic regression is 86.40776699029125 %
C:\Users\Raymo\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_16328\314962870.py:10: FutureWarning: In
a future version, the Index constructor will not infer numeric dtypes when passed ob
ject-dtype sequences (matching Series behavior)
res = (LR_models.pivot(index='param_penalty', columns='param_C', values='mean_test
Model 2 - KNN Model

In [33]: # timing
start = time.time()

# Choose k and more

parameters = {
'weights':['uniform', 'distance'],
Grid_KNN = GridSearchCV(KNeighborsClassifier(),parameters, cv=10)
Grid_KNN.fit(x_train, y_train)

# the best hyperparameter combination


end = time.time()
print(f'For KNN, it took {(end - start)/(9 * 2 * 7)} seconds per parameter attempt'

Best score: 0.9967391304347826

Best parameters set:
For KNN, it took 0.47145533183264354 seconds per parameter attempt

In [34]: best_KNN_model = Grid_KNN.best_estimator_

print('The test acc of the "best" model for KNN is', best_KNN_model.score(x_test, y

# too many dimentions to map the relationship among hyperparameters and acc...

The test acc of the "best" model for KNN is 100.0 %

Model 3 - RF

In [35]: # timing
start = time.time()

# Possible hyperparamter options for Random Forest

# Choose the number of trees
parameters = {
'n_estimators' : [65, 64, 63, 62, 61, 60],
'max_depth': [8,9,10,11]
Grid_RF = GridSearchCV(RandomForestClassifier(),parameters, cv=10)
Grid_RF.fit(x_train, y_train)

# the best hyperparameter combination


end = time.time()
print(f'For Random Forest, it took {(end - start)/(6 * 4)} seconds per parameter at

Best score: 0.9967391304347826

Best parameters set:
For Random Forest, it took 0.8909438053766886 seconds per parameter attempt

In [36]: best_RF_model = Grid_RF.best_estimator_


print('The test acc of the "best" model for RF is', best_RF_model.score(x_test, y_t

The test acc of the "best" model for RF is 100.0 %

Model 4 - SVC

In [37]: # timing
start = time.time()

# Possible hyperparamter options for SVC

parameters = {
'C' : [9, 10, 11, 12],
'degree': [0,1,2],
Grid_SVC = GridSearchCV(SVC(probability = True), parameters, cv=10)
Grid_SVC.fit(x_train, y_train)

# the best hyperparameter combination

end = time.time()
print(f'For SVC, it took {(end - start)/(4 * 3)} seconds per parameter attempt')

Best score: 0.9945652173913043

Best parameters set:
For SVC, it took 0.6149195631345113 seconds per parameter attempt

In [38]: best_SVC_model = Grid_SVC.best_estimator_


print('The test acc of the "best" model for SVC is', best_SVC_model.score(x_test, y

The test acc of the "best" model for SVC is 100.0 %

Model 5 - GB Classifier

In [39]: # Possible hyperparamter options for GB Classifier

parameters = {
'learning_rate' : [0.8, 0.9, 1.0],
'n_estimators': [63, 64, 65],
'subsample': [0.95, 1.0, 1.05],
'min_samples_split':[0.725, 0.75, 0.775]
Grid_GB = GridSearchCV(GradientBoostingClassifier(), parameters, cv=10)
Grid_GB.fit(x_train, y_train)

# the best hyperparameter combination


Best score: 0.9619798971482

Best parameters set:
8: FitFailedWarning:
270 fits failed out of a total of 810.
The score on these train-test partitions for these parameters will be set to nan.
If these failures are not expected, you can try to debug them by setting error_score

Below are more details about the failures:

270 fits failed with the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Raymo\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\model_selection\_validati
on.py", line 686, in _fit_and_score
estimator.fit(X_train, y_train, **fit_params)
File "C:\Users\Raymo\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\ensemble\_gb.py", line 42
0, in fit
File "C:\Users\Raymo\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\base.py", line 581, in _v
File "C:\Users\Raymo\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\utils\_param_validation.p
y", line 97, in validate_parameter_constraints
raise InvalidParameterError(
sklearn.utils._param_validation.InvalidParameterError: The 'subsample' parameter of
GradientBoostingClassifier must be a float in the range (0.0, 1.0]. Got 1.05 instea

warnings.warn(some_fits_failed_message, FitFailedWarning)
C:\Users\Raymo\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\model_selection\_search.py:952: U
serWarning: One or more of the test scores are non-finite: [0.95549322 0.94788453
nan 0.95004675 0.94788453 nan
0.94244974 0.95005844 nan 0.95220898 0.94897148 nan
0.94788453 0.95331931 nan 0.9500935 0.95440626 nan
0.94462366 0.953331 nan 0.94352501 0.9479079 nan
0.94460028 0.95115708 nan 0.94789621 0.95661524 nan
0.95875409 0.95552828 nan 0.95658018 0.95552828 nan
0.94465872 0.95980598 nan 0.95010519 0.9619799 nan
0.95008181 0.95981767 nan 0.94458859 0.95765545 nan
0.94358345 0.95545816 nan 0.94680926 0.95330762 nan
0.95220898 0.94249649 nan 0.9544647 0.94250818 nan
0.94578074 0.94251987 nan 0.95765545 0.96097475 nan
0.95548153 0.9544647 nan 0.95549322 0.95556335 nan
0.9500935 0.93602151 nan 0.95330762 0.94359514 nan
0.95549322 0.94465872 nan]

In [40]: best_GB_model = Grid_GB.best_estimator_


print('The test acc of the "best" model for GB classifier is', best_GB_model.score(

The test acc of the "best" model for GB classifier is 93.20388349514563 %

Model 6 - Gaussian Naive Bayes

In [41]: # Possible hyperparamter options for Gaussian Naive Bayes
parameters = {
'var_smoothing' : [0.17, 0.18, 0.19],
Grid_NB = GridSearchCV(GaussianNB(), parameters, cv=10)
Grid_NB.fit(x_train, y_train)

# the best hyperparameter combination


Best score: 0.8590112201963536

Best parameters set:

In [42]: best_NB_model = Grid_NB.best_estimator_


print('The test acc of the "best" model for Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier is', be

The test acc of the "best" model for Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier is 80.582524271
84466 %

Model Evaluation - Confusion Matrix (Precision,

Recall, Accuracy, f1-Score)
Precision(PPV, positive predictive value): tp / (tp + fp); High Precision means low fp

Recall(sensitivity, hit rate, true positive rate): tp / (tp + fn)

Accurracy: (tp + tn) / (tp + tn + fp + fn)

f1-Score: (2 * P * R) / (P + R)

Model 1 - Logistic Regression

In [43]: cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_test, best_LR_model.predict(x_test))

plt.ylabel('True label')
plt.xlabel('Predicted label')

print(metrics.classification_report(y_test, best_LR_model.predict(x_test)))
precision recall f1-score support

0.0 0.89 0.82 0.85 50

1.0 0.84 0.91 0.87 53

accuracy 0.86 103

macro avg 0.87 0.86 0.86 103
weighted avg 0.87 0.86 0.86 103

Model 2 - KNN Model

In [44]: cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_test, best_KNN_model.predict(x_test))

plt.ylabel('True label')
plt.xlabel('Predicted label')

print(metrics.classification_report(y_test, best_KNN_model.predict(x_test)))
precision recall f1-score support

0.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 50

1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 53

accuracy 1.00 103

macro avg 1.00 1.00 1.00 103
weighted avg 1.00 1.00 1.00 103

Model 3 - RF

In [45]: cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_test, best_RF_model.predict(x_test))

plt.ylabel('True label')
plt.xlabel('Predicted label')

print(metrics.classification_report(y_test, best_RF_model.predict(x_test)))
precision recall f1-score support

0.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 50

1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 53

accuracy 1.00 103

macro avg 1.00 1.00 1.00 103
weighted avg 1.00 1.00 1.00 103

Model 4 - SVC

In [46]: cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_test, best_SVC_model.predict(x_test))

plt.ylabel('True label')
plt.xlabel('Predicted label')

print(metrics.classification_report(y_test, best_SVC_model.predict(x_test)))
precision recall f1-score support

0.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 50

1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 53

accuracy 1.00 103

macro avg 1.00 1.00 1.00 103
weighted avg 1.00 1.00 1.00 103

Model 5 - GB Classifier

In [47]: cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_test, best_GB_model.predict(x_test))

plt.ylabel('True label')
plt.xlabel('Predicted label')

print(metrics.classification_report(y_test, best_GB_model.predict(x_test)))
precision recall f1-score support

0.0 0.91 0.96 0.93 50

1.0 0.96 0.91 0.93 53

accuracy 0.93 103

macro avg 0.93 0.93 0.93 103
weighted avg 0.93 0.93 0.93 103

Model 6 - Guassian Naive Bayes

In [48]: cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_test, best_NB_model.predict(x_test))

plt.ylabel('True label')
plt.xlabel('Predicted label')

print(metrics.classification_report(y_test, best_NB_model.predict(x_test)))
precision recall f1-score support

0.0 0.81 0.78 0.80 50

1.0 0.80 0.83 0.81 53

accuracy 0.81 103

macro avg 0.81 0.81 0.81 103
weighted avg 0.81 0.81 0.81 103

Model Evaluation - ROC & AUC

All the classifier used here have predict_prob() function, generating the corresponding
prediction probability of the classification as category "1"

In [49]: from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve

from sklearn import metrics
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import metrics

Model 1 - Logistic Regression

In [50]: # Use predict_proba to get the probability results of LR

y_pred_lr = best_LR_model.predict_proba(x_test)[:, 1]
fpr_lr, tpr_lr, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred_lr)

# drawing ROC curve

plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--')
plt.plot(fpr_lr, tpr_lr, label='LR')
plt.xlabel('False positive rate')
plt.ylabel('True positive rate')
plt.title('ROC curve - LR model')

print('The AUC of LR model is', metrics.auc(fpr_lr,tpr_lr))

The AUC of LR model is 0.8875471698113208

Model 2 - KNN

In [51]: # Use predict_proba to get the probability results of KNN

y_pred_knn = best_KNN_model.predict_proba(x_test)[:, 1]
fpr_knn, tpr_knn, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred_knn)

# drawing ROC curve

plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--')
plt.plot(fpr_knn, tpr_knn, label='KNN')
plt.xlabel('False positive rate')
plt.ylabel('True positive rate')
plt.title('ROC curve - KNN model')

print('The AUC of KNN model is', metrics.auc(fpr_knn,tpr_knn))
The AUC of KNN model is 1.0

Model 3 - Random Forest

In [52]: # Use predict_proba to get the probability results of Random Forest

y_pred_rf = best_RF_model.predict_proba(x_test)[:, 1]
fpr_rf, tpr_rf, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred_rf)

# drawing ROC curve

plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--')
plt.plot(fpr_rf, tpr_rf, label='RF')
plt.xlabel('False positive rate')
plt.ylabel('True positive rate')
plt.title('ROC curve - RF model')

print('The AUC of RF model is', metrics.auc(fpr_rf,tpr_rf))
The AUC of RF model is 1.0

Model 4 - SVC

In [53]: # Use predict_proba to get the probability results of SVC

y_pred_svc = best_SVC_model.predict_proba(x_test)[:, 1]
fpr_svc, tpr_svc, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred_svc)

# drawing ROC curve

plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--')
plt.plot(fpr_svc, tpr_svc, label='SVC')
plt.xlabel('False positive rate')
plt.ylabel('True positive rate')
plt.title('ROC curve - SVC model')

print('The AUC of SVC model is', metrics.auc(fpr_svc,tpr_svc))
The AUC of SVC model is 1.0

Model 5 - GB Classifier

In [54]: # Use predict_proba to get the probability results of GB Classifier

y_pred_gb = best_GB_model.predict_proba(x_test)[:, 1]
fpr_gb, tpr_gb, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred_gb)

# drawing ROC curve

plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--')
plt.plot(fpr_gb, tpr_gb, label='GB')
plt.xlabel('False positive rate')
plt.ylabel('True positive rate')
plt.title('ROC curve - GB Classifier')

print('The AUC of GB Classifier is', metrics.auc(fpr_gb,tpr_gb))
The AUC of GB Classifier is 0.9705660377358492

Model 6 - Gaussian Naive Bayes Classifier

In [55]: # Use predict_proba to get the probability results of Gaussian Naive Bayes Classifi
y_pred_gb = best_NB_model.predict_proba(x_test)[:, 1]
fpr_gb, tpr_gb, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred_gb)

# drawing ROC curve

plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--')
plt.plot(fpr_gb, tpr_gb, label='NB')
plt.xlabel('False positive rate')
plt.ylabel('True positive rate')
plt.title('ROC curve - NB Classifier')

print('The AUC of NB Classifier is', metrics.auc(fpr_gb,tpr_gb))
The AUC of NB Classifier is 0.8905660377358491

It seems that KNN, RF, SVC are the relatively suitable in this case, correctly predicting
all the data within test dataset

However, due to the shortest average training time for KNN (0.48s per hyperparameter
attempt), it seems knn is the most efficient one.

RF - Feature Importance Discussion

Since the RF (2nd best model) can easily extract each feature's weight, here we take it as
example to see why the original author think serum creatinine and ejection fraction are
the sole features to predict the mortality from the HF.

In [56]: importances = best_RF_model.feature_importances_

indices = np.argsort(importances)[::-1]

# Print the feature ranking

print("Feature importance ranking by RF:")
for ind in range(x.shape[1]):
print ("{0} : {1}".format(x.columns[indices[ind]],round(importances[indices[ind]]
Feature importance ranking by RF:
cp_0 : 0.1128
ca_0 : 0.1015
oldpeak : 0.0981
thalach : 0.0883
thal_2 : 0.0796
age : 0.0733
thal_3 : 0.0716
chol : 0.0627
trestbps : 0.0625
exang : 0.0377
slope_2 : 0.0319
slope_1 : 0.0319
sex : 0.0273
cp_2 : 0.0222
restecg : 0.0194
ca_1 : 0.0194
ca_2 : 0.0126
cp_3 : 0.0122
fbs : 0.0094
cp_1 : 0.0089
thal_1 : 0.006
ca_3 : 0.0059
slope_0 : 0.0048

From the result above, we can see that chest pain type 0 (cp_0), no major vessels colored by
flourosopy (ca_0) have strong impact on the occurrence of heart failure.

Apart from that, after-exercise ST depression on EEG (oldpeak), and maximum heart rate
achieved (thalach) also have a relative major impact on HF occurrence.

KNN, RF, SVC are excelled in predicting the occurrence of Heart failure through the given 13
features in this dataset, with proper feature preprocessing. However, we need more data to
verify the model prediction & train the model to avoid overfitting.

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